Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Israel & terrorism& The LAND Palistine & transjorden etc

2006-07-13 Thread WLeed3

 The area of the Ottoman empire known as Palestine is now 
presently 2006 divided. Becoming the British mandate under the League of Nations 
it was divided in 1922. In that year 77% of the mandates land mass was carved 
out & given to the Arabs -- Palestinians to have as & for their own land 
& country. Today this area is know as Jordan. The remainder of the lands 
were intended by the mandate & league to be & become a homeland for 
the Jews. The Jews were then & always quite agreeable to the Arabs having 
there own nation on part of the land ( mandated lands). The remainder of 
Palestine was intended as a homeland for the Jews. the purpose for creating ( 
then called transjordan was to," establish a Jewish national home land west of 
the Jordan river & a separate Palestine entity in the Palestine east of the 
Jordan River. I note as an aside Winston Churchill often spoke & wrote 
of these purposes.  

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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Israel & terrorism

2006-07-13 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/13/06 10:58:38 A.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  problem is the Palestinian people believe and teach their young that all 
  > of Israel is their rightful land and the Jews have absolutely no 
  business > there. It's all or nothing for them.< Those thieving 
  Jews, hmmm, where have we > heard that before?>You think 
  that many Israelis don't teach their kids the same thing? Dare I mention that 
  international city, Jerusalem? The USA STILL won't move its embassy there 
  and the Israelis have claimed it as their capital for how long 

But at least the Israelis are willing to live side by side 
with a Palestinian state in peace unlike the Palestinians. And the Arabs 
would still have Jerusalem had they not attacked Israel in hopes of driving them 
into the sea in 67. They would also have the West Bank and Golan Heights. 


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Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Israel & terrorism

2006-07-13 Thread MDixon6569

In a message dated 7/12/06 9:48:45 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
  Palestinians will have their rightfull land, and the israelis will have 
  their rightfull safety, albeit, since they are basically thieves, on 
  radically less square miles than today.

The problem is the Palestinian people believe and teach their 
young that all of Israel is their rightful land and the Jews have absolutely no 
business there. It's all or nothing for them.< Those thieving Jews, hmmm, 
where have we heard that before?

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