[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-07 Thread guyfawkes91

 Elections really work well don't they?   Just like the 2000 and 2004 
 elections.   Elections tend to be part of the illusion of a democracy.

2008 went pretty well. If it had gone to McCain and Palin then the repubs would 
have gotten the idea that they could get away with anything, that elections 
didn't matter and they had a right to rule. Once a group of people get that 
idea only trouble follows. 

The simple fact that there is a way to boot out bad rulers, even if it is 
imperfect, keeps rulers on notice not to get ideas about divinely ordained 

It's sad that the TMO doesn't have a similar way to deal with bad leaders.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-06 Thread guyfawkes91

 Thomas Jefferson said we should probably have a revolutions every so 
 once in a while to reboot the country.  

That's what elections are for. They're a way to have a revolution without 
actually killing people. The point of elections is not so much that they 
reflect the will of the people but that they put leaders on notice that they 
shouldn't think they have a right to rule. 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-06 Thread Bhairitu
guyfawkes91 wrote:
 Thomas Jefferson said we should probably have a revolutions every so 
 once in a while to reboot the country.  

 That's what elections are for. They're a way to have a revolution without 
 actually killing people. The point of elections is not so much that they 
 reflect the will of the people but that they put leaders on notice that they 
 shouldn't think they have a right to rule. 
Elections really work well don't they?   Just like the 2000 and 2004 
elections.   Elections tend to be part of the illusion of a democracy.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-06 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 guyfawkes91 wrote:
  Thomas Jefferson said we should probably have a revolutions every so 
  once in a while to reboot the country.  
  That's what elections are for. They're a way to have a revolution without 
  actually killing people. The point of elections is not so much that they 
  reflect the will of the people but that they put leaders on notice that 
  they shouldn't think they have a right to rule. 
 Elections really work well don't they?   Just like the 2000 and 2004 
 elections.   Elections tend to be part of the illusion of a democracy.

  Elections seem to have been entertainment to keep people from noticing what 
is really going on behind the scenes where the major decisions are made,a lot 
of which are not in the best interest of the majority.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread TurquoiseB
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 For example, Chuck Norris, the preeminent black belt and 
 prospective Red Shirt, wrote earlier this month on the 
 conservative blog WorldNetDaily: How much more will 
 Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when 
 that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will 
 history need to record a second American Revolution?

Here's an interesting tidbit about Chuck Norris,
for those who care. Way back in the Sixties, in
my first no-contact karate contest, I lost the
luck of the draw and wound up fighting Chuck
Norris. I was a mere brown belt and he was on
his way to his first World Championship; he
whupped my ass good.

But in that contest I caught a glimpse of what
would later turn into his secret ultra-conserva-
tism and what underlies it. One of his students
in that contest was, in my opinion, better than
Chuck was. There was no doubt in my mind that
the younger student would have won, had he gone
ahead to fight Chuck for the title. But he didn't.

And the *reason* he didn't is that Chuck had a 
rule in his dojo that said that no lower-belt
student in his karate school could ever fight a 
higher-belt student in a public contest. So the
younger guy just bowed to Chuck and conceded the
contest he should have won.

THAT is conservatism. The artificial preservation 
of the status quo, with the people at the top 
*staying* at the top, enforced by rules that
ensure that they stay there, regardless of merit.

Later in life, that student grew tired of Chuck's
endless bullshit in the dojo and left and formed
his own. He was the person who took Chuck's 
World Championship away from him. When it happened, 
all of Chuck's students, both past and present, 

There is a lesson of some sort in this, one that
spiritual teachers and pretend-kings should learn.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread Sal Sunshine

On Apr 5, 2009, at 1:38 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:

THAT is conservatism. The artificial preservation
of the status quo, with the people at the top
*staying* at the top, enforced by rules that
ensure that they stay there, regardless of merit.

Those rules more often than not being backed up
by guns of one sort or another, in order to ensure
that whether or not people see through the sham,
they still pay lip service to it.


[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Sal Sunshine salsunsh...@... wrote:

 On Apr 5, 2009, at 1:38 AM, TurquoiseB wrote:
  THAT is conservatism. The artificial preservation
  of the status quo, with the people at the top
  *staying* at the top, enforced by rules that
  ensure that they stay there, regardless of merit.
 Those rules more often than not being backed up
 by guns of one sort or another, in order to ensure
 that whether or not people see through the sham,
 they still pay lip service to it.

  People are starting to see and, lip service is fading.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread Bhairitu
I am the eternal wrote:
 On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Alex Stanley

 Where the hell were all these right wing Constitutionalists when BushCo was
 wiping its collective ass with the Constitution for eight fucking years?


 Alex, I've been wondering the very same thing for months now.  These very
 same people who had no problem when Bush was trampling the Constitution and
 the Bill of Rights suddenly are His Majesty's loyal minority in every
 congressional vote, there to try to save the US Constitution from the
 Democrats and Obama.

 Add to that the governor of my state who will not relent on accepting
 stimulus money and actually has a fellow Republican senator shouting him
 down.  Hopefuly our legislature will be able to bypass Perry.  And what is
 Perry's stance on why he refuses to sign on to the Stimulus Bill?  Because
 he wants to defend the US Constitution and states rights.  States rights?
 Wasn't that a George Wallace thing?

 I wonder if Barry Goldwater is not hiding somewhere in the midst of these
Now which Conservatives are we talking about?  I'm been watching 
conservatives fighting conservatives for several years now.  We have 
the Rush Limbaugh conservatives which really probably aren't 
conservatives at all but just sheep that follow the Pied Piper of New 
York radio (though Rush started out in Sacramento).   Then we have the 
Constitutional Conservatives who are mainly the Ron Paul crowd and 
listen to the Pied Piper of Austin Radio: Alex Jones.  Funny thing about 
the Constitutional Conservatives is they often sound very liberal get 
calls come in from conservatives on the radio show accusing them of 
being liberal.  Well the Constitution is rather a liberal document so if 
that is your foundation then you are faily liberal but that idea makes 
those Christian survivalist cum-libertarian types, who are fans, heads 
spin like Linda Blair in The Exorcist. :-D

Now the main concern of many sides is big government which is owned 
and operated by big business.  But tell the libertarians that big 
business is the problem and we need to seize and redistribute the 
wealth of the global elite and their heads spin like Linda Blair in 
The Exorcist too.   Seems they don't want the opportunity taken away 
from them to become filthy rich people and become global elite 
assholes themselves.

Sometimes if you hold the earth at arms length you get a good idea of 
what a fucked up place it is.  If you've ever seen weevil infested grain 
or flour then think of the Earth as the flour and the weevils as human 
beings.  Then you have a super real vision of the problem. ;-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread I am the eternal
On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 I am the eternal wrote:

I am lumping all of the Republican together because by and large suddenly
they are a single congressional voting block, all voting to save our
Constitution from big government and Governor Perry, from Federalism.
Where the Hell were all of these folks while GWBush enlarged the government
with the Patriot Act, torture, extraordinary extradition and spend, spend,
spend?  Indeed where was Governor Perry's voice when GWBush was doing this?
How come he suddenly found his voice and his soap box (well, it has to do
with upcoming elections where of all things, he hopes to sell himself to the
people of Texas as a conservative savior of our federal constitution and the
soverign Republic ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H State of Texas).  Suddenly the Republicans
have found their voice.  It is to save the Republic from federalism or
worse, socialism.

I don't listen to the talk shows.  I watch Rachel Maddow on TV half because
she's cute and half because she's funny.  Outside of that, I only watch
snippets of CSPAN and I read the bills, see who votes for and against them,
then carefully read the laws.   What I see on CSPAN is very, very funny.
The Republicans are born again with, I suspect, a self-defeating agenda.  I
don't think down the road that saying they voted against this or that
stimulus or budget is going to get them anywhere.  Already real estate on
the west coast is starting to show signs of life, with houses at fire sales
of 41% off.  Real Estate agents on the west coast are busy as they've ever
been.  Investors are going back into real estate and they're looking at
either big bargains or prices of the new reality in housing.  I don't see
once we're out of this mess that saying you voted against this is going to
get you points.

OTOH, if the Federal Reserve doesn't quickly suck liquidity out of the
economy around the end of the year, we could face hyperinflation of the
scale of Germany or Italy before WWII and have a double dip recession as we
saw in the 1980s.  Now if the Federal Reserve could manage to control the
period of hyperinflation, we'd have it made:  we could minimize our national
debt by inflating the dollar as we have several times before.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread Bhairitu
I am the eternal wrote:
 On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@sbcglobal.net wrote:

 I am the eternal wrote:


 I am lumping all of the Republican together because by and large suddenly
 they are a single congressional voting block, all voting to save our
 Constitution from big government and Governor Perry, from Federalism.
 Where the Hell were all of these folks while GWBush enlarged the government
 with the Patriot Act, torture, extraordinary extradition and spend, spend,
 spend?  Indeed where was Governor Perry's voice when GWBush was doing this?
 How come he suddenly found his voice and his soap box (well, it has to do
 with upcoming elections where of all things, he hopes to sell himself to the
 people of Texas as a conservative savior of our federal constitution and the
 soverign Republic ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H State of Texas).  Suddenly the Republicans
 have found their voice.  It is to save the Republic from federalism or
 worse, socialism.

The Republicans ARE big government.  They just put on a different mask 
now that a Democrat is President.  They're still fooling the small 
business people into thinking they represent them.  Take that 
constituency away and they'd be about as big as the Green Party.  They 
are the descendants of the people who wanted the Brits to win back in 
1776.  They are trying get the country back for the Royal Family.  They 
are ignorant asses.  Don't let them fool you.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

 I am the eternal wrote:
  On Sun, Apr 5, 2009 at 11:35 AM, Bhairitu noozg...@... wrote:

  I am the eternal wrote:
  I am lumping all of the Republican together because by and large suddenly
  they are a single congressional voting block, all voting to save our
  Constitution from big government and Governor Perry, from Federalism.
  Where the Hell were all of these folks while GWBush enlarged the government
  with the Patriot Act, torture, extraordinary extradition and spend, spend,
  spend?  Indeed where was Governor Perry's voice when GWBush was doing this?
  How come he suddenly found his voice and his soap box (well, it has to do
  with upcoming elections where of all things, he hopes to sell himself to the
  people of Texas as a conservative savior of our federal constitution and the
  soverign Republic ^H^H^H^H^H^H^H State of Texas).  Suddenly the Republicans
  have found their voice.  It is to save the Republic from federalism or
  worse, socialism.

 The Republicans ARE big government.  They just put on a different mask 
 now that a Democrat is President.  They're still fooling the small 
 business people into thinking they represent them.  Take that 
 constituency away and they'd be about as big as the Green Party.  They 
 are the descendants of the people who wanted the Brits to win back in 
 1776.  They are trying get the country back for the Royal Family.  They 
 are ignorant asses.  Don't let them fool you.

  Do you think the wingnuts will reach critical mass like they did in the 
seventeen hundreds or, with their late start, will it be too late?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-05 Thread Bhairitu
Nelson wrote:
   Do you think the wingnuts will reach critical mass like they did in the 
 seventeen hundreds or, with their late start, will it be too late?
Thomas Jefferson said we should probably have a revolutions every so 
once in a while to reboot the country.   We are in serious need of 
rebooting or wiping the hard drive clean and starting over again.  
Maybe installing a different OS this time.  Something a little more up 
to date.

Of course that would disturb the sheep's grazing patterns and we can't 
have that.  The sheep are afraid they'll lose their jobs if they take 
to the streets.  We need to tell them they'll lose their jobs if they 
don't (and that is actually happening).

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-04 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 ~~ Pitchforks and Pistols  ~~
 by Charles Blow
 New York Times, April 3, 2009
 Lately I've been consuming as much conservative media as possible 
 (interspersed with shots of Pepto-Bismol) to get a better sense of the mind 
 and mood of the right. My read: They're apocalyptic. They feel isolated, 
 angry, betrayed and besieged. And some of their leaders seem to be trying 
 to mold them into militias.
 At first, it was entertaining — just harmless, hotheaded expostulation. Of 
 course, there were the garbled facts, twisted logic and veiled hate speech. 
 But what did I expect, fair and balanced? It was like walking through an 
 ideological house of mirrors. The distortions can be mildly amusing at first, 
 but if I stay too long it makes me sick.
 But, it's not all just harmless talk. For some, their disaffection has 
 hardened into something more dark and dangerous. They're talking about a 
 Some simply lace their unscrupulous screeds with loaded language about the 
 fall of the Republic. We have to rise up and take back our country. 
 Others have been much more explicit.
 For example, Chuck Norris, the preeminent black belt and prospective Red 
 Shirt, wrote earlier this month on the conservative blog WorldNetDaily: How 
 much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when that 
 time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to record a 
 second American Revolution?
 Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, imagining herself as some sort 
 of Delacroixian Liberty from the Land of the Lakes, urged her fellow 
 Minnesotans to be armed and dangerous, ready to bust caps over 
 cap-and-trade, I presume.
 And between his tears, Glenn Beck, the self-professed rodeo clown, keeps 
 warning of an impending insurrection by saying that he believes that we are 
 heading for depression and revolution and then gaming out that revolution 
 on his show last month. Think the unthinkable he said. Indeed.
 All this talk of revolution is revolting, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
 As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak 
 minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget that 
 not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)
 At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that Obama 
 will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the panic 
 buying of firearms.
 According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for 
 background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February than 
 there were in the same four months last year. - - 
 That's 5.5 million requests altogether over that period; more than the number 
 of people living in Bachmann's Minnesota.
 Coincidence? Maybe. Just posturing? Hopefully. But it all gives me a really 
 bad feeling. (Where's that Pepto-Bismol?!)

  What if they are right---
  It looks like both the first and second amendment are on thin ice
 with all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that they are 
anti-gun and, look at the reincarnated fairness doctrine.
  Total  BS. N.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-04 Thread do.rflex
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  ~~ Pitchforks and Pistols  ~~
  by Charles Blow
  New York Times, April 3, 2009
  Lately I've been consuming as much conservative media as possible 
  (interspersed with shots of Pepto-Bismol) to get a better sense of the mind 
  and mood of the right. My read: They're apocalyptic. They feel isolated, 
  angry, betrayed and besieged. And some of their leaders seem to be trying 
  to mold them into militias.
  At first, it was entertaining — just harmless, hotheaded expostulation. Of 
  course, there were the garbled facts, twisted logic and veiled hate speech. 
  But what did I expect, fair and balanced? It was like walking through an 
  ideological house of mirrors. The distortions can be mildly amusing at 
  first, but if I stay too long it makes me sick.
  But, it's not all just harmless talk. For some, their disaffection has 
  hardened into something more dark and dangerous. They're talking about a 
  Some simply lace their unscrupulous screeds with loaded language about the 
  fall of the Republic. We have to rise up and take back our country. 
  Others have been much more explicit.
  For example, Chuck Norris, the preeminent black belt and prospective Red 
  Shirt, wrote earlier this month on the conservative blog WorldNetDaily: 
  How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when 
  that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to 
  record a second American Revolution?
  Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, imagining herself as some 
  sort of Delacroixian Liberty from the Land of the Lakes, urged her fellow 
  Minnesotans to be armed and dangerous, ready to bust caps over 
  cap-and-trade, I presume.
  And between his tears, Glenn Beck, the self-professed rodeo clown, keeps 
  warning of an impending insurrection by saying that he believes that we are 
  heading for depression and revolution and then gaming out that 
  revolution on his show last month. Think the unthinkable he said. Indeed.
  All this talk of revolution is revolting, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
  As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak 
  minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget that 
  not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)
  At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that Obama 
  will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the panic 
  buying of firearms.
  According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for 
  background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February than 
  there were in the same four months last year. - - 
  That's 5.5 million requests altogether over that period; more than the 
  number of people living in Bachmann's Minnesota.
  Coincidence? Maybe. Just posturing? Hopefully. But it all gives me a really 
  bad feeling. (Where's that Pepto-Bismol?!)
   What if they are right---
   It looks like both the first and second amendment are on thin ice
  with all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that they are 
 anti-gun and, look at the reincarnated fairness doctrine.
   Total  BS. N.

Yes, Nelson  ...all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that 
they are anti-gun and the reincarnated fairness doctrine is total BS from 
the loony right wing.

Neither one is true:

Well, it looks like the fairness doctrine died a quiet death today. White 
House spokesman Ben LaBolt told Fox News that President Obama was not 
interested in restoring the Federal Communications Commission rule that 
basically requires broadcasters to give equal time to opposing points of view.

If enforced, the rule would obviously create havoc in talk radio land where 
conservatives dominate the airwaves. 

Not surprisingly, the right has been in a tailspin about this, predicting that 
Obama would somehow take away half of Rush and Sean and Laura and but liberals 
in their place. Talk about redistribution! 

But despite some congressional interest in the measure, the idea of restoring 
it was never really in play. 


The anti-gun screening you mentioned is such malarkey that it doesn't even 
appear to be mentioned in any news outlet.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-04 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   ~~ Pitchforks and Pistols  ~~
   by Charles Blow
   New York Times, April 3, 2009
   Lately I've been consuming as much conservative media as possible 
   (interspersed with shots of Pepto-Bismol) to get a better sense of the 
   mind and mood of the right. My read: They're apocalyptic. They feel 
   isolated, angry, betrayed and besieged. And some of their leaders seem 
   to be trying to mold them into militias.
   At first, it was entertaining — just harmless, hotheaded expostulation. 
   Of course, there were the garbled facts, twisted logic and veiled hate 
   speech. But what did I expect, fair and balanced? It was like walking 
   through an ideological house of mirrors. The distortions can be mildly 
   amusing at first, but if I stay too long it makes me sick.
   But, it's not all just harmless talk. For some, their disaffection has 
   hardened into something more dark and dangerous. They're talking about a 
   Some simply lace their unscrupulous screeds with loaded language about 
   the fall of the Republic. We have to rise up and take back our 
   country. Others have been much more explicit.
   For example, Chuck Norris, the preeminent black belt and prospective Red 
   Shirt, wrote earlier this month on the conservative blog WorldNetDaily: 
   How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when 
   that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to 
   record a second American Revolution?
   Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, imagining herself as some 
   sort of Delacroixian Liberty from the Land of the Lakes, urged her fellow 
   Minnesotans to be armed and dangerous, ready to bust caps over 
   cap-and-trade, I presume.
   And between his tears, Glenn Beck, the self-professed rodeo clown, 
   keeps warning of an impending insurrection by saying that he believes 
   that we are heading for depression and revolution and then gaming out 
   that revolution on his show last month. Think the unthinkable he said. 
   All this talk of revolution is revolting, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
   As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak 
   minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget 
   that not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)
   At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that 
   Obama will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the 
   panic buying of firearms.
   According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for 
   background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February than 
   there were in the same four months last year. - - 
   That's 5.5 million requests altogether over that period; more than the 
   number of people living in Bachmann's Minnesota.
   Coincidence? Maybe. Just posturing? Hopefully. But it all gives me a 
   really bad feeling. (Where's that Pepto-Bismol?!)
What if they are right---
It looks like both the first and second amendment are on thin ice
   with all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that they are 
  anti-gun and, look at the reincarnated fairness doctrine.
Total  BS. N.
 Yes, Nelson  ...all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that 
 they are anti-gun and the reincarnated fairness doctrine is total BS from 
 the loony right wing.
 Neither one is true:
 Well, it looks like the fairness doctrine died a quiet death today. White 
 House spokesman Ben LaBolt told Fox News that President Obama was not 
 interested in restoring the Federal Communications Commission rule that 
 basically requires broadcasters to give equal time to opposing points of view.
 If enforced, the rule would obviously create havoc in talk radio land where 
 conservatives dominate the airwaves. 
 Not surprisingly, the right has been in a tailspin about this, predicting 
 that Obama would somehow take away half of Rush and Sean and Laura and but 
 liberals in their place. Talk about redistribution! 
 But despite some congressional interest in the measure, the idea of restoring 
 it was never really in play. 
 The anti-gun screening you mentioned is such malarkey that it doesn't even 
 appear to be mentioned in any news outlet.

  Will see if I can find some articles on this and, post them.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-04 Thread Alex Stanley
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rf...@... wrote:

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
   ~~ Pitchforks and Pistols  ~~
   by Charles Blow
   New York Times, April 3, 2009
   Lately I've been consuming as much conservative media as possible 
   (interspersed with shots of Pepto-Bismol) to get a better sense of the 
   mind and mood of the right. My read: They're apocalyptic. They feel 
   isolated, angry, betrayed and besieged. And some of their leaders seem 
   to be trying to mold them into militias.
   At first, it was entertaining — just harmless, hotheaded expostulation. 
   Of course, there were the garbled facts, twisted logic and veiled hate 
   speech. But what did I expect, fair and balanced? It was like walking 
   through an ideological house of mirrors. The distortions can be mildly 
   amusing at first, but if I stay too long it makes me sick.
   But, it's not all just harmless talk. For some, their disaffection has 
   hardened into something more dark and dangerous. They're talking about a 
   Some simply lace their unscrupulous screeds with loaded language about 
   the fall of the Republic. We have to rise up and take back our 
   country. Others have been much more explicit.
   For example, Chuck Norris, the preeminent black belt and prospective Red 
   Shirt, wrote earlier this month on the conservative blog WorldNetDaily: 
   How much more will Americans take? When will enough be enough? And, when 
   that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or will history need to 
   record a second American Revolution?
   Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, imagining herself as some 
   sort of Delacroixian Liberty from the Land of the Lakes, urged her fellow 
   Minnesotans to be armed and dangerous, ready to bust caps over 
   cap-and-trade, I presume.
   And between his tears, Glenn Beck, the self-professed rodeo clown, 
   keeps warning of an impending insurrection by saying that he believes 
   that we are heading for depression and revolution and then gaming out 
   that revolution on his show last month. Think the unthinkable he said. 
   All this talk of revolution is revolting, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.
   As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak 
   minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget 
   that not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)
   At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that 
   Obama will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the 
   panic buying of firearms.
   According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for 
   background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February than 
   there were in the same four months last year. - - 
   That's 5.5 million requests altogether over that period; more than the 
   number of people living in Bachmann's Minnesota.
   Coincidence? Maybe. Just posturing? Hopefully. But it all gives me a 
   really bad feeling. (Where's that Pepto-Bismol?!)
What if they are right---
It looks like both the first and second amendment are on thin ice
   with all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that they are 
  anti-gun and, look at the reincarnated fairness doctrine.
Total  BS. N.
 Yes, Nelson  ...all the new people in DC having been screened
 to assure that they are anti-gun and the reincarnated fairness
 doctrine is total BS from the loony right wing.
Where the hell were all these right wing Constitutionalists when BushCo was 
wiping its collective ass with the Constitution for eight fucking years? 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-04 Thread I am the eternal
On Sat, Apr 4, 2009 at 8:27 PM, Alex Stanley

 Where the hell were all these right wing Constitutionalists when BushCo was
 wiping its collective ass with the Constitution for eight fucking years?

Alex, I've been wondering the very same thing for months now.  These very
same people who had no problem when Bush was trampling the Constitution and
the Bill of Rights suddenly are His Majesty's loyal minority in every
congressional vote, there to try to save the US Constitution from the
Democrats and Obama.

Add to that the governor of my state who will not relent on accepting
stimulus money and actually has a fellow Republican senator shouting him
down.  Hopefuly our legislature will be able to bypass Perry.  And what is
Perry's stance on why he refuses to sign on to the Stimulus Bill?  Because
he wants to defend the US Constitution and states rights.  States rights?
Wasn't that a George Wallace thing?

I wonder if Barry Goldwater is not hiding somewhere in the midst of these

[FairfieldLife] Re: Growing Wingnut Mob Militia Mentality

2009-04-04 Thread Nelson
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Alex Stanley j_alexander_stan...@... 

 --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:
  --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, Nelson nelsonriddle2001@ wrote:
   --- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, do.rflex do.rflex@ wrote:

~~ Pitchforks and Pistols  ~~

by Charles Blow
New York Times, April 3, 2009

Lately I've been consuming as much conservative media as possible 
(interspersed with shots of Pepto-Bismol) to get a better sense of the 
mind and mood of the right. My read: They're apocalyptic. They feel 
isolated, angry, betrayed and besieged. And some of their leaders 
seem to be trying to mold them into militias.

At first, it was entertaining — just harmless, hotheaded expostulation. 
Of course, there were the garbled facts, twisted logic and veiled hate 
speech. But what did I expect, fair and balanced? It was like walking 
through an ideological house of mirrors. The distortions can be mildly 
amusing at first, but if I stay too long it makes me sick.

But, it's not all just harmless talk. For some, their disaffection has 
hardened into something more dark and dangerous. They're talking about 
a revolution.

Some simply lace their unscrupulous screeds with loaded language about 
the fall of the Republic. We have to rise up and take back our 
country. Others have been much more explicit.

For example, Chuck Norris, the preeminent black belt and prospective 
Red Shirt, wrote earlier this month on the conservative blog 
WorldNetDaily: How much more will Americans take? When will enough be 
enough? And, when that time comes, will our leaders finally listen or 
will history need to record a second American Revolution?

Representative Michele Bachmann of Minnesota, imagining herself as some 
sort of Delacroixian Liberty from the Land of the Lakes, urged her 
fellow Minnesotans to be armed and dangerous, ready to bust caps over 
cap-and-trade, I presume.

And between his tears, Glenn Beck, the self-professed rodeo clown, 
keeps warning of an impending insurrection by saying that he believes 
that we are heading for depression and revolution and then gaming 
out that revolution on his show last month. Think the unthinkable he 
said. Indeed.

All this talk of revolution is revolting, and it hasn't gone unnoticed.

As the comedian Bill Maher pointed out, strong language can poison weak 
minds, as it did in the case of Timothy McVeigh. (We sometimes forget 
that not all dangerous men are trained by Al Qaeda.)

At the same time, the unrelenting meme being pushed by the right that 
Obama will mount an assault on the Second Amendment has helped fuel the 
panic buying of firearms.

According to the F.B.I., there have been 1.2 million more requests for 
background checks of potential gun buyers from November to February 
than there were in the same four months last year. - - 

That's 5.5 million requests altogether over that period; more than the 
number of people living in Bachmann's Minnesota.

Coincidence? Maybe. Just posturing? Hopefully. But it all gives me a 
really bad feeling. (Where's that Pepto-Bismol?!)
 What if they are right---
 It looks like both the first and second amendment are on thin ice
with all the new people in DC having been screened to assure that they 
   are anti-gun and, look at the reincarnated fairness doctrine.
 Total  BS. N.
  Yes, Nelson  ...all the new people in DC having been screened
  to assure that they are anti-gun and the reincarnated fairness
  doctrine is total BS from the loony right wing.
 Where the hell were all these right wing Constitutionalists when BushCo was 
 wiping its collective ass with the Constitution for eight fucking years?

It looks like some people are finally waking up to the obvious which, until 
recently, looked like it wasn't going to happen.
  And, for Mr. do.rflex
  You can find Mr. O's questions for cabinet members on google which is quite 
long and, which would probably eliminate him if he had to answer it himself.