Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

2014-03-20 Thread TurquoiseBee
Just following up on your apologetics, Lawson, if you persist in saying that 
the 20+ year old pandits in America are free to make their own legal decisions, 
I suggest that you are ignoring two important issues:

1. Many of them have been "in the program" and behind barbed wire since they 
were minors as young as 8, and thus incapable of making any legal decisions 
about whether they want to be there or not. Yes, they had to be at least 20 to 
sign the TMO slave contracts for the US, but they were too young to legally 
agree before that. After having been indoctrinated in TM compounds for ten 
years or more, it's understandable that many of them can no longer imagine any 
other life, and thus signed whatever was put in front of them for the prospect 
of a few more rupees and a few more bowls of curry per day.

2. You completely ignore the influence of family on these poor guys. I've 
worked with many Indian programmers over the years, and have seen at least two 
dozen of them *forced* by their parents to return to India and marry some woman 
they'd never met. Yes, "arranged marriages" are still the norm. When asked by 
me WHY they'd submit to this, they all replied the same: "Family." Their 
families would disown them if they ever did something they weren't told to do, 
which in India carries as much of a social stigma as it does in Japan. The 
pandit boys are *trapped* in their positions, unable to leave them because to 
do so would make them social outcasts for the rest of their lives. 

Now back to the money. You've talked about how much John Hagelin makes to be a 
shill for the TM movement. How much do YOU make to "argue on the Internet" 
incessantly and be pretty much a full-time apologist for the TM movement? 
Doesn't it ever occur to you that you're as brainwashed as the pandit boys?

 From: TurquoiseBee 
To: ""  
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:27 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

Meanwhile you're still lying about the pandits, and pretending that they get 
paid $200 per month. They do not. They get paid $50 a month, with the other 
$150 going to the parents who sold them into this program in the first place. 
They never see a penny of it. Therefore they are paid $1.66 per day, not $6.60 
as you claim. 

Meanwhile, by your own figures below, John Hagelin is paid $438 per day.

 From: "" 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:16 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

John Haglein is now "Raja" John Hagelin, in charge of the TMO for North America.

I was arguing with someone in about TM finances and looked at the 
IRS form 990 records for various TM-related organizations.

John is paid $37,000 as President of the DLF. He gets another $36,000 for 
Global Country of World Peace activities.

He gets $87,000 as Trustee and director of the Insitute for Science, etchnology 
and public policy at MUM.

By far, he's the highest-paid TMer in North America. I haven't looked into what 
he is paid or not as Raja -usually that is a non-compensated position, as you 
have to pay (or get someone to pay for you) $1 million for the post.


Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Well, in order to be able to reliably notice more subtle aspects of perceptual, 
emotional and thinking reality, you need to have some level of quietude in the 

 Otherwise, how can you tell if what you are perceiving is subtle, or just 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

2014-03-20 Thread TurquoiseBee
Meanwhile you're still lying about the pandits, and pretending that they get 
paid $200 per month. They do not. They get paid $50 a month, with the other 
$150 going to the parents who sold them into this program in the first place. 
They never see a penny of it. Therefore they are paid $1.66 per day, not $6.60 
as you claim. 

Meanwhile, by your own figures below, John Hagelin is paid $438 per day.

 From: "" 
Sent: Friday, March 21, 2014 7:16 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

John Haglein is now "Raja" John Hagelin, in charge of the TMO for North America.

I was arguing with someone in about TM finances and looked at the 
IRS form 990 records for various TM-related organizations.

John is paid $37,000 as President of the DLF. He gets another $36,000 for 
Global Country of World Peace activities.

He gets $87,000 as Trustee and director of the Insitute for Science, etchnology 
and public policy at MUM.

By far, he's the highest-paid TMer in North America. I haven't looked into what 
he is paid or not as Raja -usually that is a non-compensated position, as you 
have to pay (or get someone to pay for you) $1 million for the post.


[FairfieldLife] Re: JAMA on meditation

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
A few nits with that eview: 

 1) it only examined clinical populations, so the effect of meditation on 
stress levels on normal people was not evaluated

 2) it only looked at psychological test results, with one exception: weight 
loss, which no meditation practice affected in clinical populations.

 Because of the odd way that the review was done, a study by Richard Schneider, 
which found significant reductions in measures of stress like hypertension, 
death from stroke, etc., was counted as "no effect" because the psychological 
test on subjects revealed that they were low anxiety at the start, and remained 
low anxiety at the end.

 0 - 0 = 0, and therefore the study found "no effect" on stress.

 David Orme-Johnson then submitted TM 35 studies that weren't included that he 
said met their criteria, but the authors responded that they didn't effect the 
results in any substantial way. I've yet to hear if he has been able to examine 
how they evaluated the 35 new studies to reach the conclusion "no significant 
change in their review."



[FairfieldLife] Re: A Hurt Community, Bevan Morris Role

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
John Haglein is now "Raja" John Hagelin, in charge of the TMO for North 

 I was arguing with someone in about TM finances and looked at the 
IRS form 990 records for various TM-related organizations.

 John is paid $37,000 as President of the DLF. He gets another $36,000 for 
Global Country of World Peace activities.

 He gets $87,000 as Trustee and director of the Insitute for Science, 
etchnology and public policy at MUM.

 By far, he's the highest-paid TMer in North America. I haven't looked into 
what he is paid or not as Raja -usually that is a non-compensated position, as 
you have to pay (or get someone to pay for you) $1 million for the post.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Is ANYONE happy with how Yahoo groups replying works?

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Depending on which button or option I used to reply, there may or may not be a 
"show history" button, or there may be an inline list of all text without a 
button, or there may be no text at all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
Current TM initiations are higher than they have been since the Merv Griffith 
days. The pprice of TM instruction has been lowered 36% for adults, and down to 
$360 for ages 10-18, and full-time college students, at least through May 31, 

 ADULTS Your course fee includes:
 Personal one-on-one instruction Lifetime follow-up and support Lifetime of benefits Initial 
payment of  $375 $240 (valid through May 31)
and 3 additional monthly payments of  $375 $240
 (Optional: one-time payment of  $1500 $960)


 FULL-TIME STUDENTS Your course fee includes:
 Personal one-on-one instruction Lifetime follow-up and support Lifetime of benefits Initial 
payment of  $187.50 $90 (valid through May 31)
and 3 additional monthly payments of  $187.50 $90
 (Optional: one-time payment of  $750 $360)

 CHILDREN UNDER 18 Your course fee includes:
 Personal one-on-one instruction Lifetime follow-up and support Lifetime of benefits Initial 
payment of  $93.75 $90 (valid through May 31)
and 3 additional monthly payments of  $93.75 $90
 (Optional: one-time payment of  $375 $360)



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread LEnglish5
$200/30 = $6.66 per day. 

 They also get room and board.

 Assuming that a minimum wage person spends about 50% of his income on room and 
board, that $200 + room and board is about 3-6x the minimum wage for someone 
living in India.


 They're not business workers living in the USA. They are religious workers, 
visiting our country under a special deal, doing a religious thing. They would 
likely be paid far less if they were back in India. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 9:01 PM, awoelflebater@... mailto:awoelflebater@... wrote:

 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 Thanks, but most of these weren't "points" but questions and you failed to 
answer one of them.

 Maybe Share's job is not to answer questions, but to question answers. 
Everyone knows they have a little demon in them - that's what causes the 
ankle-biting. That little demon inside MJ made him think Buck was trying to 
kill him. That little demon in Barry made him think he could get away with 
bullshitting Shemp McGurk about the Rama levitation event. Now I've got a 
 If it takes a chicken and a half a day and a half to lay an egg and a half, 
how long does it take a monkey with a wooden leg to fly out of my butt holding 
a dill pickle? Go figure.
 You really got Emily questioning your mental health today. Good work.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
No, I was talking to you Richard.  I was simply wondering whether or not you 
thought you might be, or might have been, susceptible to mind control, etc. as 
a willing participant who believed, at least initially, in the teacher they had 
signed on with.  Rama was a sick man, but at the time and given the context, I 
can imagine that many would have been, and did, in fact, believe in his 
message, and also, for whatever the reason, did perceive him as levitating.  
"Real" is usually in the eye of the beholder.  Ask Share.

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 6:50 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 You didn't answer my question, Richard.  We are talking about you here.

 We are talking about Barry, who claimed on FFL that he saw Rama in the 2nd 
stage of levitation, hundreds of times.
 "Rama used a variety of so-called mind-control techniques to seduce his 
disciples. He had his subjects stare at him for long hours until they would 
hallucinate and "see" Lenz begin to glow or change shapes. Lenz told his 
followers that having these "visions" meant they were psychic."
 "The Rama guy I studied with had this particular siddhi down pat.  He could 
just "lift off" and "hang ten" in mid-air pretty much whenever he felt like 
it." - TurquoiseB
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 3/20/2014 2:30 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > Richard, are you saying you couldn't be susceptible to mind control 
 > techniques or a trance induction state? 
 What I'm saying is that the TurquoiseB is the "True Believer", and he 
 apparently was very susceptible to mind control and brainwashing and he 
 may still be in a trance induction state, but apparently he never 
 achieved the 2nd stage of yogic flying himself. Go figure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Absolutely, and I drive *better*, too!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 9:14 PM, wrote:

"Willy, since fucking prairie dogs or whatever you do with your time
doesn't seem to fill enough of it lately, and you've been going out
of your way to associate me with Rama and thus with a big, bad
cult figure,I figure I should explain a couple of things." - Uncle Tantra

Oh poor you - Bawwy then proceeded to bore you to death, no doubt.

The quote above was about the most interesting part, considering that 
Barry is also from Texas, but now he's all hat, no cattle.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-20 Thread steve.sundur
Sphere of influence.  Remember that, anyone?  That was a Maharishi tenant.  And 
one that I liked I might add. 

 I guess your sphere of influence may feel pretty small on this forum.  Not 
that you don't work hard to expand it.

---In,  wrote :

 Can I come where you are and give them new initiates a real advanced lecture 
on what they are in for if they stick with it? I'd be real glad to do it.
 On Thu, 3/20/14, TurquoiseBee mailto:turquoiseb@...> wrote:
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village 
Kansas City
 To: "";>
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 12:11 PM
 Thanks. I posted a later correction indicating that
 it was you I was really asking these questions of, not
 Michael, but it has never made it to email for some reason.
 Yahoo sucketh. 
 "steve.sundur@... mailto:steve.sundur@...";
 Thursday, March 20, 2014
 1:03 PM
 Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity
 Village Kansas City
 It was me
 Barry, and I will speak generally since I do wish to stay
 somewhat anonymous.  But in my area, a teacher has come
 and generated activity that hasn't been seen in some
 time.  As far as initiations, we are talking on the
 order of maybe 20/month. And this is in addition to activity
 that had already been taking place.  As far as that
 activity, (original activity), I have no
 idea.Fee structure has come down to below $1,000.00, and
 can be paid in installments. The new activity I'm
 referring to has nothing to do with
 The extent of the
 "upsell" has to do with Residence
 You see some people (old mediators) coming out the
 woodwork attending advanced lectures, and making referrals.
 And you see some new outreach having results.
 Can you expand upon this, Michael? 
 - Where do you get your information from about
 the numbers of people starting
 - What kind of numbers are you
 talking about? 10s? 100s?
 - Where is this supposedly happening -- among
 people from the general public learning TM, or as part of
 some program offered by the DLF and thus subsidized by
 - Please expand
 upon the "fee structure" you mention. What do you
 believe it costs to learn TM these days, and where can we
 check this?
 As I've said many times, I would have few
 problems with the basic TM technique, as long as it was
 advertised and presented as what it is -- a simple, easily
 learned technique of sitting meditation, no better than any
 other -- and offered at a fair price. 
 It's the decades of "baggage" that
 "comes with" TM and the attempt to
 "upsell" everyone to buy other TM-related products
 that I can't support. 
 Sent: Thursday, March
 20, 2014 3:15 AM
 Subject: Re:
 [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity
 Village Kansas City
 Michael,You might be surprised to know
 that more people are learning TM than you might have
 expected.  The fee structure has changed, and more
 people are signing up.  
 I was surprised myself
 actually, but I have first hand knowledge of this. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 9:01 PM, wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, 
then everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go 

Thanks, but most of these weren't "points" but questions and you 
failed to answer one of them.

Maybe Share's job is not to answer questions, but to question answers. 
Everyone knows they have a little demon in them - that's what causes the 
ankle-biting. That little demon inside MJ made him think Buck was trying 
to kill him. That little demon in Barry made him think he could get away 
with bullshitting Shemp McGurk about the Rama levitation event. Now I've 
got a question:

If it takes a chicken and a half a day and a half to lay an egg and a 
half, how long does it take a monkey with a wooden leg to fly out of my 
butt holding a dill pickle? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: From Dusk Till Dawn, the Do-Over

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 8:56 PM, wrote:

---In,  wrote :

Right. As we know, everyone on FFL other than the two Barrys is a 
"pussified TM blissninny."

I think he sees imaginary people...

What an idiot - Rodriquez is one of my neighbors and we saw the original 
screening downtown and loved it. Go figure.

> This TV review is probably only for Bhairitu, because
> my suspicion is that few others here ever appreciated
> the charms of Quentin Tarantino's / Robert Rodriguez'
> original film. It was admittedly over the top, and in
> ways that pussified TM blissninnies probably can't
> appreciate.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
The old Unity movement and their Unity Village in Kansas City as has been a 
case also with the Transcendental Meditation movement and Fairfield, Iowa 
evidently were great introductions to spiritual transcendentalism and a unity 
in the transcendental state by experience of what practical spirituality in 
life comes of the Unified Field. The Unity movement at its time evidently was 
that as an introduction at its time like with TM coming along more recently has 
been. Both Unity and TM providing an experiential critique of materialism in 
their time.

 It is interesting how transcending can be taught to and has been taught to in 
different times. I was harmony singing over the lunch hour yesterday with some 
other conservative Fairfield meditators here and we sang this old hymn that 
came from the Shaker spiritual movement where the text is rejoicing in the 
efficacy of their movement then when they were teaching transcendence as 
spiritual practice in their system at that time.

 It seems every generation or two, probably all through human time someone 
comes and re-expresses the ultimate teaching of transcendence as spirituality 
in life that way. Like the Unity movement in its time or TM in our time.

 Sometimes the teaching stays individuated like with Emerson and sometimes it 
propagates in groups or even in to popular movement. It is all the same based 
on experience of the absolute. This expression and re-expression in 
self-referral transcendental spiritual experience of the Unified Field becomes 
the real story of the progression of all our manifest destiny in American 
history. Cultivating the transcendence in human experience meditating evidently 
is very American. Cultivation of the transcendent state is ultimate 
spirituality and teaching it is revolutionary action in the face of 
materialism. Subverting people's experience of the transcendent is nothing less 
than counter-revolutionary, anti-scientific and anti-American spiritual 

 -Buck in Meditating Fairfield, Iowa

 Dear Egg, so you believe there is a strict exclusivity in your transcendence. 
To just practicing the TM technique. That people would not be able to be in 
transcending after learning TM if they did not practice TM strictly as in 
coming back to the mantra as instructed in basic TM when noticing they are off, 
like in interrupting the 'no mantra and no thought' experience when in 
Self-referral to think a mantra, or maybe able to locate silence within 
activity once discovered in TM along with praying after having learned TM? Sort 
of like we practice the TM-Sidhis?

 Maybe the Transcendent is possibly more than you are cracking your TM 
meditation alpha-global-coherence brain wave TM research up to be and these 
people are transcendental meditators still growing in Spirituality may be as 
something more than just alpha wave coherence. Touting alpha coherence as some 
gold standard is not to say that these people have not taken TM practice in 
experience in to their lives in different ways, like in to the heart of the 
subtle system which Fred Travis and his TM-science cohorts are not even close 
to understanding spiritually.

 These were pretty illumined people [Meissner-like Field Effect of 
consciousness]. I'd grant them some thing good that came of doing TM as new 
meditators years ago may be even larger than global-alpha-wave-coherence in 
just doing TM.   Egg, If you came down off your high horse and sat with them 
too I think you too could even welcome them as effective [Transcending] 
meditators in life.
 With Kind Regards, 
 -Buck in the Dome 


 sparaig writes:

 The fun thing about such folk is that they've missed the point that TM's 
effects continue to accumulate, even 50+ years into the practice, so dabbling 
in it for a few years or decades means that they've missed out on the 
accumulated effects.


 Of course, one could claim that they have stopped breathing for every 
meditation period as they enter PC immediately and remain there, and therefore 
don't need to do TM any more, but no-one has ever been observed to show that so 
the likelihood that all of the Unity people were in that state seems slim, to 

 Transcending Meditation, TM ?   One of the Unity ministers from California 
told of an active younger Unity laity minister who just started TM that found 
it very helpful.. Everyone older at the coffee table discussion acknowledged 
starting TM back in the day, “Oh yes, TM everyone [they] started with that 
years ago.. tried and true”. “Nice technique well taught”. . But in their 
spiritual lives they went on to other things spiritual like affecting 
healing-prayer and meditation sort of like Patanjali TM-sidhis of the subtle 
system in practice of healing and prayer in a higher level of spiritual 
practice and service.

 In Unity congregations, serving both the families with children and the 
elderly-in-transition are strategies intertwined for a succession. Likewise TM 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 12:07 PM, Share Long wrote:
 > But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then everyone will.
 I've been demonized on FFL for years, Share - by Barry and Judy and a 
 few other informants. Barry once said I was a stupid "prairie dog" 
 fucker for being born in Texas - everyone knows I only screw up 
 groundhogs. It's not complicated.
 Judy once called me a "slime-ball" because of a political opinion I once 
 posted. Hillary Clinton IS a liar - everyone already knew that. Go figure.
 It's been over ten years and they are still demonizing me and that 
 probably won't change. Now it looks like they are out to demonize you. 
 So, thanks for pointing out their low-down racist, nit-picking, 
 ankle-biting, demonizing tactics.
 "Willy, since fucking prairie dogs or whatever you do with your time
 doesn't seem to fill enough of it lately, and you've been going out
 of your way to associate me with Rama and thus with a big, bad
 cult figure, I figure I should explain a couple of things." - Uncle Tantra

 Oh poor you - Bawwy then proceeded to bore you to death, no doubt. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB

2014-03-20 Thread punditster
Thanks for all the info, Alex. It sounds complicated, especially the part about 
streaming Direct TV receiver to the iPad for viewing at bedside. I used to have 
my Chromebook at my bedside, before I moved it into the living room, and it was 
wireless. Now, I've got it hooked up with ethernet for better movie viewing 
without the buffering. We dropped the DSL and went for the Time-Warner 15 MBPS 
broadband and the Chromecaster to get the Hulu + and I hooked up the Roku box 
to the big screen TV, with an external HD using the USB. The Chromebook is no 
iPad, but it sure beats my old handheld remote control. Now I've got all my 
digital files at my fingertips. Sweet!

"Since switching from my MacBook Air to using a Surface Pro 2 as my primary PC, 
I set it up to boot to the desktop because all of the software I use runs there 
anyway. I never even see the tiled Windows 8 Start screen while using my 
Windows 8.1 PC as a PC."

---In,  wrote :

 The DirecTV iPad app is great as a channel guide and remote control for the 
DirecTV receiver. OTOH, the DirecTV app's channel streaming totally sucks, but 
pumping the DirecTV receiver's audio and component video into a Belkin 
place-shifting device does a fantastic job of streaming all channels and DVR 
recordings to the iPad. The iPad in my bedroom is held in a SpiderArm, clamped 
to my bedside table, that holds it up in front of my face when I'm in bed. In 
the bedroom, I use it primarily as a TV and for doing the occasional web search 
or checking the weather. Flat on my back in bed, a tablet is actually the 
superior computer platform. Like I said, it's a niche product that does certain 
things very well.

---In,  wrote :

 I've never understood why anyone would even *want* a tablet computer. I can 
think of only one reason to have one. 

Anything one can do on the Net I can do with either my laptop or my iPhone. Why 
would I ever need an iPhone with a bigger screen (which, if you think about it, 
is kinda the definition of a tablet computer)?

The only reason I can think of to own one is that there has actually been a lot 
of cool educational software developed for the iPads and similar tablets. For a 
kid, a touchscreen is a plus. For the rest of us, it's an inconvenience.

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Tuesday, March 18, 2014 5:14 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] my review of the iPAD Air w/128 GB
   I went the other way and my new "low end" gadget is a Firefox OS phone which 
arrived yesterday.  It's a ZTE Open and recommended by Mozilla as a test device 
for developing apps for the OS.  Firefox OS apps are HTML5 and mainly written 
in Javascript.  Thing is you can also run these apps on Android and iPhone too 
and probably a Windows 8 phone.  The target market for Firefox phones are 
emerging countries where they can't even afford Android phones.  They are even 
planning on a $25 smartphone for that market.
 There are some quirks with the OS so far.  Firefox doesn't display Neo 
properly and the right side of messages are cut off.  On Android I look at FFL 
in Neo with Chrome which handles it fine.  In some cases like looking at the 
Firefox Marketplace the one button to go back just takes you out of the app 
itself.  Good points are the battery life seems good.  The phone is also GSM so 
if I want to try it as a phone I can just use the SIM card from the Android 
phone.  Otherwise it works fine with wifi.  Also it comes with built in FM 
 Yup, most of these devices come with VERY LITTLE documentation.  I didn't know 
for over a year that the control on the earbuds was really a microphone as 
hands free headset.  
 I also have two Android tablets and an Android Tegra Shield game device.
 On 03/18/2014 05:48 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   I bought this thing, yesterday, because it is a superior appliance for 
learning the guitar, using a specific piece of software - great display, 
blazingly fast, doesn't crash, has lots of great apps on-line, and is portable. 
So far, so good.
 Yet, compared to my PC, even the simplest of tasks - sending email - ranges, 
from, "big pain in the butt", if I need to set the cursor location, by tapping, 
to *impossible* -- there is NO WAY to access my Yahoo Biz account email 
(currently *unsupported*). Also, entering any password, that contains both text 
and numbers, requires switching between *two* virtual keyboards - only one of 
which can be on-screen, at a time.
 The "stroking, swiping and tapping" interface, although elegant, leaves the 
screen all smudged up, very quickly. Also, the Apps have inconsistent controls, 
with the option to retu

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 Thanks, but most of these weren't "points" but questions and you failed to 
answer one of them.

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?




[FairfieldLife] Re: From Dusk Till Dawn, the Do-Over

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Right. As we know, everyone on FFL other than the two Barrys is a "pussified 
TM blissninny."

 Has anybody else noticed how Barry's estimate of the percentage of TM-TBs on 
FFL has been escalating quite alarmingly recently?

 I think he sees imaginary people. Maybe they're dead people. But for sure they 
live in his head. I'm always marveling at the stuff he says because it's like 
he doesn't think we'll notice or something. I wonder who he really thinks his 
target audience is and if they're as dense as he seems to assume they are given 
his penchant for throwing out such utter inaccuracies. 

 There has never been more than a small handful, but Barry seems to be seeing 
them suddenly crawling out of the woodwork. The paranoia is really rather 
disturbing. What could be causing it? Any ideas? Is that what's got his panties 
in such a terrible twist about the pundits?

 I have this insight that he always wanted to be a pundit but could've never 
qualified based on ethnicity and mental capacity. So instead he chose to 
collect Jerry Garcia ties and follow some white guy around with bad hair and 
leather jackets who convinced him that was how to dress because perhaps it 
would get him his own audience and pick of the women. Yup, I think it's a 
simple case of pundit/Rama envy - this would explain the twist in the 
proverbial panties.








 This TV review is probably only for Bhairitu, because my suspicion is that few 
others here ever appreciated the charms of Quentin Tarantino's / Robert 
Rodriguez' original film. It was admittedly over the top, and in ways that 
pussified TM blissninnies probably can't appreciate. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 12:07 PM, Share Long wrote:
> But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then everyone will.
I've been demonized on FFL for years, Share - by  Barry and Judy and a 
few other informants. Barry once said I was a stupid "prairie dog" 
fucker for being born in Texas - everyone knows I only screw up 
groundhogs. It's not complicated.

Judy once called me a "slime-ball" because of a political opinion I once 
posted. Hillary Clinton IS a liar - everyone already knew that. Go figure.

It's been over ten years and they are still demonizing me and that 
probably won't change. Now it looks like they are out to demonize you. 
So, thanks for pointing out their low-down racist, nit-picking, 
ankle-biting, demonizing tactics.

"Willy, since fucking prairie dogs or whatever you do with your time
doesn't seem to fill enough of it lately, and you've been going out
of your way to associate me with Rama and thus with a big, bad
cult figure, I figure I should explain a couple of things." - Uncle Tantra

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread awoelflebater


---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

 Geez, it's true: You are an Adonis and with a golden stringed instrument. 

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my result

Re: [FairfieldLife] Death Threat from Buck!

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/19/2014 7:31 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Damn! Of all the experiences I might have imagined having via FFL, I 
> never imagined death threats!
It might be a good idea to contact the person by private email before 
you use their name in the subject line and accuse them of saying they 
threatened your life. It doesn't do your argument any good to use this 
as a way to win a religious argument. If it turns out you are mistaken, 
then you own it, and consequently you might be perceived as an idiot by 
the other informants, you idiot. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] What do the Pandits get paid compared to the minimum wage in India?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 6:22 AM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> And people wonder why I take issue with the TM Movement?
Apparently your life is so empty and your mind is so small that you 
resort to
bullshit. Go figure.

"I've been there, done that.  I wrote a whole story in my book about my
feelings for the anti-cultists of the world and their mindset. (It's at for anyone who is interested.)

In that story, I hope I expressed the level of my disdain for those whose
life is so empty and whose minds are so small that they have to resort to
such measures, and in the last line of the story I invoke an old and power-
ful mantra.  To forestall any need to deal with your adolescent bullshit
in the future, I invoke it here against you, in its acronym form so as not
to offend those with gentle sensibilities:  FEITCTAJ"- Uncle Tantra

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 6:50 PM, wrote:

You didn't answer my question, Richard.  We are talking about you here.

We are talking about Barry, who claimed on FFL that he saw Rama in the 
2nd stage of levitation, hundreds of times.

"Rama used a variety of so-called mind-control techniques to seduce his 
disciples. He had his subjects stare at him for long hours until they 
would hallucinate and "see" Lenz begin to glow or change shapes. Lenz 
told his followers that having these "visions" meant they were psychic."

"The Rama guy I studied with had this particular siddhi down pat. He 
could just "lift off" and "hang ten" in mid-air pretty much whenever he 
felt like it." - TurquoiseB

---In,  wrote :

On 3/20/2014 2:30 PM, emilymaenot@...  wrote:

> Richard, are you saying you couldn't be susceptible to mind control
> techniques or a trance induction state?

What I'm saying is that the TurquoiseB is the "True Believer", and he
apparently was very susceptible to mind control and brainwashing and he
may still be in a trance induction state, but apparently he never
achieved the 2nd stage of yogic flying himself. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 4:11 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> Unless its Benjy who is doing the duping, which is my vote.
Compared to the TurquoiseB doing the duping?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Stoned Neil DeGrasse Tyson

2014-03-20 Thread j_alexander_stanley
It's clearly a case of name and form. What's Neil been smoking? DeGrasse, of 

---In,  wrote :

 Wow! What has he been smoking? 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 21-Mar-14 00:15:03 UTC

2014-03-20 Thread FFL PostCount
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/15/14 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/22/14 00:00:00
822 messages as of (UTC) 03/20/14 23:59:05

172 Richard J. Williams 
 87 authfriend
 58 TurquoiseBee 
 58 Share Long 
 56 doctordumbass
 42 emilymaenot
 41 Michael Jackson 
 37 awoelflebater
 33 steve.sundur
 33 Bhairitu 
 28 Mike Dixon 
 26 salyavin808 
 26 nablusoss1008 
 24 dhamiltony2k5
 16 cardemaister
 12 jr_esq
 12 LEnglish5
 10 anartaxius
 10 Pundit Sir 
  9 s3raphita
  6 Rick Archer 
  4 emptybill
  3 ultrarishi 
  2 wgm4u 
  2 srijau
  2 punditster
  2 merudanda 
  2 martyboi
  2 j_alexander_stanley
  2 Dick Mays 
  1 yifuxero
  1 turquoiseb
  1 martin.quickman
  1 WLeed3
  1 Duveyoung 
Posters: 35
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
I would say you lost this one, Mike. 

 I would say a small amount is *just enough*. 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:51 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Would that include people who were busted for small amounts of marijuana?

 Well, I couldn't give you an exact figure but you could start with those in 
the prison system, or have been, that were busted for drug posession. I doubt 
if many would not qualify as being poor. 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:16 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   How many are "just enough," Mike? I mean, let's get this nailed down.

 Well Judy, I wouldn't go so far as to say *all* poor people are druggies, just 
enough to ruin it for those that aren't. We all know that the poor who aren't 
on drugs are usually saintly, creative, intelligent, wise,motivated, kind, 
sweet, adorable,cute, and friendly but just down on their luck because some 
evil,rich, asshole is supressing them.
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:17 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they 
spend all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that.


 And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get home, the 24 hour stone! 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 All the  more reason it is the time to implement the annual minimum income.  
Yup, the same idea that the "librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is 
doing it why not the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the 
freeway exits. 
 On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about the scammers, and 
you *can* tell the difference. I don't give money to scammers, and I don't give 
a damn if those who need it, spend my buck on booze. 

mailto:noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yes, most of the people that  Doc is seeing near the freeway off ramps are 
scammers.  I recall seeing one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car 
window to get the money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he wasn't 
doing a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the next day I saw him 
downtown running around  without the walker.
 At the shopping center nearby there would be panhandlers looking for money 
too.  But I found out in some cases when they got enough money they went into 
the drug store and bought a pint of malt liquor.  There was a guy asking for 
money for food in nice new sneakers and an expensive bike.
 In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for the homeless.  We have 
one schizo who lives at the waterfront park but he won't beg for anything.  One 
of the former managers of Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs 
outside in exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager stopped that.  Once 
he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that made headlines.  He had offers 
for jobs and people finding him to give gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out 
of his mind.
 I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps keeping some food bars on 
hand.  There was one guy downtown often asking for money for food.  One day as 
I was leaving the town square I caught him throwing away most of deli sandwich 
he had just bought from what people had given him.
 Now as far as welfare goes what I said about California was a political issue 
started by Dubya who didn't like Californians voting against him. So they cut 
the money most states would get back from federal taxes.
 On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   I remember the first time  I ever saw a person on a street corner holding a 
sign saying *will work for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my heart was 
being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove to an ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to 
give him, then thought about it and realized that was the response intended, to 
play on the heart strings of well meaning people. Later started hearing stories 
in the media that these people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day, tax 
free! They would drive their late model cars to a parking lot, get out and walk 
to a busy intersection and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for  a days 
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if  I ever saw a *regular*, I 
would either buy a burger and fries to give them or a new clean *T* 
shirt.However, I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... 
   Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, stan

Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread Mike Dixon
 I would say a small amount is *just enough*.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:51 PM, "" 
Would that include people who were busted for small amounts of marijuana?

Well, I couldn't give you an exact figure but you could start with those in the 
prison system, or have been, that were busted for drug posession. I doubt if 
many would not qualify as being poor.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:16 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:

How many are "just enough," Mike? I mean, let's get this nailed down.

Well Judy, I wouldn't go so far as to say *all* poor people are druggies, just 
enough to ruin it for those that aren't. We all know that the poor who aren't 
on drugs are usually saintly, creative, intelligent, wise,motivated, kind, 
sweet, adorable,cute, and friendly but just down on their luck because some 
evil,rich, asshole is supressing them.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:17 PM, "authfriend@..."

Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they spend 
all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that.

And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get
home, the 24 hour stone!

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

All the  more reason it is the time to
implement the annual minimum income.  Yup, the same idea that the
"librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is doing it why not
the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the
freeway exits. 

>>On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
>Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about
the scammers, and you *can* tell the difference. I don't
give money to scammers, and I don't give a damn if those
who need it, spend my buck on booze. 
>---In, mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
most of the people that  Doc is
seeing near the freeway off ramps are scammers.  I
recall seeing
one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car window
to get the
money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he
wasn't doing
a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the
next day I saw
him downtown running around  without the walker.
>At the shopping center nearby there would be
panhandlers looking
for money too.  But I found out in some cases when
they got enough
money they went into the drug store and bought a pint
of malt
liquor.  There was a guy asking for money for food in
nice new
sneakers and an expensive bike.
>In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for
homeless.  We have one schizo who lives at the
waterfront park but
he won't beg for anything.  One of the former managers
Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs
outside in
exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager
stopped that. 
Once he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that
headlines.  He had offers for jobs and people finding
him to give
gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out of his mind.
>I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps
keeping some
food bars on hand.  There was one guy downtown often
asking for
money for food.  One day as I was leaving the town
square I caught
him throwing away most of deli sandwich he had just
bought from
what people had given him.
>Now as far as welfare goes what I said about
California was a
political issue started by Dubya who didn't like
voting against him. So they cut the money most states
would get
back from federal taxes.
>On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM,
Mike Dixon wrote:
>I remember the first time  I ever saw a
on a street corner holding a sign saying *will
for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my
was being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove
to an
ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to give him, then
about it and realized that was the response
to play on the heart strings of well meaning
Later started hearing stories in the media that
people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day,
free! They would drive their late model cars to
parking lot, get out and walk to a busy
and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for 
a days
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if 
ever saw a *regular*, I would either buy a
burger and
fries to give them or a new clean *T*
I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
>Perhaps, but it still pisses
off, to see people, in this area
untold wealth, standing at the
off ramps, begging, while
endless new,
shiny, freshly washed cars, pass
guys, without giving them a
What's a spare buck? Too
to give to a beggar? Fuck those

Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
Would that include people who were busted for small amounts of marijuana? 

 Well, I couldn't give you an exact figure but you could start with those in 
the prison system, or have been, that were busted for drug posession. I doubt 
if many would not qualify as being poor. 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:16 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   How many are "just enough," Mike? I mean, let's get this nailed down.

 Well Judy, I wouldn't go so far as to say *all* poor people are druggies, just 
enough to ruin it for those that aren't. We all know that the poor who aren't 
on drugs are usually saintly, creative, intelligent, wise,motivated, kind, 
sweet, adorable,cute, and friendly but just down on their luck because some 
evil,rich, asshole is supressing them.
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:17 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they 
spend all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that.


 And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get home, the 24 hour stone! 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 All the  more reason it is the time to implement the annual minimum income.  
Yup, the same idea that the "librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is 
doing it why not the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the 
freeway exits. 
 On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about the scammers, and 
you *can* tell the difference. I don't give money to scammers, and I don't give 
a damn if those who need it, spend my buck on booze. 

mailto:noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yes, most of the people that  Doc is seeing near the freeway off ramps are 
scammers.  I recall seeing one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car 
window to get the money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he wasn't 
doing a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the next day I saw him 
downtown running around  without the walker.
 At the shopping center nearby there would be panhandlers looking for money 
too.  But I found out in some cases when they got enough money they went into 
the drug store and bought a pint of malt liquor.  There was a guy asking for 
money for food in nice new sneakers and an expensive bike.
 In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for the homeless.  We have 
one schizo who lives at the waterfront park but he won't beg for anything.  One 
of the former managers of Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs 
outside in exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager stopped that.  Once 
he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that made headlines.  He had offers 
for jobs and people finding him to give gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out 
of his mind.
 I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps keeping some food bars on 
hand.  There was one guy downtown often asking for money for food.  One day as 
I was leaving the town square I caught him throwing away most of deli sandwich 
he had just bought from what people had given him.
 Now as far as welfare goes what I said about California was a political issue 
started by Dubya who didn't like Californians voting against him. So they cut 
the money most states would get back from federal taxes.
 On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   I remember the first time  I ever saw a person on a street corner holding a 
sign saying *will work for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my heart was 
being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove to an ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to 
give him, then thought about it and realized that was the response intended, to 
play on the heart strings of well meaning people. Later started hearing stories 
in the media that these people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day, tax 
free! They would drive their late model cars to a parking lot, get out and walk 
to a busy intersection and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for  a days 
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if  I ever saw a *regular*, I 
would either buy a burger and fries to give them or a new clean *T* 
shirt.However, I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... 
   Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, standing at the freeway off ramps, begging, while endless new, shiny, 
freshly washed cars, pass these guys, without giving them a nickel. What's a 
spare buck? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
You didn't answer my question, Richard.  We are talking about you here.  
Willing volunteers are usually susceptible to what they sign on for, until they 
aren't anymore.  My guess is if you had signed on with Fred willingly and in 
search mode, you would have been susceptible too.  The key word here is 
"willingly". You ain't that special; you signed on with someone else.  

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 2:30 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > Richard, are you saying you couldn't be susceptible to mind control 
 > techniques or a trance induction state? 
 What I'm saying is that the TurquoiseB is the "True Believer", and he 
 apparently was very susceptible to mind control and brainwashing and he 
 may still be in a trance induction state, but apparently he never 
 achieved the 2nd stage of yogic flying himself. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Well, I couldn't give you an exact figure but you could start with those in the 
prison system, or have been, that were busted for drug posession. I doubt if 
many would not qualify as being poor.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:16 PM, "" 
How many are "just enough," Mike? I mean, let's get this nailed down.

Well Judy, I wouldn't go so far as to say *all* poor people are druggies, just 
enough to ruin it for those that aren't. We all know that the poor who aren't 
on drugs are usually saintly, creative, intelligent, wise,motivated, kind, 
sweet, adorable,cute, and friendly but just down on their luck because some 
evil,rich, asshole is supressing them.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:17 PM, "authfriend@..."

Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they spend 
all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that.

And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get
home, the 24 hour stone!

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

All the  more reason it is the time to
implement the annual minimum income.  Yup, the same idea that the
"librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is doing it why not
the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the
freeway exits. 

>On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
>Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about
the scammers, and you *can* tell the difference. I don't
give money to scammers, and I don't give a damn if those
who need it, spend my buck on booze. 
>---In, mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
most of the people that  Doc is
seeing near the freeway off ramps are scammers.  I
recall seeing
one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car window
to get the
money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he
wasn't doing
a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the
next day I saw
him downtown running around  without the walker.
>At the shopping center nearby there would be
panhandlers looking
for money too.  But I found out in some cases when
they got enough
money they went into the drug store and bought a pint
of malt
liquor.  There was a guy asking for money for food in
nice new
sneakers and an expensive bike.
>In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for
homeless.  We have one schizo who lives at the
waterfront park but
he won't beg for anything.  One of the former managers
Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs
outside in
exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager
stopped that. 
Once he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that
headlines.  He had offers for jobs and people finding
him to give
gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out of his mind.
>I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps
keeping some
food bars on hand.  There was one guy downtown often
asking for
money for food.  One day as I was leaving the town
square I caught
him throwing away most of deli sandwich he had just
bought from
what people had given him.
>Now as far as welfare goes what I said about
California was a
political issue started by Dubya who didn't like
voting against him. So they cut the money most states
would get
back from federal taxes.
>On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM,
Mike Dixon wrote:
>I remember the first time  I ever saw a
on a street corner holding a sign saying *will
for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my
was being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove
to an
ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to give him, then
about it and realized that was the response
to play on the heart strings of well meaning
Later started hearing stories in the media that
people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day,
free! They would drive their late model cars to
parking lot, get out and walk to a busy
and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for 
a days
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if 
ever saw a *regular*, I would either buy a
burger and
fries to give them or a new clean *T*
I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
>Perhaps, but it still pisses
off, to see people, in this area
untold wealth, standing at the
off ramps, begging, while
endless new,
shiny, freshly washed cars, pass
guys, without giving them a
What's a spare buck? Too
to give to a beggar? Fuck those


Re: [FairfieldLife] Stoned Neil DeGrasse Tyson

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Slo mo, Mike, Slo mo.  Here is Carl Sagan thoughlink may have to be pasted.

---In,  wrote :

 Wow! What has he been smoking? Bet he didn't have to stand on a corner with a 
sign in his hand to get whatever it was.
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:13 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
I'll bet you can really wax eloquent after a few martinis!

---In,  wrote :

 Speaking of , "demonizing", remember, "martinizing"? Maybe we should do more 
of that around here. Or "simonizing". After awhile, I used to mentally read the 
sign, as, "Martini Zing!", whenever I'd see a dry cleaner, offering that option.
---In,  wrote :

 Emily, Share picked it up from Barry. It's his term; he uses it all the time, 
claiming it's what his critics are doing to him. I have on occasion used it 
back at him, because his attacks on his critics are so much worse than anything 
they say about him. I think one could say that if anybody does anything 
resembling demonizing around here, it's Barry. 

 Correct.  Share, the point is that if you continue to use the word "demonize", 
regardless of whether you attribute it to yourself or others, you are still 
indicating that you believe this is going on, which I am saying and which Judy 
is saying, is going on in your imagination, only.  Maybe you should "unpack" 
that word for yourself so you understand what it means, really.  I looked it up 
- you are way off base using this term.  
---In,  wrote :

 No, Emily didn't miss the point, you did. If you say you are "demonizing the 
demonizers," that means you think there are demonizers to be demonized. Emily's 
telling you there aren't any demonizers except those in your imagination. Get 
it now? It's pretty simple. 


 jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure! 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going 
on except in your own mind.  


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Thanks for putting my humor in proper perspective, jr.:-)

---In,  wrote :


 Old Vern is actually the Sun who's having an orgy with the Earth Goddess at 
this time of the year.  Summer will come later. :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Stoned Neil DeGrasse Tyson

2014-03-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Wow! What has he been smoking? Bet he didn't have to stand on a corner with a 
sign in his hand to get whatever it was.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 4:13 PM, "" 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Speaking of , "demonizing", remember, "martinizing"? Maybe we should do more of 
that around here. Or "simonizing". After awhile, I used to mentally read the 
sign, as, "Martini Zing!", whenever I'd see a dry cleaner, offering that option.
---In,  wrote :

 Emily, Share picked it up from Barry. It's his term; he uses it all the time, 
claiming it's what his critics are doing to him. I have on occasion used it 
back at him, because his attacks on his critics are so much worse than anything 
they say about him. I think one could say that if anybody does anything 
resembling demonizing around here, it's Barry. 

 Correct.  Share, the point is that if you continue to use the word "demonize", 
regardless of whether you attribute it to yourself or others, you are still 
indicating that you believe this is going on, which I am saying and which Judy 
is saying, is going on in your imagination, only.  Maybe you should "unpack" 
that word for yourself so you understand what it means, really.  I looked it up 
- you are way off base using this term.  
---In,  wrote :

 No, Emily didn't miss the point, you did. If you say you are "demonizing the 
demonizers," that means you think there are demonizers to be demonized. Emily's 
telling you there aren't any demonizers except those in your imagination. Get 
it now? It's pretty simple. 


 jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure! 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going 
on except in your own mind.  


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
How many are "just enough," Mike? I mean, let's get this nailed down. 

 Well Judy, I wouldn't go so far as to say *all* poor people are druggies, just 
enough to ruin it for those that aren't. We all know that the poor who aren't 
on drugs are usually saintly, creative, intelligent, wise,motivated, kind, 
sweet, adorable,cute, and friendly but just down on their luck because some 
evil,rich, asshole is supressing them.
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:17 PM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:
   Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they 
spend all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that.


 And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get home, the 24 hour stone! 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 All the  more reason it is the time to implement the annual minimum income.  
Yup, the same idea that the "librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is 
doing it why not the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the 
freeway exits. 
 On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about the scammers, and 
you *can* tell the difference. I don't give money to scammers, and I don't give 
a damn if those who need it, spend my buck on booze. 

mailto:noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yes, most of the people that  Doc is seeing near the freeway off ramps are 
scammers.  I recall seeing one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car 
window to get the money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he wasn't 
doing a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the next day I saw him 
downtown running around  without the walker.
 At the shopping center nearby there would be panhandlers looking for money 
too.  But I found out in some cases when they got enough money they went into 
the drug store and bought a pint of malt liquor.  There was a guy asking for 
money for food in nice new sneakers and an expensive bike.
 In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for the homeless.  We have 
one schizo who lives at the waterfront park but he won't beg for anything.  One 
of the former managers of Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs 
outside in exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager stopped that.  Once 
he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that made headlines.  He had offers 
for jobs and people finding him to give gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out 
of his mind.
 I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps keeping some food bars on 
hand.  There was one guy downtown often asking for money for food.  One day as 
I was leaving the town square I caught him throwing away most of deli sandwich 
he had just bought from what people had given him.
 Now as far as welfare goes what I said about California was a political issue 
started by Dubya who didn't like Californians voting against him. So they cut 
the money most states would get back from federal taxes.
 On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   I remember the first time  I ever saw a person on a street corner holding a 
sign saying *will work for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my heart was 
being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove to an ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to 
give him, then thought about it and realized that was the response intended, to 
play on the heart strings of well meaning people. Later started hearing stories 
in the media that these people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day, tax 
free! They would drive their late model cars to a parking lot, get out and walk 
to a busy intersection and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for  a days 
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if  I ever saw a *regular*, I 
would either buy a burger and fries to give them or a new clean *T* 
shirt.However, I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... 
   Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, standing at the freeway off ramps, begging, while endless new, shiny, 
freshly washed cars, pass these guys, without giving them a nickel. What's a 
spare buck? Too embarrassed to give to a beggar? Fuck those rich fools.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread Mike Dixon

Well Judy, I wouldn't go so far as to say *all* poor people are druggies, just 
enough to ruin it for those that aren't. We all know that the poor who aren't 
on drugs are usually saintly, creative, intelligent, wise,motivated, kind, 
sweet, adorable,cute, and friendly but just down on their luck because some 
evil,rich, asshole is supressing them.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:17 PM, "" 
Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they spend 
all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that.

And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get home, the 24 hour stone!

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:

All the  more reason it is the time to
implement the annual minimum income.  Yup, the same idea that the
"librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is doing it why not
the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the
freeway exits. 

On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... wrote:
>Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about
the scammers, and you *can* tell the difference. I don't
give money to scammers, and I don't give a damn if those
who need it, spend my buck on booze. 
>---In, mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
most of the people that  Doc is
seeing near the freeway off ramps are scammers.  I
recall seeing
one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car window
to get the
money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he
wasn't doing
a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the
next day I saw
him downtown running around  without the walker.
>At the shopping center nearby there would be
panhandlers looking
for money too.  But I found out in some cases when
they got enough
money they went into the drug store and bought a pint
of malt
liquor.  There was a guy asking for money for food in
nice new
sneakers and an expensive bike.
>In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for
homeless.  We have one schizo who lives at the
waterfront park but
he won't beg for anything.  One of the former managers
Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs
outside in
exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager
stopped that. 
Once he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that
headlines.  He had offers for jobs and people finding
him to give
gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out of his mind.
>I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps
keeping some
food bars on hand.  There was one guy downtown often
asking for
money for food.  One day as I was leaving the town
square I caught
him throwing away most of deli sandwich he had just
bought from
what people had given him.
>Now as far as welfare goes what I said about
California was a
political issue started by Dubya who didn't like
voting against him. So they cut the money most states
would get
back from federal taxes.
>On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM,
Mike Dixon wrote:
>I remember the first time  I ever saw a
on a street corner holding a sign saying *will
for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my
was being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove
to an
ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to give him, then
about it and realized that was the response
to play on the heart strings of well meaning
Later started hearing stories in the media that
people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day,
free! They would drive their late model cars to
parking lot, get out and walk to a busy
and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for 
a days
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if 
ever saw a *regular*, I would either buy a
burger and
fries to give them or a new clean *T*
I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
>Perhaps, but it still pisses
off, to see people, in this area
untold wealth, standing at the
off ramps, begging, while
endless new,
shiny, freshly washed cars, pass
guys, without giving them a
What's a spare buck? Too
to give to a beggar? Fuck those

[FairfieldLife] Stoned Neil DeGrasse Tyson

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 2:30 PM, wrote:
> Richard, are you saying you couldn't be susceptible to mind control 
> techniques or a trance induction state? 
What I'm saying is that the TurquoiseB is the "True Believer", and he 
apparently was very susceptible to mind control and brainwashing and he 
may still be in a trance induction state, but apparently he never 
achieved the 2nd stage of yogic flying himself. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time "embedded" in Genesis 1 : 1?? (part 1; draft version)

2014-03-20 Thread cardemaister

Now, Hebrew has no indefinite article (English a/an).
We are not absolutely sure, but we seem to recall the
indicator of the direct object is used *only* in connection
with the definite article (ha [~ huh]).

So, it seems if one wanted to say in Hebrew: God created time,
it might sound either like
bara elohim et ha-et (created God the time) or perhaps more likely:
bara elohim et.
In the latter case it would sound, we believe, exactly the same
as that part of Genesis 1 : 1 -
(b'reshit) bara elohim et (hasshamayim ve-et ha-aretz)!

If that's the case, the notion of God creating time seems to
be "embedded", so to speak, in Genesis 1 : 1!


Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread Bhairitu

Except that it wouldn't be unusual in San Francisco.

On 03/20/2014 01:10 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
You can always restart the tradition John, we'll read about it in the 
press I'm sure. Emily too...

---In,  wrote :

Emily and Barry,

When I was in Seattle, there was a tradition there with some folks to 
run naked on the street on the first day of spring.  I'm not sure if 
they still do that now.  Perhaps, Emily can give us a full disclosure 
of this event at this time in her fair city.

---In,  wrote :

*From:* Bhairitu 
*Sent:* Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
*Subject:* Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the 
morning so I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and 
t-shirt would have worked. The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area 
is April showers which we need!  I got my water bill so did my part 
during the last two months as it was $10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat 
because temps are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in 
shorts and a T-shirt. It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies 
as Spring to him, but it ain't quite my kinda warm yet. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Unless its Benjy who is doing the duping, which is my vote.

On Thu, 3/20/14, nablusoss1008  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone 
reaching 2nd stage flying?
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 7:28 PM
   According to Benjamin Crème, Lenz was very far
 from being enlightened having reached a point of evolution
 of 1.30. About the same level as Jack Lemmon, Alfred Joyce
 Kilmer and Alan Ginsberg. Since levitation can only be
 performed from pure consciousness we can conclude that Lenz
 duped his students in some way into believing they saw
 something that wasn't happening.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread jr_esq

 Old Vern is actually the Sun who's having an orgy with the Earth Goddess at 
this time of the year.  Summer will come later. :)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread jr_esq

 With San Francisco being what it is, I don't believe I'd make the news by 
running naked in the Golden Gate Park.  But there is one particular area in the 
park near the beach chalet where some guys might be looking for it. :)

---In,  wrote :

 You can always restart the tradition John, we'll read about it in the press 
I'm sure. Emily too...

---In,  wrote :

 Emily and Barry,

When I was in Seattle, there was a tradition there with some folks to run naked 
on the street on the first day of spring.  I'm not sure if they still do that 
now.  Perhaps, Emily can give us a full disclosure of this event at this time 
in her fair city.

---In,  wrote :

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox
 Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the morning so 
I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and t-shirt would have 
worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area is April showers which we 
need!  I got my water bill so did my part during the last two months as it was 
$10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat because temps 
are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in shorts and a T-shirt. 
It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies as Spring to him, but it ain't 
quite my kinda warm yet.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
matter of fact, I hear ol' Vernal, an' "Summer" Solstice (she hails from the 
Florida panhandle, y'see) dun hooked up.

---In,  wrote :

 Vernal Equinox... almost sounds red-neck. 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:34 AM, Share Long  wrote:
   Happy first day of spring, John! It's my favorite time of year.

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:02 AM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
   Lest we forget, happy spring day to everyone!  Congratulations to those 
who've weathered through the tough winter season.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread salyavin808
According to Benjamin Creme. And who is his level on the scale according to? 

 Actually, Lemmon was undoubtably a genius and Ginsberg is a bit of a hero. 
Good company methinks. Any higher on this list and you end up next to the likes 
of Hitler

 Not heard of Kilmer, Val's dad?

---In,  wrote :

 According to Benjamin Crème, Lenz was very far from being enlightened having 
reached a point of evolution of 1.30. About the same level as Jack Lemmon, 
Alfred Joyce Kilmer and Alan Ginsberg. Since levitation can only be performed 
from pure consciousness we can conclude that Lenz duped his students in some 
way into believing they saw something that wasn't happening.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
O! Could somebody make a video, pretty please? 


 You can always restart the tradition John, we'll read about it in the press 
I'm sure. Emily too... 
---In,  wrote :

 Emily and Barry,

When I was in Seattle, there was a tradition there with some folks to run naked 
on the street on the first day of spring.  I'm not sure if they still do that 
now.  Perhaps, Emily can give us a full disclosure of this event at this time 
in her fair city.

---In,  wrote :

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox
 Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the morning so 
I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and t-shirt would have 
worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area is April showers which we 
need!  I got my water bill so did my part during the last two months as it was 
$10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat because temps 
are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in shorts and a T-shirt. 
It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies as Spring to him, but it ain't 
quite my kinda warm yet.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Oh, *hell* no! I'm gonna get good, first. At least I can now say, legitimately, 
"I've got blistahs on me fingahs..." (with massive apologies to Geo 
Harrison...).:-)...time to run some scales, ouch.

---In,  wrote :

 Excellent!  What is that halo of light I see around your head?  You'll have to 
post a musical post nextand prepare for some critical review of your 
beginner's skills.  Smile.  

---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
Emily, Share picked it up from Barry. It's his term; he uses it all the time, 
claiming it's what his critics are doing to him. I have on occasion used it 
back at him, because his attacks on his critics are so much worse than anything 
they say about him. I think one could say that if anybody does anything 
resembling demonizing around here, it's Barry. 

 Correct.  Share, the point is that if you continue to use the word "demonize", 
regardless of whether you attribute it to yourself or others, you are still 
indicating that you believe this is going on, which I am saying and which Judy 
is saying, is going on in your imagination, only.  Maybe you should "unpack" 
that word for yourself so you understand what it means, really.  I looked it up 
- you are way off base using this term.  
---In,  wrote :

 No, Emily didn't miss the point, you did. If you say you are "demonizing the 
demonizers," that means you think there are demonizers to be demonized. Emily's 
telling you there aren't any demonizers except those in your imagination. Get 
it now? It's pretty simple. 


 jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure! 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going 
on except in your own mind.  


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
John, I don't know about this.  I am aware of the naked cyclist group that used 
to take part in the Solstice parade through the Fremont district.  

---In,  wrote :

 You can always restart the tradition John, we'll read about it in the press 
I'm sure. Emily too...

---In,  wrote :

 Emily and Barry,

When I was in Seattle, there was a tradition there with some folks to run naked 
on the street on the first day of spring.  I'm not sure if they still do that 
now.  Perhaps, Emily can give us a full disclosure of this event at this time 
in her fair city.

---In,  wrote :

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox
 Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the morning so 
I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and t-shirt would have 
worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area is April showers which we 
need!  I got my water bill so did my part during the last two months as it was 
$10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat because temps 
are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in shorts and a T-shirt. 
It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies as Spring to him, but it ain't 
quite my kinda warm yet.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Springtime is Wartime for Washington

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
Right, Mike, all poor people are druggies, and they're poor because they spend 
all their money on drugs. Everybody knows that. 


 And while we're at it, to keep things balanced, we could implement a maximum 
annual income. But I'm not sure how a minimum income would keep people off the 
streets and freeway exits. Seems to me that they would just have money to do 
drugs while begging to get more to have when they get home, the 24 hour stone! 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:11 PM, Bhairitu  wrote:
 All the  more reason it is the time to implement the annual minimum income.  
Yup, the same idea that the "librul" Richard Nixon proposed.  Switzerland is 
doing it why not the US?  It would get people off the streets and away from the 
freeway exits. 
 On 03/19/2014 10:39 AM, doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... wrote:
   Nope. I look at these guys carefully enough. I know about the scammers, and 
you *can* tell the difference. I don't give money to scammers, and I don't give 
a damn if those who need it, spend my buck on booze. 

mailto:noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Yes, most of the people that  Doc is seeing near the freeway off ramps are 
scammers.  I recall seeing one guy with a walker awkwardly moving to a car 
window to get the money fools were giving him.  The tip off is that he wasn't 
doing a very good job of faking the walker bit.  Then the next day I saw him 
downtown running around  without the walker.
 At the shopping center nearby there would be panhandlers looking for money 
too.  But I found out in some cases when they got enough money they went into 
the drug store and bought a pint of malt liquor.  There was a guy asking for 
money for food in nice new sneakers and an expensive bike.
 In this town the Baptist church has free lunches for the homeless.  We have 
one schizo who lives at the waterfront park but he won't beg for anything.  One 
of the former managers of Starbucks had let him set up the tables and chairs 
outside in exchange for food and coffee.  The next manager stopped that.  Once 
he rescued a newborn in a garbage bin and that made headlines.  He had offers 
for jobs and people finding him to give gifts of food.  Nice guy but really out 
of his mind.
 I don't know about buying them a burger but perhaps keeping some food bars on 
hand.  There was one guy downtown often asking for money for food.  One day as 
I was leaving the town square I caught him throwing away most of deli sandwich 
he had just bought from what people had given him.
 Now as far as welfare goes what I said about California was a political issue 
started by Dubya who didn't like Californians voting against him. So they cut 
the money most states would get back from federal taxes.
 On 03/19/2014 08:26 AM, Mike Dixon wrote:
   I remember the first time  I ever saw a person on a street corner holding a 
sign saying *will work for food*, back in the eighties. I thought my heart was 
being ripped out of my chest. Almost drove to an ATM to withdraw 20 bucks to 
give him, then thought about it and realized that was the response intended, to 
play on the heart strings of well meaning people. Later started hearing stories 
in the media that these people were raking in hundreds of dollars a day, tax 
free! They would drive their late model cars to a parking lot, get out and walk 
to a busy intersection and hold out their cardboard sign, begging for  a days 
work in exchange for food. So I decided that if  I ever saw a *regular*, I 
would either buy a burger and fries to give them or a new clean *T* 
shirt.However, I'm not going to support somebodies meth or crack problem.
 On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 1:48 AM, mailto:doctordumbass@... 
mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... mailto:doctordumbass@... 
   Perhaps, but it still pisses me off, to see people, in this area with untold 
wealth, standing at the freeway off ramps, begging, while endless new, shiny, 
freshly washed cars, pass these guys, without giving them a nickel. What's a 
spare buck? Too embarrassed to give to a beggar? Fuck those rich fools.



[FairfieldLife] Time "embedded" in Genesis 1 : 1?? (part 1; draft version)

2014-03-20 Thread cardemaister
In Biblical Hebrew, Genesis 1 : 1 goes something like this:
b'reshit bara elohim et-hasshamayim ve-et ha-aretz.
The particle(?) 'et' is an indicator of the direct object, and thus,  not 
translated, or stuff.
(In modern English only a couple of pronouns have preserved the indicator of the
direct object, like -m in who - whom and he - him...)

Amongst Hebrew consonants, aleph and ayin are silent. They are pronounced
as the nikkud (vowel diacritic) under them (qamets, patach, tsere, segol, 

When 'et' is that indicator, it's written: aleph (nikkud under aleph:  tsere, 
having the 
phonetic value of 'eh') , tav:

What did God create? et-hasshamayim (the heaven) ve-et ha-aretz (and [ve-] the 

The word 'et' also means 'time'. In that case it's written like:
ayin (nikkud: tsere), tav.

We think at least in modern Hebrew, those two words ("aleph-et" and "ayin-et"
 sound exactly the same when pronounced.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread salyavin808
You can always restart the tradition John, we'll read about it in the press I'm 
sure. Emily too...

---In,  wrote :

 Emily and Barry,

When I was in Seattle, there was a tradition there with some folks to run naked 
on the street on the first day of spring.  I'm not sure if they still do that 
now.  Perhaps, Emily can give us a full disclosure of this event at this time 
in her fair city.

---In,  wrote :

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox
 Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the morning so 
I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and t-shirt would have 
worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area is April showers which we 
need!  I got my water bill so did my part during the last two months as it was 
$10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat because temps 
are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in shorts and a T-shirt. 
It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies as Spring to him, but it ain't 
quite my kinda warm yet.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread jr_esq

 That's an objective term used in western astrology and perhaps the farmer's 
almanac.  It's all about the angles of light from the sun.

---In,  wrote :

 Vernal Equinox... almost sounds red-neck. 
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:34 AM, Share Long  wrote:
   Happy first day of spring, John! It's my favorite time of year.

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:02 AM, "jr_esq@..."  wrote:
   Lest we forget, happy spring day to everyone!  Congratulations to those 
who've weathered through the tough winter season.




Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread jr_esq
Emily and Barry,

When I was in Seattle, there was a tradition there with some folks to run naked 
on the street on the first day of spring.  I'm not sure if they still do that 
now.  Perhaps, Emily can give us a full disclosure of this event at this time 
in her fair city.

---In,  wrote :

 From: Bhairitu 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox
 Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the morning so 
I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and t-shirt would have 
worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area is April showers which we 
need!  I got my water bill so did my part during the last two months as it was 
$10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat because temps 
are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in shorts and a T-shirt. 
It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies as Spring to him, but it ain't 
quite my kinda warm yet.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot

 Correct.  Share, the point is that if you continue to use the word "demonize", 
regardless of whether you attribute it to yourself or others, you are still 
indicating that you believe this is going on, which I am saying and which Judy 
is saying, is going on in your imagination, only.  Maybe you should "unpack" 
that word for yourself so you understand what it means, really.  I looked it up 
- you are way off base using this term.  
---In,  wrote :

 No, Emily didn't miss the point, you did. If you say you are "demonizing the 
demonizers," that means you think there are demonizers to be demonized. Emily's 
telling you there aren't any demonizers except those in your imagination. Get 
it now? It's pretty simple. 


 jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure! 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going 
on except in your own mind.  


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread jr_esq

 It's supposed to rain in SF this coming Monday.  So, that will be good for my 
lawn which is getting brown now.  More rain in April is very welcome, thank you.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, are you saying you couldn't be susceptible to mind control techniques 
or a trance induction state? Get a grip, Richard.  Your brain is not thinking 
properly, but thanks for your opinion.  "REAL" can be defined in many ways.  
Could you define it; without a proper definition, this discussion is 

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 2:01 PM, TurquoiseBee wrote:

 Willytex can't think that deeply. He only brings up the Rama guy because he 
thinks that doing so will push my buttons the way me talking about Maharishi 
pushes his. >
 I didn't bring up the "Rama guy" - you did, by responding to this thread - I'm 
simply posting my OPINION. 
 To me, Fred Lenz was Just Another Guy that could do amazing things with 
people's minds - some would call it WOO WOO, and others might call it MIND 
CONTROL or being in a TRANCE INDUCTION STATE. But, you're the only guy I know 
that actually claims to have seen Rama levitate for REAL. So it looks like 
we've got a REAL TB on our hands, with a brain problem situation. Go figure.
 The question is, have YOU ever achieved 2nd stage flying?
 > "I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation."

[FairfieldLife] Re: Time for that old Aretha Franklin classic: D-E-F-L-E-C-T

2014-03-20 Thread dhamiltony2k5
Lying? Here on FFL? Turq, reading your list here and I had not yet even thought 
of calling someone out here who is being negative about TM and Fairfield a 
liar.   MJ does not seem to be a liar as he evidently just don't know better. 
Also, there is a big difference between just TB tru-believers an some like me 
and a few others here who know better by experience. The real TB'ers and real 
spiritual people who know better by experience seem to be in short supply 
speaking out here. 

 turquoiseb writes:


 That's what challenge means to me
Take heart, TBs

Now that criticism of the TM movement has hit the fan again, I figured it was 
time for a post to remind the True Believers how they should react to it. This 
information has been posted before, but some may have forgotten it, so ignore 
the repetition the same way you ignored Maharishi giving the same introductory 
talks for 40 years. 

Don't worry your little heads about the criticisms themselves. You know they 
aren't true, because you just "know" those kinda things. Instead, do what True 
Believers such as yourself have done for centuries, and D-E-F-L-E-C-T. 

Don't meet the criticism head=on, and try to dispute it. Instead, 
D-E-F-L-E-C-T, and do something to steer the conversation away from the current 
criticism and focus it elsewhere. There are many tried-and-true methods of 
doing this, but here are a few of the best, just in case you've forgotten them. 

* Shoot the messenger. Do anything you can to demonize the person or persons 
making the criticisms. Your goal here is to undermine their credibility and get 
other people on the forum to ignore what they're saying. 

* Call them liars. One of the best methods of sabotaging a critic's credibility 
is to pretend that he or she is a chronic liar. The lurking TBs you're trying 
to appeal to would rather believe that the critics *are* lying than believe the 
criticism anyway, so if you call them liars enough times, the TBs will stop 
listening to them. 

* Call them crazy. Speculate about the horrible things that happened to them in 
the past that made them this way. If you're of the Willytex persuasion, you can 
even make up crazy shit. All that's important is that a few fellow TBs see them 
as psychologically disturbed. 

* Nitpick them into arguing with you. Any nitpick will do, but the best is some 
kind of semantic nitpick about one or two words in something they posted that 
doesn't really have anything to do with the criticism you're trying to 
D-E-F-L-E-C-T. If you can get them -- or other posters -- all involved in a 
meaningless nitpick side argument that has nothing to do with the original 
criticism, they aren't involved in the criticism. You've won. 

* Trash their supporters. Anyone who says anything positive about the critics 
you're trying to silence is your enemy, and thus Fair Game. 

* Do all of these things while claiming that the criticism itself -- the thing 
that has your panties in a twist and halfway up your anal canal -- isn't what 
you're really responding to. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread nablusoss1008
According to Benjamin Crème, Lenz was very far from being enlightened having 
reached a point of evolution of 1.30. About the same level as Jack Lemmon, 
Alfred Joyce Kilmer and Alan Ginsberg. Since levitation can only be performed 
from pure consciousness we can conclude that Lenz duped his students in some 
way into believing they saw something that wasn't happening.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: Bhairitu 

Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:16 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the morning so I 
wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and t-shirt would have 
worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area is April showers which we 
need!  I got my water bill so did my part during the last two months as it was 
$10 less than the last one.

I just came back from walking my dog, while wearing a light coat because temps 
are dropping, and passed some Dutch guy walking by in shorts and a T-shirt. 
It's 12 C here, 53 F, which probably qualifies as Spring to him, but it ain't 
quite my kinda warm yet.  :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] JAMA on meditation

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot

---In,  wrote :

 Nobody is saying that, emily. 

 I have found that the health food/supplement "industry" (and I'm talking about 
the industry, not specific practitioners or branches) is mostly about scamming 
consumers and particularly those that are fear-based. They create, contribute 
to, and move from fad to fad, they have an agenda, they capitalize on consumer 
naivetemy point was that one shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath 
water (i.e., never read anything the AMA puts out because they don't think GMO 
labeling is a good bang for the buck or valid for some other reason) or assume 
that the alternative "industry" is telling the truth either.  

  In fact naturopathic medicine may actually pay more attention to medical 
research than practicing MDs. 
 I don't disagree. I see one. 

  What is interesting about the research was that it apparently used 
"mindfulness meditation" not TM.  The outcome would not be unusual to any of us 
who have taught TM or other meditations.  There was always varying results with 
meditation.  Some folks just enjoy the relaxation while some may experience 
heightened spiritual growth and others nothing at all.  At $75 in 1973, TM was 
worth a try but I wouldn't have paid $2000+ for it.
 Of course JAMA stands for Journal of the American Medical Association.  They 
will even post articles that contradict outcomes so it is more of an journal 
for posting research.   The AMA itself, however is an elitist organization 
championing for profit medicine.  There is also Lancet, which is a British 
journal of medical research.  Some of the latest research validates things 
known by alternative practitioners for years.

 Yes,  it was Share that assumed JAMA was equivalent with the AMA, not I - she 
commented on that assumption and stated her blanket prejudice, which is what I 
replied to.  That's all.  I always love it when the latest "medical research" 
confirms what is commonplace understanding in other fields.  
 The line that big pharma is going to love is "we found no evidence that 
meditation programs were better than any active treatment (ie, drugs, exercise, 
and other behavioral therapies)."   Yup, gotta love those (expensive) drugs.  
Of course, even opium will decrease anxiety though that not an accepted method 
of treating it.

 For me, I have to get exercise - it is as critical as food for my well-being.  
I swim mostly.  I can also meditate, but if I am not exercising aerobically at 
least twice a week, at bare minimum, to keep my brain and body relaxed, I will 
get no benefit from meditating.  Know thyself.
 Regarding meditation, years ago I read a book by a chiropractor who found that 
some of his patients did well with meditation while others were better off 
going for a run or a walk during the time they could have been meditating.  
Some folks need to speed up their metabolism while other need to slow it down.  
Different strokes for different folks.
 On 03/20/2014 09:50 AM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
   Yes, best to read only what is marketed from the health food industry.

 mailto:sharelong60@... wrote :
 good point, noozguru, but now I will need an even bigger crowbar for the door 
of my mind when reading something from AMA!
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:02 AM, Bhairitu  
mailto:noozguru@... wrote:
   Let's not forget that the AMA stands in the way of the US having Single 
Payer Healthcare, the kind you tout so much about being available in Europe.   
They stand in the way of training more doctors.  One thing we can say about the 
AMA: it's all about money.  Maybe they're really the American Money 
Association. :-D 
 On 03/20/2014 07:49 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
   From: e Long  mailto:sharelong60@...
 To: "" 
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 3:32 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] JAMA on meditation
   Michael, the AMA also says that GMO labeling is not necessary. Thus I will 
look askance at anything they publish, no matter how scientific and objective 
it appears to be.
 In other words, you reserve the right to disregard anything said by an 
individual or group of individuals if they say something you disagree with, 
because this disagreement indicates that they are not trustworthy, "no matter 
how scientific and objective it seems to be." Did I get that right?
 You realize, do you not, that this is exactly what your stalkers are trying to 
do with you on this forum. They go out of their way to portray you as stupid 
and clueless, in the hope that other people will start to write off anything 
you say as something they should "look askance" on. Especially liking one of 
the people they dislike. With other people, they try to portray them as liars, 
with the s

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 2:01 PM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
Willytex can't think that deeply. He only brings up the Rama guy 
because he thinks that doing so will push my buttons the way me 
talking about Maharishi pushes his. 

I didn't bring up the "Rama guy" - you did, by responding to this thread 
- I'm simply posting my OPINION.

To me, Fred Lenz was Just Another Guy that could do amazing things with 
people's minds - some would call it WOO WOO, and others might call it 
MIND CONTROL or being in a TRANCE INDUCTION STATE. But, you're the only 
guy I know that actually claims to have seen Rama levitate for REAL. So 
it looks like we've got a REAL TB on our hands, with a brain problem 
situation. Go figure.

The question is, have YOU ever achieved 2nd stage flying?

> "I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation."

[FairfieldLife] Post of the year

2014-03-20 Thread nablusoss1008
From DrD:
 There are a few here, that take great delight in bashing meditation programs 
they do not participate in. Same folks that get pissed at others for taking 
attention away from them. These folks have nothing to offer - no skills, no 
abilities, no outside interests. They just like to create doubt, and confusion, 
to mirror their own. 

Perhaps if they could convince just one person of their cynical and depressing 
view of the world, they win. Sadly, there is no way to convince another human 
being of the error of their ways, without providing an alternative. 

These TM bashers have nothing to say in that regard, making the point, instead, 
that they are living proponents of a lifetime spent bashing TM, Maharishi, Guru 
Dev, Hindus, Indians, mantras, pandits, yagyas, and anything else that they 
attach their failed lifetimes to. This misdirected anger, is then meant to buoy 
the TM skeptics out there, with the result that they, of course, want to 
emulate the TM bashers, vs. learning TM. What a joke. For one thing TM 
strengthens the ability for successful social relationships. Compare that to a 
TM basher, who sits alone in cafes and his room, watching TV and drinking beer. 
What would your choice be? Pretty obvious, huh?

So, it doesn't work that way. People are attracted to leaders, and those with 
full hearts. The ones that live in the dark world of criticizing everything, 
want others to look up to them, but they are consistently crawling around on 
the ground, making such a desire impossible.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 1:53 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> someone can have some good things about them, even teaching with true 
> spiritual wisdom and still screw up.
Nobody said they were opposed to Rama, or to Rama levitating - I just 
want to know how it is possible. Did you ever achieve the 2nd stage off 
flying in the golden dome?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread Bhairitu
Yup, spring has sprung.  The last few days have been chilly in the 
morning so I wore a warm-up suit to the waterfront park but shorts and 
t-shirt would have worked.  The long range forecast for the SF Bay Area 
is April showers which we need!  I got my water bill so did my part 
during the last two months as it was $10 less than the last one.

On 03/20/2014 09:02 AM, wrote:

Lest we forget, happy spring day to everyone!  Congratulations to 
those who've weathered through the tough winter season.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
No, Emily didn't miss the point, you did. If you say you are "demonizing the 
demonizers," that means you think there are demonizers to be demonized. Emily's 
telling you there aren't any demonizers except those in your imagination. Get 
it now? It's pretty simple. 


 jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure! 

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "emilymaenot@..."  
   Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going 
on except in your own mind.  


---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 2:08 PM, Bhairitu wrote:
> Richard is the FFL graffiti artist.  I'm surprised the doesn't have a 
> "graffitiartist@" handle.  Go figure.
So, has anyone achieved levitation or reaching the 2nd stage flying? It 
seems like a pretty straightforward question. Why are you having so much 
trouble with this? Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 1:53 PM, Michael Jackson wrote:
> I admit some of Willy's thinking and comments are so convoluted they 
> are almost impossible to understand.
So, Rama was able to levitate hundreds of times, but the TMSP doesn't 
work. It's complicated.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Bhairitu
Richard is the FFL graffiti artist. I'm surprised the doesn't have a 
"graffitiartist@" handle.  Go figure.

On 03/20/2014 11:09 AM, wrote:

Richard, why are you so obsessed with Rama?  Are you going to obsess 
on Rama all day?

---In,  wrote :

On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

The TMO should pay you to shut up.

So, have you been able to reach the 2nd stage flying?

"The levitation I and thousands of other people witnessed *was*
real.  We saw it.  We felt it." - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] From Dusk Till Dawn, the Do-Over

2014-03-20 Thread Bhairitu
I had heard about it.  The El Rey Network is a cable/satellite channel 
which sucks.   Netflix has bought the rights and surprise you only need 
a Netflix account in the Netherlands to watch it not an eyepatch.  They 
may also have the rights to show it in US after the season concludes 
like they do with other series.  Hard to say what you're watching as one 
way to snag a series is to just use a screen recorder on a browser. You 
don't get 5.1 audio but you can get HD.

Right now there is a pile-on of new series and I have to start being 
selective with my time.  Of course the US version of "The Returned" is 
based more of the book and not really a remake of the French version.  
And it is watered down for stupid Americans.

On 03/20/2014 11:01 AM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
This TV review is probably only for Bhairitu, because my suspicion is 
that few others here ever appreciated the charms of Quentin 
Tarantino's / Robert Rodriguez' original film. It was admittedly over 
the top, and in ways that pussified TM blissninnies probably can't 

So now comes the do-over, called "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series," 
and released on Rodriguez' own El Rey network. How and where it can be 
seen in the US is officially Not My Problem, since I'm a pirate and 
can watch pretty much anything I want.

It caught my attention because it's the first foray of one of my 
favorite directors -- Rodriguez, not Tarantino -- into the world of 
television. And I don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. I 
was kinda expecting a sequel, picking up after the events in the 
movie. Instead, it's literally a do-over, following the same plotline 
of the Gecko brothers and their mad, 
bank-robbbers-and-serial-killers-on-the-run dash for the Mexican 
border and a safe haven, only to discover that the safe haven is run 
by vampires. I thought it was an OK movie for many reasons, not least 
of which is that it starred George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Juliette 
Lewis, and Tarantino himself.

The TV do-over surprised me by starting in the same place with the 
same story, but taking a leisurely 10 hours to tell the story instead 
of only 108 minutes.

And so far it's not been horrible. In fact, it's been pretty good, for 
a Robert Rodriguez blood-and-horror fest. Robert Patrick as the 
preacher who has lost his faith ain't Harvey Keitel, but he's passable 
so far. Madison Davenport (who?) as his daughter *certainly* ain't no 
Juliette Lewis, and the jury is still out on her. Don Johnson did a 
more than acceptable stand-in for Michael Parks as a dispatched 
early-in-the-film Texas Ranger. D.J. Cotrona is no George Clooney as 
Seth Gecko but he's interesting, and Zane Holtz is SO no Tarantino as 
crazy-and-a-half Richie Gecko, but he's crazy enough to keep watching.

So I'll keep watching. It's been OK so far, and -- at about halfway 
through episode 2 -- we're not even to the Titty Twister yet...

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
That is a nice looking guitar - I am sure you may have said so here on FFL but 
how long have you been playing?

On Thu, 3/20/14,  

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as 
John McLaughlin in old age
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 6:22 PM
   Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!
  wrote :
  wrote :
 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
 Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a
 sequence, to better understand our expression of love, as
 you mention, more and more fully. Simply an intellectual
 aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
 Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the
 length, or
 sequence, of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC.
 The reason I
 do not include GC, as sequential to the others, is that it
 is concerned
 with the universal heart development, that you mentioned -
 the direct
 experience of the universal, and happens at any time.
 So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete
 acceptance, for ourselves, and everything we encounter,
 while actively being in the world (which you and I certainly
 are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework,
 to see how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling
 that goal. 
 But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say -
 beyond any of them. They don't need to exist as
 benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big
 Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent,
 brilliant, beautiful life that you describe, has nothing to
 do with chasing or evaluating these states. It simply is,
 and that is enough.
 As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that
 is what it is like, only after it becomes more full, and
 stable, all of the chakras fully and naturally light up
 (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means
 of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative
 work, and humor.
 Well Doc,
 if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem
 like one of the most balanced and "normal" people
 here. You have a life, apparently, and you have balance. You
 are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're
 beautiful or not I don't know but for all I know
 you're a living Adonis!
  wrote :
  wrote :
 and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite
 real. However with the modern technique for householders
 available, it is no longer necessary to have a personal
 guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous
 system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the
 books and teachers. 
 I am open
 to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced
 it can be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct
 boundaries as defined by terms like CC, GC etc.. There
 exists a realm where pure love dwells and is available - I
 have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the
 room envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and
 exquisite, intense feeling that most closely resembles a
 sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts and is not
 sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the
 mind and intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of
 this physical sensation but I would not be able to tell if
 another was having it and certainly watching that video of
 Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss
 just looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there
 completely "out of it". So, I have no proof of
 this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of
 "enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick
 with my theory that there is no such thing as outlined in
 books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to meet
 anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet.
 Creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful yes, but
 enlightened - no.
  wrote :
 wrote :
 you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I
 think of Nabby's penchant for praising people who are
 the kind of fakes and abusers you have had to deal with
 yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse me
 Making a
 single post about how I feel about others foibles and
 failings as human beings does not equate to
 "worrying" about what you think. I am responding
 to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I
 rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do
 in their lives whether they claim to be enlightened or not.
 Basically, that state doesn't exist and the sooner
 people realize it and stop throwing themsel

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa and Unity Village Kansas City

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Thanks Bucky - I am happy to know that speaking what I feel about the TMO is 
reactionary and tantamount to being a terrorist but your wanting to have me 
killed by drone is apparently part of a satvic lifestyle. Saying the TMO is 
fresh and new is quite patently absurd since they are doing the same old song 
and dance - the lies and half lies John Revolinski and Bill Goldstein told the 
faithful at the "address concerns about the pundit riot" should be evidence 
enough of that. Plus the fact that the TMO outrageously claims the Marshy 
Effect, yagya effect, vastu ved and more are all evidence based technologies. 
Jezz man, come on. I have no problem with you and yours being happy to meditate 
in group but to believe all the junk the TMO claims is just nonsense. And I am 
concerned with those who are innocent, who are being exposed to these kinds of 
lies so they don't have to go through what I and MANY others have gone through.

On Thu, 3/20/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Meditating Fairfield, Iowa  and  Unity 
Village Kansas City
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 4:19 PM
   Look MJ, you are talking bad about the
 old TM movement.  We don't have control over what
 happened then.   We
 are not that now.  TM is moving forward transparently,
 honestly and
 effectively teaching something from the yogic tradition that
 highly useful and relevant in a modern and scientific world.
   MJ, you
 and your determined meanness around something so evidently
 good as
 transcending meditation are stuck in the past.  You are
 sounding more
 and more like your old people down there saying you need to
 for all those poor slaves who can not look out for
 themselves.  We're a
 movement in process doing fine free of some past
 constraints.  You are stuck in the past.  For all
 kinds of good spiritual and scientific reasons you should
 get your
 meditation checked for proper practice,  
 -Buck in Meditating Fairfield, Iowa   

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread TurquoiseBee
From: Michael Jackson 

Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:53 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone 
reaching 2nd stage flying?

Willy Tex just likes to use the fact that Fred Lenz was a spiritual teacher who 
had some Energy and who allowed the blandishments of the ego to get the better 
of him. Willy ignores the fact that someone can have some good things about 
them, even teaching with true spiritual wisdom and still screw up. 

Willytex can't think that deeply. He only brings up the Rama guy because he 
thinks that doing so will push my buttons the way me talking about Maharishi 
pushes his. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread Share Long
jeez, Emily, talk about missing the point! I said I was demonizing the 
demonizers. But maybe you just wanted to echo that when you said demonizing was 
going on in my own mind. Go figure!

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 12:23 PM, "" 
Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going on 
except in your own mind.  

---In,  wrote :

Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply seems 
to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no one 
is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's
'defense' or mine? How impartial is your sense of justice to defend those you 
feel are being "ganged up" on?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Michael Jackson
Willy Tex just likes to use the fact that Fred Lenz was a spiritual teacher who 
had some Energy and who allowed the blandishments of the ego to get the better 
of him. Willy ignores the fact that someone can have some good things about 
them, even teaching with true spiritual wisdom and still screw up. I, even I 
admit that some people got some good things from Marshy by being around him and 
sometimes from his teaching.

But Willy just likes it when he feels he scores a point agin me or Barry. I  
admit some of Willy's thinking and comments are so convoluted they are almost 
impossible to understand.

On Thu, 3/20/14,  wrote:

 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone 
reaching 2nd stage flying?
 Date: Thursday, March 20, 2014, 6:40 PM
   Are you obsessing on Rama?  Or are you
 obsessing on Fred Lenz and his delusion that he was Rama?
 Helluva sad story, that one.  He was human in the end
 and died a gnarly psychotic, drug addict's death.
  Maybe a trip to Whole Foods will help ground you.
  Have a good day.  
 wrote :
 Richard, why are
 you so obsessed with Rama?  Are you going to obsess on
 Rama all day?  
 wrote :
 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808
 The TMO
 should pay you to shut up.
 So, have you been able to reach the 2nd stage flying?
 "The levitation I and thousands of other people
 witnessed *was*
 real.  We saw it.  We felt it." - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: First sane theory about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

2014-03-20 Thread Share Long
In addition, John, those planets get triggered at least once a month when the 
moon transits them. Which began happening yesterday. 

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 1:14 PM, ""  

A few weeks ago in this forum, Share and I have talked about the malefic 
conjunction of three planets ( Rahu, Mars and Saturn) in the sign of Libra.  
That's the reason why all of these unfortunate events are happening, such as 
this plane mystery, the Russian takeover of Crimea, and Israel's bombing of the 
Syrian border.   Events like this will continue for the next few weeks until 
the end of June, when Jupiter enters and becomes exalted in the sign of Cancer. 
 At that time, the benefic qualities of Jupiter will shower the minds and 
physiology of everyone in the planet.  Thus, there will be an overall 
prosperity for the world for the entire year.

These malefic planets do affect the minds and physiology of people who are 
already predisposed to perform infamous acts.  These planets are like the 
triggers for some people to perform their vile instincts.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:47 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote:

Well, that's just obvious! Non of this could have happened unless nature wanted 
it to happen. I'll bet there's some jyotishi out there that can back this up 
with the facts( alignment of the planets and stars).

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:41 AM, TurquoiseBee


From: Mike Dixon 

To: ""  
Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 3:20 PM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: First sane theory about Malaysia Airlines 
Flight 370

I'm pretty sure that this plain went down because of the Pundit riot. There was 
a distrurbance in the *force* that caused a malfunction in the brainwaves of 
the pilots who decided they needed to crash their plain into a baby rhino that 
was just too cute.

Best theory yet, Mike. But you left out the part about all of this being due to 
the Support Of Nature.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 6:57 AM, "dhamiltony2k5@..."  

Were there any meditators on that flight?  What relevance does this incident 
have to Fairfield, Iowa and meditating?    Yep, i got an offspring who is an 
airline pilot that likes this hypothesis along with a hypothesis of a crippling 
electrical system fire.  Is part of pre-flight to walk around and kick tires 
for air pressure.  It is a lot of tires on that 777.  Is a really big plane 
that goes through a lot of tires in operation.  These hypothesis with the left 
turn helps narrow the speculation and can better focus the search along a line. 
 Nothing will be known fur sure until the recorders are ever found. I'll wait.  

punditster writes: 
Yes, a tire fire on take-off - that would for sure explain why the plane
flew over the Straight of Mallacaa heading for the Indian Ocean. Go figure.

On 3/19/2014 10:26 PM, s3raphita@... wrote:

>From the
link: "However there is
the possibility, given the timeline, that there was an
overheat on one of the front landing gear tires, it blew on
take-off and started slowly burning. Yes, this happens with
underinflated tires! Remember: Heavy plane, hot night, sea
level, long-run takeoff.":
>>>If this is
true then it suggests we need to revise standard operational
procedures. If a hot night can initiate a fire in a tire then
we need to restrict take-offs during heat waves!
>>Yes, a tire fire on take-off - that would for sure explain why the
plane flew over the Straight of Mallacaa heading for the Indian
Ocean. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: From Dusk Till Dawn, the Do-Over

2014-03-20 Thread authfriend
Right. As we know, everyone on FFL other than the two Barrys is a "pussified TM 

 Has anybody else noticed how Barry's estimate of the percentage of TM-TBs on 
FFL has been escalating quite alarmingly recently?

 There has never been more than a small handful, but Barry seems to be seeing 
them suddenly crawling out of the woodwork. The paranoia is really rather 
disturbing. What could be causing it? Any ideas? Is that what's got his panties 
in such a terrible twist about the pundits?


 This TV review is probably only for Bhairitu, because my suspicion is that few 
others here ever appreciated the charms of Quentin Tarantino's / Robert 
Rodriguez' original film. It was admittedly over the top, and in ways that 
pussified TM blissninnies probably can't appreciate. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Today is the Vernal Equinox

2014-03-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Vernal Equinox... almost sounds red-neck. 

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:34 AM, Share Long  wrote:
Happy first day of spring, John! It's my favorite time of year.

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 11:02 AM, ""  
Lest we forget, happy spring day to everyone!  Congratulations to those who've 
weathered through the tough winter season.   


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Sweet Baby Rhino Dreams

2014-03-20 Thread Mike Dixon
Even Indians, I mean Native Americans? Didn't they live in *harmony with 

On Thursday, March 20, 2014 8:37 AM, "" 

---In,  wrote :

A.. the miracle of life. I saw the cutness of the photo, just found 
humorous, the idea of the baby rhino *foraging a vegetarian meal* LOL! As if he 
were just like us, living in *harmony with nature*.

Thankfully not "just like us". Human beings are probably the furthest from 
living in harmony with nature than any other mammal alive on this planet TM'ers 

 Now, does he take his vegan meal with vata or kapha churna?

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:41 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

Well, they certainly don't play them like a trumpet! How else would a rhino use 
it's horn? Yes, they do get into nasty bouts with young elephants who in turn 
try to bully them back. You just need to watch a little more Animal Planet !

Well Dixon, some people are
able to understand and feel the miracle of animals and some are destined to see 
them as eating and shitting machines intent on goring and wreaking general 
havoc on the planet. Too bad for you, you're missing out big time.

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 9:06 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:

That isn't how rhinos use their horns, Mike. And of course elephants are not a 
threat to rhinos.

LOL, Judy of course. I just thought it sounded so* innocent*. The little 
bastard will probably grow up to gore numerous young elephants and anything 
else that gets in it's way.

On Wednesday, March 19, 2014 8:14 AM, "authfriend@..."  wrote:

You didn't know rhinos were herbivores, Mike?

"foraging for it's next *vegetarian* meal"? LOL!

On Tuesday, March 18, 2014 8:21 PM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

"Yusuf, a keeper, sleeps with three orphaned baby rhinos at the Lewa Wildlife 
Conservancy in northern Kenya. The youngest rhino on the right was orphaned 
when poachers killed his mother on Ol Pejeta Conservancy. The largest rhino, 
Nicky, is not an orphan but is being hand-raised because her mother is 
partially blind."

 Thank God that for every poacher, for every animal abuser, for every human who 
finds pleasure in tormenting another animal there are 500
who will give their time, energy and intention to rid the world of unnecessary 
suffering of those splendid, loving, rare creatures that surround us. Just look 
at that sleeping rhino's eye and understand he/she dreams of nothing more 
threatening and harmful than the plains of Africa or where to forage for its 
next vegetarian meal. And those ears - little trumpets. The rings around the 
eyes that make one so young look so old  - almost as old as the dinosaurs. But 
the horn, the thing that dooms this little fellow and others like him because 
of some antiquated notion of magic potion that enhances fertility. If anyone 
wants to get excited about woo woo let this be the cause that might compel one 
to counteract such ignorance with a vengeance.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Are you obsessing on Rama?  Or are you obsessing on Fred Lenz and his delusion 
that he was Rama? Helluva sad story, that one.  He was human in the end and 
died a gnarly psychotic, drug addict's death.  Maybe a trip to Whole Foods will 
help ground you.  Have a good day.  

---In,  wrote :

 Richard, why are you so obsessed with Rama?  Are you going to obsess on Rama 
all day?  

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 The TMO should pay you to shut up. >
 So, have you been able to reach the 2nd stage flying?
 "The levitation I and thousands of other people witnessed *was* real.  We saw 
it.  We felt it." - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot

 Excellent!  What is that halo of light I see around your head?  You'll have to 
post a musical post nextand prepare for some critical review of your 
beginner's skills.  Smile.  

---In,  wrote :

 Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappoin

Re: [FairfieldLife] A wish: to have as much creativity and joy as John McLaughlin in old age

2014-03-20 Thread doctordumbass
Me, with my latest toy - Happy Spring!

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 HA! Gotcha!:-) 
Yes, the ladder of TC, CC, and UC, is merely to establish a sequence, to better 
understand our expression of love, as you mention, more and more fully. Simply 
an intellectual aid, to understanding the experiences, relative to us. 
Yes, nothing to get hung up about, or concerned about the length, or sequence, 
of such experiences, as might map, to TC/CC/UC. The reason I do not include GC, 
as sequential to the others, is that it is concerned with the universal heart 
development, that you mentioned - the direct experience of the universal, and 
happens at any time.
So, even if the goal is to reach a place of complete acceptance, for ourselves, 
and everything we encounter, while actively being in the world (which you and I 
certainly are), it is helpful to have, at least, a partial framework, to see 
how expanding our awareness, aids us, in fulfilling that goal. 
But, the fulfillment of TCGCCCUC - lol - is - as you say - beyond any of them. 
They don't need to exist as benchmarks, or milestones, and can become a big 
Where we belong, in the creative, intelligent, brilliant, beautiful life that 
you describe, has nothing to do with chasing or evaluating these states. It 
simply is, and that is enough.
As for the almost sexual nature of universal love, yes, that is what it is 
like, only after it becomes more full, and stable, all of the chakras fully and 
naturally light up (which we then also forget about), and you now have a means 
of channeling such energy, as I often do, into my creative work, and humor.

 Well Doc, if you're enlightened then that is cool and you seem like one of the 
most balanced and "normal" people here. You have a life, apparently, and you 
have balance. You are funny, strong and interesting. Whether you're beautiful 
or not I don't know but for all I know you're a living Adonis!
---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 apples and oranges, Ann. Enlightenment does exist, and is quite real. However 
with the modern technique for householders available, it is no longer necessary 
to have a personal guru, to achieve such a state of refinement of the nervous 
system, and consequent liberation. Better to ignore the books and teachers. 

 I am open to the possibility it does exist but I am just not convinced it can 
be categorized in simplistic terms and with distinct boundaries as defined by 
terms like CC, GC etc.. There exists a realm where pure love dwells and is 
available - I have experienced it. I have felt where every object in the room 
envelopes one with the intense feeling of peace and exquisite, intense feeling 
that most closely resembles a sort of sexual climax - only it lasts and lasts 
and is not sexual at all. I also think there may be an experience the mind and 
intellect can have that embraces the equivalent of this physical sensation but 
I would not be able to tell if another was having it and certainly watching 
that video of Chinmoy yesterday supposedly meditating and radiating bliss just 
looked like a crazy drugged guy sitting there completely "out of it". So, I 
have no proof of this state as a permanent or prominent manifestation of 
"enlightenment" in others and therefore I stick with my theory that there is no 
such thing as outlined in books and by spiritual teachers and I have yet to 
meet anyone I could recognize as "enlightened" yet. Creative, intelligent, 
brilliant, beautiful yes, but enlightened - no.

---In,  wrote :


---In,  wrote :

 if you feel that way then why waste time worrying about what I think of 
Nabby's penchant for praising people who are the kind of fakes and abusers you 
have had to deal with yourself? Seems to be you doing the same thing you accuse 
me of.

 Making a single post about how I feel about others foibles and failings as 
human beings does not equate to "worrying" about what you think. I am 
responding to your response about Chinmoy; I was talking about how I 
rationalize and approach all of the stupid things people do in their lives 
whether they claim to be enlightened or not. Basically, that state doesn't 
exist and the sooner people realize it and stop throwing themselves at these 
people's feet the sooner we can all stop blaming these guys for misleading us 
and being such lying, womanizing charlatans or whatever you and others choose 
to call them. I guess I just don't relate to the hanging on to disappointment 
about failed gurus and spiritual teachers and I don't make their failings with 
my resultant need to expose them as a reason to get out of bed in the morning. 
But you're welcome to it.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: First sane theory about Malaysia Airlines Flight 370

2014-03-20 Thread jr_esq

 A few weeks ago in this forum, Share and I have talked about the malefic 
conjunction of three planets ( Rahu, Mars and Saturn) in the sign of Libra.  
That's the reason why all of these unfortunate events are happening, such as 
this plane mystery, the Russian takeover of Crimea, and Israel's bombing of the 
Syrian border.   Events like this will continue for the next few weeks until 
the end of June, when Jupiter enters and becomes exalted in the sign of Cancer. 
 At that time, the benefic qualities of Jupiter will shower the minds and 
physiology of everyone in the planet.  Thus, there will be an overall 
prosperity for the world for the entire year.

 These malefic planets do affect the minds and physiology of people who are 
already predisposed to perform infamous acts.  These planets are like the 
triggers for some people to perform their vile instincts.


 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 9:47 AM, Mike Dixon  wrote:
   Well, that's just obvious! Non of this could have happened unless nature 
wanted it to happen. I'll bet there's some jyotishi out there that can back 
this up with the facts( alignment of the planets and stars).
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 7:41 AM, TurquoiseBee  wrote:
   From: Mike Dixon 
 To: ""  
 Sent: Thursday, March 20, 2014 3:20 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: First sane theory about Malaysia Airlines 
Flight 370
   I'm pretty sure that this plain went down because of the Pundit riot. There 
was a distrurbance in the *force* that caused a malfunction in the brainwaves 
of the pilots who decided they needed to crash their plain into a baby rhino 
that was just too cute.
Best theory yet, Mike. But you left out the part about all of this being due to 
the Support Of Nature.
 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 6:57 AM, "dhamiltony2k5@..."  
   Were there any meditators on that flight?  What relevance does this incident 
have to Fairfield, Iowa and meditating?Yep, i got an offspring who is an 
airline pilot that likes this hypothesis along with a hypothesis of a crippling 
electrical system fire.  Is part of pre-flight to walk around and kick tires 
for air pressure.  It is a lot of tires on that 777.  Is a really big plane 
that goes through a lot of tires in operation.  These hypothesis with the left 
turn helps narrow the speculation and can better focus the search along a line. 
 Nothing will be known fur sure until the recorders are ever found. I'll wait.  

 punditster writes: 
 Yes, a tire fire on take-off - that would for sure explain why the plane flew 
over the Straight of Mallacaa heading for the Indian Ocean. Go figure.

 On 3/19/2014 10:26 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... wrote:

 From the link: "However there is the possibility, given the timeline, that 
there was an overheat on one of the front landing gear tires, it blew on 
take-off and started slowly burning. Yes, this happens with underinflated 
tires! Remember: Heavy plane, hot night, sea level, long-run takeoff.":
 If this is true then it suggests we need to revise standard operational 
procedures. If a hot night can initiate a fire in a tire then we need to 
restrict take-offs during heat waves!
 Yes, a tire fire on take-off - that would for sure explain why the plane flew 
over the Straight of Mallacaa heading for the Indian Ocean. Go figure.











Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, why are you so obsessed with Rama?  Are you going to obsess on Rama 
all day?  

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 The TMO should pay you to shut up. >
 So, have you been able to reach the 2nd stage flying?
 "The levitation I and thousands of other people witnessed *was* real.  We saw 
it.  We felt it." - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 12:47 PM, wrote:
Really, Richard?  Well, I am glad I could help bring some sanity to 
you.  What is a "TB" in the sense you are using it with regard to me? 
 "True Believer?"  In what?  That I believe that the devotees of 
Rama's cult perceived what they did?  I have no reason to believe 
otherwise.  I have certain perceptions that I remember after taking 
LSD back in my 20's...oneness with Nature, for one.lots of people 
had the very same perception.  Was it "real?" - that all depends on 
how you define "real."  When drugs are in play messing with our brain, 
to use an easy example, I think of it as an "induced experience." 

*"I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation." - TurquoiseB

*The really important question, Emily, is why did the TurquoiseB feel 
the compulsion to tell us that he DID see "real" levitation, when it is 
obvious that -- even in his own words -- what the TB experienced was 
very far from what could remotely be described as "real".

The story  would have been much more believable if the TB had admitted 
than he was on LSD when he saw Rama rise up and hover. That would be a 
REAL experience, not some "psychic siddhi" WOO WOO that Rama caused to 
go off in their heads. Go figure.

> I will also admit, for the same reasons, that there might have
> been some kind of psychic siddhi going on, in which people's
> perceptions were altered to allow them to see a phenomenon
> that might not have been present on a physical level.  But
> there was never any suggestion of what was about to happen.
> The most he'd ever say was, "Watch."  He never said *what*
> to watch for, and levitation was only one of the siddhis he was
> good at, so there was no telling what, if anything, was going
> to happen.  And yet most of us saw stuff, and everyone who
> saw it agreed on what was seen.

[FairfieldLife] From Dusk Till Dawn, the Do-Over

2014-03-20 Thread TurquoiseBee
This TV review is probably only for Bhairitu, because my suspicion is that few 
others here ever appreciated the charms of Quentin Tarantino's / Robert 
Rodriguez' original film. It was admittedly over the top, and in ways that 
pussified TM blissninnies probably can't appreciate. 

So now comes the do-over, called "From Dusk Till Dawn: The Series," and 
released on Rodriguez' own El Rey network. How and where it can be seen in the 
US is officially Not My Problem, since I'm a pirate and can watch pretty much 
anything I want. 

It caught my attention because it's the first foray of one of my favorite 
directors -- Rodriguez, not Tarantino -- into the world of television. And I 
don't know what I expected, but it wasn't this. I was kinda expecting a sequel, 
picking up after the events in the movie. Instead, it's literally a do-over, 
following the same plotline of the Gecko brothers and their mad, 
bank-robbbers-and-serial-killers-on-the-run dash for the Mexican border and a 
safe haven, only to discover that the safe haven is run by vampires. I thought 
it was an OK movie for many reasons, not least of which is that it starred 
George Clooney, Harvey Keitel, Juliette Lewis, and Tarantino himself. 

The TV do-over surprised me by starting in the same place with the same story, 
but taking a leisurely 10 hours to tell the story instead of only 108 minutes. 

And so far it's not been horrible. In fact, it's been pretty good, for a Robert 
Rodriguez blood-and-horror fest. Robert Patrick as the preacher who has lost 
his faith ain't Harvey Keitel, but he's passable so far. Madison Davenport 
(who?) as his daughter *certainly* ain't no Juliette Lewis, and the jury is 
still out on her. Don Johnson did a more than acceptable stand-in for Michael 
Parks as a dispatched early-in-the-film Texas Ranger. D.J. Cotrona is no George 
Clooney as Seth Gecko but he's interesting, and Zane Holtz is SO no Tarantino 
as crazy-and-a-half Richie Gecko, but he's crazy enough to keep watching. 

So I'll keep watching. It's been OK so far, and -- at about halfway through 
episode 2 -- we're not even to the Titty Twister yet...

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 12:02 PM, TurquoiseBee wrote:
You are fucking certifiable dude. And quite the most hopeless advert 
for a lifetime spent on the "highest" spiritual path... The TMO should 
pay you to shut up.

Maybe that's his retirement plan.  :-)

It looks fer sure like we've got another TB on our hands - this time, a 
REAL certifiable, True Believer Dude. The TMO should hire these two guys 
to give yogic flying demonstrations.  Sweet!

> > "I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation."
> >

Re: [FairfieldLife] MUM announces new chanting program for peace

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Richard, no need to get all pissed off and redirect again.  Go back and look at 
the original comment from me on your initial post with the word "NOBODY..." 

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 12:17 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:
 > A, you are also seeing elephants in your room. Sounds like a 
 > jungle in that mind of yours. 
 Maybe it would be a good idea, Emily, to read the whole thread BEFORE 
 you make your comments.
 Shemp McGurk:
 > To me, the important question is: why did you feel the compulsion to
 > tell us that you DID see "real" levitation when it is obvious that --
 > even in your own words -- what you experienced was very far from
 > what could remotely be described as "real"?
 Subject: Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?
 Forum: Yahoo FairfieldLife - Message 16
 Date: July 23, 2005

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

The TMO should pay you to shut up.

So, have you been able to reach the 2nd stage flying?

"The levitation I and thousands of other people witnessed *was* real.  
We saw it.  We felt it." - TurquoiseB 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Really, Richard?  Well, I am glad I could help bring some sanity to you.  What 
is a "TB" in the sense you are using it with regard to me?  "True Believer?"  
In what?  That I believe that the devotees of Rama's cult perceived what they 
did?  I have no reason to believe otherwise.  I have certain perceptions that I 
remember after taking LSD back in my 20's...oneness with Nature, for 
one.lots of people had the very same perception.  Was it "real?" - that all 
depends on how you define "real."  When drugs are in play messing with our 
brain, to use an easy example, I think of it as an "induced experience."  

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 12:20 PM, emilymaenot@... mailto:emilymaenot@... wrote:

 That was a long time ago, Richard, in Barry's case.  In your case, you are 
seeing monkeys levitate out of your rear end as of this morning.  Catch a clue, 
Richard, catch a clue.  

 It was just a story, Emily. There's no levitation or monkeys flying out 
anyone's butt. I just wanted to see how many informants on FFL were TB's - 
apparently that includes you. Go figure.
 "I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation." - TurquoiseB
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 You are fucking certifiable dude.  >
 So, Barry claims he saw Frederick Lenz levitate "hundreds of times", but I'm 
the "certifiable dude". Go figure.


Re: [FairfieldLife] MUM announces new chanting program for peace

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
On 3/20/2014 12:17 PM, wrote:
> A, you are also seeing elephants in your room.  Sounds like a 
> jungle in that mind of yours. 
Maybe it would be a good idea, Emily, to read the whole thread BEFORE 
you make your comments.

Shemp McGurk:
 > To me, the important question is: why did you feel the compulsion to
 > tell us that you DID see "real" levitation when it is obvious that --
 > even in your own words -- what you experienced was very far from
 > what could remotely be described as "real"?

Subject: Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?
Forum: Yahoo FairfieldLife - Message 16
Date: July 23, 2005

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 12:11 PM, salyavin808 wrote:
You are fucking certifiable dude. And quite the most hopeless advert 
for a lifetime spent on the "highest" spiritual path... The TMO should 
pay you to shut up.

Maybe that's his retirement plan.  :-)

I might chip in myself

How much? Please post here any evidence you have that proves levitation 
or the TMSP. Thanks.

"The Rama guy I studied with had this particular siddhi down pat. He 
could just "lift off" and "hang ten" in mid-air pretty much whenever he 
felt like it." - TurquoiseB

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 12:20 PM, wrote:

That was a long time ago, Richard, in Barry's case.  In your case, you 
are seeing monkeys levitate out of your rear end as of this morning. 
 Catch a clue, Richard, catch a clue.

It was just a story, Emily. There's no levitation or monkeys flying out 
anyone's butt. I just wanted to see how many informants on FFL were TB's 
- apparently that includes you. Go figure.

"I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation." - TurquoiseB

---In,  wrote :

On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

You are fucking certifiable dude. 

So, Barry claims he saw Frederick Lenz levitate "hundreds of
times", but I'm the "certifiable dude". Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] MUM announces new chanting program for peace

2014-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams

On 3/20/2014 11:28 AM, wrote:

That was a real story.

It's beginning to look like we've get a few more TB's on the forum than 
I realized, more even that Barry realized. Go figure.

> > I've witnessed real, hanging-ten-in-mid-air levitation.
> >
Shemp McGurk:
> To me, the important question is: why did you feel the compulsion to
> tell us that you DID see "real" levitation when it is obvious that --
> even in your own words -- what you experienced was very far from
> what could remotely be described as "real"?

---In,  wrote :

On 3/20/2014 12:45 AM, emilymaenot@...  wrote:

> Yes, but that wasn't the point. The point was that SOMEBODY else
> "saw" it. Note that I put "saw" in quotes. I did that for a
reason -
> the point is not whether it was a drug-induced experience or not. I
> will give you the "hundreds of times"

That's odd - out of hundreds of people and hundreds of times, in dozens
of different locations, Rama's levitation capability isn't mentioned one
single time on Wikipedia, or in any scientific peer-reviewed journals.
Go figure.

"Levitation is the process by which an object is suspended by a physical
force against gravity, in a stable position without solid physical 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Why some here complain about meditation programs they don't practice

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
Share, you are missing the point, yet again.  There is no "demonizing" going on 
except in your own mind.  

---In,  wrote :

 Really good points, Ann. But maybe if enough of us stop demonizing, then 
everyone will. And I realize I'm demonizing the demonizers. Go figure!

 On Thursday, March 20, 2014 10:44 AM, "awoelflebater@..."  


---In,  wrote :

 Right, Doc, I was replying to a point you made in another post. It simply 
seems to me that lots of people on FFL are demonizing other people and or 
organizations. By demonizing I mean: thinking of them as ALL bad. By what they 
write, I think that some people think that certain others are ALL bad. Of 
course this is my interpretation of what they write.

 Your interpretation is faulty because already so many have told you that no 
one is demonizing anyone nor are they claiming anyone is ALL bad, at least with 
regard to Bawwy who seems to be who you are 'defending' now. Do you think Bawwy 
"demonizes" Judy or Robin or me or even Doc? Do you think Bawwy could ever make 
himself gag up a compliment toward Judy or Robin, for that matter? And if you 
believe others to be demonizing "people and organizations" at FFL then what 
influence do you believe you could possibly have in changing that? To what 
degree do you believe in holding others accountable for bad behavior even 
though you feel they are being "demonized" by others who have taken exception 
to it? Why do you never run to Judy's 'defense' or mine? How impartial is your 
sense of justice to defend those you feel are being "ganged up" on?




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: 'Levitation/has anyone heard of anyone reaching 2nd stage flying?

2014-03-20 Thread emilymaenot
That was a long time ago, Richard, in Barry's case.  In your case, you are 
seeing monkeys levitate out of your rear end as of this morning.  Catch a clue, 
Richard, catch a clue.  

---In,  wrote :

 On 3/20/2014 11:59 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

 You are fucking certifiable dude.  >
 So, Barry claims he saw Frederick Lenz levitate "hundreds of times", but I'm 
the "certifiable dude". Go figure.

  1   2   >