[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-21 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, TurquoiseB no_re...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ wrote:
 Obama got more last year because
  it was clear he was going to win (except to pumas who thought he
  was an inadequate black male).
 Stepping in for Dave Barry who is not here to
 assume his role as Mister Language Person and
 correct faulty English, may I point out that to
 a PUMA the word black in that last sentence
 above is redundant and unnecessary.

And wrong, and profoundly offensive. But so is male,
of course. Does Barry really think PUMAs were all 
chauvinist women? Does he really think they were all
women, for that matter? Does he think all who
supported Hillary were PUMAs?

Does either Boo or Barry have *any* idea of what the
PUMAs were all about? Apparently not.

But both seem to want to refight old battles. How sad.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-21 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:
 [The the banks and AIG who are benefiting from bail out money, are the same 
 folks who got us into an economic mess, and helped Obama get elected. The 
 bail out money is just payback.]

Did the economists who keep insisting that the 
bailouts are essential to keep the financial 
system from collapsing all get contributions 
from AIG and the banks too? Are they all on the 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-21 Thread boo_lives
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
  [The the banks and AIG who are benefiting from bail out money, are the same 
  folks who got us into an economic mess, and helped Obama get elected. The 
  bail out money is just payback.]
 Did the economists who keep insisting that the 
 bailouts are essential to keep the financial 
 system from collapsing all get contributions 
 from AIG and the banks too? Are they all on the 

Yes but many are upset about some of the details here.  Why are billions 
flowing thru AIG to Goldman which is a perfectly healthy bank.  And the 
billions flowing thru to euro banks - why not some help from euro taxpapers 
there?  There should at least be haircuts taken on these carrythroughs.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-21 Thread authfriend
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_li...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
   [The the banks and AIG who are benefiting from bail out money, are the 
   same folks who got us into an economic mess, and helped Obama get 
   elected. The bail out money is just payback.]
  Did the economists who keep insisting that the 
  bailouts are essential to keep the financial 
  system from collapsing all get contributions 
  from AIG and the banks too? Are they all on the 
 Yes but

(I hope you mean, No, but...)

 many are upset about some of the details here.  Why
 are billions flowing thru AIG to Goldman which is a
 perfectly healthy bank.  And the billions flowing
 thru to euro banks - why not some help from euro 
 taxpapers there?  There should at least be haircuts
 taken on these carrythroughs.

Agreed, we need a whole lot more transparency and
coherent, detailed explanation of what's going on.

What Democrats seem to have a very hard time figuring
out is that if they allow an information vacuum to
exist, Republicans will step right up to fill it in
with their own twisted interpretation, and folks will
latch onto that because they lack the necessary
information to recognize how twisted it is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-21 Thread Duveyoung
To me the problem is that all the politicians know that if everything is to be 
opened up to the public about all that had to happen to make the AIG mess 
possible, then that will whet the public's appetite for full disclosures in 
many other venues.  

This is where I think Obama's integrity is being eroded -- he's trying to keep 
a lid on things such that the public isn't given a set of tools with which to 
unravel not just business crimes but also government secret doings.  For 
instance: if a law is passed that says that all the electronic and paper-trails 
of government are to be databased by an independent agency, then that same law 
will apply to many other situations -- for instance, the Dick Cheney death 
squads information could be easily resolved if all the emails etc. were 
obtainable.  Well, name me a politician who wants that hanging over their head? 
Ask the Pentagon, the CIA, the FBI, et al about such a law.

Yet, it is absolutely commonplace now that the corporations of American have 
the right to know about all the electronic activities of their employees -- the 
employees have no privacy protection in that regard. Well, we're the employers 
of government workers, and they should know that we can look at their emails 
and phone records and IMs etc.

My fingers-crossed hope is that Obama has integrity but he also sees that if 
the whole truth were to be revealed then the entire structure of our culture 
would be shaken violently.  AIG executives are already fearful of actually 
being hauled out of their homes by angry mobs and strung up -- even politicians 
are saying some precision vigilantism  would be a good thing in a half-hearted, 
just-kidding way.

How close are we to mass riots?  Not far if Pandora's Box is opened and out 
pours the truth about ALL the smoke filled rooms.  Obama can't force the truth 
to come out when he knows that his own Democrats are as filthy in many ways as 
any AIG manager.

He's got a Lincolnesque situation -- he has to save the nation even if it means 
keeping the slaves still in economic thrall to the Masters of Fraud on Wall 


--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jst...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_lives@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, authfriend jstein@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchydog@ wrote:
[The the banks and AIG who are benefiting from bail out money, are the 
same folks who got us into an economic mess, and helped Obama get 
elected. The bail out money is just payback.]
   Did the economists who keep insisting that the 
   bailouts are essential to keep the financial 
   system from collapsing all get contributions 
   from AIG and the banks too? Are they all on the 
  Yes but
 (I hope you mean, No, but...)
  many are upset about some of the details here.  Why
  are billions flowing thru AIG to Goldman which is a
  perfectly healthy bank.  And the billions flowing
  thru to euro banks - why not some help from euro 
  taxpapers there?  There should at least be haircuts
  taken on these carrythroughs.
 Agreed, we need a whole lot more transparency and
 coherent, detailed explanation of what's going on.
 What Democrats seem to have a very hard time figuring
 out is that if they allow an information vacuum to
 exist, Republicans will step right up to fill it in
 with their own twisted interpretation, and folks will
 latch onto that because they lack the necessary
 information to recognize how twisted it is.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-20 Thread boo_lives
I guess you get your foreign policy facts from joe the plumber over at 
pajamasmedia too.

Sorry, the $100 billion you talk about is from the original TARP money paid out 
by Bush Admin with the terms set by Sec. Paulsen formerly of Goldman who made a 
sweetheart deal for the banks.  The pay off to counterparties in full via AIG 
is a huge mistake but it has nothing to do with obama as that was done prior to 
his coming in.  Geithner recently approved another $30 billion yet to be 
transferred and hopefully stricter terms come into play (though I don't like 
geithner either).  

I wish republicans could understand that things don't happen when they get 
promoted on right wing talk radio, they happen when they actually happened in 
time and usually have something called a cause that made them happen even 
earlier in time.

As far as campaign contributions, raunchy's source states more fully:

Overall, the securities and investment industry has contributed about $10 
million to Obama and $7 million to McCain. To all federal candidates for 
president and Congress, and to political parties, the industry has contributed 
more than $101 million in the 2008 election cycle, 56 percent of it to 
Democrats. The Democrats' edge is a relatively recent development, however; 
Republicans had the advantage for most of the last 10 years.

Republicans had the edge because they promoted the deregulatory agenda that 
caused this mess.  Obama got more last year because it was clear he was going 
to win (except to pumas who thought he was an inadequate black male).

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, raunchydog raunchy...@... wrote:

 ...while the ire of Congress and the media focus are on the $165 million 
 that AIG paid out in bonuses to their executives, the president is hoping you 
 won't notice the $100 billion in taxpayer bailout dollars that AIG paid out 
 to other banks, including $58 billion to foreign banks and $36 billion given 
 to French and German banks alone...
 [The the banks and AIG who are benefiting from bail out money, are the same 
 folks who got us into an economic mess, and helped Obama get elected. The 
 bail out money is just paybac;k.] The following recipients of President 
 Obama's trickle-down-to-my-donors bailout plan rank among his top 20 
 contributors to his 2008 presidential election campaign, according to Open 
 Goldman Sachs: $955,473
 Citigroup: $653,468
 JP Morgan Chase  Co.: $646,058
 Morgan Stanley: $485,823
 Three other banks that were significant contributors to Obama received money 
 through AIG:
 Bank of America: $274,493
 Wachovia: $214,151
 AIG: $112,170
 Lehman Brothers, which did not survive long enough to join the list of banks 
 leaching off the work of the American taxpayer, also gave the Obama campaign 
 Read more: http://tinyurl.com/cfbocx

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-20 Thread Richard J. Williams
raunchydog wrote:
 Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

If the 90% retroactive tax rate on bonuses 
passes, Obama has to veto it. Otherwise he's 
a hypocrite.

Read more:

'Obama Must Veto The 90% Bonus Tax Rate'
By Joe Weisenthal
Business Insider, March 19, 2009

[FairfieldLife] Re: Don't Look Here...Look Over There!

2009-03-20 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, boo_lives boo_li...@... wrote:

 As far as campaign contributions, raunchy's source states
 more fully:

 Overall, the securities and investment industry has contributed
 about $10 million to Obama and $7 million to McCain. To all
 federal candidates for president and Congress, and to political
 parties, the industry has contributed more than $101 million in
 the 2008 election cycle, 56 percent of it to Democrats. The
 Democrats' edge is a relatively recent development, however;
 Republicans had the advantage for most of the last 10 years.

 Republicans had the edge because they promoted the deregulatory
 agenda that caused this mess.  Obama got more last year because
 it was clear he was going to win (except to pumas who thought he
 was an inadequate black male).

Stepping in for Dave Barry who is not here to
assume his role as Mister Language Person and
correct faulty English, may I point out that to
a PUMA the word black in that last sentence
above is redundant and unnecessary.

Merely stating that Obama is male is sufficient
to show his inadequacy.

 Questions to Mister Language Person ( Dave Barry ):
Q. When should I say phenomena, and when should I say
A. Phenomena is what grammarians refer to as a
subcutaneous invective, which is a word used to describe
skin disorders, as in Bob has a weird phenomena on his neck
shaped like Ted Koppel. Whereas phenomenon is used to
describe a backup singer in the 1957 musical group Duane
Furlong and the Phenomenons.
Q. What was their big hit?
A. You Are the Carburetor of My Heart.

 Questions to Mister Language Person ( Dave Barry ):
TODAY'S BUSINESS WRITING TIP: In writing proposals
to prospective clients, be sure to clearly state the benefits
they will receive:
WRONG: I sincerely believe that it is to your advantage to
accept this proposal.
RIGHT: I have photographs of you naked with a squirrel.

 Questions to Mister Language Person ( Dave Barry ):
Q. OK, sorry. Anyway, I have just returned from a trip to
England, and I noticed that the English put an extra u in
certain words, such as rumour, humour and The
Roulling Stounes. Also they call some things by totally
different names, such as lift when they mean elevator,
bonnet when they mean lorry and twit when they mean
former Vice President Quayle. My question is, don't they
have any dentists over there?
A. Apparently nout.

 Questions to Mister Language Person ( Dave Barry ):
Q. Please explain the correct usage of the word neither.
A. Grammatically, neither is used to begin sentences with
compound subjects that are closely related and wear at least
size 24, as in: Neither Esther nor Bernice have passed up
many Ding Dongs, if you catch my drift. It may also be used
the end of a carnivorous injunction, as in: And don't touch
them weasels, neither.

 Questions to Mister Language Person ( Dave Barry ):
Q. My husband and I recently received a note containing this
sentence: Give us the money, or you seen the last of you're
child. I say that the correct wording should be you have
done seen the last of you're child, but my husband, Warren,
insists it should be you have been done seeing the last of
you're child. This has become a real bone of contention, to
point where Warren refuses to come out of the utility shed.
What do you think?
A. We think that an excellent name for a band would be:
The Bones of Contention.