[FairfieldLife] Prediction: Hagelin not long for TMO

2007-03-24 Thread shempmcgurk
Watched "The Secret" this week for the first time (on the advice of a 
40-year TMer) and I enjoyed it immensely.  I found its message 
positive and inspirational.  I recommend it highly.

Having said that, I predict, on the basis of his appearance in this 
DVD, that John Hagelin will be given an ultimatum by either MMY or 
others in the TMO: either repudiate what is in the DVD or step down 
from his positions in the TMO.

Why will it come to this?

Because, unlike the "What the bleep" movie which was basically a 
discussion of physics and its connection to spirituality and the mind-
body question, "The Secret" involves the teaching and dissemination 
of actual mental techniques.  

And not just your run-of-the-mill, positive-mental-attitude, it's-
good-to-have-a-sunny-disposition, garden-variety mental technique.  
No, the makers of this DVD promise their practitioners that by 
practising the mental techniques described in "The Secret" they will 
obtain nothing less than anything in the universe that they ask for. 

And that's the rub: the instructions unveiled in this film are, 
bottom line, mental techniques...and not-so-innocuous mental 
techniques at that.  In order to practise them they require 
controlling one's thoughts and feelings. And they pretty much require 
practising their techniques for a good part of the day.

And this, my friends, is a freight train running head-on into an 
oncoming locomotive. 


Because the question will inevitably be asked: why start TM when all 
one has to do to get anything from the universe is to follow the 
mental technique instructions in "The Secret"?  And if one is already 
doing TM, why continue with it and bother with all the unstressing 
and the two 20-minute periods each day when all you have to do is the 
Secret's 3-step program.

Hey, I dare say that "The Secret" is far superior to TM: much more 
practical and cheaper at $29.95 than the unweildy 7-step $2,500 TM 
Program!.  Indeed, "The Secret" even comes with its own holy 
tradition...and it includes people we've heard of: Einstein, Henry 
Ford, Churchill!

Why bother moving to Fairfield and spending 6 hours in the Dome each 
day when in the privacy and comfort of your existing home without 
moving away from your hometown you can get world peace just by 
practising "The Secret"? Because, after all, if through "The Secret" 
anything in the universe is available to you, obtaining world peace 
for this itty-bitty third rock from the sun shouldn't be such a big 

No, any way you cut it, bottom line is that the teachings in this DVD 
conflict with the TMO's and MMY's direction.  And if sneaking off to 
Iowa City to get hugged by a middle-aged Indian woman is enough to 
get you kicked out of the Dome, then I dare say that hooking up with 
a multinational marketing program promising nothing less than 
changing the course of human history can only warrant you at least 
the same.

Hagelin cannot be in one of the top 5 positions in the TMO (next to 
Maharishi, Bevan and da King) and, next to Maharishi, the #1 PR 
position of the TMO (is he not the face of the TMO in the Western 
World?) and be a part of a program that a regular TM trooper can now 
point to and say: "Well, John Hagelin appeared in this film and they 
say all you have to do to get everything you want is this and 
that...so why should I bother with this TM teaching if Hagelin 
endorses it?".

And even though Hagelin's participation is not the parts where actual 
instructions are given, he does by his presence give credence to the 
whole kit-and-kaboodle.  There's no way of getting around it: he is 
sold in the DVD as being part-and-parcel of "The Secret".

So push has to come to shove.  And Hagelin will inevitably be asked 
to clarify his position.

And when he is confronted and told to clarify his position, he will 
told that it will have to be public so that all the minions know 
where he stands.  But Hagelin will also be presented with, 
inevitably, an additional admonition: "And, John, in addition to 
repudiating this film you must agree to never, ever appear in films 
or any media like this again and you must always toe the TM party-

The problem is that our Mr. Hagelin loves the limelight a wee bit too 
much.  Sure, he'll think long and hard but I'll bet a dollar to a 
donut that he will, ultimately, choose to go the way of a Deepak and 
resign and cut his ties.   Hey, just by virtue of sheer boredom.  I 
mean, how many years can you repeat the same claptrap?  No, Hagelin 
will choose more limelight opportunities over rigid guru-imposed, 
you'll-getting-your-comeuppance restrictions on his free speech and 
he'll fly the coup.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Prediction: Hagelin not long for TMO

2007-03-25 Thread Lsoma
In a message dated 3/24/2007 7:48:28 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time,  

Watched "The Secret" this week for the first time (on the advice of a  
40-year TMer) and I enjoyed it immensely. I found its message 
positive  and inspirational. I recommend it highly.

Having said that, I predict,  on the basis of his appearance in this 
DVD, that John Hagelin will be  given an ultimatum by either MMY or 
others in the TMO: either repudiate  what is in the DVD or step down 
from his positions in the TMO.

Why  will it come to this?

Because, unlike the "What the bleep" movie which  was basically a 
discussion of physics and its connection to spirituality  and the mind-
body question, "The Secret" involves the teaching and  dissemination 
of actual mental techniques. 

And not just your  run-of-the-mill, positive-mental-And not just your 
No, the makers of this DVD promise their practitioners that by  
practising the mental techniques described in "The Secret" they will  
obtain nothing less than anything in the universe that they ask for.  

And that's the rub: the instructions unveiled in this film are,  
bottom line, mental techniques..bottom line, mental techniques..
techniques at that. In order to practice them they require 
controlling  one's thoughts and feelings. And they pretty much require 
practising their  techniques for a good part of the day.

And this, my friends, is a  freight train running head-on into an 
oncoming locomotive. 


Because the question will inevitably be asked: why start TM when all  
one has to do to get anything from the universe is to follow the  
mental technique instructions in "The Secret"? And if one is already  
doing TM, why continue with it and bother with all the unstressing 
and  the two 20-minute periods each day when all you have to do is the 
Secret's  3-step program.

Hey, I dare say that "The Secret" is far superior to  TM: much more 
practical and cheaper at $29.95 than the unweildy 7-step  $2,500 TM 
Program!. Indeed, "The Secret" even comes with its own holy  
tradition...tradition...and it includes people we've heard of: Ein
Ford, Churchill!

Why bother moving to Fairfield and spending 6  hours in the Dome each 
day when in the privacy and comfort of your  existing home without 
moving away from your hometown you can get world  peace just by 
practising "The Secret"? Because, after all, if through "The  Secret" 
anything in the universe is available to you, obtaining world  peace 
for this itty-bitty third rock from the sun shouldn't be such a big  

No, any way you cut it, bottom line is that the teachings in  this DVD 
conflict with the TMO's and MMY's direction. And if sneaking off  to 
Iowa City to get hugged by a middle-aged Indian woman is enough to  
get you kicked out of the Dome, then I dare say that hooking up with 
a  multinational marketing program promising nothing less than 
changing the  course of human history can only warrant you at least 
the  same.

Hagelin cannot be in one of the top 5 positions in the TMO (next  to 
Maharishi, Bevan and da King) and, next to Maharishi, the #1 PR  
position of the TMO (is he not the face of the TMO in the Western  
World?) and be a part of a program that a regular TM trooper can now  
point to and say: "Well, John Hagelin appeared in this film and they  
say all you have to do to get everything you want is this and  
that...so why should I bother with this TM teaching if Hagelin  
endorses it?".

And even though Hagelin's participation is not the  parts where actual 
instructions are given, he does by his presence give  credence to the 
whole kit-and-kaboodle. There's no way of getting around  it: he is 
sold in the DVD as being part-and-parcel of "The  Secret".

So push has to come to shove. And Hagelin will inevitably be  asked 
to clarify his position.

And when he is confronted and told  to clarify his position, he will 
told that it will have to be public so  that all the minions know 
where he stands. But Hagelin will also be  presented with, 
inevitably, an additional admonition: "And, John, in  addition to 
repudiating this film you must agree to never, ever appear in  films 
or any media like this again and you must always toe the TM  party-

The problem is that our Mr. Hagelin loves the  limelight a wee bit too 
much. Sure, he'll think long and hard but I'll bet  a dollar to a 
donut that he will, ultimately, choose to go the way of a  Deepak and 
resign and cut his ties. Hey, just by virtue of sheer boredom.  I 
mean, how many years can you repeat the same claptrap? No, Hagelin  
will choose more limelight opportunities over rigid guru-imposed,  
you'll-getting-you'll-getting-your-comeuppance restrictions on his 
he'll fly the  coup.


> Wow. You may be correct in your evaluation to some extent. I think  John 
Hagelin is trapped in his own self imposed ideas about reality by  continuing 
his relationsh