Re: [FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
Vaj wrote:
> It is odd, the obsessive posting on a 30 year old rape. That's not to say 
> it's 
> not terrible, but I hear of such things locally all the time. It still goes 
> on, 
> all the time. It's much more common than most people are aware of.
> I was recently talking to a guy who "baby sat" for sex offenders for a 
> living. 
> The things they would admit to, were just chilling. They're experts at where 
> kids go and how to groom them. State parks with beaches/swimming in the 
> summer 
> were a particular favorite. He had some real hardcore tantric practices that 
> kept him level-headed and balanced enough to be able to work with these 
> folks. 
> All I can say is: thank god for people like him.
> Ever see this software ad?:
It might be better to talk to your 13 year old to make them aware that 
the people online may not be what they appear to be rather than spend 
some money on rather nebulous software.  I think your teenager might be 
happy you are not spying on them. 

When I was growing up the only "software" needed to keep us from 
predators was some short movies, posters or PSAs on TV.   Most of those 
were about excepting candy or rides from strangers.  They're cleverer 
now.  One could do a movie about some teens who agree to meet with 
"Susan" and then beat the shit out of him.  And it's already been done 
(Ellen Page starring):

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Bhairitu
TurquoiseB wrote:
> I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
> because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
> IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
> "Repulsion" and "Chinatown," and neither of those
> place him in any way "above the law." I have said
> on this forum several times now that I think he
> should have spent more time in jail for the crime
> he was convicted of than he did.

I'm more amazed at the obsession with this boring news story on a forum 
of supposedly somewhat enlightened people.  The obsession is about the 
same as the supposedly unenlightened public.  I guess whatever it takes 
to get people distracted from more important issues at hand like the 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread Vaj

On Oct 5, 2009, at 3:58 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
on FFL to me "supporting and enabling a child rapist."
Go figure.

The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
spend more time behind bars than he was originally
sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
to the US, if he is.

The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't
seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
the legal system they claim to be upholding.

There has been a lot written and there are numerous on-going  
investigations into what the Buddhist taxonomy of consciousness would  
call afflictive emotions. The first major work was by Daniel Goleman,  
Ph.D. and entitled Destructive Emotions.  Goleman was group leader in  
the Mind & Life conference, where HH the 14th Dalai Lama meets with  
leading scientists. The meeting Goleman was at  was actually the 3rd  
Mind & Life conference held in 1990. Since that time researchers have  
continued to look into this topic.  I am actually just reading a more  
recent work on the topic of emotional awareness, a conversation  
between the Dalai Lama and Paul Ekman, Ph.D. entitled Emotional  
Awareness: Overcoming the Obstacles to Psychological Balance and  

Of course there are afflictive and non-afflictive emotions. If one  
truly expands consciousness one should expand consciousness to  
include automatic mechanisms--"knee-jerk reactions"--which can  
include the afflictive emotions. As awareness expands, unconscious  
afflictive emotions are diminished. Some meditation forms may not  
work at this level and so destructive emotions continue to flourish,  
which means such people can afflict others with their afflictive  

But someone who is free from afflictive emotion and able to  
discriminate instinctively, can also use afflictive emotions  

It's usually pretty easy to tell "who is who" in person, if one  
spends enough time around them. Similarly, although with less  
precision, you can also get a good idea by reading someone's writing  
across time.

One primary characteristic of afflictive emotions is that they are  
out of tune with reality. There is a distorted perception of reality.  
It is as if the perception of reality is poisoned or negatively  
colored by an instinctual negative reaction. Whether one can turn  
that afflictive emotion into something constructive depends on the  
skill of the individual.

Certain meditative training can help one develop that skillfulness.  
In general meditative forms that use a form of top-down control of  
attention tend to favor a more egocentric neural functioning, and  
thus aren't as good at transforming instinctual negativity. Bottom- 
up, more "open presence" style of meditative practice, either alone  
or in conjunction with egocentric attentional forms, seem to favor a  
more allocentric, "other", "out there" awareness and are better at  
integrating and transforming negativity. "Transcend and include"  
rather than "transcend into".

All healthy humans have various instinctual reactions or reflexes  
that originate from the very old, reptilian part of the brain. For  
example, in all humans, if they are startled by a loud sound, there  
is a reflexive and measurable response that always occurs at exactly  
250 milliseconds after the stimulus and always lasts for exactly 250  
milliseconds, always ending 500 milliseconds after the stimulus.  
Never longer, never shorter, in the entire species. However in  
advanced meditators we now know they can "transcend and include" to  
the point where that reptilian startle is no longer measurable or  
just barely detectable. It's this level of meditation practice and  
proficiency that allows a person to conquer--and master--even the  
most instinctual negative emotions.

This "non-startle" presence is very obvious once one has recognized  
it, around certain meditative adepts. It has a kind of ripple effect  
through the various levels of the person. And like the afflictive  
emotions of a person who can spread this "affliction" to others (and  
cause them to produce negative emotions), people with the non- 
startle, non-afflictive style are able to pass that presence on to  
others, but in a more positive manner.

[FairfieldLife] Does emotion poison the brain and destroy the ability to reason?

2009-10-05 Thread TurquoiseB
I'm fascinated by this Polanski situation not
because I'm a fan of his, or even his movies.
IMO, he's only made two good movies in his life,
"Repulsion" and "Chinatown," and neither of those
place him in any way "above the law." I have said
on this forum several times now that I think he
should have spent more time in jail for the crime
he was convicted of than he did.

But that has been perverted by the revenge fantasists
on FFL to me "supporting and enabling a child rapist."
Go figure. 

The amount of time Polanski serves is now a moot point.
By the time his extradition is settled, he will have
spend more time behind bars than he was originally
sentenced to, and that will be *before* he is returned
to the US, if he is.

The larger issue in my opinion is that people in the
media and on this forum HAVE LOST THEIR FUCKING
MINDS with regard to Roman Polanski. They don't 
seem to be able to remember even simple facts about
the legal system they claim to be upholding.

Roman Polanski was convicted of (after having been
talked into confessing to it as part of a plea bargain
that was not honored) only *one* thing -- having had 
sex with a minor. That's it. That is ALL that he was
convicted of.

The people screaming for revenge can't seem to remember
this. They talk about the supposed drugging and the anal
rape as if they were facts, and had been proven to be
facts in court, and as if Polanski had been convicted 
of doing these things. THAT NEVER HAPPENED. These 
things were never established as fact; he was never found 
guilty of these things. They were, and remain, hearsay. 

Roman Polanski can be held accountable (some would say "unfortunately," and I 
agree with them) for only one 
thing -- having had sex with a minor. *That* is the only 
thing he was convicted of. The *only* penalties that can 
be applied to him are penalties appropriate to that crime. 

That's the appeal of reason and of legal fact. But this
case isn't *about* reason or fact; it's about emotion.
Normally sane people get so emotional that Cokie Roberts
said yesterday on This Week (only partly tongue in cheek),
"Roman Polanski is a criminal. He raped and drugged and 
raped and sodomized a child. And then was a fugitive from 
justice. As far as I'm concerned, just take him out and 
shoot him."

This normally sane reporter doesn't even realize that
she is so emotional she said "raped" twice, let alone
that she's calling for him to be punished for *things
he was not convicted of*. 

The guy should have received the same jail sentence as
anyone else in the state of California convicted of 
having had sex with a minor. End of story. "Weighting"
his sentence and making it lighter because he was famous
is unacceptable. "Weighting" his sentence and making it
longer because of hearsay that was never allowed to be
presented in court (because of the plea bargain) and 
that he was never convicted of is unacceptable.

Stop letting emotion poison your brains, people. Step
away from the outrage (faux or real) and away from the
revenge fantasies and try to remember the *facts*. Roman
Polanski was convicted of having sex with a minor. Period.

If you're calling for "punishment" for more than that,
the person who considers themselves "above the law"
is YOU.