Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

2015-01-03 Thread Mike Dixon [FairfieldLife]
LOL. I had a friend in Steamboat Springs Co. that used to feed the wild animals 
around her house, mainly red foxes. Used to give them Iams, a premium brand dog 
food. They ran out one day and picked up some Wal-Mart brand dog food and the 
foxes turned their noses up at it, wouldn't eat it! Even wild critters get 
  From: [FairfieldLife]
 Sent: Saturday, January 3, 2015 5:53 AM
 Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology
    Don't feel too bad about it. About 40 years ago I once fed a family of 
raccoons in the back yard. Eventually they tore up everything and became a real 
nuisance. Had to stop feeding them, and eventually turn a water hose on them 
for a while to get them to go away. Raccoons like dry dog food in case anyone 
wants to experiment. They are smart though, and know what they want.

---In, wrote :

Dear fellow FFLers.
I feel I should apologise for recent comments of mine that I directed towards 
members of The Peak - apparently an ongoing conversation about our journey as 
human beings, towards the pinnacle of existence. 
As you know I usually try to keep a reasonable and cool head when dealing with 
others as I firmly believe we all deserve a fair hearing for our views, 
whatever they may be. In fact, I consider the best way to deal with people 
whose sole aim appears to be causing trouble is to reason with them and explain 
your POV and why they would gain more credibility if they engaged with their 
own POV rather than just by trolling and trying to goad people into endless 
arguments. The pen is mightier than the sword.
Well, needless to say I failed and told them to fuck off. Big mistake, and a 
mistake made out of total frustration with these righteous types who claim to 
have left our fine company to start a new site without any negativity. I'm 
sure any serious contributors to this place will understand how irritating it 
is to have to scroll past endless drivel by these people who consider they are 
too good for us but can't leave us alone because they aren't allowed to cause 
trouble on their own enlightened site. I honestly thought we were all going to 
be happy in the new year with our own chosen company. Turns out I was wrong...
So I apologise for all the crap posts you are going to have to endure until 
these people get bored with trying to goad me into a fight - just like they 
always do, I guess some people just need to boost their ego at the expense of 
others. And now we all know WillyTex has been booted off for being an asshole, 
I suspect some of them will be trying to fill his mighty shoes with their own 
brand of horse shit. Go figure.
So one last time dear FFLers, I'm sorry I fed the trolls. But you know it was 
out of pure anger that they came back here and started digging up shit that was 
patiently explained to them ages ago and that any actually intelligent, 
reasoning human being wouldn't even have noticed in the first place. I should 
know better and I promise to ignore them in future.

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

2011-10-24 Thread Bob Price

Thank you for being so generous, with me, and with your contributions on FFL.

From: authfriend
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 11:50:55 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology


This was a nice surprise, a very gracious apology
that can't have been easy for you to make. Thank
you, it's accepted.

I couldn't figure out what the hell was up with you,
but I'm glad for both our sakes that you've dealt
with it. I think one way or another we've all got a
sumo wrestler yelling in one ear and a hummingbird
murmuring softly in the other, and it's often tough
to get the listening balance right.

I have heard the opinion vs. fact quote; it's one of
my favorites. A political blog I read on a regular
basis has it as kind of a motto.

And I very much appreciate the comparison to Karen. I
must confess, though, I don't bite my lip before I
shoot. ;-)

That's quite a clip. I should watch the film again;
thanks for reminding me of it.

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
 I want to apologize for my behavior and some posts I made---accusing you of 
 censorship; I was full of s*it and you were right to push back and correct 
 me. I have no evidence to support such an accusation and you obviously don't 
 behave that way. I also apologize for taking way too long to send this post, 
 and hope it still qualifies as: better late than never. I also want to 
 thank the three R's, for helping me find my better angel; Rory (reading), 
 Robin (riting) and Ravi (rithmatic). As you may have guessed; my head is 
 populated by at least two angels; a very dark troll-like one (about the size 
 of a sumo wrestler) who lives, rent free, in my left hemispherehe's very 
 noisy and get's most of my airtime; in my right hemisphere, another angel 
 lives, she's translucent, about the size of a hummingbird---refracts light 
 beautifully, grows gardenias, and quietly warns me---just before I attempt to 
 be a dickhead; she does it in such an subtle way, its easy
  to ignore her, and I end up making a fool of myself. Every time I do this 
the Sumo gains about 20 lbs (you can imagine, how big he is). It normally 
takes friends like the three R's' before I pay any attention to what she 
whispered---that might have saved me. In other words---I'm sorry. 
 Unless you've heard this one already; I thought you might enjoy something the 
 wife (always a fan of yours) said to me yesterday: 
 You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. 
 It may be your gentleness, with our resident angels; I hope you don't mind me 
 saying; lately, you've reminded me of Karen:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

2011-10-24 Thread Bob Price

Thanks for this, FFL is always a better place when you're posting.

From: seventhray1
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 8:36:46 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

Meant to comment.  This was amazing.  I've played it many times.

--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@... wrote:
 I want to apologize for my behavior and some posts I made---accusing you of 
 censorship; I was full of s*it and you were right to push back and correct 
 me. I have no evidence to support such an accusation and you obviously don't 
 behave that way. I also apologize for taking way too long to send this post, 
 and hope it still qualifies as: better late than never. I also want to 
 thank the three R's, for helping me find my better angel; Rory (reading), 
 Robin (riting) and Ravi (rithmatic). As you may have guessed; my head is 
 populated by at least two angels; a very dark troll-like one (about the size 
 of a sumo wrestler) who lives, rent free, in my left hemispherehe's very 
 noisy and get's most of my airtime; in my right hemisphere, another angel 
 lives, she's translucent, about the size of a hummingbird---refracts light 
 beautifully, grows gardenias, and quietly warns me---just before I attempt to 
 be a dickhead; she does it in such an subtle way, its easy
 to ignore her, and I end up making a fool of myself. Every time I do this the 
 Sumo gains about 20 lbs (you can imagine, how big he is). It normally takes 
 friends like the three R's' before I pay any attention to what she 
 whispered---that might have saved me. In other words---I'm sorry. 
 Unless you've heard this one already; I thought you might enjoy something the 
 wife (always a fan of yours) said to me yesterday: 
 You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts. 
 It may be your gentleness, with our resident angels; I hope you don't mind me 
 saying; lately, you've reminded me of Karen:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

2011-10-24 Thread Bob Price

As always---thank you, your talent for predicting the future continues to amaze.

From: maskedzebra
Sent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 10:30:38 PM
Subject: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

Dear Bob Price,

There will be (as evidenced already) persons at FFL who will not like this 
apology. Not because of the way you have expressed yourself, but because of to 
whom it is addressed. Now I happen to appreciate the clarity and impartiality 
in most of what Judy writes; and certainly there is no one here on FFL who, in 
some formal sense at least, is a better writer than she is.

But what I wish to draw attention to is what this post reveals about the person 
that you are. I doubt there are very many readers and posters at FFL who can 
imagine themselves under any circumstance writing with this kind of humility, 
sincerity, and intelligence—that is, inside the context of expiating for some 
self-judged wrong against another person. Did I know nothing about you; did I 
know nothing about the person to whom you are speaking, I would nevertheless 
admire—even love—the person who was capable of exhibiting such bright and 
intelligent feeling. What strikes me most in this post is the disarming 
boldness and coherence with which you make your appeal. There is not a touch of 
sentimentality or self-confusion here. I think it quite an extraordinary proof 
of the depth of personality and powers of self-command that you possess.

I should have anticipated the response, which instead of catching at what I am 
trying to describe, focuses on the object of your apology. Even the fact of how 
you come across here—in the way in which I have interpreted you—says something 
positive about Judy. Because had it not been appropriate—or somehow 
excessive—for you to write in this way to her—then your post would have 
suffered from its very ambition: namely to do justice to another human being.

That Judy could bring this out from within you, is a measure of who she is as a 
person. But what imperially forces me to speak here is my sense of who the 
person must be who was capable of putting themselves in the position you have 
and then finding the grace to write what cannot be misunderstood, what seems to 
almost perfectly fulfil its very real intention.


I want to apologize for my behavior and some posts I made---accusing you of
censorship; I was full of s*it and you were right to push back and correct me. I
have no evidence to support such an accusation and you obviously don't behave
that way. I also apologize for taking way too long to send this post, and hope
it still qualifies as: better late than never. I also want to thank the three
R's, for helping me find my better angel; Rory (reading), Robin (riting) and
Ravi (rithmatic). As you may have guessed; my head is populated by at least two
angels; a very dark troll-like one (about the size of a sumo wrestler) who
lives, rent free, in my left hemispherehe's very noisy and get's most of my
airtime; in my right hemisphere, another angel lives, she's translucent, about
the size of a hummingbird---refracts light beautifully, grows gardenias, and
quietly warns me---just before I attempt to be a dickhead; she does it in such
an subtle way, its easy
to ignore her, and I end up making a fool of myself. Every time I do this the
Sumo gains about 20 lbs (you can imagine, how big he is). It normally takes
friends like the three R's' before I pay any attention to what she
whispered---that might have saved me. In other words---I'm sorry.

Unless you've heard this one already; I thought you might enjoy something the
wife (always a fan of yours) said to me yesterday:

You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

It may be your gentleness, with our resident angels; I hope you don't mind me
saying; lately, you've reminded me of Karen:


Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: An apology

2011-10-24 Thread Ravi Yogi
Hard to believe :-) but I will take it. I'm not really demanding but 
considering my narcissism you could have at least popped in once in a while to 
praise my posts :-)

On Oct 24, 2011, at 5:20 AM, seventhray1 wrote:

 Thanks Rav.  I guess I just didn't have anything to say.
 --- In, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
  Aah finally, Steve where the heck have you been - I was thinking of
  sending a personal email to you.
  --- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
   --- In, seventhray1 steve.sundur@
Meant to comment. This was amazing. I've played it many times.
--- In, Bob Price bobpriced@ wrote:


 I want to apologize for my behavior and some posts I
you of censorship; I was full of s*it and you were right to push
and correct me. I have no evidence to support such an accusation and
obviously don't behave that way. I also apologize for taking way too
long to send this post, and hope it still qualifies as: better late
than never. I also want to thank the three R's, for helping me
my better angel; Rory (reading), Robin (riting) and Ravi
you may have guessed; my head is populated by at least two angels; a
very dark troll-like one (about the size of a sumo wrestler) who
rent free, in my left hemispherehe's very noisy and get's most
airtime; in my right hemisphere, another angel lives, she's
about the size of a hummingbird---refracts light beautifully, grows
gardenias, and quietly warns me---just before I attempt to be a
dickhead; she does it in such an subtle way, its easy
 to ignore her, and I end up making a fool of myself. Every time I
this the Sumo gains about 20 lbs (you can imagine, how big he is).
normally takes friends like the three R's' before I pay any
to what she whispered---that might have saved me. In other

 Unless you've heard this one already; I thought you might enjoy
something the wife (always a fan of yours) said to me yesterday:

 You're entitled to your own opinions, but not your own facts.

 It may be your gentleness, with our resident angels; I hope you
mind me saying; lately, you've reminded me of Karen: