Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-27 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2011, at 10:32 PM, Ravi Yogi wrote:

 --- In, curtisdeltablues 
 curtisdeltablues@... wrote:
  --- In, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@ wrote:
   But Hinduism gets too complicated, too many paradoxes, ups and downs, too 
   many inconsistencies, like the beloved. It takes love, faith, trust and 
   commitment. Only with love can you accept a person in totality.
   No wonder the majority of Americans including Vaj, Barry and Curtis 
   choose Buddhism.
  Little Hindu triumphalism huh Ravi? Ethno-centric bias is so predictable. 
  So you were born in that part of the world and amazingly enough conclude 
  that the stories they tell are the rightest ones. How convenient!
 Hmm, no, not right stories, the wrong ones too, the good , bad and the ugly, 
 stories of love and hatred, war and peace, life in its all fullness. Buddhism 
 is just Hindu's bastard child, more of a child born out of a fling with the 
 whore (intellect). The pain, suffering, consistent message of this bastard 
 child is always attractive to the likes of pain projecting liberals like you.

Pretty naive statement. What you have to realize Ravi is that Shakyamuni Buddha 
is just the primary Buddha of this era - there were Buddhas before him and 
there were Buddhas after him. In fact, some believe that Shiva is a corruption 
of a great Bonpo Buddha associated with the kingdom of Xhang Xhung (the area 
around current Mt. Kailash). Some of the Vedic rishis would be Buddhas as 

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-27 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2011, at 11:42 PM, curtisdeltablues wrote:

 -- In, Ravi Yogi raviyogi@... wrote:
 Buddhism is just Hindu's bastard child, more of a child born
  out of a fling with the whore (intellect). The pain, suffering,
  consistent message of this bastard child is always attractive to the
  likes of pain projecting liberals like you.
 Why would you use the term projection while doing just that? 
 I am not a Buddhist. I not a pain projecting liberal, whatever that means.
 Weird game Ravi. Weird game.

Weird guy, weird guy. I think his whore gave him a spiritual STD. :-)

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-26 Thread Vaj

On Aug 26, 2011, at 8:44 AM, turquoiseb wrote:

--- In, Vaj vajradhatu@... wrote:

 On Aug 25, 2011, at 10:24 AM, cardemaister wrote:
  ... that Steve Jobs is a Buddhist, according to Wikipedia!
  Well, I guess almost everyone knew that already...

 Sri Jobs actually took off, long ago, in search of himself to
 India, backpacking and hitchhiking around that country. The
 trip culminated with him being taken high to the hills above
 Rishikesh and having his head shaved by his guru. He returned
 to America with a shaved head and dressed in Indian clothing.
 From that silence sequentially unfolded the Macintosh...

Plus a little help from having stolen the entire
concept from Xerox Parc labs. :-)

Sri Jobs had cognized the graphical GUI while in India; Xerox, taking  
advantage of the hundredth monkey effect, stole Jobs cognition.  Job- 
ji, due to support of nature and the frictionless flow of his state  
of consciousness effortlessly regained what was rightfully his. Geeks  
in lower states of consciousness tried to replicate it, but only  
succeeded in mimicking Job's reality distorting cognitions of  
ultimate User Interface realities.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/26/2011 05:44 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In, Vajvajradhatu@...  wrote:
 On Aug 25, 2011, at 10:24 AM, cardemaister wrote:
 ... that Steve Jobs is a Buddhist, according to Wikipedia!

 Well, I guess almost everyone knew that already...
 Sri Jobs actually took off, long ago, in search of himself to
 India, backpacking and hitchhiking around that country. The
 trip culminated with him being taken high to the hills above
 Rishikesh and having his head shaved by his guru. He returned
 to America with a shaved head and dressed in Indian clothing.
  From that silence sequentially unfolded the Macintosh...
 Plus a little help from having stolen the entire
 concept from Xerox Parc labs.  :-)

And how Xerox Fumbled the Future in the book Fumbling the Future:

Of course much of today's GUI concept came from the work of Doug 
Engelbart at SRI circa 1968:

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-26 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/26/2011 09:35 AM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In, richardwillytexwilliamswillytex@... 

 Of course much of today's GUI concept came from
 the work of Doug Engelbart...

 The Apple Macintosh was the first commercially
 successful personal computer with a graphical user
 Missed the reference to Douglas Engelbart.

 Alan Kay (lead/participant for most of the GUI and much of the other advanced 
 technology work at Xerox) says that almost every major computer invention in 
 the past 45 years was inspired by Douglas Engelbart's Mother of all Demos...

 google Mother of all Demos for more info.


The YouTube link I provided IS part 1 of 9 of The Mother of All Demos

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/25/2011 08:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In, cardemaisterno_reply@...  wrote:
 ... that Steve Jobs is a Buddhist, according to Wikipedia!

 Well, I guess almost everyone knew that already...
 Let's hope Nabby has a PC instead of a Mac.
 Otherwise he'd have to be afraid of getting
 Buddhist cooties.

The way the press is going with Jobs resignation you'd think he actually 
invented all of Apple's stuff.  From what I heard he was more a governor 
on a lot of ideas that teams in Cupertino came up with.  Apparently he 
likes keeping things simple so he can understand them. :-D

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/25/2011 10:43 AM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 08/25/2011 08:35 AM, turquoiseb wrote:
 --- In, cardemaisterno_reply@   wrote:
 ... that Steve Jobs is a Buddhist, according to Wikipedia!

 Well, I guess almost everyone knew that already...
 Let's hope Nabby has a PC instead of a Mac.
 Otherwise he'd have to be afraid of getting
 Buddhist cooties.
 The way the press is going with Jobs resignation you'd think he actually
 invented all of Apple's stuff.  From what I heard he was more a governor
 on a lot of ideas that teams in Cupertino came up with.  Apparently he
 likes keeping things simple so he can understand them. :-D

 Actually, Jobs' main strengths have always been to recognize and inspire 
 talent and recognize the potential for others' ideas, combined with an 
 infectious vision (reality distortion field was originally a reference to 
 his ability to get *engineers* fired up about a project), and a good sense of 
 marketing to the masses.

 Certainly, he doesn't have a 200 IQ like Woz is said to have, but he has the 
 ability to communicate with world-class engineers on their level combined 
 with the ability to communicate with world-class artists and designers on 
 THEIR level, AND coordinate the creation of an end-product that is more often 
 than not, world-class.

 That combination has produced many of the most popular and significant 
 products of the last 30 years, including the Apple I, ][ and \\e, the Mac, 
 NeXT/MacOS X, iPod/iPhone/iPad and of course, Toy Story  friends.

 It has made him the most influential technologist and media mogul in the 
 world, taking Apple to become the largest company in the world and eclipsing 
 the fact that he and his team now run DIsney (seeing that he sits on the BoD, 
 is the largest shareholder, and John Lassiter of Pixar now runs the Disney 
 Animation division).


That read like an Apple PR release. :-D

Here in the Bay Area the opinion of Jobs may not be as high.   I once 
saw him give a demo of his networked development system at a multimedia 
event.  Some folks around here thought this fictional movie pretty much 
hit it on the head:

Maybe with him out of the picture Apple can gain the market share it 
should have as an alternative OS by licensing it to other companies.  
And maybe one won't need a damned Mac to build an iPhone app.  And maybe 
build the UI with more than just Obejct C.

Re: [FairfieldLife] Re: Just learned...

2011-08-25 Thread Bhairitu
On 08/25/2011 12:28 PM, sparaig wrote:

 --- In, Bhairitunoozguru@...  wrote:
 On 08/25/2011 10:43 AM, sparaig wrote:
 Actually, Jobs' main strengths have always been to recognize and inspire 
 talent and recognize the potential for others' ideas, combined with an 
 infectious vision (reality distortion field was originally a reference to 
 his ability to get *engineers* fired up about a project), and a good sense 
 of marketing to the masses.

 Certainly, he doesn't have a 200 IQ like Woz is said to have, but he has 
 the ability to communicate with world-class engineers on their level 
 combined with the ability to communicate with world-class artists and 
 designers on THEIR level, AND coordinate the creation of an end-product 
 that is more often than not, world-class.

 That combination has produced many of the most popular and significant 
 products of the last 30 years, including the Apple I, ][ and \\e, the Mac, 
 NeXT/MacOS X, iPod/iPhone/iPad and of course, Toy Story   friends.

 It has made him the most influential technologist and media mogul in the 
 world, taking Apple to become the largest company in the world and 
 eclipsing the fact that he and his team now run DIsney (seeing that he sits 
 on the BoD, is the largest shareholder, and John Lassiter of Pixar now runs 
 the Disney Animation division).

 That read like an Apple PR release. :-D

 Do you think an Apple press release would refer to Jobs as having a reality 
 distortion field?

 I've programmed Apple //e's, Classic Macs and Mac OS X. I've been an Apple 
 programmer for nearly 30 years and I've worked for Apple indirectly as the 
 local Performa representative, traveling around to all the dept stores, 
 trying to make sure that the Mac displays were kept neat and functional.

 I've dealt with many of the Apple people over the years including Jef Raskin 
 (founder of the original Mac project and arch enemy of Steve Jobs) and Steve 
 Wozniak. I used to own a bit of Apple stock and became an Apple watcher 
 because of it (had I held onto all of it I would now be worth about $4 
 million -I sold the last 3/4 (6 shares after a 3 x 2-way splits) of a share 
 for $1600 earlier this year), so I've been following the company pretty 
 darned closely compared to most people.

 Here in the Bay Area the opinion of Jobs may not be as high.
 What would they say differently? Anyone who denies what I said above is 
 deluded. They might enjoy concentrating on his personality/character flaws, 
 but that wasn't the point of my post.

I once
 saw him give a demo of his networked development system at a multimedia
 event.  Some folks around here thought this fictional movie pretty much
 hit it on the head:

 Wozniak once pointed out that while the actors nailed the personalities and 
 inter-personal relationships of all the major characters, there was a great 
 many factual errors in that movie.

 Maybe with him out of the picture Apple can gain the market share it
 should have as an alternative OS by licensing it to other companies.
 A publicly held company isn't supposed to gain market share :It is supposed 
 to make money. Apple is now the largest company in the world, market-cap 
 wise, and its  year over year profits are growing as fast or faster than 
 Microsoft's did at its most influential. What argument can you make that 
 using Microsoft's strategy will make more money for Apple than Apple's 
 strategy does?

 And maybe one won't need a damned Mac to build an iPhone app.  And maybe
 build the UI with more than just Obejct C.

 Great marketing strategy for Apple, don't you agree? iPhone programming 
 classes are amongst the most popular computer programming classes in the 
 world. 100,000 people have signed up to watch the Stanford University  iPhone 
 programming classes online, and every one of them needs a Mac to sell (if not 
 program since plenty of people have Hackintoshes) an iPhone app.

 When you learn to program an iPhone, you have basically learned 90-95% of 
 what is required to program a Mac and vice versa. As I said, great marketing 
 strategy for Apple.

 Objective C is basically C with object libraries added that use Smalltalk 
 syntax and a Smalltalk-like runtime object model. I understand that most 
 people (especially C++/C#/Java programmers) don't really understand 
 Object-Oriented Programming but Smalltalk was the language from which almost 
 all other OOP languages get their OOP concepts and most of languages don't do 
 it nearly as well. Additionally, the GUI that Jobs and Gates saw at PARC was 
 written in Smalltalk. In fact, modern GUIs and SMalltalk-OOP evolved hand in 
 hand up until the Mac and Windows came about, so to knock using 
 Smalltalk-like syntax in a GUI is well, stupid.

 On almost every detail of your post you have proven yourself to be