[FairfieldLife] Re: Vaisnava baloney..so says you LOL!

2011-12-22 Thread zarzari_786
Also of interest in this context:

Kirtan Vaishnava Janato
One who is a vaishnav
Knows the pain of others
Does good to others, esp. to those ones who are in misery
Does not let pride enter his mind
A Vaishnav, Tolerates and praises the the entire world
Does not say bad things about anyone
Keeps his/her words, actions and thoughts pure
O Vaishnav, your mother is blessed (dhanya-dhanya)
A Vaishnav sees everything equally, rejects greed and avarice
Considers some one else's wife/daughter as his mother
The toungue may get tired, but will never speak lies
Does not even touch someone else's property

A Vaishnav does not succumb to worldly attachments
Who has devoted himself to stauch detachment to worldly
Who has been edicted to the elixir coming by the name of Ram
For whom all the religious sites are in the mind
Who has no greed and deciet
Who has renounced lust of all types and anger
The poet Narsi will like to see such a person
By who's virtue, the entire family gets salvation

--- In FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, "richardatrwilliamsdotus"  
> > > > The nutcase Steve Perino is back...
> > > >
> > coldbluiceman:
> > > So what has your statement done to refute the
> > > undiluted facts of history?
> > >
> > > The following report is a preliminary social 
> > > analysis of the
> > > so-called 'rasavada', a minor deviant tantric 
> > > sect...
> >
> Ras Report Part 2:
> The so-called 'ras-lila' is a discredited deviant 
> cult, where the proponents wear the red tilaka, 
> and the neck beads, and the special shawl, and 
> they obstain from the flesh foods. 
> But, the prakriti-sahajiyas are counted out of 
> the main line of Sri Chaitanya, not because of 
> their mundane titilations, but because of a subtle 
> basic contamination in their sadhana. Owing to 
> this topsy-turvey psychic confabulation, the 
> rasavadis imagine themselves more learned in 
> the scriptures than the original Vedic Rishis 
> themselves! 
> Tantra - Shiva-Shakti Polarity Symbolism
> The rasavadis are devotees of Sri Laksmi, but 
> they impose upon Her the role of Radha, the 
> free enjoyer, the married village cow-woman of 
> Barsana, and they style Sri Krishna of Braj as 
> the Lord Himself; a dark lusty village youth, 
> with themselves as the village gopi girls, 
> dancing the rasa-dance under the autumn moon. 
> Some rasavadi sahjiya miscreants even claim 
> that Sri Krishna's second wife, out of 16,000, 
> (Visnupriya Devi) is actually the Goddess of 
> Fortune Herself, who descends into existence 
> as a formation-combination of male and female 
> principles, purusha and prakriti. 
> The rasiks believe that they can harmonize 
> these two within themselves through 'divine-love' 
> generation in the bodily union of man and woman 
> through tantric yoga, which is identified as 
> the mahabhava of Sri Shiva-Shakti.
> The Gopi Cult of Radharasvahari
> Monks and nuns who imitate the confidential 
> girlfriends of Srimati Radharani and Her 
> pastimes, by dressing up as sari-bekhis, 
> i.e., a man in womens clothing, who imagines 
> himself to be the enjoyed of Sri Krishna. In 
> the case of females of the rasavadi cult, since 
> they are already dressed in saris, apparently, 
> they must be serving the guru in other diverse 
> and sundry ways!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vaisnava baloney..so says you LOL!

2011-12-22 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus

> > > The nutcase Steve Perino is back...
> > >
> coldbluiceman:
> > So what has your statement done to refute the
> > undiluted facts of history?
> >
> > The following report is a preliminary social 
> > analysis of the
> > so-called 'rasavada', a minor deviant tantric 
> > sect...
Ras Report Part 2:

The so-called 'ras-lila' is a discredited deviant 
cult, where the proponents wear the red tilaka, 
and the neck beads, and the special shawl, and 
they obstain from the flesh foods. 

But, the prakriti-sahajiyas are counted out of 
the main line of Sri Chaitanya, not because of 
their mundane titilations, but because of a subtle 
basic contamination in their sadhana. Owing to 
this topsy-turvey psychic confabulation, the 
rasavadis imagine themselves more learned in 
the scriptures than the original Vedic Rishis 

Tantra - Shiva-Shakti Polarity Symbolism

The rasavadis are devotees of Sri Laksmi, but 
they impose upon Her the role of Radha, the 
free enjoyer, the married village cow-woman of 
Barsana, and they style Sri Krishna of Braj as 
the Lord Himself; a dark lusty village youth, 
with themselves as the village gopi girls, 
dancing the rasa-dance under the autumn moon. 

Some rasavadi sahjiya miscreants even claim 
that Sri Krishna's second wife, out of 16,000, 
(Visnupriya Devi) is actually the Goddess of 
Fortune Herself, who descends into existence 
as a formation-combination of male and female 
principles, purusha and prakriti. 

The rasiks believe that they can harmonize 
these two within themselves through 'divine-love' 
generation in the bodily union of man and woman 
through tantric yoga, which is identified as 
the mahabhava of Sri Shiva-Shakti.

The Gopi Cult of Radharasvahari

Monks and nuns who imitate the confidential 
girlfriends of Srimati Radharani and Her 
pastimes, by dressing up as sari-bekhis, 
i.e., a man in womens clothing, who imagines 
himself to be the enjoyed of Sri Krishna. In 
the case of females of the rasavadi cult, since 
they are already dressed in saris, apparently, 
they must be serving the guru in other diverse 
and sundry ways!

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vaisnava baloney..so says you LOL!

2011-12-20 Thread richardatrwilliamsdotus
> > The nutcase Steve Perino is back...
> >
> So what has your statement done to refute the
> undiluted facts of history?
The following report is a preliminary social analysis of the
so-called 'rasavada', a minor deviant tantric sect, and is based
on years of field studies in the holy land of Braj, India, including
personal extended ritual gleanings of insider information
concerning the 'rasavada' proclivities, and other unspecified
baula-kama practices, and through observation in which
various and sundry phrases were overheard at camp-meets.

  [That's me sitting in back.]
Only known photo ever taken inside the Barsana Dham:

WARNING: This report may be upsetting to some people!

The 'bhakti' prema (spontaneous devotional love) of the bhakti
devotional sects has been described in the Vedic literature as
"the unbroken flow of hot oil being poured from one vessel to

In fact, bhakti is a yoga - the culmination of meditation in which
love seems to spontaneously overwhelm the sadhak with
genuine feelings of ecstasy and bliss toward the Transcendental
Person, the Purusha. To adepts of bhakti yoga, the meditative
experience of unity consciousness is just like enjoying the
divine nectar of heavenly ambrosia, that is, Ras, the 'nectar' of
life itself.

The Nectar of Immortality

However, sometimes the term 'rasa' refers to certain base
persons who merely imitate the moods of prema, love, for
material gain or for personal enjoyment. Certain 'rasiks'
imagine that they feel the divine emotions of Bala Krishna,
Gopala Krishna, or even Srimati Radharani herself!

Yet, these rascally persons do not understand that the term
'rasa' means transcendental nectar, not in the sense of
mundane enjoyment, but nectar in the sense of effortless,
spontaneous, transcendental, devotional service.

These stubborn sense-enjoyers and materialistic nihilists
may have a talent for singing, dancing, acting, mood-making,
and seducing women or men, and they may try to pass these
proclivities off as spiritual accomplishments, and they may
even dress like Sri Krishna or Srimati Radharani, but genuine
devotees who practice true bhakti super-conscious
meditation, never confuse the spiritual life with intoxication
and mundane eroticism.

[FairfieldLife] Re: Vaisnava baloney..so says you LOL!

2011-12-16 Thread coldbluiceman
So what has your statement done to refute the undiluted facts of history? 
Oh let me guess if you cannot intellectually debate FACTS ..then attack the 
mesenger! Sounds so right wing ..like Fox News..LOL!!

FACT--Sri Adi Shankar was a Viashnava Sanyasi!!
Hence the orange/saffron colored dhotis & kurtha that even Sri Brahmananda 
wore, and all the Dandi Sanyasi Jagadgurus and their disciples wear to this 
day. And have worn since the 8th century BCE!! 

FACT-Sri Adi Shankar started the tradition of wearing orange!

FACT-- Sri Adi Shankar taught Bhakti to Lord Govinda/God/Ishtadevata!

FACT-- Bhakti to Personal Form of Ishtadevata/God is taught in all of Sri Adi 
Shankar's Asrham for past 2000+ years!!

FACT- I was the PRIME and ONLY Subject in the 1987 study conducted at Luther 
College at the Sleep and Dream Lab of Dr. Moorecroft', and presented to the 
International Sleep & Dream Symposium Oslo Norway.
I was the only person to not only demonstrate 'unity consciouness" to the 
satisfaction of 4 PhD researchers BUT my abstract withstood the rigorious 
scrutiny of the entire scientific community.
FACT- Not ONE single "purusha" or "mother divine" TM-er has even repeated what 
I had sccomplished 

SO-Here is my post AGAIN ..and PLEASE do your ABSOLUTE best to try and refute 

FACT--With regards to TM and anything Mahesh Yogi wrote or ever said about God 
was from his own perspective..
Nothing Mahesh Yogi said was regarding God was remotely accurate!!

Just look at Mahesh Yogi's teacher-- Sri Brahmananda -- whom referred to God as 
Or to use your own words- "Vaishnavas, and they believe in a qualified 
monism,visisht advaita.."

Mahesh Yogi's own master - Sri Brahmananda was a Hindu/ Vaishnavav who taught 
Bhakti as qualified monism to Ishtadevata.

Sri Brahmamnada gave out names of God/Ishtadevata or "mantras" to be "used in 
worship" as He himself even lectured countless times.

Sri Brahmananda had 6 names of Ishtadevata that He used to teach to his 
disciples, and ONLY ONE of the names of God/Ishtadevata(or mantra) was used for 
worship of Nirkar Brahma (the formless form of God).
The other five mantras related directly to Sakar Brahma- God in His personal 
Form-(either Ram or Vishnu or Shakti, etc). It is important to keep this in 

If you don't believe me look at Paul Mason webpage devoted to Sri
Brahmananda..it is all there from Sri Brhamananda's own lectures and interviews 
given by His disciples!!

Which brings us to the - Holy Tradition -that Mahesh Yogi conjured up starting 
with Sri Adi Shankar..
Who also taught and was (to use your own words) "Vaishnavas, and they believe 
in a qualified monism, visisht advaita.."
Sri Adi Shankar defeated the Buddhists with the philosphy of advait vedanta.
But Sri Adi Shankar did not teach advait vedanta.

Sri Adi Shankar taught devotion/bhakti to Sri Govinda (Lord Krishna).

It is a fact .. As I can cite all of Sri Adi Shankar Ashrams from Puri to 
Dwarika to Jyosimath to Kanchi to Varanasi..all teach as you pointed out 
"Vaishnavas, and they believe in a qualified monism, visisht advaita"!

So what are we left with regards to Mahesh Yogi?
Now based upon MY OWN experiences to which I was asked to "PROVE" or
"DEMONSTRATE" by- Dr. Charles Alexander, PhD at MIU in 1986..
So I spent 7 nights over the course of 9 months in Dr. Moorecroft's sleep and 
dream lab at Luther College in Decorah, Iowa.

The study that I was only PRIME subject tested was overseen by Dr. Jayne 
Gackenback, PhD University Northern Iowa at Waterloo, Ia and Dr. Stephen 
LaBerge, PhD Stanford University, and Dr. Charles Alexander, PhD MIU.

Here at this website you can read the results of the study done on me as 
submitted to the International Symposium of Sleep and Dream Research in Oslo 
Norway in 1987...
A portion of the study said this about me-,
.."This TM subject (TMS) was a 28 year old male who had been meditating for 5.8 
years and received one of the highest scores thus far recorded on an inventory 
designed to assess self reports of the attainment of higher states of 
consciousness (Stage of Consciousness Inventory (SCI); Alexander, Davis, 
Dillbeck, Dixon, Oetzel & Muehlman, in press). Further, he received low scores 
on the SCI scales which assess psychopathology and tendency to endorse 
misleading, grandiose sounding statements. During TM practice he displayed 
exceptionally high amplitude alpha spindles across all EEG channels and periods 
of respiratory suspension (Kesterson, 1985)..."

What does this have to do with "Unity Consciousness" ..well I had proven beyond 
any doubt that I had established this "unity consciousness" and furthermore I 
was the only person willing to subject themselves to the rigirous scrutiny of
the entire scientific community to prove it.

I can tell you this that the "unity consciousness" that these TM-ers dearly 
seek is a complete waste of time as it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with 