[FairfieldLife] The woman who escaped a polygamous cult – and turned its HQ into a refuge

2018-10-15 Thread eustace10679
The woman who escaped a polygamous cult – and turned its HQ into a refuge

[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2018-10-15 Thread waybac...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
what exactly are the jyotish charts showing for May of 2019?  War?

[FairfieldLife] OT Tariffs and 5G!

2018-10-15 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]
Impact of tariffs on 5G deployment 
 The second round of tariffs on Chinese imports includes communication chips 
like modems, Wi-Fi routers, gateways, and cell tower radios. These imports are 
essential components needed for 5G deployment. Finnish telecom equipment maker 
Nokia (NOK https://marketrealist.com/quote-page/NOK) met with Federal 
Communications Commission officials and, in a public filing 
 stated that these tariffs would increase the cost of deploying 5G 
infrastructure in the US by “hundreds of millions of dollars.”


[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2018-10-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Srijau asks here: ..’well what do you think the collective karma of the United 
States is like..  People like .. Morris and .. Patterson by the depths of their 
intense satva,’ ?

 Ans:  And, here we are now. The ‘karma’ of the country or the ‘karma’ of that 
personality of how Morris and Patterson ran the movement during decades of an 
era in TM and what damage they did is not necessarily fathomable, but here we 
are now to act. Jai Guru Dev.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Yep, the Dome group meditation attendance numbers in Fairfield seem are at 
catastrophic low levels.

 Srijau notes:  there is no adequate superradiance for America now that's 
obvious to everyone. a good pocket of good influence for Fairflield and some 
other pockets of good influence elsewhere where in some cities there is a lot 
of people doing TM

 Om Jeez, one of the only real practicing meditators posting here acknowledging 
we are powerless in Fairfield now to effect this with our group numbers. It 
seems sad really to have come this far unto this after all that we know about 
meditating and superradiance.


 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Loss of communal superradiance mass.. 
 There are mornings here more recently with only 160 meditating in the men’s 
Dome. 170 or 180 is common now in the mornings. Double that and roughly you get 
totals between the Men’s and Women’s Domes. Evenings are more typically 200, 
220 or 230 in the Men’s Dome.
 From the later 1980's and 1990’s and on to present there are old communal 
narratives about excluded memberships in group meditation and the attendant 
aggregate numbers.  Folks were actively separated by policy. Some withdrew, 
hid, or have moved away taking their resources and now the reduced group is 
left inside. So it is. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 for as large as our communal ‘artifacts’ here in meditating Fairfield appear 
to be, a tragedy which people coming from the outside will not be able to see 
is the collapse in aggregate numbers attending the communal group meditations 
inside the Domes.

 “..something of a template for how it goes with spiritual practice groups as 
our own:  Diminution of the cheering of core values, administrative rigidity 
setting in, loss of people, loss of altruism towards the community, loss of 
donors, loss of critical mass, financial crisis, and finally an auction of 
assets attendant to the dispersal of community." 

 A long declining arc of the Dome meditation attendance numbers in what is the 
Fairfield, Ia. meditating community seems far along on this path.”


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 So I was glad enough to get these people to the jaw-dropping point as to what 
is the scope of the facility that we have communally resourced and built up to 
facilitate meditating and group superradiance as a community. It is pretty 
stunning really when you see it. They got it.  

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :


 email reply:  
Thanks Doug. Good work!  Coming here (to Fairfield, Iowa) is experiential. 
There is nothing like the glow or consciousness from an individual and the 
power of a community presence. That is the difference people feel when an 
intellectual concept meets real human transformation. It’s a powerful thing. I 
always admire those seekers that “get it” when they are in the midst of it. 
They were all beautiful people. Thanks for including me.


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The Scholars' Fairfield Tour   
 Thanks so much for helping with this. In a very limited amount of time it 
worked on them. They got it: the incredible scope and gravity of what we have 
here. It is way Utopian what we have here and from the tour they were bowled 
over by the scope of it.

 In the next couple of days over at the conference with them other attendees at 
the conference were coming up remarking having heard how great the tour of 
Fairfield was from those people who came over to Fairfield. 

 Incidentally, the guy who was of the founders of The Farm, back in the 1960’s 
to present, came to me the next day remarking he had ‘no idea’ of the size of 
it here. This guy lectures all over the world. The Auburn and the U. Kansas 
professors too. The others too. It worked. In a very short tour we got it to 
them. Bravo.

 Thanks for helping with it.

 Kind Regards,

 About this group:

 In the group I see there is a professor from U. of Kansas who for decades has 
written books or edited journals on intentional communities in America and 
elsewhere. Also author, lecturer and widely published, one of the early 
founders of The Farm in Tennessee and other interested academics visiting too. 
There is a chair of university humanities department also, etc., coming in the 
group. These are social scientists, historians and educators.  

 http://www.communalstudies. org/annualconference 

[FairfieldLife] ‘Hyperalarming’ study shows massive insect loss

2018-10-15 Thread skymt...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]


 By Ben Guarino https://www.washingtonpost.com/people/ben-guarino/

October 15 at 3:00 PM
 Insects around the world are in a crisis, according to a small but growing 
number of long-term studies showing dramatic declines in invertebrate 
populations. A new report http://www.pnas.org/cgi/doi/10.1073/pnas.1722477115 
suggests that the problem is more widespread than scientists realized. Huge 
numbers of bugs have been lost in a pristine national forest in Puerto Rico, 
the study found, and the forest’s insect-eating animals have gone missing, too.
 In 2014, an international team of biologists estimated that, in the past 35 
years, the abundance of invertebrates such as beetles and bees had decreased by 
45 percent http://science.sciencemag.org/content/345/6195/401.full. In places 
where long-term insect data are available, mainly in Europe, insect numbers are 
plummeting. A study last year showed a 76 percent decrease in flying insects 
 in the past few decades in German nature preserves.
 The latest report, published Monday in the Proceedings of the National Academy 
of Sciences, shows that this startling loss of insect abundance extends to the 
Americas. The study’s authors implicate climate change in the loss of tropical 
 “This study in PNAS is a real wake-up call — a clarion call — that the 
phenomenon could be much, much bigger, and across many more ecosystems,” said 
David Wagner http://hydrodictyon.eeb.uconn.edu/people/dwagner/, an expert in 
invertebrate conservation at the University of Connecticut who was not involved 
with this research. He added: “This is one of the most disturbing articles I 
have ever read.”
 Bradford  https://science.rpi.edu/biology/faculty/brad-listerLister 
https://science.rpi.edu/biology/faculty/brad-lister, a biologist at Rensselaer 
Polytechnic Institute in New York, has been studying rain forest insects in 
Puerto Rico since the 1970s. If Puerto Rico is the island of enchantment — “la 
isla del encanto” — then its rain forest is “the enchanted forest on the 
enchanted isle,” he said. Birds and coqui frogs trill beneath a 50-foot-tall 
emerald canopy. The forest, named El Yunque, is well-protected. Spanish King 
Alfonso XII claimed the jungle as a 19th-century royal preserve. Decades later, 
Theodore Roosevelt made it a national reserve, and El Yunque remains the only 
tropical rain forest https://www.fs.usda.gov/main/elyunque/about-forest in the 
National Forest system.
 “We went down in ’76, ’77 expressly to measure the resources: the insects and 
the insectivores in the rain forest, the birds, the frogs, the lizards,” Lister 
 He came back nearly 40 years later, with his colleague Andrés García, an 
ecologist at the National Autonomous University of Mexico. What the scientists 
did not see on their return troubled them. “Boy, it was immediately obvious 
when we went into that forest,” Lister said. Fewer birds flitted overhead. The 
butterflies, once abundant, had all but vanished.
 García and Lister once again measured the forest’s insects and other 
invertebrates, a group called arthropods that includes spiders and centipedes. 
The researchers trapped arthropods on the ground in plates covered in a sticky 
glue, and raised several more plates about three feet into the canopy. The 
researchers also swept nets over the brush hundreds of times, collecting the 
critters that crawled through the vegetation.
 Each technique revealed the biomass (the dry weight of all the captured 
invertebrates) had significantly decreased from 1976 to the present day. The 
sweep sample biomass decreased to a fourth or an eighth of what it had been. 
Between January 1977 and January 2013, the catch rate in the sticky ground 
traps fell 60-fold.
 “Everything is dropping,” Lister said. The most common invertebrates in the 
rain forest — the moths, the butterflies, the grasshoppers, the spiders and 
others — are all far less abundant.
 “Holy crap,” Wagner said of the 60-fold loss.
 Louisiana State University entomologist Timothy Schowalter 
http://www.lsuagcenter.com/profiles/tschowalter, who is not an author of this 
recent report, has studied this forest since the 1990s. This research is 
consistent with his data, as well as the European biomass studies. “It takes 
these long-term sites, with consistent sampling across a long period of time, 
to document these trends,” he said. “I find their data pretty compelling.”
 The study authors also trapped anole lizards, which eat arthropods, in the 
rain forest. They compared these numbers with counts from the 1970s. Anole 

[FairfieldLife] Fwd: Trump’s List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ promise-keeping

2018-10-15 Thread William Leed wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]

-Original Message-
From: William Leed 
To: William D. Leed III 
Sent: Mon, Oct 15, 2018 6:29 pm
Subject: Fwd: Trump’s List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ 

-- Forwarded message -
From: Carl Paladino 
Date: Mon, Oct 15, 2018 at 4:57 PM
Subject: Trump’s List: 289 accomplishments in just 20 months, ‘relentless’ 

|  |
|  |
by Paul Bedard

 | October 12, 2018 08:43 AM

The Trump administration’s often overlooked list of achievements has surpassed 
those of former President Reagan at this time and more than doubled since the 
last tally of accomplishments after his first year in office, giving President 
Trump a solid platform to run for reelection on.

As Trump nears the two-year mark of his historic election and conducts 
political rallies around the country during which he talks up his wins in hopes 
it will energize Republican voters, the administration has counted up 289 
accomplishments in 18 categories, capped by the confirmation of Brett Kavanaugh 
to the Supreme Court.

They include 173 major wins like adding more than 4 million jobs and another 
116 smaller victories, some with outsized importance such as the 83 percent 
one-year increase in arrests of MS-13 gang members.

 “Trump’s successes in reducing the cost of taxes and regulations, rebuilding 
our military, avoiding wars of choice and changing the courts rival those of 
all previous Republican presidents,” said Grover Norquist, president of 
Americans for Tax Reform.

“Trump has an advantage over Ronald Reagan: he has a Reagan Republican House 
and Senate while Reagan had a [Democratic Speaker] Tip O’Neill House and a 
pre-Reagan Republican Senate. Reagan and [former GOP Speaker] Newt Gingrich 
were the icebreakers that allowed Trump’s victories to grow in number and 
significance,” he added.
Unlike the Year One list which included many proposals and orders still to be 
acted on, the new collection includes dozens of actions already in place, 
signed legislation and enforced executive orders.

For example, while the Year One list bragged about the administration’s efforts 
to rewrite the much-maligned NAFTA trade deal with Canada and Mexico, the Year 
Two list said, “Negotiated a historic U.S.-Mexico-Canada Trade Agreement to 
replace NAFTA.”

Economic Growth   
   - 4.2 percent growth in the second quarter of 2018.
   - For the first time in more than a decade, growth is projected to exceed 3 
percent over the calendar year.
   - 4 million new jobs have been created since the election, and more than 3.5 
million since Trump took office.
   - More Americans are employed now than ever before in our history.
   - Jobless claims at lowest level in nearly five decades.
   - The economy has achieved the longest positive job-growth streak on record.
   - Job openings are at an all-time high and outnumber job seekers for the 
first time on record.
   - Unemployment claims at 50 year low
   - African-American, Hispanic, and Asian-American unemployment rates have all 
recently reached record lows.
--African-American unemployment hit a record low of 5.9 percent in May 2018.. 
--Hispanic unemployment at 4.5 percent.
--Asian-American unemployment at a record low of 2 percent.   
   - Women’s unemployment recently at the lowest rate in nearly 65 years.
--Female unemployment dropped to 3.6 percent in May 2018, the lowest since 
October 1953.   
   - Youth unemployment recently reached its lowest level in more than 50 years.
--July 2018’s youth unemployment rate of 9.2 percent was the lowest since July 
   - Veterans’ unemployment recently hit its lowest level in nearly two decades.
--July 2018’s veterans’ unemployment rate of 3.0 percent matched the lowest 
rate since May 2001.   
   - Unemployment rate for Americans without a high school diploma recently 
reached a record low.
   - The rate for disabled Americans recently hit a record low.
   - Blue-collar jobs recently grew at the fastest rate in more than three 
   - The poll found that 85 percent of blue-collar workers believe their lives 
are headed “in the right direction.”
--68 percent reported receiving a pay increase in the past year.   
   - Last year, job satisfaction among American workers hit its highest level 
since 2005.
   - Nearly two-thirds of Americans rate now as a good time to find a quality 
--Optimism about the availability of good jobs has grown by 25 percent.   
   - Added more than 400,000 manufacturing jobs since the election.
--Manufacturing employment is growing at its fastest pace in more than two 
   - 100,000 new jobs supporting the production & transport of oil & natural 
American Income   
   - Median household income rose to $61,372 in 2017, a post-recession high..
   - Wages up in August at their fastest rate since June 2009.
   - Paychecks rose by 3.3 percent between 2016 and 2017, the most in a decade.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Communal Studies

2018-10-15 Thread srijau
they did not damage anything   they created it  with others and 
Maharishi, everything it ever was through their devotion to the Guru, they did 
the impossible

[FairfieldLife] david-lynch-thinks-transcendental-meditation-is-a-better-investment-than-the-military

2018-10-15 Thread srijau

[FairfieldLife] Re: The Scooped ATR credit

2018-10-15 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
At the time there was not much of an understanding given for absconding with 
the earned ATR credit. 
 This explanation about paying the balloon on MIU’s campus mortgage with the 
earned credit is a new explanation to my ear to the lost ATR credit.  

 It might have gone over a little better if it had been explained in some 
greater transparency like this way back then. Often times if people are clued 
in more accurately on the numbers they will make a same decision that is being 
held close from them. Administrative pursuit without sharing the process grates 
at the folks kept out in the dark. 

 Recently I was sharing conversation with an old TM community person here in a 
grocery store isle.  He was responding to the Dome badge application process 
and folks being unacceptable to the guidelines for a Dome meditation badge; he 
saying, “Do they still do that?” 

 Right after that he quickly exclaimed, “Have they done anything about their 
financial transparency?”, “With real financial statements?” and “I’ll never 
give them another nickel until they do..”  
 I was kind of thinking the money thing had died down some as that level of the 
fundraising movement is more removed and small now to the local meditating 
community. But woe, no! This last comment was kind of a shocking amplitude 
coming from a really lit accomplished old sidha here in town. 

 The lost ATR credit was a deep one for some people. 


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Talking, just now, to the wife of an accountant at that time,
 He, the accountant, came up with the idea then..
 ..To use the initiator’s booked ATR credit to pay off a balloon payment coming 
 On the purchase of the MIU campus then.