Rösberg, Tue 26.11.02
Hi Arkady,

On Tue, 26 Nov 2002 18:54:43 +0300 (MSK), Arkady V.Belousov wrote:

AB> 26-îÏÑ-2002 16:25 [EMAIL PROTECTED] (tom ehlert) wrote to [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
AF>>>> Maybe I've gone too
AF>>>> far with 'nightmare', but it's still handy to save address space.
AB>>>     This is matter of taste, how call such desicions: "silly", "nightmare",
AB>>> etc.
TE>> trouble to save 4 bits isn't 'silly'. it's outright 'dull' ;-)

Tom, why so polite? Why not slightly saying 'crack-brained'? After
all, you always omit infinitive truth and wisdom, so you do need to
take care of other people's opinion....

AB>>>>>      Please, don't make such silly suggestions and implementations. Making
AF>>>> Really, I would not call this suggestion 'silly'.
AB>>>      But results of such decisions often are silly. B-\ Probably,
AB>>> most clear example of such decisions is an BIOS limits for disk
AB>>> sizes: first 512M, then 2Gb, then 4Gb, then 8Gb, then 32Gb, then
AB>>> 127Gb...

Hmmm... the number of codepage IDs does not grow with the same
speed than hard disks do. But I go for that.
And I want to repeat: my previous statement is more a wish than a
demand. I would likely have the number of existing codepages limited
to 4096 or 16384. But if there would be new codepages introduced
with higher ID's, I would not ignore them.
Of course, because of the possibility of such high codepage IDs my
idea is somewhat questionable.

AB>>>>> full featured lookup table may be _slightly_ more complicated, but then
AB>>>>> later this will not crash your (and our) head when limits will be exhausted.
AF>>>> Yes, but whenever new codepages are introduced, such lookup tables
AF>>>> must be maintained, this can become a cumbersome work.
AB>>>      Why?

Actually, I starting to ask this question to myself. At meanwhile,
it seems to be less effort for me to implement lookup tables than
constisting on my idea. ;-)


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