[FairfieldLife] Re: If Robin had anything he wanted to say to you...

2013-07-13 Thread emilymae.reyn
Admit it Barry, you miss Robin.  This post says it all - you took the time 
*again* to repost this exchange.  I've re-read the first one and I think Robin 
was beautiful in it. Be grateful you had any opportunity at all to slander the 
fellow; you may never get the opportunity again.  How about a little 
gratitudeThank you Robin for sharing yourself with FFL in a most *real* 
way.  You have enriched my life for now and into eternity.  Love, Barry.  

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I find it strange that I should find a cafe rap bubbling up out of me as
 the result of an offhand remark by Willytex, but hey!...as Zaphod
 Beebelbrox was fond of saying, Anything for a weird life, so here
 The remark made me want to go back and read Robin's Parting Post to this
 forum, and see what he had to say *in* the last thing he wanted to say
 to us -- to *any* and *all* of us.
 You should realize that going back to read this is a somewhat heroic act
 on my part, because I had trouble forcing my way through Robin's posts
 in real time, much less in the rear-view mirror, but I did it. And, as a
 result, I find that I have some musings to share about it. They are what
 *all* of my posts here are -- pure opinion -- so anyone silly enough to
 read them should probably oughta take them that way. *Unlike* Robin, I
 am NOT trying to say that my opinions equate to truth or reality,
 whatever the fuck those things might be; they're just my opinions.
 That said, it strikes me that this Parting Post can be seen in a number
 of ways. Some -- the obvious ones -- have been discussed here before.
 But because people here seem to enjoy fixating on Robin and unraveling
 for us the mysteries of who he is and what his message to us might
 have been, I will discuss some of the less obvious ones.
 On the surface, this post is clearly a last-gasp attempt to suck Curtis
 into replying to him and continuing to engage in one of Robin's
 confrontations with him, after he had pushed his intended victim over
 the edge by writing yet another fictitious post and signing Curtis' name
 to it. If this is the only way you view Robin's Parting Post, the
 attempt failed. Curtis did not reply.
 More interestingly, however, neither did anyone else.
 No one.
 Including the people who have made him almost into their poor,
 persecuted Saint Robin in the time since.
 Which brings me to one of the less obvious interpretations of this
 Parting Post -- that it was a form of Tantrum Yoga.
 One way to look it is, THIS is what I want to talk about here. THIS is
 pretty much the *only* thing I want to talk about here. And in order to
 even *qualify* as worthy of me talking to you, you *have* to go back and
 read all four of these posts I made to Curtis. Then, if you still 'side
 with Curtis,' and choose to argue with me about it, I may, 'if
 possible,' reply to you.
 No one replied.
 No one.
 Doesn't it make you wonder where the people who now seem to think that
 Robin was the best thing since sliced bread *were* when he implored them
 -- or *anyone* -- to talk about what *he* wanted to talk about?
 I would say, in retrospect, that the clear message he received from
 Fairfield Life was, Sorry...we *don't* want to talk about your petty
 ego-squabbles with Curtis, no matter how cosmically you try to reframe
 To his credit, when Robin received this clear message, he STFU.
 And now his supporters, who remained completely silent at the time,
 and who had nothing whatsoever to say about the only thing he wanted to
 talk about, can't seem to STFU themselves. Go figure.

[FairfieldLife] Re: If Robin had anything he wanted to say to you...

2013-07-13 Thread authfriend
Oh, Barry, you *know* that when you tell deliberate
falsehoods, you're going to get corrected.

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:
 Which brings me to one of the less obvious interpretations of this
 Parting Post -- that it was a form of Tantrum Yoga.
 One way to look it is, THIS is what I want to talk about
 here. THIS is pretty much the *only* thing I want to talk
 about here. And in order to even *qualify* as worthy of me
 talking to you, you *have* to go back and read all four of
 these posts I made to Curtis. Then, if you still 'side with
 Curtis,' and choose to argue with me about it, I may, 'if
 possible,' reply to you.
 No one replied.
 No one.
 Doesn't it make you wonder where the people who now seem to
 think that Robin was the best thing since sliced bread *were*
 when he implored them -- or *anyone* -- to talk about what
 *he* wanted to talk about?

Barry is not so stupid that he's completely misunderstood
the gist of Robin's final post. He has intentionally
twisted it in an attempt to make it seem Robin was saying
the opposite of what he actually meant to convey.

There are three possible reasons why any given person here
didn't comment on that post:

1. They read the exchanges closely and found that they
agreed with Robin and had no criticisms to make.

2. They read the exchanges closely and found that they
agreed with Curtis, but didn't want to bother to make
any criticisms.

3. They weren't interested enough to read the exchanges.

Robin really *didn't* want to talk about any of it any
more, with Curtis or anybody else. He was willing to
entertain criticisms of himself, because he is a person
of integrity, but only if the critics had something
significant to say. He maintained (correctly, IMHO) that
nobody who hadn't carefully read those exchanges could
have any significant criticisms of his part in the 
dispute between himself and Curtis. It was way too
complex, and he was sick of the uninformed criticisms
from people who had no idea what it was about.

Far from imploring any of us to talk about that dispute,
he was posing a challenge he was pretty sure nobody was
going to take up. He felt he'd done his best to respond
to Curtis and was tired of the whole thing.

He accomplished exactly what he intended with that post:
He brought the discussion to an honorable close and felt
free to leave.

Exactly the opposite of what Barry maintains.

Check it out:


[FairfieldLife] Re: If Robin had anything he wanted to say to you...

2013-07-13 Thread doctordumbass
A, you just NEED A GREAT BIG HUGGIE!!! 3 3 3
Now, dry your tears, and stop your sniffling...

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, turquoiseb no_reply@... wrote:

 I find it strange that I should find a cafe rap bubbling up out of me as
 the result of an offhand remark by Willytex, but hey!...as Zaphod
 Beebelbrox was fond of saying, Anything for a weird life, so here
 The remark made me want to go back and read Robin's Parting Post to this
 forum, and see what he had to say *in* the last thing he wanted to say
 to us -- to *any* and *all* of us.
 You should realize that going back to read this is a somewhat heroic act
 on my part, because I had trouble forcing my way through Robin's posts
 in real time, much less in the rear-view mirror, but I did it. And, as a
 result, I find that I have some musings to share about it. They are what
 *all* of my posts here are -- pure opinion -- so anyone silly enough to
 read them should probably oughta take them that way. *Unlike* Robin, I
 am NOT trying to say that my opinions equate to truth or reality,
 whatever the fuck those things might be; they're just my opinions.
 That said, it strikes me that this Parting Post can be seen in a number
 of ways. Some -- the obvious ones -- have been discussed here before.
 But because people here seem to enjoy fixating on Robin and unraveling
 for us the mysteries of who he is and what his message to us might
 have been, I will discuss some of the less obvious ones.
 On the surface, this post is clearly a last-gasp attempt to suck Curtis
 into replying to him and continuing to engage in one of Robin's
 confrontations with him, after he had pushed his intended victim over
 the edge by writing yet another fictitious post and signing Curtis' name
 to it. If this is the only way you view Robin's Parting Post, the
 attempt failed. Curtis did not reply.
 More interestingly, however, neither did anyone else.
 No one.
 Including the people who have made him almost into their poor,
 persecuted Saint Robin in the time since.
 Which brings me to one of the less obvious interpretations of this
 Parting Post -- that it was a form of Tantrum Yoga.
 One way to look it is, THIS is what I want to talk about here. THIS is
 pretty much the *only* thing I want to talk about here. And in order to
 even *qualify* as worthy of me talking to you, you *have* to go back and
 read all four of these posts I made to Curtis. Then, if you still 'side
 with Curtis,' and choose to argue with me about it, I may, 'if
 possible,' reply to you.
 No one replied.
 No one.
 Doesn't it make you wonder where the people who now seem to think that
 Robin was the best thing since sliced bread *were* when he implored them
 -- or *anyone* -- to talk about what *he* wanted to talk about?
 I would say, in retrospect, that the clear message he received from
 Fairfield Life was, Sorry...we *don't* want to talk about your petty
 ego-squabbles with Curtis, no matter how cosmically you try to reframe
 To his credit, when Robin received this clear message, he STFU.
 And now his supporters, who remained completely silent at the time,
 and who had nothing whatsoever to say about the only thing he wanted to
 talk about, can't seem to STFU themselves. Go figure.