[FairfieldLife] Bootleg Amrit Kalash?

2017-01-19 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Coming by e-mail, someone asking:

 Do you have or know where I can get a good recipe for amrit kalash? Thank you.


 The Origins of Amrit Kalash, Queen of Rasayanas : Amrit | Maharishi Ayurveda 

 The Origins of Amrit Kalash, Queen of Rasayanas : Amrit | Maharishi Ayurveda 
 Amrit Kalash is an ancient ayurvedic herbal preparation. What are the origins 
of the revered formula and how has it benefited man for thousands of years?
 View on www.mapi.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Swarthmore College

2017-01-19 Thread emily.ma...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Were not slaves considered property?  Perhaps the "morality of slave ownership" 
wasn't even identified as an issue back then. Addressing "slavery as an 
institution," assuming it was likely endemic to the culture/society of the day, 
probably wasn't high on the priority list for the authors/translators of the 
story of Jesus and the promulgation of Christianity.   

 The Story Of The Storytellers - An Introduction To The Gospels | From Jesus To 
 The Story Of The Storytellers - An Introduction To The G... 
http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/shows/religion/story/mmfour.html An 
Introduction to the Gospels Written over the course of almost a century after 
Jesus' death, the four gospels of the New Testament, though they tell the 
 View on www.pbs.org 
 Preview by Yahoo 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Ranked high on the list of best Colleges by Forbes.  Founded by Quakers in 
1864 but dropped its religious affiliation in 1906.
 Somebody in the Religion Dept is asking a dumb (but valid) question: "Is God a 
White Supremacist".
 The question is a dumb example of Political Correctness gone awry since 
Christianity was founded by Jews, and "White Supremacy" didn't exist on a large 
scale until slave traders from various parts of the world cashed in on the 
demand for labor in the New World, rounding up numerous Africans.  A White 
Supremacist culture became particularly strong in the US South; but the causes 
relate to profit: (cotton, & rum trading); not the culture of the Jews and 
early Christians..
   There is a Bible connection however: It appears that Southerners preceding 
the Civil War and during, made attempts to rationalize their slavery position 
by pointing to various passages where the God of the Jews sanctions and/or 
condones slavery: (e.g. Exodus 21)  In addition, Jesus did nothing to overtly 
condemn it, saying (through Paul) that slaves and their masters can be "saved". 
This begs the question of why Jesus didn't actually condemn the institution of 
slavery, especially when John the Baptist condemned King Herod for adultery.  
The Jewish God YHVH advocated stoning for adultery but sanctioned Slavery.
 It appears that from Biblical evidence, Jesus disapproved of money changing in 
the Temple but didn't say anything against slavery.   #Weird!
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Supremacist? 
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Sup... 
 'foundational to the process of ‘whiteness-making’
 View on legalinsurrection.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 


[FairfieldLife] Re: Swarthmore College

2017-01-19 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

Yes, some of the Maharishi University's sustainable living students of a few 
years ago tried to drop/ opt out of the spiritual practice they were met with 
as they came to school here too. That has forced a re-think of what the 
institution is about here and better articulation to prospective students that 
this is in fact a meditating university they are coming to.  

 By the 20th Century the pace of 'modernism' had overwhelmed a cohesiveness of 
'community' of an extent in many Quaker meetings that they withered away from 
their regular practice of their meditation. Deja Vu.

 Would have to look and see if the Swarthmore "dropping their religious 
affiliation in 1906" was related to the Society of Friends splits and fallout 
from evangelicalism with a pulling back and saying at the time something like 
could be said now,  '..no, we are spiritual and not religious, like that'.  

 William Penn College in Iowa became more closely aligned with evangelical 
Friends, by contrast. 

 Possibly regional differences too of East Coast 'spiritual' liberals 
(transcendentalists) dropping or severing religious affiliation compared to 
midwest christian religionists. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Swarthmore College:  Ranked high on the list of best Colleges by Forbes.  
Founded by Quakers in 1864 but dropped its religious affiliation in 1906.

 Somebody in the Religion Dept is asking a dumb (but valid) question: "Is God a 
White Supremacist".
 The question is a dumb example of Political Correctness gone awry since 
Christianity was founded by Jews, and "White Supremacy" didn't exist on a large 
scale until slave traders from various parts of the world cashed in on the 
demand for labor in the New World, rounding up numerous Africans.  A White 
Supremacist culture became particularly strong in the US South; but the causes 
relate to profit: (cotton, & rum trading); not the culture of the Jews and 
early Christians..
   There is a Bible connection however: It appears that Southerners preceding 
the Civil War and during, made attempts to rationalize their slavery position 
by pointing to various passages where the God of the Jews sanctions and/or 
condones slavery: (e.g. Exodus 21)  In addition, Jesus did nothing to overtly 
condemn it, saying (through Paul) that slaves and their masters can be "saved". 
This begs the question of why Jesus didn't actually condemn the institution of 
slavery, especially when John the Baptist condemned King Herod for adultery.  
The Jewish God YHVH advocated stoning for adultery but sanctioned Slavery.
 It appears that from Biblical evidence, Jesus disapproved of money changing in 
the Temple but didn't say anything against slavery.   #Weird!
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Supremacist? 
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Sup... 
 'foundational to the process of ‘whiteness-making’
 View on legalinsurrection.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2017-01-19 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In the ™ community the transition from elder to youth will, and is, happening 
in time. Right now the elder group needs to get some adult education to further 
their communication skill-sets and apply those right now. .  If the elders 
can’t give themselves to do it then bring in some facilitation, like from the 
practiced restorative justice people. 

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 Cultivating the wholistic grounded spiritual human being.. Great observation, 
the exercising of the polyvagal and the hologram of the wholeness of the subtle 
human system. 

 Look at the aspect of the ™ movement that is doing well, the David Lynch 
Foundation (DLF) of teaching ™. .  
 DLF  is highly attractive to gen-x and gen-millennial youth because iDLF is 
not just some sect of meditating but doing service work to need.  For good 
reasons DLF is engaged in  teaching meditation to veterans, in violent schools, 
to single moms, at UN peacekeeping camps, teaching meditation in prisons, etc. 
DLF foci being of social service to peoples in need. 

 The visioning people at the top of DLF were old successful field TM teachers, 
differing by a long shot  from the stayed rigid old Vlodrop people,.  The  DLF 
cohort are anything but complacent in adaptation to need. 
 Internally there has been quite a lot of argument and conflict with 
conservative ideologues inside over adaptation. Directed by science data and 
more empathetic scientists DLF as a group DLF has been able to go around 
conservative fanatics who would hold things back.  

 Looking at the ‘go-fund-me’ fliers that were up all over town this last summer 
and fall here before the recent teacher training course started in Bali the 
requesting for help was so that the candidate could become a teacher of 
meditation to serve particular populations in need. The urgings were very 
idealistic in sympathy and empathetic for needs of the time.  Polyvagal in 
nature. Much more of the heart than just in the head.



 yifuxero writes

 Old ideas often fade away only when the old generation dozes off.  The Old 
Guard at MUM  may change but it doesn't look like it.
 For example, take the connections between Consciousness and biology relating 
to the Polyvagal nervous system. The key ingredient is Compassion (the feeling 
of Compassion resulting from more Empathy). 
 The old idea is that this would be a type of mood making and contrary to the 
notion that people are to meditate and "take it as it comes"  No. Compassion 
must be worked on diligently and over time: the Quakers are an example. It's a 
type of culture that grows and evolves, but first the idea must be introduced. 
This is unlikely in the MUM atmosphere since Compassion doesn't bring in $.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “How can CEOs learn from Kodak’s failure?”.  Fabulous article for our 
meditating Fairfield communal purposes. From the last two paragraphs it could 
be said we are ‘in Kodak’ mode still. 

 “..Of course strategy sessions with the BIG CEO went nowhere. Of course all 
the people buried in the hierarchy who saw the oncoming problems and had ideas 
for solutions made no progress. Their bosses and peers ignored them.”

 Yes we just accomplished a strategic removal of an unable/disabling old 
leadership for the university community yet in what touches the Fairfield 
meditating community there are no tools  or skillsets to use yet inside there 
that would help facilitate a communal transition. Being available to listen and 
share is not where the Rajas have been with this. The work that got done to 
remove Bevan was done ad hoc by the community and forced on them.
 Yes things are being done now at the level of Hagelin but it is autocratic and 
not apparent because it still does not sit with, listen or engage with the 
meditating community outside the university and movement bubble. Same old 

 A desire is there for transition but no method/practiced skillsets to 
facilitate innovation.  These are school teachers and ‘administrators’ by 
experience, not leaders in the sense of effective CEO’s. Effective leadership 
of this would require training old dogs in new methods of listening circles, 
non-violent communication listening skills, intergenerational work, and 
restorative justice work that might actually acknowledge the past in going 

 Because of a leadership character of where a past leadership has for so long 
taken us we are starting a communal climb out from way down in a hole. The last 
paragraphs of the Kodak article are useful to read as to a way out.. 
 Kodak article:
 “How can CEOs learn from Kodak’s failure? Historically, Kodak was built on a 
culture of innovation and change. It’s the type of culture that’s full of 
passionate innovators, already naturally in tune to the urgency surrounding 
changes in the market and technology. It’s these people – those excited about 

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 20-Jan-17 00:15:11 UTC

2017-01-19 Thread FFL PostCount ffl.postco...@gmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 01/14/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 01/21/17 00:00:00
28 messages as of (UTC) 01/19/17 12:14:34

 12 dhamiltony2k5
  5 jr_esq
  3 Archer Angel archonangel
  2 yifuxero
  2 emily.mae50
  1 hepa7
  1 X Y medinijyotishaccess
  1 William Leed WLeed3
  1 Bhairitu noozguru
Posters: 9
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: www.worldtimezone.com 

[FairfieldLife] Swarthmore College

2017-01-19 Thread yifux...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Ranked high on the list of best Colleges by Forbes.  Founded by Quakers in 1864 
but dropped its religious affiliation in 1906.
 Somebody in the Religion Dept is asking a dumb (but valid) question: "Is God a 
White Supremacist".
 The question is a dumb example of Political Correctness gone awry since 
Christianity was founded by Jews, and "White Supremacy" didn't exist on a large 
scale until slave traders from various parts of the world cashed in on the 
demand for labor in the New World, rounding up numerous Africans.  A White 
Supremacist culture became particularly strong in the US South; but the causes 
relate to profit: (cotton, & rum trading); not the culture of the Jews and 
early Christians..
   There is a Bible connection however: It appears that Southerners preceding 
the Civil War and during, made attempts to rationalize their slavery position 
by pointing to various passages where the God of the Jews sanctions and/or 
condones slavery: (e.g. Exodus 21)  In addition, Jesus did nothing to overtly 
condemn it, saying (through Paul) that slaves and their masters can be "saved". 
This begs the question of why Jesus didn't actually condemn the institution of 
slavery, especially when John the Baptist condemned King Herod for adultery.  
The Jewish God YHVH advocated stoning for adultery but sanctioned Slavery.
 It appears that from Biblical evidence, Jesus disapproved of money changing in 
the Temple but didn't say anything against slavery.   #Weird!
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Supremacist? 
 Swarthmore College Course Asks: Is God a White Sup... 
 'foundational to the process of ‘whiteness-making’
 View on legalinsurrection.com 
 Preview by Yahoo 

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance Of Group Meditation

2017-01-19 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 Great observation, the exercising the polyvagal and the hologram of the 
wholeness of the subtle human system. 

 Look at the aspect of the ™ movement that is doing well, the David Lynch 
Foundation (DLF) of teaching ™. .  

 DLF  is highly attractive to gen-x and gen-millennial youth because iDLF is 
not just some sect of meditating but doing service work to need.  For good 
reasons DLF is engaged in  teaching meditation to veterans, in violent schools, 
to single moms, at UN peacekeeping camps, teaching meditation in prisons, etc. 
DLF foci being of social service to peoples in need. 

 The visioning people at the top of DLF were old successful field teachers, 
differing by a long shot  from the stayed rigid old Vlodrop people,.  The  DLF 
cohort are anything but complacent in adaptation to need. 
 Internally there has been quite a lot of argument and conflict with 
conservative ideologues inside over adaptation. Directed by science data and 
more empathetic scientists DLF as a group DLF has been able to go around 
conservative fanatics who would hold things back.  

 Looking at the ‘go-fund-me’ fliers that were up all over town this last summer 
and fall here before the recent teacher training course started in Bali the 
requesting for help was so that the candidate could become a teacher of 
meditation to serve particular populations in need. The urgings were very 
idealistic in sympathy and empathetic for needs of the time.  Polyvagal in 
nature. Much more of the heart than just in the head.



 yifuxero writes

 Old ideas often fade away only when the old generation dozes off.  The Old 
Guard at MUM  may change but it doesn't look like it.
 For example, take the connections between Consciousness and biology relating 
to the Polyvagal nervous system. The key ingredient is Compassion (the feeling 
of Compassion resulting from more Empathy). 
 The old idea is that this would be a type of mood making and contrary to the 
notion that people are to meditate and "take it as it comes"  No. Compassion 
must be worked on diligently and over time: the Quakers are an example. It's a 
type of culture that grows and evolves, but first the idea must be introduced. 
This is unlikely in the MUM atmosphere since Compassion doesn't bring in $.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 “How can CEOs learn from Kodak’s failure?”.  Fabulous article for our 
meditating Fairfield communal purposes. From the last two paragraphs it could 
be said we are ‘in Kodak’ mode still. 

 “..Of course strategy sessions with the BIG CEO went nowhere. Of course all 
the people buried in the hierarchy who saw the oncoming problems and had ideas 
for solutions made no progress. Their bosses and peers ignored them.”

 Yes we just accomplished a strategic removal of an unable/disabling old 
leadership for the university community yet in what touches the Fairfield 
meditating community there are no tools  or skillsets to use yet inside there 
that would help facilitate a communal transition. Being available to listen and 
share is not where the Rajas have been with this. The work that got done to 
remove Bevan was done ad hoc by the community and forced on them.
 Yes things are being done now at the level of Hagelin but it is autocratic and 
not apparent because it still does not sit with, listen or engage with the 
meditating community outside the university and movement bubble. Same old 

 A desire is there for transition but no method/practiced skillsets to 
facilitate innovation.  These are school teachers and ‘administrators’ by 
experience, not leaders in the sense of effective CEO’s. Effective leadership 
of this would require training old dogs in new methods of listening circles, 
non-violent communication listening skills, intergenerational work, and 
restorative justice work that might actually acknowledge the past in going 

 Because of a leadership character of where a past leadership has for so long 
taken us we are starting a communal climb out from way down in a hole. The last 
paragraphs of the Kodak article are useful to read as to a way out.. 
 Kodak article:
 “How can CEOs learn from Kodak’s failure? Historically, Kodak was built on a 
culture of innovation and change. It’s the type of culture that’s full of 
passionate innovators, already naturally in tune to the urgency surrounding 
changes in the market and technology. It’s these people – those excited about 
new ideas within your own organization – who keep your company moving ahead 
instead of falling behind. One key to avoiding complacency is to ensure these 
innovators have a voice with enough volume to be heard (and listened to) at the 
top. It’s these voices that can continue to keep a sense of urgency in your 
organization. If they are given the power to lead, they will continue to 
innovate, help keep a culture of urgency and affect change.
 ... The organization overflowed with