Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can a crazy person be enlightened?

2007-07-30 Thread Vaj

On Jul 30, 2007, at 10:38 AM, new.morning wrote:

This also brings up the questions: Can an enlightened -- even the most
highly enlightened:

1) be a sexual lecher

2) cut corners in business deals, and be an abnormally hard and tricky

3) fell the ends justify the means in fund raising an volunteer  

4) Take credit for scriptural interpretations not his own

5) treat people sternly an direct anger at them (particularly when its
called for)

6) Lie

7) Cheat

8) break codes of conduct

9) cheat on taxes and currency transfers

10) bribe officials to get things done

11) burn out personal assistants

12) run authoritarian and anal organizations

13) become unhealthy, with numerous diseases

14) have a bawdy sense of humor

15) fart in public

16) eat a bad diet

17) curse

18) not tolerate fools

19) like luxurious surroundings

20) have visions of creating a new order to last 10,000 years

21) discriminate and/or prejudge among different groups of people

22) admire dictators and tyrants

23) call some leaders to be devils

24) be homsexual

25) be a pedaphile

26) sleep with students and devotees

27) sleep until noon

28) like I Love Lucy and cartoons

29) Like heavy metal

30) give special treatment to rich donors

31) eat meat

32) be out of shape, not fit

Depends on the circumstances, the interdependently arising conditions  
surrounding the events and how you define enlightenment. Is the Big  
E full Buddhahood or just a Stream Enterer? CC, GC, UC or BC? What is  
enlightened activity?

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can a crazy person be enlightened?

2007-07-30 Thread Vaj

Every thing is relative.

On Jul 30, 2007, at 10:38 AM, new.morning wrote:

1) be a sexual lecher

Not a good sign, but again, depends on circumstances. See The Divine  
Madman. Drukpa Kunleg had sexual relations with a number of ripe  
women presumably to assist in their awakening. The great female saint  
Yeshe Tsogyal awakened the mindstreams of her rapists. If it fosters  
awakening, it could be awakened activity. If it creates fear and  
confusion, etc., it's probably not enlightened activity.

2) cut corners in business deals, and be an abnormally hard and tricky

In others words, ignore fair trade for to benefit one person or org  
over another? Sounds like a form of dishonesty to me.

3) fell the ends justify the means in fund raising an volunteer  

??? Depends on the means and the ends?

4) Take credit for scriptural interpretations not his own

Lying. Not a good sign.

5) treat people sternly an direct anger at them (particularly when its
called for)

Depends what the underlying intent is and the cause of the directed  

6) Lie

See 4.

7) Cheat

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

8) break codes of conduct

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

9) cheat on taxes and currency transfers

Breaking the laws of a country? Not good, ignoring relative  
realities. How could we accept such a beings absolute declarations if  
their handling of relative reality is faulty?

10) bribe officials to get things done

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

11) burn out personal assistants

Not a good sign. Ever meet HHDL's personal assistant/translator?

12) run authoritarian and anal organizations

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

13) become unhealthy, with numerous diseases

Welcome to samsara.

14) have a bawdy sense of humor

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

15) fart in public

According to Ayurveda, there are certain urges which should not be  
suppressed. Farting is one of them. Best performed with good air  

16) eat a bad diet

Treating your vehicle badly is generally a bad action because if  
you're enlightened and have a diet which will impair the body, you  
will lose the vehicle you use to awaken and remove suffering.

17) curse

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

18) not tolerate fools

Lack of compassion, not a good sign re: spontaneous qualities (of an  
enlightened being).

19) like luxurious surroundings

Attachment. Not a good sign, but relative.

20) have visions of creating a new order to last 10,000 years

Lack of understanding of impermanence, not a good sign.

21) discriminate and/or prejudge among different groups of people

Lack of sama, not a good sign. Still caught in accepting and judging  
mental constructs.

22) admire dictators and tyrants

Not a good sign, but depends on specific circumstances.

23) call some leaders to be devils

Depends on the leader and circumstances.

24) be homsexual

As long as it harms no other beings, what's the big deal?

25) be a pedaphile

Harming sentient beings, very bad sign.

26) sleep with students and devotees

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

27) sleep until noon

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions. Some yogis do their sadhana while sleeping.

28) like I Love Lucy and cartoons

Good sign.

29) Like heavy metal


30) give special treatment to rich donors

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

31) eat meat

Depends on what the underlying motivation is and the overall effect  
of the actions.

32) be out of shape, not fit

See 16, file under treating physical vehicle badly

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can a crazy person be enlightened?

2007-07-29 Thread Vaj

On Jul 29, 2007, at 4:24 PM, suziezuzie wrote:

I once had some dental work done, a crown that had zinc in it. For
five months, I experienced what it was like being clinically insane,
even telling my four year old daughter to make sure she took care of
mommy after I committed suicide. Everyday, I planed different ways to
accomplish this as my mental state spiraled lower and lower. The funny
thing though was, the worse things got, the more I witnessed this
whole crazy experience, like there was the Being just watching, and
the more separated I became from reality, the more concrete the Being
became. This experience made me more aware of that Fullness rather
than less. Five months later, I had the crown removed and all the
crazy symptoms immediately disappeared. Can a person be crazy and yet
enlightened? Probably because, I was.

As painful as it might be (put also therapeutic at the same time) if  
you wrote of your spiritual journey and weave into it this story,  
you'd have a great novel or screenplay!

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Can a crazy person be enlightened?

2007-07-29 Thread Vaj

On Jul 29, 2007, at 4:42 PM, t3rinity wrote:

Typically, many of the Avadhutas, would act crazy, no ordinary
communication, no doubt hey would be closed away in the west. They
have no interest in money, traveling, disciples, and usually don't
belong to any lineage. In Hinduism they are usually asociated with
Dattatreya, who is surrounded by dogs. The Avadhut Gita is attributed
to him. This is what one Avadhut has to say:
'The world calls me mad. I am mad, you are mad, all the world is mad.
Who is not mad? Still these madman call me mad. Some are mad after
name and fame. Some are mad after money. Some are mad after flesh. But
blessed is he who is mad after God; such a madcap am I!' (translated
by S. Thakar, Songs of the Avadhut)

In the US and elsewhere, the archetype of the wild Avadhuta/Natha is  
that of the homeless.

Totally beyond conventionality, beyond limits.

Reminds me of the classic Dzogchen/Mahasandhi saying:

As a bee seeks nectar
from all kinds of flowers,

seek teachings everywhere.

Like a deer that finds a quiet place to graze,
seek seclusion to digest all you have gathered.

Like a lion, live completely free of all fear.

And, finally, like a madman, beyond all limits,
go wherever you please.