[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
> (note: KS differs from WillyTex's false Neo-Advaita; 
> which btw has nothing to do with MMY's version of 
> reality per SBAL. 
So, you're saying that SBAL has nothing to do with
Kashmere Shaivism and MMY had nothing to say about 
Kashmere Shaivism in SBAL. And that 'Willytex's' 
version is Kashmere Shaivism is 'Neo-Adwaita.'

But, from what I've read, the Marshy taught all
the current students of Kashmere Shaivism how to
meditate and their guru, the Swami Laksmanjoo, was
a great friend of the Marshy. Go figure.

Read more:

'Centering: The Supreme Awakening' 

> The Neo-Advaitins and Advaita Vedantists say "the 
> world is an illusion" 
Do they? Actually, they say that the world is not
real, yet not unreal. It's real as long as you are
in the dream, but it's an unreal world when you wake
up to the transcendental cosciousness. That's not
exactly like an illusion, which is unreal.

> but Kashmir Saivism has the "story" right: 
> The world is not an illusion but rather the 
> perception of duality is illusion; actually the 
> false perception of duality; i.e. thinking that 
> the rope is a snake).
The 'snake/rope' illusion story comes from the 
founder of Adwaita Vedanta tradition, 


> from Wiki:
> Among the various Hindu philosophies, Kaœmir 
> Œaivism is a school of Œaivism categorized by 
> various scholars as monistic[1] idealism (absolute 
> idealism, theistic monism[2], realistic idealism
> [3], transcendental physicalism or concrete monism
> [4]). These descriptors denote a standpoint that 
> Cit - consciousness - is the one reality.
So, you're saying that 'consciousness', 'Cit', is 
the One reality. But that's what I've been saying 
for months!

> Matter is not separated from consciousness, but 
> rather identical to it. There is no gap between 
> God and the world. The world is not an illusion 
> (as in Advaita Vedanta), rather the perception 
> of duality is the illusion.
Apparently there are some differences between 
Adwaita Vedanta and Kashmere Shaivism. Althought 
both are monistic idealism, the Kashmere version 
has adopted several dualistic tendencies. The KS 
scriptures explain 'maya', not as 'illusion', but 
as the Shiva-Shakti polarity.

> Kashmir Shaivism arose during the eighth[5] or 
> ninth century CE.[6][7] in Kashmir and made 
> significant strides, both philosophical and 
> theological, until the end of the twelfth century 
> CE[8]. Kashmir Shaivism resembles Hindu tantra, 
> and both have as their key symbol the Shri Yantra.
>From what I've read, the Adi Shankaracharya went up
to Badrika in the Himalayas and after reaching 
enlightenment, he placed a Shri Yantra inside the 
Badrika temple at Jyotispeeth. On the yantra were 
inscribed the TM bija mantras.

The Adi then went to the river and found the Buddha
statue and placed it in the Badrika temple. 

Apparently the statue was a Buddha idol. Some scholars 
think that the ancient Badrika temple was previously 
a Buddhist pilgrimage shrine. This makes sense 
because the Badrika temple is the temple dedicated 
to the Badri tree, which grows in the vicinity. 

The Badri tree is the symbol of the tree of 
enlightenment, the Bodhi Tree. The statue in the 
Badrika temple is made of black stone and the diety 
sits in the full lotus pose.

Then the Adi established the Jyotirmath, where he 
composed the 'Anandalahari', 'Dakshinamurti', 
'Saunadaryalahari' and wrote commentaries Brahma 
Sutras of Badarayana, commentaries on the the major 
Upanishads and Bhagavad Gita.

After the Adi stayed as long as he wished, he went 
over to Kashmere and established the temple on 
Shankaracharya hill at the site of the Shalimar 
Gardens. He place a Shri Yantra in the temple and 
instructed all the desciples in Adwaita Vedanta. 

The Adi then went back to South India, to Karnataka 
and established the Sringeri temple, and placed a 
Shri Yantra in it as well. The Adi apparently placed
a Shri Yantra at all the centers and seats of 
learning, except at Kanchi, which is a branch of 
the Sringeri matha. 

At Kanchipuram, the Adi made a nice jewelry set for 
the murti in the temple - a small pair of Shri 
Yantras in the form of earings. On the tiny earrings 
the Adi inscribed the TM bija mantras. This is 
according to the exponents of the Shankaracharya 

Apparently all the monistic Shankaracharyas worship 
the Shri Vidya whose symbol is the Shri Yantra. The
Swami Brahmananda Saraswati used to have a really
nice Shri Yantra, encrusted with rubies, according
to Swami Rama of the Himalayas.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-13 Thread Richard J. Williams
> ...the world is not an illusion.
Peter wrote:
> Damn! I've got to re-work my whole mood-making 
> thing now.
Is that what you've been telling your patients -
that the world is an illusion? 

What else have you been telling them - that alien 
abductions are real?

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> According to Sw. Lakshman Joo, Mahesh literally  
> begged Sw. L. to initiate him into the Vijnana 
> Bhairava Tantra. So he did.
You haven't posted a shred of evidence that would 
prove this claim, Vaj. From what I've read, the 
Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo 
the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself. 

That's why the Laksmanjoo invited the Marshy and 
his Rishikesh TTC class of '67 to have their 
picture taken together.

This is all related by class participants in 
'Darshan: Three Times India' by Frank Papetin
published by Hannemann Verlag in 1986. 

John Hughes, after completing the Rishikesh TTC, 
went to study with the Laksmanjoo in Srinagar. 
Hughes helped the Lakmanjoo with the publication 
of 'The Supreme Secret' the Laksman's translation 
of Abhinavagupta's 'Tantraloka'.

'Self Realization in Kashmere Shaivism'
The oral teachings of Swami Laksmanjoo.
By John Hughes
SUNY, 1994

John Hughes' son, Viresh, was made the acharya 
of Kashmere Shaivism by the Laksmanjoo, by 
designating Viresh to be his succussor. The 
Marshy and the Laksmanjoo , John Hughes and 
Viresh Hughes are all great proponents of 
transcendental meditation. 

These are the facts.

Statement by John Hughes:

The photograph was taken in Kashmere in 1968 
by Frank Papentin, and published in the book 
"Darshan/Three Times India" (available at 21st 
Century Books in Fairfield, IA) shortly after 
the Rishikesh TTC. Among the participants was 
John Hughes, an initiator, who subsequently 
became a desciple of Swami Lakksmanjoo. 

You can read John's great book on Kashmere 
Tantracism, published in 2000 in hardback, 
and available at Border's and Barne's and 

'Kashmir Shaivism: The Secret Supreme'
by Swami Lakshmanjoo and John Hughes
Authorhouse, 2000

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams" 
>From what I've read, the 
> Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo 
> the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself. 
> That's why the Laksmanjoo invited the Marshy and 
> his Rishikesh TTC class of '67 to have their 
> picture taken together.
> This is all related by class participants in 
> 'Darshan: Three Times India' by Frank Papetin
> published by Hannemann Verlag in 1986. 

Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to see 
that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that 
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)
In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He 
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was 
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world, 
particularily those that claim to have have been "co-ordinators, 
secretaries" in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful, 
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying.  

If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is what; He 
will let you know.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread nablusoss1008
--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Rick Archer" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. 

Says Rick, our one and only source of truth regarding all 
things "Spiritual".

I think we will very gracefully drop everything perceived about the 
near future, the mental and physical health we have "seen" regarding 
this Rick Archer character.

This "as you sough, so shall you reap" principle still works though. 
Much to the disdain of Rick Archer and his dog.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Richard J. Williams
> > You haven't posted a shred of evidence that would
> > prove this claim, Vaj. From what I've read, the
> > Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo
> > the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself.
> >
Vaj wrote:
> More BS from Willy.
Kashmer Saivism seems to agree perfectly with many of 
the things Marshy proposed. According to Theos Bernard, 
in his classic textbook on Hindu Philosophy, says that 
Kashmer Saivism potulates a single ultimate reality with two 
aspects, "one transcendental and the other immanent." 
Marshy seems to agree with this.

Kashmere Saivism teaches that conciousness alternates 
between two phases, rest and action. The phase of 
transcendental rest is called 'Pralaya' in Sanskrit. 
Marshy seems to agree with this.

Kashmere Saivism contends that there is only one reality, 
but it has two aspects. Marshy seems to agree with this.

The world of matter is only another form of conciousness. 
Marshy seems to agree with this.

Work cited::

'Philosophical Foundations of India'  
by Theos. Bernard
Rider, 1945
Amazon Paperback

Other titles of interest:

'Hatha Yoga'
by Theos Bernard
Weiser, 1970

'Penthouse of the Gods'
A Pilgrimage into the Heart of Tibet and 
the Sacred City of Lhasa
by Theos Bernard
Charles Scribner's Sons, 1939

'A Simplified Grammar of the Literary 
Tibetan Language' 
by by Theos Bernard, M.A. Ph.D., LL.B.
Tibetan Text Society, 1946 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-16 Thread Richard J. Williams
Vaj wrote:
> Advaita Vedanta is foundationally different from 
> the Trika/Kashmir Shaivism. 
Kashmere Saivism is an absolute idealism, just like 
Adwaita Vedanta. The main difference, according to 
Theos Bernard, is the intrepretation given to the 
term 'maya'. Swami Laksmanjoo and Swami Muktananda 
used to teach Adwaita Vedanta and Kashmere Saivism 
to their students. There's not much difference 
between the two traditions, which are both forms 
of monisism, that is, a non-dual metaphysical 
system called 'Adwaita' and a non-dual system 
called 'Trika'. 

Trika: In Sanskrit, the term 'trika' pertains to 
number, '3', the three, or trinity. There are 
three states of consciousness, waking, sleeping, 
and dreaming; there is a fourth state, a state of 
pure consciousness, a transcendental state called 
'turiya'. Turiya in Sanskrit means 'fourth', used 
in the Adwaita Vedanta to indicate the fourth 
state of consciousness, explained in Mandukhya 

"In both deep sleep and transcendental 
consciousness there is no consciousness of objects. 
But this objective consciousness is present in an 
unmanifested 'seed' form in deep sleep while it is 
completely transcended in the turiya."

Mandukya Upanishad:

Mandukya Upanishad:

Some say that Kashmere Shaivism is the Northern 
version of the Adwaita Vedanta, having been taken 
there by the Adi Shankara. But in fact, Kashmere 
Shaivism derives from the Buddhist Vajrayana 
tradition. Kashmere was one of the seats of 
learning for the propagation of the 'consciousness 
only' school of Buddhism. The land of Kashmere 
and the Swat Valley were all Buddhist lands when 
Padmasambhava took Tantric Buddism to Tibet.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-13 Thread Peter

--- On Sun, 7/13/08, Richard J. Williams <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> So, you're saying that 'consciousness',
> 'Cit', is 
> the One reality. But that's what I've been saying 
> for months!

What the hell do you know, you're an illusion! Oh wait a second...damn...I'm an 
illusion too. Now what do we do?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-13 Thread Vaj

On Jul 13, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

(note: KS differs from WillyTex's false Neo-Advaita;
which btw has nothing to do with MMY's version of
reality per SBAL.

So, you're saying that SBAL has nothing to do with
Kashmere Shaivism and MMY had nothing to say about
Kashmere Shaivism in SBAL. And that 'Willytex's'
version is Kashmere Shaivism is 'Neo-Adwaita.'

But, from what I've read, the Marshy taught all
the current students of Kashmere Shaivism how to
meditate and their guru, the Swami Laksmanjoo, was
a great friend of the Marshy. Go figure.

Actually the real story is somewhat different. Swami Lakshman Joo was  
a guru of Mahesh's. According to Sw. Lakshman Joo, Mahesh literally  
begged Sw. L. to initiate him into the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. So he  

True to his nature, MMY shortly thereafter turned around and made a  
videotape of it for his paying students.

Other than that, and M's attempted regurgitation of the Shiva Sutras  
(also received from Swami Lakshman Joo) on some old courses, Mahesh  
really didn't teach Kashmir Shaivism, nor was a yogi in that traditon  
or qualified as a pundit. When things got slim pickin's, he would not  
hesitate to pimp others teachings in his own inimitable way: for fun  
and cash.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-13 Thread Peter
Vaj, I get a feelin' that MMY could have saved a dozen babies from a burning 
building and discovered the cure to cancer and you'd still say...but,but,but.. 

--- On Sun, 7/13/08, Vaj <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism -  the world is not an illusion.
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Date: Sunday, July 13, 2008, 12:43 PM

On Jul 13, 2008, at 10:32 AM, Richard J. Williams wrote:
(note: KS differs from WillyTex's false Neo-Advaita; 
which btw has nothing to do with MMY's version of 
reality per SBAL. 

So, you're saying that SBAL has nothing to do with
Kashmere Shaivism and MMY had nothing to say about 
Kashmere Shaivism in SBAL. And that 'Willytex's' 
version is Kashmere Shaivism is 'Neo-Adwaita.'

But, from what I've read, the Marshy taught all
the current students of Kashmere Shaivism how to
meditate and their guru, the Swami Laksmanjoo, was
a great friend of the Marshy. Go figure.
Actually the real story is somewhat different. Swami Lakshman Joo was a guru of 
Mahesh's. According to Sw. Lakshman Joo, Mahesh literally begged Sw. L. to 
initiate him into the Vijnana Bhairava Tantra. So he did.
True to his nature, MMY shortly thereafter turned around and made a videotape 
of it for his paying students.
Other than that, and M's attempted regurgitation of the Shiva Sutras (also 
received from Swami Lakshman Joo) on some old courses, Mahesh really didn't 
teach Kashmir Shaivism, nor was a yogi in that traditon or qualified as a 
pundit. When things got slim pickin's, he would not hesitate to pimp others 
teachings in his own inimitable way: for fun and cash.


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-13 Thread Vaj

On Jul 13, 2008, at 1:20 PM, Peter wrote:

Vaj, I get a feelin' that MMY could have saved a dozen babies from a  
burning building and discovered the cure to cancer and you'd still  
say...but,but,but.. ;-)

Only if it ended up being more "myth making", creating false histories  
in an attempt to wrongly color the real truth of the matter. But the  
fact is Pete, MMY never saved a dozen babies from burning buildings  
nor did he discover a cure for cancer. Actually quite the opposite,  
his insistent pronouncements on Ayurvedic medicine over and above  
Allopathic medicine most likely put many people to their early graves.

I realize people like to romanticize their spiritual involvements, but  
blatant lies and myth-making ain't really that romantic to me.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 4:07 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

> Vaj wrote:
>> According to Sw. Lakshman Joo, Mahesh literally
>> begged Sw. L. to initiate him into the Vijnana
>> Bhairava Tantra. So he did.
> You haven't posted a shred of evidence that would
> prove this claim, Vaj. From what I've read, the
> Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo
> the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself.

More BS from Willy.

The evidence is from Lakshman Joo himself. It doesn't matter to me if  
you want to believe it or not. Mahesh was one of his disciples. What  
does matter to me is when you distort the tradition by attempting to  
connect the TMO to Kashmir Shaivism. Mahesh had many gurus, Swami  
Lakshman Joo was just one of them, that's all.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 5:27 PM, nablusoss1008 wrote:

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "Richard J. Williams"
From what I've read, the

Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo
the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself.

That's why the Laksmanjoo invited the Marshy and
his Rishikesh TTC class of '67 to have their
picture taken together.

This is all related by class participants in
'Darshan: Three Times India' by Frank Papetin
published by Hannemann Verlag in 1986.

Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to  

that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)

Earth to NaBlosUs: I knew a good number of his students and none of  
them did TM. He was descended from the cult of Bhairava, not Lakshmi  
and Saraswati.

In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

Ah yes, Let's blissfully rewrite history, that's the ticket.

Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world,
particularily those that claim to have have been "co-ordinators,
secretaries" in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful,
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying.

If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is what;  

will let you know.

I almost thought you were overshadowed by the force for a minute there  

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of nablusoss1008
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 4:27 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.


>Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to see 
that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that 
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)
In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He 
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was 
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

>Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world, 
particularily those that claim to have have been "co-ordinators, 
secretaries" in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful, 
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying. 

>If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is what; He 
will let you know.

Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. He wore a heart pacemaker and
was living with Elliot Abravanel out in Los Angeles. A friend of mine went
to visit him and said his behavior was a bit strange. But he still enjoyed
the visit.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 5:56 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
] On Behalf Of nablusoss1008

Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 4:27 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an  

>Laksmanjoo, like so many Saints where (almost) born into Freedom.
This great Yogi, in glory surpassed by few indeed, was overjoyed to  

that Maharishis techniques worked on His students to the extent that
they started to understand what He himself was talking about. :-)
In pure joy and exaltation He demanded Initiation from Maharishi. He
did not need Initiation ofcourse. This friendship between Masters was
cemented in an heartening way for onlookers, like us. To cherish.

>Few are such souls, few understand what Maharishi did in this world,
particularily those that claim to have have been "co-ordinators,
secretaries" in the TMO. If someone claims such a thing be careful,
often, as seen here on FFL; they are lying.

>If in doubt; close your eyes and softly ask Laksmanjoo what is  
what; He

will let you know.

Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. He wore a heart  
pacemaker and was living with Elliot Abravanel out in Los Angeles. A  
friend of mine went to visit him and said his behavior was a bit  
strange. But he still enjoyed the visit.

I have to wonder if that was because of his brain tumors. Lakshman Joo  
would get terrible migraines from them. It's what eventually killed him.

When he died, the last remnants of Kashmir Shaivism died with him, and  
radical Islam took over Kashmir. To even worship a pagan God or  
Goddess other than Allah thereafter in any sort of public way, assured  
a visit from the death squad. And thus began the exodus of 350,00  
Brahmin pundit families back to mother India...

RE: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Rick Archer
From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
On Behalf Of Vaj
Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 5:07 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an


>Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. He wore a heart pacemaker and
was living with Elliot Abravanel out in Los Angeles. A friend of mine went
to visit him and said his behavior was a bit strange. But he still enjoyed
the visit.

>I have to wonder if that was because of his brain tumors. Lakshman Joo
would get terrible migraines from them. It's what eventually killed him.


I'm sure brain tumors could make one nutty. Migraines don't kill you. Was it
confirmed that he died from brain tumors?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-14 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 6:27 PM, Rick Archer wrote:

From: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com [mailto:FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com 
] On Behalf Of Vaj

Sent: Monday, July 14, 2008 5:07 PM
To: FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com
Subject: Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not  
an illusion.

>Laksmanjoo got a little nutty in his old age. He wore a heart  
pacemaker and was living with Elliot Abravanel out in Los Angeles. A  
friend of mine went to visit him and said his behavior was a bit  
strange. But he still enjoyed the visit.

>I have to wonder if that was because of his brain tumors. Lakshman  
Joo would get terrible migraines from them. It's what eventually  
killed him.

I’m sure brain tumors could make one nutty. Migraines don’t kill  
you. Was it confirmed that he died from brain tumors?


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Kashmir Savism - the world is not an illusion.

2008-07-15 Thread Vaj

On Jul 14, 2008, at 9:19 PM, Richard J. Williams wrote:

You haven't posted a shred of evidence that would
prove this claim, Vaj. From what I've read, the
Marshy taught all the students of Swmai Laksmanjoo
the TM technique, including the Laksmanjoo himself.

Vaj wrote:

More BS from Willy.

Kashmer Saivism seems to agree perfectly with many of
the things Marshy proposed. According to Theos Bernard,
in his classic textbook on Hindu Philosophy, says that
Kashmer Saivism potulates a single ultimate reality with two
aspects, "one transcendental and the other immanent."
Marshy seems to agree with this.

Actually the Maharishi advocated a tantric approach to Advaita  
Vedanta, seen from the POV of Advaita Vedanta. Advaita Vedanta is  
foundationally different from the Trika/Kashmir Shaivism. They're so  
different, Swami Lakshman Joo devotes a whole chapter to it in one of  
his works.