Re: [FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-10 Thread Emily Reyn
Dear Lord Knows, I am glad that you chose to initially post here on FFL and 
engage with Robin.  One thing about FFL - the forum specializes in handling a 
wide range of realities.  And it handles the rough stuff equally as well as it 
does the easier topics, so no worries there.  There is room here for all 
sorts of characters and personalities and all have a signature style. 

While it may be true that, at times, Robin's signature style is easily 
perceived as reminiscent of days long ago (particularly for those that knew him 
or that are triggered by his personality/writing), he wields no power over the 
forum or its participants, nor does he want any, if you choose to believe him 
at his word.  Robin has no ability to control anyone on this forum.  Those 
that post on this forum open themselves up to receiving a host of different 
responses.  Robin, being who he was back as a cult leader and as the person 
he is today, has been on the receiving end of a great many critical responses 
(and I put that lightly wouldn't you agree?).  

The forum has very few hard and fast rules and, in general, with few 
exceptions, is open to all.  I can't talk of the Robin of yesteryear and I'm 
glad that I can't, but where today you might see manipulative and game 
playing - I might see business as usual and competitive.  I don't have the 
triggers or the context you do however, and I respect your right to your 
reality and I am so terribly sorry for your wounds.  The deepest ones take the 
longest to heal and real forgiveness sometimes likely requires ruthless 
accountability on all sides in addition to the BVM (in my world).    

Without negating your experience in any way or even your perception of Robin's 
current MO on this forum, I would think, however, that you would have to agree 
that any attempts by Robin to manipulate the forum or those on it, including 
Curtis, into abandoning their reality, or experience, or even belief system, or 
into subjugating themselves in any way to him, or his condemnation or moral 
judgment, has been a grand failure.  And I state this in the context of *your* 
perception that this is his goal.  

Robin has admitted to doing great harm and has stated his regrets multiple 
times of late, in particular.  He may have explained his frame of mind in the 
context of his experience with UC, but he has still admitted it and has been 
willing to take responsibility for his actions - even if it seems a bit messy 
at times, he has held to this commitment on the whole (based on what he's 
posted here and that's all we have to go by, remember).  After all, he is human 

In the here and now and as he presents today, Robin's presence on FFL is 
greatly enjoyed by many here. He has added a lot to the forum.  FFL is an odd 
place in many regards, and it rejects almost no one, which gives it an 
unconditional quality of sorts.  FFL deals directly or indirectly with many 
aspects of the human condition.  It can be weirdly healing sometimes - with a 
sort of rough and tumble witnessing aspect augmented by new knowledge, new 
perspectives, humor, irony, and just enough love and compassion thrown in to 
soften the blows.  Many here are older than I by 10 to 20 years I'm guessing - 
the older generation (tee hee) - tough cookies, highly intelligent, fountains 
of knowledge and experience, and frightfully funny as hell in many regards.  

To capture another line used in The Best Exotic Marigold Hotel - it's always 
alright in the end; if it's not alright, it's not the end.  

 From: Lord Knows
Sent: Monday, August 6, 2012 6:25 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking 
the zebra


Dear Robin,

I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in the 
group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have a 
vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely close 
to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and declared her 
to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a human being. I 
remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with ice cold disdain 
about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, your only concern was to 
send someone to her apartment to collect any items from her belongings that 
could connect her to you. This is a fact, a horrible ugly fact which could be 
verified by all the people in that room,
 about 15 members of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in this 
and many other heartless atrocities that took place over the years I was 
associated with you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end of an 
ultimate pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and after being 
brutally confronted by you and 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Vaj
This would make an excellent starting point for a RWC and WTS FAQ, in my 
opinion. It’s the bitch-slap of enlightened insight.

Thanks for taking the time, effort and emotional digging it took to write this. 
And ditto on wishing RWC the best - think of it as a ‘shirts off bear hug' R. 

On Aug 6, 2012, at 9:25 PM, Lord Knows wrote:

 Dear Robin,
 I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in the 
 group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
 ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have a 
 vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely 
 close to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and 
 declared her to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a 
 human being. I remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with ice 
 cold disdain about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, your only 
 concern was to send someone to her apartment to collect any items from her 
 belongings that could connect her to you. This is a fact, a horrible ugly 
 fact which could be verified by all the people in that room, about 15 members 
 of the inner circle.I am not proud of my involvement in this and many other 
 heartless atrocities that took place over the years I was associated with 
 you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end of an ultimate 
 pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and after being brutally 
 confronted by you and the whole group I was ejected from the cult with great 
 scorn. This was the standard operating procedure and happened to many others 
 over the years. 
 Robin I have a simple question for you, what in your background gives you the 
 the standing, the credibility to make pronouncements about the ultimate value 
 of the Eastern Spiritual tradition and declare the death of Christianity?  I 
 would have thought that if you were truly remorseful for the harm you had 
 done to so many people, the last thing you would have wanted to do is to give 
 into the temptation to represent yourself as an authority capable of passing 
 judgment on whole spiritual traditions as well as in some instances making 
 harsh judgments about individuals on FFL. Robin you were never enlightened 
 nothing could be more obvious. The biographies of enlightened teachers down 
 through time are filled with stories of their extraordinary love, compassion 
 and sacrifice in being of profound service to their followers. Yours is a 
 record of extraordinary abuse done to your followers. I care not a whit for 
 your  experience of enlightenment it is all words, words, words. You did not 
 walk the talk, you were never enlightened. In my opinion you were someone who 
 was mentally unbalanced who had a very expansive spiritual experience whose 
 ego appropriated it instantly and you ran with it. You have natural gifts of 
 intellect and charisma which made it possible for you to attract a small 
 group around you who fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The center piece of 
 your unique revelations as an enlightened man was the imperative to 
 confront your followers in order to expose the demonic and then expel it. 
 Where in the biographies of enlightened sages do you find this method being 
 used to enlighten the disciples? The idea that you were  faithful and true to 
 Maharishi and his teaching is pure fiction that lives on in your mind and 
 your mind alone.   
  To put into perspective and accurate chronology your revelation about the 
 Eastern spiritual tradition, it came in 1987 when you told the group that the 
 the mantras we received through TM were the names of demons or fallen angels. 
 It did not come years later after you had purged yourself of your supposed 
 enlightenment.It was while you were still in a self admitted deeply 
 disturbed state that you received this truth, and not as you have 
 represented here as coming years later. In fact at the time this revelation 
 came to you, you also  believed that your wife was the incarnation of the 
 devil and that Jewish people were evil. This was the nature of your very 
 disturbed mind when you had the revelation that the whole Eastern spiritual 
 tradition was satanic.   
 The one new conclusion that you have offered here on FFL is that the 
 Christian tradition and most significantly the Catholic tradition no longer 
 has any spiritual substance whatsoever and has not since the bombing by the 
 Allies of the monastery of Monte Cassino (1945) during World War II. A very 
 strange and eccentric theory, which is at odds with the example of Mother 
 Teresa's life (1910-1997) and also that of saint Padre Pio (1887-1968), to 
 give just two prominent examples. 
 Robin your record of accuracy on your grand theories and insights is abysmal. 
 A pharmacy student in college is allowed only 3 occasions of lethal errors in 
 making up prescriptions before 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-07 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/06/2012 06:25 PM, Lord Knows wrote:
 A note to readers of FFL who have found Robin to be very intelligent, 
 erudite, insightful, even at times kind and thoughtful. Yes Robin was all of 
 that and more when we followed him as well, but at bottom Robin is not 
 trustworthy, he is not what he seems.

I had heard of Robin years ago when he was up to his mischief and a 
friend from Fairfield told me about him.  He showed up here posting a 
wall of words which is usually the sign of an uneducated person 
posting.  I suggested he format his posts better or people wouldn't read 
them.  He continues to post long-winded posts which I also usually don't 
bother with.  To me he just reads like a sociopath and certainly not the 
first one I've encountered from the TMO.

[FairfieldLife] Some facts and background on Robin Carlsen / umasking the zebra

2012-08-06 Thread Lord Knows

Dear Robin,

I know you well, I was in the inner circle of your followers. I lived in the 
group house you named Annapurna in Victoria. I fully experienced what 
ultimately became a waking nightmare in being a member of your cult. I have a 
vivid memory of the day when a member of the group who had been extremely close 
to you attempted suicide after you ruthlessly confronted her and declared her 
to be an evil being who was only appearing in the guise of a human being. I 
remember the meeting at Heronwater in which you spoke with ice cold disdain 
about her when the news came of her attempted suicide, your only concern was to 
send someone to her apartment to collect any items from her belongings that 
could connect her to you. This is a fact, a horrible ugly fact which could be 
verified by all the people in that room, about 15 members of the inner circle.I 
am not proud of my involvement in this and many other heartless atrocities that 
took place over the years I was
 associated with you. In due time my turn came to be on the receiving end of an 
ultimate pronouncement on my soul as being irretrievably lost and after being 
brutally confronted by you and the whole group I was ejected from the cult with 
great scorn. This was the standard operating procedure and happened to many 
others over the years. 

Robin I have a simple question for you, what in your background gives you the 
the standing, the credibility to make pronouncements about the ultimate value 
of the Eastern Spiritual tradition and declare the death of Christianity?  I 
would have thought that if you were truly remorseful for the harm you had done 
to so many people, the last thing you would have wanted to do is to give into 
the temptation to represent yourself as an authority capable of passing 
judgment on whole spiritual traditions as well as in some instances making 
harsh judgments about individuals on FFL. Robin you were never enlightened 
nothing could be more obvious. The biographies of enlightened teachers down 
through time are filled with stories of their extraordinary love, compassion 
and sacrifice in being of profound service to their followers. Yours is a 
record of extraordinary abuse done to your followers. I care not a whit for 
your  experience of enlightenment it is all words,
 words, words. You did not walk the talk, you were never enlightened. In my 
opinion you were someone who was mentally unbalanced who had a very expansive 
spiritual experience whose ego appropriated it instantly and you ran with it. 
You have natural gifts of intellect and charisma which made it possible for you 
to attract a small group around you who fell for it hook, line, and sinker. The 
center piece of your unique revelations as an enlightened man was the 
imperative to confront your followers in order to expose the demonic and then 
expel it. Where in the biographies of enlightened sages do you find this method 
being used to enlighten the disciples? The idea that you were  faithful and 
true to Maharishi and his teaching is pure fiction that lives on in your mind 
and your mind alone.   

 To put into perspective and accurate chronology your revelation about the 
Eastern spiritual tradition, it came in 1987 when you told the group that the 
the mantras we received through TM were the names of demons or fallen angels. 
It did not come years later after you had purged yourself of your supposed 
enlightenment.It was while you were still in a self admitted deeply disturbed 
state that you received this truth, and not as you have represented here as 
coming years later. In fact at the time this revelation came to you, you also  
believed that your wife was the incarnation of the devil and that Jewish people 
were evil. This was the nature of your very disturbed mind when you had the 
revelation that the whole Eastern spiritual tradition was satanic.   
The one new conclusion that you have offered here on FFL is that the Christian 
tradition and most significantly the Catholic tradition no longer has any 
spiritual substance whatsoever and has not since the bombing by the Allies of 
the monastery of Monte Cassino (1945) during World War II. A very strange and 
eccentric theory, which is at odds with the example of Mother Teresa's life 
(1910-1997) and also that of saint Padre Pio (1887-1968), to give just two 
prominent examples. 
Robin your record of accuracy on your grand theories and insights is abysmal. A 
pharmacy student in college is allowed only 3 occasions of lethal errors in 
making up prescriptions before he is bounced out of the pharmacy department, if 
you were held to the same standard as a practicing spiritual teacher you would 
have flunked out a hell of long time ago. Why it is you think anyone would 
believe and trust what you have to say about religious or metaphysical truth is 
beyond all reckoning.
 I am  aware of your subtle way of controlling the context by claiming you are 
only just innocently following  the