Re: [fd-dev] codepage IDs

2002-11-26 Thread Axel C. Frinke
Rösberg, Tue 26.11.02
Hi Arkady,

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:54:43 +0300 (MSK), Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

AB 26-îÏÑ-2002 16:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom ehlert) wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
AF Maybe I've gone too
AF far with 'nightmare', but it's still handy to save address space.
AB This is matter of taste, how call such desicions: silly, nightmare,
AB etc.
TE trouble to save 4 bits isn't 'silly'. it's outright 'dull' ;-)

Tom, why so polite? Why not slightly saying 'crack-brained'? After
all, you always omit infinitive truth and wisdom, so you do need to
take care of other people's opinion

AB  Please, don't make such silly suggestions and implementations. Making
AF Really, I would not call this suggestion 'silly'.
AB  But results of such decisions often are silly. B-\ Probably,
AB most clear example of such decisions is an BIOS limits for disk
AB sizes: first 512M, then 2Gb, then 4Gb, then 8Gb, then 32Gb, then
AB 127Gb...

Hmmm... the number of codepage IDs does not grow with the same
speed than hard disks do. But I go for that.
And I want to repeat: my previous statement is more a wish than a
demand. I would likely have the number of existing codepages limited
to 4096 or 16384. But if there would be new codepages introduced
with higher ID's, I would not ignore them.
Of course, because of the possibility of such high codepage IDs my
idea is somewhat questionable.

AB full featured lookup table may be _slightly_ more complicated, but then
AB later this will not crash your (and our) head when limits will be exhausted.
AF Yes, but whenever new codepages are introduced, such lookup tables
AF must be maintained, this can become a cumbersome work.
AB  Why?

Actually, I starting to ask this question to myself. At meanwhile,
it seems to be less effort for me to implement lookup tables than
constisting on my idea. ;-)


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Re: [fd-dev] codepage IDs

2002-11-20 Thread Axel C. Frinke
Rösberg, Thu 21.11.02
Hi Arkady,

On Thu, 21 Nov 2002 02:37:51 +0300 (MSK), Arkady V.Belousov wrote:
RQ ( my wish: below 4000
RQ my second wish: below 8000
RQ my last wish: below 16000 :-((()
AF I agree completely!
AF Let me express it more precisely: it would be handy to have all
AF codepage number below 4098.

AB  As stated by Matthias, DR-DOS assigns for code pages with euro sign
AB some very big values.

I think I heard about this, too. But is there an official DR-DOS
release with such codepages?

AF Codepage numbers above 16383 would be nightmare!
AB  Why?

Well, with the assumption that all codepage IDs would not take more
than 10 bits, there would be 6 remaining bits to denote variations of
the existing codepages. If I remember correct, the DR-DOS method
denotes codepage 858 as 20850. For automatted processing it is much
easier to subtract 2 than looking up in an additional lookup table
for variants of codepages.
With 'regular' codepage IDs above 16383, there would only one bit
remain for variations - this could become painful for system

AF lot of codepages without any official IDs. The most important of them
AF is KOI8-R, which should be supported as well. (Arkady, do you agree?)
AB  No.

What a pity.

AB  See the difference: under Windows you have one system codepage (to be
AB precise: two with so called OEM) and may use any fonts simultaneously.
AB This is how was added support for KOI8-R in Netscape Navigator before it
AB begins a _real_ internationalized program.

Well, as it goes for me, I would likely have support for ISO-Latin-1
under DOS, this would spare me much conversion work for my emails.
I thought you would feel similar.

AB  Under DOS you have one system codepage and you _can't_ have other
AB simultaneous fonts [for different code pages]. This is nature of text modes,
AB only some _applications_ may support in graphics mode some different fonts.

I don't understand this. Can't you use CHCP to switch between

AB  On the other side, KOI8-R never used in DOS as base codepage, although

This is no reason against. You know, there was a time where Internet
was never used before. Nowadays many people use it in spite. ;-)

AB beside ALT (CP866) codepage there was three other - MAIN, BULGAR and GOST.
AB KOI8-R used only as commincation base, so under DOS you should only have
AB translation tables in communication programs.

Well, I don't know whether these codepages contain important
characters which are not contained in KOI8-R.

AB  Conclusion: under DOS may/should used only CP866. Adding support for
AB other codepages (even for Windows CP1251) have no sense - at least, because
AB they not contain pseudographic characters.

Well, I confess: you have more knowledge about this topic as I have.

AB  BTW, to complicate case the more, there is another KOI8 - KOI8-U
AB (Ukrainian KOI8). You may see the differences with KOI8-R in RFC2319.

I will take a look at it by chance. Thanks.


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