On Jul 29, 2007, at 4:42 PM, t3rinity wrote:

Typically, many of the Avadhutas, would act crazy, no ordinary
communication, no doubt hey would be closed away in the west. They
have no interest in money, traveling, disciples, and usually don't
belong to any lineage. In Hinduism they are usually asociated with
Dattatreya, who is surrounded by dogs. The Avadhut Gita is attributed
to him. This is what one Avadhut has to say:
'"The world calls me mad. I am mad, you are mad, all the world is mad.
Who is not mad? Still these madman call me mad. Some are mad after
name and fame. Some are mad after money. Some are mad after flesh. But
blessed is he who is mad after God; such a madcap am I!' (translated
by S. Thakar, Songs of the Avadhut)

In the US and elsewhere, the archetype of the wild Avadhuta/Natha is that of the homeless.

Totally beyond conventionality, beyond limits.

Reminds me of the classic Dzogchen/Mahasandhi saying:

"As a bee seeks nectar
from all kinds of flowers,

seek teachings everywhere.

Like a deer that finds a quiet place to graze,
seek seclusion to digest all you have gathered.

Like a lion, live completely free of all fear.

And, finally, like a madman, beyond all limits,
go wherever you please."

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