[FairfieldLife] Re: What Fairfield and Fairfield Life Could Bec

2007-08-30 Thread cardemaister
--- In 
FairfieldLife@yahoogroups.com, tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis 

 Jim Flanegin writes snipped:
 --he needs to be able to discriminate 
 between reality and non-reality, regardless of how he expresses or 
 doesn't express this ability. I am not a fan of overblown 
 intellectual or academic arguments. A piercing intellect in an 
 enlightened state need never be obviously expressed-- it just is.:-
 Tom T:
 Patanjali final vs (55) of Chapter 3 
 When the translucent intellect is as clear as the Self. There is

sattva-puruSayoH shuddhi-saamye kaivalyam

In purity-equality(shuddhi-saamye; locative singular)
of sattva[and]puruSa (sattva-puruSayoH; genitive dual)
kaivalya (kaivalyam).

kaivalya n. (fr. %{ke4vala}) , isolation Va1m. ; absolute unity 
Veda7ntas. BhP. ; perfect isolation , abstraction , detachment from 
all other connections , detachment of the soul from matter or 
further transmigrations , beatitude MBh. KapS. Sa1m2khyak. c. ; for 
%{vaikalya} Ra1jat. vii , 1149 ; (mf(%{A})n.) leading to eternal 
happiness or emancipation MBh. xiii , 1101. 

'kaivalya' is derived from 'kevala':

kevala m. (nom. pl. %{e} RV. x , 51 , 9) f. (%{I} RV. x , 73 , 6 AV. 
S3Br. ; %{A} Mn. c. see Pa1n2. 4-1 , 30)n. (in comp. Pa1n2. 2-1 , 
49) exclusively one's own (not common to others) RV. AV. ; alone , 
only , mere , sole , one , excluding others RV. AV. TS. c. ; not 
connected with anything else , isolated , abstract , absolute 
[310,1] ; simple , pure , uncompounded , unmingled S3Br. c. ; 
entire , whole , all Mn. MBh. c. ; selfish , envious L. ;  

[FairfieldLife] Re: What Fairfield and Fairfield Life Could Bec

2007-08-29 Thread tomandcindytraynoratfairfieldlis
Jim Flanegin writes snipped:
--he needs to be able to discriminate 
between reality and non-reality, regardless of how he expresses or 
doesn't express this ability. I am not a fan of overblown 
intellectual or academic arguments. A piercing intellect in an 
enlightened state need never be obviously expressed-- it just is.:-)

Tom T:
Patanjali final vs (55) of Chapter 3 
When the translucent intellect is as clear as the Self. There is