Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Street Drugs

2005-08-05 Thread Peter

--- sparaig [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 --- In, Llundrub
  Did you know that the Taliban summarily executed
 whole opium growing 
 families and had the opium problem maintained to a
 low ebb.  Under the 
 US occupation opium production however has reached
 an all time high 
 this year with Afghanistan producing 70% of the
 world's opium and 
 heroin. These factoids come from the Senate
 Oversight Committee's notes 
 on 'proposals' to make opium producers likely
 targets for American 
 strikes.  However, Rumsfeld himself, the old goat,
 has prevented or 
 sought to prevent such targets, while most of the
 money which funds 
 terrorist activity in the world comes from opium
 production. Try to 
 tell me that Satan is not the hidden voice in our
 So... what are the opium *producers* like? Are they
 different somehow 
 from the rest of the farmers in Afghanistan?

They have devil horns, go to be after 10:00 pm, skip
their asanas, and leave the dome early and don't think
any pundits are going to show up. Very easy to id.

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Street Drugs

2005-08-04 Thread Jeff Fischer
--- In, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Thank you Narconon.  
 Probe of antidrug program ordered 
 State schools chief says he could bar Narconon teachings
 Nanette Asimov, Chronicle Staff Writer
 Thursday, June 17, 2004

California's top educator said Wednesday that he has 
ordered the state Department of Education to investigate an antidrug 
program used by schools around the state whose teachings have been 
linked with the Church of Scientology.

Gee, if the educator's think it doesn't work, they must be right.  
They've done such a marvelous job with their own 'technology.

Ever wonder why Scientology is so attacked by a system that has given 
us wars in Vietnam  Iraq and completely failed drug, criminal rehab 
and educational programs?

Instead of finding stuff to attack, find something to support.  You 
can find crazy shit written about anything and everything on this 
planet.  Why not look for what could possibly be good about something.

Kirk, you're always asking Well, what you gonna do about it?  I 
think its a good question.  Scientology and Scientologists are doing 
something about the craziness on this planet, so of course, they get 
labelled as crazy.  

You mean you can find something to criticize about a group of humans 
who are trying to do something different and buck the 
miserable systems that are currently in place?
Wow!  I'm impressed.  That takes real skill.

Why not spend a little time on a Scientology site or two and see that 
side of the story.  We already  know how adept most people are on 
this forum at finding dirt.  Maybe, just maybe, you'll find it could 
be the baby out with the bath water.

Let's hope somebody has some real solutions to what's going on on 
this planet.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Street Drugs

2005-08-04 Thread Llundrub

Gee, if the educator's think it doesn't work, they must be 
right. They've done such a marvelous job with their own 

It's not the job of the government to produce drug 
free and well balanced individuals. It's the job of the parents who took it upon 
themselves to raise kids. If the kids become somehow wards of the state then 
yes, they might as well become wards of a sci-fi cult. Ever 
wonder why Scientology is so attacked by a system that has given us wars in 
Vietnam  Iraq and completely failed drug, criminal rehab and 
educational programs?

-The government's primary function is to protect 
the peace. That is, it seeks to protect borders and secure the 
constituents interest as opposed to others. It's the people of America 
that gave us Vietnam and all other wars that we have sponsored. If Americans 
were really against them they would overturn the government or die trying. 

Frankly I don't see Scientology being attacked so much 
as worshipped by actors who lack much in the way of emotional credibility. As 
far as the government attacking Scientology, I think that actually our 
government supports it or else they would have crucified you all on stakes like 
the Romans did Jesus. I see no martyr complex amongst you beside the one at 
present. I think that your persecution complex is unfounded. 

Ever heard of separation of church and state? The 
article quoted was just that. If Creationism is far fetched then Space Alien 
invaders chainedin volcanos is much more far fetched. Keep it the fuck 
away from our schools. There's more validity in "Lord of the Rings." And 
it was a better novel than anything L Ron dreamed up. 
Instead of finding stuff to attack, find something to 
support. You can find "crazy shit" written about anything and 
everything on this planet. Why not look for what could possibly be 
good about something.

Well, how about not using narcotic abuse as a 
crafty gateway into your cult? Kirk, you're always asking 
"Well, what you gonna do about it?" I think its a good question. 
Scientology and Scientologists are doing something about the craziness on 
this planet, so of course, they get labelled as crazy. 
The only Scientologist or Scientology is a cult and 
cultish membership of people who have reified their conceptualization of reality 
into something so far fetched that they are then dissociated enough to be able 
to look at themslves objectively. So that's why they are labeled as 

Regular humans who might indulge in Scientology are 
just humans who have indulged in Scientology. Why don't we see more regular 
humans who have merely indulged in Scientology? Because it's not possible 
to be a regular human who merely indulges in Scientology. Oone must ascribe to 
the whole entire cult. There is no turning around. 

Just as their isn't in any cult. 

I object to any crafty means for making people join 
ones cult. I don't care if the reason is:
Stress Release - TM
Drug Freedom - Narconon=Scientology
Better Sex - OTO
Feeling like you're on dope - 

I just find it shady. Even though I might object 
furiously to cults like those surrounding personalities like Bhagavan Kalki and 
Shri Nirmala Devi, at least they are honestly cultish and not even trying to 
hide their 'golden balls' and 'infinite grace of the avatar.' Whereas you 
Scientologiest have to use nanometers or whatever they're called to maintain 
some objective ability for discerning your own condition. 

You mean you can find something to criticize about a group of humans 
who are trying to do something different and buck the miserable 
"systems" that are currently in place?Wow! I'm impressed. That 
takes real skill.

Don't get all offended. I've been really easy on 
you, and I never even told you what I really think about Scientology. 

Mainly because I realized long ago that you have been 
so thoroughly indoctrinated into your cult that you sound reasonable. It takes a 
huge amount of effort in any pursuit to make the supremely complex seem simple. 

Why not spend a little time on a Scientology site or two and see 
that side of the story. We already know how adept most people 
are on this forum at finding dirt. Maybe, just maybe, you'll find it 
could be the baby out with the bath water.

Like I need aliens running aound in my bathwater. 
Ever since Ii was 12 and hanging out in Hollywood where one of the first 
Scientology cult dooorways was on Hollywood Blvd, I thought you guys were 
seriously mental if not outright as sick as two legged dogs. Just stay the fuck 
away from my children and we won't have to run into each other. 

If it turns out that I fail in my job of giving them 
the tools to survive and they take recouse to being whores to buy their heroin, 
then fine, you can have them then. Until then, I would rather they be free to 
determine what they are and are not, without some sickening cult trying to 
brainwash them under some conjob.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Street Drugs

2005-08-04 Thread Llundrub

I still have to ask you to look at the solutions statement above and 
ask you your own question: What you gonna do about 
it?Since I am a former druggy, and not one 
to say never again, I must tell you that even though drugs are bad, they aren't 
the worst of evils. The worst of evils are those which make usreach 
outfor the pain cure. Not the cure itself. Since these evils are all 
different it's hard to say what thesolution really is. Trying to make 
drugs into a scapegoat is like trying to cut off ones own hand and still scratch 
an itch. Drugs are here for a reason. And when the reason is truely served then 
so is the Divine. 

As far as what I am going to do about it, how's this? I 
vow to never support myself through selling dope. That's a start. Maybe not to 
you, but many many people sell drugs to suppliment their income, and/or make up 
for the taxes they pay which are supposedly fighting the bogus war on 

(While Nancy said "No" crack hit the 

Did you know that the Taliban summarily executed whole 
opium growing families and had the opium problem maintained to a low ebb. 
Under the US occupation opium production however has reached an all time high 
this year with Afghanistan producing 70% of the world's opium and heroin. These 
factoids come from theSenate Oversight Committee's notes on 'proposals' to 
make opium producers likely targets for American strikes. However, 
Rumsfeld himself, the old goat, has prevented or sought to prevent such targets, 
while most of the money which funds terrorist activity in the world comes 
from opium production. Try to tell me that Satan is not the hidden voice in 
our government. 

A person who is in great pain needs a great pain 
killer. That is God's own mercy.I cannot fault God for giving them to us 
in the form of Pot, Opium, Peyote, Mushrooms, Ayahuasca, and all the other 
natural things. I can however, fault mankind for taking them and acetylating the 
morphine molecule so that it penetrates the fatty tissue three times faster and 
thus producing heroin. I can also thank Bayer for that one. -=New, Bayer 
Heroin, for coughs.=- I can fault the British for forcing opium upon the 
Chinese. But mostly just humankind itself. 

What will I do about it? When raising my own kids 
they will not grow up like ostriches fed on a diet of Disney Brain Vitamins and 
some conservative and bogus consumer fantasy to stick their head in when the 
going is tough. They will learn from me what's what, or my own experience will 
have been wasted. Then when they decide to do drugs I will not misunderstand the 
signs. These are things I can do, Lord willing, if we live that 

As for drugs. Frankly, I love them. I wish they 
were all legal. The fact that the drugs and our own bodies have been taken out 
of our control is merely the first step of the future police state. The second 
step, based on the internet is to control speech, and lastly the final step of 
the police state will be to control our minds with implants. 

It's all just in starting phases. Fear is the real 
source of all this control, which is entirely the opposite of the Divine which 
is spacious and timeless. Fear is close and under pressure. It's fear that kills 
everything. It's spaciousness and timelessness which makes everything 
flourish. Fear and control is at the root of our new police state. 

It's only just really getting under swing. In the 
future, when they get really good at it, the government will hold us to their 
tight controls and we will eat pie. 

What will I do about it. I will let you know how 
controls are being placed upon your being so that you can live free or die 
trying, as I plan to do. I will not fear a drug. I will fear nothing. Or I 
will die. I will not live as a cowering quivering little punk bitch at the 
President's apron, scared of my own shadow. Scared of freedom, being a creep. 

I will not act out of fear, to legislate new laws. Do 
away with all laws. Laws only serve the people who made them. It would 
have been better to have less police and let people beat each other up then have 
a police state with an agenda. Don't forget it. 

You will see anarchy before it's over. 

Our owngovernment is behind half the street drugs 
(Forgot about the police patrolling the cocaine warehouse in New Orleans? We 
haven't). The other half is sponsored by other governments, like Russia, 
Afghanistan, Iran, India, Columbia, Mexico, Saudi Arabia. These governments are 
the true sources for the huge amounts of drugs that kill everyone. They also 
make the money which amounts from them. The people who control the armies 
and who run the covert ops. Or else they simply would put the drug 
businesses out of business. It's just that simple. But America and Britain are 
the worst. 

Crack behind the Contras.
Heroin behind Pol Pot.
Opium behind Al Queda (Our previous 
Yada yada.

I do what I have to. I'm not God. Fuck fighting street 
drugs. Make them 

[FairfieldLife] Re: Street Drugs

2005-08-04 Thread akasha_108
--- In, Jeff Fischer

 The following is a summary of why we do drug education and how you 
 can get active doing it. 
 There are currently 15 million drug users in the United States

80% or so of such users are marijuana users. IMO, the bulk of the
problem is misclassification. A large degree of marijuana no more a
problem than modrate alcohol use.  Indeed a number of studies appear
to indicate that it is safer healthwise. 

Alcohol abuse - in the  form of binge drinking, a subset of all
alcohol use, is a bigger problem, in terms of abusers, than ALL
marijuana use. And per the 5:1 ratio above, is many times (in the 
range of 6-10 x) larger than  non-marijuana illegal drug use. Why then
the focus on drug use? Why not focus on the much larger problem of
binge-drinking? And alcohol use which is the predominate gateway drug
for most forms of drug/alcohol abuse.

(data from the CDC) 

 and an 
 increasing number of those are children.

Not true, looking at the data for 2002 to 2003. There was  a decrease
in all 18 and under age cohorts.

 Studies show that early drug 
 prevention must give young children the truth, the vital information 
 and tools they need to make their own choice to keep away from drugs. 

Thats fine, but binge drinking, which doesn't apper to be in your
focus is a much larger problem. 

 On an average, 5,000 new people experiment with drugs each day. Over 
 a year, this adds up to 1,825,000 new people trying drugs. It is 
 vital that we change this trend. 

 Drug education lectures to youth are 
 the most effective way to do this - you reach them before they 
 experiment and get addicted. 

Which drug education modalites have been shown to do this? I s
scientology among them. Not tht I can find.

We need you to join the drug education 
 team and help reverse the drug problem today! 
 Here is what people are saying about Narconon drug education: 

This is an example of a logicla fallacy, of bait and switch, it
appears. Drug education is cited as an effective modality. Presumably
there is evidence to back it up --  but it appears the Scientology are
not among these studies. Then antecodal testimonies, traditionally a
notoriously skewed source of evidence, are presented about
Scientology's programs. Yet, in reality, there is no link between such
testimonies and scientific studies that show drug education to be
effective (if there are studies that  actually do such)

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[FairfieldLife] Re: Street Drugs

2005-08-04 Thread sparaig
--- In, Llundrub [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
 Did you know that the Taliban summarily executed whole opium growing 
families and had the opium problem maintained to a low ebb.  Under the 
US occupation opium production however has reached an all time high 
this year with Afghanistan producing 70% of the world's opium and 
heroin. These factoids come from the Senate Oversight Committee's notes 
on 'proposals' to make opium producers likely targets for American 
strikes.  However, Rumsfeld himself, the old goat, has prevented or 
sought to prevent such targets, while most of the money which funds 
terrorist activity in the world comes from opium production. Try to 
tell me that Satan is not the hidden voice in our government. 

So... what are the opium *producers* like? Are they different somehow 
from the rest of the farmers in Afghanistan?

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