Re: StoreSIG: Moving Forward

2008-01-06 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
On Jan 6, 2008 4:05 PM, Paul W. Frields <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You could try contacting the Artwork team, which has a design service
> for just this need:
> I'm cc'ing their list with followups here to f-marketing-l.

Thanks Paul!

I have also created a general requirements page on the wiki to help
give people an idea of what we are looking for.  That page is here:

Anyone interested, feel free to post to the list with questions or
contact me on IRC with questions, I can be found in #fedora-mktg as


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Store SIG mockup page

2008-02-08 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
I am sure several have seen some of the things the Store SIG has been
working on.  If not, here is a link to the SIG for a brief summary:

I come asking for some help from the art team in creating a rough
mockup of what a store.fp.o page might look like.  I have also placed
a request on the Page Requests section of the websites group as well.

The Fedora store page at this time is to be a place to help direct
people to the locations they can purchase Fedora merchandise from. We
are looking for a mockup of a page that can provide links for
Ambassadors looking for merchandise in bulk and for Fedora users
looking to purchase merchandise and will ultimately be redirected to a
third-party vendor. In addition we would like to be able to showcase
some product on the landing page.

We also have a general requirements page listed here:

If anyone is interested in helping out, that would be great.  Just let
me know if you have any questions.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Marketing Collateral Design Request

2008-02-29 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
On Fri, Feb 29, 2008 at 12:06 AM, Jeff Spaleta <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  I'm all for it... I have no idea how to make it happen.  Sounds like
>  something Max would really be keen on. Is this something the Store SIG
>  could find a way to put together?

The Store SIG could certainly provide a place to make merchandise
available once we have a store in place.  The Store SIG is currently
wrapping up evaluating 3rd party vendors to handle the store front.
Right now the current front runner is  The types of
products from their store is more limited, but quality of prints is
supposed to be higher (waiting for an order from them to be sure).

But yes, the goal is for when we have a store.fp.o site is to allow
designs to be uploaded to the store for sale to the public.  We just
aren't quite there yet.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Release Party Flyers

2008-03-26 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
Hello Art Team,

FAmSCo is trying to get Ambassadors to host release parties during the
first week or so of the Fedora 9 release in their area.  Francesco
announced the idea to the Ambassadors list here:

As part of this, I would like to make it even easier for Ambassadors
by having some flyers they can download off the wiki to hang up in
their area announcing their local release party (and, uh, who am I
kidding - I need some flyers for the release party we are planning
here in Central Ohio...).

I am thinking just a one sheet flyer that we can print up and hang on
University bulletin boards, coffee shop hangouts, computer stores,
etc.  Now, the dates will most likely vary between area for their
release party date - so in order to be most useful it would be handy
for the average non-art person to be able to modify the date, time,
location and a little area for any special notes.

Is this something someone could help me out on?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Fwd: Release Party Flyers

2008-04-05 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
Hi Art Team,

I posted the below to the art list late last week, it doesn't look
like I had any takers.  The Fedora Ambassador Steering Committee is
planning on making the Release Party push to the Ambassadors at the
beginning of the upcoming week.  I would like to be able to provide a
generic flyer to ambassadors that they can use with minimal changes to
print up for their local release party.

I have absolutely zero artistic ability and could use some help with
this flyer. I am picturing a one-sheet flyer themed with F9 graphic(s)
and a text box somewhere on the page where the ambassador can fill in
their release party date, time, location and any special events they
might be doing at the party.  It would be good if the flyers could be
printed in color or black and white and still look presentable.

If I can provide you with more information, please don't hesitate to
let me know.  If someone could help me out with this, I would greatly
appreciate it - as would the other FAmSCo members.

a.k.a. iWolf

-- Forwarded message ------
From: Jeffrey Tadlock <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: Wed, Mar 26, 2008 at 10:38 PM
Subject: Release Party Flyers
To: "Discussions about the artwork included with Fedora, including
icons, themes, and wallpapers." 

Hello Art Team,

 FAmSCo is trying to get Ambassadors to host release parties during the
 first week or so of the Fedora 9 release in their area.  Francesco
 announced the idea to the Ambassadors list here:

 As part of this, I would like to make it even easier for Ambassadors
 by having some flyers they can download off the wiki to hang up in
 their area announcing their local release party (and, uh, who am I
 kidding - I need some flyers for the release party we are planning
 here in Central Ohio...).

 I am thinking just a one sheet flyer that we can print up and hang on
 University bulletin boards, coffee shop hangouts, computer stores,
 etc.  Now, the dates will most likely vary between area for their
 release party date - so in order to be most useful it would be handy
 for the average non-art person to be able to modify the date, time,
 location and a little area for any special notes.

 Is this something someone could help me out on?


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Release Party Flyers

2008-04-05 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 11:40 AM, Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>  What copy do you want for the poster? What do you want it to say? If you
> can provide the text, e.g.:
>  Come Celebrate Fedora 10's release!
>  CDs and DVDs available, swag available, blah balh balh
>  Date:
>  Time:
>  Location:
>  Special Notes:
>  (I'm sure you could come up with something better for the headline and
> byline?)

Thanks Máirín!  Let me run some ideas by FAmSCo and then I will post
back here with more info for the text.

Is it possible to have a text box area where an Ambassador could open
the flyer and modify the date, time, location and notes section
themselves?  My hope is to provide ambassadors with a general release
party flyer that they can add in their own date, time and location.
That will allow us to use this flyer as a basis for all of the Release
Parties we hope to see thrown shortly after the launch of Fedora 9.

Thanks again!


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: Release Party Flyers

2008-04-06 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
On Sat, Apr 5, 2008 at 2:43 PM, Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > >  What copy do you want for the poster? What do you want it to say? If
> > > you can provide the text, e.g.:

In interests of keeping the flyer towards the generic side and useful
for a large number of people (and my lack marketing lingo  ;)   ), how
about something that says:

Fedora 9   # in big, eye catching text
Release Party   # in slightly smaller text

Then a Fedora graphic in the middle of the sheet and allow room at the
bottom of the text for someone to tweak the design with their
customized local info.

> > >  Date:
> > >  Time:
> > >  Location:
> > >  Special Notes:
> >
> > Is it possible to have a text box area where an Ambassador could open
> > the flyer and modify the date, time, location and notes section
> > themselves?  My hope is to provide ambassadors with a general release
> > party flyer that they can add in their own date, time and location.
> > That will allow us to use this flyer as a basis for all of the Release
> > Parties we hope to see thrown shortly after the launch of Fedora 9.
>  I would guess the simplest way to do this is to keep the date / time /
> location fields blank, let the ambassadors fill this out on a printout using
> a magic marker and then make xerox copies?

Well, it doesn't have to be that simple.  Here is what I have in mind,
the heading text and graphic above and then towards the bottom a spot
fill in the local information of date, time, location, etc.  I figure
most of these flyers will be on 8.5"x11" paper, so we can post a png
for printing in that size on the wiki.  If people need a different
size, they can tweak it from the svg we also post.  With the date,
time, location section blank an ambassador can load the png file into
The Gimp and add in their own text in the area we left.  Do you think
this would work?  We (i.e. I) can post directions on how to modify the
flyer with that information if you think it is at least doable.

Thanks for taking time to discuss this with me.  I know you folks are
swamped with trying to get the theme finished up before the freeze.


Fedora-art-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Store mockup

2008-05-14 Thread Jeffrey Tadlock
On Wed, May 14, 2008 at 10:04 AM, Máirín Duffy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I took a stab at a front page mockup for the Fedora store. I have some ideas
> for the subpages too. I'm thinking basically the subpages will show all the
> possible products and maybe list which external sites you can get each in
> (for individual purchasing), and for bulk orders maybe it would have
> downloadable printer-ready artwork with recommendations by region of where
> to go with price estimates?

This is awesome!  Very, very nice looking.  Thank you for putting all
the work into the mockup.

And I like your idea of how to pull this off.  A store.fp.o page where
we can showcase the products and then links from there to take people
to the external site(s) we choose for actual purchase of the product.
I think that could work well.

And I love the bulk orders idea as well.  This would make producing
material in bulk for local shows so much easier for ambassadors.

Thanks again for the work you put into this!


Fedora-art-list mailing list