RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield’s Cris is of Me ditating Numbers in the Dome:

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
E-mail responding to
 “Willing people not allowed in the Dome”..
 You know one of the very biggest issues now? That when someone is mistreated, 
they will not put it in an email. The admins and leadership needs emails now, 
for good reason. Otherwise it won't be believed, they have to have something in 
hand. It is not just fear of losing badge, it takes strength to deal with 
things like this, to write that email. I have been told dozens of times, 'No I 
won't send an email, I'm just going to let it go.' Then what can I do? 
 People have to be strong enough to lead the leaders.  
 Contact John Hagelin directly.
 Global Union of Scientists for Peace
 2000 Capital Boulevard
 Fairfield, IA 52556


---In,  wrote :

 Those guidelines of the ‘administrative state’ up there on campus and those 
Rajas who defend them have turned too many capable meditators out from the 
Domes. In the span of a few days after the communal meeting at Phoenix Rising I 
spoke separately with two long long time TM movement meditators who were 
administratively excluded from the Dome meditation for practicing jyotish 
astrology. Both exclaimed they would be there meditating if the guidelines were 
changed to omit the ‘non-compete clauses’ about people who practice jyotish, 
those guidelines that have nothing to do with their practice of ™.  A couple 
weeks ago there was a former MIU student back visiting who applying for a Dome 
badge the course office did an internet search about the person’s life, judged 
and told this person they would never be allowed in the Dome. Never? We need 
membership here and these people go out into the world and tell others what, 
about being excluded? 
 A long time ago now a concert pianist, long time ™ meditator and initiator 
excluded from the Dome meditation and playing on campus at movement events? 
Others too make too many stories in the community.
 The narrative needs to change now. It is not enough to claim that things have 
changed when they have not. 


---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi once said that there will come a time when I’ll tell you to meditate 
on your own, but for now I want you do it in the domes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 From: [] 
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 5:03 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield’s Crisis of Me ditating Numbers in the 


 Insist all those in stopatya veda homes and on campus meditating in different 
places get back to meditating in the domes...  May take some presentation by 
Travis of the science to actually point out the value of proximity.
Regenerate the power of numbers and proximity in meditation. Facilitating 11 
different program locations and encouraging people to just meditate at home was 
a formula in specialness and loss of communal cohesion.


 ---In,> wrote :
 Meditating attendees at the men’s Dome had a relatively large 
 ​YOY (year over year) ​
 June of 26 
 ​fewer men​
 per Program than last year. 
 Attendees at mediation in the women’s Dome had a very very large drop of 79 
per Program, yoy.

 ---In,> wrote :
 The ending of the “grant” program funding.
 Old meditators cut loose as
 the ™ movement readies to
 outsource US Meditation to India.
 The international ™ movement is announcing it will shift its funding resources 
away from propping the Dome group meditation in Iowa over to pundit programs in 
 Winding down the “Grant” program..
 Financial support for the Invincible America Assembly had been coming in 
substantial amounts donated monthly by Drs. Howard and Mickey Settle. About two 
years ago, the International ™ Movement took over most, then all, of the IAA 
Grant funding, and has now announced it will step down its contributions 
beginning in September, to 22% of the $90,000/month it has been giving, by this 
coming November. 

 ---In,> wrote :
 The movement should get out of the business of monitoring people.
 Myth: People dropped off or were cut from the Grant because there was not 
enough funds, due to Howard Settle's business situation. 
 Truth: Not one person was dropped from the Grant due to reduction in Settle 
funds in 2013. Every single person who re-applied went back on the Grant. Julie 
Anne, who handled the Grant checks

[FairfieldLife] Re: Pathway to Sainthood

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Meditators bucking for Sainthood..  In someone’s moving to meditating 
Fairfield, Iowa it seems the science is in fact saying with high degree of 
certainty that you would be doing something good with yourself for others in 
attending here with the group meditation. Saintly.  
 And, those who handled the community Dome numbers so badly, who let the 
numbers get so bad? Sinners? By the same science?


---In,  wrote :

 1974.   When did you first meditate in Fairfield, Iowa?

---In,  wrote :

 Hows about those who moved to Fairfield, Iowa to be part of the meditating 
community? The science would show that in meditators moving from their homes 
elsewhere to Fairfield they likely sacrificed their lives for others to be part 
of something larger . 


 Pope Francis has introduced a new pathway to sainthood, recognizing those who 
sacrifice their lives for others.



[FairfieldLife] Re: What is Conscionable, in TM?

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Later on MMY counseled a type of self discipline.. to be happy and mind your 
own business towards being regular practicing meditators and ‘on the program’ 
as a basis for behavior. This instruction would be a spiritual working ethic 
maybe different from social cultural ethic like the Golden Rule, that kindness 
seems overtly more to do with effects of behavior on subtle psycho-spiritual 
light-bodies of people. 

---In,  wrote :

 Evidently there is a behavioral axis between self-interest and altruism..  and 
maybe not strictly related to 'consciousness', as we have seen.  

---In,  wrote :

 A hardwired morality of self-interest v Altruism..

 In a core worldview that life is nakedly a selfish struggle for money and 
dominance the great act of moral decoupling woven through this in this 
worldview, morality has nothing to do with anything.  Altruism, trust, 
cooperation and virtue are unaffordable luxuries in the struggle of all against 
all. Everything is about self-interest.
 Powerful, selfish people have always adopted this dirty-minded realism to 
justify their own selfishness. The problem is that this philosophy is based on 
an error about human beings and it leads to self-destructive behavior in all 
 The error is that it misunderstands what drives human action. Of course people 
are driven by selfish motivations — for individual status, wealth and power. 
But they are also motivated by another set of drives — for solidarity, love and 
moral fulfillment — that are equally and sometimes more powerful.
 People are wired to cooperate. Far from being a flimsy thing, the desire for 
cooperation is the primary human evolutionary advantage we have over the other 
 People have a moral sense. They have a set of universal intuitions that help 
establish harmony between peoples. From their first moments, children are wired 
to feel each other’s pain. You don’t have to teach a child about what fairness 
is; they already know. There’s no society on earth where people are admired for 
running away in battle or for lying to their friends.
 Paraphrase, -David Brooks, NYTimes

---In,  wrote :

 MMY would tell us simply, ‘never do that which you know to be wrong’. In 
behavior by spiritual standard of what enhances or is withering to spiritual 
progress, certainly in life as we live it this would seem to say, in the 
pursuit of happiness repent those sinful ways that are hurtful to and against 
spiritual progress in your own life or in the lives of others. Repent! Right 
now, make haste!

---In,  wrote :

 From e-mail: 

 If one looks at all the criticism of the Mvmt over the years, most of it boils 
down to lack of 'development of the vertical at the expense of the horizontal.' 
That is a cerebral way to put it, development of consciousness at the expense 
of relationships, including ethics and mgmt, most of the rest boils down to the 
need for more professional training in the area concerned.
 ™’ers are not more moral or ethical. 
 We can't become a religion or ethical society by talking about ethics. That 
would not work for the Mvmt. We are here to teach transcending. But we should 
talk ethics and morals, esp ethics, among ourselves in the Mvmt. But I focus on 
mgmt for the reason I gave.


---In,  wrote :

 Evidently ethical behavior may not be correlated with 'development of 
consciousness'.. As in TM science research ‘moral reasoning’ is simply reduced 
and measured in standard testing as ‘quick thinking’ which apparently is not 
necessarily the same measure as ethical or compassionate behavior.  Long time 
meditators or gurus though potentially more ‘aware’ evidently are not 
necessarily more ethical. Ethical spiritual virtues evidently are felt in life 
by the human spiritual body and ethical behavior on a ‘behavioral axis’ it 
seems is cultivated differently in life by culture. Spiritually cultivated 
ethics felt and lived apparently is very much about the condition of spiritual 
life in the body (polyvagal?) and not necessarily related directly to a 
consciousness continuum of states of consciousness.

---In,  wrote :

 Yes, evidently the heart of spirituality is embodied in the Polyvagal and 
affected in its expression by spiritual practices such as meditation, culture 
and epigenetic stress. 
It seems that In an awake conscious life, as transcendentalists call this, ‘a 
life well lived’, that ethical behavior is felt primarily by whether behavior 
enhances or withers spiritual life.  That simple. A felt discernment of a whole 
of the spiritual human system of being. 
 yifuxero writes: 
 Thx, the development of the Polyvagal nervous system (physical representation 
of empathy and  compassion); appears to be (or can be) somewhat independent of 
the states of Consciousness menti

[FairfieldLife] Amygdalin/B17 - quackery or not?

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]


 The body uses beta-glucosidase to break the bonds of the components in vitamin 
B17, and releases its cyanide and benzaldyhide [LOL?] in the digestive tract.
 Healthy cells contain the rhodanese enzyme that protects them against the 
cyanide.  Rhodanese combines the cyanide with sulfur and renders it 
 Cancer cells contain beta-glucosidase and do not contain this protective 
enzyme, which leaves and other harmful organisms vulnerable to the cyanide.



[FairfieldLife] Re: The Dome Numbers

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Prophetic words from way back in 2010, "Wayback71" wrote then:  “Well, the 
longer they keep willing people out of the Domes, the less likely it is that 
they will ever return, even if restrictions are lifted some day or some year. I 
would say if the policy is ever to be changed, the Rajas should do it really 
soon. Or when they open the doors, there won't be anyone waiting to come in.” 
“Buck” did comment back then too.. 
 Like quite a lot of Meditators in the dome now have 'not gone' to saints or 
spiritual healers either(!). Given the personalities, it will probably not be 
until a time comes after one current Prime Minister that anything like a 
reconciliation in the TM movement could happen. But like the Society of Friends 
with the loss of a lot of membership, shakti and resource in the meantime that 
had previously been there, the Quakers never really recovered the same after 
that old man's work had been done to the Society in those years.
 A good lesson. 


---In,  wrote :

 --- In, 
"wayback71"  wrote:
 > Well, the longer they keep willing people out of the Domes, the less likely 
 > it is that they will ever return, even if restrictions are lifted some day 
 > or some year. I would say if the policy is ever to be changed, the Rajas 
 > should do it really soon. Or when they open the doors, there won't be anyone 
 > waiting to come in.
 Yep. that essentially has happened already here.
 A similar thing happened in Quaker history.
 Memberships of activist anti-slavery Friends
 were administratively withdrawn. A particular
 tyrannical and dictatorial Yearly Meeting Clerk
 came out with Minutes instructing all the Monthly Meetings under their
 Yearly Meeting to go out and withdraw the memberships
 of known anti-slavery Friends. 
 Technically there was a larger tiff that was going on
 more about 'protecting' the essentially spiritual practice of Friends
 and the use of the organizational structure and facility of the Society of 
Friends by social activist activities. 
 The conservatives saying that
 the Society was more strictly about spiritual practice as
 the Friend's unique Meeting for Worship (group meditation).
 Different Yearly Meetings handled the encroaching activism differently.
 Some just ignored it or said, "We're about spiritual practice, do that 
activism over there, not here thank you, we are about doing this here..."
 So, this one rigid doctrinal guideline guy who was the Yearly Meeting Clerk
 of the Indiana Yearly Meeting (which Iowa was under at the time)
 came out with this minute directing all meetings under their
 jurisdiction to actively go out and separate abolitionists. The overall 
membership at the time was quite large in America.
 There was a big 'Fuck You' from the separated Friends..
 It was not that so many Friends of that time were not also abolitionists.
 (Sort of like meditators seeing saints)
 This was a guide-lining administrative application of this one rigid guy.
 Reconciliation was not possible the way it was done under Indiana Yearly 
 The separated Friends eventually were invited back after the old clerk had 
died and passed away. 
 Actually, it became his son who subsequently became the new Clerk of Indiana 
Yearly Meeting and went out inviting old Friends back after the old man was 
gone. That next generation.
 Lot of parallel.
 Like quite a lot of Meditators in the dome now have not gone to saints or 
spiritual healers either(!). Given the personalities, it will probably not be 
until a time comes after one current Prime Minister that anything like a 
reconciliation in the TM movement could happen. But like the Society of 
Friends, with the loss of a lot of membership, shakti and resource in the 
meantime that had previously been there. The Quakers never really recovered the 
same after that old man's work had been done to the Society in those years.
 A good lesson. 
 > Well, the longer they keep willing people out of the Domes, the less likely 
 > it is that they will ever return, even if restrictions are lifted some day 
 > or some year. I would say if the policy is ever to be changed, the Rajas 
 > should do it really soon. Or when they open the doors, there won't be anyone 
 > waiting to come in.
 > --- In, 
 > "Buck"  wrote:
 > >
 > > 
 > > 
 > > --- In, 
 > > "wayback71"  wrote:
 > > >
 > > > 
 > > > 
 > > > --- In 
 > > >, "Buck"  wrote:
 > > > >
 > > > > 
 > > > > 
 > > > > >
 > > > > > Numbers skid 
 > > > > > to lowest numbers
 > > > > > in almost a year.
 > > > > > 
 > > > > > 
 > > > > >
 > > > > > 

Re: Fwd: [FairfieldLife] Pathway to Sainthood

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Fair observation, thanks for sharing that. Yahoo evidently was ahead of a curve 
with its Yahoo-groups guidelines as to thoughtful facilitating of civil 
discourse and how to deal with vile hurtful people on their groups. 

 It seems Facebook, Twitter and such social media are playing catch up trying 
to figure out vile behavior on their platforms too, dropping from ‘unfettered’ 
to some Golden Rule consideration or something more specific like Yahoo’s.. It 
seems that FFL was on a cutting edge of this as Rick then made such moves 
towards moderation of FFL discourse by Yahoo-guidelines. I was glad to be of 


---In,  wrote :

 THANKS 4 this post1 shows me the RC church is reforming & from with in as well 
as this good news here again Doug THANKS 4 Ur continued most enlightening post 
here 4 us all sent in a sweet tone with out vitriol. You have diminished such 
vitriol here now 4 some years again thanks! Col. Ret William Diller Leed IV 
with some quaker ancestors as well.
 -Original Message-
 From: [FairfieldLife] 
 To: FairfieldLife 
 Sent: Wed, Jul 12, 2017 8:43 am
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Pathway to Sainthood
 Hows about those who moved to Fairfield, Iowa to be part of the meditating 
community? The science would show that in meditators moving from their homes 
elsewhere to Fairfield they likely sacrificed their lives for others to be part 
of something larger . 
 Pope Francis has introduced a new pathway to sainthood, recognizing those who 
sacrifice their lives for others.



[FairfieldLife] Fwd: NW Campus Development High Return Opportunity I am putting some money into

2017-07-13 Thread Dick Mays [FairfieldLife]
This just in from Stephen Harper

In case you are looking for an attractive return and at the same time helping 
create housing for meditators to grow our community, I would like to let you 
know that there is currently an opportunity to receive up to 12%/yr. ROI on a 3 
or 4 yr. loan to allow refurbishment of cottages and suites on the Ideal Life 

There are about 75 units that need to be refurbished at a cost of about $3,500 
each. About 25 have been renovated and they are completely full and being 
rented as fast as they can be refurbished. And there is current demand for 
about 20 of these. People are currently being turned away.

Therefore Bryan Lee, the manager of the program is seeking loans in increments 
of $3,500 to immediately renovate 20 units, (up to $70,000) and he is willing 
to pay up to 12%/yr. interest rate on a monthly basis or a rate that people are 
willing to loan to him for this purpose.

I have made a couple of loans to Bryan for renovating some of the first units 
already and so far the repayment is right on schedule.

If you don’t know Bryan, I would describe him as very trustworthy and 
professional. Bryan is the former National Leader of New Zealand and a genuine 
simple straightforward Kiwi who has the integrity for which the people of NZ 
famous. The movement per se is not the borrower and only indirectly involved in 
that they own the properties, but it is essentially a personal loan to Bryan..

If you feel inclined to help Bryan and the meditators who are moving to 
Fairfield and looking for good inexpensive Vaastu housing, please contact him 
directly. I am receiving no commission or benefit from making this opportunity 
known. So feel free to pass the information on.

Thank you.

Stephen Harper
641 919-6055 

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting PK & $ 92.00 a day in Hyderabad India Dr. Raju clinic

2017-07-13 Thread srijau
Ananda Sidhi Yog .ASY yes unmistakable mercury side effects. I ask in email is 
there mercury in this and the no response is a response. Note there is no 
ingredients lists provided.

Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting PK & $ 92.00 a day in Hyderabad India Dr. Raju clinic

2017-07-13 Thread William Leed [FairfieldLife]
U may phone the institute no ingredients r required in India so email or call & 
ask, RE: the exact herb potion or give me its name & I will enquire when next 
there if I have the inclination to do so orU may now!

-Original Message-
To: FairfieldLife 
Sent: Thu, Jul 13, 2017 7:00 pm
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] FF Meditating Community Meeting PK & $ 92.00 a day 
in Hyderabad India Dr. Raju clinic

Ananda Sidhi Yog .ASY yes unmistakable mercury side effects. I ask in email is 
there mercury in this and the no response is a response. Note there is no 
ingredients lists provided.

[FairfieldLife] Post Count Fri 14-Jul-17 00:15:34 UTC

2017-07-13 Thread FFL PostCount [FairfieldLife]
Fairfield Life Post Counter
Start Date (UTC): 07/08/17 00:00:00
End Date (UTC): 07/15/17 00:00:00
63 messages as of (UTC) 07/13/17 23:48:45

 20 dhamiltony2k5
  9 yifuxero
  8 William Leed WLeed3
  6 hepa7
  5 email4you mikemail4you
  4 jr_esq
  3 srijau
  3 Rick Archer rick
  3 Mike Dixon mdixon.6569
  1 j_alexander_stanley
  1 Dick Mays dickmays
Posters: 11
Saturday Morning 00:00 UTC Rollover Times
Daylight Saving Time (Summer):
US Friday evening: PDT 5 PM - MDT 6 PM - CDT 7 PM - EDT 8 PM
Europe Saturday: BST 1 AM CEST 2 AM EEST 3 AM
Standard Time (Winter):
US Friday evening: PST 4 PM - MST 5 PM - CST 6 PM - EST 7 PM
Europe Saturday: GMT 12 AM CET 1 AM EET 2 AM
For more information on Time Zones: 

[FairfieldLife] RE: Fairfield’s Crisis of Meditating Numbers in the Dome

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
July 2017, no change in the ‘non-compete’ policies for Dome 
admission/membership.   Men’s Dome number was 193 a recent morning and 196 

---In,  wrote :

 E-mail responding to
 “Willing people not allowed in the Dome”..
 You know one of the very biggest issues now? That when someone is mistreated, 
they will not put it in an email. The admins and leadership needs emails now, 
for good reason. Otherwise it won't be believed, they have to have something in 
hand. It is not just fear of losing badge, it takes strength to deal with 
things like this, to write that email. I have been told dozens of times, 'No I 
won't send an email, I'm just going to let it go.' Then what can I do? 
 People have to be strong enough to lead the leaders.  
 Contact John Hagelin directly.
 Global Union of Scientists for Peace
 2000 Capital Boulevard
 Fairfield, IA 52556


---In,  wrote :

 Those guidelines of the ‘administrative state’ up there on campus and those 
Rajas who defend them have turned too many capable meditators out from the 
Domes. In the span of a few days after the communal meeting at Phoenix Rising I 
spoke separately with two long long time TM movement meditators who were 
administratively excluded from the Dome meditation for practicing jyotish 
astrology. Both exclaimed they would be there meditating if the guidelines were 
changed to omit the ‘non-compete clauses’ about people who practice jyotish, 
those guidelines that have nothing to do with their practice of ™.  A couple 
weeks ago there was a former MIU student back visiting who applying for a Dome 
badge the course office did an internet search about the person’s life, judged 
and told this person they would never be allowed in the Dome. Never? We need 
membership here and these people go out into the world and tell others what, 
about being excluded? 
 The narrative needs to change now. It is not enough to claim that things have 
changed when they have not. 


---In,  wrote :

 Maharishi once said that there will come a time when I’ll tell you to meditate 
on your own, but for now I want you do it in the domes.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump

 From: [] 
 Sent: Monday, July 10, 2017 5:03 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Fairfield’s Crisis of Me ditating Numbers in the 


 Insist all those in stopatya veda homes and on campus meditating in different 
places get back to meditating in the domes...  May take some presentation by 
Travis of the science to actually point out the value of proximity.
Regenerate the power of numbers and proximity in meditation. Facilitating 11 
different program locations and encouraging people to just meditate at home was 
a formula in specialness and loss of communal cohesion.


 ---In,> wrote :
 Meditating attendees at the men’s Dome had a relatively large 
 ​YOY (year over year) ​
 June of 26 
 ​fewer men​
 per Program than last year. 
 Attendees at mediation in the women’s Dome had a very very large drop of 79 
per Program, yoy.

 ---In,> wrote :
 The ending of the “grant” program funding.
 Old meditators cut loose as
 the ™ movement readies to
 outsource US Meditation to India.
 The international ™ movement is announcing it will shift its funding resources 
away from propping the Dome group meditation in Iowa over to pundit programs in 
 Winding down the “Grant” program..
 Financial support for the Invincible America Assembly had been coming in 
substantial amounts donated monthly by Drs. Howard and Mickey Settle. About two 
years ago, the International ™ Movement took over most, then all, of the IAA 
Grant funding, and has now announced it will step down its contributions 
beginning in September, to 22% of the $90,000/month it has been giving, by this 
coming November. 

 ---In,> wrote :
 The movement should get out of the business of monitoring people.
 Myth: People dropped off or were cut from the Grant because there was not 
enough funds, due to Howard Settle's business situation. 
 Truth: Not one person was dropped from the Grant due to reduction in Settle 
funds in 2013. Every single person who re-applied went back on the Grant. Julie 
Anne, who handled the Grant checks, told me

[FairfieldLife] Rajas Beware, of History!

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
An important component of the 1857 uprising were the "thousands of spontaneous 
peasants' jacqueries [revolt] all over northern India," writes cultural 
historian Sumanta Banerjee, in his book


[FairfieldLife] TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Revolting (historically) against the Rajas..
 "Shah Mal and 26 leaders who were hanged on a banyan tree close to the village 
will be remembered.

 it was a mutiny of sepoys which spread to former rulers of northern India.

 ..of the many forgotten accounts of peasants and commoners, who were an 
essential part of the rebellion, the widespread extent of peasant participation,
 .. the rebels were hanged, and their lands were confiscated, auctioned off and 
redistributed among those who were loyal. 

 The villages that the British declared as baagi were the ones that had fought 
for independence, and which later faced heavy reprisals when the British 
regained control of the territories.
 ..records of 1858 sheds light on how the British attacked villages in Meerut. 
"The principal villages were successfully surrounded, a little after daybreak, 
by different parties told of. A considerable number of the men were killed; 40 
taken prisoners, 40 of whom were consequently hung…."

 "But, the role of the peasantry in the uprising has been glossed over by 
bourgeois historians,"

 ..known as sepoys, set off a rebellion against the British rule in 1857, often 
referred to as the first war of independence. Ordinary farmers took up arms to 
support them in the fight against the British, but their contribution has been 
largely forgotten."

 # Jai Guru You. 


---In,  wrote :

 An important component of the 1857 uprising were the "thousands of spontaneous 
peasants' jacqueries [revolt] all over northern India," writes cultural 
historian Sumanta Banerjee, in his book

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-13 Thread srijau
you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself with 
this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

[FairfieldLife] Re: TM Mutineers Beware Re Rajas! of History!

2017-07-13 Thread [FairfieldLife]
Well actually this community process now currently going on is a fourth time 
around with the meditating community, at least, in Fairfield with the TM 
movement and it has not necessarily gone well before for some previous 
reformists who attempted to change or streamline the TM movement’s ritual. I 
have thick files of minutes of these previous attempts at reform.

 And, More recently.. 
 leadership change in the TM community... 
 431494Re: Reformation and Renaissance

srijau writes:
 you have a valid cause in many ways but you utterly discredit yourself with 
this dumb ugly and irrelevant nonsense

---In,  wrote :

 Revolting (historically) against the Rajas..
 "Shah Mal and 26 leaders who were hanged on a banyan tree close to the village 
will be remembered.

 it was a mutiny of sepoys which spread to former rulers of northern India.

 ..of the many forgotten accounts of peasants and commoners, who were an 
essential part of the rebellion, the widespread extent of peasant participation,
 .. the rebels were hanged, and their lands were confiscated, auctioned off and 
redistributed among those who were loyal. 

 The villages that the British declared as baagi were the ones that had fought 
for independence, and which later faced heavy reprisals when the British 
regained control of the territories.
 ..records of 1858 sheds light on how the British attacked villages in Meerut. 
"The principal villages were successfully surrounded, a little after daybreak, 
by different parties told of. A considerable number of the men were killed; 40 
taken prisoners, 40 of whom were consequently hung…."

 "But, the role of the peasantry in the uprising has been glossed over by 
bourgeois historians,"

 ..known as sepoys, set off a rebellion against the British rule in 1857, often 
referred to as the first war of independence. Ordinary farmers took up arms to 
support them in the fight against the British, but their contribution has been 
largely forgotten."

 # Jai Guru You. 


---In,  wrote :

 An important component of the 1857 uprising were the "thousands of spontaneous 
peasants' jacqueries [revolt] all over northern India," writes cultural 
historian Sumanta Banerjee, in his book