RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread salyavin808


---In, rick@... wrote :

 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. 

 And you believed him?

 Has he run amok? 

 His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.

 You should do HIM a favour by banning him again, maybe he can do something 
useful with his life if he's stopped from wasting his time being ignored by the 
people that actually LIKE posting here. 

 The irony of Willytex is that he considers himself a big spiritual deal but 
any casual observer would consider him barking mad. And an unpleasant character 
to boot. I'm torn between saying should do spirituality a favour by keeping him 
out of sight or using him as an example that a life devoted to higher pursuits 
doesn't always lead where you want.


 Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much importance to me. Just something I 
set up. The significant thing is the 175K or so people who watch or listen to 
the interviews each month.
 From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

 So now it's Rick that is the cause of your tribulations, Barry?

 My god, man, look at thyself!

turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Negativity or reality?  And what's wrong with TV (and movie) reviews? Lots of 
folks here watch TV.  Are they supposed to be spending their evenings reading 
the Gita?


 One man's negativity is another's constructive quest for understanding, or 
something - I'm too tired to get a good line together


 And I'm all for TV and movie reviews, too much bible talk gets tedious. It's 
funny though, the only really negative people here are Stevie Wonder and the 
Lone Star Troll. It's bizarre that anyone would spend so much energy just going 
Yah Boo all day.



 The fascinating thing from my point of view is that both of these guys -- 
Steve Sundur and Richard Williams -- are so far gone into their cult psychosis 
that they actually don't *know* that the only thing they're capable of doing 
any more is stalking people they've taken a dislike to. One really has to 
wonder what *happened* to them to make them this un-self-aware. The only valid 
emotion one can feel about either of them is pity. 


 The real casualty in all of this, however, is Rick. I admit to having lost all 
respect for him for reversing his previous sane decision and allowing Richard 
Williams to return to FFL. He *clearly* has never even bothered to read 
anything Richard posts. While I understand, what that means is that Rick 
*clearly* doesn't CARE what this pyschopath has done to the forum he founded. 
That's very sad. 



 Yes, Rick clearly has no interest in what goes on here any more and only ever 
posts links to his BATGAP stuff. Maybe he uses this place as a counterpoint to 
it - FFL the dark side of spirituality - and the more crazies he has the 
happier he is.


 It's hard to believe that Willytex is so unaware of how he comes across, maybe 
he's beyond caring too and just wants to spread his misery around. I never open 
their posts any more, life's too short, but the one useful function the pair of 
them have is that any casual passing observer is going to think hard about the 
impact of long term meditation practise.




 I certainly agree with the latter statement, and with your assessment of 
Rick's non-involvement. Interesting, isn't it, that the forum he created to 
discuss the BATGAP interviews gets ZERO traffic, because it turned out so 
namby-pamby and insipid that no one stuck around.


 It's difficult for me to understand how someone like Rick who claims that his 
main interest is the enlightened people he interviews CAN'T TELL how insane 
Willytex is. Then again, Rick is the one who actually believed that *Ravi* was 
enlightened, too.  Go figure. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

    I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 

You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 

Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to a 
post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]

    How many people captured and executed by the Islamic State successfully 
fought off the result? Zero. You seem to have a disconnect between your 
thoughts and what happens in the world. 

Duh. You're wasting your time trying to reason with him, Xeno. It's like trying 
to reason with this guy. They think like this, and yet consider themselves 

“Decapitate her head off”: Phil Robertson’s vile message to atheists

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| “Decapitate her head off”: Phil Robertson’s vile message...You're the one 
who says there is no God, there's no right, there's no wrong, so we're just 
having fun VIDEO |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: salyavin808

---In, rick@... wrote :

I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. 
And you believed him?
As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too. 

Has he run amok? 
His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.
I agree, and not just because he is obsessed with stalking me, and has been for 
20 years. Rick made Ravi Chivukula's obvious mental illnesses WORSE by giving 
him a forum on which to act them out. He is doing the same thing to Willytex.



Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:07 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
I'm paraphrasing what Krishna said to Arjuna, who was reluctant in fighting his 
relatives in the battle of Kurukshetra.

Just for JR, a supercut of what he believes is good and moral and 
spiritual about America. 

Everyone Sly Stallone Has Ever Killed On Film In One Video

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| Everyone Sly Stallone Has Ever Killed On Film In One Vid...The total count is 
well over 500, making Sly deadlier than several actual wars. |
|  |
| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
|  |
|   |

Suffice it to say it takes 35 minutes to get through them all. Wouldn't Krishna 
be proud?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 12:00 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.
    Come on now Feste, be reasonable and be honest. All the things you lay at 
my and Barry's door, (plus Curtis, Sal etc) could equally be applied to those 
who post what you call abuse towards all of us who don't care for TM, Marshy 
and the Movement. 

Evidently you think abuse is ok as long as it is aimed at those who don't like 
what you like. It is a balanced scale on both sides I think.
Except that it isn't. Both you and I (and certainly Curtis back when he was 
posting here) are willing and able to discuss the actual facts of any criticism 
we levy against TM, Maharishi, and the TM movement. We can cite historical 
examples and even reviews of bad research by scientists who point out how bad 
it really is. In contrast, the people who read from the Cult Playbook and 
attack us can *only* attack us. They are limited to Shoot the messenger. As 
far as I can tell, not one of them is even *capable* of dealing with the actual 
issues we bring up. What does that say about what TM does to a person's mind 
when practiced over a lifetime? 

And Fairfield when I was there and now (I know this because I have friends who 
still live there) is just like any other town. It has its good, it bad and its 
mixed. Unfortunately it also has the albatross around its neck of being home to 
a big ass cult, replete with stalag style quarters with razor wire running 
across the fences for the pundits, draconian style rules for Dome attendance 
and all the rest.
And isn't it fascinating that the very people who claim that Fairfield is NOT a 
cult town, and that they are NOT cultists, are incapable of doing anything but 
acting right out of the Cult Playbook. Given a comparison between the recent 
$cientology reaction to HBO's upcoming doc Going Clear and Steve and Feste's 
unrelenting Shoot the messenger attacks on us, I would be willing that there 
is not a single lurker out there that sees any difference whatsoever between 
the Co$ cult and the TM cult. 


 From: feste37
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 6:39 PM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.
    Seventh is correct. He is one of the most level-headed and reasonable of 
all posters here, and usually what he gets for his trouble is abuse. But that 
is par for the course for FFL. People no longer post here because of the 
abusive atmosphere. Seventh explains it well, below. The hostile atmosphere is 
largely the responsibility of Turquoise B, who cannot carry on a reasonable 
conversation about anything to do with TM or spirituality.  Same for MJ, but MJ 
does not have Turquoise's level of personal viciousness. Doesn't even come 
close. My best suggestion for Rick is to close down this forum or at the very 
least rename it. It has nothing to do with Fairfield. Almost nobody from 
Fairfield posts here any more. While Fairfield is a joyful, progressive, 
eclectic, supportive, spiritual community, FFL is a sinkhole of negativity, 
cynicism, and nastiness. One reason for this is slack to nonexistent 
moderation. I have no idea what the new name should be, but Fairfield Life has 
become a complete misnomer. 

---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

FYI, there's one guy who runs the show here.
He doesn't post, the place goes dead.
Very few people like him, but they play off one another, as each serves some 
interest the other has, but all under the umbrella of TM Bad, and 
disagreement with this conclusion will get you mocked and labeled a cult 
There are some moderate voices, but their participation is somewhat limited in 
comparison to the prevailing sentiment.
The posting totals tell the story.
I believe most of Richard's posts go unread, as do mine.
If I sound like I'm complaining, I'm not.  I really find it rather amusing.
Mostly a study of narcissism, I would say.

---In, rick@... wrote :

I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me. Just something I set up. The significant thing is the 175K or 
so people who watch or listen to the interviews each month.  From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.   So now it's Rick that is 
the cause of your tribulations, Barry?  My god, man, look at thyself!

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :From: salyavin808  ---In, 
turquoiseb@... wrote :From: salyavin808 

[FairfieldLife] Weally entertaining drum clinic!?

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Bernard Purdie performance 
 Bernard Purdie performance This 
feature is not available right now. Please try again later. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
That *does* sound like a promising idea. Keep him away from people, the 
internet, and fire extinguishers and I'm sure things will sort themselves out 
quickly, just as they did for the last person they locked in a basement to 
cure them. 

 From: Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:06 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.
    Tex might not be deranged, it might jist be his vata that's deranged. Le's 
send him over to Vlodrop where they can lock him in the basement to calm his 
vata, then he'll be real normal.


 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:13 AM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

---In, rick@... wrote :

I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. 
And you believed him?
Has he run amok? 
His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.
You should do HIM a favour by banning him again, maybe he can do something 
useful with his life if he's stopped from wasting his time being ignored by the 
people that actually LIKE posting here. 
The irony of Willytex is that he considers himself a big spiritual deal but any 
casual observer would consider him barking mad. And an unpleasant character to 
boot. I'm torn between saying should do spirituality a favour by keeping him 
out of sight or using him as an example that a life devoted to higher pursuits 
doesn't always lead where you want.

Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much importance to me. Just something I 
set up. The significant thing is the 175K or so people who watch or listen to 
the interviews each month.  From: 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.   So now it's Rick that is 
the cause of your tribulations, Barry?  My god, man, look at thyself!

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :From: salyavin808  ---In, 
turquoiseb@... wrote :From: salyavin808  ---In, noozguru@... wrote :Negativity or reality?  
And what's wrong with TV (and movie) reviews? Lots of folks here watch TV.  Are 
they supposed to be spending their evenings reading the Gita?  One man's 
negativity is another's constructive quest for understanding, or something - 
I'm too tired to get a good line together  And I'm all for TV and movie 
reviews, too much bible talk gets tedious. It's funny though, the only really 
negative people here are Stevie Wonder and the Lone Star Troll. It's bizarre 
that anyone would spend so much energy just going Yah Boo all day.    The 
fascinating thing from my point of view is that both of these guys -- Steve 
Sundur and Richard Williams -- are so far gone into their cult psychosis that 
they actually don't *know* that the only thing they're capable of doing any 
more is stalking people they've taken a dislike to. One really has to wonder 
what *happened* to them to make them this un-self-aware. The only valid emotion 
one can feel about either of them is pity.   The real casualty in all of this, 
however, is Rick. I admit to having lost all respect for him for reversing his 
previous sane decision and allowing Richard Williams to return to FFL. He 
*clearly* has never even bothered to read anything Richard posts. While I 
understand, what that means is that Rick *clearly* doesn't CARE what this 
pyschopath has done to the forum he founded. That's very sad.     Yes, Rick 
clearly has no interest in what goes on here any more and only ever posts links 
to his BATGAP stuff. Maybe he uses this place as a counterpoint to it - FFL the 
dark side of spirituality - and the more crazies he has the happier he is.  
It's hard to believe that Willytex is so unaware of how he comes across, maybe 
he's beyond caring too and just wants to spread his misery around. I never open 
their posts any more, life's too short, but the one useful function the pair of 
them have is that any casual passing observer is going to think hard about the 
impact of long term meditation practise.      I certainly agree with the latter 
statement, and with your assessment of Rick's non-involvement. Interesting, 
isn't it, that the forum he created to discuss the BATGAP interviews gets ZERO 
traffic, because it turned out so namby-pamby and insipid that no one stuck 

It's difficult for me to understand how someone 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Do you believe Krshna was an actual personage on the earth or a religious myth?
If real, was he just a man or an avatar of Vishnu?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
I'm paraphrasing what Krishna said to Arjuna, who was reluctant in fighting his 
relatives in the battle of Kurukshetra.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.
Seems a rather narrow minded point of view. 

What if the person being killed is a committed practitioner of ahimsa? A 
Jainite or a fanatic pacifist? One who would rather be killed than raise their 
hand in violence to another even in self defense? 

Or suppose the about to be killed already had a terminal illness with a bleak 
prognosis and a short time to live, thus the killing would actually be a favor 
to the kill-ee and the killer, while perhaps having evil intent, would actually 
be giving a blessing and liberation to the kill-ee.

Could there be some planet in your chart that is debilitated that gives you 
such a judgmental and combative feeling about all this?

  From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
I would assume that you would fight to save your life if the Islamic State 
rebels got a hold of you to cut your head off as propaganda for their cause. 
Are you going to assume that you're imagining things?  As you've seen in the 
news, these rebels have cut the heads of Brits and Americans in the recent 
past.  It's real and true.
If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.  If you 
fight and win, you save your life and become a hero to the world.

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

You know jr_esq, you are assuming that your idea of good and evil is real. I 
hold they are simply conceptual mappings onto reality, but they have no real 
existence except as a convenient and arbitrary way to categorise certain forms 
of activity. There was an episode of Star Trek in which an alien species, the 
Excalbians, investigated good and evil. They concluded that good and evil use 
the same methods and achieve the similar results. The writers of the episode 
used science fiction as a template to discuss the nature of good and evil.
How are you defining good and evil, and why do you feel those definitions are 
somehow true or real?

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

Pastor Barry,
IMO, it's unfortunate that human beings have to die.  But circumstances happen 
where a person or a leader of a nation has to act to prevent evil or to 
eradicate evil from existing.  Under these circumstances, it would be justified 
to take arms and fight.  Any deaths that come from a justified war would be 
dignified and would be considered necessary to deter evil.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Surveys of deaths in the two Iraq wars show that (depending on the survey), 
between 151,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis died in the two US-led wars between 2003 
and 2013. One study, conducted by the Iraq Body Count project, found that 
174,000 Iraqis were reported killed between 2003 and 2013, withbetween 
112,000-123,000 of those killed being civilian noncombatants. Meanwhile, the 
total number of US troops killed during this period was 4,491.  

Now, JR, please tell me. Was that good or evil? 

  From: anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
 About 12,000 or so people die every day. About 10% of those are killed by 
other people one way or another. The Islamic State is one of those ways. This 
is what happens. One method of reducing those killings is to bomb or send 
troops to kill the members of the Islamic State, by substituting other killings 
in place of the ones the Islamic State perpetrates. Then there is the question 
of who or what is killing the other 11,000 people who die every day, which is a 
far greater number. From their point of view, the killers in the Islamic State 
are doing their god-given duty to remove infidels and betrayers of their faith 
from the world, a good thing. We don't know what the people killed think of it, 
but those in the West do not seem in favour of the idea, thinking it a bad 
thing. In almost every year, anyone born more that 120 years ago is dead. As 
pointed out recently God killed something like 2,000,000 people as reported in 
the Bible, while Satan, bless his reticent soul, only 10. So it would appear 
the best killers are in the service of what is called 'good', for a good cause, 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Ravi probably implictly claimed that he was enlightened 
(even though most people on this planet have no clue what it 

Rick acted in good faith. Perhaps he is much wiser man now.

Should Ravi's interview still stand?  Why did Rick dump it 
out? If some muck comes out on other interviewees, will Rick 
dump their interviews as well?

Rick should be aware that the TMO dumped out material, when 
it become uncomfortable for them.

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 A typical distortion. 

 Never takes long.

 Take away Barry's distortions, what have you got?

 A few clever links now and then.

 But the distortions?

 That's his own clever way to draw you into a meaningless discussion.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :
As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too. 

 I agree, and not just because he is obsessed with stalking me, and has been 
for 20 years. Rick made Ravi Chivukula's obvious mental illnesses WORSE by 
giving him a forum on which to act them out. He is doing the same thing to 

--- salyavin808@... wrote :

 His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A typical distortion. 

 Never takes long.

 Take away Barry's distortions, what have you got?

 A few clever links now and then.

 But the distortions?

 That's his own clever way to draw you into a meaningless discussion.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
Tex might not be deranged, it might jist be his vata that's deranged. Le's send 
him over to Vlodrop where they can lock him in the basement to calm his vata, 
then he'll be real normal.

  From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:13 AM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

---In, rick@... wrote :

I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. 
And you believed him?
Has he run amok? 
His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.
You should do HIM a favour by banning him again, maybe he can do something 
useful with his life if he's stopped from wasting his time being ignored by the 
people that actually LIKE posting here. 
The irony of Willytex is that he considers himself a big spiritual deal but any 
casual observer would consider him barking mad. And an unpleasant character to 
boot. I'm torn between saying should do spirituality a favour by keeping him 
out of sight or using him as an example that a life devoted to higher pursuits 
doesn't always lead where you want.

Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much importance to me. Just something I 
set up. The significant thing is the 175K or so people who watch or listen to 
the interviews each month.  From: 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.   So now it's Rick that is 
the cause of your tribulations, Barry?  My god, man, look at thyself!

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :From: salyavin808  ---In, 
turquoiseb@... wrote :From: salyavin808  ---In, noozguru@... wrote :Negativity or reality?  
And what's wrong with TV (and movie) reviews? Lots of folks here watch TV.  Are 
they supposed to be spending their evenings reading the Gita?  One man's 
negativity is another's constructive quest for understanding, or something - 
I'm too tired to get a good line together  And I'm all for TV and movie 
reviews, too much bible talk gets tedious. It's funny though, the only really 
negative people here are Stevie Wonder and the Lone Star Troll. It's bizarre 
that anyone would spend so much energy just going Yah Boo all day.    The 
fascinating thing from my point of view is that both of these guys -- Steve 
Sundur and Richard Williams -- are so far gone into their cult psychosis that 
they actually don't *know* that the only thing they're capable of doing any 
more is stalking people they've taken a dislike to. One really has to wonder 
what *happened* to them to make them this un-self-aware. The only valid emotion 
one can feel about either of them is pity.   The real casualty in all of this, 
however, is Rick. I admit to having lost all respect for him for reversing his 
previous sane decision and allowing Richard Williams to return to FFL. He 
*clearly* has never even bothered to read anything Richard posts. While I 
understand, what that means is that Rick *clearly* doesn't CARE what this 
pyschopath has done to the forum he founded. That's very sad.     Yes, Rick 
clearly has no interest in what goes on here any more and only ever posts links 
to his BATGAP stuff. Maybe he uses this place as a counterpoint to it - FFL the 
dark side of spirituality - and the more crazies he has the happier he is.  
It's hard to believe that Willytex is so unaware of how he comes across, maybe 
he's beyond caring too and just wants to spread his misery around. I never open 
their posts any more, life's too short, but the one useful function the pair of 
them have is that any casual passing observer is going to think hard about the 
impact of long term meditation practise.      I certainly agree with the latter 
statement, and with your assessment of Rick's non-involvement. Interesting, 
isn't it, that the forum he created to discuss the BATGAP interviews gets ZERO 
traffic, because it turned out so namby-pamby and insipid that no one stuck 

It's difficult for me to understand how someone like Rick who claims that his 
main interest is the enlightened people he interviews CAN'T TELL how insane 
Willytex is. Then again, Rick is the one who actually believed that *Ravi* was 
enlightened, too.  Go figure. 

      #yiv1168345099 #yiv1168345099 -- #yiv1168345099ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
#d8d8d8;font-family:Arial;margin:10px 0;padding:0 10px;}#yiv1168345099 
#yiv1168345099ygrp-mkp hr {border:1px solid #d8d8d8;}#yiv1168345099 
#yiv1168345099ygrp-mkp #yiv1168345099hd 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as Cult Slayer.

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, Reaction Vampire 

 From: 'Rick Archer' rick@...
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 


 You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 


 Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to 
a post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
From: [FairfieldLife]

Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.
That's certainly what a non-cultist would do. 

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

Good advice. Either would be a more sane approach than another year of trying 
to act out the same old script from the same old Cult Playbook. 


[FairfieldLife] For all Spiritual seekers

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
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Spiritual Guides and Gurus |
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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, you go around like a manic person plastering this label on anyone who 
disagrees with you.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: jason_green2@... [FairfieldLife]
 Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

 That's certainly what a non-cultist would do. 


 For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 


 Good advice. Either would be a more sane approach than another year of trying 
to act out the same old script from the same old Cult Playbook. 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Communism is an interesting idea that has never been tried.  What 
some people think are communist countries are family businesses.  North 
Korea as an example.

On 03/25/2015 04:45 AM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

Maintain a distinction between 'generating wealth' and
'making money'.  Pro-market capitalism generates wealth.
Pro-business capitalism only makes money for a few.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of
ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the
equal sharing of misery  ~ Winston Churchill

Under communism, there is no incentive to supply people
with anything they need or want, including safety.
 ~ George Reisman, (Capitalism : A Treatise on Economics

The trouble is with socialism, which resembles a form of
mental illness more than it does a philosophy. Socialists
get bees in their bonnets. And because they chronically lack
any critical faculty to examine and evaluate their ideas,
and because they are pathologically unwilling to consider
the opinions of others, and most of all, because socialism
is a mindset that regards the individual -- and his rights
-- as insignificant, compared to whatever the socialist
believes the group needs, terrible, terrible things happen
when socialists acquire power.
~ L. Neil Smith, Cambodian Road Trip, 15 March 2009)

Communism has sometimes succeeded as a scavenger, but never
as a leader. It has never come to power in a country that
was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.
~ John F. Kennedy, (Speech at NATO Headquarters, Naples
Italy, 2 July 1963)

Socialism...must have a dictatorship, it will not work
without it.
~ Mao Zedong, (Dikötter,  The Tragedy of Liberation: A
History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945–57)

I think all the great religions of the world - Buddhism,
Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Communism -- both untrue
and harmful.
~ Bertrand Russell, (My Religious Reminiscences, 1957)

Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife.
Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of
poverty and hatred.
~ Bertrand Russell, (Portraits From Memory And Other Essays

Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their
essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich
man and his fine home says, 'No man should have so much.'
The capitalist, seeing the same thing says, 'All men should
have as much.' 
– Phelps Adams

Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't
need it, and hell where they already have it.

~ Ronald Reagan

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads
Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's
someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
~ Ronald Reagan

Communism is like Prohibition, it's a good idea but it
won't work
– Will Rogers

For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people
in the West, it is still a living lion.
– Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.
– Frank Zappa

Any man who is not a communist at the age of twenty is a
fool. Any man who is still a communist at the age of thirty
is an even bigger fool.
~ George Bernard Shaw

--- noozguru@... wrote :

Well I guess then you don't know the tech industry which I've worked 
with for years and continue to work with.  Yes it is about money.  Do 
you own stocks?

On 03/24/2015 12:26 PM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

No, it's not just about money. It's about our survival as a
species. It's also about competition, the Russians and the
Chinese are not going to stay static.

To calculate the folding structure of a single protein would
take one billion years, for all the super-computers on earth
combined, right now.  A quantum computer would do that in a
few minutes time.

Communism has no moral compass either. It breeds sloth,
incompetency, inefficiency, kills merit, encourages
mediocrity,  sloppiness etc etc.  I am sure you wouldn't
like to live in those old commie countries.

It is inevitable that we eventualy go off this planet. It's
the only way that we can survive as a specie. Many cosmic
disasters have hit earth and will continue to do so. We
merging with AI is the next step in evolution.

--- noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :

Blame capitalism.  It's all about the money.  All the tech companies 
care about is making money because if they don't then their stock will 
fall and the stockholders will complain.  So there is no moral compass 
asking what is the long term effects of the project they are working 
on.  We could probably just stop or slow where we are with technology 
and be fine for the next several hundred years.

On 03/24/2015 11:04 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

He agrees with Hawking and others that AI is not good for humans.

Steve Wozniak: The Future of AI Is 'Scary and Very Bad for People'


[FairfieldLife] Vasant Swaha: New Interview on Buddha at the Gas Pump - 03/25/2015

2015-03-25 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]

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New interview posted 03/25/2015:

*   283. Vasant Swaha
 283. Vasant Swaha

By Rick Archer on Mar 24, 2015 09:05 pm

Vasant Swaha was always a naturally free spirit, aware from an early age that 
life was not about accepting boundaries, but rather going beyond them. As a 
child, he sailed from his native Norway, exploring the world with his father …
 Continue reading →

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 283. Vasant Swaha appeared first on
 Buddha at the Gas Pump.
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Recent Interviews:
 282. Hameed Ali (A. H. Almaas) – 2nd Interview
 281. Dorothy Rowe
 280. Jim Dreaver
 279. Aisha Salem
 278. Bernie Prior 

Copyright © 2015 Buddha at the Gas Pump, All rights reserved.
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Buddha at the Gas Pump

1108 South B Street

Fairfield, Iowa 52556

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
To be kind, Barry's behavior is completely predictable. Turns out that one's 
behavior *is* a predictor of how one thinks and feels. Who knew?  FFL is 
Barry's World now, almost exclusively.  It's his club.  He has a viciously 
mean personality that no one else here can match. [Look how he treats Rick?!  
Unbelievable; the man who has considerately provided the space for Barry to 
expound all these years, day after day after day after day.]  Women aren't 
allowed - they'll be tolerated as long as they *don't* rock Barry's boat and 
*do* waste their time stroking him. No one who disagrees with, or questions 
Barry, is tolerated long either - he's the blameless victim on all counts and 
disagreeing with Barry is tantamount to attacking him. He sets the tone. 
Everyone falls in line or is summarily dismissed. There will be no 
conversations here that will be worth subjecting oneself to abuse for - there 
will be only Barry's *opinion* and those that agree with him.   So spiteful 
over here (to be kind); so much more relaxed over there on the Peak.   

 I do believe this forum should stay in business; it's providing a service.

 ---In, jason_green2@... wrote :


Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as Cult Slayer.

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, Reaction Vampire 

 From: 'Rick Archer' rick@...
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 


 You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 


 Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to 
a post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)





[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 I guess you realize that you are proving my point.

 Yes, Rick acts in good faith,  Whether he believes someone is enlightened is 
immaterial to the discussion.  It is a distortion by Barry, evidently accepted 
by you.

 Rick's interviews are from people who are on some stage of the spiritual path, 
and are represented as such, and have a predisposition to talk about it.

 Ravi requested that his interview be removed.

 Is that really a problem?

 Maybe he was involved in a custody battle, or maybe he wanted a lower profile 
on social media.

 For you to make that into something more than it is, is a tad dishonest, I'd 

---In, jason_green2@... wrote :

Ravi probably implictly claimed that he was enlightened 
(even though most people on this planet have no clue what it 

Rick acted in good faith. Perhaps he is much wiser man now.

Should Ravi's interview still stand?  Why did Rick dump it 
out? If some muck comes out on other interviewees, will Rick 
dump their interviews as well?

Rick should be aware that the TMO dumped out material, when 
it become uncomfortable for them.

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 A typical distortion. 

 Never takes long.

 Take away Barry's distortions, what have you got?

 A few clever links now and then.

 But the distortions?

 That's his own clever way to draw you into a meaningless discussion.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :
As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too. 

 I agree, and not just because he is obsessed with stalking me, and has been 
for 20 years. Rick made Ravi Chivukula's obvious mental illnesses WORSE by 
giving him a forum on which to act them out. He is doing the same thing to 

--- salyavin808@... wrote :

 His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.





[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thanks for your advice Jason. 

 I'm sorry if you don't care for the content of my posts.

 And again, you have a knack for proving the points I am trying to make.

 I get it that individuals here find fault in the TM Organization.

 I find plenty of faults myself.

 But for those who have made a career of it, try to stay on course with the 
criticisms, instead of distorting what others say.


 Do you really think I am under the impression that my input is going to change 
any minds?

 I am just a participant like anyone else here.

 In my case, if I see something that looks like a distortion, I will oftentimes 
speak up.

 Just as you are doing now, with me.  (-:



---In, jason_green2@... wrote :


Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as Cult Slayer.

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, Reaction Vampire 

 From: 'Rick Archer' rick@...
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 


 You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 


 Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to 
a post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 Rick wants to know if you are talking abut me or about Barry - we are both 
from Texas. Go figure.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Tex might not be deranged, it might jist be his vata that's deranged. Le's 
send him over to Vlodrop where they can lock him in the basement to calm his 
vata, then he'll be real normal.

 From: salyavin808
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 2:13 AM
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.


---In, rick@... wrote :

 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. 

 And you believed him?

 Has he run amok? 

 His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.

 You should do HIM a favour by banning him again, maybe he can do something 
useful with his life if he's stopped from wasting his time being ignored by the 
people that actually LIKE posting here. 

 The irony of Willytex is that he considers himself a big spiritual deal but 
any casual observer would consider him barking mad. And an unpleasant character 
to boot. I'm torn between saying should do spirituality a favour by keeping him 
out of sight or using him as an example that a life devoted to higher pursuits 
doesn't always lead where you want.


 Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much importance to me. Just something I 
set up. The significant thing is the 175K or so people who watch or listen to 
the interviews each month.
 From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

 So now it's Rick that is the cause of your tribulations, Barry?

 My god, man, look at thyself!

turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Negativity or reality?  And what's wrong with TV (and movie) reviews? Lots of 
folks here watch TV.  Are they supposed to be spending their evenings reading 
the Gita?


 One man's negativity is another's constructive quest for understanding, or 
something - I'm too tired to get a good line together


 And I'm all for TV and movie reviews, too much bible talk gets tedious. It's 
funny though, the only really negative people here are Stevie Wonder and the 
Lone Star Troll. It's bizarre that anyone would spend so much energy just going 
Yah Boo all day.



 The fascinating thing from my point of view is that both of these guys -- 
Steve Sundur and Richard Williams -- are so far gone into their cult psychosis 
that they actually don't *know* that the only thing they're capable of doing 
any more is stalking people they've taken a dislike to. One really has to 
wonder what *happened* to them to make them this un-self-aware. The only valid 
emotion one can feel about either of them is pity. 


 The real casualty in all of this, however, is Rick. I admit to having lost all 
respect for him for reversing his previous sane decision and allowing Richard 
Williams to return to FFL. He *clearly* has never even bothered to read 
anything Richard posts. While I understand, what that means is that Rick 
*clearly* doesn't CARE what this pyschopath has done to the forum he founded. 
That's very sad. 



 Yes, Rick clearly has no interest in what goes on here any more and only ever 
posts links to his BATGAP stuff. Maybe he uses this place as a counterpoint to 
it - FFL the dark side of spirituality - and the more crazies he has the 
happier he is.


 It's hard to believe that Willytex is so unaware of how he comes across, maybe 
he's beyond caring too and just wants to spread his misery around. I never open 
their posts any more, life's too short, but the one useful function the pair of 
them have is that any casual passing observer is going to think hard about the 
impact of long term meditation practise.




 I certainly agree with the latter statement, and with your assessment of 
Rick's non-involvement. Interesting, isn't it, that the forum he created to 
discuss the BATGAP interviews gets ZERO traffic, because it turned out so 
namby-pamby and insipid that no one stuck around.


 It's difficult for me to understand how someone 

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 You must be talking about me - is it something I said?
 ---In, rick@... wrote :

 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. 

---In, wrote :

 And you believed him?

 Has he run amok? 

 His stated aim is to make this place unreadable because he doesn't like what 
some people say. He's a troll and an obviously mentally deranged on, if not 
actually autistic. You did him a big favour banning him from posting and a big 
mistake letting him back in.

 You should do HIM a favour by banning him again, maybe he can do something 
useful with his life if he's stopped from wasting his time being ignored by the 
people that actually LIKE posting here. 

 The irony of Willytex is that he considers himself a big spiritual deal but 
any casual observer would consider him barking mad. And an unpleasant character 
to boot. I'm torn between saying should do spirituality a favour by keeping him 
out of sight or using him as an example that a life devoted to higher pursuits 
doesn't always lead where you want.


 Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much importance to me. Just something I 
set up. The significant thing is the 175K or so people who watch or listen to 
the interviews each month.
 From: [] 
Sent: Tuesday, March 17, 2015 7:15 AM
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

 So now it's Rick that is the cause of your tribulations, Barry?

 My god, man, look at thyself!

turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808
turquoiseb@... mailto:turquoiseb@... wrote :
 From: salyavin808
noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Negativity or reality?  And what's wrong with TV (and movie) reviews? Lots of 
folks here watch TV.  Are they supposed to be spending their evenings reading 
the Gita?


 One man's negativity is another's constructive quest for understanding, or 
something - I'm too tired to get a good line together


 And I'm all for TV and movie reviews, too much bible talk gets tedious. It's 
funny though, the only really negative people here are Stevie Wonder and the 
Lone Star Troll. It's bizarre that anyone would spend so much energy just going 
Yah Boo all day.



 The fascinating thing from my point of view is that both of these guys -- 
Steve Sundur and Richard Williams -- are so far gone into their cult psychosis 
that they actually don't *know* that the only thing they're capable of doing 
any more is stalking people they've taken a dislike to. One really has to 
wonder what *happened* to them to make them this un-self-aware. The only valid 
emotion one can feel about either of them is pity. 


 The real casualty in all of this, however, is Rick. I admit to having lost all 
respect for him for reversing his previous sane decision and allowing Richard 
Williams to return to FFL. He *clearly* has never even bothered to read 
anything Richard posts. While I understand, what that means is that Rick 
*clearly* doesn't CARE what this pyschopath has done to the forum he founded. 
That's very sad. 



 Yes, Rick clearly has no interest in what goes on here any more and only ever 
posts links to his BATGAP stuff. Maybe he uses this place as a counterpoint to 
it - FFL the dark side of spirituality - and the more crazies he has the 
happier he is.


 It's hard to believe that Willytex is so unaware of how he comes across, maybe 
he's beyond caring too and just wants to spread his misery around. I never open 
their posts any more, life's too short, but the one useful function the pair of 
them have is that any casual passing observer is going to think hard about the 
impact of long term meditation practise.




 I certainly agree with the latter statement, and with your assessment of 
Rick's non-involvement. Interesting, isn't it, that the forum he created to 
discuss the BATGAP interviews gets ZERO traffic, because it turned out so 
namby-pamby and insipid that no one stuck around.


 It's difficult for me to understand how someone like Rick who claims that his 
main interest is the enlightened people he interviews CAN'T TELL how insane 
Willytex is. Then again, Rick is the one who actually believed that *Ravi* was 
enlightened, too.  Go figure. 





Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
This discussion seems more about what you consider your moral compass to be, 
and that I should adopt your ideas about good and evil. While I have some sense 
of ethics, I have no moral compass. Good and Evil are in the eye of the 
beholder who thinks these ideas are real. I hold they do not exist except as 
concepts planted in the mind by others, or perhaps by oneself in an attempt to 
control the world in a way favourable to one's own continued existence (after 
all someone had to invent those ideas). I would, if possible avoid being taken 
by ISIS/ISIL, the best way being never to get near where they are. If they 
killed me, I am reasonably confident they would consider it a good deed, for 
them and the world, because that is how they see the world. After such a fact, 
I would have no opinion or say in the matter because my form, mind, etc., would 
be non-existent. Their way of thinking I consider a danger to others, and that 
a permanent way of eliminating that kind of thinking — The True Believer — 
would be advantageous for those outside a circle of such beliefs. There can be 
no such thing as a true belief, because a belief is the assumption, that 
such-and-such is true, without supporting evidence. Believing this way is a 
pretence of knowledge. You are pretending something is true. Direct knowledge 
of a fact is rather rare in human discourse. We have to rely on hypothetical 
thinking quite a lot, and inductive inference quite a lot, and if pressed to 
demonstrate the truth of what we say, most of us would be in a pretty sorry 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 1:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
This discussion is about good and evil and the role that you should play in it. 
 If the IS rebels captured you, do you think they'll be doing a good deed for 
you and the world?

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a:visited {text-decoration:none;}#yiv6301175374 div.yiv6301175374photo-title a, 
#yiv6301175374 div.yiv6301175374photo-title a:active, #yiv6301175374 
div.yiv6301175374photo-title a:hover, #yiv6301175374 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread Xenophaneros Anartaxius [FairfieldLife]
Yeah, I know, but I have some time to kill. There was one hour segment on CNN 
last night on atheists, not very in depth, but evenly presented.

Examining the stigma of atheism - CNN Video

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| Examining the stigma of atheism - CNN VideoCNN's Kyra Phillips examines 
atheism and the stigma that some associate with the term. |
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| View on | Preview by Yahoo |
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 Famous atheists and their beliefs - 
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| Famous atheists and their beliefs - |
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  From: TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 6:30 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
    From: [FairfieldLife]

    How many people captured and executed by the Islamic State successfully 
fought off the result? Zero. You seem to have a disconnect between your 
thoughts and what happens in the world. 

Duh. You're wasting your time trying to reason with him, Xeno. It's like trying 
to reason with this guy. They think like this, and yet consider themselves 

“Decapitate her head off”: Phil Robertson’s vile message to atheists

|   |
|   |  |   |   |   |   |   |
| “Decapitate her head off”: Phil Robertson’s vile message...You're the one 
who says there is no God, there's no right, there's no wrong, so we're just 
having fun VIDEO |
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 #yiv1562855776 #yiv1562855776 -- #yiv1562855776ygrp-mkp {border:1px solid 
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{margin:0 0 0 

[FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
1. Portland, OR

 2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here.

 This is the most godless city in America
 This is the most godless city in America
 If you don’t believe in God, you might want to move to the Pacific Northwest.
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Of course to ask if you believe in God is a bit simplistic.  What is 
meant by God?  Does it mean the magic man in the sky who micromanages 
everything or the unified filed that underlies or is everything in the 

On 03/25/2015 12:49 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:

1. Portland, OR

2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here.

This is the most godless city in America


This is the most godless city in America 

If you don’t believe in God, you might want to move to the Pacific 

View on 

Preview by Yahoo

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
xen, since you've asked, let's cut to the chase. 

 let's take today's distortion, (imo),

 Do you think Rick believed Ravi's alleged claim that he was/is enlightened?

 Or is this a distortion on Barry's part of what Rick believes?

 Or is it, perhaps, some kind of bait for either for Rick, or possibly, Ravi 
to respond?

 What do you think?

 I pray you won't go silent on me, as you are wont to do on occasion.

 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too.


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Because our minds interpret what others say — they do not have direct access — 
it almost always comes across as a distortion, particularly if the participants 
have differing views of a subject. I think I am almost astonished at how wide 
that divergence is. Investigating the idea rather than the person is what keeps 
one on track, though at times that is rather difficult to do. I think it may 
depend on how much attachment a person has to a particular idea being 'right'. 
It is often difficult to tell if a person has deliberately misrepresented an 
idea or just does not understand it, or refuses to understand it. 

 I seem to be in a conversation with jr-esq about good and evil, and while I 
have a sense of those terms, I find it difficult to think of them as real 
categories. I categorise experience as pleasant and unpleasant, safe or 
dangerous in relation to my own well being and those of others, not as good and 
evil or right and wrong which seem to me to be more a function of geography and 
cultural upbringing than any sort of reality.

 While it is easy to find fault with the TMO, the underlying issues seems to be 
related to the way people differ in how they regard the relationship of thought 
to reality. There are experiences and experience and there are words about 
those experiences, the words are not the experiences, but often seem to be 
mistaken for them. And most words we use are abstractions, combinations of 
words related to each other and not to an original experience or fact. The 
words, their meanings to us, and their relationships with each other become a 
separate, private reality disconnected from any wider connexion with the world.

 Cult thinking is just this disconnect become a fixed habit in regard to 
certain specific ideas related to a particular group of people. If it is just a 
particular individual that is trapped in this sort of private verbal world, 
then you might call it an obsession the person has. From a logical viewpoint 
though, whether a person is obsessed or in the grip of groupthink, each idea 
can stand independently of how you regard the person who stated them personally.

 What do you think is the most significant distortion you have come across on 
Fairfield Life?
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Thanks for your advice Jason. 

 I'm sorry if you don't care for the content of my posts.

 And again, you have a knack for proving the points I am trying to make.

 I get it that individuals here find fault in the TM Organization.

 I find plenty of faults myself.

 But for those who have made a career of it, try to stay on course with the 
criticisms, instead of distorting what others say.


 Do you really think I am under the impression that my input is going to change 
any minds?

 I am just a participant like anyone else here.

 In my case, if I see something that looks like a distortion, I will oftentimes 
speak up.

 Just as you are doing now, with me.  (-:



---In, jason_green2@... wrote :


Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as Cult Slayer.

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, Reaction Vampire 

 From: 'Rick Archer' rick@...
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 



[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Because our minds interpret what others say — they do not have direct access — 
it almost always comes across as a distortion, particularly if the participants 
have differing views of a subject. I think I am almost astonished at how wide 
that divergence is. Investigating the idea rather than the person is what keeps 
one on track, though at times that is rather difficult to do. I think it may 
depend on how much attachment a person has to a particular idea being 'right'. 
It is often difficult to tell if a person has deliberately misrepresented an 
idea or just does not understand it, or refuses to understand it. 

 I seem to be in a conversation with jr-esq about good and evil, and while I 
have a sense of those terms, I find it difficult to think of them as real 
categories. I categorise experience as pleasant and unpleasant, safe or 
dangerous in relation to my own well being and those of others, not as good and 
evil or right and wrong which seem to me to be more a function of geography and 
cultural upbringing than any sort of reality.

 While it is easy to find fault with the TMO, the underlying issues seems to be 
related to the way people differ in how they regard the relationship of thought 
to reality. There are experiences and experience and there are words about 
those experiences, the words are not the experiences, but often seem to be 
mistaken for them. And most words we use are abstractions, combinations of 
words related to each other and not to an original experience or fact. The 
words, their meanings to us, and their relationships with each other become a 
separate, private reality disconnected from any wider connexion with the world.

 Cult thinking is just this disconnect become a fixed habit in regard to 
certain specific ideas related to a particular group of people. If it is just a 
particular individual that is trapped in this sort of private verbal world, 
then you might call it an obsession the person has. From a logical viewpoint 
though, whether a person is obsessed or in the grip of groupthink, each idea 
can stand independently of how you regard the person who stated them personally.

 What do you think is the most significant distortion you have come across on 
Fairfield Life?
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Thanks for your advice Jason. 

 I'm sorry if you don't care for the content of my posts.

 And again, you have a knack for proving the points I am trying to make.

 I get it that individuals here find fault in the TM Organization.

 I find plenty of faults myself.

 But for those who have made a career of it, try to stay on course with the 
criticisms, instead of distorting what others say.


 Do you really think I am under the impression that my input is going to change 
any minds?

 I am just a participant like anyone else here.

 In my case, if I see something that looks like a distortion, I will oftentimes 
speak up.

 Just as you are doing now, with me.  (-:



---In, jason_green2@... wrote :


Relax Steve. None of the discussions here can actualy change 
reality.  If you have disagreements, attack the idea and not 
the person.

For some strange reason you have been complaining about his 
behaviour for the past one year.  I think Judy's posts were 
giving you guys a high for years.  You are addicted to it.

Now that Judy and the mean girls are gone, you feel you are 
missing something? Withdrawal symptoms.

Steve, all things pass, all things must end. Get used to it 
and put yourself into a new groove. Or post more at 'the 

--- steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as Cult Slayer.

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, Reaction Vampire 

 From: 'Rick Archer' rick@...
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.

--- turquoiseb@... wrote :


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 


 You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 


 Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to 
a post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)





Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread salyavin808


---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Of course to ask if you believe in God is a bit simplistic.  What is meant 
by God?  Does it mean the magic man in the sky who micromanages everything 
or the unified filed that underlies or is everything in the universe?
You forgot a bit: The unified field that runs the universe in perfect order and 
without a problem.

 They are the same thing. Or what is the point of calling the unified field a 

 On 03/25/2015 12:49 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   1. Portland, OR
 2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here.
 This is the most godless city in America
 This is the most godless city in America If you don’t believe in God, you 
might want to move to the Pacific Northwest.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread Michael Jackson [FairfieldLife]
All right then since you continue to quote Marshy (why I don't know, especially 
when you quote him to me since you know I think he was one big fraud) but since 
you do, do you accept Marshy as such an authority that you take his word for 
Krsna's status? Meaning that you believe what Marshy said about Krishna cuz it 
was Marshy doin' the talkin'?

  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
MMY believes Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu here on Earth.  I personally 
have not researched the subject.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

Do you believe Krshna was an actual personage on the earth or a religious myth?
If real, was he just a man or an avatar of Vishnu?

  From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
I'm paraphrasing what Krishna said to Arjuna, who was reluctant in fighting his 
relatives in the battle of Kurukshetra.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.
Seems a rather narrow minded point of view. 

What if the person being killed is a committed practitioner of ahimsa? A 
Jainite or a fanatic pacifist? One who would rather be killed than raise their 
hand in violence to another even in self defense? 

Or suppose the about to be killed already had a terminal illness with a bleak 
prognosis and a short time to live, thus the killing would actually be a favor 
to the kill-ee and the killer, while perhaps having evil intent, would actually 
be giving a blessing and liberation to the kill-ee.

Could there be some planet in your chart that is debilitated that gives you 
such a judgmental and combative feeling about all this?

  From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
I would assume that you would fight to save your life if the Islamic State 
rebels got a hold of you to cut your head off as propaganda for their cause. 
Are you going to assume that you're imagining things?  As you've seen in the 
news, these rebels have cut the heads of Brits and Americans in the recent 
past.  It's real and true.
If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.  If you 
fight and win, you save your life and become a hero to the world.

---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

You know jr_esq, you are assuming that your idea of good and evil is real. I 
hold they are simply conceptual mappings onto reality, but they have no real 
existence except as a convenient and arbitrary way to categorise certain forms 
of activity. There was an episode of Star Trek in which an alien species, the 
Excalbians, investigated good and evil. They concluded that good and evil use 
the same methods and achieve the similar results. The writers of the episode 
used science fiction as a template to discuss the nature of good and evil.
How are you defining good and evil, and why do you feel those definitions are 
somehow true or real?

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

Pastor Barry,
IMO, it's unfortunate that human beings have to die.  But circumstances happen 
where a person or a leader of a nation has to act to prevent evil or to 
eradicate evil from existing.  Under these circumstances, it would be justified 
to take arms and fight.  Any deaths that come from a justified war would be 
dignified and would be considered necessary to deter evil.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

Surveys of deaths in the two Iraq wars show that (depending on the survey), 
between 151,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis died in the two US-led wars between 2003 
and 2013. One study, conducted by the Iraq Body Count project, found that 
174,000 Iraqis were reported killed between 2003 and 2013, withbetween 
112,000-123,000 of those killed being civilian noncombatants. Meanwhile, the 
total number of US troops killed during this period was 4,491.  

Now, JR, please tell me. Was that good or evil? 

  From: anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
 About 12,000 or so people die every day. About 10% of those are killed by 
other people one way or another. The Islamic State is one of those ways. This 
is what happens. One method of reducing those killings is to bomb or send 
troops to kill the members of the Islamic State, by substituting other killings 
in place of the ones the Islamic State perpetrates. Then there is the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
That is interesting. I converse almost every day with someone who lives just 8 
or so miles from that city, and he is indeed an atheist and a scientist. 

 In other news:

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 1. Portland, OR

 2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here.

 This is the most godless city in America
 This is the most godless city in America
 If you don’t believe in God, you might want to move to the Pacific Northwest.

 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]

On 03/25/2015 01:54 PM, salyavin808 wrote:

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

Of course to ask if you believe in God is a bit simplistic.  What is 
meant by God? Does it mean the magic man in the sky who 
micromanages everything or the unified filed that underlies or is 
everything in the universe?

You forgot a bit: The unified field that runs the universe in perfect 
order and without a problem.

Didn't forget anything, see below.

They are the same thing. Or what is the point of calling the unified 
field a god?

If it is perfect then aligning yourself with it should prevents 
problems.  That's the idea of living in accord with nature,  I don't 
call it god or God though.  But there are people who would tend to 
use that definition for God.  Being aware of this is called... 

On 03/25/2015 12:49 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@...
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

1. Portland, OR

2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here.

This is the most godless city in America


This is the most godless city in America 

If you don’t believe in God, you might want to move to the Pacific 

View on

Preview by Yahoo

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 MMY believes Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu here on Earth.  I personally 
have not researched the subject.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Do you believe Krshna was an actual personage on the earth or a religious myth?

 If real, was he just a man or an avatar of Vishnu?


 From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

 I'm paraphrasing what Krishna said to Arjuna, who was reluctant in fighting 
his relatives in the battle of Kurukshetra.


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.

 Seems a rather narrow minded point of view. 


 What if the person being killed is a committed practitioner of ahimsa? A 
Jainite or a fanatic pacifist? One who would rather be killed than raise their 
hand in violence to another even in self defense? 


 Or suppose the about to be killed already had a terminal illness with a bleak 
prognosis and a short time to live, thus the killing would actually be a favor 
to the kill-ee and the killer, while perhaps having evil intent, would actually 
be giving a blessing and liberation to the kill-ee.


 Could there be some planet in your chart that is debilitated that gives you 
such a judgmental and combative feeling about all this?


 From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

 I would assume that you would fight to save your life if the Islamic State 
rebels got a hold of you to cut your head off as propaganda for their cause. 
Are you going to assume that you're imagining things?  As you've seen in the 
news, these rebels have cut the heads of Brits and Americans in the recent 
past.  It's real and true.

 If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.  If 
you fight and win, you save your life and become a hero to the world.


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 You know jr_esq, you are assuming that your idea of good and evil is real. I 
hold they are simply conceptual mappings onto reality, but they have no real 
existence except as a convenient and arbitrary way to categorise certain forms 
of activity. There was an episode of Star Trek in which an alien species, the 
Excalbians, investigated good and evil. They concluded that good and evil use 
the same methods and achieve the similar results. The writers of the episode 
used science fiction as a template to discuss the nature of good and evil. 

 How are you defining good and evil, and why do you feel those definitions are 
somehow true or real?

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Pastor Barry, 

 IMO, it's unfortunate that human beings have to die.  But circumstances happen 
where a person or a leader of a nation has to act to prevent evil or to 
eradicate evil from existing.  Under these circumstances, it would be justified 
to take arms and fight.  Any deaths that come from a justified war would be 
dignified and would be considered necessary to deter evil.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Surveys of deaths in the two Iraq wars show that (depending on the survey), 
between 151,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis died in the two US-led wars between 2003 
and 2013. One study, conducted by the Iraq Body Count project, found that 174,000 Iraqis 
were reported killed between 2003 and 2013, with between 112,000-123,000 of 
those killed being civilian noncombatants. Meanwhile, the total number of US 
troops killed during this period was 4,491.  

 Now, JR, please tell me. Was that good or evil? 


 From: anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
   About 12,000 or so people die every day. About 10% of those are killed by 
other people one way or another. The Islamic State is one of those ways. This 
is what happens. One method of reducing those killings is to bomb or send 
troops to kill the members of the Islamic State, by substituting other killings 
in place of the ones the Islamic State perpetrates. Then there is the question 
of who or what is killing the other 11,000 people who die every day, which is a 
far greater number. From their point of view, the killers in the Islamic State 
are doing their god-given duty to remove infidels and betrayers of their faith 
from the world, a good thing. We don't know what the people killed think of it, 
but those in the West do not seem in favour of the idea, thinking it a bad 
thing. In almost every year, 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The survey asked if a person was religiously unaffiliated.  A person who says 
yes to this question is not necessarily godless.  It just means he or she is 
not associated with any churches.  It does not say that he or she believes in 

---In, noozguru@... wrote :

 Of course to ask if you believe in God is a bit simplistic.  What is meant 
by God?  Does it mean the magic man in the sky who micromanages everything 
or the unified filed that underlies or is everything in the universe?
 On 03/25/2015 12:49 PM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   1. Portland, OR
 2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here.
 This is the most godless city in America
 This is the most godless city in America If you don’t believe in God, you 
might want to move to the Pacific Northwest.

 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 




Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I agree: God = The Unified Field; which is apparently (imo) equivalent to The 
Tao - the Way the Universe works, especially as a whole; with the Totality 
holographically reflected into the parts.  Cf. MMY's SBAL where (as I recall) 
he goes into the concept of Brahman which is composed of a. everything relative 
and b. The Absolute, pure Consciousness. ...
 But consciousness of something would imply dualism, and by way of example, 
the principle of reflectivity and self-awareness.  Chimps and dogs also have 
simple self-awareness as shown by having experiments conducted while they are 
in front of a mirror. Dogs have a superior pointing capacity not posessed by 
dogs, however.  Chimbs evidently have not developed this capacity through 
evolution, but dogs have had a pointing relationship to dogs for thousands of 
 As to the statement knowledge is structured in Consciousness, this can be 
problematic because The Absolute has not been proven or shown to be a 
cause. We can point to the Absolute to others in a discussion or book; and 
thus IT becomes an indirect cause.
 As discussed by MMY, The Absolute can be known experientially as the Self, 
through the uncovering Principle and practice (TM).
 As to beliefs in a Personal God as the the Supreme Ruler of the Universe, not 
withstanding claims made in various Scriptures such as the Bible, BG, and 
Puranas; I believe that ALL such candidates to this position such as the 
Christian Trinity, Krishna, Divine Mother, Shiva, etc; are gods (God-like 
Personalities superior in status to humans but not equal to the status of the 
Unified Field.
 Thus, the reader may now choose WHICH candidate is the real God: The 
Judaeo-Christian YHVH perhaps?
 How about Krishna. Is He God? Or the Divine Mother, or Shiva?
 Nope: (imo) none of these Personalities = God as an ultimate Principle and 
none is the Super-Controller of the Universe. The Unified Field is the Ultimate 
God Principle.
 Buddhism de-Personifies God even further.  The Dalai Lama says that (to 
paraphrase), in a sense, or manner of speaking ; Buddhism recognizes God - 
but from a different perspective than the concept of Brahman, the Hindu 
Totality (everything relative and Absolute). Buddhists don't use the term 
Brahman since definitions of the Ultimate Reality in Buddhism revolve more 
upon what isn't, rather than what can be defined in a positive or assertive 
sense.  One must discover the nature of this Ultimate Reality for oneself, in 
the Buddhist context; an approach agreed upon by MMY although he uses terms 
more compatible to Hinduism.

[FairfieldLife] Pastors turning to atheism

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Special on CNN last night.  They mentioned  The site has stories of numerous Pastors turning to 
atheism, some closet atheists not revealing this to their flock.  A few has 
come out.. 
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 
   Also featured was an Evangelical family with a Son living at home, (a 
college student in the South -forgot which state, I believe Georgia.).  Yea, 
now I remember: his name was David Gormley.
 At any rate, the two parents have remained staunch Bible-thumping 
Evangelicals, while David became an atheist at age 16.  
 Needless to say, there's a lot of friction in the family; the parents 
convinced (pointing to the Bible); that their Son is going to Hell for not 
accepting Jesus as Savior.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]

Maintain a distinction between 'generating wealth' and 
'making money'.  Pro-market capitalism generates wealth. 
Pro-business capitalism only makes money for a few.

Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of 
ignorance, and gospel of envy, its inherent virtue is the 
equal sharing of misery  ~ Winston Churchill 

Under communism, there is no incentive to supply people 
with anything they need or want, including safety.
 ~ George Reisman, (Capitalism : A Treatise on Economics 

The trouble is with socialism, which resembles a form of 
mental illness more than it does a philosophy. Socialists 
get bees in their bonnets. And because they chronically lack 
any critical faculty to examine and evaluate their ideas, 
and because they are pathologically unwilling to consider 
the opinions of others, and most of all, because socialism 
is a mindset that regards the individual -- and his rights 
-- as insignificant, compared to whatever the socialist 
believes the group needs, terrible, terrible things happen 
when socialists acquire power.
~ L. Neil Smith,  Cambodian Road Trip, 15 March 2009)

Communism has sometimes succeeded as a scavenger, but never 
as a leader. It has never come to power in a country that 
was not disrupted by war or corruption, or both.
~ John F. Kennedy, (Speech at NATO Headquarters, Naples 
Italy, 2 July 1963)

Socialism...must have a dictatorship, it will not work 
without it.
~ Mao Zedong, (Dikötter,  The Tragedy of Liberation: A 
History of the Chinese Revolution, 1945–57)

I think all the great religions of the world - Buddhism, 
Hinduism, Christianity, Islam and Communism -- both untrue 
and harmful.
~ Bertrand Russell, (My Religious Reminiscences, 1957) 

Communism is a doctrine bred of poverty, hatred and strife. 
Its spread can only be arrested by diminishing the area of 
poverty and hatred.
~ Bertrand Russell, (Portraits From Memory And Other Essays 

Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their 
essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich 
man and his fine home says, 'No man should have so much.' 
The capitalist, seeing the same thing says, 'All men should 
have as much.' 
– Phelps Adams

Socialism only works in two places: Heaven where they don't 
need it, and hell where they already have it.

~ Ronald Reagan

How do you tell a communist? Well, it's someone who reads 
Marx and Lenin. And how do you tell an anti-Communist? It's 
someone who understands Marx and Lenin.
~ Ronald Reagan

Communism is like Prohibition, it's a good idea but it 
won't work
– Will Rogers

For us in Russia communism is a dead dog. For many people 
in the West, it is still a living lion.
– Alexander Solzhenitsyn

Communism doesn't work because people like to own stuff.
– Frank Zappa

Any man who is not a communist at the age of twenty is a 
fool. Any man who is still a communist at the age of thirty 
is an even bigger fool.
~ George Bernard Shaw

--- noozguru@... wrote :

 Well I guess then you don't know the tech industry which I've worked with for 
years and continue to work with.  Yes it is about money.  Do you own stocks?  
 On 03/24/2015 12:26 PM, jason_green2@... mailto:jason_green2@... 
[FairfieldLife] wrote:

 No, it's not just about money. It's about our survival as a 
 species. It's also about competition, the Russians and the 
 Chinese are not going to stay static.
 To calculate the folding structure of a single protein would 
 take one billion years, for all the super-computers on earth 
 combined, right now.  A quantum computer would do that in a 
 few minutes time.
 Communism has no moral compass either. It breeds sloth, 
 incompetency, inefficiency, kills merit, encourages 
 mediocrity,  sloppiness etc etc.  I am sure you wouldn't 
 like to live in those old commie countries.
 It is inevitable that we eventualy go off this planet. It's 
 the only way that we can survive as a specie. Many cosmic 
 disasters have hit earth and will continue to do so. We 
 merging with AI is the next step in evolution.

 --- noozguru@... mailto:noozguru@... wrote :
 Blame capitalism.  It's all about the money.  All the tech companies care 
about is making money because if they don't then their stock will fall and the 
stockholders will complain.  So there is no moral compass asking what is the 
long term effects of the project they are working on.  We could probably just 
stop or slow where we are with technology and be fine for the next several 
hundred years.
 On 03/24/2015 11:04 AM, jr_esq@... mailto:jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife] wrote:
   He agrees with Hawking and others that AI is not good for humans.
 Steve Wozniak: The Future of AI Is 'Scary and Very Bad for People' 
 Steve Wozniak: The Future of AI Is 'Scary and Very Bad... 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Barry, you are far too modest.

 Let your hair down a little and declare to the world the great service you 
provide as Cult Slayer.

 Never mind you must distort most opposing points of view to make your point.

 I would say a more accurate term for what you do are is, Reaction Vampire 

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 From: 'Rick Archer' rick@... [FairfieldLife]
 I let Richard back in because he said people were talking about him and he 
wanted to respond. Has he run amok? Batgap Yahoo group has never been of much 
importance to me.


 The same is obviously true about Fairfield Life, Rick. You don't give a shit. 


 You clearly haven't even bothered to *read* anything that Richard has posted. 
If you had, you would know what he posts, and why he posts -- to attack me. 
He's still doing the same things he was doing to Curtis, and that you dumped 
him for. 


 Same with both Feste and Steve -- I challenge *either* of them to point us to 
a post they have made in the last six months that was NOT attacking me or 
Michael. Neither of them have *anything* to say unless it's attacking me.  
Therefore one can make a case that I do them a service -- if it weren't for me, 
both of them would be mistaken for rocks.  :-)





[FairfieldLife] Re: Wozniak: Future of AI is Scary

2015-03-25 Thread ultrarishi
I don't see the advantage of being the wealthiest person on a sinking ship.  
You may get a better cabin above the waterline, but in the end, you are still 
going to drown.  This is how I see the world's economies today, be they 
capitalism, socialism, communism, etc.  Very few are actually using their 
economies or their systems to adjust for the needs of society.  They economies 
are more about adjusting society for the needs of the market and the profiteers.

On the subject of AI, there ain't much Intelligence on the planet in humans.  
Can''t wait to see Jihadi Robots for ISIS.  And what is up with the 
liver-lipped Ted Cruz guy?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Most Godless City in America

2015-03-25 Thread TurquoiseBee [FairfieldLife]
The survey is deceptive in another way as well. What it really measures is how 
much people CARE whether other perceive them as religious or non-religious. 
These days, there is no perceived VALUE in having a religious affiliation, 
whereas only a few decades ago you wouldn't have been able to run a store or do 
business in a community if you didn't attend a church, or even the right 

The part of this study that relates to TM is to wonder how many people would be 
able to declare themselves not affiliated to the TMO in a town where that 
status pretty much defines your entire life. You're either On The Program or 
Off The Program.   From: Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
 Of course to ask if you believe in God is a bit simplistic.  What is 
meant by God?  Does it mean the magic man in the sky who micromanages 
everything or the unified filed that underlies or is everything in the 
 On 03/25/2015 12:49 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
    1. Portland, OR 
  2.  Seattle and San Francisco are tied here. 
  This is the most godless city in America
  |   This is the most godless city in America  If you don’t believe in 
God, you might want to move to the Pacific Northwest.|  
|  View on  |Preview by Yahoo|

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[FairfieldLife] Post Count Thu 26-Mar-15 00:15:03 UTC

2015-03-25 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/21/15 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/28/15 00:00:00
222 messages as of (UTC) 03/25/15 21:08:10

 39 richard
 29 jr_esq
 29 TurquoiseBee turquoiseb
 27 Bhairitu noozguru
 24 Michael Jackson mjackson74
 13 anartaxius
 10 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  8 steve.sundur
  6 jason_green2
  4 salyavin808 
  3 ultrarishi 
  3 dhamiltony2k5
  3 WLeed3
  2 s3raphita
  2 j_alexander_stanley
  2 hepa7
  2 geezerfreak
  2 feste37 
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  2 aryavazhi 
  2 Xenophaneros Anartaxius anartaxius
  2 'Rick Archer' rick
  1 laughinggull108 
  1 emptybill
  1 emily.mae50
  1 William Leed WLeed3
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
  1 Alex Stanley j_alexander_stanley
Posters: 28
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Well, well, well.

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 xen, since you've asked, let's cut to the chase. 

 let's take today's distortion, (imo),

 Do you think Rick believed Ravi's alleged claim that he was/is enlightened?

 I would not know what Rick believed. I tried to watch the Ravi video some time 
ago and it had been taken down.

 Or is this a distortion on Barry's part of what Rick believes?

 As I do not know what Rick thought, I could not know if what Barry said was a 

 Or is it, perhaps, some kind of bait for either for Rick, or possibly, Ravi 
to respond?

 What do you think?

 Rick rarely responds on FFL, and does not seem particularly interested in what 
happens here, and Ravi has not been here for some time. I thought Ravi was a 
bit nuts, although on occasion he seemed sane enough. As for a conclusion 
whether Ravi was enlightened, I would not come to that conclusion based on the 
evidence I have seen, but I have not seen all that others have. 

 I pray you won't go silent on me, as you are wont to do on occasion.

 I simply do not have the information to make even a barely educated guess. 
With regard to Richard's posts, they largely seem unconnected to what goes on 
here, almost as if a computer takes a few keywords from posts and then 
generates or copies content to make it seem as if they are a response to 
something. I almost always skip over them (and when using email, those posts 
are automatically put in the trash). This is the only poster whose posts I 
think are a total waste of time. Because Rick probably does not read the posts 
here much, if at all, he would not know this (and if he does, then there is 
probably just a wry smile that says 'deal with it').


 Perception is a filter, there is always a distortion and an incompleteness in 
the way the data is manipulated by our sensory apparatus, processing, and by 
the mind.

 ---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 As I've said before, Rick believed Ravi Chivukula when he claimed to be 
enlightened, too.


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 Because our minds interpret what others say — they do not have direct access — 
it almost always comes across as a distortion, particularly if the participants 
have differing views of a subject. I think I am almost astonished at how wide 
that divergence is. Investigating the idea rather than the person is what keeps 
one on track, though at times that is rather difficult to do. I think it may 
depend on how much attachment a person has to a particular idea being 'right'. 
It is often difficult to tell if a person has deliberately misrepresented an 
idea or just does not understand it, or refuses to understand it. 

 I seem to be in a conversation with jr-esq about good and evil, and while I 
have a sense of those terms, I find it difficult to think of them as real 
categories. I categorise experience as pleasant and unpleasant, safe or 
dangerous in relation to my own well being and those of others, not as good and 
evil or right and wrong which seem to me to be more a function of geography and 
cultural upbringing than any sort of reality.

 While it is easy to find fault with the TMO, the underlying issues seems to be 
related to the way people differ in how they regard the relationship of thought 
to reality. There are experiences and experience and there are words about 
those experiences, the words are not the experiences, but often seem to be 
mistaken for them. And most words we use are abstractions, combinations of 
words related to each other and not to an original experience or fact. The 
words, their meanings to us, and their relationships with each other become a 
separate, private reality disconnected from any wider connexion with the world.

 Cult thinking is just this disconnect become a fixed habit in regard to 
certain specific ideas related to a particular group of people. If it is just a 
particular individual that is trapped in this sort of private verbal world, 
then you might call it an obsession the person has. From a logical viewpoint 
though, whether a person is obsessed or in the grip of groupthink, each idea 
can stand independently of how you regard the person who stated them personally.

 What do you think is the most significant distortion you have come across on 
Fairfield Life?
---In, steve.sundur@... wrote :

 Thanks for your advice Jason. 

 I'm sorry if you don't care for the content of my posts.

 And again, you have a knack for proving the points I am trying to make.

 I get it that individuals here find fault in the TM Organization.

 I find plenty of faults myself.

 But for those who have made a career of it, try to stay on course with the 
criticisms, instead of distorting what others say.


 Do you really think I am under the impression that my input is going to change 
any minds?

 I am 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

2015-03-25 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's about the tradition of which MMY is a part of.  Krishna is mentioned in 
the Gita and in the Srimad Bhagavatam.  I believe there's wisdom contained in 
these books. 


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 All right then since you continue to quote Marshy (why I don't know, 
especially when you quote him to me since you know I think he was one big 
fraud) but since you do, do you accept Marshy as such an authority that you 
take his word for Krsna's status? Meaning that you believe what Marshy said 
about Krishna cuz it was Marshy doin' the talkin'?

 From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Wednesday, March 25, 2015 4:13 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

 MMY believes Krishna is an incarnation of Vishnu here on Earth.  I personally 
have not researched the subject.

---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 Do you believe Krshna was an actual personage on the earth or a religious myth?

 If real, was he just a man or an avatar of Vishnu?


 From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 9:07 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

 I'm paraphrasing what Krishna said to Arjuna, who was reluctant in fighting 
his relatives in the battle of Kurukshetra.


---In, mjackson74@... wrote :

 If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.

 Seems a rather narrow minded point of view. 


 What if the person being killed is a committed practitioner of ahimsa? A 
Jainite or a fanatic pacifist? One who would rather be killed than raise their 
hand in violence to another even in self defense? 


 Or suppose the about to be killed already had a terminal illness with a bleak 
prognosis and a short time to live, thus the killing would actually be a favor 
to the kill-ee and the killer, while perhaps having evil intent, would actually 
be giving a blessing and liberation to the kill-ee.


 Could there be some planet in your chart that is debilitated that gives you 
such a judgmental and combative feeling about all this?


 From: jr_esq@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 4:34 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?

 I would assume that you would fight to save your life if the Islamic State 
rebels got a hold of you to cut your head off as propaganda for their cause. 
Are you going to assume that you're imagining things?  As you've seen in the 
news, these rebels have cut the heads of Brits and Americans in the recent 
past.  It's real and true.

 If you don't fight, then you're deluded or a coward and deserve to die.  If 
you fight and win, you save your life and become a hero to the world.


---In, anartaxius@... wrote :

 You know jr_esq, you are assuming that your idea of good and evil is real. I 
hold they are simply conceptual mappings onto reality, but they have no real 
existence except as a convenient and arbitrary way to categorise certain forms 
of activity. There was an episode of Star Trek in which an alien species, the 
Excalbians, investigated good and evil. They concluded that good and evil use 
the same methods and achieve the similar results. The writers of the episode 
used science fiction as a template to discuss the nature of good and evil. 

 How are you defining good and evil, and why do you feel those definitions are 
somehow true or real?

---In, jr_esq@... wrote :

 Pastor Barry, 

 IMO, it's unfortunate that human beings have to die.  But circumstances happen 
where a person or a leader of a nation has to act to prevent evil or to 
eradicate evil from existing.  Under these circumstances, it would be justified 
to take arms and fight.  Any deaths that come from a justified war would be 
dignified and would be considered necessary to deter evil.

---In, turquoiseb@... wrote :

 Surveys of deaths in the two Iraq wars show that (depending on the survey), 
between 151,000 to 1,000,000 Iraqis died in the two US-led wars between 2003 
and 2013. One study, conducted by the Iraq Body Count project, found that 174,000 Iraqis 
were reported killed between 2003 and 2013, with between 112,000-123,000 of 
those killed being civilian noncombatants. Meanwhile, the total number of US 
troops killed during this period was 4,491.  

 Now, JR, please tell me. Was that good or evil? 


 From: anartaxius@... [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:14 AM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Could it be...Satan?
   About 12,000 or so people