Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this.   

 And what would "my way" be in  this case? There aren't any proven uses for it, 
only anecdotes. The only plus I can see is that I might end up looking like a 
cyberman. You are welcome to keep using it if you find it effective.

 Maybe you'd prefer it if I became the bastard son of Judy and argued on and on 
and on and on about it until every point has been trissected a billion times 
and we've all forgotten what we were talking about in the first place...

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Only one of those references mentions the concentration of silver, and it is 
450 PPM. 

 But other references from the Google search term " Colloidal Silver risks" 
claim there is no known safe limit as peoples resistance varies. The general 
thrust I got is that as there are no proven medical uses it isn't worth the 
risk. I feel no need for it (other than for taking less time to dress up for 
nightclubs) so I shall happily save my money! YMMV

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of flat out wrong information floating around 
with respect to making CS, and that results in people like Stan Jones and Paul 
Karason smurfing themselves with concentrated silver salt soup because they 
used tap water or added salt. There are also commercially available silver 
products in the hundreds and thousands of PPM range. The true observable 
science is that ingesting silver in large quantities will cause argyria. But, 
just because large quantities of silver cause argyria, doesn't mean tiny 
quantities cause it.
 Distilled water has very low conductance, typically around .8 to 1.2 
microsiemens, so properly made CS takes a long time to brew. I make a gallon at 
a time, with large flat electrodes, and it takes more than 12 hours to run a 
batch. My finished CS measures around 20-22 microsiemens; if it were 450 PPM, 
my conductance meter wouldn't even be able to measure it. My generator is one 
of the more sophisticated ones, with current control and auto-shutoff, and 
units like these are well worth the investment. Sure, you can make CS with a 
pair of silver wires and three 9v batteries, but you're running blind, and the 
people using such crude setups tend to be the ones who use impure water or 
added salt. The subject in the dermatology journal was no doubt one of those 
people: "He was able to obtain plans for a simple battery-operated chamber 
designed to leach silver from pure silver wire. He ingested approximately 16 
ounces (~ 450 ml) of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months." 
 ---In,> wrote :
 wrote :
 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 
 Such is my kind of science.
 Here's my kind:
 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this. 

 Oh well, all I know is that it works on my husband's split fingers in the 
winter like nothing else can.

 How do you know it works like nothing else can?

  It works great on skin issues with my horses, it cleared up your two decade 
old psoriasis and Alex has found it apparently useful enough to have concocted 
a home brew that he swears by.  I guess Sal is just someone who requires 
regimented documentation before he'll dip his toe into some metaphorical 
medicinal pool. 

 "Just" someone? So you would willingly take something without checking it out 
first? Like the people who sued the TMO for lead poisoning didn't?

 I may well have tried any type of folk medicine once, it all seems so innocent 
but there have proven to be risks with at least some remedies and most are 
inert placebo's, and as I keep patiently pointing out it doesn't matter that 
it's a placebo it will still work, it just has a different active ingredient to 
the one you think.

 Silver has anti-bacterial properties, it is considered to have risks that 
outweigh the benefits and there are better products freely available. What else 
does anyone need to know?

 PS, Do not drink it.

 Only scientifically-verified documentation and rigorous testing for him. I 
personally wish I had more faith in the scientific method as well as allopathic 

 That is such a dumb statement, maybe you want to try understanding scientific 
method first?

  It would be so much easier to believe wholeheartedly as long as it has the 
scientist certified seal of approval.



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Only one of those references mentions the concentration of silver, and it is 
450 PPM. 

 But other references from the Google search term " Colloidal Silver risks" 
claim there is no known safe limit as peoples resistance varies. The general 
thrust I got is that as there are no proven medical uses it isn't worth the 
risk. I feel no need for it (other than for taking less time to dress up for 
nightclubs) so I shall happily save my money! YMMV

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of flat out wrong information floating around 
with respect to making CS, and that results in people like Stan Jones and Paul 
Karason smurfing themselves with concentrated silver salt soup because they 
used tap water or added salt. There are also commercially available silver 
products in the hundreds and thousands of PPM range. The true observable 
science is that ingesting silver in large quantities will cause argyria. But, 
just because large quantities of silver cause argyria, doesn't mean tiny 
quantities cause it.
 Distilled water has very low conductance, typically around .8 to 1.2 
microsiemens, so properly made CS takes a long time to brew. I make a gallon at 
a time, with large flat electrodes, and it takes more than 12 hours to run a 
batch. My finished CS measures around 20-22 microsiemens; if it were 450 PPM, 
my conductance meter wouldn't even be able to measure it. My generator is one 
of the more sophisticated ones, with current control and auto-shutoff, and 
units like these are well worth the investment. Sure, you can make CS with a 
pair of silver wires and three 9v batteries, but you're running blind, and the 
people using such crude setups tend to be the ones who use impure water or 
added salt. The subject in the dermatology journal was no doubt one of those 
people: "He was able to obtain plans for a simple battery-operated chamber 
designed to leach silver from pure silver wire. He ingested approximately 16 
ounces (~ 450 ml) of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months." 
 ---In,> wrote :
 wrote :
 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 
 Such is my kind of science.
 Here's my kind:
 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silve

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and links from:

 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit
 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit 
Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit Stephen Barrett, M.D. Colloidal silver 
is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particles in a colloidal...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

As usual, you pays your money and you takes your chance




Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread nablusoss1008
We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about to 
disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future: 
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue,  wrote : 
 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future
 View on www.share-internation... 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unrest in the Middle East.
 This kabala more likely wants to maintain the price of oil at a high level so 
that they can sell more oil to the industrialized countries.

 So, the Americans or Europeans end up going to war against ISIS whose members 
are faceless and could easily blend in with the people living in Iraq or Syria. 
 And the Americans would start bombing vehicles, equipment and weapons that 
were seized by the militants which were originally made by the US industries.

 Can anyone connect the dots and see the entir

[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, 
if it doesn't work for us.
  Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

 No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

 For all the world I wish them well.

 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn't easy to do.”  


 Replicating the Science: Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be 
able to replicate the large-scale science. Data and the science testing of 
hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

 That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the 
bringing of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the 
TM movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

 That is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly 
run aground on its past ethical performance. Apparently as it became evident 
that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming any more they 
canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting donations to bring more 
pundits, the response was 'let me see other people do it before I do it'. The 
project foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside. Damn. That was even 
before Girish Varma got in to trouble in India.


 LEnglish5 has put his finger on something around the science replication of 
what were preliminary and evidently good results. His point is looking at how 
to replicate given the practical and real constraints of such large replication 
research. This is extremely important as to the fate and course of the TM 
movement going forward.
 Maharishi drove the TM movement for decades with 'big science' of hypothesis 
testing based on observation. The 'big science' work now evidently is 
constrained and it seems the constraint is rooted a cultural problem within TM 
about the availability of money now from within the TM community itself. This 
is actually where MJ seems to have a related point about behavior. 

  TM replication research is suffering in a constraint right now from our old 
ethical problems about money in TM and broad perceptions in the community of 
old financial dealings. Those perceptions even within TM quite evidently have 
been corrosive and eroding within communal TM itself. This is very much part of 
what makes moot now the gatherings of high enough numbers of people meditating 

[FairfieldLife] Guru

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Nude Cabaret

2014-08-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I always loved Jackson Browne. I used to see him perform at the Troubadour in 
L.A. on "open mic" night back in the 60s, painfully shy and almost ashamed of 
his own voice, preferring other singers' cover versions of his songs to his 
own. There is a great moment in the recent documentary on The Eagles in which 
Don Henley speaks of living above Jackson's basement room back in their mutual 
just-getting-started-in-the-music-business days and being awakened by him every 
morning by the sound of him sitting at the piano going over and over and over 
and over the same verse of a new song, trying to make it perfect. Sometimes it 
would take months. 

Leonard Cohen is the same way. It can take him *years* to finish a song to the 
point that he feels it's "finished," and that he can record it. It's a real 
trip to surf the Net and find old, still-in-process versions of one of his 
songs, years before we in the general public first heard it. The changes are 
not drastic -- a word will be changed here, a phrase here, the rhyme made more 
precise here. But *every* change makes the song better, and thus is a 
significant step in the creation of a perfect song. 

So I really have high hopes for these two upcoming albums. Jackson's new album 
(his first since 2008) will be released on his 65th birthday, the same age that 
saner non-poets retire. Leonard Cohen will be 80 when his new album comes out. 
Bruce Cockburn is my age, and hasn't had a new album in a while because 1) he's 
a new father at our shared age, and 2) he's been working for the last few years 
on his autobiography "Rumours Of Glory," which is now finished and about to be 
released. Hopefully now he'll be able to swing his attention back to writing 

And hopefully all three of these guys' songs will be as good as the ones they 
wrote in their youth. Physical athletes can't hope to compete at the same 
levels once they get old and hoary, but mental athletes still have a shot at 
it. I really hope that all three of these poets/songwriters manage to surpass 
even their own previous works, setting the bar higher not only for themselves, 
but for the rest of us as well, because after all we're gettin' a bit old and 
hoary ourselves, and could use the inspiration. 

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Monday, August 25, 2014 11:30 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Live Nude Cabaret

Nice song. I rarely listen to songs. Has a really nice smooth feel to it. The 
figuration of the guitar is part of the magic of such songs, providing a 
shimmering tapestry over which the main melody and words float unhindered.

---In,  wrote :

A fairly new song by an old favorite wordsmith of mine, Jackson Browne. He has 
a new album coming out soon, as does Leonard Cohen. I've already pre-ordered 
both. In my experience, old poets can either just get old and frayed as they 
age, like socks, or they can get better, like wine. I'm curious to see how 
these guys do...

Jackson Browne - Live Nude Cabaret - Denver 2012 - Part 7

Jackson Browne - Live Nude Cabaret - Denver 2012 - Part ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Guru

2014-08-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]

 From: salyavin808 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:23 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Guru


[FairfieldLife] The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number of 
reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux outrage 
thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again vibe to 
it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got infected 
with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I never got 
into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have managed to 
remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and put any 
attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on?

Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 

Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant: 
 1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

 You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

 2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.



 Just a heads up.



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, 
if it doesn't work for us.
  Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

 No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

 For all the world I wish them well.

 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn't easy to do.”  


 Replicating the Science: Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be 
able to replicate the large-scale science. Data and the science testing of 
hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

 That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the 
bringing of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the 
TM movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

 That is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly 
run aground on its past ethical performance. Apparently as it became evident 
that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming any more they 
canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting donations to bring more 
pundits, the response was 'let me see other people do it before I do it'. The 
project foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside. Damn. That was even 
before Girish Varma got in to trouble in India.


 LEnglish5 has put his finger on something around the science replication of 
what were preliminary and evidently good results. His point is looking at how 
to replicate given the practical and real constraints of such large replication 
research. This is extremely important as to the fate and course of the TM 
movement going forward.
 Maharishi drove the TM movement for 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
who will pay for their TMSP training?

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:12 AM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of 
Consciousness and Square Roots

A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant:
1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.

Just a heads up.


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about
science testing in large ways.  A failure
more recently was that we never really got the critical and necessary large 
numbers to be able to pursue the replication studies during the Invincibility 
Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 meditating in America together for
long enough.  Did not get the requisite numbers of pundits together
for long enough. 
 The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the
barnyard too and gone down the road.  That simply is where TM is at
now for its fund-raising to do large science anymore.  Seems now aground on 
shoals of past ethical performance.  Apparently towards the end as it
became evident that the Howard Settle money was not going to be
forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response
was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' ..Herding cats.
The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside.
Damn.  That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles and
put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that
could then be read about in the papers.  

It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the Marshy 
Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual assault 
and various other sinister charges?

Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.

This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render further 
testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, if it 
doesn't work for us.
 Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

For all the world I wish them well.

“The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
That isn't easy to do.”  


Replicating the Science:  Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be
able to replicate the large-scale science.  Data and the science
testing of hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the bringing 
of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the TM 
movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

That is
where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly run
aground on its past ethical performance.  Apparently as it became
evident that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming
any more they canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting
donations to bring more pundits, the response was 'let me see other
people do it before I do it'.  The project foundered for a basic lack
of trust of the inside.   Damn.  That was even before Girish Varma
got in to trouble in India.

LEnglish5 has
put his finger on something around the science replication of what
were preliminary and evidently good results.  His point is looking a

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented by 
Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine 
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based 
Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between 
science and medicine
 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 
 ---In,  wrote :

 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 


 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 


 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
My desires are strong in fulfillment.---In, 
 wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 Very good point. I think of ignorance as being chock a block full of desiring. 
Those who feel nothing but the relative are voracious in their appetite for all 
things material including power and fame if they can get it. Fulfillment of all 
desires could be just that - lack of desire.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I think you've amply displayed classic Judy traits in this discussion thus far, 
so yes, I agree, no need to keep at it. ---In, 
 wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this.   

 And what would "my way" be in  this case? There aren't any proven uses for it, 
only anecdotes. The only plus I can see is that I might end up looking like a 
cyberman. You are welcome to keep using it if you find it effective.

 Maybe you'd prefer it if I became the bastard son of Judy and argued on and on 
and on and on about it until every point has been trissected a billion times 
and we've all forgotten what we were talking about in the first place...

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Only one of those references mentions the concentration of silver, and it is 
450 PPM. 

 But other references from the Google search term " Colloidal Silver risks" 
claim there is no known safe limit as peoples resistance varies. The general 
thrust I got is that as there are no proven medical uses it isn't worth the 
risk. I feel no need for it (other than for taking less time to dress up for 
nightclubs) so I shall happily save my money! YMMV

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of flat out wrong information floating around 
with respect to making CS, and that results in people like Stan Jones and Paul 
Karason smurfing themselves with concentrated silver salt soup because they 
used tap water or added salt. There are also commercially available silver 
products in the hundreds and thousands of PPM range. The true observable 
science is that ingesting silver in large quantities will cause argyria. But, 
just because large quantities of silver cause argyria, doesn't mean tiny 
quantities cause it.
 Distilled water has very low conductance, typically around .8 to 1.2 
microsiemens, so properly made CS takes a long time to brew. I make a gallon at 
a time, with large flat electrodes, and it takes more than 12 hours to run a 
batch. My finished CS measures around 20-22 microsiemens; if it were 450 PPM, 
my conductance meter wouldn't even be able to measure it. My generator is one 
of the more sophisticated ones, with current control and auto-shutoff, and 
units like these are well worth the investment. Sure, you can make CS with a 
pair of silver wires and three 9v batteries, but you're running blind, and the 
people using such crude setups tend to be the ones who use impure water or 
added salt. The subject in the dermatology journal was no doubt one of those 
people: "He was able to obtain plans for a simple battery-operated chamber 
designed to leach silver from pure silver wire. He ingested approximately 16 
ounces (~ 450 ml) of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months." 
 ---In,> wrote :
 wrote :
 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 
 Such is my kind of science.
 Here's my kind:
 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argy

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I recommend Champori. Tibet.---In, 
 wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this. 

 Oh well, all I know is that it works on my husband's split fingers in the 
winter like nothing else can. It works great on skin issues with my horses, it 
cleared up your two decade old psoriasis and Alex has found it apparently 
useful enough to have concocted a home brew that he swears by.  I guess Sal is 
just someone who requires regimented documentation before he'll dip his toe 
into some metaphorical medicinal pool. Only scientifically-verified 
documentation and rigorous testing for him. I personally wish I had more faith 
in the scientific method as well as allopathic medicine. It would be so much 
easier to believe wholeheartedly as long as it has the scientist certified seal 
of approval. 
---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Only one of those references mentions the concentration of silver, and it is 
450 PPM. 

 But other references from the Google search term " Colloidal Silver risks" 
claim there is no known safe limit as peoples resistance varies. The general 
thrust I got is that as there are no proven medical uses it isn't worth the 
risk. I feel no need for it (other than for taking less time to dress up for 
nightclubs) so I shall happily save my money! YMMV

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of flat out wrong information floating around 
with respect to making CS, and that results in people like Stan Jones and Paul 
Karason smurfing themselves with concentrated silver salt soup because they 
used tap water or added salt. There are also commercially available silver 
products in the hundreds and thousands of PPM range. The true observable 
science is that ingesting silver in large quantities will cause argyria. But, 
just because large quantities of silver cause argyria, doesn't mean tiny 
quantities cause it.
 Distilled water has very low conductance, typically around .8 to 1.2 
microsiemens, so properly made CS takes a long time to brew. I make a gallon at 
a time, with large flat electrodes, and it takes more than 12 hours to run a 
batch. My finished CS measures around 20-22 microsiemens; if it were 450 PPM, 
my conductance meter wouldn't even be able to measure it. My generator is one 
of the more sophisticated ones, with current control and auto-shutoff, and 
units like these are well worth the investment. Sure, you can make CS with a 
pair of silver wires and three 9v batteries, but you're running blind, and the 
people using such crude setups tend to be the ones who use impure water or 
added salt. The subject in the dermatology journal was no doubt one of those 
people: "He was able to obtain plans for a simple battery-operated chamber 
designed to leach silver from pure silver wire. He ingested approximately 16 
ounces (~ 450 ml) of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months." 
 ---In,> wrote :
 wrote :
 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 
 Such is my kind of science.
 Here's my kind:
 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infe

[FairfieldLife] Re: Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
This new feature is fabulous; not a bug, but a solution. See how strong desires 
are fulfilled, effortlessly? ---In, 
 wrote :

 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I have had 2 of the 3 illusions dispelled: I don't have any muscle cars.

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Desires are Fulfilled simultaneous  with their arrival.---In,  wrote :

 Re Fulfillment of all desires could be just that - lack of desire.: 
 That's my understanding. There's a school of thought that says that when we 
desire some satisfaction our equilibrium is disturbed which we experience as 
suffering. When we satisfy the desire we feel good and naturally assume it is 
the pleasure we've just experienced that is making us content. But could it be 
that we're getting rid of the irritant that disturbed us and are simply 
re-establishing our natural balance and so are just happy being ourselves which 
is fulfilling in itself.

 New desires almost immediately spring up and we're off again. Buddha seems to 
be suggesting that cutting off the flow of tempting images which constantly 
enter our minds to entice us could be the solution.

 Dostoevsky, he say, "The trouble with man is that he's happy but doesn't know 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 Very good point. I think of ignorance as being chock a block full of desiring. 
Those who feel nothing but the relative are voracious in their appetite for all 
things material including power and fame if they can get it. Fulfillment of all 
desires could be just that - lack of desire.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I am certain the the science will catch up. Perhaps Israel will do it now. 
Perhaps another country later. There is no expiry-date that must be 
watched.---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing.  Going 
forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  For all the world I wish them well,

 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn't easy to do.”  


 Replicating the Science: Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be 
able to replicate the large-scale science. Data and the science testing of 
hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

 That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the 
bringing of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the 
TM movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

 That is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly 
run aground on its past ethical performance. Apparently as it became evident 
that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming any more they 
canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting donations to bring more 
pundits, the response was 'let me see other people do it before I do it'. The 
project foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside. Damn. That was even 
before Girish Varma got in to trouble in India.


 LEnglish5 has put his finger on something around the science replication of 
what were preliminary and evidently good results. His point is looking at how 
to replicate given the practical and real constraints of such large replication 
research. This is extremely important as to the fate and course of the TM 
movement going forward.
 Maharishi drove the TM movement for decades with 'big science' of hypothesis 
testing based on observation. The 'big science' work now evidently is 
constrained and it seems the constraint is rooted a cultural problem within TM 
about the availability of money now from within the TM community itself. This 
is actually where MJ seems to have a related point about behavior. 

  TM replication research is suffering in a constraint right now from our old 
ethical problems about money in TM and broad perceptions in the community of 
old financial dealings. Those perceptions even within TM quite evidently have 
been corrosive and eroding within communal TM itself. This is very much part of 
what makes moot now the gatherings of high enough numbers of people meditating 
in groups, high enough numbers of students meditating in our schools, and high 
enough numbers of pundits in Vedic City or in India to be able to gather 
significant data and test hypothesis. Money. The practical and serious obstacle 
to replication research that Sparaig is raising is a lack of forthcoming money 
coming out of the meditating community and a general lack of numbers of 
meditators (aside from Latin America) available in the TM movement now stemming 
in a malaise of historical ethical dissonance.

 Replication, as 'proper' Science process:

 LEnglish5 is entirely correct. 
 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn'

[FairfieldLife] Re: Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I used to have trouble with this site using Chrome. I got some loving help from 
Madame s3, and switched to Firefox. Now I'm good to go! ---In,  wrote :

 Dear Fleetwood; I find there is a discrepancy betwx apple and pc's on this 
point. My iphone and ipad-mini and i-mac do not scroll down at all beyond a 
point in the recent FFL posts. Just will not. Though on my pc laptop 
MS-windows7, the yahoo posts go down eternally. On PC's it evidently Reloads at 
the end of each page. It must be a 'flash' thing in difference. Some IT person 
here may know why. Same thing in my google e-mail account. Seems most serious 
people have g-mail now but the I-products sux at scrolling all of g-mail. I 
usually go over to my pc to really write and respond in gmail. The i-products 
sux as far as depth of mail. Can only scroll so far. 
 I usually start my horse training day with a pot of coffee real early. Black. 
And look at my laptop inside the house as I get going. I seem to be able to see 
everything on my pc laptop. Then go on to group meditation. 
 During the day I look on my i-products and get the drift but at night after 
the sun goes down I come in and look at my pc laptop to really see what people 
post either on yahoo or substantially to google-g-mail and then really go back 
and catch up. Is incredible the difference. I cannot recommend entirely the 
i-thing. But they are reliable in a way the pc's take too damned much time to 
keep going. I got shit to do beside meditating and keeping software going. I 
don't work in an office so I don't get co-worker input on how these things work 
otherwise. I don't got time to shit around getting these things to work. Long 
time ago I was doing IBM mainframe programming on punch cards in the 7th grade. 
I was real good at it and got most of a degree in math afterwards and made a 
choice along the way back in those years to not be a programmer then but be 
with real life things like hammers and horses then. I-apple corp will proly 
figure it out but it is an informational problem with them now. I can not 
entirely recommend apple yet for that reason. My son is an airline pilot and 
they all seem to have ipads now but I hesitate because of this obvious defect 
in i-products in my daily life. I am open to anyone enlightening me here on 
this differential and how to work with it.
 fleetwood_macncheese writes:

 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations.
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Please.I do believe that Radiant Skin from MAP may be the solution here. Try it.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this.   

 And what would "my way" be in  this case? There aren't any proven uses for it, 
only anecdotes. The only plus I can see is that I might end up looking like a 
cyberman. You are welcome to keep using it if you find it effective.

 Maybe you'd prefer it if I became the bastard son of Judy and argued on and on 
and on and on about it until every point has been trissected a billion times 
and we've all forgotten what we were talking about in the first place...

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Only one of those references mentions the concentration of silver, and it is 
450 PPM. 

 But other references from the Google search term " Colloidal Silver risks" 
claim there is no known safe limit as peoples resistance varies. The general 
thrust I got is that as there are no proven medical uses it isn't worth the 
risk. I feel no need for it (other than for taking less time to dress up for 
nightclubs) so I shall happily save my money! YMMV

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of flat out wrong information floating around 
with respect to making CS, and that results in people like Stan Jones and Paul 
Karason smurfing themselves with concentrated silver salt soup because they 
used tap water or added salt. There are also commercially available silver 
products in the hundreds and thousands of PPM range. The true observable 
science is that ingesting silver in large quantities will cause argyria. But, 
just because large quantities of silver cause argyria, doesn't mean tiny 
quantities cause it.
 Distilled water has very low conductance, typically around .8 to 1.2 
microsiemens, so properly made CS takes a long time to brew. I make a gallon at 
a time, with large flat electrodes, and it takes more than 12 hours to run a 
batch. My finished CS measures around 20-22 microsiemens; if it were 450 PPM, 
my conductance meter wouldn't even be able to measure it. My generator is one 
of the more sophisticated ones, with current control and auto-shutoff, and 
units like these are well worth the investment. Sure, you can make CS with a 
pair of silver wires and three 9v batteries, but you're running blind, and the 
people using such crude setups tend to be the ones who use impure water or 
added salt. The subject in the dermatology journal was no doubt one of those 
people: "He was able to obtain plans for a simple battery-operated chamber 
designed to leach silver from pure silver wire. He ingested approximately 16 
ounces (~ 450 ml) of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months." 
 ---In,> wrote :
 wrote :
 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 
 Such is my kind of science.
 Here's my kind:
 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-o

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Think Zincotaand good thoughts.

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this. 

 Oh well, all I know is that it works on my husband's split fingers in the 
winter like nothing else can.

 How do you know it works like nothing else can?

  It works great on skin issues with my horses, it cleared up your two decade 
old psoriasis and Alex has found it apparently useful enough to have concocted 
a home brew that he swears by.  I guess Sal is just someone who requires 
regimented documentation before he'll dip his toe into some metaphorical 
medicinal pool. 

 "Just" someone? So you would willingly take something without checking it out 
first? Like the people who sued the TMO for lead poisoning didn't?

 I may well have tried any type of folk medicine once, it all seems so innocent 
but there have proven to be risks with at least some remedies and most are 
inert placebo's, and as I keep patiently pointing out it doesn't matter that 
it's a placebo it will still work, it just has a different active ingredient to 
the one you think.

 Silver has anti-bacterial properties, it is considered to have risks that 
outweigh the benefits and there are better products freely available. What else 
does anyone need to know?

 PS, Do not drink it.

 Only scientifically-verified documentation and rigorous testing for him. I 
personally wish I had more faith in the scientific method as well as allopathic 

 That is such a dumb statement, maybe you want to try understanding scientific 
method first?

  It would be so much easier to believe wholeheartedly as long as it has the 
scientist certified seal of approval.



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Only one of those references mentions the concentration of silver, and it is 
450 PPM. 

 But other references from the Google search term " Colloidal Silver risks" 
claim there is no known safe limit as peoples resistance varies. The general 
thrust I got is that as there are no proven medical uses it isn't worth the 
risk. I feel no need for it (other than for taking less time to dress up for 
nightclubs) so I shall happily save my money! YMMV

 Unfortunately, there's a lot of flat out wrong information floating around 
with respect to making CS, and that results in people like Stan Jones and Paul 
Karason smurfing themselves with concentrated silver salt soup because they 
used tap water or added salt. There are also commercially available silver 
products in the hundreds and thousands of PPM range. The true observable 
science is that ingesting silver in large quantities will cause argyria. But, 
just because large quantities of silver cause argyria, doesn't mean tiny 
quantities cause it.
 Distilled water has very low conductance, typically around .8 to 1.2 
microsiemens, so properly made CS takes a long time to brew. I make a gallon at 
a time, with large flat electrodes, and it takes more than 12 hours to run a 
batch. My finished CS measures around 20-22 microsiemens; if it were 450 PPM, 
my conductance meter wouldn't even be able to measure it. My generator is one 
of the more sophisticated ones, with current control and auto-shutoff, and 
units like these are well worth the investment. Sure, you can make CS with a 
pair of silver wires and three 9v batteries, but you're running blind, and the 
people using such crude setups tend to be the ones who use impure water or 
added salt. The subject in the dermatology journal was no doubt one of those 
people: "He was able to obtain plans for a simple battery-operated chamber 
designed to leach silver from pure silver wire. He ingested approximately 16 
ounces (~ 450 ml) of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months." 
 ---In,> wrote :
 wrote :
 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 
 Such is my kind of science.
 Here's my kind:
 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared b

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Seraphita, what I experience is that when I'm settled in my body and energy 
field, my thoughts and emotions are settled too. Then any desire that arises is 
already fulfilled. I guess because that inner peace is the ultimate goal of all 
desires. So if we already are experiencing that, Bob's your uncle!

On Monday, August 25, 2014 10:07 PM, " [FairfieldLife]" 

Re Fulfillment of all desires could be just that - lack of desire.:
That's my understanding. There's a school of thought that says that when we 
desire some satisfaction our equilibrium is disturbed which we experience as 
suffering. When we satisfy the desire we feel good and naturally assume it is 
the pleasure we've just experienced that is making us content. But could it be 
that we're getting rid of the irritant that disturbed us and are simply 
re-establishing our natural balance and so are just happy being ourselves which 
is fulfilling in itself.

New desires almost immediately spring up and we're off again. Buddha seems to 
be suggesting that cutting off the flow of tempting images which constantly 
enter our minds to entice us could be the solution.

Dostoevsky, he say, "The trouble with man is that he's happy but doesn't know 

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>>>Re"I have never met a
single TM'er who could honestly say they had fulfilled
all desires":
>>>And yet, . . ., and yet .
. . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* you
often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no
longer impinge on your consciousness and you are happy
to remain just where you are. True, one could say the
same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers
have often taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for
enlightenment. No desires = fulfillment of desires.
>>>Very good point. I think of ignorance as being chock a block full of 
>>>desiring. Those who feel nothing but the relative are voracious in their 
>>>appetite for all things material including power and fame if they can get 
>>>it. Fulfillment of all desires could be just that - lack of desire.
>>In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while
in the dream state is part of Dzogchen training. This training is
described by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is 
secondary to the experience of 'Diamond Light'.
Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, which
helps the individual understand the unreality of waking
consciousness as phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same
in Rigpa Awareness as in TM. 
>>Read more:
>>'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
>>by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
>>Snow Lion, 1998 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin. 
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and links from:

 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Steve, I've heard of this phenom where a cure grows right next to a poison. I 
guess "science hasn't figured out yet how that happens.

Anyway, great points and of course we like to think we're right. Cuz it makes 
us feel safe!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:53 AM, " [FairfieldLife]" 

Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin.
And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

Everyone like to think they're right. You included.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect.
Sort of shows a different side I think.

"My version"?

In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can tell 
with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

Such is my kind of science.

Here's my kind:

The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
* A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three 
years, developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a 
very high blood level of silver [4].
* A married couple who had three years of daily consumption of a drink 
prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a bowl of water that 
contained a silver bar [5].
* Another couple had been taking a silver-containing "dietary 
supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5].
* A mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea 
for about 10 months [5].
* Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6].
* Two men, ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product 
use inspired by Internet claims [7].
* A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his entire body 
after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. The product, 
packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as a preventive 
for everyday infections [8].
* A 58-year-old man who treated a presumed kidney infection with a 
home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day for 4 days developed argyria 
about 4 weeks later [9].
* A 38-year-old man developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 
ounces of 450 ppm colloidal silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his 
arthritis and other conditions. He made the solution with a simple 
battery-operated chamber that leached silver from pure silver wire. He had 
obtained the plans from information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the 
right shows how his skin color compares to that of normal skin. 

Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
  Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... 
Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD 
and Max Fung MD Dermatology Online Journal 11 (1): 1...  
View on escholarship.orgPreview by Yahoo   
 I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to goin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Also helpful is a daily soak in Goat's milk. Did you know that goat's have the 
same ph as we?makes your skin soft, and touchable, and desirable, and 
welcoming, and warm, and...

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and links from:

 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit
 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit 
Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit Stephen Barrett, M.D. Colloidal silver 
is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particl

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue,  wrote :
 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unrest in the Middle East.
 This kabala more likely wants to maintain the price of oil at a high level so 
that they can sell more oil to the industrialized countries.

 So, the Americans or Europeans end up going to war against ISIS whose members 
are faceless and could easily blend in with th

[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
where'd ya get the red ink from?---In, 
 wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, 
if it doesn't work for us.
  Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

 No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

 For all the world I wish them well.

 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn't easy to do.”  


 Replicating the Science: Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be 
able to replicate the large-scale science. Data and the science testing of 
hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

 That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the 
bringing of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the 
TM movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

 That is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly 
run aground on its past ethical performance. Apparently as it became evident 
that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming any more they 
canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting donations to bring more 
pundits, the response was 'let me see other people do it before I do it'. The 
project foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside. Damn. That was even 
before Girish Varma got in to trouble in India.


 LEnglish5 has put his finger on something around the science replication of 
what were preliminary and evidently good results. His point is looking at how 
to replicate given the practical and real constraints of such large replication 
research. This is extremely important as to the fate and course of the TM 
movement going forward.
 Maharishi drove the TM movement for decades with 'big science' of hypothesis 
testing based on observation. The 'big science' work now evidently is 
constrained and it seems the constraint is rooted a cultural problem within TM 
about the availability of money now from within the TM community itself. This 
is actually where MJ seems to have a related point about behavior. 

  TM replication research is suffering in a constraint right now from our old 
ethical problems about money in TM and broad perceptions in the community of 
old financial dealings. Those perceptions even within TM quite evidently have 
been corrosive and eroding within communal TM itself. This is very much part of 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Guru

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Ugly animal in the cartoon. Needs more than a top hat to fix his look. A 
stylist, at least.---In, 
 wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I guess putting all your faith in science can be a crutch just like any other 
 Most of us have a crutch, or more than one.  I guess it's just part of being 

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, I've heard of this phenom where a cure grows right next to a poison. I 
guess "science hasn't figured out yet how that happens.

 Anyway, great points and of course we like to think we're right. Cuz it makes 
us feel safe!

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:53 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin.
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship] 
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... S

Re: [FairfieldLife] Guru

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I'll be this guy is all alone ---In, 
 wrote :



 From: salyavin808 
 Sent: Tuesday, August 26, 2014 11:23 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Guru



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Share & Seraphita together in a Yahoo Conversation! A young man's desire 
fulfilled.See how easily it works?

---In,  wrote :

 Seraphita, what I experience is that when I'm settled in my body and energy 
field, my thoughts and emotions are settled too. Then any desire that arises is 
already fulfilled. I guess because that inner peace is the ultimate goal of all 
desires. So if we already are experiencing that, Bob's your uncle!


 On Monday, August 25, 2014 10:07 PM, "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Re Fulfillment of all desires could be just that - lack of desire.:
 That's my understanding. There's a school of thought that says that when we 
desire some satisfaction our equilibrium is disturbed which we experience as 
suffering. When we satisfy the desire we feel good and naturally assume it is 
the pleasure we've just experienced that is making us content. But could it be 
that we're getting rid of the irritant that disturbed us and are simply 
re-establishing our natural balance and so are just happy being ourselves which 
is fulfilling in itself.

 New desires almost immediately spring up and we're off again. Buddha seems to 
be suggesting that cutting off the flow of tempting images which constantly 
enter our minds to entice us could be the solution.

 Dostoevsky, he say, "The trouble with man is that he's happy but doesn't know 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 Very good point. I think of ignorance as being chock a block full of desiring. 
Those who feel nothing but the relative are voracious in their appetite for all 
things material including power and fame if they can get it. Fulfillment of all 
desires could be just that - lack of desire.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

Science, crutches, pseudo-science. 
You can slice it All pretty thin. And the mind slices, it dices... 

---In,  wrote :

 I guess putting all your faith in science can be a crutch just like any other 
 Most of us have a crutch, or more than one.  I guess it's just part of being 

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, I've heard of this phenom where a cure grows right next to a poison. I 
guess "science hasn't figured out yet how that happens.

 Anyway, great points and of course we like to think we're right. Cuz it makes 
us feel safe!

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:53 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin.
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with inges

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Sort of like a rascal/deceiver growing close to a pure-at-heart-very-lovely 
gal, right here on FFL.It's All Such A Mystery 

---In,  wrote :

 Steve, I've heard of this phenom where a cure grows right next to a poison. I 
guess "science hasn't figured out yet how that happens.

 Anyway, great points and of course we like to think we're right. Cuz it makes 
us feel safe!

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:53 AM, "steve.sundur@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin.
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship] 
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of coll

[FairfieldLife] Barry thank you for your Leonard Cohen recommendation

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002

[FairfieldLife] Isn't everyone up yet?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Movement rules 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I mean if you take away our Hypochondria AND our Paranoia, whata we got? Leave 
us something..please! ---In,  
wrote :

 The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based 
Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies in the relationship between 
science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 ---In,  wrote :

 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 


 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 


 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  




[FairfieldLife] Gonna meditate again...

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
...catch you later friends. 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I was in Peru 40 years ago trippin Maccu Piccu. I KNEW SOMETHING BIG WAS GONNA 
HAPPEN!Call it a Vision, a premonition, I don't know. But now it happens. Wow

---In,  wrote :

 A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant: 
 1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

 You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

 2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.



 Just a heads up.



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, 
if it doesn't work for us.
  Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

 No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

 For all the world I wish them well.

 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn't easy to do.”  


 Replicating the Science: Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be 
able to replicate the large-scale science. Data and the science testing of 
hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

 That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the 
bringing of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the 
TM movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

 That is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly 
run aground on its past ethical performance. Apparently as it became evident 
that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming any more they 
canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting donations to bring more 
pundits, the response was 'let me see other people do it before I do it'. The 
project foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside. Damn. That was even 
before Girish Varma got in to trouble in India.


 LEnglish5 has put his finger on something around the science replication of 
what were preliminary and evidently good results. His point is looking at how 
to replicate

[FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew I could 
count on them.Hey people: get with the program!

Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Isn't everyone up yet?

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Bowl movement?  

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:19 AM, danfriedman2002  

Movement rules  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Isn't everyone up yet?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Here's some reading for The John:Can Science Shed Light On Film's 'Out-Of-Body' 
 Can Science Shed Light On Film's 'Out-Of-Body...
 Of course, this being a Hollywood movie, tragedy strikes and poor Mia suffers 
a bewildering, angst-ridden (not to mention terrifying) out-of-body experience. 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In,  wrote :

 Bowl movement? 

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 5:19 AM, danfriedman2002 

   Movement rules




Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread 'Richard J. Williams' [FairfieldLife]

On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current 
message. Doesn't work at all for longer conversations.

Spray paint on wall: *Yahoo Sux*

It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling 
in Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer 
professional would still be playing with Neo. Go figure.*


Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Chromebook---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current 
message. Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.


[FairfieldLife] Re: O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
A Top of the Mornig to Richard and Mike. Richard has been very helpful to his 
fellows. Mike has shared some Potty Humor.Now we're rollin'...!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Gonna meditate again...

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Relax.I'm backk

[FairfieldLife] Re: Barry thank you for your Leonard Cohen recommendation

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Dear All,I highly recommend the current issue (September/ October 2014) of 
Foreign Affairs.

It's not at all about foreign affairs.

I Love Foreign Affairs.

---In,  wrote :


Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in either Opera 
or Firefox.

---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current 
message. Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Got somethin' to prove? I get it now.P.S. Dearest Steve, I'm just practicing 
using the "Show Message History" function while everyone else is sleeping. I 
know I didn't disturb you with this "test" as I'm sure that you (and Share, for 
that matter) are meditating, and growing. Sorry if I disturbed you at all.

---In,  wrote :

 Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin. 
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Alex,Good morning and I hope you slept well (see yesterday's link on the 
importance of sound sleep..btw, I sleep well, so don't worry about me).

Please add to The Scrolling Problem Log that I, Mr Marco, have had difficulty 
loading past messages using Firefox. I consider it a Blessing Bestowed.

---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in either 
Opera or Firefox.
mailto:punditster@...> wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux
 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?

 I don't get it. The Dock leaf stops the stinging of the nettle but science 
can't figure out why - and your point is?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and links from:

 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit
 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit 
Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit Stephen Barrett, M.D. Colloidal silver 
is a suspension of submicroscopic metallic silver particles in a colloidal...

 View on 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Like Ann says, if you have not ever experienced the deep silence of 'the Self', 
a person becomes addicted to the whirlwind of desires, egoic desires. But, what 
I have found among those who have established silence within themselves, is 
that life becomes just one desire, over and over again. The desire is to 
manifest an external reality, matching the ever expanding internal reality. 
That means, dream big. Try for the impossible. Over and over again. Desires are 
always there, the whisperings of the infinite universe, to join it. 
 There is infinite energy in the universe. So, if we are contacting that, 
established in that silence, which is the latent infinite energy of the 
universe, then the only desire left, is to find out how to tap into all that 
universal energy. How to manifest in our everyday lives, that which is silent 
and infinite within us.

 Just as I learned to meditate for years, and take the sayings of the saints 
into my mind for years, I also learned how to take on big desires, and allow 
the universe to manifest them. It is like a pot simmering on a back burner, 
what seems like forever, and then one day, soup's on! 

 A clear example I can think of, was my desire to return to California, about 
twenty years ago. I was always more familiar with the culture here, vs. East 
Coast. I had spent a long time back there, working on my career, but always 
wanted to return the big natural beauty and softer culture of California - had 
also been born here, so it carried some vague sense of home. Took about ten 
years, but it happened. Then on to the next big desire. And so on. Many at 
once. It isn't any longer a sense of filling a void, but instead bringing into 
being, into the world, what is already joyfully there. Painting by numbers.
---In,  wrote :

 Seraphita, what I experience is that when I'm settled in my body and energy 
field, my thoughts and emotions are settled too. Then any desire that arises is 
already fulfilled. I guess because that inner peace is the ultimate goal of all 
desires. So if we already are experiencing that, Bob's your uncle!


 On Monday, August 25, 2014 10:07 PM, "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Re Fulfillment of all desires could be just that - lack of desire.:
 That's my understanding. There's a school of thought that says that when we 
desire some satisfaction our equilibrium is disturbed which we experience as 
suffering. When we satisfy the desire we feel good and naturally assume it is 
the pleasure we've just experienced that is making us content. But could it be 
that we're getting rid of the irritant that disturbed us and are simply 
re-establishing our natural balance and so are just happy being ourselves which 
is fulfilling in itself.

 New desires almost immediately spring up and we're off again. Buddha seems to 
be suggesting that cutting off the flow of tempting images which constantly 
enter our minds to entice us could be the solution.

 Dostoevsky, he say, "The trouble with man is that he's happy but doesn't know 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 Very good point. I think of ignorance as being chock a block full of desiring. 
Those who feel nothing but the relative are voracious in their appetite for all 
things material including power and fame if they can get it. Fulfillment of all 
desires could be just that - lack of desire.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep, it is stable in Opera. I was using IE, and a really old version, and that 
was the problem. ---In,  
wrote :

 Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in either 
Opera or Firefox.
mailto:punditster@...> wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux
 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I just wanted to correct my spelling of 'morning'. Some, otherwise, might have 
inferred that I was using a Southern Drawl. Why I know many a Curious about my 
location, I can assure you that it is not _,xxx,I guess I'll just keep 
you guessing. Nothing like a little Mystery to make Life enjoyable.

P.S. Mike is awake, but I think in bad humor. Ales seems fine.

Your pal,
NYC, USA, Planet Earth, etc, etc, etc

(It's the 'etcs that are such a mystery. 

---In,  wrote :

 A Top of the Morning to Richard and Mike. Richard has been very helpful to his 
fellows. Mike has shared some Potty Humor.Now we're rollin'...!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Ann's up!How're doin' Ann!

Here's another of My Best Recommendations for Any Skin Problem*:

 sumbody bathsalts

It's blended in Sabasterpol, CA. They have copper tubs right in town for a 
soak. Fits two. Use your imagination.

I can give you the Ingredients, but it's not the same at home.

Happy soaking!

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?

 I don't get it. The Dock leaf stops the stinging of the nettle but science 
can't figure out why - and your point is?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and links from:

 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I'm with you.---In,  
wrote :

 Like Ann says, if you have not ever experienced the deep silence of 'the 
Self', a person becomes addicted to the whirlwind of desires, egoic desires. 
But, what I have found among those who have established silence within 
themselves, is that life becomes just one desire, over and over again. The 
desire is to manifest an external reality, matching the ever expanding internal 
reality. That means, dream big. Try for the impossible. Over and over again. 
Desires are always there, the whisperings of the infinite universe, to join it. 
 There is infinite energy in the universe. So, if we are contacting that, 
established in that silence, which is the latent infinite energy of the 
universe, then the only desire left, is to find out how to tap into all that 
universal energy. How to manifest in our everyday lives, that which is silent 
and infinite within us.

 Just as I learned to meditate for years, and take the sayings of the saints 
into my mind for years, I also learned how to take on big desires, and allow 
the universe to manifest them. It is like a pot simmering on a back burner, 
what seems like forever, and then one day, soup's on! 

 A clear example I can think of, was my desire to return to California, about 
twenty years ago. I was always more familiar with the culture here, vs. East 
Coast. I had spent a long time back there, working on my career, but always 
wanted to return the big natural beauty and softer culture of California - had 
also been born here, so it carried some vague sense of home. Took about ten 
years, but it happened. Then on to the next big desire. And so on. Many at 
once. It isn't any longer a sense of filling a void, but instead bringing into 
being, into the world, what is already joyfully there. Painting by numbers.
---In,  wrote :

 Seraphita, what I experience is that when I'm settled in my body and energy 
field, my thoughts and emotions are settled too. Then any desire that arises is 
already fulfilled. I guess because that inner peace is the ultimate goal of all 
desires. So if we already are experiencing that, Bob's your uncle!


 On Monday, August 25, 2014 10:07 PM, "s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife]" 

   Re Fulfillment of all desires could be just that - lack of desire.:
 That's my understanding. There's a school of thought that says that when we 
desire some satisfaction our equilibrium is disturbed which we experience as 
suffering. When we satisfy the desire we feel good and naturally assume it is 
the pleasure we've just experienced that is making us content. But could it be 
that we're getting rid of the irritant that disturbed us and are simply 
re-establishing our natural balance and so are just happy being ourselves which 
is fulfilling in itself.

 New desires almost immediately spring up and we're off again. Buddha seems to 
be suggesting that cutting off the flow of tempting images which constantly 
enter our minds to entice us could be the solution.

 Dostoevsky, he say, "The trouble with man is that he's happy but doesn't know 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, s3raphita@... mailto:s3raphita@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   Re "I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had 
fulfilled all desires":
 And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have often 
taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
fulfillment of desires.

 Very good point. I think of ignorance as being chock a block full of desiring. 
Those who feel nothing but the relative are voracious in their appetite for all 
things material including power and fame if they can get it. Fulfillment of all 
desires could be just that - lack of desire.

 In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 
 Read more:
 'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
 by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
 Snow Lion, 1998 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 In other words Sal, you're going to take your ball, and leave because you 
didn't get your way. 
 There must be a good British term for this. 

 Oh well, all I know is that it works on my husband's split fingers in the 
winter like nothing else can.

 How do you know it works like nothing else can?

 I know that it works within 8 hours so it works as well as anything else could 
because even if something else could close the splits in the same amount of 
time which is, granted, possible 8 hours is fast enough. Certainly he could get 
scientific about it and keep experimenting with other topical ointments but he 
doesn't want to bother because he is not conducting an experiment, he is just 
looking for quick relief. 

  It works great on skin issues with my horses, it cleared up your two decade 
old psoriasis and Alex has found it apparently useful enough to have concocted 
a home brew that he swears by.  I guess Sal is just someone who requires 
regimented documentation before he'll dip his toe into some metaphorical 
medicinal pool. 

 "Just" someone? So you would willingly take something without checking it out 
first? Like the people who sued the TMO for lead poisoning didn't?

 Nope, I will always check out information on a product but in my experience 
just because something is endorsed by the pharmacist or an ad on TV or some 
internet site doesn't mean I believe it. I need to look at the ingredients, 
read up on them, talk to others who have taken it and then assess it in my own 
mind after weighing all the evidence available to me. It helps if no one died 
using a particular medicine, that weighs heavily in its favor.

 I may well have tried any type of folk medicine once, it all seems so innocent 
but there have proven to be risks with at least some remedies and most are 
inert placebo's, and as I keep patiently pointing out it doesn't matter that 
it's a placebo it will still work, it just has a different active ingredient to 
the one you think.

 Silver has anti-bacterial properties, it is considered to have risks that 
outweigh the benefits and there are better products freely available. What else 
does anyone need to know?

 I fail to see where topical application of colloidal silver causes health 
risks, but I'll do a little more research.

 PS, Do not drink it.

 See above.

 Only scientifically-verified documentation and rigorous testing for him. I 
personally wish I had more faith in the scientific method as well as allopathic 

 That is such a dumb statement, maybe you want to try understanding scientific 
method first?

 Not dumb at all, how is claiming that one would like a better understanding of 
and thus a deeper faith in something "dumb"? You just seem to be getting all 
hot under the collar because others seem willing to embrace things that haven't 
necessarily gone through the rigors of testing that you believe, personally, 
are valid. 

  It would be so much easier to believe wholeheartedly as long as it has the 
scientist certified seal of approval.


 Again, not "duh. What I am saying is that I don't have a lot of faith in how 
drugs are tested nor do I believe that research over time won't uncover other 
truths. Consequently I don't believe wholeheartedly in very much that is 
dependent on the verification by fallible human beings, or those who have a 
vested interest financially or otherwise in promoting a product. It's great 
that you endorse so heartily science and its ability to not miss important data 
or which can uncover some absolute truth about a thing but I haven't gotten 
there yet. I have seen too many "facts" turned on their head over time. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yep. One of the funniest things I heard a techie say was that he was going to 
bring a system, "to its knees". Speechless. After all, we aren't scaling 
Everest, here. ---In,  
wrote :

 This new feature is fabulous; not a bug, but a solution. See how strong 
desires are fulfilled, effortlessly? ---In, 
 wrote :

 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Dan, you're really making me LOL this morning, thanks. Anyway, supposedly the 
earth's kundalini moved to the southern hemisphere a couple of years ago. This 
explains all (-:
PS I also thought "bowl movement" was funny, just as it was!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:32 AM, danfriedman2002  

I was in Peru 40 years ago trippin Maccu Piccu. I KNEW SOMETHING BIG WAS GONNA 
HAPPEN!Call it a Vision, a premonition, I don't know. But now it happens. Wow

---In,  wrote :

A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant:
1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.

Just a heads up.


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about
science testing in large ways.  A failure
more recently was that we never really got the critical and necessary large 
numbers to be able to pursue the replication studies during the Invincibility 
Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 meditating in America together for
long enough.  Did not get the requisite numbers of pundits together
for long enough. 
 The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the
barnyard too and gone down the road.  That simply is where TM is at
now for its fund-raising to do large science anymore.  Seems now aground on 
shoals of past ethical performance.  Apparently towards the end as it
became evident that the Howard Settle money was not going to be
forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response
was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' ..Herding cats.
The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside.
Damn.  That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles and
put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that
could then be read about in the papers.  

It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the Marshy 
Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual assault 
and various other sinister charges?

Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.

This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render further 
testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, if it 
doesn't work for us.
 Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

For all the world I wish them well.

“The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
That isn't easy to do.”  


Replicating the Science:  Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be
able to replicate the large-scale science.  Data and the science
testing of hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the bringing 
of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the TM 
movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

That is
where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do large science. Seemingly run
aground on its past ethical performance.  Apparently as it became
evident that the Howard Settle money was not going to be forthcoming
any more they canvased other rich people for supplemental supporting
donations to bring more pundits, the response was 'let me see other
people do it before I do it'.  The project foundered for a basic lack
of trust of the inside.   Damn.  That 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin.

 Then you don't get it at all. I wonder why that is?
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and lin

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
N, I'm here and OK. Just a little early in the morning to think of any 
other movment.  

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:51 AM, danfriedman2002  

I just wanted to correct my spelling of 'morning'. Some, otherwise, might have 
inferred that I was using a Southern Drawl. Why I know many a Curious about my 
location, I can assure you that it is not _,xxx,I guess I'll just keep 
you guessing. Nothing like a little Mystery to make Life enjoyable.

P.S. Mike is awake, but I think in bad humor. Ales seems fine.

Your pal,
NYC, USA, Planet Earth, etc, etc, etc

(It's the 'etcs that are such a mystery.

---In,  wrote :

A Top of the Morning to Richard and Mike. Richard has been very helpful to his 
fellows. Mike has shared some Potty Humor.Now we're rollin'...!  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

>Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had fulfilled 
>all desires":
>And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
>you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
>your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
>could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have 
>often taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
>fulfillment of desires.
In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 

Read more:

'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Snow Lion, 1998 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
fleetster,In return for you greatly-appreciated advice on Messaging Historying, 
I will help with any technical problem facing you. I have a compmuter that 
flies rocket ships, AND I google. 
Is that how you spell compmuter?
---In,  wrote :

 Yep. One of the funniest things I heard a techie say was that he was going to 
bring a system, "to its knees". Speechless. After all, we aren't scaling 
Everest, here. ---In,  
wrote :

 This new feature is fabulous; not a bug, but a solution. See how strong 
desires are fulfilled, effortlessly? ---In, 
 wrote :

 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant: 
 1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

 You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

 2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.

 If it's a test will they be publishing the criterion to be measured 
beforehand? It seems to me that this might be a good test of what happens to a 
society if you teach loads of kids to meditate, but not a good test of any 
supernatural powers like the ME.

 The problem is that the subjects will be living amongst the people that will 
ultimately be measured on how they behave. This a very poor control. 250,000 is 
a lot of people to suddenly have some sort of transformational experience, it 
seems highly likely that any effect they get off TM will affect their parents 
and beyond. Even if it's just enthusiasm or them absorbing the general values 
of the TMO (but hopefully not its leaders) you won't ever be able to say that 
what is happening in society is because of increased "coherence" due to 
exposure to some sort of unknown field effect and not just a happier atmosphere 
at home.

 It wouldn't get past James Randi at any rate, which is a shame because his 
million dollar prize would pay for a lot of Girish's legal fees. The only way 
you'll prove the ME - without coming up with an explanation of how it might 
possibly work - is by having a large group of people in a troubled country 
without anyone else knowing about it. That's the only way you'll be sure that 
you aren't just measuring some sort of happy upward trend like when a country's 
national team wins a football match or something. 

 Marshy said that individual people are the units of world peace and I agree 
but it isn't how the ME is supposed to work and that's what we are interested 
in but at least we'll get an idea of how large scale meditation works - if 
indeed it does.

 Unless of course, the Marshy effect is so overwhelmingly obvious that the 
world sits up and takes note and we all live happily ever after and Nabby's 
highly trained Space Teachers aren't even needed! I remain optimistic but not 
holding my breath.

 Just a heads up.

 If you get any other info do post it here.


---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, 
if it doesn't work for us.
  Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

 No kidding. And the vast majority of people

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread Share Long [FairfieldLife]
dear Daniel, imho Funny Farm Lounge is the epitome of "mixed company" wink wink 

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:42 AM, danfriedman2002  

Dear Share,The sound of your laughter is All That I Care About*.

Did you know that Morning is Pitta, or Kapha, or The Other One*?

I was taken aback by the potty talk, figuring we're in 'mixed company'. But I 
guess I was being old-fashioned. But I am NOT old.

Laughing my ass off (there I said it!)

Dannyboy in NYC
my brothers!

---In,  wrote :

Dan, you're really making me LOL this morning, thanks. Anyway, supposedly the 
earth's kundalini moved to the southern hemisphere a couple of years ago. This 
explains all (-:
PS I also thought "bowl movement" was funny, just as it was!

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:32 AM, danfriedman2002

I was in Peru 40 years ago trippin Maccu Piccu. I KNEW SOMETHING BIG WAS GONNA 
HAPPEN!Call it a Vision, a premonition, I don't know. But now it happens. Wow

---In,  wrote :

A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant:
1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.

Just a heads up.


---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

So often the exercise of our
policy of the TM movement was all about
science testing in large ways.  A failure
more recently was that we never really got the critical and necessary large 
numbers to be able to pursue the replication studies during the Invincibility 
Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 meditating in America together for
long enough.  Did not get the requisite numbers of pundits together
for long enough. 
 The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the
barnyard too and gone down the road.  That simply is where TM is at
now for its fund-raising to do large science anymore.  Seems now aground on 
shoals of past ethical performance.  Apparently towards the end as it
became evident that the Howard Settle money was not going to be
forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response
was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' ..Herding cats.
The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of the inside.
Damn.  That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles and
put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that
could then be read about in the papers.  

It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the Marshy 
Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual assault 
and various other sinister charges?

Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.

This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis

Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render further 
testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, if it 
doesn't work for us.
 Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

For all the world I wish them well.

“The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
That isn't easy to do.”  


Replicating the Science:  Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants
to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be
able to replicate the large-scale science.  Data and the science
testing of hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the bringing 
of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the TM 
movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Michael,Movments are very important. Vaiydya, Vaidjy keeps telling what I good 
boy I am for moving so well. Keep up the good work!

Ann's giving stars for the best mover! 

---In,  wrote :

 N, I'm here and OK. Just a little early in the morning to think of any 
other movment. 

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 6:51 AM, danfriedman2002 

   I just wanted to correct my spelling of 'morning'. Some, otherwise, might 
have inferred that I was using a Southern Drawl. Why I know many a Curious 
about my location, I can assure you that it is not _,xxx,I guess I'll 
just keep you guessing. Nothing like a little Mystery to make Life enjoyable.

P.S. Mike is awake, but I think in bad humor. Ales seems fine.

Your pal,
NYC, USA, Planet Earth, etc, etc, etc

(It's the 'etcs that are such a mystery.

---In,  wrote :

 A Top of the Morning to Richard and Mike. Richard has been very helpful to his 
fellows. Mike has shared some Potty Humor.Now we're rollin'...!



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Dear Share,The sound of your laughter is All That I Care About*.

Did you know that Morning is Pitta, or Kapha, or The Other One*?

I was taken aback by the potty talk, figuring we're in 'mixed company'. But I 
guess I was being old-fashioned. But I am NOT old.

Laughing my ass off (there I said it!)

Dannyboy in NYC
my brothers!

---In,  wrote :

 Dan, you're really making me LOL this morning, thanks. Anyway, supposedly the 
earth's kundalini moved to the southern hemisphere a couple of years ago. This 
explains all (-:
 PS I also thought "bowl movement" was funny, just as it was!


 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:32 AM, danfriedman2002 

   I was in Peru 40 years ago trippin Maccu Piccu. I KNEW SOMETHING BIG WAS 
GONNA HAPPEN!Call it a Vision, a premonition, I don't know. But now it happens. 

---In,  wrote :

 A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant: 
 1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

 You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

 2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.



 Just a heads up.



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary in the eyes of the world's scientists? After all, 
if it doesn't work for us.
  Going forward as a movement this is going to take some serious leadership to 
recuperate from and re-group.  

 No kidding. And the vast majority of people in the TMO don't know about it due 
to the secretive nature of the leadership. In fact, I don't know anyone who has 
even heard of Girish. Boy do they get a shock.

 For all the world I wish them well.

 “The point is to get 8000+ to gather in one place *every single day*.
 That isn't easy to do.”  


 Replicating the Science: Within TM the progressive element who deep down 
inside just wants to teach TM, see it work out, would also really like to be 
able to replicate the large-scale science. Data and the science testing of 
hypothesis is always what we were about historically.

 That was what the Invincible America Course was about recently and the 
bringing of pundits to Vedic City too. So often the exercise of policy of the 
TM movement was all about science testing in a large way. The failure more 
recently was that they never really got the critical large numbers to be able 
to pursue the replication studies. Never got the critical numbers over 2,000 
meditating together for long enough. Did not get the requisite numbers of 
pundits together for long enough.

 That is whe

[FairfieldLife] O.K. Who's not here?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
will someone wake him up and let him know that he is missed?and loved.

and lovable

and sweet

no, maybe take that last one back

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: What Gullible Fools We Were

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Isn't that one of the *beatitudes*? Blessed are the gullible fools, for they 
shall accept whatever they are given and like it or some such thing?  

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 7:38 AM, "Share Long 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

Thanks, Richard, cool info. I once heard from a friend that we can fulfill 
those less than wonderful desires in dream state. And that counts too but 
doesn't, I guess, accrue any negative karma.

On Monday, August 25, 2014 9:16 PM, "'Richard J. Williams' 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

On 8/25/2014 8:59 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
>Re"I have never met a single TM'er who could honestly say they had fulfilled 
>all desires":  
>And yet, . . ., and yet . . . Isn't it the case that *when you are meditating* 
>you often enter a state in which your quotidian desires no longer impinge on 
>your consciousness and you are happy to remain just where you are. True, one 
>could say the same thing about being asleep, but Indian philosophers have 
>often taken the deep sleep state as a paradigm for enlightenment. No desires = 
>fulfillment of desires.  
In Tibetan Dream Yoga, maintaining full consciousness while in the dream state 
is part of Dzogchen training. This training is described by Tenzin Wangyal 
Rinpoche as 'Rigpa Awareness'. Lucid dreaming is secondary to the experience of 
'Diamond Light'. Rigpa Awareness is very similar to 'witnessing sleep' in TM, 
which helps the individual understand the unreality of waking consciousness as 
phenomena. Apparently the EEG patterns are the same in Rigpa Awareness as in 

Read more:

'Tibetan Yoga Of Dream And Sleep'
by Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche
Snow Lion, 1998 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Replicating The Meissner-like Effect of Consciousness and Square Roots

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Yes, Initiators.  Like regular folks as meditators turned in to transcending 
meditation teachers.  That was done before and it worked for a while at a time 
pretty well in the early/mid-1970's.  It could be done again.  It is being done 
with some good effect in the David Lynch side of TM.   "You read that 
correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM teachers."
 A couple of things that Raja Luis recently said that are relevant: 
 1) The government of Peru is apparently seriously looking at having 250,000 
students learn TM. An important innovation of what they apparently will be 
doing is that existing school teachers will be sent to TM teacher training in 
order to implement the Quiet Time Program in many schools in Peru.

 You read that correctly: regular old school teachers will be trained as TM 

 2) This is apparently to be part of a very large scale test of the Maharishi 
Effect, and many/most of the kids will eventually be taught the TM-SIdhis, if I 
understood what Raja Luis said.

 If it's a test will they be publishing the criterion to be measured 
beforehand? It seems to me that this might be a good test of what happens to a 
society if you teach loads of kids to meditate, but not a good test of any 
supernatural powers like the ME.

 The problem is that the subjects will be living amongst the people that will 
ultimately be measured on how they behave. This a very poor control. 250,000 is 
a lot of people to suddenly have some sort of transformational experience, it 
seems highly likely that any effect they get off TM will affect their parents 
and beyond. Even if it's just enthusiasm or them absorbing the general values 
of the TMO (but hopefully not its leaders) you won't ever be able to say that 
what is happening in society is because of increased "coherence" due to 
exposure to some sort of unknown field effect and not just a happier atmosphere 
at home.

 It wouldn't get past James Randi at any rate, which is a shame because his 
million dollar prize would pay for a lot of Girish's legal fees. The only way 
you'll prove the ME - without coming up with an explanation of how it might 
possibly work - is by having a large group of people in a troubled country 
without anyone else knowing about it. That's the only way you'll be sure that 
you aren't just measuring some sort of happy upward trend like when a country's 
national team wins a football match or something. 

 Marshy said that individual people are the units of world peace and I agree 
but it isn't how the ME is supposed to work and that's what we are interested 
in but at least we'll get an idea of how large scale meditation works - if 
indeed it does.

 Unless of course, the Marshy effect is so overwhelmingly obvious that the 
world sits up and takes note and we all live happily ever after and Nabby's 
highly trained Space Teachers aren't even needed! I remain optimistic but not 
holding my breath.

 Just a heads up.

 If you get any other info do post it here.



 So often the exercise of our policy of the TM movement was all about science 
testing in large ways. A failure more recently was that we never really got the 
critical and necessary large numbers to be able to pursue the replication 
studies during the Invincibility courses. Never got the critical numbers over 
2,000 meditating in America together for long enough. Did not get the requisite 
numbers of pundits together for long enough. 
  The livestock evidently has left the barn, left the barnyard too and gone 
down the road. That simply is where TM is at now for its fund-raising to do 
large science anymore. Seems now aground on shoals of past ethical performance. 
Apparently towards the end as it became evident that the Howard Settle money 
was not going to be forthcoming any longer they canvased other rich people for 
supplemental support in donations to bring more pundits and keep the course 
going, the response was: 'let me see other people do it before I do it' 
..Herding cats. The project evidently foundered for a basic lack of trust of 
the inside. Damn. That was even before Girish Varma came to be in his troubles 
and put in to 'judicial-custody' jail in India for evident improprieties that 
could then be read about in the papers.  

 It does have to be said that if the unavoidable positivity of TM and the 
Marshy Effect were a real thing maybe Girish wouldn't be on bail for sexual 
assault and various other sinister charges?

 Even if it all turns out to be untrue, should the head of the TMO really be a 
magnet for such obvious incoherence? It would make it the opposite of what I 
would expect, kind of an anti-nature support. But if it's true.


 This is not at all good for substantial data collection in the process of 
science replication of some extremely important hypothesis testing. 

 Maybe it's the undermining effect of events like these that will render 
further testing unnecessary i

[FairfieldLife] Re: Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I'll keep that in mind.---In, 
 wrote :

 fleetster,In return for you greatly-appreciated advice on Messaging 
Historying, I will help with any technical problem facing you. I have a 
compmuter that flies rocket ships, AND I google. 
Is that how you spell compmuter?
---In,  wrote :

 Yep. One of the funniest things I heard a techie say was that he was going to 
bring a system, "to its knees". Speechless. After all, we aren't scaling 
Everest, here. ---In,  
wrote :

 This new feature is fabulous; not a bug, but a solution. See how strong 
desires are fulfilled, effortlessly? ---In, 
 wrote :

 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

Re: [FairfieldLife] Alternative Therapy

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
---In,  wrote :

 Look, I think we get it.  For whatever reason, until science "proves" 
something, you are more comfortable putting all alternative cures in the 
"placebo" bin. 
 And of course, if you look at the evidence on Dock Leaf as I just did, you see 
a variety of opinions, not just your determination that it contains no active 
ingredient that might reduce the swelling.

 It's the same with CS.  You point out the evidence that supports your POV, and 
discount the rest.

 Everyone like to think they're right. You included.




---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I guess this is Sal showing how invested he is in his version of CS, that any 
positive outcome must be chalked up to the placebo effect. 
 Sort of shows a different side I think.

 "My version"?

 In England we have these things called Stinging Nettles, brush against them 
with bare legs - or even thin trousers - and you get a painful little rash with 
raised bumps and a red patch that will hang around for hours if left untreated.

 Luckily - as popular wisdom would have it - nature has provided the cure with 
the Dock Leaf which always grows nearby, nice bit of nature support. As 
everybody knows almost from birth if you rub a Dock Leaf on nettle rash it goes 
down immediately and this is what we always do, and it works every time.

 It turns out of course, that the Dock Leaf has no active ingredients that may 
counter the acids in Stinging Nettles. This doesn't stop it working.

 That's what science does, it sorts out what is going on better than we can 
tell with anecdote alone. The question is, would you rather know or not know?



---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Salyavin, actually I did google on silver before I bought it. I even asked the 
store clerk about the grey skin possibility. She informed me that they use it 
all winter long on ear aches for their kids. Plus my Dad had been saved by it. 

 Such is my kind of science.


 Here's my kind:

 The FDA has concluded that the risk of using silver products exceeds any 
unsubstantiated benefit [3]. So far, eleven cases of argyria related to silver 
products have been reported:
 A 56-year-old man who had sold and used colloidal silver for three years, 
developed blue/gray discoloration of his fingernails accompanied by a very high 
blood level of silver [4]. A married couple who had three years of daily 
consumption of a drink prepared by administering an electrolytic charge to a 
bowl of water that contained a silver bar [5]. Another couple had been taking a 
silver-containing "dietary supplement" prescribed by a naturopath [5]. A 
mentally ill man who had been drinking silver-containing herbal tea for about 
10 months [5]. Stan Jones, Montana's Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. 
Senate, who reportedly started taking colloidal silver in 1999 for fear that 
Y2K disruptions might lead to a shortage of antibiotics. He made his own 
concoction by electrically two silver wires in a glass of water [6]. Two men, 
ages 63 and 76, developed argyria after a year of product use inspired by 
Internet claims [7]. A 16-year-old boy developed blue-gray pigmentation of his 
entire body after ingesting a silver-containing dietary supplement for a year. 
The product, packaged so that it was identical to bottled water. was touted as 
a preventive for everyday infections [8]. A 58-year-old man who treated a 
presumed kidney infection with a home-brewed colloidal solution 12 times a day 
for 4 days developed argyria about 4 weeks later [9]. A 38-year-old man 
developed argyria after ingesting approximately 16 ounces of 450 ppm colloidal 
silver three times a day for 10 months to treat his arthritis and other 
conditions. He made the solution with a simple battery-operated chamber that 
leached silver from pure silver wire. He had obtained the plans from 
information on the Internet [10]. The photograph to the right shows how his 
skin color compares to that of normal skin.

 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal silver [eScholarship]
 Systemic argyria associated with ingestion of colloidal ... Systemic argyria associated with 
ingestion of colloidal silver Akhil Wadhera MD and Max Fung MD Dermatology 
Online Journal 11 (1): 1...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

I think these dudes with argyria look really cool. Ought to save a fortune on 
fancy dress costumes, but you are kind of limited to going as cyborgs...


 Text and links from:

 Colloidal Silver: Risk Without Benefit 

[FairfieldLife] Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?
The history of a child abuse scandal
In November 2010, five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for 
sexual offences against underage girls. Yet the council and police have 
remained under ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Well... one of them looks kind of like Hanuman.  

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 8:47 AM, "Michael Jackson 
[FairfieldLife]"  wrote:

How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

The history of a child abuse scandal
In November 2010, five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for 
sexual offences against underage girls. Yet the council and police have 
remained under ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

[FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

 Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

 We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

 If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

 On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh
 The history of a child abuse scandal In November 2010, 
five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences 
against underage girls. Yet the council and police have remained under ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  When 
many of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, Card, 
Nabby etc. land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  Nobody 
posting out of Hawaii, Australia or Japan at the moment not to mention 

On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew 
I could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!

Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Maybe it's the ads loading. Try the BlueHell Firewall plugin which is 
easy to turn off and on from the tool bar in Firebox.  Some site need it 
off for logins but not Neo.

On 08/26/2014 06:46 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
Alex,Good morning and I hope you slept well (see yesterday's link on 
the importance of sound sleep..btw, I sleep well, so don't worry about 

Please add to The Scrolling Problem Log that I, Mr Marco, have had 
difficulty loading past messages using Firefox. I consider it a 
Blessing Bestowed.

---In,  wrote :

Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in 
either Opera or Firefox.

, > wrote :

On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@...
 [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the
current message. Doesn't work at all for longer conversations.

Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux

It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls
scrolling in Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a
computer professional would still be playing with Neo. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in either 
Opera or Firefox.

 Or Chrome, from here at least
mailto:punditster@...> wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux
 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
"For the record" a lot of alternative medicine *is* very science based.  
Only the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of 
university research out there that hasn't yet been implemented by the 
conservative mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning 
to catch on and learning that the centuries old concepts of the 
metabolic causes of medicine that East Indians and Chinese use have some 
validity.  Just like one size shoe won't fit us all neither does just 
one medical approach to a problem.

On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was 
invented by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically 
a quacks take on regular medicine, although at the time the term came 
into use, regular medicine was still pretty primitive, and probably 
not very effective. Today the term 'evidence-based medicine' is used, 
or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an interesting site that deals 
with various conflicts found between alternative therapies (which I 
usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical practice. 
Science-Based Medicine 


Science-Based Medicine 
Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies in the 
relationship between science and medicine

View on www.sciencebasedm... 

Preview by Yahoo

---In,  wrote :

I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a 
number of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the 
whole faux outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't 
need to do it again vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from 
the TMO early, I never got infected with that uber-hypochondria that 
so many long-term TMers exhibit. I never got into fad diets or 
mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have managed to remain 
remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and put any 
attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on?

Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the 
health care industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but 
most are just everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or 
chiropractic or some alternative practice or some mainstream specialty 
like cardiovascular medicine. And to a person I don't think any of 
them would disagree with the comments one of them put on the T-shirt 
below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their panties over the 
mention of chiropractic, but that's about it).

Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more 
attention to their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they 
don't. They want a "quick cure." And they want it whether it comes 
from a Big Pharma pill or a homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic 
or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care providers -- whoever they are -- 
get pushed into the savior role because people go to them demanding 
the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're not willing 
to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first place, 
so they expect someone else to do it for them.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808 

---In,  wrote :

How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh

OK, now *that* is funny!  :-) 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
 Kind of the opposite of e pluribus unum. Now we take the *one* and bust it up 
into many smaller groups. It's called divide and conquer. 

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:06 AM, salyavin808  

---In,  wrote :

How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh

The history of a child abuse scandal
In November 2010, five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for 
sexual offences against underage girls. Yet the council and police have 
remained under ...  
View on Preview by Yahoo  

Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.

Marco Bot

---In,  wrote :

 There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  When many 
of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, Card, Nabby etc. 
land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  Nobody posting out of Hawaii, 
Australia or Japan at the moment not to mention India.
 On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew I 
could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!
 Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 



Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
When I use Chrome to view this groupie, as I recently reported to dear s3, I 
get the "View", "Reply" and other crapola overlaid on the text. Somtimes that's 
good, because the text, in some cases, sucks. Feel me?---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in either 
Opera or Firefox.

 Or Chrome, from here at least
mailto:punditster@...> wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux
 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Who's the "peanut gallery" you are referring to? Are they promoting Peanut 
Cures. My esteemed colleague... George Washington Carver

 Before he invented the 300 uses for peanut butter, peanuts had to be 
discovered. His inventions of the many different crops gave people different 
kinds of food and created new markets for farmers. "Who Invented Peanut 
Butter?- George Washington Carver."

Dan, your supported in Peanut Butter Cores (Spread It On!)
---In,  wrote :

 "For the record" a lot of alternative medicine is very science based.  Only 
the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university 
research out there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative 
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to catch on and 
learning that the centuries old concepts of the metabolic causes of medicine 
that East Indians and Chinese use have some validity.  Just like one size shoe 
won't fit us all neither does just one medical approach to a problem.
 On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and 
controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

 mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 
 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  






Re: [FairfieldLife] Broken, very limited scrolling function

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
noozguru,how's my use of the internetty now? and my playing the time 
zones...great arbitrage opportunity.

knowing a lot about internets and time zoning can make you a bundle here on WS. 
Give it a try, since you're in the neighborhood.

---In,  wrote :

 Maybe it's the ads loading. Try the BlueHell Firewall plugin which is easy to 
turn off and on from the tool bar in Firebox.  Some site need it off for logins 
but not Neo.
 On 08/26/2014 06:46 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   Alex,Good morning and I hope you slept well (see yesterday's link on the 
importance of sound sleep..btw, I sleep well, so don't worry about me).
 Please add to The Scrolling Problem Log that I, Mr Marco, have had difficulty 
loading past messages using Firefox. I consider it a Blessing Bestowed.
 mailto:j_alexander_stanley@... wrote :
 Yeah, Neo sucks, but I have not found scrolling to be a problem in either 
Opera or Firefox.
mailto:punditster@...> wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 9:47 PM, fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... 
mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... mailto:fleetwood_macncheese@... [FairfieldLife] 
 Only allows access about 8 hours back, and then resets at the current message. 
Doesn't work at all for longer conversations. 
 Spray paint on wall: Yahoo Sux
 It's probably your web browser - I don't think Yahoo! controls scrolling in 
Windows. However, Neo does suck. I'm surprised a computer professional would 
still be playing with Neo. Go figure.



[FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 That was funny.  What were you wearing at the time? 

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

 Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

 We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

 If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

 On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh
 The history of a child abuse scandal In November 2010, 
five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences 
against underage girls. Yet the council and police have remained under ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


[FairfieldLife] B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E

2014-08-26 Thread nablusoss1008
Renovation Update:
 Peace Palace Renovation Update 
 Peace Palace Renovation Update   Close to 
Achieving the Goal!   Dear Friends,   
 View on www.icontact-archive... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 08/26/2014 09:06 AM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In,  wrote :

How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

Ethnicity, they're big on it over here.

We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating 
against anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the 
ethnic box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some 
government office handing in a form about something and I hadn't 
bothered with it, the receptionist asked if I would do it there and 
then so I had a look down the list, it had ten different types of 
Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types of Chinese etc) it had 
nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, actual 
African, North or West African etc.

On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other 
(please specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and 
wrote Homo Sapiens. She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my 
marital status. Sigh

Idiocracy is truly here! :-D


The history of a child abuse scandal 

In November 2010, five men from Rotherham's Asian community were 
jailed for sexual offences against underage girls. Yet the council and 
police have remained under ...

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Asians?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 That was funny.  What were you wearing at the time?

 Just my pink dungarees and a Tom Robinson T-shirt, why do you ask?






---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 How can these guys be called Asians, Sal?

 Ethnicity, they're big on it over here. 

 We are all subdivided to make sure officials aren't discriminating against 
anyone but I wish they'd just get on with it.

 If you have to fill out any sort of official form you have to tick the ethnic 
box and they give you a choice of hundreds. LOL, I was in some government 
office handing in a form about something and I hadn't bothered with it, the 
receptionist asked if I would do it there and then so I had a look down the 
list, it had ten different types of Asian (Pakistani, Indian, South East, Types 
of Chinese etc) it had nearly as many types of being black, African Caribbean, 
actual African, North or West African etc.

 On and on it went down to White, White Irish, White Scottish or Other (please 
specify). Fed up with the whole charade I ticked Other and wrote Homo Sapiens. 
She looked embarrassed and said it wasn't about my marital status. Sigh
 The history of a child abuse scandal In November 2010, 
five men from Rotherham's Asian community were jailed for sexual offences 
against underage girls. Yet the council and police have remained under ...

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo


Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

I thought there was something mechanical about your posts. ;-)

I read FFL mostly via Thunderbird as email.  I look at FFL on my Android 
phone using Chrome.  I usually don't post from there but did the other 
morning when the earthquake hit.  I didn't want to get up and fire up my 
Linux box.

Speaking of quakes I was awakened in time to hear (not feel) the 3.9 
aftershock this morning a 5:33 AM PDT.

On 08/26/2014 09:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.

Marco Bot

---In,  wrote :

There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  
When many of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, 
Card, Nabby etc. land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  
Nobody posting out of Hawaii, Australia or Japan at the moment not to 
mention India.

On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:

Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew 
I could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!

Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread [FairfieldLife]
 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.


---In,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue,  wrote :
 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unrest in the Middle East.
 This kabala more likely wants to maintain the price of oil at a high 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
---In,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue,  wrote :
 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: B O O N E M A H A R I S H I P E A C E P A L A C E

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808
Gosh, this place has a chequered history, I thought it was knocked down to 
build a golf course, what happened? Are the Kaplans back in town?

---In,  wrote :

 Renovation Update:
 Peace Palace Renovation Update
 Peace Palace Renovation Update   Close to 
Achieving the Goal!   Dear Friends,  

 View on www.icontact-archive...
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
According to Eddie Murphy, George Washington Carver almost developed a 
phonograph needle from a peanut, instead got peanut butter. 

On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:40 AM, danfriedman2002  

Who's the "peanut gallery" you are referring to? Are they promoting Peanut 
Cures. My esteemed colleague...
George Washington Carver
Before he invented the 300 uses for peanut butter, peanuts had to be 
discovered. His inventions of the many different crops gave people 
different kinds of food and created new markets for farmers. "Who 
Invented Peanut Butter?- George Washington Carver."
Dan, your supported in Peanut Butter Cores (Spread It On!)
---In,  wrote :

"For the record" a lot of alternative
medicine is very science based.  Only the peanut gallery
seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university research out
there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to
catch on and learning that the centuries old concepts of the
metabolic causes of medicine that East Indians and Chinese use
have some validity.  Just like one size shoe won't fit us all
neither does just one medical approach to a problem.

On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]

term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory
sense, was invented by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is 
basically a quacks take on regular
medicine, although at the time the term came into use,
regular medicine was still pretty primitive, and
probably not very effective. Today the term
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based
medicine'. Here is an interesting site that deals with
various conflicts found between alternative therapies
(which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and
modern medical practice. Science-Based
>>   Science-Based
Medicine: Exploring issues and controversies
in the relationship between science and
>>View on www.sciencebasedm...  Preview by Yahoo  
>>---In, mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
>>I've been
staying out of the Alternative Therapies
free-for-all for a number of reasons. First,
it's been done to death here before, so the
whole faux outrage thing has a decidedly been
there, done that, don't need to do it again
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed
from the TMO early, I never got infected with
that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I never got into 
fad diets or
mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and
have managed to remain remarkably healthy
*anyway*, never having to "go there" and put
any attention on my health. I've been lucky
enough to be healthy and stay healthy...what
was there to focus on or obsess on? 
>>Third, I
currently write articles for all sorts of
people in the health care industry. A few of
them probably work for Big Pharma, but most
are just everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
practice or some mainstream specialty like
cardiovascular medicine. And to a person I
don't think any of them would disagree with
the comments one of them put on the T-shirt
below (some MDs might get a
bit of a hitch in their panties over the
mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
>>Most of them
would LOVE it if their patients would just pay
more attention to their diets and to getting
enough exercise. But they don't. They want a
"quick cure." And they want it whether it
comes from a Big Pharma pill or a homeopathic
sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or
an Ayurvedic potion. Health care providers --
whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior
role because people go to them demanding the
"quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!"
They're not willing to do the work every day
that keeps them healthy in the first place, so
they expect someone else to do it for them.  

[FairfieldLife] UK the poorest state in America?

2014-08-26 Thread salyavin808

 So can we join, huh? 


 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report 
 UK would be the poorest state if joined the US - report If Britain were to leave the 
European Union and join the United States, it would be the poorest of all US 
states based on GDP per capita, figures un...
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: New York’s Most Successfu l, Transcendental Meditation

2014-08-26 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
you are officially brain dead or just a willful crazy person - how can we hold 
the TMO to such a high standard? Are you for real? We have merely asked why 
they don't measure up to their own high standards you goof ball.

 From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

Sent: Thursday, August 7, 2014 12:43 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: New York’s Most Successfu l, Transcendental  

Good for you - keep up the TM. As for your cult addiction, please see a 
therapist. Note to you and the other wankers: The TMO is not perfect. Why you 
all hold that organization to such a high standard, looks like a cult addict's 
withdrawal symptoms, to me, and others, on here. 

It hurts to have become such spiritual zombies, I am sure, but you aren't 
getting anywhere, trying to convince the rest of us, that we are as screwed up 
as you, and the other two, are. Cult addiction is serious business, and you 
won't be able to cure that addiction by externalizing it. Barry has been trying 
that technique for twenty years, and look how far it has gotten him. Best of 
luck, though.

---In,  wrote :

---In,  wrote :

Hey Barry, MJ and Sally, can any of you hold a candle to any of these people, 
all practicing the technique of TM, that sends each of you into an apoplectic 
fit? Didn't think so...

Gosh Jim, is this what TM has done for you? This reads like a first graders 
playground taunt. I actually feel sorry for you.

The thing is, I'm quite happy in my skin and don't feel the need to aspire to 
being a billionaire or live in a fancy house in New York and I don't need a 
Ferrari penis extension - I'm happy on me bike. So sorry to disappoint you 
there. But I know where you get this craziness about aspirational wealth from, 
I used to work at the TMO's secret mansion in  London where they would try to 
woo the "great and good" - as defined by them having lots of money obviously. 

I helped out at a few banquets where a couple of Euro royals, a Greek 
restaurant owner and a few city spivs were gushed and fawned over by the 
grovelling governors of the TMO, and all for a tawdry bit of cash. You'd have 
been jerking off over these people I'm sure, I found the whole thing utterly 
shallow and depressing, what sort of spiritual movement is this? I wondered. A 
completely shite one, I concluded.

Here's a couple of things I think will depress you even further than your 
obvious need for aspirational living ought to:

1, I do TM twice a day.

2, I notice you aren't on the list, or anywhere near it. What gives Jimbo? 
Wouldn't they travel to the trailer park for the interview?

---In,  wrote :

For Some of New York's Most Successful, Transcendental Meditation

For Some of New York's Most Successful, Transcendental...
enthusiasts include billionaire hedge funder Dan Loeb, chef Mario Batali, 
social dragonfly Arianna Huffington, Cy Young Award-winner Barry Zito, and ...  
View on Preview by

Re: [FairfieldLife] O.K. Let's take a Roll Call

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
Nothing mechanical about 'em. I use a Random Word Generator mining my extensive 
comic book collection. Genius, huh!P.S. My Guiding Light has, and will always 
be (not a word to the girls!), Dr Irwin Corey, Phhd

---In,  wrote :

 I thought there was something mechanical about your posts. ;-) 
 I read FFL mostly via Thunderbird as email.  I look at FFL on my Android phone 
using Chrome.  I usually don't post from there but did the other morning when 
the earthquake hit.  I didn't want to get up and fire up my Linux box.
 Speaking of quakes I was awakened in time to hear (not feel) the 3.9 
aftershock this morning a 5:33 AM PDT.
 On 08/26/2014 09:31 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   B-ManJust use scripts to do your Posting. That's what I do.
 Marco Bot
 mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 There's these things called time zones and the Internet is global.  When many 
of us are sleeping it is already daylight in Turq, Salvy, Card, Nabby etc. 
land.  Some of us are on the US west coast too.  Nobody posting out of Hawaii, 
Australia or Japan at the moment not to mention India.
 On 08/26/2014 05:49 AM, danfriedman2002 wrote:
   Share and Steve are awake now. But we're 'kindred spirits', so I knew I 
could count on them.Hey people: get with the program!
 Oh, shit! I think that I'm going to hear a rash ablut "spirit"... or 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002


---In,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

but the girls on the bike remains.


---In,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue,  wrote :
 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 
Globalization' (Hardcover)
 by Jeff Rubin
 Random House, 2009
 mailto:punditster@... wrote :
 On 8/25/2014 12:00 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   One wonders why the ISIS militants wear black and their faces are covered in 
black scarves as well.  This to me is an indication of deception.  In short, 
IMO these so called militants are being paid handsomely by a secret group or 
kabala that will gain from the unre

Re: [FairfieldLife] Are We Being Manipulated?

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I have hatched a plot that will Completely Solve Mankind's Problems*
I have noticed that after Labor Day 90% of the "cottages" in The Hampton go 
dark (I'm there at night, too). My Big Plan is to have and AirBnBHomeless 
Program. I list the 'available empties' and use Crowdsourcing to get me paid. 
Homeless people live free.

Good and Good!

P.S. The filthy, filthy richies refer to their McMansions as 'cottages'. Isn't 
it just so fkng CUTESY!

Screw the Rich! (except yours truly)

see y'all in EH
Marco Revolutionary

---In,  wrote :

 ---In,  wrote :

 I like the idea of turning urban slums into parks and gardens, provided that 
new residences are available for the homeless and displaced.

 Why can't they can live in the parks and gardens?

---In,  wrote :

 Always try to travel by Vespa. Carries 2, and when her arms are around you, 
you're a happy man (for females: please replace "his" with "her" and and 
"woman/girl" with "man". you get what i mean.---In,  wrote :

 We are on the treshold of Heaven on Earth and the dependence on oil is about 
to disappear.  Here is what Benjamin Creme's Master has to say about living and 
travel in the near future:
 Gradually our gigantic cities will give way to smaller ones with an abundance 
of gardens and parks. The ugly slums of today will be replaced by varied areas 
of stimulus and rest. One of the obvious differences will be the absence of 
pollution and smog. In town and country fresh air will be truly fresh. Travel 
will be fast and silent and the longest journeys short and pleasurable. Fatigue 
will disappear.
 Obviously all of this will take time to implement but step by step the search 
for beauty will become the keynote of our existence. Free, unlimited energy, 
owned by all and shared by all, will guarantee this transformation. Thus will 
the New Age be heralded, calling all men to give of their best in service to 
the Plan.
 The new environment - Share International magazine July / August 2014 issue,  wrote :
 The new environment - Share International magazine July ... The 
main purpose of this web site is to present information about the emergence of 
Maitreya, the World Teacher, and his message of hope for the future

 View on www.share-internation...
 Preview by Yahoo 

 On 8/25/2014 6:30 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:

   The ISIS militants are obviously being funded rather well by certain 
countries, more likely located in the Middle East.  This is one of the primary 
tasks that must be done to defeat the militants:  identify who is funding the 
mayhem.  If their funds are cut off, their raids in Syria and Iraq would 
 The next task is to identify who these militants are and what countries 
they're coming from.  If they're mostly local militants, then more likely they 
live in certain cities in Syria and can blend easily with the population when 
they're being hunted down.

 These militants know the atrocities they're committing that are against any 
religion, including Islam.  That's why they hide their faces from being known 
as killers and evildoers.

 It is clear that these militants are demons in disguise as jihadists.  They 
are not human and are living for the sake of power and money and not by the 
ideals of Islam.  And, they are being fed by an organization or state that 
wants the Middle East to be in constant turmoil for the sake of petrodollars.

 The US and the European leaders should realize that they're being manipulated 
by a devious kabal to maintain the high costs of oil and earn more profit for 
themselves.  Obama and the European leaders should think twice about getting 
involved in a war with a deceptive enemy, who may be their own so called 
allies.  Without doing so, lives will be lost unnecessarily for the sake of oil 

 Your life-style and even your life depends on oil and gas, let's be realistic. 
 "In a compelling and accessible style, Jeff Rubin reveals that despite the 
recent recessionary dip, oil prices will skyrocket again once the economy 
recovers. The fact is, worldwide oil reserves are disappearing for good. 
Consequently, the amount of food and other goods we get from abroad will be 
curtailed; long-distance driving will become a luxury and international travel 
rare. Globalization as we know it will reverse. The near future will be a time 
that, in its physical limits, may resemble the distant past."
 Read more:
 'Why Your World Is About to Get a Whole Lot Smaller: Oil and the End of 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: The TMO Disease: Hypochondria

2014-08-26 Thread danfriedman2002
I follow the sage prescriptions of Dr Irwin Corey.

He was able to developed a phonograph needle from a peanut but, regrettably, 
the 8-Track Tape caught him unaware.

He recycled his brilliant invention in to, what is today known, as The Nut Cure.

---In,  wrote :

 According to Eddie Murphy, George Washington Carver almost developed a 
phonograph needle from a peanut, instead got peanut butter.

 On Tuesday, August 26, 2014 9:40 AM, danfriedman2002 

   Who's the "peanut gallery" you are referring to? Are they promoting Peanut 
Cures. My esteemed colleague...
 George Washington Carver

 Before he invented the 300 uses for peanut butter, peanuts had to be 
discovered. His inventions of the many different crops gave people different 
kinds of food and created new markets for farmers. "Who Invented Peanut 
Butter?- George Washington Carver."

Dan, your supported in Peanut Butter Cores (Spread It On!)
---In,  wrote :

 "For the record" a lot of alternative medicine is very science based.  Only 
the peanut gallery seems to think it isn't.  There's a lot of university 
research out there that hasn't yet been implemented by the conservative 
mainstream "science based" medicine.  But they're beginning to catch on and 
learning that the centuries old concepts of the metabolic causes of medicine 
that East Indians and Chinese use have some validity.  Just like one size shoe 
won't fit us all neither does just one medical approach to a problem.
 On 08/26/2014 04:29 AM, anartaxius@... mailto:anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife] 

   The term allopathic, which is often used in a derogatory sense, was invented 
by Hahnemann, the creator of homoeopathy. So it is basically a quacks take on 
regular medicine, although at the time the term came into use, regular medicine 
was still pretty primitive, and probably not very effective. Today the term 
'evidence-based medicine' is used, or 'science-based medicine'. Here is an 
interesting site that deals with various conflicts found between alternative 
therapies (which I usually call the alternative to medicine) and modern medical 
practice. Science-Based Medicine
 Science-Based Medicine Science-Based Medicine: Exploring issues and 
controversies in the relationship between science and medicine

 View on www.sciencebasedm... 
 Preview by Yahoo 

mailto:turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 I've been staying out of the Alternative Therapies free-for-all for a number 
of reasons. First, it's been done to death here before, so the whole faux 
outrage thing has a decidedly been there, done that, don't need to do it again 
vibe to it. Second, possibly because I bailed from the TMO early, I never got 
infected with that uber-hypochondria that so many long-term TMers exhibit. I 
never got into fad diets or mega-supplements or any of that stuff, and have 
managed to remain remarkably healthy *anyway*, never having to "go there" and 
put any attention on my health. I've been lucky enough to be healthy and stay 
healthy...what was there to focus on or obsess on? 
 Third, I currently write articles for all sorts of people in the health care 
industry. A few of them probably work for Big Pharma, but most are just 
everyday practitioners of allopathic medicine or chiropractic or some 
alternative practice or some mainstream specialty like cardiovascular medicine. 
And to a person I don't think any of them would disagree with the comments one 
of them put on the T-shirt below (some MDs might get a bit of a hitch in their 
panties over the mention of chiropractic, but that's about it). 
 Most of them would LOVE it if their patients would just pay more attention to 
their diets and to getting enough exercise. But they don't. They want a "quick 
cure." And they want it whether it comes from a Big Pharma pill or a 
homeopathic sugar pill or a Chinese tonic or an Ayurvedic potion. Health care 
providers -- whoever they are -- get pushed into the savior role because people 
go to them demanding the "quick cure" and shouting "Cure me, cure me!" They're 
not willing to do the work every day that keeps them healthy in the first 
place, so they expect someone else to do it for them.  








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