Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]


---In,  wrote :

 Yes, we saw what the open, welcoming and loving arms of the Europeans brought 
them. I doubt that the Pope's washing the feet of Muslims will have any affect 
on Muslims(in general), maybe on his own soul but little on theirs. If you want 
to be served, you must first serve. Karma. Doesn't mean the person you served 
is going to serve you back. Indeed , he may serve you with a knife in your 
back. Another wise man said "Trust but verify". These migrants aren't being 
vetted. There is little or no verification of their true intent or what they 
expect to give or receive from their newly adopted countries. What is their 
capacity to get along?

 Here is what I say: stop focusing on the Muslims/Syrian immigrants and take 
note of your neighbors, your country, your fellow Americans. There is enough 
violence, ignorance, intolerance, religious zealousness and threat to keep you 
busy without worrying about other countries, other cultures. There is not a 
continent, a race or a society that is without its fanatics, its desecrations, 
its cruelty. My point was really about how the Pope is one Christian who 
practices what he preaches, who is not a hypocrite. The amount of "Christians" 
in the USA who fail miserably at demonstrating the same spirit as this current 
Pope is astounding. ISIS is one thing, the rest of it is quite another. The 
inability to recognize this is not only crippling but disastrous.

 From: "awoelflebater@... [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:21 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
   I love this guy.
 Drumpf wants to build walls and deport and the Pope washes and kisses their 
feet instead. Guess what is the most disarming, breaks down hatred faster?



Re: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-24 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Yes, we saw what the open, welcoming and loving arms of the Europeans brought 
them. I doubt that the Pope's washing the feet of Muslims will have any affect 
on Muslims(in general), maybe on his own soul but little on theirs. If you want 
to be served, you must first serve. Karma. Doesn't mean the person you served 
is going to serve you back. Indeed , he may serve you with a knife in your 
back. Another wise man said "Trust but verify". These migrants aren't being 
vetted. There is little or no verification of their true intent or what they 
expect to give or receive from their newly adopted countries. What is their 
capacity to get along?

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 9:21 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again
    I love this guy.
Drumpf wants to build walls and deport and the Pope washes and kisses their 
feet instead. Guess what is the most disarming, breaks down hatred faster?  
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[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"The spread of the Antinomian tradition, as begun by the Lollards, was by means 
of extended kinship, intermarriage, and child rearing and education. As will be 
seen, the Lollard movement, which continued right up to the English Reformation 
of the 1530's, was a dissident religious reform campaign that harbored an 
ingrained Antinomian frame of mind. As such, Lollardy was as much a radical 
stance from which even more radical views and beliefs evolved over time, as it 
was a sect with a definitive theology and program of action. It comprised, 
therefor, many dissident attitudes about the nature of true religion,, the 
character of a “real” church, and the correct role of the state in relation to 
it. In short, it was a conveyor of religious and political radicalism. The 
means of dissident transmission was by families within great kin networks, part 
of a much broader process of what might be called a “cultural genetics"."

---In,  wrote :

 But thanks to people like George Fox, the Quietist movement lived on under 
different names.

 Yes, Jai George Fox!

---In,  wrote :

 "Kinship, therefore, was a determinant of far more than mere bloodlines: it 
was a radical cultural transmitter, reflecting persistent defining cultural, 
religious, and political traits. It continually revealed repetitive familial 
continuities and ancient customs of significant proportions. Tracing long lines 
of familial descent show that kinship connections almost invariably portended 
the descent of radical religious tendencies, and thus of radical political 
 ..Thus, this continuous, repetitive congeries of familial patterns was not 
only accidental, it was an historically definable and demonstrable phenomenon, 
a marvel of great historical significance."

 Renegade Yankees 
 The Antinomian Tradition and Agrarian Resistance in the Colonial American 
Northeast, 1636-1809
 by Donald Alan Smith  


 Miguel de Molinos was the main inspiration.  

 But Madame Guyon - particularly through her book "A Short and Easy Method of 
Prayer" - helped popularize his approach.

 Her high-profile supporter was Archbishop Fenelon.

 All three were targeted by the Church hierarchy. The history of Catholicism 
would have been radically different if their ideas had been treated with more 


 Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte-Guyon



---In,  wrote :

 MD, as one Western transcendental meditationist remarkably you evidently are 
part of a long line-bred tradition that came out of European separatist 
spirituality. This dissertation I am reading describes this as like the 
genetics of cultural familial DNA, a “cultural genetics” passing as cultured 
from generation to generation. 
 ..In your case the English Lollard antinoniam line to New England affecting 
radical religion and politics. There were other transcendentalist spiritual 
lines that migrated directly out of Europe also which affected our American 
radical (transcendent) spirituality (equality) and political sensibilities 
(rights) as to the proper role of church and State in our culture.

 I would nominate you for a Maharishi Award in recognition of you and your 
family's long relationship with this.


---In,  wrote :

 Good example, MD of how a spiritual movements can spread in a time.  Sort of 
like TM did in the 1950-70's. By shakti of experience and then word of mouth 
from family and friends.  That was the Quaker spiritual movement in its day.  
Mobility through kin and connection.   

 Someone here in Fairfield with connection to Vermont and New England just 
handed me a 900 page dissertation that was written on the spread of what the 
author is calling,  'antinomianism' of various shades.  A study of separatist 
spirituality from European roots moving across New England, jumping and going 
around what was then the ISIS-like colony of its day, Massachusetts Colony to 
settle further into New England.   

 A thesis in this work amongst others is that this separatist spirituality 
(different than religion) moved in its day following kin and business 
connection often through seaports and then inland.  

 MD writes:
 My tenth Great Grandfather , Ambrose Dixon, was born in London in 1623. He 
migrated to James Virginia about 1640. He came over as a ship's carpenter.He 
was a Quaker, living in a predominately Presbyterian community. He and a few 
other Quakers felt discriminated against for their faith and petitioned Lord 
Baltimore to move to Maryland where they were welcomed and granted land. I 
guess you could say he was *in* on the beginnings of the Quaker Sect and one of 
the first in the colonies.



---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I had wondered 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
But thanks to people like George Fox, the Quietist movement lived on under 
different names.

 Yes, Jai George Fox!

---In,  wrote :

 "Kinship, therefore, was a determinant of far more than mere bloodlines: it 
was a radical cultural transmitter, reflecting persistent defining cultural, 
religious, and political traits. It continually revealed repetitive familial 
continuities and ancient customs of significant proportions. Tracing long lines 
of familial descent show that kinship connections almost invariably portended 
the descent of radical religious tendencies, and thus of radical political 
 ..Thus, this continuous, repetitive congeries of familial patterns was not 
only accidental, it was an historically definable and demonstrable phenomenon, 
a marvel of great historical significance."

 Renegade Yankees 
 The Antinomian Tradition and Agrarian Resistance in the Colonial American 
Northeast, 1636-1809
 by Donald Alan Smith  


 Miguel de Molinos was the main inspiration.  

 But Madame Guyon - particularly through her book "A Short and Easy Method of 
Prayer" - helped popularize his approach.

 Her high-profile supporter was Archbishop Fenelon.

 All three were targeted by the Church hierarchy. The history of Catholicism 
would have been radically different if their ideas had been treated with more 


 Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte-Guyon



---In,  wrote :

 MD, as one Western transcendental meditationist remarkably you evidently are 
part of a long line-bred tradition that came out of European separatist 
spirituality. This dissertation I am reading describes this as like the 
genetics of cultural familial DNA, a “cultural genetics” passing as cultured 
from generation to generation. 
 ..In your case the English Lollard antinoniam line to New England affecting 
radical religion and politics. There were other transcendentalist spiritual 
lines that migrated directly out of Europe also which affected our American 
radical (transcendent) spirituality (equality) and political sensibilities 
(rights) as to the proper role of church and State in our culture.

 I would nominate you for a Maharishi Award in recognition of you and your 
family's long relationship with this.


---In,  wrote :

 Good example, MD of how a spiritual movements can spread in a time.  Sort of 
like TM did in the 1950-70's. By shakti of experience and then word of mouth 
from family and friends.  That was the Quaker spiritual movement in its day.  
Mobility through kin and connection.   

 Someone here in Fairfield with connection to Vermont and New England just 
handed me a 900 page dissertation that was written on the spread of what the 
author is calling,  'antinomianism' of various shades.  A study of separatist 
spirituality from European roots moving across New England, jumping and going 
around what was then the ISIS-like colony of its day, Massachusetts Colony to 
settle further into New England.   

 A thesis in this work amongst others is that this separatist spirituality 
(different than religion) moved in its day following kin and business 
connection often through seaports and then inland.  

 MD writes:
 My tenth Great Grandfather , Ambrose Dixon, was born in London in 1623. He 
migrated to James Virginia about 1640. He came over as a ship's carpenter.He 
was a Quaker, living in a predominately Presbyterian community. He and a few 
other Quakers felt discriminated against for their faith and petitioned Lord 
Baltimore to move to Maryland where they were welcomed and granted land. I 
guess you could say he was *in* on the beginnings of the Quaker Sect and one of 
the first in the colonies.



---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I had wondered this too and chronicled some of it in a subject thread 
here on FFL.   

 Often those who were referred to as 'separatists' had quietism as a central 
practice in addition to may be having Ritam Bhara P (inspired) or attending 
spiritual (chakra) energy work (Pietists).  

 Maharishi's tenet of 'collective meditation' is most similar to George Fox's 
movement in its day.  

 Today someone like Ammachi or Janet Sussman are good examples of the spiritual 
practices of 'piety' at work.  Connie Huebner in Fairfield is a great example 
of the old spiritual line of inspirationists (RPB) coming out of Europe that 
goes way back.  They each blend quietism with their spiritual disciplines.  

 It seems that every generation or so another one rises up with their manifest 
spiritual experience and a satsanga may form.   Generations of separatists 
generated a lot of writing that they passed around between each other in and 
across Europe.

 You would proly enjoy scrolling down through these posts 

[FairfieldLife] The Pope - Again

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
I love this guy.
 Drumpf wants to build walls and deport and the Pope washes and kisses their 
feet instead. Guess what is the most disarming, breaks down hatred faster?

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"Kinship, therefore, was a determinant of far more than mere bloodlines: it was 
a radical cultural transmitter, reflecting persistent defining cultural, 
religious, and political traits. It continually revealed repetitive familial 
continuities and ancient customs of significant proportions. Tracing long lines 
of familial descent show that kinship connections almost invariably portended 
the descent of radical religious tendencies, and thus of radical political 
 ..Thus, this continuous, repetitive congeries of familial patterns was not 
only accidental, it was an historically definable and demonstrable phenomenon, 
a marvel of great historical significance."

 Renegade Yankees 
 The Antinomian Tradition and Agrarian Resistance in the Colonial American 
Northeast, 1636-1809
 by Donald Alan Smith  


 Miguel de Molinos was the main inspiration.  

 But Madame Guyon - particularly through her book "A Short and Easy Method of 
Prayer" - helped popularize his approach.

 Her high-profile supporter was Archbishop Fenelon.

 All three were targeted by the Church hierarchy. The history of Catholicism 
would have been radically different if their ideas had been treated with more 


 Jeanne-Marie Bouvier de la Motte-Guyon



---In,  wrote :

 MD, as one Western transcendental meditationist remarkably you evidently are 
part of a long line-bred tradition that came out of European separatist 
spirituality. This dissertation I am reading describes this as like the 
genetics of cultural familial DNA, a “cultural genetics” passing as cultured 
from generation to generation. 
 ..In your case the English Lollard antinoniam line to New England affecting 
radical religion and politics. There were other transcendentalist spiritual 
lines that migrated directly out of Europe also which affected our American 
radical (transcendent) spirituality (equality) and political sensibilities 
(rights) as to the proper role of church and State in our culture.

 I would nominate you for a Maharishi Award in recognition of you and your 
family's long relationship with this.


---In,  wrote :

 Good example, MD of how a spiritual movements can spread in a time.  Sort of 
like TM did in the 1950-70's. By shakti of experience and then word of mouth 
from family and friends.  That was the Quaker spiritual movement in its day.  
Mobility through kin and connection.   

 Someone here in Fairfield with connection to Vermont and New England just 
handed me a 900 page dissertation that was written on the spread of what the 
author is calling,  'antinomianism' of various shades.  A study of separatist 
spirituality from European roots moving across New England, jumping and going 
around what was then the ISIS-like colony of its day, Massachusetts Colony to 
settle further into New England.   

 A thesis in this work amongst others is that this separatist spirituality 
(different than religion) moved in its day following kin and business 
connection often through seaports and then inland.  

 MD writes:
 My tenth Great Grandfather , Ambrose Dixon, was born in London in 1623. He 
migrated to James Virginia about 1640. He came over as a ship's carpenter.He 
was a Quaker, living in a predominately Presbyterian community. He and a few 
other Quakers felt discriminated against for their faith and petitioned Lord 
Baltimore to move to Maryland where they were welcomed and granted land. I 
guess you could say he was *in* on the beginnings of the Quaker Sect and one of 
the first in the colonies.



---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I had wondered this too and chronicled some of it in a subject thread 
here on FFL.   

 Often those who were referred to as 'separatists' had quietism as a central 
practice in addition to may be having Ritam Bhara P (inspired) or attending 
spiritual (chakra) energy work (Pietists).  

 Maharishi's tenet of 'collective meditation' is most similar to George Fox's 
movement in its day.  

 Today someone like Ammachi or Janet Sussman are good examples of the spiritual 
practices of 'piety' at work.  Connie Huebner in Fairfield is a great example 
of the old spiritual line of inspirationists (RPB) coming out of Europe that 
goes way back.  They each blend quietism with their spiritual disciplines.  

 It seems that every generation or so another one rises up with their manifest 
spiritual experience and a satsanga may form.   Generations of separatists 
generated a lot of writing that they passed around between each other in and 
across Europe.

 You would proly enjoy scrolling down through these posts on transcendentalist 
European separatists:

 423860RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism   

[FairfieldLife] Re: Diet of Worms

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Re "Since to be antinomian implies that the believer becomes automatically and 
instantaneously sinless":

 Sounds good to me!

 To belittle justification by faith is to find yourself condemned to trying to 
live up to an *external* standard (ie, not your own standard) which you must 
inevitably fall short of. Cue lots of breast-beating and tears of repentance.

 Granted that an antinomian is often just someone looking for an excuse to 
devote his life to debauchery and vice. But the more "philosophical" 
antinomians are probably onto something vitally important: The only values that 
ultimately matter are those each of us chooses freely

 Marguerite Porete (burned at the stake by the Paris Inquisition!) wrote: “…the 
annihilated soul [can] grant to nature all that it desires without remorse of 
conscience…” She mentions in her book that she had no need of Christ's 
sacrifice as she was already sinless. Now you see why she was executed by the 

 But she was talking from the perspective of The Self and not from the 
perspective of little, old Marge. If she'd stuck to doing what her Sunday 
School teachers had told her was right and proper she would never have 
discovered her radically free heart.




---In,  wrote :

 Thx previous contributor for bringing up the word "Antinomian" (derived from 
the Greek (anti + law); i.e. an exaggerated form of  justification by faith 
alone (not of works, and not of "Law"). Luther saw into the potential flaw in 
this line of thinking, since to through out the "Law", one would have to throw 
out the Ten Commandments. But Luther circumvented the problem by retaining the 
Commandments but rejecting the legalistic interpretations of  Roman Catholocism.
 George Fox likewise rejected Antinomianism (as I see his viewpoints, since to 
be Antinomian implies that the believer becomes automatically and 
instantaneously sinless)  But Fox obviously believed in what nowadays we might 
call self-improvement - at least in a Spiritual sense, derived from internal 
belief along with silent contemplation. 
 Modern Evangelicals I might add (the ones I've met), are indeed Antinomian, 
believing in instantaneous Salvation by faith alone, and the idea of further 
"progress" is something they fail to adequately explain or reconcile.
 . Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), the notion of progress is 
thoroughly entrenched in MMY's teachings, as opposed to non-progressive 
thinking as is present among some Neo-Advaitins.
 Wiki says that "silent waiting" was already established [even before Fox?], so 
it's unclear as to how this movement originated in Europe; whether 
spontaneously or from external influences..  Some speculation on this will be 
reserved for further discussion pending more research.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Diet of Worms

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
A can of worms? 

 It seems an old way of understanding 'faith' is the equivalent of 
'experience'. Likewise, 'belief' was of the realm of creeds. Antinomian makes 
better sense in its reading context by substituting this meaning and the use of 
'faith' over to 'experience', as in direct spiritual experience. Or, faith by 
experience. Different than belief in ideology or creeds.
 Chapter One: Lollards, Antinomians, and Renegade Yankees “ 
pinpoint and illuminate the Lollard origins of the Antinomian religious and 
political tradition that animated both England's and New England's 
seventeenth-century radical dissidents. The antinomian “tradition” began with 
the Lollard movement which, over a long term, promoted a radical church reform 



---In,  wrote :

 Thx previous contributor for bringing up the word "Antinomian" (derived from 
the Greek (anti + law); i.e. an exaggerated form of  justification by faith 
alone (not of works, and not of "Law"). Luther saw into the potential flaw in 
this line of thinking, since to through out the "Law", one would have to throw 
out the Ten Commandments. But Luther circumvented the problem by retaining the 
Commandments but rejecting the legalistic interpretations of  Roman Catholocism.
 George Fox likewise rejected Antinomianism (as I see his viewpoints, since to 
be Antinomian implies that the believer becomes automatically and 
instantaneously sinless)  But Fox obviously believed in what nowadays we might 
call self-improvement - at least in a Spiritual sense, derived from internal 
belief along with silent contemplation. 
 Modern Evangelicals I might add (the ones I've met), are indeed Antinomian, 
believing in instantaneous Salvation by faith alone, and the idea of further 
"progress" is something they fail to adequately explain or reconcile.
 . Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), the notion of progress is 
thoroughly entrenched in MMY's teachings, as opposed to non-progressive 
thinking as is present among some Neo-Advaitins.
 Wiki says that "silent waiting" was already established [even before Fox?], so 
it's unclear as to how this movement originated in Europe; whether 
spontaneously or from external influences..  Some speculation on this will be 
reserved for further discussion pending more research.


[FairfieldLife] The Last Supper

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

[FairfieldLife] Re: Julius Evola - a heavy quote

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's a fantastic quote. 

 Barry - over on FFL-2 - criticized my posting the passage as Evola flirted 
with fascism in the 1930s (and he was also a complete snob). 

 That's true. 

 Evola believed we are in the Kali Yuga and vainly hoped that fascism would put 
the brakes on the decline. 

 He was wrong about that - and then some! - but he was a pioneering explorer of 
Indian and western esoteric thought and his writings are deep. Very deep. Not 
new-age, feel-good nostrums. 

 FFLifers would find his books well worth reading. Please ignore his political 
delusional texts which he (to some extent) later disowned. 



---In,  wrote :


 beautiful description

 of a process, that fall
 from grace.  

 'transcendent insufficiency',


---In,  wrote :

 "While he who exists absolutely, without external supports, does not fear the 
infinite, does not fear chaos, does not fear what the Greeks called apeiron — 
because he sees reflected in it his own deepest nature as a being whose very 
substance is freedom — he who is transcendentally insufficient abhors the 
infinite, flees from it and looks to the law, to the constancy of causal 
sequences, to predictability and order, for a surrogate for the absolute 
certainty and possession which he has fallen from."


[FairfieldLife] The German Empire

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The Proclamation of the German Empire, 1885; by Anton Von Werner, 1843 - 1915.
 No doubt, many Phd's theses have been written on how the 19-th century Empire 
segued into WWI and Hitler's Third Reich.

 Anton von Werner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
 Anton von Werner - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia 
Anton Alexander von Werner (May 9, 1843 – January 4, 1915) was a German painter 
in the Kingdom of Prussia.[1]
 View on 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Diet of Worms

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Thx previous contributor for bringing up the word "Antinomian" (derived from 
the Greek (anti + law); i.e. an exaggerated form of  justification by faith 
alone (not of works, and not of "Law"). Luther saw into the potential flaw in 
this line of thinking, since to through out the "Law", one would have to throw 
out the Ten Commandments. But Luther circumvented the problem by retaining the 
Commandments but rejecting the legalistic interpretations of  Roman Catholocism.
 George Fox likewise rejected Antinomianism (as I see his viewpoints, since to 
be Antinomian implies that the believer becomes automatically and 
instantaneously sinless)  But Fox obviously believed in what nowadays we might 
call self-improvement - at least in a Spiritual sense, derived from internal 
belief along with silent contemplation. 
 Modern Evangelicals I might add (the ones I've met), are indeed Antinomian, 
believing in instantaneous Salvation by faith alone, and the idea of further 
"progress" is something they fail to adequately explain or reconcile.
 . Needless to say (but I'll say it anyway), the notion of progress is 
thoroughly entrenched in MMY's teachings, as opposed to non-progressive 
thinking as is present among some Neo-Advaitins.
 Wiki says that "silent waiting" was already established [even before Fox?], so 
it's unclear as to how this movement originated in Europe; whether 
spontaneously or from external influences..  Some speculation on this will be 
reserved for further discussion pending more research.


[FairfieldLife] Re: More reasons to vote for The Donald??

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Sweden is a basket case. 

 But then it always has been. Sweden cosied up to Hitler when the going got 
tough and they've been feeling guilty about it ever since.

---In,  wrote :


[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 25-Mar-16 00:15:08 UTC

2016-03-24 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 03/19/16 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 03/26/16 00:00:00
111 messages as of (UTC) 03/24/16 20:43:18

 21 dhamiltony2k5
 18 jr_esq
 18 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
 17 yifuxero
  9 Bhairitu noozguru
  6 hepa7
  4 s3raphita
  4 Dave Ryan ryandave177
  4 'Rick Archer' rick
  3 awoelflebater
  2 email4you mikemail4you
  1 ultrarishi 
  1 ryandave177
  1 olliesedwuz
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 emily.mae50
Posters: 16
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
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[FairfieldLife] Who are the ETs?

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
It's more likely you and me here on earth.  A recent theory in cosmology states 
that the universe functions like a hologram and the information about earth and 
the people in it are stored in a two dimensional plane at the edge of the 
universe.  Therefore, you and the rest of the members in this forum are just 
holographic projections of this information from another world.

 Jyotish, from an ancient perspective, is saying the same thing.  You, for 
example, come from the stars or the nakshatra in which the Moon was placed at 
the time you were born.  As such, as practiced in India today, a baby is named 
based on the syllable indicating the placement of the Moon in the sky, such as 
Deepak or Anjali.

 Where We Should Look for Aliens Explained in 4 Minutes 
 Where We Should Look for Aliens Explained in 4 Minutes 
Statistics tells us that looking for worlds just like our own is probably not 
the way to go—smaller and darker worlds are more likely to have intelligent 
 View on www.popularmechani... 
 Preview by Yahoo 


Re: [FairfieldLife] Last Tango for Obama?

2016-03-24 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
He wouldn't see it as a faux pas. One might say that he's trying to not give 
terrorists credit for their terrorism by not acknowledging them and letting 
them affect his life. Of course one could say that only makes the terrorists 
more determined the next time. Mind games.Personally, I think he's an ill 
manured bastard, ignoring our European Allie's sensitivities. Or, maybe he was 
actually celebrating a successful act of terrorism by  his Muslim buddies.
  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 
 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 2:55 PM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Last Tango for Obama?
    The prez is criticized for dancing in Argentina after the attacks in 
Brussels.  Was it a faux pas?  What do you think?

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[FairfieldLife] Re: D. Chopra's "Supergenes"

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 One of Chopra's techniques was published in  Also, many years 
ago, the TMO sold a few mantras on tape and called them "primordial sounds".  I 
memorized one of them by sound, not knowing the words or spelling in sanskrit.  
It worked very well for me since it gave me a blissful feeling while repeating 
the mantra a few times.

---In,  wrote :

 Thx, I never got the Chopra technique.  Did anybody? (here).  Looks like it's 
a dead transmission.
 I chant - usually silently - the Gayatri mantra, the Mahamritunjaya mantra to 
Shiva, and a Graha mantra to the planets; as well as the Vakratunda Mahakaya 
mantra to Ganesh.   With these mantras, even if Chopra were still teaching the 
mantras he received through MMY, I doubt that there would be an additional 
benefit, especially when I can chant the traditional mantras for free.
 I might add that Chopra seems to have quit giving credit to MMY in his books,


[FairfieldLife] Last Tango for Obama?

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
The prez is criticized for dancing in Argentina after the attacks in Brussels.  
Was it a faux pas?  What do you think?






Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-03-24 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Well... Ambrose wasn't the best Quaker in the world, as I'm not the best TMer 
in the world. Ambrose got busted and thrown in prison for stating a war with 
the Powhatan Indians. Scared the living daylights out of the other Settlers. He 
and his buddies were thrown in  jail and they wouldn't let him out until he 
pledged loyalty to Cromwell.LOL!


   From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:57 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers
    MD, as one Western transcendentalmeditationist remarkably you evidently are 
part of a long line-bred traditionthat came out of European separatist 
spirituality. This dissertationI am reading describes this as like the genetics 
of cultural familialDNA, a “cultural genetics” passing as cultured from 
generationto generation. ..In your case the English Lollard antinoniam line 
toNew England affecting radical religion and politics. There wereother 
transcendentalist spiritual lines that migrated directly out ofEurope also 
which affected our American radical (transcendent) spirituality (equality) 
andpolitical sensibilities (rights) as to the proper role of church and State 
inour culture.
I would nominate you for a Maharishi Award in recognition of you and your 
family's long relationship with this.

---In,  wrote :

Good example, MD of how a spiritual movements can spread in a time.  Sort of 
like TM did in the 1950-70's. By shakti of experience and then word of mouth 
from family and friends.  That was the Quaker spiritual movement in its day.  
Mobility through kin and connection.  
Someone here in Fairfield with connection to Vermont and New England just 
handed me a 900 page dissertation that was written on the spread of what the 
author is calling,  'antinomianism' of various shades.  A study of separatist 
spirituality from European roots moving across New England, jumping and going 
around what was then the ISIS-like colony of its day, Massachusetts Colony to 
settle further into New England.  
A thesis in this work amongst others is that this separatist spirituality 
(different than religion) moved in its day following kin and business 
connection often through seaports and then inland.         
MD writes:My tenth Great Grandfather , Ambrose Dixon, was born in London in 
1623. He migrated to James Virginia about 1640. He came over as a ship's 
carpenter.He was a Quaker, living in a predominately Presbyterian community. He 
and a few other Quakers felt discriminated against for their faith and 
petitioned Lord Baltimore to move to Maryland where they were welcomed and 
granted land. I guess you could say he was *in* on the beginnings of the Quaker 
Sect and one of the first in the colonies.

---In,  wrote :

Yes, I had wondered this too and chronicled some of it in a subject thread here 
on FFL.  
Often those who were referred to as 'separatists' had quietism as a central 
practice in addition to may be having Ritam Bhara P (inspired) or attending 
spiritual (chakra) energy work (Pietists).  
Maharishi's tenet of 'collective meditation' is most similar to George Fox's 
movement in its day.  
Today someone like Ammachi or Janet Sussman are good examples of the spiritual 
practices of 'piety' at work.  Connie Huebner in Fairfield is a great example 
of the old spiritual line of inspirationists (RPB) coming out of Europe that 
goes way back.  They each blend quietism with their spiritual disciplines.  
It seems that every generation or so another one rises up with their manifest 
spiritual experience and a satsanga may form.   Generations of separatists 
generated a lot of writing that they passed around between each other in and 
across Europe.    
You would proly enjoy scrolling down through these posts on transcendentalist 
European separatists:

423860RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism 

---In,  wrote :

Does TM have any European antecedents? .  The Quietist Movement arose in the 
Catholic countries: Italy, France, and Spain and is most associated with Miguel 
de Molinos, 1628 - 1696.A parallel type of thinking and practice arose through 
George Fox, but many rudimentary antecedents can be found, for example, some 
practices of certain Gnostics, Cathars, and Meister Eckhart..The online sources 
are using the term "contemplation" (Quietism would be an example). The sources 
use the term "meditation" implying meditation ON various religious images and 
themes including silent repetition of prayers and vocal prayers, as well as 
various religious rituals.  To clarify TM's place in the 17-th century 
controversy, we can isolate the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Cheery news of the day

2016-03-24 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Maybe Al Gore can figure out a way to make a buck off this.

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 To:; "" 
 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 11:35 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Cheery news of the day
    Not that we haven't discussed this already but...

Maybe this is why government officials and the rich are heading south.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

2016-03-24 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
Actually, who wouldn't want more police patrolling their neighborhood? I sure 
would! It would be nice if when crime strikes, that you could have a police 
response in a matter of three or four minutes as opposed to half hour to an 
hour later. More police presence, less likelihood of crime in the first place. 
Anybody remember what neighbors said about the couple in California? They said 
there was a lot of suspicious stuff going on in that house but nobody wanted to 
say anything because they didn't want to be accused of being *racist*. PC will 
kill you.
 Might as well take all the police out of Compton and make everybody feel good!

  From: " [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Thursday, March 24, 2016 7:04 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks
    Would the rhetoric of  x-ian Cruz or demagogue Trump be profiling us, 
increase American police presence in meditator neighborhoods and have our 
transcendental meditationist heads on pikes?
Sobering thought, that.
the Holocaust took place at the very heart of liberal post-enlightenment 
scientifically oriented Europe.

---In,  wrote :

Asked why he hadn't lost his faith after the "Final Solution":
"I know Jews who lost their faith in the Holocaust; who lost their faith 
because of the Holocaust; but with me I lost another kind of faith when I began 
in my late teens to reflect on the Holocaust. 
I lost faith in humanity; I lost faith in the ability of a purely secular 
civilization to contain the destructive energies we know are there in our 
For me, the thing I can never get over is that the Holocaust took place at the 
very heart of liberal post-enlightenment scientifically oriented Europe. I 
never lost faith in God because I never saw God as a strategic intervener who 
stops us from exercising our freedom."

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Ridiculous California Tax Form

2016-03-24 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
There are quite a few here from California and other states with high taxes. As 
long as they remember *why* they came here, things will be cool.

  From: "Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]" 

 Sent: Wednesday, March 23, 2016 8:55 PM
 Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Ridiculous California Tax Form
 I've heard that Texas has had quite a few Californians emigrate there.  
Mike must love it! :-D 
 On 03/23/2016 06:43 PM, [FairfieldLife] wrote:
    You may soon have ex-Californians moving over there and you might have to 
build a wall to keep them off.  
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[FairfieldLife] Folks Who've Croaked

2016-03-24 Thread 'Rick Archer' [FairfieldLife]
Sent by a friend:


Except for 3-4 people, these are all Governors. Birthdate followed by date
of death and place of death.


Antoinette F. Alazraki . November 20, 1947 . July 25, 2013

Chris Blanchard Ayres . June 26, 1949 . August 21, 2010 . Truckee, CA

Gwenn Anderson . September 20, 1944 . February 9, 2016 . Ogden, UT

Jean Archer . August 13, 1924 . ?? 1989 . Ottumwa, Iowa

Margaret Ashelman . December 18, 1916 . November 28, 2015 . Fairfield, Iowa

Geoffrey Baker . June 1, 1926 . April 12, 2011 . Iowa City, Iowa

Bruce Murray Beal . October 29, 1954 . February 9, 2010 . Massachusetts

Robert L. Bollinger . May 22, 1950 . June 22, 2014 . Fairfield, Iowa

Rob Buck . October 3, 1950 . October 8, 2009 . Rochester, MN

Laura Ann Calvert . August 24, 1949 . December 12, 2005 . Purcell, OK

Henry Ogden Clark . December 29, 1944 . December 22, 2004 . Iowa City, IA

Lyman Hathaway Clark . December 29, 1944 . December 15, 1998 . Traverse
City, MI

Joan Clemenzi . August 7, 1957 . April 22, 1999 . Newburyport, MA 

Marie Annette Connors . November 6, 1935 . October 3, 2011 . Seattle, WA

Nancy Eleanor Cook . September 4, 1947 . December 28, 2010 . Clearlake Oaks,

Ellen Corby . June 3, 1911 . April 14, 1999 . Los Angeles, CA

William E. Crist . October 14, 1946 . February 11, 2007 . California

Michael Culver . June 21, 1956 . August 15, 2014 . Joplin, MO

Robert King Dee, Jr. . April 28, 1953 . January 13, 2007 . Warwick, RI

Emma Estrada . January 3, 1925 . March 2, 2011 . Lawrence, KS . brunnen 1975

Charles Darden Ficke . May 1, 1947 . March 18, 2007 . Newport, RI

Nancy Cooke de Herrera . April 12, 1922 . February 28, 2013 . Beverly Hills,

Francillo Durfey . June 27, 1947 . March 3, 2013 . Ogden, UT

William Godfrey . March 27, 1931 . June 6, 2012 . Fairfield, Iowa

Michael E. Haig . December 16, 1947 . October 1, 2015 . Honolulu, HI

Doug Henning . Janis Hensley . May 3, 1946 . November 4, 2007 . Fairfield,

Anne G. Hildenbrand . May 1, 1900 . August 16, 1999 . Fairfield, Iowa

Jane E. Hopson . August 29, 1939 . September 14, 2005 . Fairfield, IA

Paul Horn . March 17, 1930 . June 29, 2014 . Vancouver, BC, Canada

Mary Hammond Iber . May 7, 1949 . Kenosha, WI . January 2, 2014 . Orinda, CA

Calvin C. Haynes . June 10, 1947 . March 28, 1995 . Fairfield, IA 

Andy Kaufman . January 17, 1949 . May 16, 1984 . New York

Terry Kavanaugh . March 9, 1940 . May 28, 2015 . Flagstaff, AZ

James Keersemaker . November 19, 1946 . October 21, 2009 . Uttarkashi, India

Kenneth Joseph Ketterhagen . January 31, 1950 . April 11, 2004 . Iowa City,

Kurleigh D. King . December 10, 1933 . November 27, 1998 . New York City

Claire Kinter . June 6, 1921 . August 5, 2013 . Mentor, OH

David Anthony LaBarbara . February 10, 1948 . December 4, 2009

Michael Lang . May 31, 1946 . June 10, 2006 . Iowa City, Iowa

Larry Gilbert Larson . May 30, 1942 . September 27, 2015 . Fairfield, Iowa

John Leslie (Jay) Latham III . May 28, 1948 . September 14, 2000 .
Fairfield, Iowa

John P. Lauer . October 31, 1948 . January 10, 2004 . Fairfield, Iowa

Kenneth R. Leavitt . October 16, 1950 . December 17, 2013 . Sherborn, MA

Robert Liatunick . ??? . May 4, 2006 . Pittsburgh, PA

Randy Liefer . May 26, 1951 . Corona, CA . August 19, 2015 . Fairfield, CA

Charles F. Lutes . October 23, 1913 . December 7, 2001 . Scottsdale, AZ

Mitchell A. Mazur . April 26, 1951 . 1951 . August 18, 2008 . Fairfield, IA

Richard William McBride . October, 2015 . Chester, VA

Virginia McEvilley . September 10, 1949 . October 2, 2011 . Vedic City, Iowa

Samuel Polk McIlhenny . January 6, 1947 . December 7, 1995 . Louisiana

Robert McRae . August 22, 1948 . January 12, 2014 . Orange, CA

John H. Meyers . December 28, 1942 . January 30, 2014 . Fairfield, IA

Ron Michalove . July 11, 1946 . June, 1972 . North Carolina

Scott William Mohoric . September 27, 1949 . January 31, 2009 . San Miguel,

Charles Morenus . July 7, 1951 . January 22, 2011 . Fairfield, Iowa (Sidha)

Donald Norman Murray . September 1, 1933 . February 3, 2015 . Mississaugua,
ON, Canada

Darrell Barry Osher .  . April 2, 1992 . Fort Washington, MD

Donald M. Patrick . March 22, 1951 . November 14, 2012 . Fairfield, Iowa

Dennis Patterson . May, 1947 . November 9, 2015 . Mt. Shasta, CA

Harold James Pavelka . October 23, 1947 . March 23, 2011 . Fairfield, Iowa

Ron Perry . April 20, 1950 . July 5, 2013 . Holland

Stan Peters . November 22, 1933 . February 17, 2005 . Iowa City, Iowa

Kenneth J. Petrucci . May 5, 1947 . August 14, 2010 . Fairfield, Iowa

Claudia Purves . August 23, 1951 . June 24, 2011 . Tucson, AZ

Robin Meadows Rachele . August 7, 1953 . March 16, 2016 . Fairfield, Iowa

James Reynolds . November 28, 1932 . January 29, 2007 . Fairfield, Iowa

Lisa C. Robb . December 27, 1956 . January 18, 2011 . Columbus, OH

Randy J. Robb . May 13, 1950 . January 1, 2004 . Fairfield, Iowa

Andy Robinson . February 2, 1952 . June 12, 2009 . Palm 

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM, Quietism, & the Quakers

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
MD, as one Western transcendental meditationist remarkably you evidently are 
part of a long line-bred tradition that came out of European separatist 
spirituality. This dissertation I am reading describes this as like the 
genetics of cultural familial DNA, a “cultural genetics” passing as cultured 
from generation to generation. 
 ..In your case the English Lollard antinoniam line to New England affecting 
radical religion and politics. There were other transcendentalist spiritual 
lines that migrated directly out of Europe also which affected our American 
radical (transcendent) spirituality (equality) and political sensibilities 
(rights) as to the proper role of church and State in our culture.

 I would nominate you for a Maharishi Award in recognition of you and your 
family's long relationship with this.


---In,  wrote :

 Good example, MD of how a spiritual movements can spread in a time.  Sort of 
like TM did in the 1950-70's. By shakti of experience and then word of mouth 
from family and friends.  That was the Quaker spiritual movement in its day.  
Mobility through kin and connection.   

 Someone here in Fairfield with connection to Vermont and New England just 
handed me a 900 page dissertation that was written on the spread of what the 
author is calling,  'antinomianism' of various shades.  A study of separatist 
spirituality from European roots moving across New England, jumping and going 
around what was then the ISIS-like colony of its day, Massachusetts Colony to 
settle further into New England.   

 A thesis in this work amongst others is that this separatist spirituality 
(different than religion) moved in its day following kin and business 
connection often through seaports and then inland.  

 MD writes:
 My tenth Great Grandfather , Ambrose Dixon, was born in London in 1623. He 
migrated to James Virginia about 1640. He came over as a ship's carpenter.He 
was a Quaker, living in a predominately Presbyterian community. He and a few 
other Quakers felt discriminated against for their faith and petitioned Lord 
Baltimore to move to Maryland where they were welcomed and granted land. I 
guess you could say he was *in* on the beginnings of the Quaker Sect and one of 
the first in the colonies.



---In,  wrote :

 Yes, I had wondered this too and chronicled some of it in a subject thread 
here on FFL.   

 Often those who were referred to as 'separatists' had quietism as a central 
practice in addition to may be having Ritam Bhara P (inspired) or attending 
spiritual (chakra) energy work (Pietists).  

 Maharishi's tenet of 'collective meditation' is most similar to George Fox's 
movement in its day.  

 Today someone like Ammachi or Janet Sussman are good examples of the spiritual 
practices of 'piety' at work.  Connie Huebner in Fairfield is a great example 
of the old spiritual line of inspirationists (RPB) coming out of Europe that 
goes way back.  They each blend quietism with their spiritual disciplines.  

 It seems that every generation or so another one rises up with their manifest 
spiritual experience and a satsanga may form.   Generations of separatists 
generated a lot of writing that they passed around between each other in and 
across Europe.

 You would proly enjoy scrolling down through these posts on transcendentalist 
European separatists:

 423860RE: In Quiet, European ancestral genealogy of transcendentalism 


---In,  wrote :

 Does TM have any European antecedents? .  The Quietist Movement arose in the 
Catholic countries: Italy, France, and Spain and is most associated with Miguel 
de Molinos, 1628 - 1696.
 A parallel type of thinking and practice arose through George Fox, but many 
rudimentary antecedents can be found, for example, some practices of certain 
Gnostics, Cathars, and Meister Eckhart.
 .The online sources are using the term "contemplation" (Quietism would be an 
example). The sources use the term "meditation" implying meditation ON various 
religious images and themes including silent repetition of prayers and vocal 
prayers, as well as various religious rituals.  To clarify TM's place in the 
17-th century controversy, we can isolate the Silence/Transcending aspect of 
TM, and for the same of discussion, forget the Puja part.  Then, TM would 
definitely be in the Quietist camp, since there's no imposition of any 
religious images (they may or may not arise spontaneously).  But all of this is 
heretical, as Miguel de Molinos found out some time after his Spiritual Guide 
was published.  At first, the Mystical approach of Molinos was accepted among 
many Catholics, but 

[FairfieldLife] Cheery news of the day

2016-03-24 Thread Bhairitu [FairfieldLife]
Not that we haven't discussed this already but...

Maybe this is why government officials and the rich are heading south.

[FairfieldLife] The "What Could Go Wrong" department.

2016-03-24 Thread ultrarishi
Ancient virus found hibernating in the human genome—and it might wake up
 Ancient virus found hibernating in the human g...
 In DNA dig, scientists unearth more viral code, which makes up >8% of our 
 View on
 Preview by Yahoo 

We're just the delivery vehicle.

There is no "I", there is only "we".


[FairfieldLife] Re: Chief Rabbi Jonathan Sacks

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Would the rhetoric of  x-ian Cruz or demagogue Trump be profiling us, increase 
American police presence in meditator neighborhoods and have our transcendental 
meditationist heads on pikes?

 Sobering thought, that.

 the Holocaust took place at the very heart of liberal post-enlightenment 
scientifically oriented Europe.





---In,  wrote :

 Asked why he hadn't lost his faith after the "Final Solution":

 "I know Jews who lost their faith in the Holocaust; who lost their faith 
because of the Holocaust; but with me I lost another kind of faith when I began 
in my late teens to reflect on the Holocaust. 

 I lost faith in humanity; I lost faith in the ability of a purely secular 
civilization to contain the destructive energies we know are there in our 

 For me, the thing I can never get over is that the Holocaust took place at the 
very heart of liberal post-enlightenment scientifically oriented Europe. I 
never lost faith in God because I never saw God as a strategic intervener who 
stops us from exercising our freedom."


[FairfieldLife] Re: Julius Evola - a heavy quote

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]

 beautiful description

 of a process, that fall
 from grace.  

 'transcendent insufficiency',


---In,  wrote :

 "While he who exists absolutely, without external supports, does not fear the 
infinite, does not fear chaos, does not fear what the Greeks called apeiron — 
because he sees reflected in it his own deepest nature as a being whose very 
substance is freedom — he who is transcendentally insufficient abhors the 
infinite, flees from it and looks to the law, to the constancy of causal 
sequences, to predictability and order, for a surrogate for the absolute 
certainty and possession which he has fallen from."


[FairfieldLife] More reasons to vote for The Donald??

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]


[FairfieldLife] Julius Evola - a heavy quote

2016-03-24 Thread [FairfieldLife]
"While he who exists absolutely, without external supports, does not fear the 
infinite, does not fear chaos, does not fear what the Greeks called apeiron — 
because he sees reflected in it his own deepest nature as a being whose very 
substance is freedom — he who is transcendentally insufficient abhors the 
infinite, flees from it and looks to the law, to the constancy of causal 
sequences, to predictability and order, for a surrogate for the absolute 
certainty and possession which he has fallen from."