[FairfieldLife] Re: Respite from Climate wreckage: Come to Fairfield, Iowa

2019-06-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Europe heatwave: Why are temperatures on the continent soaring? A: Climate 
Change Karma.. 


 Paradise Lost?
. .
 Respite:  a short period of rest or relief from something difficult or 



 Come meditate now with the meditating community in Fairfield, Iowa.


 Fleeing towards respite, 
 throw essential belongs you may have into a car and start driving.

 Note: Available Short-term Lodging of Meditators who practice TM and the 
™-Sidhis is now more opened up at the pundit campus. For Short-term 
accommodation, including meditation with the group.

 Check out the..
 Idealife Campus http://www.idealifecampus.com/home.html 
http://www.idealifecampus.com/home.html Rounding on the ‘long program’ of the 
Assembly is no longer required for rental lease at the pundit campus.



 There are rentals in Fairfield, Iowa
 on AirBnB.



 For meditators, come meditate along with other meditators in Fairfield, Iowa.
 There are several group meditations in Fairfield to attend. Also meetings
 to attend with other meditators.
 Fairfield, Iowa is a fabulous place for spiritual respite, renewal.


 An Iowa retreat offers a place of peace to those fleeing extreme weather 

 Also a place to learn to meditate.. 




 2018 Hurricane Season Will Bring Another Battery Of Storms 

 Lodging and Housing 






 Vastu Rentals in Fairfield (on Facebook):
 Temporary Vastu Housing (without lease) 
 Permanent Vastu Housing (with lease) 




 Cries she
 With silent lips. “Give me your tired, your poor,
 Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,
 The wretched refuse of your teeming storms.
 Send these, the homeless, the climate’s tempest-tossed to me,
 I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”


 FW: Paradigm Change..the last week in May atmospheric scientists at: 
http://www.copernicus.eu/ http://www.copernicus.eu/  reported a huge albeit 
temporary spike in Methane gas release in the northern hemisphere. This 
indicated to us that we may not even have 1-3 years before the 'preverbal SHIT 
hits the fan' as Dr. McPherson so aptly referred to what is about to unfold. 

 FW email: "..Finally we must inspire and motivate those present that 
collective consciousness can and must alter this apparent scientific 
inevitability of climate change.  Now is the final call for our consciousness 
based community to rally together in large groups to routinely do their 
meditation practices."
Better to move to Fairfield than come as a refugee.

 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 An Irony is that climate change peer review science and meditation peer review 
science are both met with the same strategies of character assassination, 
assertions by false truth, posing doubt about the economy being able to afford 
remediation and skepticisms sown about science in whether correlation means 
 In the same way that the scientists of meditation have known the hateful works 
of the deniers the same strategies carried out by the same kind of anti-science 
people and ideologies the meditation scientists can have a lot of empathy for 
climate change scientists by shared experience.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Public Policy should be driven by Science. Considering the science of climate 
change and science of meditation it is worth making a stand in human life.
 "Live urgently: meditate now! The end is plainly very near!" 
 We can contribute spirituality in to the rational consideration of of the 
consequent of Arctic Ice Melt.

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 Considering Human life brings up spirituality right away.
 Such overwhelming fatalism like the climate science gives will bring 
 the push back to nihilism. Spirituality then as we know it in our 
 meditational experience is the antidote to all that of 'nothing of purpose' and
 materialistic thinking.
 The meditating community has i

(Message over 64 KB, truncated)

[FairfieldLife] Funny immigrant joke in Germany

2019-06-26 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]



RE: [FairfieldLife] Sunday Nationwide Group Meditation W.N. Y. report on same! [1 Attachment]

2019-06-26 Thread Bill wle...@aol.com [FairfieldLife]
11 of us did so in Western NY & found the experience deeper than sometimes 90% 
felt so , all will do so again,11 will join us … … me to meditate, 3 did 
breathing teck prior  to meditation, I note. Next time & the numbers will 
increase all felt so by bringing friends,  the next time when ever that may be! 
3 were sidhas,  5 joined in 4 veggie soup after. 

Sent from Mail for Windows 10

From: dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
Sent: Thursday, June 20, 2019 8:37 AM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Sunday Nationwide Group Meditation

Sunday, June 23, 4:30 pm
Please Join Us for the Next Nationwide TM Group Meditation
Fairfield Peace Palace
1040 N. 4th St., Fairfield, IA 52556
4:30 pm — Group TM Checking
5:05 pm — Nationwide Group Meditation
Refreshments following.
Please register by June 20 by clicking on this link.
Nationwide Group Meditation: Sunday, June 23
Please plan to arrive by 4:30 pm or slip in quietly for the Group Meditation 
that will start promptly at 5:05 pm.

[FairfieldLife] Re: 'Radical' 'Revolutionary' Transcendental Meditationists

2019-06-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]

 By critical contrast:
 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry.. The secular technique and 
its relativist lack of a moral foundation has opened itself up to a host of 
dubious uses, called out by its critics as McMindfulness.

 Without a critical account of the social context of neoliberal individualism, 
mindfulness as a practice and discourse focused on the self minimizes social 
critique and change and contributes to keeping existing social injustices and 
inequitable power structures intact. 

There is nothing revolutionary about the so-called Mindful Revolution. Chris 
Goto-Jones says: “The revolution doesn’t require any particular change in 
values or economic systems … For a revolution this movement shows remarkable 
conservatism. The leading voices make no demands on followers. They need not 
become activists or participate in political struggle.” 



 ---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 The 40th Anniversary, of the 1979 Amherst course.
 Taking from current history, a paraphrasing of a NYTimes article:
 as something like our own TM movement’s annual January 12th meetings of the 
essential group.. 
  “Facing deepening tensions abroad and anxieties inside, 
 ..using a key anniversary to argue that the recipe of guided growth under 
strong movement control must not waver.
 he said,  The first lesson from these 40 years of spiritual regeneration was 
the need to maintain party (Movement) leadership “over all tasks.”
 “It was precisely because we’ve adhered to the centralized and united 
leadership of the movement that we were able to achieve this great historic 
transition, said” .. at a pivotal, potentially fraught moment in the movement 
when all the contradictions in its governance appeared in stark relief.
 ..as great as that of any leadership in decades, yet the movement’s tightening 
of controls over the organization and ever more aspects of its society suggest 
a deep-seated insecurity at the highest levels.
 “Today many policy goals in the Movement are in tension with one another. 
Which ones take precedence? This is what officials will need to know to carry 
out their work on a practical level.”
 Some had been hoping for signals that the leadership would take further steps 
to liberalize the movement or ease tensions with its membership.”
 Jai Guru Dev

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 A Spiritual Regenerative Movement (SRM) in the TM.org?  
 Is the TM movement currently transformational as regenerative, reform, or 

 A Consideration,
 TM as Revolutionary Millenarian:


 Revolution does not have to be violent to be revolutionary. Different than 
fomenting violent revolution Maharishi was about peace and he worked in a long 
career on improving people’s lives on earth..

 What Mao, (as paraphrased) could have said to meditators in transcendentalist 
 To meditators:
 "The force at the core leading our cause forward is the Transcendental 
Meditation Movement. The theoretical basis guiding our spiritual experience and 
thinking is the Meissner Effect, the ME, found in Natural Law and our 
manifestly Self-evident experience meditating.

 If there is to be revolution, there must be a revolutionary meditating 
movement. Without a revolutionary meditating movement, without a movement built 
on the scientific and revolutionary theory of the ME and group meditation and 
in the style of science and spiritual experience of the Unified Field, it is 
impossible to lead the practicing meditator and the broad groupings of the 
meditators everywhere against the entrenched forces of reductionist 
materialism, of deconstructionism and their running-dogs.:


 Revolutionaries, where it has happened and where revolution has brought change 
in broader status quo for humanity it is interesting in study to look at and 
hear how they said it, how they said it, led it, and acted it out such that 
they compelled and led broader societal change.  

 Like looking back at Mao’s quotations, the little red book, to seeing what/how 
he said that resonated a people then.   

 While Mao (or Castro either) is not in the tradition of transcendentalists, 
 A Study of what Mao could have said to meditators in his Maoist way.. 
 Link to a leadership mash-up of Mao’s quotations and transcendental 
meditationist revolution..
 A mash-up of, 
 Mao and Maharishi:

 Now folded in to one millenarian-ist

[FairfieldLife] Re: How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry

2019-06-26 Thread dhamiltony...@yahoo.com [FairfieldLife]
The spiritual moral bypass..

"By negating and downplaying actual social and political contexts and focusing 
on the individual, or more so, the individual’s brain, McMindfulness 
interventions ignore seeing our inseparability from all others. They ignore 
seeing our inseparability from inequitable cultural patterns and social 
structures that affect and constitute our relations, and thereby ourselves. 
McMindfulness thus forfeits the moral demand that follows this insight: to 
challenge social inequities and enact universal compassion, service and social 
justice in all forms of human endeavor."

---In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com,  wrote :

 How capitalism captured the mindfulness industry 



[FairfieldLife] Flying together (sampat) and perfection (sampad)

2019-06-26 Thread he...@hotmail.com [FairfieldLife]



 ampat P. %{-patati} , to fly or rush together (in a friendly or hostile 
manner) , encounter , meet any one (acc.) ,
  meet with (instr.) RV. &c. &c. ; to fly along , fly to , hasten towards 

 saMpad f. falling together, coinciding, agreeing; success, gain, acquisition; 
increase, growth; existence, 
 abundance, high degree (adj. --- furnished with); right proportion, state, or 
condition; prosperity, happiness; wealth, beauty.

 Now, Patañjali defines his use of the word sampad in suutra III 45

 Sutra III.46
 रूपलावण्यबलवज्रसंहननत्वानि कायसंपत्॥४६॥ 


rūpa-lāvaṇya-bala-vajra-saṁhananatvāni kāyasaṁpat ॥46॥ 
 [HA]: Perfection Of Body Consists In Beauty, Grace, Strength And Adamantine 
 This is extremely confusing: at the end, without any sandhi, the word "should" 
be sampad, with d in the end. This is probably a rule I can't remember, but 
even without sandhi the word whose dictionary form ends in d, here ends in t, 
making it homonymous with the word meaning, amongst other things, to fly 
 So, does P-jali hint that even flying together makes the body perfect!
 Food for thought! This seems to be a bit more complicated than I first 