[FairfieldLife] Re: In Satsanga Fairfield, Iowa

2018-12-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
In FF satsang: 

 ..Don’t get hung up on Matt Kahn’s goofy shirts that he wears. or his 
 But Matt Kahn is cheering on those of us who are so interested in and have 
been dedicated to spiritual development, the Big “S” Spiritual development, 
upliftment. That it is not for nothing. That because as one has been engaged in 
it that it is not useless in this world or it is frivolous or inconsequential 
to what needs to happen here. That actually it holds the vibration and holds 
the criminal element back. 
 He says that it is all part of one light, even the ones who are asleep. They 
are all still of the light. It is very uplifting. He has quite a construct of 
understanding, as a teacher at another level, as a native adept, like Janet 
Sussman. He is both very practical and advaitin-like in a way he strips down to 
the essentials, stripping the constructs, the excess to get to the essentials, 
the essential value of nonduality, which Cynthia very astutely gets to.  .


---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The FF Satsang continuing, over coffee:
 “..They are meant to be together (head and heart) . You don’t abdicate the 
head, the brain, the mind or the heart, they are together, the ‘masculine and 
 Q: it sets up a duality talking about this, identifying it. 
 A: What Matt Kahn points out is that there are people on various tracks, we 
are all on ascension tracks, we are all in tracks, this is not a better than 
the other. The first track is the one is where the people are standing in light 
where the people are light bearers. Where people are light holders. The people 
who are in consciousness where they are standing there in the light and that is 
their main job. Being light holders. 
 Then you have the second track, which is people who are becoming activated by 
what they see as problems in the world and they are going to look for social 
justice solutions, constructs, and so they are activated, and then a third 
track of people asleep. The third track is people who are always up to 
technology, on their phones, who their reference is always the phone, IT, 
 Light holders, social construct, and then the asleep who are willing and 
wanting to wed themselves to technology. 
 Matt Kahn is saying we all have our place in this, we are all in to this 
together. In his view this is going to become very clear in the next two years, 
unambiguous.  These Three general tracks is how people are going to be moving 
forward. He says there are people just waiting to have apps in their heads, for 
there to be apps, downloaded and become wedded to their technology, some kind 
of artificial intelligence. 


 FF Coffee haus Satsang:  
 “You have to love this, I love this that there she was at SAND. Wow!   Thank 
god that someone is finally speaking to this.” 
 Q: The TM neuroscience people would be studying this if he had an apparatus to 
do it, the heart-mind?  
 A: “They do but they are brain-centric. 
 “..In this discussion of spirituality Matt Kahn has a good description, 
embedded in the discussion of the expression of spirituality he says, and this 
makes sense, that we are moving from a third dimensional reality to a 5th 
dimensional reality. The third dimensional reality is dominated by the mind and 
the fifth dimensional reality is dominated by the heart. 
 So you have the head and the heart, 3rd and 5th, and how to get there is 
through here, the connecting of the head and heart.  The connectivity is what 
Janet Sussman identifies as the ‘articulation’ between the two, the 
communication between the two where you are moving from the third dimension of 
the mind and its constructs to the non-linear value of the fifth.  It does make 
sense that we are moving from a third dimensional reality to a fifth. The third 
dimensional reality, it is that we are dominated by the mind. The fifth 
dimensional reality is dominated by the heart. How do you get between the  two? 
The fourth dimension is time. We are moving through that, the throat area , 
expression. The connectedness, the ‘articulation’, as Janet says it. 
 What you see in the advaitins and the TM people is that it is all about the 
brain,  the head and the mind. Some Buddhists too, some of the Buddhist 
practices are very head centered.  
 The The third eye is insight and the throat area, the 4th, is poetry, 
speaking, the expression between the two, the fourth dimension. The vehicle, 
this part, the fourth dimension is time. So you are moving from the concrete 
three dimensional world of the mind and its constructs to the non-linear value 
of the fifth.  So this is what you see in spiritual development, this makes so 
much sense. This is where the advaitins are, this is where the TM people are, 
in the head, the mind, all in the head. Brain, Brain, Brain. It is all in the 
head. Very head centric. Some of the Buddhist practices can be very head 
 You have

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation

2018-12-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Meditation brings wisdom;
 lack of meditation leaves ignorance.
 Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back,
 and choose the path that leads to wisdom.  -The Buddha

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Meditate and Act

 Meditation with activity has always been the TM teaching (B.Gita II v 48).  
This teaching was one of the things also used to convince a change in the 
administration policy at a point to modify the ‘long’ IAAssembly morning 
program rounds to get it all shortened down more to what it is now with the 
idea according to the teaching to get them out of there and in to the world and 
community before the mid-day and to give them longer in the afternoon to ‘do 
things’ of life and be in the community. 
 That was important to have happen at the time for people’s health and general 
wellbeing. The long program the way it was enforced was turning folks in to 
pale renunciates in front of us here in the community. Then it is just a matter 
of how people may use their time between meditations. Turning compost for 
health is not a bad use of time. Meditate and perform action.  Communicating 
this by FFL was an effective element at the time in turning this around for the 
better. .
 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 I think I’d rather shovel cow manure for a living than spend my days spying on 
people through people’s social media, the Weekly Reader, Source, etc. 
 Note to spies: shoveling cow manure is great exercise and really quite 
enjoyable when you get into it. I used to do it at Livingston Manor. If 
interested, contact Radiance Dairy. They may have openings.
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com  
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 8:11 PM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 The Authorities?  Yes they read FFL and make files about people’s social 
media, the Weekly Reader, Source, and such on applicants.  It is their job to 
gather info on people in ferreting out people who are in violation of the 
membership guidelines by making inquiry in to lives.  Yes, with potentially 
long interrogation. 
 One of the things that was held up this last time I was denied a badge was 
about things I may have written on FFL, “about these things you write on 
Fairfield Life”. Yes, you could proly be in some trouble with the membership 
guidelines promoting other spiritual teachers and such by what and who you 
promote with BATGAP. 
 The existential problem they have with this is that as they have these written 
guidelines they have to have a staff hired to investigate and enforce them in 
detail over applicants.  The guidelines have been cobbled together, wordsmithed 
over the years either to exclude people and they have been reduced somewhat to 
include peoples who were separated from the group by guideline. The remaining 
exclusionary clauses now are mostly cultural and not simply as to whether 
someone is a practitioner or not. There are three written clauses remaining 
that still are in there that can stick in the craw of the larger meditating 
 The Authorities, I also do send in communication to movement policy makers the 
url’s to posts made on FFL as posts are pithy, incisive, pertinent and relevant 
in the context of having to do with policy. Fairfield Life has had its 
effective place in communications.  But, the people who investigate Dome 
membership applications do not make policy themselves, they just enforce it. 
The people who make decisions you likely will never meet in the process.
 May the grace of the Unified Field grant providential support in Nature 
towards overcoming these long problems we all have suffered with our communal 
Dome meditation attendance numbers.  Jai Guru Dev 
 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, 
mailto:r...@searchsummit.com> wrote :
 So do the dome authorities still read FFL to see who’s saying what, and 
exclude them if they feel inclined? 
 Batgap is a funny phenomena with regard to this issue. I promote other 
teachers up the wazoo, and probably wouldn’t be allowed in the dome if I wanted 
to be, but I’ve interviewed Hagelin and Pearson, and others who still go to the 
dome. A senior faculty member listens to just about every BatGap interview and 
we sometimes chat about them. He said he even discusses them with other faculty 
in his department sometimes. 
 Rick Archer
 Buddha at the Gas Pump
 https://batgap.com https://batgap.com
 From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com> 
 Sent: Friday, December 14, 2018 10:52 AM
 To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: The Importance of Group Meditation
 Q: I appreciate what you’re doing with the group meditation thing, but I like 

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Radical' 'Revolutionary' Transcendental Meditationists

2018-12-18 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The 40th Anniversary, of the 1979 Amherst course.
 Taking from current history, a paraphrasing of a NYTimes article:
 as something like our own TM movement’s annual January 12th meetings of the 
essential group.. 
  “Facing deepening tensions abroad and anxieties inside, 
 ..using a key anniversary to argue that the recipe of guided growth under 
strong movement control must not waver.
 he said,  The first lesson from these 40 years of spiritual regeneration was 
the need to maintain party (Movement) leadership “over all tasks.”
 “It was precisely because we’ve adhered to the centralized and united 
leadership of the movement that we were able to achieve this great historic 
transition, said” .. at a pivotal, potentially fraught moment in the movement 
when all the contradictions in its governance appeared in stark relief.
 ..as great as that of any leadership in decades, yet the movement’s tightening 
of controls over the organization and ever more aspects of its society suggest 
a deep-seated insecurity at the highest levels.
 “Today many policy goals in the Movement are in tension with one another. 
Which ones take precedence? This is what officials will need to know to carry 
out their work on a practical level.”
 Some had been hoping for signals that the leadership would take further steps 
to liberalize the movement or ease tensions with its membership.”
 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A Spiritual Regenerative Movement (SRM) in the TM.org?  
 Is the TM movement currently transformational as regenerative, reform, or 

 A Consideration,
 TM as Revolutionary Millenarian:


 Revolution does not have to be violent to be revolutionary. Different than 
fomenting violent revolution Maharishi was about peace and he worked in a long 
career on improving people’s lives on earth..

 What Mao, (as paraphrased) could have said to meditators in transcendentalist 
 To meditators:
 "The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Transcendental 
Meditation Movement. The theoretical basis guiding our spiritual experience and 
thinking is the Meissner Effect, the ME, found in Natural Law and our 
manifestly Self-evident experience meditating.

 If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary meditating 
movement. Without a revolutionary meditating movement, without a movement built 
on the scientific and revolutionary theory of the ME and group meditation and 
in the style of science and spiritual experience of the Unified Field, it is 
impossible to lead the practicing meditator and the broad groupings of the 
meditators everywhere against the entrenched forces of reductionist 
materialism, of deconstructionism and their running-dogs.:


 Revolutionaries, where it has happened and where revolution has brought change 
in broader status quo for humanity it is interesting in study to look at and 
hear how they said it, how they said it, led it, and acted it out such that 
they compelled and led broader societal change.  

 Like looking back at Mao’s quotations, the little red book, to seeing what/how 
he said that resonated a people then.   

 While Mao (or Castro either) is not in the tradition of transcendentalists, 
 A Study of what Mao could have said to meditators in his Maoist way.. 
 Link to a leadership mash-up of Mao’s quotations and transcendental 
meditationist revolution..
 A mash-up of, 
 Mao and Maharishi:

 Now folded in to one millenarian-ist revolutionary's quotation book,
 See -isms Paraphrased in to TM:

 Castro, Another of 20th Century’s large revolutionaries drops the body..  
Castro and Cuban revolution have been in the background of my whole life. It is 
interesting to read the obits today for Castro and recall the decades. 


 NPR has sound clip samplings of Castro speeches over the years to hear along 
with their NPR webpage obit.  Again, though not an overt transcendentalist like 
in is this thread, 
 one can kind of ‘hear’ his leadership charisma in the clips.  No doubt you had 
to be there, like being there with Maharishi. 

 Sound clips, scroll further down the NPR piece

 "I’m at peace with myself and the universe. One can’t but come closer to God or
Heaven than to merge oneself with the universal o