[FairfieldLife] Re: Miracle of Unity Consciousness

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
The A=432Hz Chakra Tones Explained



1/23/2012 -- Earth directed -- Large CME (coronal mass ejection) and
Solar flare erupt from sun -

mass ejection (CME) hit Earth's magnetic field. …Goddard Space
Weather lab reports the impact strongly compressed .. Shifting lines of
magnetic force induced "Strong Ground Currents in Norway" and
sparked bright auroras over upper North America ….another one is on
the way.


2012 The Shift of the Ages


Official disclosure of extraterrestrial life is imminent


strange sound 2012


Maybe it is a type of malevolent alteration of Rife technology, a sound
weapon that alters the internal metabolic ecosystem….and other

Here are several links to monitor this solar flare and CME (coronal mass
check out these youtube video makers who cover solar events :



link from Cornell explaining the effects of solar flares:


link explaining the types of solar flares and how they are classifed:


download these files directly from the SDO website:




--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "John"  wrote:
> This guy demonstrates the idea of quantum entanglement.  Try this
experiment and let us know how it works for you.
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i2G3WIIm-GA&feature=related

[FairfieldLife] Miracle of Unity Consciousness

2012-01-24 Thread John
This guy demonstrates the idea of quantum entanglement.  Try this experiment 
and let us know how it works for you.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread authfriend
More of Curtis's "subtle deception":

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  

> The whole drama spin that me saying he had been Clintonesque
> was somehow be being vindictive and hurting poor Robin out of
> revenge that Judy is selling is transparently shoot the
> messenger bullshit.

Of course, as Curtis knows, I've acknowledged myself
several times that Robin's denial was "Clintonesque."

Curtis portrays himself as just a "messenger." But
not all those who have messages are just messengers.
In some cases they devise the messages themselves.
If those messages are dishonest or unethical, there
may be an excellent case for shooting the messenger.

> A message she is famous for championing herself when it
> doesn't involve Vaj.

Here Curtis veers into vagueness. What message is he
talking about?

> I wasn't getting back at Robin or hitting him when he was down,

"Since I've endured pages of Robin's accusations that I am
being subtly deceptive on this board I'm gunna spell this
out as I see it."--Curtis

Note that Curtis "spells this out" on the basis of Robin
having *confessed* to his "subtle deception." Curtis has
confessed to none of the subtle deceptions of which Robin
accused him.

In the vanishingly unlikely event that Curtis was able to
bring himself to confess those subtle deceptions to the
group, can anyone here imagine in their wildest dreams
that Robin would attack him for what he'd confessed to?
Robin would be overflowing with gratitude and forgiveness
and love.

> I ended it with a sincere perspective that Robin's belief
> system concerning his days in "unity" is not serving him
> too well.

"Sincere." Uh-huh. Did anybody here *read* what Curtis
wrote on that score? Among other things, he insinuated
that Robin could be a potential Mao:

"I don't believe this POV helps your recovery and I suspect
if you are under the care of any doctor they would agree.
People have followed others suffering from deranged mental
states into actual "cut off their heads" battle Robin.
People bought into Mao. Lots of people. Millions of people.
Hundreds of millions of people."

It ended by suggesting that Robin's behavior was due to a
"biochemical reason." That's a euphemism, folks, for
"deranged mental state."

[FairfieldLife] Re: can I be simple here?

2012-01-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater  wrote:
> I know I have come into this whole argument late, like months late, and I may 
> be missing some essential pieces but bear with me. Robin's open letter admits 
> that he, in the most literal terms, hit people during the Sunnyside days. Not 
> to put too fine a point on it there were no seminars in those days. This was 
> a close-knit group of friends who loved and appreciated Robin before his 
> Arosa experience and who were "in" on his early days after returning from 
> Switzerland. This was intimate stuff. A tiny house in Vic West, 10-12 people 
> often coming together for dinners and social gatherings. It was intensely 
> private and very unorganized and spontaneous. There were no lights, no 
> cameras no ideas for expanding anything beyond those confined walls of the 
> Sunnyside house, all 900 sq. feet of it. All of this was between friends. 
> They knew and trusted Robin and they were willing participants in this new 
> adventure with this newly "enlightened" man who was part of a tradition they 
> were also involved in - TM. It was a heady experience and it was unknown. As 
> far as they were concerned they were spending an evening eating, talking and 
> open to whatever the "divine drama" might reveal. They were there on their 
> own volition.
> So, if we are getting technical here, and we seem to be, Robin (as I outlined 
> in my post a few days ago) was not a physically violent man within the 
> context of his organization, the World Teacher Seminar. Hitting etc. was not 
> a technique he employed to confront at the time Vaj claimed to be involved. 
> Vaj, as a reasonable person, would not be able to comment on times and events 
> he was not there for just as I would not be able to. Sunnyside pre-dated both 
> of us.
> For Vaj to be accurate he can only reveal what he witnessed, either on video 
> or live. Robin has "confessed" to using physical force pre seminar days. He 
> claims in the title of his open letter that he had "lied" about hitting 
> because even though he had hit but not within the time frame of Vaj's 
> assertions.
> Does this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Do we now brand 
> Vaj a liar because according to my "evidence" it did not occur when he said 
> it did? Do we brand Robin a liar because hitting really had occurred but 
> under different contexts and conditions that Vaj was privy too? I don't 
> bloody well know. What I do know is there are probably apologies due on both 
> sides. Will this ever happen? Who knows? Does it matter? Probably. Can we all 
> get on with our lives if we just drop it? Definitely. Good night.

Thanks for the clarification, Ann. When others inevitably start discussing this 
in the context you've provided, it will be interesting to see what role the 
various players on FFLife decide to assume either in defense of Vaj or Robin. 
Pass the popcorn. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: can I be simple here?

2012-01-24 Thread awoelflebater
God, do I love that quote:
A person who loves horses has to be honest and good to be trusted and loved.
Thank you for that. It was worth the price of admission.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> A very "striking" argument  very much appreciated thank you.
> (My father, acclaimed equestrian artist/teacher/horse whisperer  in the
> oldest equestrian Renaissance tradition of "Haute Ecole", used to say a
> person who loves horses  has to be  honest and good and to be trusted
> and loved) [:)]
> This description of "a close-knit group of friends "of the Sunnyside
> house  in a loving intimate expecting-in -waiting -mode resemble the
> group in Arosa then -with its irritating electrifying claiming mode and
> MMY in a "hijacking context".
> Remind me to delete the  pre-MZ post with the Tibet Buddhist inspired
> line of Heinrich Harrer:
> "Never  speak/talk during hill or mountain climbing" [;)]
> excuse me just saying just thinking aloud   [:D]
> good afternoon
> Bluebells, illuminated in the golden late sunlight? At dawn their
> perfume is wonderful, at evening their color is spectacular
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> wrote:
> >
> > I know I have come into this whole argument late, like months late,
> and I may be missing some essential pieces but bear with me. Robin's
> open letter admits that he, in the most literal terms, hit people during
> the Sunnyside days. Not to put too fine a point on it there were no
> seminars in those days. This was a close-knit group of friends who loved
> and appreciated Robin before his Arosa experience and who were "in" on
> his early days after returning from Switzerland. This was intimate
> stuff. A tiny house in Vic West, 10-12 people often coming together for
> dinners and social gatherings. It was intensely private and very
> unorganized and spontaneous. There were no lights, no cameras no ideas
> for expanding anything beyond those confined walls of the Sunnyside
> house, all 900 sq. feet of it. All of this was between friends. They
> knew and trusted Robin and they were willing participants in this new
> adventure with this newly "enlightened" man who was part of a tradition
> they were also involved in - TM. It was a heady experience and it was
> unknown. As far as they were concerned they were spending an evening
> eating, talking and open to whatever the "divine drama" might reveal.
> They were there on their own volition.
> > So, if we are getting technical here, and we seem to be, Robin (as I
> outlined in my post a few days ago) was not a physically violent man
> within the context of his organization, the World Teacher Seminar.
> Hitting etc. was not a technique he employed to confront at the time Vaj
> claimed to be involved. Vaj, as a reasonable person, would not be able
> to comment on times and events he was not there for just as I would not
> be able to. Sunnyside pre-dated both of us.
> > For Vaj to be accurate he can only reveal what he witnessed, either on
> video or live. Robin has "confessed" to using physical force pre seminar
> days. He claims in the title of his open letter that he had "lied" about
> hitting because even though he had hit but not within the time frame of
> Vaj's assertions.
> > Does this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Do we now
> brand Vaj a liar because according to my "evidence" it did not occur
> when he said it did? Do we brand Robin a liar because hitting really had
> occurred but under different contexts and conditions that Vaj was privy
> too? I don't bloody well know. What I do know is there are probably
> apologies due on both sides. Will this ever happen? Who knows? Does it
> matter? Probably. Can we all get on with our lives if we just drop it?
> Definitely. Good night.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread authfriend
Examples of Curtis's ethics and practice of "subtle

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  

> What I said about his situation with Vaj was about my opinion
> about the ethics of not coming all the way clean with Vaj.
> Let's see where Judy falls in what is a pretty simple case of
> an apology owed. 

> > > So, yes, I did feel that Curtis might have had a little pent
> > > up frustration, and was not particularly in a forgiving mood.
> > > I don't mean to project anything on Curtis, but this were
> > > the impression I had.
> > >
> Judy:
> > 
> > Me too. And I don't consider it ethical.
> Right, it was ME being unethical for voicing my opinion
> about it.

Hope you don't mind my adding what Steve said that I was
responding to so everyone can see how you distorted it by
taking it out of context and imposing your own on it.

Of course I didn't say it was unethical for you to voice
your opinion on it. In fact...

> > Curtis would have the right to press Robin on these issues
> > *whether or not* he had a more involved relationship with
> > Robin and had been on the receiving end of Robin's
> > challenges. One doesn't have much to do with the other.

...this is what I said in my immediately previous post to
Steve. It was quoted in the post you were responding to.

So, you took the first quote out of context, pretended it
was in a different context, and attributed to me a take
that was *directly contrary* to the position I had taken.

Unethical. Deceptive. Not even that subtly deceptive.

The context in which I wrote what you quoted was the way
you tried to punish Robin for what he had said to you by
attacking him for what he had written to all of us in
his "confessional." That's what I was saying was unethical.

> Me. Not the guy who hit the people under the enthusiasms of
> inner Deva fueled exorcism of the demons in the person,

And that's a misrepresentation of what Robin described.


> not the guy who spent considerable effort to give the
> impression that the person who was saying this actually
> happened was a liar.

The only person who has said Robin "hit the people under
the enthusiasms of inner Deva fueled exorcism of the
demons in the person" is Curtis. Curtis knows that isn't
what Robin described.


I quoted in my earlier post to Curtis a number of things
Vaj had said about it that were not true in one or more
respects. Curtis has chosen to ignore these things and
paint Vaj as a noble truth-teller.


> In the context of a concerted effort of Judy through the
> years to paint even Vaj's claims to have practiced TM or
> been a teacher to be falsehoods

Judy and eight current or former TM teachers, Curtis
unethically fails to add. The only ploy Curtis has to
rebut this uncomfortable fact is the claim, which he's
made in other posts, that I brainwashed all of them into
concurring with me, including several people who are not
my fans, one of whom has been outspoken in denouncing me
and even prefaced his comments about Vaj with the words,
"I hate to agree with Judy here, but..."


>, so this claim of duplicity had twice the impact for a
> partisan faction here, not that guy.

Uh-huh, partisan, eight TM teachers or former TM teachers,
several of whom are not my fans. They are not, as far as
Curtis is concerned, entitled to hold their own point of
view about Vaj.

Plus which, Vaj has a long history of not being honest on
this forum.

> It is me for saying, hey dude, don't you owe Vaj an
> apology after all this?

No, and I never said it was. Mistaken, IMHO, but not
unethical. Characterizing what I said as you do above
is unethical.

> Unethical.

This post I'm responding to, yup. Your motivation for
attacking Robin, yup. Your misrepresentation of what
Robin said, yup. Your distortion of the context of what
I said, yup. Your attempt to make it seem that I was the 
only person who said Vaj had likely never been a TM
teacher, yup. And that's just the high spots.

[FairfieldLife] Re: can I be simple here?

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
A very "striking" argument  very much appreciated thank you.
(My father, acclaimed equestrian artist/teacher/horse whisperer  in the
oldest equestrian Renaissance tradition of "Haute Ecole", used to say a
person who loves horses  has to be  honest and good and to be trusted
and loved) [:)]
This description of "a close-knit group of friends "of the Sunnyside
house  in a loving intimate expecting-in -waiting -mode resemble the
group in Arosa then -with its irritating electrifying claiming mode and
MMY in a "hijacking context".
Remind me to delete the  pre-MZ post with the Tibet Buddhist inspired
line of Heinrich Harrer:
"Never  speak/talk during hill or mountain climbing" [;)]
excuse me just saying just thinking aloud   [:D]
good afternoon
Bluebells, illuminated in the golden late sunlight? At dawn their
perfume is wonderful, at evening their color is spectacular
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> I know I have come into this whole argument late, like months late,
and I may be missing some essential pieces but bear with me. Robin's
open letter admits that he, in the most literal terms, hit people during
the Sunnyside days. Not to put too fine a point on it there were no
seminars in those days. This was a close-knit group of friends who loved
and appreciated Robin before his Arosa experience and who were "in" on
his early days after returning from Switzerland. This was intimate
stuff. A tiny house in Vic West, 10-12 people often coming together for
dinners and social gatherings. It was intensely private and very
unorganized and spontaneous. There were no lights, no cameras no ideas
for expanding anything beyond those confined walls of the Sunnyside
house, all 900 sq. feet of it. All of this was between friends. They
knew and trusted Robin and they were willing participants in this new
adventure with this newly "enlightened" man who was part of a tradition
they were also involved in - TM. It was a heady experience and it was
unknown. As far as they were concerned they were spending an evening
eating, talking and open to whatever the "divine drama" might reveal.
They were there on their own volition.
> So, if we are getting technical here, and we seem to be, Robin (as I
outlined in my post a few days ago) was not a physically violent man
within the context of his organization, the World Teacher Seminar.
Hitting etc. was not a technique he employed to confront at the time Vaj
claimed to be involved. Vaj, as a reasonable person, would not be able
to comment on times and events he was not there for just as I would not
be able to. Sunnyside pre-dated both of us.
> For Vaj to be accurate he can only reveal what he witnessed, either on
video or live. Robin has "confessed" to using physical force pre seminar
days. He claims in the title of his open letter that he had "lied" about
hitting because even though he had hit but not within the time frame of
Vaj's assertions.
> Does this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Do we now
brand Vaj a liar because according to my "evidence" it did not occur
when he said it did? Do we brand Robin a liar because hitting really had
occurred but under different contexts and conditions that Vaj was privy
too? I don't bloody well know. What I do know is there are probably
apologies due on both sides. Will this ever happen? Who knows? Does it
matter? Probably. Can we all get on with our lives if we just drop it?
Definitely. Good night.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
>  > actions as Robin asked of him. I think the extent of what Curtis
was> suggesting was that Robin acknowledge to Vaj, that he was wrong in>
calling Vaj, and out and out liar. Is that too much to ask?>
> I appreciate what you wrote in the whole post, but especially
appreciate this focused point. It lasers through Judy's attempt to spin
my horrible or unfair is just laughable.

Curtis,  I know I miss some intentions, and some nuances, but the intent
of your post was clear, and I was onboard with it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: can I be simple here?

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> Does this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Do we now
brand Vaj a liar because according to my "evidence" it did not occur
when he said it did? Do we brand Robin a liar because hitting really had
occurred but under different contexts and conditions that Vaj was privy
too? I don't bloody well know. What I do know is there are probably
apologies due on both sides. Will this ever happen? Who knows? Does it
matter? Probably. Can we all get on with our lives if we just drop it?
Definitely. Good night.
Nice post Ann.  Thanks for your perspective.

[FairfieldLife] can I be simple here?

2012-01-24 Thread awoelflebater
I know I have come into this whole argument late, like months late, and I may 
be missing some essential pieces but bear with me. Robin's open letter admits 
that he, in the most literal terms, hit people during the Sunnyside days. Not 
to put too fine a point on it there were no seminars in those days. This was a 
close-knit group of friends who loved and appreciated Robin before his Arosa 
experience and who were "in" on his early days after returning from 
Switzerland. This was intimate stuff. A tiny house in Vic West, 10-12 people 
often coming together for dinners and social gatherings. It was intensely 
private and very unorganized and spontaneous. There were no lights, no cameras 
no ideas for expanding anything beyond those confined walls of the Sunnyside 
house, all 900 sq. feet of it. All of this was between friends. They knew and 
trusted Robin and they were willing participants in this new adventure with 
this newly "enlightened" man who was part of a tradition they were also 
involved in - TM. It was a heady experience and it was unknown. As far as they 
were concerned they were spending an evening eating, talking and open to 
whatever the "divine drama" might reveal. They were there on their own volition.
So, if we are getting technical here, and we seem to be, Robin (as I outlined 
in my post a few days ago) was not a physically violent man within the context 
of his organization, the World Teacher Seminar. Hitting etc. was not a 
technique he employed to confront at the time Vaj claimed to be involved. Vaj, 
as a reasonable person, would not be able to comment on times and events he was 
not there for just as I would not be able to. Sunnyside pre-dated both of us.
For Vaj to be accurate he can only reveal what he witnessed, either on video or 
live. Robin has "confessed" to using physical force pre seminar days. He claims 
in the title of his open letter that he had "lied" about hitting because even 
though he had hit but not within the time frame of Vaj's assertions.
Does this make a difference in the grand scheme of things? Do we now brand Vaj 
a liar because according to my "evidence" it did not occur when he said it did? 
Do we brand Robin a liar because hitting really had occurred but under 
different contexts and conditions that Vaj was privy too? I don't bloody well 
know. What I do know is there are probably apologies due on both sides. Will 
this ever happen? Who knows? Does it matter? Probably. Can we all get on with 
our lives if we just drop it? Definitely. Good night.   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

Rereading, I guess I had more than my usual grammar errors.  That's what
you get when you don't get to proof read even once.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> > Really, thanks Judy for holding me accountble to what I write. Let
> respond as I go through.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" jstein@ wrote:
> > And third, Robin "subtly deceived" the entire forum, not
> > just Curtis personally. But Curtis attacked him for having
> > done so on a personal basis, in return for what Curtis
> > considers personal slights to himself by Robin.
> >
> > So the equivalence Curtis tries to draw just doesn't hold
> > up when it's examined, as far as I'm concerned.
> >
> > > It's similiar to the Ravi situation. I worst Ravi ever got
> > > with me was to call me a "pea brained heartland retard". It
> > > didn't much bother me, but I did lose any affection I had for
> > > the guy. But over all, I felt that an appropiate sanction
> > > for him would be for a time out.
> > >
> > > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was
> > > subject to vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and
> > > career were at stake, then I likely would have felt
> > > differently.
> >
> > Sure. And this relates to the Robin situation how? I'm not
> > seeing the connection.
The point I was making was each of us has different baggage when we
engage with one another.  > > Again, my beef with you is that when some
issue comes up
> > between other people, you tend to take whichever side has
> > been most recently expressed without ever really examining
> > the merits of the case that has been made for it. You said
> > in your defense that you don't have the time to go into
> > things that deeply, which is perfectly understandable. But
> > if it were me, I'd refrain from taking a side at all if I
> > hadn't been able to look at it in depth.
I may change my mind more than once depending on the point of view
expressed.  But I reserve this right, just as it is your right to point
out what you feel is a flip flop or a unthought out conclusion on my
part.  It would appear that you have more stringent standards as it
pertains to dialogue here.  I think that is obvious.  But I think we
will just have to accomodate what we feel are the deficiencies in each
> > It's not the worst flaw in the world by any means. Pretty
> > small potatoes, in fact, especially in comparison to your
> > many positive traits. Your switch on the Robin issue was
> > just an especially clear case of this tendency, and it was
> > particularly annoying to me because it seemed to be such a
> > blase approach to what was a very sensitive, painful issue.
> > That's why I spoke up.
Well thank you for that.  You are a true friend to Robin.  And yes, I
thought he really exposed himself, so to speak.  But I have also
observed you sort of stick it someone to whom you are not so favorable
disposed under those same circumstances.  But thank you for the
feedback.  It is appreciated.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> When the quest to squash comes
aaaiio auu
now i know why o why it [;)]
was a acicular peaky night
not so clear and bright
thanks for choosing the bed from
and making my day..uh.. bed -may I use it for reading all your post
with? [:D]

as Rumi said: all thought are welcome in this guesthouse of mine

Obbajeeba is Rhiannon"She rules her life like a bird in flight-Would you
stay if she promised you Heaven? Would you even try?"

Rhiannon rings like a bell thru the night
She is like a cat in the dark
And then she is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark-
And when the sky is starless-

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > 
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > 
> > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > witch bed please?
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> >   --its very late for me
> > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > .uh ... some other witches
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > A witch!  A witch!
> > > Rides in on the sweep.
> > > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > > Beware!  Beware!
> > > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > > The darkness screens the fallback
> > > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > > Poster's red.
> > > When the quest to squash comes.
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > > FFL THE PLACE ,
> > > > ..
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > > and invite them in.
> > > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > > because each has been sent
> > > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > > or
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a
> > of
> > > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > general
> > > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> > > >
> > > > (ibid)
> > > >
> > > > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having 
> > > > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > > > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the
> > > > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > > > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > > > who violently sweep-this- house
> > > > empty of its furniture,
> > > > still treat each guest honorably."
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba 
> > > > >
> > > > > Awe.  That is cute. : )
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@
> > > > > >
> > > > > > He came here  hurt.
> > > > > > Loneliness--he walked through desolation
> > > > > > To share his fellowship.
> > > > > > Doubt--he wept through despair to seek his reality.
> > > > > > Fear-- he wrestled through darkness
> > > > > > To seize his freedom.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Are we send  to him to heal?.
> > > > > > To walk with the lonely--mask?
> > > > > > To share with him our fellowship.
> > > > > > To weep with his despairing--
> > > > > > Seek with him his new-old reality.
> > > > > > Wrestle with him his/our fearfulness
> > > > > > Seize with him our /his freedom?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > And the Balm of FFL will flow
> > > > > > Into the depths of his soul.
> > > > > > It will cleanse;
> > > > > > it will soothe;
> > > > > > it will heal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Remember
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  Hello darkness, my old friend
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  I've come to talk with you again.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Whoever  and where-ever you are, no matter how lonely, the
> > reality
> > > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:

> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> When the quest to squash comes
lol aaaiio auu now i know why o why it [;)]
was a acicular peaky night
not so clear and bright
thanks for choosing the bed from
and making my bed -may I use it for reading all your post with? [:D]

as Rumi said: all thought are welcome in this guesthouse of mine

obbajeeba rings like a bell thru the night
She is like a cat in the dark
And then she is the darkness
She rules her life like a fine skylark-
And when the sky is starless-

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > 
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > 
> > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > witch bed please?
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> >   --its very late for me
> > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > .uh ... some other witches
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > A witch!  A witch!
> > > Rides in on the sweep.
> > > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > > Beware!  Beware!
> > > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > > The darkness screens the fallback
> > > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > > Poster's red.
> > > When the quest to squash comes.
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > > FFL THE PLACE ,
> > > > ..
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > > and invite them in.
> > > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > > because each has been sent
> > > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > > or
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a
> > of
> > > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > general
> > > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> > > >
> > > > (ibid)
> > > >
> > > > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having 
> > > > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > > > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the
> > > > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > > > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > > > who violently sweep-this- house
> > > > empty of its furniture,
> > > > still treat each guest honorably."
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba 
> > > > >
> > > > > Awe.  That is cute. : )
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@
> > > > > >
> > > > > > He came here  hurt.
> > > > > > Loneliness--he walked through desolation
> > > > > > To share his fellowship.
> > > > > > Doubt--he wept through despair to seek his reality.
> > > > > > Fear-- he wrestled through darkness
> > > > > > To seize his freedom.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Are we send  to him to heal?.
> > > > > > To walk with the lonely--mask?
> > > > > > To share with him our fellowship.
> > > > > > To weep with his despairing--
> > > > > > Seek with him his new-old reality.
> > > > > > Wrestle with him his/our fearfulness
> > > > > > Seize with him our /his freedom?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > And the Balm of FFL will flow
> > > > > > Into the depths of his soul.
> > > > > > It will cleanse;
> > > > > > it will soothe;
> > > > > > it will heal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Remember
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  Hello darkness, my old friend
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  I've come to talk with you again.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Whoever  and where-ever you are, no matter how lonely, the
> > reality
> > > > > > offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the
> > geese,
> > > > > > harsh and exciting--
> > > > > >   over and over announcing your place in the family of
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater

> > > > > > wr

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues

> > So, yes, I did feel that Curtis might have had a little pent
> > up frustration, and was not particularly in a forgiving mood.
> > I don't mean to project anything on Curtis, but this were
> > the impression I had.

I spent the frustration with Robin's unfair attacks on me in the responses I 
made and then didn't post.  That is why I didn't post the ones the virus didn't 
eat.   I knew it wouldn't be useful communication. So I let his accusations 
stand with a general rebuttal that I didn't agree.

What I said about his situation with Vaj was about my opinion about the ethics 
of not coming all the way clean with Vaj.  Let's see where Judy falls in what 
is a pretty simple case of an apology owed. 

> Me too. And I don't consider it ethical.

Right, it was ME being unethical for voicing my opinion about it.  Me. Not the 
guy who hit the people under the enthusiasms of inner Deva fueled exorcism of 
the demons in the person, not the guy who spent considerable effort to give the 
impression that the person who was saying this actually happened was a liar.  
In the context of a concerted effort of Judy through the years to paint even 
Vaj's claims to have practiced TM or been a teacher to be falsehoods, so this 
claim of duplicity had twice the impact for a partisan faction here, not that 

It is me for saying, hey dude, don't you owe Vaj an apology after all this?


You just gotta love this place! 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > 
> > Really, thanks Judy for holding me accountble to what I write.
> > Let me respond as I go through.
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> > wrote:
> > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > wrote:
> > > > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > > > the direction of that context.
> > > > >
> > > > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > > > dishwasher repairman)
> > > >
> > > > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to
> > > > have contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little
> > > > clarification.
> > >
> > > OK, it didn't appear to me to be a matter of your holding
> > > contradictory opinions, but rather holding one opinion and
> > > then switching over to the opposite opinion.
> >
> > Judy, this is entirely correct.  I took the liberty of
> > putting myself in a different perspective.  I don't claim
> > to know what perspective Curtis was taking, and initially
> > I felt his post to Robin was harsh.  But if someone had
> > challenged me in an unrelenting fashion, and then rolled
> > over and showed me their belly, I might still just give
> > them a kick.
> Gee, that's an ugly image. And it isn't that a propos in
> any case. Robin wasn't showing anybody his belly, first of
> all. That's why Curtis was attacking him. When I said Robin
> was vulnerable, I meant vulnerable to attack because of
> what he'd done, not vulnerable because he'd surrendered. If
> anything, Robin was defiant.
> > So, yes, I did feel that Curtis might have had a little pent
> > up frustration, and was not particularly in a forgiving mood.
> > I don't mean to project anything on Curtis, but this were
> > the impression I had.
> Me too. And I don't consider it ethical.
> > And there is just the plain fact that Robin accused Vaj of
> > lying when he knew this was not the case.
> Well, I give up here. We just went through this, Steve.
> You seemed to have understood the case I made and agreed
> that it was reasonable. Never mind. I'm not going to
> waste any more time with this.
>   So I think this was the main thrust of
> > Curtis' post.  Whereby I might have given Robin a pass because of his
> > explanation.  Long story short, I played both sides, so to speak.
> > > > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his
> > > > striking and when, if, why it happened. But my relationship
> > > > with Robin is less active than some others here, and a
> > > > little less controversial. Plus, my habit, or modus
> > > > operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I may
> > > > not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> > > > cordial terms. So, even though I found his explanation a
> > > > little lame, I went with it.
> > >
> > > That's fine on its own terms. But then you didn't go with it
> > > after you'd read Curtis's post.
> > right, addressed above, IMO
> > > > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship
> > > > with Robin, and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's
> > > > challenges, had every right to press him on these issues.
> > >
> > > This is a change of subject; I don't see how it applies to

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:

 actions as Robin asked of him.  I think the extent of what Curtis was> 
> suggesting was that Robin acknowledge to Vaj, that he was wrong in> calling 
> Vaj, and out and out liar.  Is that too much to ask?>

I appreciate what you wrote in the whole post, but especially appreciate this 
focused point.  It lasers through Judy's attempt to spin my post to Robin as 
hitting him when he was down or somehow being bad to poor Robin for giving my 
opinion on this.  Robin wasn't down, he had been forced to come clean with Ann 
joining us.  Without her I suspect we would still be hearing what a liar Vaj 
was from him.  So his mea culpa was missing a piece in my opinion. The whole 
drama spin that me saying he had been Clintonesque was somehow be being 
vindictive and hurting poor Robin out of revenge that Judy is selling is 
transparently shoot the messenger bullshit.  A message she is famous for 
championing herself when it doesn't involve Vaj. 

I wasn't getting back at Robin or hitting him when he was down, I was talking 
straight to him as he had in post after post to me,with me retuning nothing but 
defense till I tired of defending myself.  And you don't see me doubling down 
running after him because he blew off my post.  That is his right.  I said my 
piece, he responded, done.  He owes me nothing by way of an explanation.  And 
in a perfect world, he would understand why I believed I didn't owe him one for 
his opinions about me after this. 

And with my history of long long posts with Robin, the idea that what I had 
said was somehow horrible or unfair is just laughable.

I ended it with a sincere perspective that Robin's belief system concerning his 
days in "unity" is not serving him too well.  If anybody don't think that I had 
pulled my punches to say what I said as delicately as I could, then they have 
either never read what I write when I am not being diplomatic (I'm looking at 
you Divinity Dev boy) or they just might have a need to spin what I said into 
something awful for their own divisive purposes. 

I believe you get what I was trying to say Steve.  As long as there are a few 
people like that here it is worth my time writing here. 

> Really, thanks Judy for holding me accountble to what I write.  Let me
> respond as I go through.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> wrote:
> > > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > > the direction of that context.
> > > >
> > > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > > dishwasher repairman)
> > >
> > > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to
> > > have contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little
> > > clarification.
> >
> > OK, it didn't appear to me to be a matter of your holding
> > contradictory opinions, but rather holding one opinion and
> > then switching over to the opposite opinion.
> Judy, this is entirely correct.  I took the liberty of putting myself in
> a different perspective.  I don't claim to know what perspective Curtis
> was taking, and initially I felt his post to Robin was harsh.  But if
> someone had challenged me in an unrelenting fashion, and then rolled
> over and showed me their belly, I might still just give them a kick. 
> So, yes, I did feel that Curtis might have had a little pent up
> frustration, and was not particularly in a forgiving mood.  I don't mean
> to project anything on Curtis, but this were the impression I had.  And
> there is just the plain fact that Robin accused Vaj of lying when he
> knew this was not the case.  So I think this was the main thrust of
> Curtis' post.  Whereby I might have given Robin a pass because of his
> explanation.  Long story short, I played both sides, so to speak.
> > > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his
> > > striking and when, if, why it happened. But my relationship
> > > with Robin is less active than some others here, and a
> > > little less controversial. Plus, my habit, or modus
> > > operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I may
> > > not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> > > cordial terms. So, even though I found his explanation a
> > > little lame, I went with it.
> >
> > That's fine on its own terms. But then you didn't go with it
> > after you'd read Curtis's post.
> right, addressed above, IMO
> > > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship
> > > with Robin, and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's
> > > challenges, had every right to press him on these issues.
> >
> > This is a change of subject; I don't see how it applies to
> > what you've said above about your own vacillation. But I'l

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> Really, thanks Judy for holding me accountble to what I write.
> Let me respond as I go through.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> wrote:
> > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> wrote:
> > > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > > the direction of that context.
> > > >
> > > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > > dishwasher repairman)
> > >
> > > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to
> > > have contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little
> > > clarification.
> >
> > OK, it didn't appear to me to be a matter of your holding
> > contradictory opinions, but rather holding one opinion and
> > then switching over to the opposite opinion.
> Judy, this is entirely correct.  I took the liberty of
> putting myself in a different perspective.  I don't claim
> to know what perspective Curtis was taking, and initially
> I felt his post to Robin was harsh.  But if someone had
> challenged me in an unrelenting fashion, and then rolled
> over and showed me their belly, I might still just give
> them a kick.

Gee, that's an ugly image. And it isn't that a propos in
any case. Robin wasn't showing anybody his belly, first of
all. That's why Curtis was attacking him. When I said Robin
was vulnerable, I meant vulnerable to attack because of
what he'd done, not vulnerable because he'd surrendered. If
anything, Robin was defiant.

> So, yes, I did feel that Curtis might have had a little pent
> up frustration, and was not particularly in a forgiving mood.
> I don't mean to project anything on Curtis, but this were
> the impression I had.

Me too. And I don't consider it ethical.

> And there is just the plain fact that Robin accused Vaj of
> lying when he knew this was not the case.

Well, I give up here. We just went through this, Steve.
You seemed to have understood the case I made and agreed
that it was reasonable. Never mind. I'm not going to
waste any more time with this.

  So I think this was the main thrust of
> Curtis' post.  Whereby I might have given Robin a pass because of his
> explanation.  Long story short, I played both sides, so to speak.
> > > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his
> > > striking and when, if, why it happened. But my relationship
> > > with Robin is less active than some others here, and a
> > > little less controversial. Plus, my habit, or modus
> > > operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I may
> > > not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> > > cordial terms. So, even though I found his explanation a
> > > little lame, I went with it.
> >
> > That's fine on its own terms. But then you didn't go with it
> > after you'd read Curtis's post.
> right, addressed above, IMO
> > > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship
> > > with Robin, and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's
> > > challenges, had every right to press him on these issues.
> >
> > This is a change of subject; I don't see how it applies to
> > what you've said above about your own vacillation. But I'll
> > address it on its own terms.
> >
> > Curtis would have the right to press Robin on these issues
> > *whether or not* he had a more involved relationship with
> > Robin and had been on the receiving end of Robin's
> > challenges. One doesn't have much to do with the other.
> I'm sure this is the case.  I do not presume to speak for Curtis, or
> know his motives.  But Robin has been pretty severe in his challenges to
> Curtis.  Maybe Curtis felt like asking to be as accountable for his
> actions as Robin asked of him.  I think the extent of what Curtis was
> suggesting was that Robin acknowledge to Vaj, that he was wrong in
> calling Vaj, and out and out liar.  Is that too much to ask?
> > What he doesn't have the right to do, in my view--ethically
> > at any rate--is to use arguments that are unfair and in
> > some cases based on flat-out inaccurate accounts of what
> > happened. I addressed these point by point in my response
> > to Curtis (and he dismissed everything I'd said without
> > even considering it).
> >
> > > Isn't that how it works-to give as good as you get.
> >
> > IMHO, if he was challenged by Robin, Curtis was fully
> > entitled to give as good as he got *with regard to those
> > challenges*. In this case Curtis took advantage of Robin's
> > having made himself painfully vulnerable on a totally
> > different issue to revenge himself on Robin.
> Ok, the bottom line, as I understood it was asking Robin to acknowledge
> to Vaj, that Vaj was accurate in his statement about Robin striking
> people.  Robin may have had an explanation for it, but Vaj WAS correct. 
> So what is wrong wit

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

Really, thanks Judy for holding me accountble to what I write.  Let me
respond as I go through.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > the direction of that context.
> > >
> > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > dishwasher repairman)
> >
> > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to
> > have contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little
> > clarification.
> OK, it didn't appear to me to be a matter of your holding
> contradictory opinions, but rather holding one opinion and
> then switching over to the opposite opinion.
Judy, this is entirely correct.  I took the liberty of putting myself in
a different perspective.  I don't claim to know what perspective Curtis
was taking, and initially I felt his post to Robin was harsh.  But if
someone had challenged me in an unrelenting fashion, and then rolled
over and showed me their belly, I might still just give them a kick. 
So, yes, I did feel that Curtis might have had a little pent up
frustration, and was not particularly in a forgiving mood.  I don't mean
to project anything on Curtis, but this were the impression I had.  And
there is just the plain fact that Robin accused Vaj of lying when he
knew this was not the case.  So I think this was the main thrust of
Curtis' post.  Whereby I might have given Robin a pass because of his
explanation.  Long story short, I played both sides, so to speak.
> > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his
> > striking and when, if, why it happened. But my relationship
> > with Robin is less active than some others here, and a
> > little less controversial. Plus, my habit, or modus
> > operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I may
> > not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> > cordial terms. So, even though I found his explanation a
> > little lame, I went with it.
> That's fine on its own terms. But then you didn't go with it
> after you'd read Curtis's post.
right, addressed above, IMO
> > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship
> > with Robin, and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's
> > challenges, had every right to press him on these issues.
> This is a change of subject; I don't see how it applies to
> what you've said above about your own vacillation. But I'll
> address it on its own terms.
> Curtis would have the right to press Robin on these issues
> *whether or not* he had a more involved relationship with
> Robin and had been on the receiving end of Robin's
> challenges. One doesn't have much to do with the other.
I'm sure this is the case.  I do not presume to speak for Curtis, or
know his motives.  But Robin has been pretty severe in his challenges to
Curtis.  Maybe Curtis felt like asking to be as accountable for his
actions as Robin asked of him.  I think the extent of what Curtis was
suggesting was that Robin acknowledge to Vaj, that he was wrong in
calling Vaj, and out and out liar.  Is that too much to ask?
> What he doesn't have the right to do, in my view--ethically
> at any rate--is to use arguments that are unfair and in
> some cases based on flat-out inaccurate accounts of what
> happened. I addressed these point by point in my response
> to Curtis (and he dismissed everything I'd said without
> even considering it).
> > Isn't that how it works-to give as good as you get.
> IMHO, if he was challenged by Robin, Curtis was fully
> entitled to give as good as he got *with regard to those
> challenges*. In this case Curtis took advantage of Robin's
> having made himself painfully vulnerable on a totally
> different issue to revenge himself on Robin.
Ok, the bottom line, as I understood it was asking Robin to acknowledge
to Vaj, that Vaj was accurate in his statement about Robin striking
people.  Robin may have had an explanation for it, but Vaj WAS correct. 
So what is wrong with acknowledging that.
> Curtis's attempt to equate Robin's accusations that Curtis
> had a tendency to be subtly deceptive on FFL, on the one
> hand, with the "Clintonesque" nature of Robin's initial
> denial of striking students, on the other, was pretty far-
> fetched, it seems to me, for a number of reasons.
> First, Robin *confessed* to his "subtle deception" in this
> one case. Curtis hasn't confessed to any of Robin's
> accusations of his own subtle deceptions. If Curtis had
> done so, I can't imagine Robin turning around and attacking
> him on the basis of the confession.
I have found Robin to be much too subtle in some of his assessments of
people for me to follow.  That is why I have on ocassion made a Amen to
Curtis' replies, and then berated by Robin for this.  But, I am able to

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The return of Dichen Lachman

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/24/2012 09:58 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Fans of "Dollhouse" will recall Dichen and now she has a role
>> on Syfy's "Being Human" starting with season two episode two.
>> This role gives us to see a lot more of her acting chops and
>> I do have to say the second episode was much better than the
>> first for season two.  This should has some incredible writers.
>> IMDB hasn't caught up with her new role yet:
>> http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1901842/
> I've downloaded a bunch of these on your recommendation,
> but haven't gotten to them yet. I may have a mix of the
> US version and the UK (?...maybe Canadian) versions. Are
> they the same, or with different casts?

I should also mention I was more impressed with season two and three of 
the BBC version than with season one.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Caucus Night Video

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/24/2012 04:40 PM, raunchydog wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> On 01/22/2012 06:16 AM, raunchydog wrote:
>>> I love Iowa's First in Nation caucus tradition. For anyone who has never 
>>> had a chance to caucus, I made a short video of the Jefferson County 
>>> Democrats at registration. I hope it gives you a flavor of the free flowing 
>>> nature of it all.
>>> Between mouthfuls of pizza, coffee and conversation, Democrats are all 
>>> family on Caucus Night. It's a great time to chat and catch up on the news 
>>> with your neighbors. Everybody knows everybody. If a sleaze-ball like James 
>>> O'Keefe had tried to set up a sting, before his first bite of pizza we 
>>> would have booed him out the door. Voter fraud is a Republican myth.
  From 6pm to 7pm, we registered about 200 caucus goers.  Everything went 
 smoothly, despite apparent disorganization. As people entered, the party 
 chair directed them to a precinct table. After they registered, I welcomed 
 them to the caucus hall and gave them an agenda. All the buttons and 
 zippers worked without a snag.
>>> We had a live feed of President Obama for about 45 minutes, and then met in 
>>> our precinct groups to elect delegates. We filled 54 of our 60 delegate 
>>> seats for County Convention March 10. Enjoy the video.
>>> http://youtu.be/4RizJd8Q36Y
>> Thanks for the video.  Sadly it's the illusion of democracy in what is
>> now the North American Republic of China, a wholly owned subsidiary of
>> China, Inc.
> Thanks for watching and commenting, Bhairitu. I understand your 
> disillusionment. I've heard such sentiments quite a lot lately.
> A friend emailed me a quote from Chris Hedges:
> "Voting will not alter the corporate systems of power. Voting is an act of 
> political theater. Voting in the United States is as futile and sterile as in 
> the elections I covered as a reporter in dictatorships like Syria, Iran and 
> Iraq."
> I replied:
> "The presidential election is the height of political theater. However, in a 
> general election, when you go to the polls, your ballot isn't just a vote for 
> the president at the top of the ticket. The down ticket candidates from dog 
> catcher to governor are just as important in determining your quality of 
> life. In 2008 we had 500 people in Jefferson County, so smitten by Obama, 
> that they voted for HIM and no one else. Had they voted a straight ticket for 
> Democrats, Earl Shepard or Will Richards, perhaps one of them might have been 
> elected as County Supervisor and we would have had someone who actually cared 
> about fighting hog confinements in Jefferson County.
> In 2010 we had low voter turn out, so we lost 3 Iowa Supreme Court Justices, 
> the governorship, the Iowa House and narrowly kept the Iowa Senate by one 
> seat. Had we lost that seat, Iowa would have seen the same budget cuts and 
> dismantling of public sector unions as we saw in Wisconsin. Elections have 
> consequences. Your vote matters. I disagree with Hedges' cynical opinion on 
> the value of the vote."
> After watching Bill Moyers another friend emailed:
> "If you didn't watch [Bill Moyers "Crony Capitalism"] today it's on tomorrow 
> on IPTV at 11 AM  or online. Just  proves my point Obama (unfortunately, as I 
> really like him) is no different than the republicans. They are all under the 
> sway of corporate America.  Sad&  disgusting.
> I may not even vote for the 1st time in my life.  Chris Hedges is right 
> unfortunately for us."
> I replied:
> "Vote with your head, not your heart.
> Vote in order of holding you nose.
> 1. Obama...stinky but palatable with a spoon full of sugar
> 2. Romney...putrid
> 3. Paul...Libertarian pile 'o shit awful
> http://www.mediaite.com/tv/andrew-sullivan-defends-his-newsweek-pro-obama-piece-to-anderson-cooper/
> I won't risk losing the Senate or risk more far right SCOTUS appointments"
> Her reply: "you  left newt out   ( No emoticons with puke.)
> Bhairitu, things are bad enough, (voter I.D. requirements, paperless 
> electronic voting, money in politics, media punditry/propaganda and the 
> godawful Citizen's United decision) without adding self-defeating cynicism to 
> the mix. Cynicism suppresses voter turnout and it's one of the reasons why we 
> are so screwed. I have lots of good reasons to be cynical about elections 
> (Hillary got screwed by the DNC for example) and entertain the notion of an 
> "illusion of democracy" but until China is able to influence an election for 
> the local dog catcher, I will never be cynical about the value of my vote.
> raunchydog

Well, China does own our asses so my statement isn't just a cynical 
appraisal.  How's your Mandarin? ;-)

Certainly locally your vote counts more and maybe more meaningful in 
rural America.  But around here it's tweedle-dum tweedle-dee.  The whole 
last 11 years I've lived in this community only once did someone run

[FairfieldLife] Re: Branding 'Maharishi'

2012-01-24 Thread Buck
When did things change?  An E-mail from a FFL lurker...

"I find this post of yours really struck a chord within me as it really echoes 
my own feelings. 
I attribute the changes to an even earlier period--when the first group came 
back with a formal sidhis program and starting really "lording it" over the 
rest of us. This was somewhere 1975-1976. Ever since then, in my mind, it 
stopped being about "meditate and act" and "200% of life" and "three fields of 
life, action-thinking-being".

Yes MMY did tell us to "every day is life...don't pass up the present based on 
the hopes of a more glorious future..." but bit by bit he allowed, if not 
encouraged, all that to change and over time the pronouncements of what we 
should/should not do, started  coming down with increasing frequency. 
Spontaneity of life was lived more and more with all of us quoting a wide 
variety of things M said, often in contradiction to other things he said.

And with each passing round of courses, what we were told: "TM is not a 
religion or even a belief system" became less and less true. All this until 
everything, as your friend pointed out, seemed to be about 'Brand Maharishi'.

I have bemoaned the loss of the Maharishi of that "era of innocence" I knew, 
followed and loved. He became increasingly cranky and dictatorial over time. 
And eventually he started putting people down--good people who followed him. I 
remember clearly being among the chastised, on a number of occasions, for not 
doing what he said, when clearly, I was among the followers doing exactly what 
he said, as was everyone else in the room. But he was angry at the people not 
doing what he said only he was taking it out on those present.

In my mind, this is a model followed, in particular, by Bevan. How many times 
did Bevan chastise everyone who was actually at the program for the numbers 
being low as if we-the people who were there--were somehow to blame.

The light of compassion and joy of participation eventually disappeared to a 
large degree due to this overwhelming presence of "Brand Maharishi." And the 
point that you constantly make about people being allowed in the dome if they 
are willing to promise, swear, take an oath, etc. should be the rule. 

In my innermost life as well as clearly in my thoughts and feeling almost all 
my waking hours, I'm still loyal to Guru Dev, the Holy Tradition and have the 
most special place in my heart for Maharishi, but that spot in my heart-for 
M--has a crimp in it that I haven't been able to shake in the 20 years since I 
consciously left FF in 1988 (and minus the year I was back from Sept 2002-Aug 

-Lurking FF 

> > > > > > By coincidence and by contrast, just yesterday an old-time TM 
> > > > > > teacher friend told me his gratitude is toward Guru Dev, rather 
> > > > > > than Maharishi. No surprise, he said. "That's how Maharishi trained 
> > > > > > us," he said.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > It used to be that Maharishi would eschew anybody putting him up 
> > > > > > > on a guru pedestal.  He would always directly deflect that sort 
> > > > > > > of thing on to Guru Dev.  If people would try to bow down to him 
> > > > > > > he'd tell 'em straight up, 'don't do that to me'.  I seen him do 
> > > > > > > it many times.  
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > I was interviewing someone yesterday who had left the TM movement 
> > > > > > > for graduate school back in 1992 who is back now visiting 
> > > > > > > Fairfield.  The person back in the early days meditated for the 
> > > > > > > experience it gives and still does.
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > The large impression on coming back to look is that everything 
> > > > > > > became 'Maharishi' sometime since 1992.  Before that time things 
> > > > > > > mostly were about doing the practice, 'meditate and act', and the 
> > > > > > > primary activities of the movement were about facilitating the 
> > > > > > > practices and not so much about 'Maharishi'.  The person was 
> > > > > > > wondering when did this overt shift over to 'Maharishi' happen?  
> > > > > > > An evident belief system of TM has shift over to being much more 
> > > > > > > about 'Maharishi'.  Seems like promoting TM dropped off to 
> > > > > > > promoting 'Maharishi' more than anything else and we are in the 
> > > > > > > full vesting of that now in the 'post-founder' stage of the 
> > > > > > > movement.  This person presently is quite struck by what is seen 
> > > > > > > now in 'product', the present publications and announcements 
> > > > > > > coming from the middle where evidently the puja within the 
> > > > > > > movement is sung so to Maharishi.  It appears like the 
> > > > > > > true-believers are really working at this.  It is pretty shocking 
> > > > > > > to this old meditator come back to see the change in the culture 
> > > > > > > of this.  This kept on coming up in t

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

Thank you Susan.  I always appreciate your balanced input.  You often
put into words, much better than I, the way I feel about a given issue.

Thanks again.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Susan"  wrote:
> And a me too from me. I think I am much like you, Steve, in how I
respond to people. Not so confrontational, and I easily see the other's
point of view. Soemetimes I wish I had a bit more fire and certitude
about my opinions, but I am who I am. You are fine as you are, IMO.
> >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > > > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > > > the direction of that context.
> > > > >
> > > > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > > > dishwasher repairman)
> > > >
> > > > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> > > > contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> > > >
> > > > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his
striking and
> > > > when, if, why it happened. But my relationship with Robin is
> > > > active than some others here, and a little less controversial.
Plus, my
> > > > habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on
issues I
> > > > may not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> > > > terms. So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I
> > > > with it.
> > > >
> > > > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with
> > > > and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges,
> > > > every right to press him on these issues. Isn't that how it
> > > > give as good as you get.
> > > >
> > > > It's similiar to the Ravi situation. I worst Ravi ever got with
me was
> > > > to call me a "pea brained heartland retard". It didn't much
bother me,
> > > > but I did lose any affection I had for the guy. But over all, I
> > > > that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> > > >
> > > > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject
> > > > vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at
> > > > then I likely would have felt differently.
> > > >
> > > > So, just wanted to pass that one.
> > > >
> > > > P.S. Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a
> > > > and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap
> > > > from easily opening. A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher
> > > > Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps"
> > > > help alleviate the problem. FYI. (-:
> > > >
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

Thanks Barry.  I think that is a key, to be able to disagree without
getting into personal attacks.  I have always enjoyed your contributions
here, even when I have found myself in disagreement with your
perspectives.  But you've seen alot, done alot, and yes I think
sometimes  your inital assessments, while harsh have been shown to be

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Count me in for a big "Me, too" on this one. You have
> disagreed with me plenty on this forum (as is your right),
> but I have never once felt that heavy hate vibe I feel
> from some others. I think you are wise to consider each
> new insight on a subject AS new, and thus an opportunity
> to re-evaluate everything that went before.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" 
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > > the direction of that context.
> > > >
> > > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > > dishwasher repairman)
> > >
> > > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> > > contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> > >
> > > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking
> > > when, if, why it happened. But my relationship with Robin is less
> > > active than some others here, and a little less controversial.
Plus, my
> > > habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on
issues I
> > > may not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> > > terms. So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I
> > > with it.
> > >
> > > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with
> > > and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges,
> > > every right to press him on these issues. Isn't that how it
> > > give as good as you get.
> > >
> > > It's similiar to the Ravi situation. I worst Ravi ever got with me
> > > to call me a "pea brained heartland retard". It didn't much bother
> > > but I did lose any affection I had for the guy. But over all, I
> > > that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> > >
> > > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject
> > > vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at
> > > then I likely would have felt differently.
> > >
> > > So, just wanted to pass that one.
> > >
> > > P.S. Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a
> > > and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap
> > > from easily opening. A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic".
> > > Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps"
> > > help alleviate the problem. FYI. (-:
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> - In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > When is anyone going to learn, Judy has the upper hand
> > when it comes to the English language and its use. : )
> > (points out the obvious.)
> The less you engage her in significant content, trying to make yourself 
> understood, the more impressed you will remain.

I won't even bother to translate this. Everyone knows
what it means.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

Thanks Ann.  That made me smile.  Unfortunately he said we need to
replace the water supply valve, and he couldn't get it off, so we still
have that little piece.  But it's still working well enough for now.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> Steve, I think you are a genuinely nice man. And pretty funny at
times. Glad you got that dishwasher sorted out.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> >
> >
> >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > the direction of that context.
> > >
> > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > dishwasher repairman)
> >
> > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> > contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> >
> > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking
> > when, if, why it happened. But my relationship with Robin is less
> > active than some others here, and a little less controversial. Plus,
> > habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues
> > may not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
> > terms. So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
> > with it.
> >
> > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with
> > and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
> > every right to press him on these issues. Isn't that how it works-to
> > give as good as you get.
> >
> > It's similiar to the Ravi situation. I worst Ravi ever got with me
> > to call me a "pea brained heartland retard". It didn't much bother
> > but I did lose any affection I had for the guy. But over all, I felt
> > that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> >
> > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
> > vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at
> > then I likely would have felt differently.
> >
> > So, just wanted to pass that one.
> >
> > P.S. Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a
> > and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap
> > from easily opening. A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic".
> > Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
> > help alleviate the problem. FYI. (-:
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Caucus Night Video

2012-01-24 Thread raunchydog

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> On 01/22/2012 06:16 AM, raunchydog wrote:
> > I love Iowa's First in Nation caucus tradition. For anyone who has never 
> > had a chance to caucus, I made a short video of the Jefferson County 
> > Democrats at registration. I hope it gives you a flavor of the free flowing 
> > nature of it all.
> >
> > Between mouthfuls of pizza, coffee and conversation, Democrats are all 
> > family on Caucus Night. It's a great time to chat and catch up on the news 
> > with your neighbors. Everybody knows everybody. If a sleaze-ball like James 
> > O'Keefe had tried to set up a sting, before his first bite of pizza we 
> > would have booed him out the door. Voter fraud is a Republican myth.
> >
> > > From 6pm to 7pm, we registered about 200 caucus goers.  Everything went 
> > > smoothly, despite apparent disorganization. As people entered, the party 
> > > chair directed them to a precinct table. After they registered, I 
> > > welcomed them to the caucus hall and gave them an agenda. All the buttons 
> > > and zippers worked without a snag.
> >
> > We had a live feed of President Obama for about 45 minutes, and then met in 
> > our precinct groups to elect delegates. We filled 54 of our 60 delegate 
> > seats for County Convention March 10. Enjoy the video.
> > http://youtu.be/4RizJd8Q36Y
> Thanks for the video.  Sadly it's the illusion of democracy in what is 
> now the North American Republic of China, a wholly owned subsidiary of 
> China, Inc.

Thanks for watching and commenting, Bhairitu. I understand your 
disillusionment. I've heard such sentiments quite a lot lately.  

A friend emailed me a quote from Chris Hedges:

"Voting will not alter the corporate systems of power. Voting is an act of 
political theater. Voting in the United States is as futile and sterile as in 
the elections I covered as a reporter in dictatorships like Syria, Iran and 

I replied:

"The presidential election is the height of political theater. However, in a 
general election, when you go to the polls, your ballot isn't just a vote for 
the president at the top of the ticket. The down ticket candidates from dog 
catcher to governor are just as important in determining your quality of life. 
In 2008 we had 500 people in Jefferson County, so smitten by Obama, that they 
voted for HIM and no one else. Had they voted a straight ticket for Democrats, 
Earl Shepard or Will Richards, perhaps one of them might have been elected as 
County Supervisor and we would have had someone who actually cared about 
fighting hog confinements in Jefferson County. 

In 2010 we had low voter turn out, so we lost 3 Iowa Supreme Court Justices, 
the governorship, the Iowa House and narrowly kept the Iowa Senate by one seat. 
Had we lost that seat, Iowa would have seen the same budget cuts and 
dismantling of public sector unions as we saw in Wisconsin. Elections have 
consequences. Your vote matters. I disagree with Hedges' cynical opinion on the 
value of the vote."

After watching Bill Moyers another friend emailed: 

"If you didn't watch [Bill Moyers "Crony Capitalism"] today it's on tomorrow on 
IPTV at 11 AM  or online. Just  proves my point Obama (unfortunately, as I 
really like him) is no different than the republicans. They are all under the 
sway of corporate America.  Sad & disgusting.
I may not even vote for the 1st time in my life.  Chris Hedges is right 
unfortunately for us."

I replied:

"Vote with your head, not your heart.
Vote in order of holding you nose.

1. Obama...stinky but palatable with a spoon full of sugar 

2. Romney...putrid

3. Paul...Libertarian pile 'o shit awful


I won't risk losing the Senate or risk more far right SCOTUS appointments"

Her reply: "you  left newt out   ( No emoticons with puke.)

Bhairitu, things are bad enough, (voter I.D. requirements, paperless electronic 
voting, money in politics, media punditry/propaganda and the godawful Citizen's 
United decision) without adding self-defeating cynicism to the mix. Cynicism 
suppresses voter turnout and it's one of the reasons why we are so screwed. I 
have lots of good reasons to be cynical about elections (Hillary got screwed by 
the DNC for example) and entertain the notion of an "illusion of democracy" but 
until China is able to influence an election for the local dog catcher, I will 
never be cynical about the value of my vote.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

Thanks Curtis, I appreciate THAT. In  some cases I'm just admiring a
person's writing, or the way they present their opinion.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that we all have
very different relationships with people here. Comparing how we relate
to different people differently as if this shows character flaws is IMO
a contrived bogus judgement. And not being interested in "calling people
out" is a legitimate way to enjoy the place.
> In some ways you have been played between people for speaking up with
your opinion. Sometimes that has been in agreement with me and sometimes
you haven't agreed with me. But I have always found that if I respond to
you with my POV, you at least consider it, and I appreciate that about
your participation here.
> I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not have your
own mind about issues and swayed by the breeze. I believe you are just
not as judgmental a person as some here (myself included) and that
openness is reflected in your responses in the moment. It seems like a
good quality to me and not something you deserve to be shamed for.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1" steve.sundur@
> >
> >
> >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" 
> > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > the direction of that context.
> > >
> > I've been thinking about this. (and I had to come home for the
> > dishwasher repairman)
> >
> > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> > contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> >
> > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking
> > when, if, why it happened. But my relationship with Robin is less
> > active than some others here, and a little less controversial. Plus,
> > habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues
> > may not agree with. I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
> > terms. So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
> > with it.
> >
> > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with
> > and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
> > every right to press him on these issues. Isn't that how it works-to
> > give as good as you get.
> >
> > It's similiar to the Ravi situation. I worst Ravi ever got with me
> > to call me a "pea brained heartland retard". It didn't much bother
> > but I did lose any affection I had for the guy. But over all, I felt
> > that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> >
> > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
> > vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at
> > then I likely would have felt differently.
> >
> > So, just wanted to pass that one.
> >
> > P.S. Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a
> > and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap
> > from easily opening. A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic".
> > Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
> > help alleviate the problem. FYI. (-:
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> When is anyone going to learn, Judy has the upper hand when it comes to the 
> English language and its use. : )
> (points out the obvious.)

The less you engage her in significant content, trying to make yourself 
understood, the more impressed you will remain.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues" 
> >  wrote:
> > >
> > > I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that
> > > we all have very different relationships with people here.  
> > > Comparing how we relate to different people differently as
> > > if this shows character flaws is IMO a contrived bogus
> > > judgement.
> > 
> > But not, of course, one that was being made in this case.
> > 
> > > And not being interested in "calling people out" is a
> > > legitimate way to enjoy the place.
> > 
> > But not, of course, one that was being criticized in this
> > case.
> > 
> > > In some ways you have been played between people for speaking
> > > up with your opinion.
> > 
> > But not, of course, in this case.
> > 
> > > Sometimes that has been in agreement with me and sometimes
> > > you haven't agreed with me.  But I have always found that
> > > if I respond to you with my POV, you at least consider it,
> > > and I appreciate that about your participation here. 
> > > 
> > > I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not
> > > have your own mind about issues and swayed by the breeze.
> > > I believe you are just not as judgmental a person as some
> > > here (myself included) and that openness is reflected in
> > > your responses in the moment.
> > 
> > Wow. Talk about imposing your own context!
> > 
> > > It seems like a good quality
> > > to me and not something you deserve to be shamed for.
> > 
> > As you've seen fit to define it.
> >

[FairfieldLife] Documentary on the democratization of culture

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
The documentary "PressPausePlay" is available to view for free on 
Vimeo.  This is a documentary about the effect of the democratization of 
culture where anyone can create and distribute an artistic endeavor be 
it music, writing or film.  Well worth a watch:


[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > Nice song contributions, turq.
> Thanks for noticing. The Eagles cut was the first that 
> sprung to mind when the subject of witches came up. The
> Santana cut was a YouTube right panel find, something
> that they felt was related to the Eagles song. 

You are welcome. I enjoyed them tremendously. 

> But the Stevie Nicks cut is all me. That's what the word
> "witch" conjures up for me. And isn't this clip of her
> performing her signature song just The Best? I get the
> feeling that you are...uh...significantly younger than I.
> No problemo. It's just that, for the benefit of those 
> who were not there and running in those samskaric circles
> at that time, Stevie may have been at that time as close
> to reigning Queen Witch Of Rock 'N Roll as has ever 
> existed.

I saw Stevie Nicks in 1980 at a concert, left of the stage, risers. 
Very memorable. 

Yep. I think I am a little bit younger? : )

> Stevie was Witch Heaven. The album this song was released
> on broke major records in sales. It was a phenomenon. And
> overnight this short little girl became such a sensation
> that wealthy suitors were sending their private jets to
> whisk her away to secret weekend rendezvous. Really. The 
> lady got around. Rhiannon 'R Us.
Lucky her!

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> > >
> > > Can't identify with sappy ballads about witches. Wrong
> > > energy entirely. The Chris Issac song came closest to 
> > > capturing the mindset, his obvious tribute to Roy Orbison 
> > > capturing the vibe very well. Here are my contributions:
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVXqocPAz1k
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLLXUaqZxg
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyWq25O2RbI
> > > 
> > > P.S. If you need "TM content" for these musical ramblings,
> > > the original version of the last song was recorded in the
> > > music studio that lived on the bottom floor of the building
> > > where Charlie Lutes used to hold his weekly meetings in L.A.
> > > 
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> > > > > 
> > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > > > > 
> > > > > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > > > > witch bed please?
> > > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> > > > >   --its very late for me
> > > > > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > > > > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > > > > .uh ... some other witches
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > A witch!  A witch!
> > > > > > Rides in on the sweep.
> > > > > > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > > > > > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > > > > > Beware!  Beware!
> > > > > > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > > > > > The darkness screens the fallback
> > > > > > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > > > > > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > > > > > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > > > > > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > > > > > Poster's red.
> > > > > > When the quest to squash comes.
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > > > > > FFL THE PLACE ,
> > > > > > > ..
> > > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > > > > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > > > > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > > > > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > > > > > and invite them in.
> > > > > > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > > > > > because each has been sent
> > > > > > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > > > > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > > > > > or
> > > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a 
> > > > > > > means
> > > > > of
> > > > > > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > > > > general
> > > > > > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > > > > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > > > > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > > > > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > > > > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > > > > > Welcome and entertain th

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread obbajeeba
When is anyone going to learn, Judy has the upper hand when it comes to the 
English language and its use. : )
(points out the obvious.)

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that
> > we all have very different relationships with people here.  
> > Comparing how we relate to different people differently as
> > if this shows character flaws is IMO a contrived bogus
> > judgement.
> But not, of course, one that was being made in this case.
> > And not being interested in "calling people out" is a
> > legitimate way to enjoy the place.
> But not, of course, one that was being criticized in this
> case.
> > In some ways you have been played between people for speaking
> > up with your opinion.
> But not, of course, in this case.
> > Sometimes that has been in agreement with me and sometimes
> > you haven't agreed with me.  But I have always found that
> > if I respond to you with my POV, you at least consider it,
> > and I appreciate that about your participation here. 
> > 
> > I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not
> > have your own mind about issues and swayed by the breeze.
> > I believe you are just not as judgmental a person as some
> > here (myself included) and that openness is reflected in
> > your responses in the moment.
> Wow. Talk about imposing your own context!
> > It seems like a good quality
> > to me and not something you deserve to be shamed for.
> As you've seen fit to define it.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count

2012-01-24 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): Sat Jan 21 00:00:00 2012
End Date (UTC): Sat Jan 28 00:00:00 2012
373 messages as of (UTC) Tue Jan 24 21:45:47 2012

39 authfriend 
36 awoelflebater 
28 Yifu 
25 Buck 
24 Vaj 
23 curtisdeltablues 
21 turquoiseb 
18 seventhray1 
18 merudanda 
17 Emily Reyn 
13 nablusoss1008 
12 raunchydog 
12 obbajeeba 
12 Bhairitu 
12 "Richard J. Williams" 
10 cardemaister 
10 Susan 
 6 marekreavis 
 4 wgm4u 
 4 maskedzebra 
 4 jpgillam 
 4 emptybill 
 4 azgrey 
 4 John 
 2 hermandan0 
 2 Xenophaneros Anartaxius 
 2 Alex Stanley 
 1 seekliberation 
 1 feste37 
 1 Rick Archer 
 1 PaliGap 
 1 Mike Dixon 
 1 Duveyoung 
 1 "martin.quickman" 

Posters: 34
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> Nice song contributions, turq.

Thanks for noticing. The Eagles cut was the first that 
sprung to mind when the subject of witches came up. The
Santana cut was a YouTube right panel find, something
that they felt was related to the Eagles song. 

But the Stevie Nicks cut is all me. That's what the word
"witch" conjures up for me. And isn't this clip of her
performing her signature song just The Best? I get the
feeling that you are...uh...significantly younger than I.
No problemo. It's just that, for the benefit of those 
who were not there and running in those samskaric circles
at that time, Stevie may have been at that time as close
to reigning Queen Witch Of Rock 'N Roll as has ever 

Stevie was Witch Heaven. The album this song was released
on broke major records in sales. It was a phenomenon. And
overnight this short little girl became such a sensation
that wealthy suitors were sending their private jets to
whisk her away to secret weekend rendezvous. Really. The 
lady got around. Rhiannon 'R Us.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > Can't identify with sappy ballads about witches. Wrong
> > energy entirely. The Chris Issac song came closest to 
> > capturing the mindset, his obvious tribute to Roy Orbison 
> > capturing the vibe very well. Here are my contributions:
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVXqocPAz1k
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLLXUaqZxg
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyWq25O2RbI
> > 
> > P.S. If you need "TM content" for these musical ramblings,
> > the original version of the last song was recorded in the
> > music studio that lived on the bottom floor of the building
> > where Charlie Lutes used to hold his weekly meetings in L.A.
> > 
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > > > 
> > > > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > > > witch bed please?
> > > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> > > >   --its very late for me
> > > > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > > > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > > > .uh ... some other witches
> > > > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > A witch!  A witch!
> > > > > Rides in on the sweep.
> > > > > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > > > > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > > > > Beware!  Beware!
> > > > > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > > > > The darkness screens the fallback
> > > > > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > > > > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > > > > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > > > > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > > > > Poster's red.
> > > > > When the quest to squash comes.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > > > > FFL THE PLACE ,
> > > > > > ..
> > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > > > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > > > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > > > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > > > > and invite them in.
> > > > > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > > > > because each has been sent
> > > > > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > > > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > > > > or
> > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a means
> > > > of
> > > > > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > > > general
> > > > > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > > > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > > > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > > > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > > > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > > > > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> > > > > >
> > > > > > (ibid)
> > > > > >
> > > > > > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having  always
> > > > > > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > > > > > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the FFL
> > > > > > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > > > > > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > > > > > who violently sweep-this- house
> > > > > > empty of its furniture,
> > > > > > still treat each guest honorably."
> > > > > >
> > > > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-24 Thread Buck
Thee could wonder that 

were there a theocratic municipality election held in the larger meditating 
community if these TM Rajas, their TM king and prime minister could survive a 
confidence vote.  While they're not doing so well at gathering folks back to 
meditate on the one hand it's gotten to be a pretty small movement inside on 
the other.  

> Practically, they are still a long way from reconciling with their old 
> meditators and succeeding here in Fairfield.
> For instance, most people in town here likely never been to a Movement yagya 
> or anything puja with the pundits even up in Vedic City.  Of course, you'd 
> have to have had a current dome badge to have done that or to even git 
> invited.  That of course has left the most meditators in town out.  These 
> Raja guys have *stunning* HR skill sets.  Would seem they are out of touch. 
> > 
> >  a worry could be that they might need to figure things out better with the 
> > meditating community here before they launch themselves (and us) 
> > logistically off again.  It's getting to be a pretty small circle inside 
> > there to be 'letting' money on this scale from whoever is left standing.  
> > As that David movie brings up again, it is still fairly unclear where the 
> > money went before while the scope of the scale of this particular project 
> > is what, potentially bankrupting to all the other TM projects and programs. 
> >  
> > 
> > > 
> > > Om, certainly does seem this is the pet project now of the few Rajas.
> > > Seems also it's kind of being foist on folks.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > The TM Rajas seem mighty bent on staking the movement on this bet now.
> > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Marek, I'm just a guy on the street but I can tell you this is 
> > > > > > sea-changing that also looks like it comes with an under-tow.  Of 
> > > > > > course, this being FairfieldLife and more essentially about 
> > > > > > Fairfield and TM here, these memos should be highly noteworthy 
> > > > > > right now to anybody living here in Fairfield.  
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > &Yes, oh I give money to them too.  I'd like to see them succeed in 
> > > > > > a good way for all kinds of good reason.  I've had a lot of good 
> > > > > > experience with it.
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > With Kind Regard,
> > > > > > -Buck in FF
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  
> > > > > > wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Buck, do you support this National Yagya Program yourself? Do you 
> > > > > > > contribute money to it? Or are you relaying this information more 
> > > > > > > tongue-in-cheek than serious?
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > ***
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > We especially recommend giving
> > > > > > > > on a recurring monthly basis 
> > > > > > > > to perpetuate these great 
> > > > > > > > blessings for the world.
> > > > > > > >  
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > Today, the United States TM organization (Maharishi 
> > > > > > > > > > Foundation USA), in conjunction with the Brahmananda 
> > > > > > > > > > Saraswati Foundation USA, created by Maharishi in 2008 for 
> > > > > > > > > > this very purpose, and in collaboration with our sister 
> > > > > > > > > > organizations in India, is directly overseeing the highly 
> > > > > > > > > > professional, maximally cost-efficient management of this 
> > > > > > > > > > new National Yagya Program to ensure its maximum 
> > > > > > > > > > effectiveness in every respect.
> > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > We urge you to give as
> > > > > > > > > generously as possible. 
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > 
> > > > > Om, the "We",
> > > > > Who is "we" Kimosabe?
> > > > > The Meditating community?
> > > > > I'm Not necessarily seeing or hearing much in the community about 
> > > > > this nor 
> > > > > a lot of support for this project of sending money to India in asking 
> > > > > around the community here.
> > > > >  
> > > > > 
> > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > Maharishi personally engineered this most powerful 
> > > > > > > > > > > application of Yagya to produce the largest possible 
> > > > > > > > > > > impact on an entire nation. Maharishi trained tens of 
> > > > > > > > > > > thousands of Vedic Pandits in order to achieve these 
> > > > > > > > > > > massive results, and he built a beautiful campus at the 
> > > > > > > > > > > Brahmasthan of India to accommodate these Vedic Pandits 
> > > > > > > > > > > in perfect Vastu (Vedic architecture). This campus is 
> > > > > > > > > > > continuing to expand rapidly today under the dynamic 
> > > > > > > > > > > leadership of Dr. Girish Varma, Raja Harris Kaplan, and 
> > > > > > > > > > > other great leaders of our Indian movement.
> > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > These National Yagyas continue over many 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that
> we all have very different relationships with people here.  
> Comparing how we relate to different people differently as
> if this shows character flaws is IMO a contrived bogus
> judgement.

But not, of course, one that was being made in this case.

> And not being interested in "calling people out" is a
> legitimate way to enjoy the place.

But not, of course, one that was being criticized in this

> In some ways you have been played between people for speaking
> up with your opinion.

But not, of course, in this case.

> Sometimes that has been in agreement with me and sometimes
> you haven't agreed with me.  But I have always found that
> if I respond to you with my POV, you at least consider it,
> and I appreciate that about your participation here. 
> I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not
> have your own mind about issues and swayed by the breeze.
> I believe you are just not as judgmental a person as some
> here (myself included) and that openness is reflected in
> your responses in the moment.

Wow. Talk about imposing your own context!

> It seems like a good quality
> to me and not something you deserve to be shamed for.

As you've seen fit to define it.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > the direction of that context.
> >
> I've been thinking about this.  (and I had to come home for the
> dishwasher repairman)
> Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to
> have contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little
> clarification.

OK, it didn't appear to me to be a matter of your holding
contradictory opinions, but rather holding one opinion and
then switching over to the opposite opinion.

> For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his
> striking and when, if, why it happened.  But my relationship
> with Robin is less active than some others here, and a
> little less controversial.  Plus, my habit, or modus
> operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I may
> not agree with.  I prefer, if possible, to remain on more
> cordial terms.  So, even though I found his explanation a
> little lame, I went with it.

That's fine on its own terms. But then you didn't go with it
after you'd read Curtis's post.

> But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship
> with Robin, and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's
> challenges, had every right to press him on these issues.

This is a change of subject; I don't see how it applies to
what you've said above about your own vacillation. But I'll
address it on its own terms.

Curtis would have the right to press Robin on these issues
*whether or not* he had a more involved relationship with
Robin and had been on the receiving end of Robin's 
challenges. One doesn't have much to do with the other.

What he doesn't have the right to do, in my view--ethically
at any rate--is to use arguments that are unfair and in
some cases based on flat-out inaccurate accounts of what
happened. I addressed these point by point in my response
to Curtis (and he dismissed everything I'd said without
even considering it).

> Isn't that how it works-to give as good as you get.

IMHO, if he was challenged by Robin, Curtis was fully
entitled to give as good as he got *with regard to those
challenges*. In this case Curtis took advantage of Robin's
having made himself painfully vulnerable on a totally
different issue to revenge himself on Robin.

Curtis's attempt to equate Robin's accusations that Curtis
had a tendency to be subtly deceptive on FFL, on the one
hand, with the "Clintonesque" nature of Robin's initial
denial of striking students, on the other, was pretty far-
fetched, it seems to me, for a number of reasons.

First, Robin *confessed* to his "subtle deception" in this
one case. Curtis hasn't confessed to any of Robin's
accusations of his own subtle deceptions. If Curtis had
done so, I can't imagine Robin turning around and attacking
him on the basis of the confession.

Second, this was, as noted, one single case of "subtle
deception" on a very specific point, the nature of which is
now very clearcut. It's the reasons for it that are subtle,
not the deception itself. And Robin hasn't engaged in any
other deceptions, subtle or otherwise, that we know of.

And third, Robin "subtly deceived" the entire forum, not
just Curtis personally. But Curtis attacked him for having
done so on a personal basis, in return for what Curtis
considers personal slights to himself by Robin.

So the equivalence Curtis tries to draw just doesn't hold
up when it's examined, as far as I'm concerned.

> It's similiar to the Ravi situation.  I worst Ravi ever got
> with me was to call me a "pea brained heartland retard".  It
> didn't much bother me, but I did lose any affection I had for
> the guy.  But over all, I felt that an appropiate sanction
> for him would be for a time out.
> But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was
> subject to vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and
> career were at stake, then I likely would have felt
> differently.

Sure. And this relates to the Robin situation how? I'm not
seeing the connection.

Again, my beef with you is that when some issue comes up
between other people, you tend to take whichever side has
been most recently expressed without ever really examining
the merits of the case that has been made for it. You said
in your defense that you don't have the time to go into
things that deeply, which is perfectly understandable. But
if it were me, I'd refrain from taking a side at all if I
hadn't been able to look at it in depth.

It's not the worst flaw in the world by any means. Pretty
small potatoes, in fact, especially in comparison to your
many positive traits. Your switch on the Robin issue was
just an especially clear case of this tendency, and it was
particularly annoying to me because it seemed to be such a
blase approach to what was a very sensitive, painful issue.
That's why I spoke up.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Caucus Night Video

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/22/2012 06:16 AM, raunchydog wrote:
> I love Iowa's First in Nation caucus tradition. For anyone who has never had 
> a chance to caucus, I made a short video of the Jefferson County Democrats at 
> registration. I hope it gives you a flavor of the free flowing nature of it 
> all.
> Between mouthfuls of pizza, coffee and conversation, Democrats are all family 
> on Caucus Night. It's a great time to chat and catch up on the news with your 
> neighbors. Everybody knows everybody. If a sleaze-ball like James O'Keefe had 
> tried to set up a sting, before his first bite of pizza we would have booed 
> him out the door. Voter fraud is a Republican myth.
> > From 6pm to 7pm, we registered about 200 caucus goers.  Everything went 
> > smoothly, despite apparent disorganization. As people entered, the party 
> > chair directed them to a precinct table. After they registered, I welcomed 
> > them to the caucus hall and gave them an agenda. All the buttons and 
> > zippers worked without a snag.
> We had a live feed of President Obama for about 45 minutes, and then met in 
> our precinct groups to elect delegates. We filled 54 of our 60 delegate seats 
> for County Convention March 10. Enjoy the video.
> http://youtu.be/4RizJd8Q36Y

Thanks for the video.  Sadly it's the illusion of democracy in what is 
now the North American Republic of China, a wholly owned subsidiary of 
China, Inc.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The return of Dichen Lachman

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
On 01/24/2012 09:58 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
>> Fans of "Dollhouse" will recall Dichen and now she has a role
>> on Syfy's "Being Human" starting with season two episode two.
>> This role gives us to see a lot more of her acting chops and
>> I do have to say the second episode was much better than the
>> first for season two.  This should has some incredible writers.
>> IMDB hasn't caught up with her new role yet:
>> http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1901842/
> I've downloaded a bunch of these on your recommendation,
> but haven't gotten to them yet. I may have a mix of the
> US version and the UK (?...maybe Canadian) versions. Are
> they the same, or with different casts?

The Syfy versions are remakes with a different cast and is a Canadian 
production.  The BBC versions are much better even though some of the 
same crew worked on both.  Dichen so far has only appeared in the second 
episode of the Syfy season two version which played last night in the 
US.  But I believe she is playing a character that may be in the rest of 
season two if now also season three.

I think the reason so many shows are being shot in Canada is because 
they have government healthcare so production companies don't have to 
cover that benefit as they do with US film unions and probably pensions 
too.  US resistance to social programs cost American particularly 
Hollywood jobs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread Susan

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that 
> > we all have very different relationships with people here.  
> > Comparing how we relate to different people differently as 
> > if this shows character flaws is IMO a contrived bogus 
> > judgement.  And not being interested in "calling people 
> > out" is a legitimate way to enjoy the place.  
> > 
> > In some ways you have been played between people for speaking 
> > up with your opinion.  Sometimes that has been in agreement 
> > with me and sometimes you haven't agreed with me.  But I have 
> > always found that if I respond to you with my POV, you at least 
> > consider it, and I appreciate that about your participation here. 
> > 
> > I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not have 
> > your own mind about issues and swayed by the breeze.  I believe 
> > you are just not as judgmental a person as some here (myself 
> > included) and that openness is reflected in your responses in 
> > the moment.  It seems like a good quality to me and not 
> > something you deserve to be shamed for.
> Count me in for a big "Me, too" on this one. You have 
> disagreed with me plenty on this forum (as is your right),
> but I have never once felt that heavy hate vibe I feel
> from some others. I think you are wise to consider each
> new insight on a subject AS new, and thus an opportunity
> to re-evaluate everything that went before.

And a me too from me.  I think I am much like you, Steve, in how I respond to 
people.  Not so confrontational, and I easily see the other's point of view.  
Soemetimes I wish I had a bit more fire and certitude about my opinions, but I 
am who I am.  You are fine as you are, IMO.
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > >
> > > 
> > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > > the direction of that context.
> > > >
> > > I've been thinking about this.  (and I had to come home for the
> > > dishwasher repairman)
> > > 
> > > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> > > contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> > > 
> > > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking and
> > > when, if, why it happened.  But my relationship with Robin is less
> > > active than some others here, and a little less controversial.  Plus, my
> > > habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I
> > > may not agree with.  I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
> > > terms.  So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
> > > with it.
> > > 
> > > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with Robin,
> > > and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
> > > every right to press him on these issues.  Isn't that how it works-to
> > > give as good as you get.
> > > 
> > > It's similiar to the Ravi situation.  I worst Ravi ever got with me was
> > > to call me a "pea brained heartland retard".  It didn't much bother me,
> > > but I did lose any affection I had for the guy.  But over all, I felt
> > > that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> > > 
> > > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
> > > vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at stake,
> > > then I likely would have felt differently.
> > > 
> > > So, just wanted to pass that one.
> > > 
> > > P.S.  Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a year
> > > and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap compartment
> > > from easily opening.  A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic". 
> > > Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
> > > help alleviate the problem.  FYI.  (-:
> > >
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: I promised you a picture from the other day's shoot

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
Hey Vaj, 

Thanks for getting my CD and checking that out.  He is referring to a picture 
of me dressed in my Beatle wig at age 7 with a guitar in my hand doing my best 
Paul Mccartney imitation. It conveys the impression that I will always be an 
entertainer first and a guitarist second. Those were my Milli Vanilli days!

I'm putting together my third this Winter. 

I have fun creating the artwork for my CDs as well as the music but know my 
limits.  The cover of that CD is a scan of a cigar box guitar with wear marks 
through the paper to the wood from playing, giving me the title track, Well 
Worn Blues.  Scanning is a great way to do closeup photography. 

Thanks for the high five it inspires me to make this new one visually 
interesting with surprises too. 

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Vaj  wrote:
> On Jan 24, 2012, at 1:14 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:
> > Fantastic shots Ann, thanks for posting them. Cool to have a  
> > creative space set up for this, I dig the cloud backdrop.
> >
> > It also demonstrates your developed sense of visual communication  
> > which is an area I am weakest in.
> I do have to say: when I bought your second CD and removed the CD  
> from the spindle, I got quite a laugh from the picture hidden behind  
> the CD!
> I'd say that's great visual communication!

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread obbajeeba
LOL "can't identify with sappy ballads about witches."

Nice song contributions, turq.

Charlie who?  

: )

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> Can't identify with sappy ballads about witches. Wrong
> energy entirely. The Chris Issac song came closest to 
> capturing the mindset, his obvious tribute to Roy Orbison 
> capturing the vibe very well. Here are my contributions:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eVXqocPAz1k
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HDLLXUaqZxg
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LyWq25O2RbI
> P.S. If you need "TM content" for these musical ramblings,
> the original version of the last song was recorded in the
> music studio that lived on the bottom floor of the building
> where Charlie Lutes used to hold his weekly meetings in L.A.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> > >
> > > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > > 
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > > 
> > > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > > witch bed please?
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> > >   --its very late for me
> > > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > > .uh ... some other witches
> > > 
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > A witch!  A witch!
> > > > Rides in on the sweep.
> > > > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > > > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > > > Beware!  Beware!
> > > > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > > > The darkness screens the fallback
> > > > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > > > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > > > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > > > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > > > Poster's red.
> > > > When the quest to squash comes.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > > > FFL THE PLACE ,
> > > > > ..
> > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > > > and invite them in.
> > > > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > > > because each has been sent
> > > > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > > > or
> > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a means
> > > of
> > > > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > > general
> > > > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > > > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> > > > >
> > > > > (ibid)
> > > > >
> > > > > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having  always
> > > > > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > > > > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the FFL
> > > > > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > > > > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > > > > who violently sweep-this- house
> > > > > empty of its furniture,
> > > > > still treat each guest honorably."
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Awe.  That is cute. : )
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > >
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > FFL THE PLACE TO HEAL
> > > > > > > He came here  hurt.
> > > > > > > Loneliness--he walked through desolation
> > > > > > > To share his fellowship.
> > > > > > > Doubt--he wept through despair to seek his reality.
> > > > > > > Fear-- he wrestled through darkness
> > > > > > > To seize his freedom.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Are we send  to him to heal?.
> > > > > > > To walk with the lonely--mask?
> > > > > > > To share with him our fellowship.
> > > > > > > To weep with his despairing--
> > > > > > > Seek with him his new-old reality.
> > > > > > > Wrestle with him his/our fearfulness
> > > > > > > Seize with him our /his freedom?
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > And the Balm of FFL will flow
> > > > > > > Into the depths of his soul.
> > > > > > > It will cleanse;
> > > > > > > it will soothe;
> > > > > > > it will heal.
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > Remember
> > > > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread obbajeeba

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Alex Stanley"  
> http://youtu.be/92HjH1GG3ro
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> > >
> > > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > > 
> > > 
> > > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > > 
> > > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > > witch bed please?
> > > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> > >   --its very late for me
> > > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > > .uh ... some other witches
> > >

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: I promised you a picture from the other day's shoot

2012-01-24 Thread Vaj

On Jan 24, 2012, at 1:14 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

Fantastic shots Ann, thanks for posting them. Cool to have a  
creative space set up for this, I dig the cloud backdrop.

It also demonstrates your developed sense of visual communication  
which is an area I am weakest in.

I do have to say: when I bought your second CD and removed the CD  
from the spindle, I got quite a laugh from the picture hidden behind  
the CD!

I'd say that's great visual communication!

[FairfieldLife] Re: I promised you a picture from the other day's shoot

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
Fantastic shots Ann, thanks for posting them.  Cool to have a creative space 
set up for this, I dig the cloud backdrop.

It also demonstrates your developed sense of visual communication which is an 
area I am weakest in.  By incorporating visual art you present more of who you 
are here, in the same way I hope my music does for people who take the time to 
listen.  It makes the digital words on the page fit into a richer context.

You are the kind of person who is unselfconscious enough to wrap yourself in 
fabric and twirl under the clouded sky for your husband to shoot.  Lots of 
motion and energy,the sense that you enjoy being yourself, and you are still 
your husband's favorite model!

All cool stuff.  I hope you also share some of your own photos here so we can 
see through your eyes as well.

Art rock!  Great to see someone living with it on a casual daily basis.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater  wrote:
>  [spotlight]
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" jstein@ wrote:
> > >
> > > My TM box is in storage. Haven't looked at it since I
> > > packed it for my move to New Jersey 10 years ago. I have
> > > several boxes like that containing papers and
> > > memorabilia associated with various periods in my life.
> > > Haven't looked at them in a decade either. They'll
> > > probably sit there in storage along with furniture and
> > > books and other crap I couldn't fit into my condo
> > > apartment but might well want to get at if I ever move
> > > to a larger place. But the longer I'm here, the more I
> > > like it, so all of it will quite possibly sit in that
> > > storage unit for the rest of my life, and my sister
> > > will have to throw it out when I kick the bucket.
> >
> > I must be more sentimental about my old things.  I still visit my Dad
> in my childhood home and love to knock around and bump into memories. 
> It could be something as simple as a notch in a table associated with a
> battle with my brother or even some relic like a formaldehyde preserved
> Moray eel from the days when I had a
> > "laboratory" and imagined becoming a doctor. (I didn't anticipate
> organic chemistry in college!)  It will be very weird when I don't have
> that touchstone of continuity in my life anymore.  Every visit seems
> like a form of therapy and gives me self perspective.  But I guess the
> people in our lives who have known us throughout serve that so you don't
> need a whole house to take you there.
> >
> > Speaking of old items as regression tools, I just dug out a small
> leather traveling chess set I received when I was about 7.  I just
> started playing chess again and I knew which box of my past it was in. 
> Holding it and moving the pieces around brings me right back to the
> feelings I had learning the game in the days before video games.  I also
> found a really nice wooden travel set with bone carved figures I bought
> in India.  Two huge jumps through my past in two similar objects.  Now
> that I play almost exclusively on my Ipad against a robot, I realize how
> dead in comparison it would be to run across an old Ipad in a box,
> compared to both these beautiful little chess sets.  This is my ode to
> stuff I guess, but before I get too Andy Rooney about it all, I think
> I'd better bail!
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > >
> > > I do have a few TM-related books in my current library,
> > > most of which I never look at, but once in a while one
> > > or another of them is a useful source for a quote or
> > > info related to FFL discussions (particularly MMY's
> > > Gita and SBAL).
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
>  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > I haven't moved internationally so my perspective is different. 
> In my moves I always enjoy digging into my Maharishi box which is
> usually burried under other boxes of more likely read books after the
> move.  I have my SCI course from High School and all different eras of
> my involvement.  Reading things I wrote back then, I am reminded of my
> mindset and how differently I see things now.  In some ways it is like a
> bird visiting a cage to read the Maharishi speak ridden lines.  And then
> there is the manila envelope of correspondence from my movement
> romances.  Such idealism, so many ee cummings' poems!  Halcyon days
> thick with naiveté and a bizarre  surety about my future in the
> magical land of enlightenment.  Where streams of white chocolate ran
> into rivers of dark chocolate, and the wagging tails of puppies were
> made of licorice, and the clouds would be made of cotton candy and some
> of them would hug the ground like fog so you could reach them for a
> bite...
> > > >
> > > > I'm gunna keep on lugging that box around till I can't any longer.
> It is too easy for me to forget that guy that I was back then.  But he
> is still in here somewhere, balancing idiocy with optimism.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: The return of Dichen Lachman

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu  wrote:
> Fans of "Dollhouse" will recall Dichen and now she has a role 
> on Syfy's "Being Human" starting with season two episode two.  
> This role gives us to see a lot more of her acting chops and 
> I do have to say the second episode was much better than the 
> first for season two.  This should has some incredible writers.  
> IMDB hasn't caught up with her new role yet:
> http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1901842/

I've downloaded a bunch of these on your recommendation,
but haven't gotten to them yet. I may have a mix of the
US version and the UK (?...maybe Canadian) versions. Are
they the same, or with different casts?

[FairfieldLife] I promised you a picture from the other day's shoot

2012-01-24 Thread awoelflebater
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend" jstein@ wrote:
> >
> > My TM box is in storage. Haven't looked at it since I
> > packed it for my move to New Jersey 10 years ago. I have
> > several boxes like that containing papers and
> > memorabilia associated with various periods in my life.
> > Haven't looked at them in a decade either. They'll
> > probably sit there in storage along with furniture and
> > books and other crap I couldn't fit into my condo
> > apartment but might well want to get at if I ever move
> > to a larger place. But the longer I'm here, the more I
> > like it, so all of it will quite possibly sit in that
> > storage unit for the rest of my life, and my sister
> > will have to throw it out when I kick the bucket.
> I must be more sentimental about my old things.  I still visit my Dad
in my childhood home and love to knock around and bump into memories. 
It could be something as simple as a notch in a table associated with a
battle with my brother or even some relic like a formaldehyde preserved
Moray eel from the days when I had a
> "laboratory" and imagined becoming a doctor. (I didn't anticipate
organic chemistry in college!)  It will be very weird when I don't have
that touchstone of continuity in my life anymore.  Every visit seems
like a form of therapy and gives me self perspective.  But I guess the
people in our lives who have known us throughout serve that so you don't
need a whole house to take you there.
> Speaking of old items as regression tools, I just dug out a small
leather traveling chess set I received when I was about 7.  I just
started playing chess again and I knew which box of my past it was in. 
Holding it and moving the pieces around brings me right back to the
feelings I had learning the game in the days before video games.  I also
found a really nice wooden travel set with bone carved figures I bought
in India.  Two huge jumps through my past in two similar objects.  Now
that I play almost exclusively on my Ipad against a robot, I realize how
dead in comparison it would be to run across an old Ipad in a box,
compared to both these beautiful little chess sets.  This is my ode to
stuff I guess, but before I get too Andy Rooney about it all, I think
I'd better bail!
> >
> > I do have a few TM-related books in my current library,
> > most of which I never look at, but once in a while one
> > or another of them is a useful source for a quote or
> > info related to FFL discussions (particularly MMY's
> > Gita and SBAL).
> >
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"
> > >
> > > I haven't moved internationally so my perspective is different. 
In my moves I always enjoy digging into my Maharishi box which is
usually burried under other boxes of more likely read books after the
move.  I have my SCI course from High School and all different eras of
my involvement.  Reading things I wrote back then, I am reminded of my
mindset and how differently I see things now.  In some ways it is like a
bird visiting a cage to read the Maharishi speak ridden lines.  And then
there is the manila envelope of correspondence from my movement
romances.  Such idealism, so many ee cummings' poems!  Halcyon days
thick with naiveté and a bizarre  surety about my future in the
magical land of enlightenment.  Where streams of white chocolate ran
into rivers of dark chocolate, and the wagging tails of puppies were
made of licorice, and the clouds would be made of cotton candy and some
of them would hug the ground like fog so you could reach them for a
> > >
> > > I'm gunna keep on lugging that box around till I can't any longer.
It is too easy for me to forget that guy that I was back then.  But he
is still in here somewhere, balancing idiocy with optimism.  I don't
reject him, but I would rather put a bullet in my head than share a home
with him!
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb 
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> > > > >
> > > > > Cool, I have literally hundreds of photos from the three
> > > > > years. I was sort of the "official" photographer, especially
> > > > > of non-seminar gatherings and events. They are still in slide
> > > > > pages in the basement. I haven't looked at them in years but
> > > > > maybe one day I will convert the slides. I doubt it though.
> > > >
> > > > I like "I doubt it though."  :-)
> > > >
> > > > In my life I've moved so often that I gained -- every
> > > > time I had to move it -- a fairly realistic impression
> > > > of how much baggage from the past I was carrying around
> > > > with me from town to town. One of the things that stood
> > > > out among that baggage were boxes of memorabilia (tapes,
> > > > books, videos, photos, etc.) from my various spiritual
> > > > trips.
> > > >
> > > > The TM/Maharishi box hit the dumpster way back 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that 
> we all have very different relationships with people here.  
> Comparing how we relate to different people differently as 
> if this shows character flaws is IMO a contrived bogus 
> judgement.  And not being interested in "calling people 
> out" is a legitimate way to enjoy the place.  
> In some ways you have been played between people for speaking 
> up with your opinion.  Sometimes that has been in agreement 
> with me and sometimes you haven't agreed with me.  But I have 
> always found that if I respond to you with my POV, you at least 
> consider it, and I appreciate that about your participation here. 
> I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not have 
> your own mind about issues and swayed by the breeze.  I believe 
> you are just not as judgmental a person as some here (myself 
> included) and that openness is reflected in your responses in 
> the moment.  It seems like a good quality to me and not 
> something you deserve to be shamed for.

Count me in for a big "Me, too" on this one. You have 
disagreed with me plenty on this forum (as is your right),
but I have never once felt that heavy hate vibe I feel
from some others. I think you are wise to consider each
new insight on a subject AS new, and thus an opportunity
to re-evaluate everything that went before.

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> >
> > 
> > 
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > > the direction of that context.
> > >
> > I've been thinking about this.  (and I had to come home for the
> > dishwasher repairman)
> > 
> > Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> > contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> > 
> > For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking and
> > when, if, why it happened.  But my relationship with Robin is less
> > active than some others here, and a little less controversial.  Plus, my
> > habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I
> > may not agree with.  I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
> > terms.  So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
> > with it.
> > 
> > But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with Robin,
> > and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
> > every right to press him on these issues.  Isn't that how it works-to
> > give as good as you get.
> > 
> > It's similiar to the Ravi situation.  I worst Ravi ever got with me was
> > to call me a "pea brained heartland retard".  It didn't much bother me,
> > but I did lose any affection I had for the guy.  But over all, I felt
> > that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> > 
> > But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
> > vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at stake,
> > then I likely would have felt differently.
> > 
> > So, just wanted to pass that one.
> > 
> > P.S.  Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a year
> > and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap compartment
> > from easily opening.  A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic". 
> > Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
> > help alleviate the problem.  FYI.  (-:
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
Can't identify with sappy ballads about witches. Wrong
energy entirely. The Chris Issac song came closest to 
capturing the mindset, his obvious tribute to Roy Orbison 
capturing the vibe very well. Here are my contributions:




P.S. If you need "TM content" for these musical ramblings,
the original version of the last song was recorded in the
music studio that lived on the bottom floor of the building
where Charlie Lutes used to hold his weekly meetings in L.A.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> >
> > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > 
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > 
> > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > witch bed please?
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> >   --its very late for me
> > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > .uh ... some other witches
> > 
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > A witch!  A witch!
> > > Rides in on the sweep.
> > > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > > Beware!  Beware!
> > > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > > The darkness screens the fallback
> > > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > > Poster's red.
> > > When the quest to squash comes.
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > > FFL THE PLACE ,
> > > > ..
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > > and invite them in.
> > > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > > because each has been sent
> > > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > > or
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a means
> > of
> > > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > general
> > > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> > > >
> > > > (ibid)
> > > >
> > > > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having  always
> > > > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > > > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the FFL
> > > > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > > > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > > > who violently sweep-this- house
> > > > empty of its furniture,
> > > > still treat each guest honorably."
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > Awe.  That is cute. : )
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > He came here  hurt.
> > > > > > Loneliness--he walked through desolation
> > > > > > To share his fellowship.
> > > > > > Doubt--he wept through despair to seek his reality.
> > > > > > Fear-- he wrestled through darkness
> > > > > > To seize his freedom.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Are we send  to him to heal?.
> > > > > > To walk with the lonely--mask?
> > > > > > To share with him our fellowship.
> > > > > > To weep with his despairing--
> > > > > > Seek with him his new-old reality.
> > > > > > Wrestle with him his/our fearfulness
> > > > > > Seize with him our /his freedom?
> > > > > >
> > > > > > And the Balm of FFL will flow
> > > > > > Into the depths of his soul.
> > > > > > It will cleanse;
> > > > > > it will soothe;
> > > > > > it will heal.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Remember
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  Hello darkness, my old friend
> > > > > >
> > > > > >  I've come to talk with you again.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom.
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Whoever  and where-ever you are, no matter how lonely, the
> > reality
> > > > > > offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild
> > geese,
> > > > > > harsh and exciting--
> > > > > >   over and over announcing your place in the family of thing

[FairfieldLife] Oprah’s Indian Fascination and Discussion on India as an “Exotic Interest”

2012-01-24 Thread nablusoss1008
Oprah's Indian Fascination and Discussion on India as an "Exotic
Interest" January 23, 2012 By admin

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Oprah Winfrey went to the Jaipur Literary Fest and had something
interesting to share about her experience
  in India.  As interesting
as it is, I wish India wasn't addressed as if it was some kind of an
exotic bird or an animal.  Whenever someone from outside of India –
specially West – comes over, s/he finds there is an energy, that is
missing in other places and so comes out with interesting comments –
either out of political correctness (if s/he cannot really come to
grips) or out exasperation (can't fathom what hit him/her) or out of
fascination (haven't seen such a order in chaos before).

* "I came here with an open mind, and it has been expanded…
It's the greatest life experience I have ever had,"
* "You feel like you're in the centre of something bigger and
greater than yourself."
* "It's like being in a video game. I don't know which
way to look,"

The fascination for India is also in many ways like the fascination with
Indian Spirituality or Hinduism.  Many seem to like Yoga.  They know
Yoga works.  They know modern science despite all the advances has not
created anything like Yoga.  Or even close.  They like the talk of
Chakras – of course the scientific community doesn't like this
"hocus-pocus", but that is like saying Mercedes is the best car,
but I hate the parts of Mercedes so I will use the parts of Ford but
want a Mercedes.

So, beyond the talk of Chakras – in the new Age circles – there
is little seriousness to the Spiritual pursuits.  Don't get me
wrong, there are some from West who really are serious, but that number
is very less given the numbers of those who flock to such spiritual

Spirituality and India is NOT "Interestingly Exotic".  Unless it
becomes a new paradigm for people to live life, the world will keep
going downhill.

Let me explain.

India's Spirituality, most of it is what is known as Hinduism, is
based on Diversity built on Unity.  Once the foundational unity of
Creation and Creator was understood and realized – that each atom
and each microinch is ONE – then it was ok to have diverse and
multitude ways to build on this foundation.  You can approach the world
the way you want, when you know that the foundation is strong, real,
proven, realized and eternal.

On the other hand, Western Religious pursuits have been the opposite. 
They have built Unity to replace the Diversity.  There were numerously
different beliefs and paths in Europe 2000 years back.  But on that
Diversity of people's thinking, a forcible cloak was put.  Of one
religion and one ideology.  Such that it is not about pursuing the path
yourself, but of adhering to this sense of Unity, which was to replace
the diversity inherent in human mind.  By deceit, by money, by sword, by
lure, somehow – those with power and passion – made sure that
Diversity of human kind gave into Unity of a certain authority.  That is
why West keeps looking for structure in everything.  Things get fluid
and they are looked at with exasperation, fascination or as exotic.

The reason why India (and indeed Indians) can handle chaos and work with
it in calmness – as it was a neat structure – is because of the
inherent spiritual foundation – which has thrived on unleashing
infinite Diversity of Divinities (as per one's taste) – on the
foundation of ONE Eternal Divine.  It is easy to handle.

But more importantly, that is the Truth of this Creation as well.  As
scientists are discovering.

Unless there is a serious understanding of this substantive ethos of
India, people from outside will keep on treating India, Spirituality,
and culture as an exotic animal… little realizing that they can
actually benefit from internalizing this instead of standing
"apart" and being distantly interested and fascinated.


[FairfieldLife] Music and Light

2012-01-24 Thread awoelflebater

[FairfieldLife] "Tales from the Golden Age" on NF WI

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
I'm about halfway through this delightful comedy about life in 1980's 
Romania under Ceausescu.  It pokes fun at life in a bureaucratically 
obsessed communist country.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
To Robin, it may all be a moot point but I wanted to give you an answer in case 
you are lurking still.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, maskedzebra  wrote:
> I think you have me very wrong here, Curtis. I must leave it at that. 

Fair enough, I can relate to this combination of feeling misunderstood but not 
wanting to engage.

I wouldn't call it a desire for unmasking concealed purposes. I was calling it 
as I saw it and inviting you to respond. Vaj didn't deserve being accused of 
being a liar for bringing up something you have now admitted, all parsing of 
the details of when and where aside.  

< But I will enter into my last moments of my life here certain that I have not 
been mistaken in my assessment of this post of yours. You are unstoppable, and 
that is good enough for me. You can't help yourself. And hey! for all I know 
you might be dead right about me and my motives and the real purport of my 
letter to Barry.>

I didn't intend motives to be the main topic, I was more interested in your 
acknowledging that Vaj had gotten a bad rap from you concerning these events, 
now admitted, but previously denied. I am not sure what I need to help myself 
for?  It was a letter to all of us,not only Barry.  

< At some point with you, Curtis, one must just say: "OK, Curtis. I will give 
way to you. Go for it." Meanwhile I feel in my soul that you are so very far 
off the mark as to make it almost impossible even to express and explain this. 
It is just there, Curtis; this conviction I have that you refuse to understand 
me the way I really am. For me to say anything at this point will only deepen 
the mystery of this prolonged disagreement we have about what is real, what is 
honest, what is innocent, what is true. For the time being, I am willing to let 
you appropriate, through this last post, the high ground concerning these 

Hey I would be the last person to try to impose on you some contrived moral 
obligation to answer my post in detail Robin.  Perhaps you  now can understand 
my lack of interest in going point by point with your 5 pager.  We all pick our 
interests to pursue here and you are certainly welcome to yours.  I have not 
interest in assuming "high ground" whatever that means.  We're just talk'n here.

This place works for me as long as we all have the choice to use it as suits us 
best.  And if this hinting of your FFL demise is true this time,you have my 
email address, and if in time the weight of remembering our interactions swings 
back to the more charitable, you are welcome to contact me. You are always 
worth the read.

In my experience, once you have found how to use the place to reflect thought, 
it can come back to being useful again after whatever break you need.  I 
wouldn't throw away your mansion club key if I were you, the grotto often 
renews its appeal in time.   

> Robin

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "curtisdeltablues"  
> wrote:
> >
> > Since Vaj is being a pretty good sport about this I will speak up for him 
> > and say that he wouldn't be out of line in doing a Snoopy's I-told-you-so 
> > dance on this one.  What Ann may not be aware of about the dynamics of the 
> > place is that the Robin hitting people issue wasn't really about Robin 
> > hitting people.  It was being used as a tool by some here to impeach Vaj's 
> > credibility.  And it was Robin who, through a convoluted process of 
> > reasoning I will get to below, was one of the biggest enthusiasts of this 
> > POV, knowing all the while that he was bullshitting us all. 
> > 
> > Here are a few problems I see in this whole deal.  Vaj's perspective on 
> > this has been misrepresented in Robin's mea culpa to allow for the 
> > equivocation room that I suspect is not really flying even for those who 
> > would rather die than admit that Vaj has been vindicated here.  Since I've 
> > endured pages of Robin's accusations that I am being subtly deceptive on 
> > this board I'm gunna spell this out as I see it. 
> > 
> > Vaj said there was a video of Robin hitting someone.
> > 
> > Robin said this video was impossible and watched as others piled on Vaj to 
> > use this as an example of a lie he had been caught in.
> > 
> > Robin encouraged this POV.
> > 
> > Someone showed up who could corroborate the story.
> > 
> > Before she could, Robin came clean. But still is attempting to evade an 
> > owed apology to Vaj who he let hang out to dry, knowing full well there was 
> > bullshittery in play.
> > 
> > And I get it that the fans of the careful parsing will delight in the 
> > distinction between when the hitting took place and that perhaps Robin was 
> > technically not boldfaced lying in a Clintonesque "I never had sex with 
> > that woman" but was at the very least involved in the statements that 
> > followed that Monica was deranged. 
> > 
> > So why the slick Willy routine Robin?  There is plenty of compassion here 
> > for weird shit we all did in our past

[FairfieldLife] The return of Dichen Lachman

2012-01-24 Thread Bhairitu
Fans of "Dollhouse" will recall Dichen and now she has a role on Syfy's 
"Being Human" starting with season two episode two.  This role gives us 
to see a lot more of her acting chops and I do have to say the second 
episode was much better than the first for season two.  This should has 
some incredible writers.  IMDB hasn't caught up with her new role yet:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread awoelflebater
Steve, I think you are a genuinely nice man. And pretty funny at times. Glad 
you got that dishwasher sorted out.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > the direction of that context.
> >
> I've been thinking about this.  (and I had to come home for the
> dishwasher repairman)
> Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking and
> when, if, why it happened.  But my relationship with Robin is less
> active than some others here, and a little less controversial.  Plus, my
> habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I
> may not agree with.  I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
> terms.  So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
> with it.
> But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with Robin,
> and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
> every right to press him on these issues.  Isn't that how it works-to
> give as good as you get.
> It's similiar to the Ravi situation.  I worst Ravi ever got with me was
> to call me a "pea brained heartland retard".  It didn't much bother me,
> but I did lose any affection I had for the guy.  But over all, I felt
> that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
> vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at stake,
> then I likely would have felt differently.
> So, just wanted to pass that one.
> P.S.  Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a year
> and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap compartment
> from easily opening.  A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic". 
> Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
> help alleviate the problem.  FYI.  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread curtisdeltablues
I appreciate that Steve. I think you articulated well that we all have very 
different relationships with people here.  Comparing how we relate to different 
people differently as if this shows character flaws is IMO a contrived bogus 
judgement.  And not being interested in "calling people out" is a legitimate 
way to enjoy the place.  

In some ways you have been played between people for speaking up with your 
opinion.  Sometimes that has been in agreement with me and sometimes you 
haven't agreed with me.  But I have always found that if I respond to you with 
my POV, you at least consider it, and I appreciate that about your 
participation here. 

I don't buy Judy's critique which makes you appear to not have your own mind 
about issues and swayed by the breeze.  I believe you are just not as 
judgmental a person as some here (myself included) and that openness is 
reflected in your responses in the moment.  It seems like a good quality to me 
and not something you deserve to be shamed for.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "seventhray1"  wrote:
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > > the direction of that context.
> >
> I've been thinking about this.  (and I had to come home for the
> dishwasher repairman)
> Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
> contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.
> For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking and
> when, if, why it happened.  But my relationship with Robin is less
> active than some others here, and a little less controversial.  Plus, my
> habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I
> may not agree with.  I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
> terms.  So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
> with it.
> But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with Robin,
> and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
> every right to press him on these issues.  Isn't that how it works-to
> give as good as you get.
> It's similiar to the Ravi situation.  I worst Ravi ever got with me was
> to call me a "pea brained heartland retard".  It didn't much bother me,
> but I did lose any affection I had for the guy.  But over all, I felt
> that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.
> But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
> vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at stake,
> then I likely would have felt differently.
> So, just wanted to pass that one.
> P.S.  Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a year
> and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap compartment
> from easily opening.  A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic". 
> Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
> help alleviate the problem.  FYI.  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread Alex Stanley

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZaMHhP5bG7k
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Uw4V5yt1-w
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> >
> > as you witch  [:D]   in red
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> > 
> > 
> > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> > 
> > thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> > witch bed please?
> > http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
> >   --its very late for me
> > too many firecrackers to see the moon
> > Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> > .uh ... some other witches
> > 

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread obbajeeba


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> as you witch  [:D]   in red
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qYPoEGAttB8
> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VbLz2DcxZEQ&feature=endscreen
> thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
> witch bed please?
> http://groups.yahoo.com/group/FairfieldLife/message/290015
>   --its very late for me
> too many firecrackers to see the moon
> Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
> .uh ... some other witches
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> >
> > A witch!  A witch!
> > Rides in on the sweep.
> > The moon gazes silhouette phases
> > last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> > Beware!  Beware!
> > Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> > The darkness screens the fallback
> > as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> > Who's who? Ask not why.
> > The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> > Could just make a visitors bed.
> > Poster's red.
> > When the quest to squash comes.
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > >
> > > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > > ..
> > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > > meet them at the door laughing,
> > > and invite them in.
> > > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > > because each has been sent
> > > as a guide from beyond."
> > > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > > or
> > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a means
> of
> > > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> general
> > > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> > >
> > >
> > > "This being human is a guest house
> > > Every morning a new arrival.
> > > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > > some momentary awareness comes
> > > as an unexpected visitor.
> > > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> > >
> > > (ibid)
> > >
> > > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having  always
> > > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the FFL
> > > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > > who violently sweep-this- house
> > > empty of its furniture,
> > > still treat each guest honorably."
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > > >
> > > > Awe.  That is cute. : )
> > > >
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > He came here  hurt.
> > > > > Loneliness--he walked through desolation
> > > > > To share his fellowship.
> > > > > Doubt--he wept through despair to seek his reality.
> > > > > Fear-- he wrestled through darkness
> > > > > To seize his freedom.
> > > > >
> > > > > Are we send  to him to heal?.
> > > > > To walk with the lonely--mask?
> > > > > To share with him our fellowship.
> > > > > To weep with his despairing--
> > > > > Seek with him his new-old reality.
> > > > > Wrestle with him his/our fearfulness
> > > > > Seize with him our /his freedom?
> > > > >
> > > > > And the Balm of FFL will flow
> > > > > Into the depths of his soul.
> > > > > It will cleanse;
> > > > > it will soothe;
> > > > > it will heal.
> > > > >
> > > > > Remember
> > > > >
> > > > >  Hello darkness, my old friend
> > > > >
> > > > >  I've come to talk with you again.
> > > > >
> > > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom.
> > > > >
> > > > > Whoever  and where-ever you are, no matter how lonely, the
> reality
> > > > > offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild
> geese,
> > > > > harsh and exciting--
> > > > >   over and over announcing your place in the family of things.
> > > > >
> > > > >
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > The operative words here are "stability" and "simplicity".
> Having
> > > made
> > > > > the odyssey Robin has and still, apparently, is, coming back to
> the
> > > > > beginning does not imply some sort of having gone nowhere. Lots
> of
> > > us
> > > > > come out of the womb better than we are twenty years subsequent
> to
> > > our
> > > > > birth. All those mistakes, those transgressions, those
> trespasses
> > > are
> > > > > what we are all guilty of and finding our way back to an
> innocence,
> > > a
> > > > > deeper simplicity is very hard in my experience. It is not a
> sign of
> > > > > stasis but a real of success after negotiating the land mines of
> > > just
> > > > > living.
> > > > > >
> snip
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
as you witch  [:D]   in red



thanks the bed made just in time - may i ?
witch bed please?
  --its very late for me
too many firecrackers to see the moon
Do  you think we may ask MZ ROB  to watch the door against some
.uh ... some other witches

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> A witch!  A witch!
> Rides in on the sweep.
> The moon gazes silhouette phases
> last on the sweeping broom across the sky!
> Beware!  Beware!
> Saintly masks and silicone rap.
> The darkness screens the fallback
> as questions lurk, the lurking mind.
> Who's who? Ask not why.
> The trail leads in the sky and hangs from a thread.
> Could just make a visitors bed.
> Poster's red.
> When the quest to squash comes.
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > thanks  forget/lost  this addition:
> > ..
> > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom and
> > "..may be clearing you out for some new delight.
> > The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
> > meet them at the door laughing,
> > and invite them in.
> > Be grateful for whoever comes,
> > because each has been sent
> > as a guide from beyond."
> > (Mowlana Jalaluddin Rumi )
> > or
> > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom giving you a means
> > "other kind of "flying we may give each other, no " enlightened
> > switch", but may be a candle of light to see each other faces
> >
> >
> > "This being human is a guest house
> > Every morning a new arrival.
> > A joy, a depression, a meanness,
> > some momentary awareness comes
> > as an unexpected visitor.
> > Welcome and entertain them all!"
> >
> > (ibid)
> >
> > sorry ,my oja oja maintaining my purusha [:D]  [:x] , having  always
> > trouble finding post follow ups but
> > trying to find a romantic room  and cosy fireplace here at the FFL
> > GUESTHOUSE for you  to stay
> > "Even if they are a crowd of sorrows,
> > who violently sweep-this- house
> > empty of its furniture,
> > still treat each guest honorably."
> >
> >
> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> > >
> > > Awe.  That is cute. : )
> > >
> > >
> > >
> > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> > > >
> > > > He came here  hurt.
> > > > Loneliness--he walked through desolation
> > > > To share his fellowship.
> > > > Doubt--he wept through despair to seek his reality.
> > > > Fear-- he wrestled through darkness
> > > > To seize his freedom.
> > > >
> > > > Are we send  to him to heal?.
> > > > To walk with the lonely--mask?
> > > > To share with him our fellowship.
> > > > To weep with his despairing--
> > > > Seek with him his new-old reality.
> > > > Wrestle with him his/our fearfulness
> > > > Seize with him our /his freedom?
> > > >
> > > > And the Balm of FFL will flow
> > > > Into the depths of his soul.
> > > > It will cleanse;
> > > > it will soothe;
> > > > it will heal.
> > > >
> > > > Remember
> > > >
> > > >  Hello darkness, my old friend
> > > >
> > > >  I've come to talk with you again.
> > > >
> > > > But now You are picturing "Darkness" with a broom.
> > > >
> > > > Whoever  and where-ever you are, no matter how lonely, the
> > > > offers itself to your imagination, calls to you like the wild
> > > > harsh and exciting--
> > > >   over and over announcing your place in the family of things.
> > > >
> > > >
> > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, awoelflebater 
> > > > wrote:
> > > > >
> > > > > The operative words here are "stability" and "simplicity".
> > made
> > > > the odyssey Robin has and still, apparently, is, coming back to
> > > > beginning does not imply some sort of having gone nowhere. Lots
> > us
> > > > come out of the womb better than we are twenty years subsequent
> > our
> > > > birth. All those mistakes, those transgressions, those
> > are
> > > > what we are all guilty of and finding our way back to an
> > a
> > > > deeper simplicity is very hard in my experience. It is not a
sign of
> > > > stasis but a real of success after negotiating the land mines of
> > just
> > > > living.
> > > > >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Two balls, one strike, no hits (and a run)

2012-01-24 Thread seventhray1

> > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "authfriend"  wrote:
> > > And Steve, predictably, goes with whatever context he's
> > > read most recently, especially if he senses a trend in
> > > the direction of that context.
I've been thinking about this.  (and I had to come home for the
dishwasher repairman)

Regarding this most instance with Robin, where I appear to have
contradictory opinions, I want to offer a little clarification.

For me, I found his explanations adequate, regarding his striking and
when, if, why it happened.  But my relationship with Robin is less
active than some others here, and a little less controversial.  Plus, my
habit, or modus operendi, is to not press people too much on issues I
may not agree with.  I prefer, if possible, to remain on more cordial
terms.  So, even though I found his explanation a little lame, I went
with it.

But I felt Curtis, who has had a more involved relationship with Robin,
and has been on the receiving end of many of Robin's challenges, had
every right to press him on these issues.  Isn't that how it works-to
give as good as you get.

It's similiar to the Ravi situation.  I worst Ravi ever got with me was
to call me a "pea brained heartland retard".  It didn't much bother me,
but I did lose any affection I had for the guy.  But over all, I felt
that an appropiate sanction for him would be for a time out.

But if I had been in, say, Curtis' position, where I was subject to
vicious personal attacks, where my reputation and career were at stake,
then I likely would have felt differently.

So, just wanted to pass that one.

P.S.  Evidently they removed phosphates from dishwasher cleaner a year
and half ago, which causes caking, and may prevent the soap compartment
from easily opening.  A recommended cleaner is "Dishwasher Magic". 
Also, using individual packet of dishwasher cleaner "gel caps" might
help alleviate the problem.  FYI.  (-:

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
"Alive is afoot, magic never died"!1966! had the feeling it "was"
  thank "you very very Barry" [:D]
both postings are very gracefully written and quoted reflecting "afoot
magic-ness" and the youtube links are working fine-thanks
found   on this link
his songs on the road
text on guardian link works but npr  and streaming links  not ---getting
late into  night ( Wednesday morning) again
will try it other day
Happy happy New year of the water Dragon
May I bother:Any ideas how i can find "follow ups" to my posting (except
time consuming search function) --may be some SW with feature ?
(ask that before  but didn't  get any response except a trolly sarcastic
one implying better to leave the forum)
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda no_reply@ wrote:
> >
> > Unfortunate cannot open  the tracks so may be:
> >
> > Thank you anyway (-how) [;)]  dude..
> > Are  the album titles :Amen, Show Me The Place, The Darkness.
> > Anyhow, Crazy To Love You. Come Healing, Banjo, Lullaby.
> > Different Sides, Going Home??
> > all suitable  for this post anyhow Amen
> If the first link doesn't work (it may be for Canajuns only),
> you can try NPR:
> http://www.npr.org/2012/
> Or in the UK and Europe:
> Or just look up his name and the name of the album and the
> word 'streaming' and see what you get. That's how I found
> the two links above.

[FairfieldLife] Re: How Robin Struck People-And Lied About It: An Open Letter to Barry Wright

2012-01-24 Thread nablusoss1008

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, obbajeeba  wrote:
> A witch!  A witch!

Thanks. You just posted a 19 pages long post. I quess snipping is not for 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Need is for National Yagya

2012-01-24 Thread Buck

Practically, they are still a long way from reconciling with their old 
meditators and succeeding here in Fairfield.
For instance, most people in town here likely never been to a Movement yagya or 
anything puja with the pundits even up in Vedic City.  Of course, you'd have to 
have had a current dome badge to have done that or to even git invited.  That 
of course has left the most meditators in town out.  These Raja guys have 
*stunning* HR skill sets.  Would seem they are out of touch. 

>  a worry could be that they might need to figure things out better with the 
> meditating community here before they launch themselves (and us) logistically 
> off again.  It's getting to be a pretty small circle inside there to be 
> 'letting' money on this scale from whoever is left standing.  As that David 
> movie brings up again, it is still fairly unclear where the money went before 
> while the scope of the scale of this particular project is what, potentially 
> bankrupting to all the other TM projects and programs.  
> > 
> > Om, certainly does seem this is the pet project now of the few Rajas.
> > Seems also it's kind of being foist on folks.
> > 
> > > 
> > > The TM Rajas seem mighty bent on staking the movement on this bet now.
> > > 
> > > > 
> > > > >
> > > > > Marek, I'm just a guy on the street but I can tell you this is 
> > > > > sea-changing that also looks like it comes with an under-tow.  Of 
> > > > > course, this being FairfieldLife and more essentially about Fairfield 
> > > > > and TM here, these memos should be highly noteworthy right now to 
> > > > > anybody living here in Fairfield.  
> > > > > 
> > > > > &Yes, oh I give money to them too.  I'd like to see them succeed in a 
> > > > > good way for all kinds of good reason.  I've had a lot of good 
> > > > > experience with it.
> > > > > 
> > > > > With Kind Regard,
> > > > > -Buck in FF
> > > > > 
> > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "marekreavis"  
> > > > > wrote:
> > > > > >
> > > > > > Buck, do you support this National Yagya Program yourself? Do you 
> > > > > > contribute money to it? Or are you relaying this information more 
> > > > > > tongue-in-cheek than serious?
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > ***
> > > > > > 
> > > > > > --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Buck" wrote:
> > > > > > >
> > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > We especially recommend giving
> > > > > > > on a recurring monthly basis 
> > > > > > > to perpetuate these great 
> > > > > > > blessings for the world.
> > > > > > >  
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > Today, the United States TM organization (Maharishi 
> > > > > > > > > Foundation USA), in conjunction with the Brahmananda 
> > > > > > > > > Saraswati Foundation USA, created by Maharishi in 2008 for 
> > > > > > > > > this very purpose, and in collaboration with our sister 
> > > > > > > > > organizations in India, is directly overseeing the highly 
> > > > > > > > > professional, maximally cost-efficient management of this new 
> > > > > > > > > National Yagya Program to ensure its maximum effectiveness in 
> > > > > > > > > every respect.
> > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > We urge you to give as
> > > > > > > > generously as possible. 
> > > > > > > >
> > > > 
> > > > Om, the "We",
> > > > Who is "we" Kimosabe?
> > > > The Meditating community?
> > > > I'm Not necessarily seeing or hearing much in the community about this 
> > > > nor 
> > > > a lot of support for this project of sending money to India in asking 
> > > > around the community here.
> > > >  
> > > > 
> > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > Maharishi personally engineered this most powerful 
> > > > > > > > > > application of Yagya to produce the largest possible impact 
> > > > > > > > > > on an entire nation. Maharishi trained tens of thousands of 
> > > > > > > > > > Vedic Pandits in order to achieve these massive results, 
> > > > > > > > > > and he built a beautiful campus at the Brahmasthan of India 
> > > > > > > > > > to accommodate these Vedic Pandits in perfect Vastu (Vedic 
> > > > > > > > > > architecture). This campus is continuing to expand rapidly 
> > > > > > > > > > today under the dynamic leadership of Dr. Girish Varma, 
> > > > > > > > > > Raja Harris Kaplan, and other great leaders of our Indian 
> > > > > > > > > > movement.
> > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > These National Yagyas continue over many days or even 
> > > > > > > > > > > weeks, depending on the size of the desired effect and 
> > > > > > > > > > > the magnitude of the problem being averted or defused,
> > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > >
> > > > > > > > > > > > 
> > > > > > > > > > > > Maharishi's National Yagya Program is a powerful 
> > > > > > > > > > > > application of the technology of Yagya on a national 
> > > > > > > > > > > > scale to prevent problems and improve the fortune of an 
> > > > > > > > > > > > entire nation. National Yagyas involve especially la

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> Unfortunate cannot open  the tracks so may be:
> Thank you anyway (-how) [;)]  dude..
> Are  the album titles :Amen, Show Me The Place, The Darkness. 
> Anyhow, Crazy To Love You. Come Healing, Banjo, Lullaby. 
> Different Sides, Going Home??
> all suitable  for this post anyhow Amen

If the first link doesn't work (it may be for Canajuns only),
you can try NPR:


Or in the UK and Europe: 


Or just look up his name and the name of the album and the
word 'streaming' and see what you get. That's how I found
the two links above.

[FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife

2012-01-24 Thread Buck

Friends, pray do not let non-meditation come between you and our spiritual 
life, that would be a sin.  Come to meditation. 
> Morning group meditation starts in half an hour.
> >
> > "Take the program and enjoy totality of life.
> > 
> > Totality of life, by the grace of the Creator of life, is infinity—nothing 
> > finite—everything enormously fulfilling at all times."
> > 
> > —Maharishi
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, merudanda  wrote:
> Canada the land  the place  of enlightened fallen saints. [:D]
> God is afoot and magic is alive

LOL. I even get that. :-) It's the pivotal rant from 
Leonard's novel "Beautiful Losers," and as wonderful
now as it was when he wrote it in 1966. Here is Leonard 
reciting it, followed by Buffy Saint-Marie singing it,
followed by the lyrics, followed by more comments...



God is alive, magic is afoot
God is alive, magic is afoot
God is alive, magic is afoot
God is afoot, magic is alive
Alive is afoot, magic never died
God never sickened
Many poor men lied
Many sick men lied
Magic never weakened
Magic never hid
Magic always ruled
God is afoot, God never died
God was ruler
Though his funeral lengthened
Though his mourners thickened
Magic never fled
Though his shrouds were hoisted
The naked God did live
Though his words were twisted
The naked magic thrived
Though his death was published
Round and round the world
The heart did not believe

Many hurt men wondered
Many struck men bled
Magic never faltered
Magic always lead
Many stones were rolled
But God would not lie down
Many wild men lied
Many fat men listened
Though they offered stones
Magic still was fed
Though they locked their coffers
God was always served
Magic is afoot, God is alive
Alive is afoot

Alive is in command
Many weak men hungered
Many strong men thrived
Though they boast of solitude
God was at their side
Find more similar lyrics on http://mp3lyrics.com/4VOHNor the dreamer in his cell
Nor the captain on the hill
Magic is alive
Though his death was pardoned
Round and round the world
The heart would not believe

Though laws were carved in marble
They could not shelter men
Though altars built in parliaments
They could not order men
Police arrested magic and
magic went with them
M for magic loves the hungry
But magic would not tarry
It moves from arm to arm
It would not stay with them
Magic is afoot
It cannot come to harm
It rests in an empty palm
It spawns in an empty mind
But magic is no instrument
Magic is the end
Many men drove magic
But magic stayed behind
Many strong men lied
They only passed through magic
And out the other side
Many weak men lied
They came to God in secret
And though they left Him nourished
They would not tell who healed
Though mountains danced before them
They said that God was dead
Though his shrouds were hoisted
The naked God did live
This I mean to whisper to my mind
This I mean to laugh within my mind
This I mean my mind to serve
Til' service is but magic
Moving through the world
And mind itself is magic
Coursing through the flesh
And flesh itself is magic
Dancing on a clock
And time itself
The magic length of God

> He just coins phrases relating to fallen saints, love, lust , 
> suffering, and "the glory of the word"...mmmh
> Unfortunate cannot open the tracks so may be:
> "Show me the place, where you want your slave to go
> Show me the place, I've forgotten I don't know
> Show me the place where my head is bend and low
> Show me the place, where you want your slave to go
> Show me the place, help me roll away the stone
> Show me the place, I can't move this thing alone
> Show me the place where the word became a man
> Show me the place where the suffering began"
> Thank you anyway (-how) [;)]  dude..
> Are the album titles :Amen, Show Me The Place, The Darkness. 
> Anyhow, Crazy  To Love You. Come Healing, Banjo, Lullaby. 
> Different Sides, Going Home??
> all suitable  for this post anyhow Amen

I'm actually in Amsterdam on business (I don't really
live here, even though some seem to think so), so I
haven't had a chance to hear it yet. Later tonight.

> BTW Read a news story about how Mr. Cohen's accountant run off 
> with all of his money, retirement fund. Is  he broke?

He was. Totally. The worst thing is that for many decades
he actually considered this accountant his personal friend.
I think he's a little more flush with cash now, as the 
result of his latest album before this one, and some 
aggressive touring...at age 77.

> Given his practices as a Buddhist monk, I doubt that he aspires 
> to live like a spoiled brat in five-star hotels. [:D]

More like the Chelsea Hotel, with Janis Joplin going
down on him. :-) This is an in joke for those who know
his music.

> I love to speak with Leonard
> He's a sportsman and a shepherd
> He's a lazy bastard
>   [;)]
> Living in a suit

But still living. Can't fault that. 

> --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> >
> > For those who are fans of Canada's most famous Jewish
> > Zen monk-poet, his new album "Old Ideas" is streaming
> > now from the following address, a week before its
> > official release.
> >
> >
> http://wehavenofriends.ca/2012/01/listen-to-leonard-cohens-old-ideas.htm\
> l
> >

[FairfieldLife] Re: FairfieldLife

2012-01-24 Thread Buck
Morning group meditation starts in half an hour.

> "Take the program and enjoy totality of life.
> Totality of life, by the grace of the Creator of life, is infinity—nothing 
> finite—everything enormously fulfilling at all times."
> —Maharishi

[FairfieldLife] FairfieldLife

2012-01-24 Thread Buck
"Take the program and enjoy totality of life.

Totality of life, by the grace of the Creator of life, is infinity—nothing 
finite—everything enormously fulfilling at all times."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
Canada the land  the place  of enlightened fallen saints. [:D]
God is afoot and magic is alive
He just coins phrases relating to fallen saints, love, lust , suffering,
and "the glory of the word"...mmmh
Unfortunate cannot open  the tracks so may be:

"Show me the place, where you want your slave to go
Show me the place, I've forgotten I don't know
Show me the place where my head is bend and low
Show me the place, where you want your slave to go

Show me the place, help me roll away the stone
Show me the place, I can't move this thing alone
Show me the place where the word became a man
Show me the place where the suffering began"

Thank you anyway (-how) [;)]  dude..
Are  the album titles :Amen, Show Me The Place, The Darkness. Anyhow,
Crazy  To Love You. Come Healing, Banjo, Lullaby. Different Sides, Going
all suitable  for this post anyhow Amen

BTW Read a news story about how Mr. Cohen's accountant run off with all
of his money, retirement fund. Is  he broke?
Given his practices as a Buddhist monk, I doubt that he aspires to live
like a spoiled brat in five-star hotels. [:D]

I love to speak with Leonard

He's a sportsman and a shepherd

He's a lazy bastard
Living in a suit
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> For those who are fans of Canada's most famous Jewish
> Zen monk-poet, his new album "Old Ideas" is streaming
> now from the following address, a week before its
> official release.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
Canada the land  the place  of enlightened fallen saints. [:D]
God is afoot and magic is alive
He just coins phrases relating to fallen saints, love, lust , suffering,
and the glory of the word...mmmh
Unfortunate cannot open  the tracks so may be:

"Show me the place, where you want your slave to go
Show me the place, I've forgotten I don't know
Show me the place where my head is bend and low
Show me the place, where you want your slave to go

Show me the place, help me roll away the stone
Show me the place, I can't move this thing alone
Show me the place where the word became a man
Show me the place where the suffering began"

Thank you anyway -how dude..
Are the album titles :Amen, Show Me The Place, The Darkness. Anyhow,
Crazy To Love You. Come Healing, Banjo, Lullaby. Different Sides, Going
all suitable  for this post anyhow Amen

BTW Read a news story about how Mr. Cohen's accountant run off with all
of his money, retirement fund. Is  he broke?
Given his practices as a Buddhist monk, I doubt that he aspires to live
like a spoiled brat in five-star hotels. [:D]

I love to speak with Leonard

He's a sportsman and a shepherd

He's a lazy bastard
Living in a suit
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> For those who are fans of Canada's most famous Jewish
> Zen monk-poet, his new album "Old Ideas" is streaming
> now from the following address, a week before its
> official release.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread merudanda
Canada the land  the place  of enlightened fallen saints.. [:D] God is
afoot and magic is alive
He just coins phrases relating to fallen saints, love, lust , suffering,
and the glory of the word
Unfortunate cannot open  the track ..so may be:
"Show me the place, where you want your slave to go
Show me the place, I've forgotten I don't know
Show me the place where my head is bend and low
Show me the place, where you want your slave to go

Show me the place, help me roll away the stone
Show me the place, I can't move this thing alone
Show me the place where the word became a man
Show me the place where the suffering began"

Thank you anyway dude..
Are the album titles :Amen, Show Me The Place, The Darkness. Anyhow,
Crazy To Love You. Come Healing, Banjo, Lullaby. Different Sides, Going
all suitable  for this post anyhow Amen

BTW Read a news story about how Mr. Cohen's accountant run off with all
of his money, retirement fund. Is  he broke?
Given his practices as a Buddhist monk, I doubt that he aspires to live
like a spoiled brat in five-star hotels.

I love to speak with Leonard

He's a sportsman and a shepherd

He's a lazy bastard

Living in a suit

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb  wrote:
> For those who are fans of Canada's most famous Jewish
> Zen monk-poet, his new album "Old Ideas" is streaming
> now from the following address, a week before its
> official release.

[FairfieldLife] Leonard Cohen's new album streaming now

2012-01-24 Thread turquoiseb
For those who are fans of Canada's most famous Jewish
Zen monk-poet, his new album "Old Ideas" is streaming
now from the following address, a week before its
official release. 
