Re: [FairfieldLife] Analyzing the *intent* of the "pile on Vaj" phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread Vaj

On Jun 1, 2009, at 5:59 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

OK, this is a classic example of the *intent* I
spoke of in a post last week, "Thou shalt not
suffer a TM critic to be thought well of."

As I see it (and Vaj...I like you, guy, but I'm
going to be almost as critical of you in this
rap as I am of the "pile on" crew) the thread
started with Vaj saying something that pushed
EmptyBill's ego buttons and made him squeal
"Gotcha" inwardly. He leaped into the fray with
his normal *intent* and modus operandi, which
is "spiritual dick size contest." Another way
of stating this intent and standard operating
procedure is "Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh
I know more than you, and thus my spiritual
dick is longer than yours."

To his discredit, Vaj often does the exact same
thing. Who the fuck CARES what you guys know
from what you have read about *other people's
spiritual experiences*? Every time you two get
into one of these armchair academic dick-size
contests, I consider BOTH of your dicks smaller.

That's why I typically ignore E. Bill's diatribes. They're similar to  
Judy's old diatribes in that their underlying intent seems to be to  
mischaracterize deliberately and lead one into a maze of misdirected  
points, while at the same time demonizing the person. When you sense  
the underlying intention, you realize 'why waste my time?'.

[FairfieldLife] Analyzing the *intent* of the "pile on Vaj" phenomenon

2009-06-01 Thread TurquoiseB
OK, this is a classic example of the *intent* I
spoke of in a post last week, "Thou shalt not
suffer a TM critic to be thought well of."

As I see it (and Vaj...I like you, guy, but I'm
going to be almost as critical of you in this 
rap as I am of the "pile on" crew) the thread
started with Vaj saying something that pushed
EmptyBill's ego buttons and made him squeal
"Gotcha" inwardly. He leaped into the fray with 
his normal *intent* and modus operandi, which 
is "spiritual dick size contest." Another way 
of stating this intent and standard operating
procedure is "Gotcha you s.o.b. Nyh nyh 
I know more than you, and thus my spiritual 
dick is longer than yours."

To his discredit, Vaj often does the exact same
thing. Who the fuck CARES what you guys know 
from what you have read about *other people's
spiritual experiences*? Every time you two get
into one of these armchair academic dick-size
contests, I consider BOTH of your dicks smaller.

Then the "pile ons" started. And that's an 
*intent* of a different color, in my opinion.

Randy Meltzer contributed the only substance to
the "pile on" followups. He cited his own exper-
ience having been to Jyotir Math. I have no 
problem with this, although in a followup it
appears that, like EmptyBill, Randy has an 
ongoing grudge against Vaj based on some 
interaction in the past. 

But the *rest* of the "pile-on" folks? They had
one and only one *intent* -- "Gotta demonize
the TM critic." Judy, as usual, contributed 
nothing of substance. She can't. She is neither
intelligent enough nor experienced enough in
these topics *to* contribute substance. So she
did what she always does, and used it to play
"Gotcha" against Vaj. The idea being sold to
lurkers here is, "If EmptyBill 'caught' Vaj
in one mistake or 'lie,' then you should not
believe *anything* Vaj says." Then, having had
her TM critic demonization orgasm for the day, 
she lights a cigarette and kicks back.  :-)

Nabby is even less intelligent, and has even
less experience in the spiritual marketplace,
so all he can contribute is a mis-understanding
of and misquoting of "All hat, no cattle." Again,
there is no attempt to contribute anything of
substance, only the *intent* to demonize a TM

Next comes shukra69, contributing nothing more
than a dig at Buddhism. Again, the *intent* is
clear. Add no substance, just "pile on" to play
"demonize the TM critic." Share a cigarette 
afterwards with Judy.  :-)

Then comes Shemp, making the only funny comment
in the whole thread. Well said, Shemp. I com-
pletely agree with you. Clean *intent* there.

Then comes (sadly) Lurk. His point may be accurate,
that Vaj *does* bail from the endless dick-size 
contests that EmptyBill trots out, but who wouldn't?

Then comes Raunchydog, again with zero content,
only the compulsive *intent* of "piling on" to
a TM critic.

Then comes Robert, doing the same thing.


Yes, Vaj pisses people off. Yes, Vaj has a 'tude-
and-a-half about TM and its followers. But do you
think that YOUR "Gotta get him" 'tude is any 
better or more "evolved?"

The only thing sadder in my opinion than two 
supposedly grown men confusing "truth" with the
stuff that they've read in books is believing that 
the "truth" they prefer has anything to do with 
the size of their dicks. It doesn't. Only the 
size of their egos.

And the only thing sadder than *that* is people
who act as "spectators" to the dick-size contest
and "pile on" when they perceive one of the 
participants as losing. What does THAT say 
about their state of consciousness, eh?