Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 22:26 -0400, wrote:
> Why is it that, when I insert an audio disk, I see it as an audio disk on
> my desktop, but when I click it, GNOME shows the .wav files that are
> present.

There are no files on an audio disc, of any type, it cannot be mounted.
It is not WAVE data on the disc, although the decrypted compact disc
digital audio (CDDA) data is similar to one possible format of wav, it's
not the same.

On various computer systems, if I try to open an CDDA in a file browser
I will see a faked representation of a disc with selectable files.  But
all they are, are clickable items for me to tell the computer to do
something related to a certain part of the disc.

On Fedora 9, I see faked "Track01.wav" contents, etc.  On other
competing systems I see tiny (other types of) files, which are treated
rather like MP3 playlists (giving some player a reference to what to
play - disc 1, track 2, etc).

It is then up to that additional application to play the track.  Or some
handler in the middle, that makes a track on a disc appear like it
actually were a file, to give something to the application at the other
end of things to play.

For what it's worth, this issue is not unique to Linux.  I've certainly
had grief trying to get Windows to play audio CDs, in the past.  It can
get really fun when someone's installed two different CD burning
applications on their computer, and they all have a fight about who gets
to play with the disc in the drive.

> No application is suggested, even under "Open", to play the damned
> music. 

Not having a populated list of CD player programs, sounds like a Gnome
problem...  Though it could be that you haven't installed any capable
applications that inform Gnome that they're available as a CDDA handler.

> If I go to Application, sound and video, the first option,
> "Audio Player", opens XMMS.

When I've used XMMS, in the past, it couldn't directly play CDDA.  It
needed a plug-in for that.  Though it's probably included by default, by
now.  It also needed configuration:  It needed you to specify a place on
the directory tree that it would understand as a reference to your audio
CD, so that when you accessed that part of the file system, it was to
read tracks from the audio disc, instead.  This is the same sort of
thing as I outline further above, but XMMS implementing for itself,
rather than Gnome acting as the go-between.  This is an XMMS application
issue, not a Linux one.

Other CDDA capable programs take different approaches.  They'll detect a
CDDA disc in the CD drive, and provide their own disc/track content

Further to this, CDDA programs have (about) two options for playing the

1. They can send commands to the CD drive, telling it to start spinning
the disc, move the laser in so-much to play track so-and-so, and decode
the audio itself (the drive), and the analogue audio out from the drive
will got to a spare input on your sound card, for an analogue path to
your speakers/headphones.  Naturally, this requires an audio lead
between your CD and sound card, and lots of modern computers don't have
one installed.

1.a. Some drives also have a digital audio out, and can pipe the digital
audio to something else for decoding (your sound card, your expensive
HiFi stereo amplifier with digital audio inputs, etc.).  As above, in
point 1, this requires an audio lead from the drive to the next thing in
the chain.

2. They can stream the data off the disc, the same as reading data from
a data disc, and use your computer to decode the encrypted audio (*) to
audio you can listen to.

*  All audio CDs are encrypted.  It's not a secret encryption, it's part
of the way audio CDs handle playback errors (scramble the data put on
the disc, so if a big lump of data is unreadable, it's actually only a
few missing bits here and there, spread over a wide area, that can
easily be guessed at, when unscrambling it for playback).

> Great! I click the forward button... I'm presented with a list of the...
> no, no, no! not the files on the CD, but the files in my home directory!!!

Sounds like a bug in your browser (Nautilus, for Gnome).  Perhaps it
needs a CDDA plugin that you haven't installed.

Try to find out what's available for it:  yum search nautilus

> Wow, we're really moving forward! I painfully navigate to /media, there's
> nothing in /media.

There won't be.  Only data discs will be mounted, and have files
somewhere inside /media.

> At least, normally, you should go to => System, Preference, File
> Management, Media to select a default CD and DVD player. Still impossible!
> No option to change anything. I wrote about this. Nobody replied.

Seen this mentioned before, even discussed it with the person, but this
was prior to Fedora 11 being around.  Nautilus is your file manager for
Gnome, that's the starting point of fault finding, bug reporting, for
this issue.

> You think I'm a ranter?

Yes.  And if you do it in the wrong direction, it

Re: suggestions for library pc environment

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 18:07 +0200, Gianluca Cecchi wrote:
> I wouldn't like to keep it more complicated than needed, also because
> then I will not have so much time to follow and support (I hope some
> student in my town could learn and keep on eventually, though...;-)
> AFAIK, the PCs at the moment are used mainly to go through the
> internet, do instant messaging, create and print documents through a
> printer connected to one PC used by the librarian), and are used by
> Italian and foreign persons.

If you (or other staff) can handle the personal support needed to
configure and use applications, then it's do-able.

e.g. for documents.  Moderately easy to use just by
treating it like any other word processor, considering that most people
don't use the fancy features offered on any word processor.

And something like Gaim for instant messaging, though configuration
would be daunting for many people.  Alternatively, many IM systems offer
a temporary client that works through the web browser, where all they
have to type in is their login name and password.

> I think at the moment the records about books lent to the users are
> only on paper... so it would be an added value to integrate with some
> kind of sw able to manage the flow of the book of the books ..;-)

I've seen mention of some library management systems, before, but I
don't recall the names.  Years ago, back in the Windows 3 days, my
school's computer department wrote their own from scratch, because the
commercial offerings sucked / costed too much.  ;-)

> Some considerations below, I would like to receive back suggestions
> and/or comments or other points I missed.
> - predefined user for every pc (eventually different between different
> PCs) or any user his/her login?
> Second one would be far better because one could choose the preferred
> language and also desktop customization
> Also, the first time a user asks to use a PC, he/she has to register
> and the library can keep track of this...
> But I should setup a sw to let a guy easily make first registration
> and let him/her use on any PC that is present

Look into "internet cafe" set ups for Linux.  Those sorts of problem
have already been solved (guest logons, managing multiple users, etc).

> - LTSP? Could it be an option?
> I used version 4.2 for a test case some years and it was well
> documented and suitable... not tried version 5 that is provided in
> F11.
> Any comments on this? A weakness I see is that if LTSP server is down
> or has a problem with the network, all the PC stations are impacted.
> And I have to count one more PC to use as a server

I imagine that you do want one server, especially if you're going to
have a library management system.  So I don't see having to *rely* on at
least one PC being unreasonable.

You're probably going to have to implement some sort of censorship or
content filtering, it's usually expected by some patrons, and might even
be legally required of you.  That'll be a second thing that would
require you to have at least one machine as a dedicated server, and
you've already mentioned you're using a machine as a print server.  So
that's three things that would use a server, which could all be handled
by the one computer.

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 16:21 +0200, Andras Simon wrote:
> I'd stay clear of any external drive that smells of having been made
> for Windows users (say, those that have a button for starting backup).
> Just get a good HD, same as you'd want as an internal drive, and a
> simple enclosure.

It does appear to be one of those, I guess I'm hoping to see someone say
they've used one and it has or hasn't presented any problems.

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 10:23 -0400, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
> I found USB drives to be hugely unreliable. I ended up removing the 
> disks from their enclosures and using them inside the main computer 
> chassis, like a normal drive.
> I think something is buggy with the USB drive implementation,

I'm beginning to wonder if that's be the case, whether it's a general
problem, or just certain products are crap.

> You might have better luck with eSATA drives, rather than USB.
> For my backups, I prefer to use something like rsnapshot 
> ( to copy files to a remote live computer. This 
> works very well and very reliably, for me.

In my main case, this is a laptop, so putting a drive inside isn't
possible, and it has no esata.  I'd been backing up to a server, and the
ill-fated external drive.

I like the idea of a removable drive, so a backup can be made and easily
unplugged, as security against system/electrical screwups, and stored
separately.  But it seems less than reliable.

I've tried those trays you slot in and out of a 5 inch bay, and was less
than impressed (overheats, plastic, crappy fan, etc.), and it's only
useable where you have a tray to plug into.  The external drive in a box
*seemed* a good alternative idea.

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Mick M.

--- On Fri, 7/17/09, Tim  wrote:

> From: Tim 

> > Just get a good HD, same as you'd want as an internal
> drive, and a
> > simple enclosure.
> It does appear to be one of those, I guess I'm hoping to
> see someone say
> they've used one and it has or hasn't presented any
> problems.

I use some Dynex external USB boxes.

They are cheap to buy, well made and reliable, lots of them on eBay.
They are metal, and have an on/off switch.
I always have one plugged in but turned off.

I have used drives from 20G to 300G in them  - never had a problem.
Just set the drive to master.

Mick M


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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread John Austin
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 01:08 -0700, Mick M. wrote:
> --- On Fri, 7/17/09, Tim  wrote:
> > From: Tim 
> > > Just get a good HD, same as you'd want as an internal
> > drive, and a
> > > simple enclosure.
> > 
> > It does appear to be one of those, I guess I'm hoping to
> > see someone say
> > they've used one and it has or hasn't presented any
> > problems.
> > 
> I use some Dynex external USB boxes.
> They are cheap to buy, well made and reliable, lots of them on eBay.
> They are metal, and have an on/off switch.
> I always have one plugged in but turned off.
> I have used drives from 20G to 300G in them  - never had a problem.
> Just set the drive to master.
> Mick M

I have been using IcyBox products for several years
Just empty boxes with ext PS


Then there is the choice between "screw in" and "slide in" versions!!
One source in the UK

My favourite is the internal trayless version
IcyBox Trayless IB-168SK-B SATA to SATA HDD,


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Terminal does not work on a fresh install of Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread prodpedia
I managed to install Fedora 11 on a Dell optiplex 260. On the first boot - I 
can't launch the terminal in the graphical environment. On clicking system 
tools->terminal it brings up a window with title Starting terminal. It then 
disappears in a few seconds. Everything else works. I can get to a terminal 
using Ctrl-alt-f2. But cannot start the terminal within graphical environment.  
Can I reinstall it. What is the program called? I understand that Gnome 
terminal is different. I am a newbie so thanks for bearing with me.

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Alan Cox
> In short, regarding your problems:
> Gnome desktop - nothing listed as a handler application for CDDA
> Nautilus - Not interfacing to your chosen CDDA handler.
Is Rhythmbox installed ? I would expect that to own CD playing (as it
does normally when in use)

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2009-07-17 Thread François Patte
Hash: SHA1


I am wondering if there is some tool under fedora which allow to unpack
and install packages from debian (.deb): I have found a bunch of ttf
japanese fonts on debian site but I don't know how to install them.

Or, are there ttf "exotic" fonts on fedora which I could install with yum?

Where? And what are their names?


- --
François Patte
UFR de mathématiques et informatique
Université Paris Descartes
45, rue des Saints Pères
F-75270 Paris Cedex 06
Tél. +33 (0)1 4286 2145
Version: GnuPG v1.4.9 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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Re: .deb

2009-07-17 Thread Frank Murphy
On 17/07/09 10:05, François Patte wrote:
> Bonjour,
> I am wondering if there is some tool under fedora which allow to unpack
> and install packages from debian (.deb):

You probably have to compile from source.



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Re: .deb

2009-07-17 Thread Jussi Lehtola
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 11:05 +0200, François Patte wrote:
> I am wondering if there is some tool under fedora which allow to unpack
> and install packages from debian (.deb): I have found a bunch of ttf
> japanese fonts on debian site but I don't know how to install them.

Not for the moment, no. Alien and dpkg have not yet been packaged for

> Or, are there ttf "exotic" fonts on fedora which I could install with yum?
> Where? And what are their names?

On Fedora 11 I get

$ yum search japanese|grep -i font
hanazono-fonts.noarch : Japanese Mincho-typeface TrueType font
ipa-gothic-fonts.noarch : Japanese Gothic-typeface OpenType font by IPA
ipa-mincho-fonts.noarch : Japanese Mincho-typeface OpenType font by IPA
ipa-pgothic-fonts.noarch : Japanese Proportional Gothic-typeface
OpenType font
ipa-pmincho-fonts.noarch : Japanese Proportional Mincho-typeface
OpenType font
japanese-bitmap-fonts.noarch : Free Japanese Bitmap fonts
jisksp16-1990-fonts.noarch : 16x16 JIS X 0212:1990 Bitmap font
knm_new-fonts.noarch : 12x12 JIS X 0208 Bitmap font
mona-bitmap-fonts.noarch : Bitmap Japanese font for text arts
mona-sazanami-fonts.noarch : True Type Japanese font for text arts based
mona-vlgothic-fonts.noarch : True Type Japanese font for text arts based
sazanami-fonts-common.noarch : Common files for Sazanami Japanese
TrueType fonts
sazanami-gothic-fonts.noarch : Sazanami Gothic Japanese TrueType font
sazanami-mincho-fonts.noarch : Sazanami Mincho Japanese TrueType font
vlgothic-fonts.noarch : Japanese TrueType font
vlgothic-fonts-common.noarch : Common files for VLGothic Japanese
TrueType fonts
vlgothic-p-fonts.noarch : Proportional Japanese TrueType font
wqy-bitmap-fonts.noarch : WenQuanYi Bitmap Chinese Fonts
wqy-zenhei-fonts.noarch : WenQuanYi Zen Hei CJK Font
xorg-x11-fonts-misc.noarch : misc bitmap fonts for the X Window System

Jussi Lehtola
Fedora Project Contributor

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Re: totem and .rmvb, .rm files

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 05:00 -0700, gmspro wrote:
> Is it possible to play .rm and .rmvb files with totem multiplayer?
> I am using fedora 11.

Still on Fedora 9, here.  But totem could play .rm files when I
installed the gstreamer-ffmpeg package.  I had already tried adding all
the gstreamer plugins (good, bad, bad-extra, ugly), and totem-xine,
without them helping.

I haven't got a rmvb file handy to try.  Perhaps you can let us know if
this works for you.

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Cloaked

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
> On 07/16/2009 09:58 AM, Tim wrote:
>> Now I'm wondering what can be trusted as a medium for removable backups.
>> I much prefer the notion of something like a drive that carries
>> uncompressed copies of files, for direct access to a backup.  Rather
>> than serial access tapes, or terribly slow multi-DVD collections.
> I found USB drives to be hugely unreliable. I ended up removing the 
> disks from their enclosures and using them inside the main computer 
> chassis, like a normal drive.
> I think something is buggy with the USB drive implementation, though I 
> don't know what exactly (kernel driver, enclosure electronics, who
> knows...)

I have been using a Seagate FreeAgent Go external usb drive for this purpose
for some time and has worked flawlessly.  When I got the drive I simply
re-partitioned it with ext3 from scratch, and removed all trace of the
Windows one-touch backup system in the process. 

Plugging in to F10 and F11 based systems under Gnome works just fine and I
run backups based on rsync (and rdiff-backup). 

The drive is physically small and neat and the only minor issue is the short
usb lead that comes with the drive.
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G3-device for fedora 11?

2009-07-17 Thread Joerg Bergmann
I want to make my thinkpad T40 G3-enabled. It has a
CardBus slot, USB is available too. Any suggestion for
a fedora 11-friendly device? HSDPA/HSUPA should be possible.


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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 17 Jul 2009 09:24:04 John Austin wrote:
> On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 01:08 -0700, Mick M. wrote:
> > --- On Fri, 7/17/09, Tim  wrote:
> > > From: Tim 
> > >
> > > > Just get a good HD, same as you'd want as an internal
> > >
> > > drive, and a
> > >
> > > > simple enclosure.
> > >
> > > It does appear to be one of those, I guess I'm hoping to
> > > see someone say
> > > they've used one and it has or hasn't presented any
> > > problems.
> >
> > I use some Dynex external USB boxes.
> >
> > They are cheap to buy, well made and reliable, lots of them on eBay.
> > They are metal, and have an on/off switch.
> > I always have one plugged in but turned off.
> >
> > I have used drives from 20G to 300G in them  - never had a problem.
> > Just set the drive to master.
> >
> > Mick M
> I have been using IcyBox products for several years
> Just empty boxes with ext PS
> USB/PATA_drive
> SATA/SATA_drive
> eSATA/SATA_drive
> Then there is the choice between "screw in" and "slide in" versions!!
I have an IcyBox screw-in type, and am very happy with it.

> One source in the UK
> OT
> My favourite is the internal trayless version
> IcyBox Trayless IB-168SK-B SATA to SATA HDD,
That looks... er... interesting :-)  OK, 3.5" to 5", but how do you use it?  
How is the connection made?


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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 17 Jul 2009 08:44:40 Tim wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 10:23 -0400, Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:
> > I found USB drives to be hugely unreliable. I ended up removing the
> > disks from their enclosures and using them inside the main computer
> > chassis, like a normal drive.
> >
> > I think something is buggy with the USB drive implementation,
> I'm beginning to wonder if that's be the case, whether it's a general
> problem, or just certain products are crap.
> > You might have better luck with eSATA drives, rather than USB.
> >
> > For my backups, I prefer to use something like rsnapshot
> > ( to copy files to a remote live computer. This
> > works very well and very reliably, for me.
> In my main case, this is a laptop, so putting a drive inside isn't
> possible, and it has no esata.  I'd been backing up to a server, and the
> ill-fated external drive.
> I like the idea of a removable drive, so a backup can be made and easily
> unplugged, as security against system/electrical screwups, and stored
> separately.  But it seems less than reliable.
As well as the IcyBox cage mentioned elsewhere, I have a Freecom Classic 
SL250.  For the last couple of years or so I've been using to backup the whole 
of /home and /etc when I want to make a truly clean install of a distro.  I've 
been 100% happy with it.

> I've tried those trays you slot in and out of a 5 inch bay, and was less
> than impressed (overheats, plastic, crappy fan, etc.), and it's only
> useable where you have a tray to plug into.  The external drive in a box
> *seemed* a good alternative idea.
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Re: Status of a 2.6.30 kernel ? Other sources for a 2.6.30 kernel.

2009-07-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
linux guy wrote:

> So... I found the koji site and I found a 2.6.31-rc3 kernel rpm for
> fc12.  It installed on my machine just fine with rpm -i.
> However, when I rebooted my computer all I got was a flashing cursor.
> No grub kernel select screen, no nothing.
> I am now running from a Fedora 9 live CD I had laying around.  I can
> see the hard drive and its partitions from the live session.  How
> would I fix the F11 installation so it runs again ?  Is it possible to
> do an rpm -e on the non running F11 partition from the F9 live session
> ?

Why did installing a new kernel affect your system?
Weren't the previous kernels available to grub?

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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Re: f11 upgrade question

2009-07-17 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 17 Jul 2009 03:55:34 w bugar wrote:
> Hello list,
> I was trying to upgrade from f10 to f11 (from DVD) but am getting a
> "insufficient disk space" message after the "preparing transaction" step
> gets to 90%. I have a 10G disk with df showing 1.9G avail. Any way to get
> the upgrade to finish?
> Is 10G now too small?
> I think the disk just has f10 and stuff to get mplayer working.
> I know that fresh install is the recommended path but getting all the
> mplayer deps installed is just too painfull to go thru again, if I can help
> it. Thx,
> Bill

 AIUI  you need twice the amount of HDD space as the system will take up, to 
do an upgrade.  It has to cache the new stuff while the old stuff is still 
present.  Of course that's a simplification, but good enough to explain your 
problem, I think.

The only way you are going to get this onto your 10GB drive, IMO, is to back 
up your /home (and preferably /etc) directory so that you can copy back 
required configuration files, then do a clean install.

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Re: .deb

2009-07-17 Thread davide
François Patte> writes:

> I am wondering if there is some tool under fedora which allow to unpack
> and install packages from debian (.deb)

deb packages are `ar' archives, so, if you really need you can extract them with
the ar x *.deb and then you need to explose the data.tar.gz into / (you must be
in / to do the tar xvfz data.tar.gz).
This should work, but you lose all the pre- post- installation script, and you
should run them manually and you need to check manually the dependencies.

Of corse it is better to find a .rpm package and use it :-)

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Network guru please help: baffled by missing file

2009-07-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
The mirrorlist entry in my Fedora-11 /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-update.repo

As far as I can see, this means that yum is looking for
the file metalink at ?

If I try "sudo yum update" I get:
[...@elizabeth ~]$ sudo yum update
Loaded plugins: aliases, allowdowngrade, auto-update-debuginfo, 
basearchonly, changelog, downloadonly, fastestmirror, filter-
  : data, keys, list-data, merge-conf, post-transaction-actions, 
presto, priorities, protect-packages,
  : protectbase, refresh-packagekit, refresh-updatesd, remove-
with-leaves, rpm-warm-cache, security, show-leaves,
  : tsflags, upgrade-helper, verify, versionlock
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: updates. Please verify its 
path and try again
Adding --noplugins does not help:
[...@elizabeth ~]$ sudo yum --noplugins update
Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository: 
updates. Please verify its path and try again

Trying to get the file with wget:
[...@elizabeth ~]$ wget
--2009-07-17 13:04:41--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
ERROR: certificate common name `' doesn't match requested 
host name `'.
To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-
Unable to establish SSL connection.
Adding --no-check-certificate does not seem to help:
[...@elizabeth ~]$ wget --no-check-certificate
--2009-07-17 13:06:22--
Connecting to||:443... connected.
WARNING: certificate common name `' doesn't match requested 
host name `'.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2009-07-17 13:06:23 ERROR 404: Not Found.

When I look at the http traffic on my server with wireshark
the file-request seems to be properly sent,
but the file is not found.

The symptoms seem to me (no http expert) to suggest
that there is some condition for seeing this file
that my system is not fulfilling.

Any and all suggestions gratefully received.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
John Austin:
>> My favourite is the internal trayless version
>> IcyBox Trayless IB-168SK-B SATA to SATA HDD,

Anne Wilson:
> That looks... er... interesting :-)  OK, 3.5" to 5", but how do you use it?  
> How is the connection made?

Yes, I reckon it looks interesting, too.  Animation of it on this page:

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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Re: Terminal does not work on a fresh install of Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Tim
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 10:34 +0200, prodpedia wrote:
> cannot start the terminal within graphical environment.  Can I
> reinstall it. What is the program called?

Do you have the "gnome-terminal" package installed?  Though I would have
thought something else would be used, as a fall back, if it wasn't.

[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
read messages from the public lists.

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Re: G3-device for fedora 11?

2009-07-17 Thread David Timms

On 07/17/2009 08:24 PM, Joerg Bergmann wrote:

I want to make my thinkpad T40 G3-enabled. It has a
CardBus slot, USB is available too. Any suggestion for
a fedora 11-friendly device? HSDPA/HSUPA should be possible.
The couple of different ones I'v tried have pretty well just worked with 
network manager (Mobile Broadband|add).

Eg: who are we (Huawei).

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Martin
2009/7/17 Alan Cox :
>> In short, regarding your problems:
>> Gnome desktop - nothing listed as a handler application for CDDA
>> Nautilus - Not interfacing to your chosen CDDA handler.
> Is Rhythmbox installed ? I would expect that to own CD playing (as it
> does normally when in use)
> --
> fedora-list mailing list
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Just a question - does anyone know which modules need to be loaded for
Audio CDs to play

My situation is sometime between F10 and F11 my system has stopped
recognising audio-cd media

All over optical media is fine (Data Cd's, DVDs,DVDs DVD CD's vcds)
just not audiocds - nothing happens - no messages in system log or

I know it is possible that my DVD drive is failing subtly but I would
like to investigate the issue further

At present sound-juicer/Rhythmbox wont recognise the existence of any
media in the drive

any help appreciated

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Re: From the top... how do I get sound working in F11 ?

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Martin
2009/7/15  :
>> Fedora was expecting to use PulseAudio but you removed that as your
> predicate. That puts you with a vocal minority who would rather gripe
> about pulse audio than make it work so it will be up to them to tell you
> how to solve the sound issues that you 'fixed' by removing pulseaudio
> package.
> I didn't remove pulseaudio:
> yum install pulseaudio
> Loaded plugins: refresh-packagekit
> Setting up Install Process
> Package pulseaudio-0.9.15-14.fc11.x86_64 already installed and latest version
> Nothing to do
> Since I find my volume is too low, I tried pavucontrol as suggested. (No
> pamixer available from yum.)
> I receive:
> Connection failed: Connection refused

try this killall pulseaudio
rm -rf /tmp/puls*
pulseaudio -D (to restart)

I remember getting stale pulseaudio file in /tmp back in F9 days and
this cured it

> I can see the settings for output devices are set to 100% in the interface
> but since the connection fails, I can't be sure the figure is correct and
> I can't change it.
> One thing is sure: it isn't possible to get as much juice from my preamp
> as SMplayer delivers. By default, the sound is rather weak, even with
> alsamixer set to max.
> Also, I removed Totem and installed Mplayer because I couldn't watch
> features at Radio-Canada with Totem. I'm not sure how this would work with
> Totem, but I can't set the system so that it plays the DVD just by
> clicking on the icon.
> System - Preferences - File Management - Media finds "no application" to
> play video DVDs and there is no way to enter preferred applications. For
> audio CDs, XMMS which, I believe is the default for the GNOME
> installation, is still installed and it's "no application again", no way
> to enter any.
> For playing DVDs, SMPlayer does a good job so, we're not talking about a
> major glitch here, mainly if you put an icon for SMPlayer in the panel.
> But if people come from the Mac world, they'll really find it terrible if
> you can't start a DVD by clicking on it.
> I would be better if this was fixed. Even though the default volume I now
> have is not unbearably low, it would also be prefereable if there was a
> way to adjust it with pavucontrol. (Maybe this works on 32 bit systems. I
> have no idea.)
> --
> fedora-list mailing list
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Re: suggestions for library pc environment

2009-07-17 Thread Bruno Wolff III
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 16:58:15 +0930,
  Tim  wrote:
> I've seen mention of some library management systems, before, but I
> don't recall the names.  Years ago, back in the Windows 3 days, my
> school's computer department wrote their own from scratch, because the
> commercial offerings sucked / costed too much.  ;-)

Probably, as it got some press somewhere a year or two
ago that I read.

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Re: Status of a 2.6.30 kernel ? Other sources for a 2.6.30 kernel.

2009-07-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
Timothy Murphy wrote:

> linux guy wrote:
>> So... I found the koji site and I found a 2.6.31-rc3 kernel rpm for
>> fc12.  It installed on my machine just fine with rpm -i.
>> However, when I rebooted my computer all I got was a flashing cursor.
>> No grub kernel select screen, no nothing.
>> I am now running from a Fedora 9 live CD I had laying around.  I can
>> see the hard drive and its partitions from the live session.  How
>> would I fix the F11 installation so it runs again ?  Is it possible to
>> do an rpm -e on the non running F11 partition from the F9 live session
>> ?
> Why did installing a new kernel affect your system?
> Weren't the previous kernels available to grub?

Sorry, you did say grub wasn't working.
I would have run Knoppix to re-install grub.

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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EVO conferencing software on Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Suvayu Ali

Hi everyone,

I have to use a collaboration application called EVO[1]. Their website 
says it requires SUN java, I have these installed.

$ yum list installed \*java\*
Installed Packages
java-1.5.0-gcj.x86_64 installed
java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64   1:   @updates
java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin.x86_64 1:  @updates
java_cup.x86_64 1:0.10k-2   installed
tzdata-java.noarch  2009j-1.fc11@updates

When I try to start the client, FF downloads it(a .jnlp file) and offers 
to open with Icedtea but nothing happens. I don't want to make a mess of 
my system by installing the proprietary SUN JRE along with the fedora 
packages. Is there any way around this?

I have to get this working by this Monday, so for now any short term 
solution would be very welcome. Thanks in advance.


PS: it works just fine with SUN JRE on Ubuntu 8.04 @ work so am I 
correct in assuming it is not working on this box as I don't have the 
proprietary JRE?


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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Alan Cox
> Just a question - does anyone know which modules need to be loaded for
> Audio CDs to play

None - the audio cd handling is part of the standard ATA driver.
Everything else is in user space.

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Re: Network guru please help: baffled by missing file

2009-07-17 Thread Didar Hossain
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> The mirrorlist entry in my Fedora-11 /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-update.repo
> reads:
> mirrorlist=
> f$releasever&arch=$basearch
> As far as I can see, this means that yum is looking for
> the file metalink at ?
> If I try "sudo yum update" I get:
> ---
> [...@elizabeth ~]$ sudo yum update
> Loaded plugins: aliases, allowdowngrade, auto-update-debuginfo,
> basearchonly, changelog, downloadonly, fastestmirror, filter-
>              : data, keys, list-data, merge-conf, post-transaction-actions,
> presto, priorities, protect-packages,
>              : protectbase, refresh-packagekit, refresh-updatesd, remove-
> with-leaves, rpm-warm-cache, security, show-leaves,
>              : tsflags, upgrade-helper, verify, versionlock
> Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
> Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: updates. Please verify its
> path and try again
> ---
> Adding --noplugins does not help:
> ---
> [...@elizabeth ~]$ sudo yum --noplugins update
> Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository:
> updates. Please verify its path and try again
> ---
> Trying to get the file with wget:
> ---
> [...@elizabeth ~]$ wget
> --2009-07-17 13:04:41--
> Resolving
> Connecting to||:443... connected.
> ERROR: certificate common name `' doesn't match requested
> host name `'.
> To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-
> certificate'.
> Unable to establish SSL connection.
> ---
> Adding --no-check-certificate does not seem to help:
> ---
> [...@elizabeth ~]$ wget --no-check-certificate
> --2009-07-17 13:06:22--
> Resolving
> Connecting to||:443... connected.
> WARNING: certificate common name `' doesn't match requested
> host name `'.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> 2009-07-17 13:06:23 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> ---
> When I look at the http traffic on my server with wireshark
> the file-request seems to be properly sent,
> but the file is not found.
> The symptoms seem to me (no http expert) to suggest
> that there is some condition for seeing this file
> that my system is not fulfilling.
> Any and all suggestions gratefully received.
> --
> Timothy Murphy
> e-mail: gayleard /at/
> tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
> s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin
> --
> fedora-list mailing list
> To unsubscribe:
> Guidelines:


It seems the specific server ( is missing the file.
You could try replacing


... with ...


*This is a temporary and ugly work-around*

You should revert to the original when things get fixed. I will
forward the mail to the infrastructure list and see if someone can
check it. Will keep you updated.


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Re: Network guru please help: baffled by missing file

2009-07-17 Thread Didar Hossain
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 7:32 PM, Didar Hossain wrote:
> Hi,
> It seems the specific server ( is missing the file.
> You could try replacing
> mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
> ... with ...
> mirrorlist=$releasever&arch=$basearch
> *This is a temporary and ugly work-around*
> You should revert to the original when things get fixed. I will
> forward the mail to the infrastructure list and see if someone can
> check it. Will keep you updated.
> Didar

My bad, it seems it will not work with the direct IP address, the
request needs to have So, please disregard
my previous post - I eat crow!


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Re: Network guru please help: baffled by missing file

2009-07-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
Didar Hossain wrote:

>> When I look at the http traffic on my server with wireshark
>> the file-request seems to be properly sent,
>> but the file is not found.
>> The symptoms seem to me (no http expert) to suggest
>> that there is some condition for seeing this file
>> that my system is not fulfilling.
>> Any and all suggestions gratefully received.

> It seems the specific server ( is missing the file.
> You could try replacing
> mirrorlist=
> ... with ...
> mirrorlist=

Thanks for the suggestion, but I'm afraid I get the same response
with this IP address, eg

[...@elizabeth ~]$ wget --no-check-certificate
--2009-07-17 15:14:19--
Connecting to connected.
WARNING: certificate common name `*' doesn't match 
requested host name `'.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
2009-07-17 15:14:20 ERROR 404: Not Found.

I'm pretty sure it is a problem on my system,
but I can't work out what it can be.
As I said, it is as though the fedoraproject site
runs some test to see if the files metalink or mirrorlist
should be seen by me, and for some reason my system fails the test.

Incidentally, I seem to have no problem if I substitute 
my local repository, eg
for fedora-updates .

Timothy Murphy  
e-mail: gayleard /at/
tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 22:40 -0400, wrote:
> > Which part of "Fedora does not support proprietary formats" do you
> not
> > understand? If you want .wav support, you need to add codecs from a
> > non-Fedora repo. I apologize if you did this and it didn't work, but
> you
> > don't say so.
> I can read the CD, so the codecs are installed.

Wrong. Reading the CD has nothing whatever to do with the codecs. The
codecs are required for decoding the .wav files, not for reading the CD
file list, which is in a standard format.

You probably want to take a look at


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Re: Network guru please help: baffled by missing file

2009-07-17 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 17 Jul 2009 15:02:30 Didar Hossain wrote:
> On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:45 PM, Timothy Murphy wrote:
> > The mirrorlist entry in my Fedora-11 /etc/yum.repos.d/fedora-update.repo
> > reads:
> > mirrorlist=
> >ed- f$releasever&arch=$basearch
> >
> > As far as I can see, this means that yum is looking for
> > the file metalink at ?
> >
> > If I try "sudo yum update" I get:
> > ---
> > [...@elizabeth ~]$ sudo yum update
> > Loaded plugins: aliases, allowdowngrade, auto-update-debuginfo,
> > basearchonly, changelog, downloadonly, fastestmirror, filter-
> >  : data, keys, list-data, merge-conf,
> > post-transaction-actions, presto, priorities, protect-packages,
> >  : protectbase, refresh-packagekit, refresh-updatesd, remove-
> > with-leaves, rpm-warm-cache, security, show-leaves,
> >  : tsflags, upgrade-helper, verify, versionlock
> > Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
> > Error: Cannot retrieve metalink for repository: updates. Please verify
> > its path and try again
> > ---
> > Adding --noplugins does not help:
> > ---
> > [...@elizabeth ~]$ sudo yum --noplugins update
> > Error: Cannot retrieve repository metadata (repomd.xml) for repository:
> > updates. Please verify its path and try again
> > ---
> >
> > Trying to get the file with wget:
> > ---
> > [...@elizabeth ~]$ wget
> > --2009-07-17 13:04:41--
> > Resolving
> > Connecting to||:443...
> > connected. ERROR: certificate common name `' doesn't
> > match requested host name `'.
> > To connect to insecurely, use `--no-check-
> > certificate'.
> > Unable to establish SSL connection.
> > ---
> > Adding --no-check-certificate does not seem to help:
> > ---
> > [...@elizabeth ~]$ wget --no-check-certificate
> >
> > --2009-07-17 13:06:22--
> > Resolving
> > Connecting to||:443...
> > connected. WARNING: certificate common name `' doesn't
> > match requested host name `'.
> > HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 404 Not Found
> > 2009-07-17 13:06:23 ERROR 404: Not Found.
> > ---
> >
> > When I look at the http traffic on my server with wireshark
> > the file-request seems to be properly sent,
> > but the file is not found.
> >
> > The symptoms seem to me (no http expert) to suggest
> > that there is some condition for seeing this file
> > that my system is not fulfilling.
> >
> > Any and all suggestions gratefully received.
> >
I missed the original post.  Was this during the (extended) last weekend, when 
the updates mirror was down for several days?  I think it was Wednesday (15th) 
before I managed to get my updates.  Yum update is working normally again now.

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 20:51:39 -0430, Patrick wrote:

> On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 22:26 -0400, gilpel wrote:
> > Why is it that, when I insert an audio disk, I see it as an audio disk
> > on
> > my desktop, but when I click it, GNOME shows the .wav files that are
> > present. No application is suggested, even under "Open", to play the
> > damned music.
> Which part of "Fedora does not support proprietary formats" do you not
> understand? If you want .wav support, you need to add codecs from a
> non-Fedora repo.

Are you kidding? WAV is a non-proprietary container format, which very
often contains just raw PCM data which can be passed to audio output
hardware directly. Some WAV files contain Microsoft ADPCM, compressed data
which need a special decoder, but sox/aplay/libsndfile (all in Fedora)
support this format.

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Patrick O'Callaghan
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 00:33 -0400, wrote:
> > On 07/16/2009 10:40 PM, wrote:
> > What you're missing is that the codecs are required for the player to
> > load and play the media.  The codecs are not required to read the
> > contents of the CD.
> I see. You're teaching me a lot here. I always thought that, when you
> install the mplayer codecs, it was really to play Windows Media and,
> maybe, some more video codecs. Now you tell me it's only to load the
> media. Interesting.

That's not what he's saying. Mplayer is a media player application. It
comes with some free codecs, and doesn't come with other non-free
codecs. Therefore you have to add them. There are many guides to this on
the net (Google is your friend). Here's one:


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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Michael Schwendt
On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:26:51 -0400 (EDT), gilpel wrote:

> Why is it that, when I insert an audio disk, I see it as an audio disk on
> my desktop, but when I click it, GNOME shows the .wav files that are
> present. No application is suggested, even under "Open", to play the
> damned music. If I go to Application, sound and video, the first option,
> "Audio Player", opens XMMS.
> Great! I click the forward button... I'm presented with a list of the...
> no, no, no! not the files on the CD, but the files in my home directory!!!

XMMS is not installed by default. At some point of time you've installed
it yourself.

It's an old piece of software with quite a number of problem reports in
Fedora bugzilla. Some of these have been closed incorrectly when some
versions of Fedora reached EOL. If I recall correctly, the XMMS desktop
menu entry is wrong, and therefore it doesn't accept file/path arguments
passed to it.

Without the help of a virtual file-system for Audio CDs, XMMS cannot play
the WAV PCM tracks found on an Audio CD. Unless you read its documentation
to learn how to point it to an audio cd (and the xmms-cdread plugin for
digital Audio CD input is orphaned again, I think).

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Pulseaudio crash on Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Fau
After upgrading to Fedora 11 pulseaudio frequently crash, that's the
messages i got on consolle running pa as pulseaudio -

D: protocol-native.c: Underrun on 'libao[mpg321] playback stream', 0 bytes
in queue.
D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
D: protocol-native.c: Requesting rewind due to end of underrun.
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_avail() returned a value that is exceptionally
large: 4294939008 bytes (24347726 ms).
E: alsa-util.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '(null)'.
Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
E: alsa-util.c: Hardware PCM card 0 'SiS SI7012' device 0 subdevice 0
E: alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
E: alsa-util.c:   stream   : PLAYBACK
E: alsa-util.c:   access   : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
E: alsa-util.c:   format   : S16_LE
E: alsa-util.c:   subformat: STD
E: alsa-util.c:   channels : 2
E: alsa-util.c:   rate : 44100
E: alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
E: alsa-util.c:   msbits   : 16
E: alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 16384
E: alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 16384
E: alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 371519
E: alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
E: alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
E: alsa-util.c:   avail_min: 16384
E: alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
E: alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
E: alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 1073741824
E: alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
E: alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
E: alsa-util.c:   boundary : 1073741824
E: alsa-util.c:   appl_ptr : 7789478
E: alsa-util.c:   hw_ptr   : 7766022
D: protocol-native.c: Underrun on 'libao[mpg321] playback stream', 0 bytes
in queue.
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_delay() returned a value that is exceptionally
large: 463912 bytes (2629 ms).
E: alsa-util.c: Most likely this is a bug in the ALSA driver '(null)'.
Please report this issue to the ALSA developers.
E: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_dump():
E: alsa-util.c: Hardware PCM card 0 'SiS SI7012' device 0 subdevice 0
E: alsa-util.c: Its setup is:
E: alsa-util.c:   stream   : PLAYBACK
E: alsa-util.c:   access   : MMAP_INTERLEAVED
E: alsa-util.c:   format   : S16_LE
E: alsa-util.c:   subformat: STD
E: alsa-util.c:   channels : 2
E: alsa-util.c:   rate : 44100
E: alsa-util.c:   exact rate   : 44100 (44100/1)
E: alsa-util.c:   msbits   : 16
E: alsa-util.c:   buffer_size  : 16384
E: alsa-util.c:   period_size  : 16384
E: alsa-util.c:   period_time  : 371519
E: alsa-util.c:   tstamp_mode  : ENABLE
E: alsa-util.c:   period_step  : 1
E: alsa-util.c:   avail_min: 16384
E: alsa-util.c:   period_event : 0
E: alsa-util.c:   start_threshold  : -1
E: alsa-util.c:   stop_threshold   : 1073741824
E: alsa-util.c:   silence_threshold: 0
E: alsa-util.c:   silence_size : 0
E: alsa-util.c:   boundary : 1073741824
E: alsa-util.c:   appl_ptr : 7882088
E: alsa-util.c:   hw_ptr   : 7766110
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!
D: alsa-sink.c: Wakeup from ALSA!

Anyone with the same problem?
Best regards,

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Re: From the top... how do I get sound working in F11 ?

2009-07-17 Thread Craig White
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 15:16 +0930, Tim wrote:
> On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 22:36 -0400, wrote:
> > Somebody has enough confidence in filling bugs to fill this one? I
> > find bugzilla is a nightmare.
> You really need to fill in bugzilla yourself, because unless you provide
> them with the answer at the same time, or they're able to reproduce the
> problem that YOU have, the next step will probably be them asking you to
> do some more testing for them.
> I don't find filling bugzilla in to be too hard.  Finding out if you're
> about to duplicate an already listed bug is painful, or just looking for
> similar bugs (the search function is a bit crap), and selecting the
> right package to report is painful (actually selecting it from the huge
> list, but not, so much, working out which one to select).

bug reporting is one of the most important parts of the open source
process. It is the only way for developers to find out what is necessary
to change for different hardware that people use and by not reporting
bugs, your only chance at getting a fix is if someone else has the same
hardware and reports. So by reporting bugs and working with the
developers, you not only help yourself but you also help others and help
provide a better user experience for everyone.

Proprietary software vendors generally do not rely on user reports and
are typically unresponsive to them.


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Re: Network guru please help: baffled by missing file

2009-07-17 Thread Timothy Murphy
Anne Wilson wrote:

> I missed the original post.  Was this during the (extended) last weekend,
> when
> the updates mirror was down for several days?  I think it was Wednesday
> (15th)
> before I managed to get my updates.  Yum update is working normally again
> now.

Thanks for your response.

No, I've had this problem for several months.
I've a feeling it may date from the time
when I started using my Dell PowerEdge T105 as a server,
in place of an HP server which now lives in Italy.

I guess if I don't find out what is wrong in a couple of days
I'll try installing Fedora-11 on this machine on a separate partition.

The problem is more an intellectual one than a practical one,
as I have no problem when I use my local repository as yum baseurl .

My server has internal IP address ,
but external address .
But most people must have 2 addresses like this?

It really seems as though fedoraproject tests my system in some way,
and the system fails the test.
Maybe it sees that Windows partition ...

I see that I have no problem with the other CentOS repositories, eg
[...@helen tmp]$ wget
Connecting to||:80... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/plain]
Saving to: `'
16:40:50 (3.96 MB/s) - `' saved [54]

Timothy Murphy  
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tel: +353-86-2336090, +353-1-2842366
s-mail: School of Mathematics, Trinity College Dublin

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Re: preupgrade fails F10 -> F11

2009-07-17 Thread Janez Košmrlj

Janez Košmrlj wrote:
It downloads everything correctly, but after the reboot and start of 
the install process I get the message:

/usr/tmp is not a symlink

I checked this and on the hard drive /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp.

I tried a couple of times, but I get the same error every time.

Has anyone an idea how to fix this.


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man 5 proc?

2009-07-17 Thread Jake Peavy
man 5 proc doesn't return on my system.  Do I need to install a package?



If you're a young Mafia gangster out on your first date, I bet it's real
embarrassing if someone tries to kill you.
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Re: man 5 proc?

2009-07-17 Thread Steven W. Orr
Hash: SHA1

On 07/17/09 12:01, quoth Jake Peavy:
> man 5 proc doesn't return on my system.  Do I need to install a package?

Are you saying that the command hangs? Or are you saying that the command says
  "no entry for proc in section 5 of the manual"?

If the former then you need to see where the hang is. If the latter then the
relevant package is man-pages. Use rpm -q man-pages to see if it's installed.

- --
Time flies like the wind. Fruit flies like a banana. Stranger things have  .0.
happened but none stranger than this. Does your driver's license say Organ ..0
Donor?Black holes are where God divided by zero. Listen to me! We are all- 000
individuals! What if this weren't a hypothetical question?
steveo at
Version: GnuPG v2.0.10 (GNU/Linux)
Comment: Using GnuPG with Fedora -


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Re: EVO conferencing software on Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Rick Sewill
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 06:37 -0700, Suvayu Ali wrote:
> Hi everyone,
> I have to use a collaboration application called EVO[1]. Their website 
> says it requires SUN java, I have these installed.
> $ yum list installed \*java\*
> Installed Packages
> java-1.5.0-gcj.x86_64 installed
> java-1.6.0-openjdk.x86_64 1:   @updates
> java-1.6.0-openjdk-plugin.x86_64 1:
> java_cup.x86_64   1:0.10k-2   installed
> tzdata-java.noarch2009j-1.fc11@updates
> When I try to start the client, FF downloads it(a .jnlp file) and offers 
> to open with Icedtea but nothing happens. I don't want to make a mess of 
> my system by installing the proprietary SUN JRE along with the fedora 
> packages. Is there any way around this?
> I have to get this working by this Monday, so for now any short term 
> solution would be very welcome. Thanks in advance.
> [1]
> PS: it works just fine with SUN JRE on Ubuntu 8.04 @ work so am I 
> correct in assuming it is not working on this box as I don't have the 
> proprietary JRE?
> -- 
> Suvayu
> Open source is the future. It sets us free.

I do not know if your problem is similar to my problem with  Please see the thread with subject:
"Does Iced Tea Web Start work on Fedora 10? What about Fedora 11?"

I found I could install the 32-bit Sun JRE, jre-6u14-linux-i586.bin,
from  I could tell Firefox to use the javaws binary
after doing this install, to run the stuff at

Similarly, I found I could get Java Web Start to download the 
EVOPlayer when I told Firefox to use the javaws binary from 

The EVOPlayer started running, at which point I stopped it
as I probably am not authorized to go any further with it.

Please note: I am Fedora 10, X86_64, 
uname -r
I do not know if I would see the same results on Fedora 11 
as I see on Fedora 10.

Is it proper etiquette for a person to reply to this mailing list
and Cc a particular person?  

If it is proper etiquette, I'd suggest you ask Deepak Bhole.  
From his answers to my question, I think he is involved in this code.

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread David Moran
On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Tim wrote:
> Does anybody know if the "WD Elements" hard drives in enclosures with
> USB ports work with Fedora pain free?  I've heard tales of some drive
> enclosures that go asleep on you, but can't recall if it were this range
> of models, and there's some of these on sale locally for a reasonable
> price.
> I had some unidentifiable brand of hard drive enclosure with a Seagate
> drive in it that died on me some time ago (the drive gets multiplying
> read errors).  And I want to find a decent replacement, without a silly
> price, or a crappy fan that's going to make annoying noises or seize up.
> You try to be diligent, doing your backups to an external drive, then
> the backup drive is the thing to go west!  :-\  Thank goodness I have
> the original files to back up the backup...  And, yes, the drive got
> treated with kid gloves, and I don't expect hard drives to be treated
> any other way.
> Now I'm wondering what can be trusted as a medium for removable backups.
> I much prefer the notion of something like a drive that carries
> uncompressed copies of files, for direct access to a backup.  Rather
> than serial access tapes, or terribly slow multi-DVD collections.

I've been using a WD Elements 1TB drive on my F10 32bit and F11 64bit
for some time now. Works without a hitch on either one. Just plug and

> --
> [...@localhost ~]$ uname -r
> Don't send private replies to my address, the mailbox is ignored.  I
> read messages from the public lists.
> --
> fedora-list mailing list
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> Guidelines:

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Re: man 5 proc?

2009-07-17 Thread Jake Peavy
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 12:12 PM, Steven W. Orr  wrote:

> Hash: SHA1
> On 07/17/09 12:01, quoth Jake Peavy:
> > man 5 proc doesn't return on my system.  Do I need to install a package?
> Are you saying that the command hangs? Or are you saying that the command
> says
>  "no entry for proc in section 5 of the manual"?
> If the former then you need to see where the hang is. If the latter then
> the
> relevant package is man-pages. Use rpm -q man-pages to see if it's
> installed.

Sorry, it was the latter, I should have provided more detail.  But yes,
adding man-pages fixed it.  I assumed since I had man grep and so on that I
had everything I needed but I guess not ;-)



If you had a school for professional fireworks people, I don't think you
could cover fuses in just one class. It's just too rich a subject.
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Re: missing audio after F11 install on IBM T61 Thinkpad

2009-07-17 Thread itsme_410


Thanks very much for your detailed e-mail! Here are my findings:

--- On Thu, 7/16/09, stan  wrote:

> From: stan 
> Subject: Re: missing audio after F11 install on IBM T61 Thinkpad
> To:
> Date: Thursday, July 16, 2009, 6:39 PM
> On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 14:37:47 -0700
> (PDT)
> Globe Trotter 
> wrote:
> > 
> > Hi,
> > 
> > I have been missing audio after installing F11 (from
> the XFCE spin)
> > on my IBM Thinkpad T61. I looked around and even tried
> the following:
> > 
> >
> > 
> > but this did nothing. alsamixer -c0 brought in a while
> lot of stuff
> > and I dutifully changed everything from  to
> 00 without
> > understanding the implications, but to no avail. Any
> suggestions? I
> > sort of miss the old system-config-sound and then
> clicking to see
> > whether sound would work on the older Fedoras (before
> 10). 
> > 
> > This machine had previously been upgraded from
> F8->F9->F10 so I never
> > felt the problems in F10. I chose to install this time
> because of the
> > ext4 filesystem, etc and hence getting sound working
> is a different
> > ball-game.
> > 
> > Thanks in advance for all the help!
> > Best wishes,
> > T
> > 
> > 
> >       
> > 
> I'll try some suggestions, but I suspect you are running
> HDA-intel
> architecture as most new sound cards have that
> architecture, and I'm
> not very familiar with it.  I use AC97 sound cards and
> they work fine.
> USB sound cards that adhere to the standard are supposed to
> work fine
> too, but I haven't experience with them either.  Also,
> while I have
> pulseaudio installed, I have it disabled as the default
> device and
> don't start it on boot.  So I can't help a lot with
> pulse stuff.  There
> is a website,  where you
> can probably get
> help.  Others here might help you with pulse.
> The first suggestion is to go to the link below and run the
> shell
> script.  It will print a whole bunch of information,
> much of it useful
> only for developers, but very comprehensive picture of your
> sound
> system.  If you post it here, it allows people to see
> your sound setup,
> and perhaps spot a problem.

I have run the shell script and here is the output:

I am delighted with help!

> You probably don't have any of the configuration from F10,
> but it would
> be great if you had run the program and saved
> the output
> so you could run it again and look at the
> differences.  Good idea for
> next time.
> Run a wav file with aplay and see if it plays sound.
> aplay -D plughw:0,0 some.wav
Yes, it does. So it appears that sound does work and the system is not born 

> This will tell you if alsa has identified your device
> properly.
> Use something like audacity or amarok, which allows you to
> select the
> device to use, import an audio file, and see if it plays.
Did you mean audacity or audacious? I tried the latter.

No, it does not. Tried audacious with all sorts of settings, once again without 
understanding what I am doing, to no avail. Tried both .wav and .mp3 files.

> Does the vu
> meter show sound while playing, even if it is silent? 

I presume this is the stuff that goes dancing around on the audacity screen? 
Yes, it does "show" sound while playing.

> Try different
> outputs.  What if you do the same thing after a
> pulseaudio --kill  ?

No change.

> Have you run alsamixer to get the pulse volume control and
> turned it up?

I tried changing everything up to 71% but to no avail. 

I haven't tried this last bit here yet. Thanks very much again! 

> Go to the link below and download the latest driver
> snapshot.  You can
> install it as it is supposed to be backward compatible, but
> that isn't
> necessary at this point.  If you just unpack it, go
> into the directory
> that it unpacks to, something like alsa-driver-snapshot,
> and then into
> alsa-kernel/Documentation you will find all the driver
> documentation.
> Grep for your codec.  Look at the HDA files for
> troubleshooting
> information.
> I've had no major issues with sound in F11 x86_64, but I
> don't have
> hda-intel cards.  I have pulseaudio installed, but
> don't use it.
> Before I disabled it, it seemed to work fine.



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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread jackson byers
Antonio Olivares wrote:

>Rythmbox, Totem, Audio CD Extractor are just a few apps in Gnome that can play 
>Do you have any of those installed?

>There is also amarok, kscd, Kaffeine,  ..., others on KDE desktop. You 
>mentioned xmms, it >should also play cd's.  Maybe the device is not setup 
>correctly?  It should be pointing to >/dev/sr0

>And when all of the above fail and all you want is to hear your cd, turn to 
>command line and >use icedax(the replacement for cdda2wav)

>$ cdda2wav -eN dev=/dev/sr0 -tX where X is the track you want to hear, for 
>hearing the >whole cd use -B

On my f10, gnome system,   with rpmfusion,

rythmbox plays cd 1 track compleley, then fails halfway through track 2
nothing else out of total 14 tracks.
And a lot of skips on what it does play

kcsd couldnt get started at all
I have previously used this same cdplayer on fc5,  kcsd there worked perfectly

amarok also failed to start

vlc ( i think) does play an internet radio stream, but again lots of skips

that command line works perfeclty playing the cd !   no skips!

fwiw, here is entire response

[by...@f10 df10mail]$ cdda2wav -eN dev=/dev/sr1  -B
Type: ROM, Vendor 'TOSHIBA ' Model 'DVD-ROM SD-M1612' Revision '1004' MMC+CDDA
569344 bytes buffer memory requested, 4 buffers, 55 sectors
#icedax version 1.1.8, real time sched., soundcard, libparanoia support
AUDIOtrack pre-emphasis  copy-permitted tracktype channels
  1-14   no  no audio2
Table of Contents: total tracks:14, (total time 58:00.00)
  1.( 5:30.73),  2.( 2:30.50),  3.( 3:02.20),  4.( 3:32.17),  5.( 4:13.45),
  6.( 2:56.58),  7.( 2:37.12),  8.( 5:39.33),  9.( 2:29.70), 10.( 5:41.00),
 11.( 4:53.07), 12.( 7:00.70), 13.( 3:48.18), 14.( 4:03.52)

Table of Contents: starting sectors
  1.(  32),  2.(   24855),  3.(   36155),  4.(   49825),  5.(   65742),
  6.(   84762),  7.(   98020),  8.(  109807),  9.(  135265), 10.(  146510),
 11.(  172085), 12.(  194067), 13.(  225637), 14.(  242755), lead-out(  261032)
CDINDEX discid: Gz3jcW8aKOHgHp4K4fs6O2695xA-
CDDB discid: 0xc90d980e
CD-Text: not detected
CD-Extra: not detected
samplefile size will be 613872044 bytes.
recording 3480. seconds stereo with 16 bits @ 44100.0 Hz
cdda2wav: Operation not permitted. cannot set posix realtime scheduling policy


Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread Shannon McMackin

On 07/17/2009 12:33 AM, wrote:

On 07/16/2009 10:40 PM, wrote:

What you're missing is that the codecs are required for the player to
load and play the media.  The codecs are not required to read the
contents of the CD.

I see. You're teaching me a lot here. I always thought that, when you
install the mplayer codecs, it was really to play Windows Media and,
maybe, some more video codecs. Now you tell me it's only to load the
media. Interesting.

A wonderful 3rd party repo is

Well, I've been through the fedorafaq site and I do believe I installed
therpmfusion repository. I didn't collect the mplayer codecs on mplayer's
site :)

They provide many
wonderful tools and options to make your desktop linux experience much
more enjoyable...

It's just too bad that you stop short of telling me which codecs "required
to load and play the media".

I'm very quick on the yum install command and since I have the rpmfusion
repository installed, it will be my pleasure to install all that's
needed... when I wake up tomorrow :)

Here's a better "guide" for you to follow...

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need help testing firefox bug in 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Wright

Hi all,

Running f10 here with firefox 3.0.11-1.fc10 and have noticed a quirk.  I 
would like to post a bugzilla to the mozilla site but they only accept 
bug reports against the latest release, which is now 3.5.

On the 3.0 series the text inside a button moves to the right 1px when 
active (on mouse button down).  Holding the mouse button down and moving 
off the button the text returns to its correct position.  Moving on and 
off the button one can see the text move back and forth.  This only 
occurs when the ,  or  
is wrapped inside a  tag.

Following is an html snippet that can be used to test this.

Press Me

If there's an f11 user with firefox 3.5 installed I'd appreciate their 
help verifying that this still does, or no longer does, have this quirk.

Thanks for any help,
Mike Wright :m)

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Re: preupgrade fails F10 -> F11

2009-07-17 Thread Les
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 17:58 +0200, Janez Košmrlj wrote:
> Janez Košmrlj wrote:
> > It downloads everything correctly, but after the reboot and start of 
> > the install process I get the message:
> > /usr/tmp is not a symlink
> >
> > I checked this and on the hard drive /usr/tmp is a symlink to /var/tmp.
> >
> > I tried a couple of times, but I get the same error every time.
> >
> > Has anyone an idea how to fix this.
> >
> >
> anyone
I cannot help you too much, but the link matches what I see.

It may be that the website is checking your system to see if it is
windows.  Ubunto has some capabilities to overcome this dumb check, but
Fedora doesn't.  You have to add a package to your browser.  Currently I
use greasemonkey and default user agent.  Between the two of them I get
access to most sites.  What is needed is an ethics rule preventing web
programs from checking which system is installed.  It shouldn't matter,
if the web browsers are standards compliant and the programs are too.
The web should be OS independent.

Les H

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Re: need help testing firefox bug in 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread jack craig

On 07/17/2009 11:16 AM, Mike Wright wrote:

Press Me


hi mike,

i have fc11 & ff 3.5.

i add your snippet to a file, open it with ff.

near as i can tell, there is no movement of text at all. i realise a 
pixel isnt much to move, but my eyes dont detect any movement,

just the highlighting as the mouse over happens.

this with or without the left mouse button held down.

hth, jackc...

   jack craig
 831-684-1375 (Office)
831-596-6924 (cell)
   IM: jackcraigaptos (AIM)

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Re: need help testing firefox bug in 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread Anne Wilson
On Friday 17 July 2009 19:16:30 Mike Wright wrote:
> Hi all,
> Running f10 here with firefox 3.0.11-1.fc10 and have noticed a quirk.  I
> would like to post a bugzilla to the mozilla site but they only accept
> bug reports against the latest release, which is now 3.5.
> On the 3.0 series the text inside a button moves to the right 1px when
> active (on mouse button down).  Holding the mouse button down and moving
> off the button the text returns to its correct position.  Moving on and
> off the button one can see the text move back and forth.  This only
> occurs when the ,  or 
> is wrapped inside a  tag.
> Following is an html snippet that can be used to test this.
> Press Me
> If there's an f11 user with firefox 3.5 installed I'd appreciate their
> help verifying that this still does, or no longer does, have this quirk.
> Thanks for any help,
> Mike Wright :m)

On my netbook -


I can't see any discernable lateral movement.


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Re: need help testing firefox bug in 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread Mike Wright

jack craig wrote:

On 07/17/2009 11:16 AM, Mike Wright wrote:

Press Me


hi mike,

i have fc11 & ff 3.5.

i add your snippet to a file, open it with ff.

near as i can tell, there is no movement of text at all. i realise a 
pixel isnt much to move, but my eyes dont detect any movement,

just the highlighting as the mouse over happens.

this with or without the left mouse button held down.

Thanks for the help, Jack.  Nice to know that it's been fixed in ff3.5.


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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Erickson

On 07/17/2009 03:10 AM, Mike Cloaked wrote:

Dr. Michael J. Chudobiak wrote:

On 07/16/2009 09:58 AM, Tim wrote:

Now I'm wondering what can be trusted as a medium for removable backups.
I much prefer the notion of something like a drive that carries
uncompressed copies of files, for direct access to a backup.  Rather
than serial access tapes, or terribly slow multi-DVD collections.

I found USB drives to be hugely unreliable. I ended up removing the
disks from their enclosures and using them inside the main computer
chassis, like a normal drive.

I think something is buggy with the USB drive implementation, though I
don't know what exactly (kernel driver, enclosure electronics, who


I have been using a Seagate FreeAgent Go external usb drive for this purpose
for some time and has worked flawlessly.  When I got the drive I simply
re-partitioned it with ext3 from scratch, and removed all trace of the
Windows one-touch backup system in the process.

Plugging in to F10 and F11 based systems under Gnome works just fine and I
run backups based on rsync (and rdiff-backup).

The drive is physically small and neat and the only minor issue is the short
usb lead that comes with the drive.

Hi Mike,

If you don't mind, I would appreciate a little more detail on how you 
reformatted the drive.
I have been trying to get a 500g Segate FreeAgent Go to work, and so 
far, I have had no success. When I can get the box to recognize it, I 
keep getting write errors, and frequently the drive

will not be recognized at all.

Thanks in advance.


cheers, Paul - VA7NT - email:

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad."

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." - Thomas Mann

"That state which separates it's warriors from it's scholars will have it's thinking 
done by cowards and fighting done by fools" - Thucydides - The Pelopenisia

"The Malice of the wicked is reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous." - 

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Re: need help testing firefox bug in 3.5

2009-07-17 Thread jack craig

On 07/17/2009 11:42 AM, Mike Wright wrote:

jack craig wrote:

On 07/17/2009 11:16 AM, Mike Wright wrote:

Press Me


hi mike,

i have fc11 & ff 3.5.

i add your snippet to a file, open it with ff.

near as i can tell, there is no movement of text at all. i realise a 
pixel isnt much to move, but my eyes dont detect any movement,

just the highlighting as the mouse over happens.

this with or without the left mouse button held down.

Thanks for the help, Jack.  Nice to know that it's been fixed in ff3.5.


happy to help :)

   jack craig
 831-684-1375 (Office)
831-596-6924 (cell)
   IM: jackcraigaptos (AIM)

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Erickson

On 07/17/2009 09:25 AM, David Moran wrote:

On Thu, Jul 16, 2009 at 6:58 AM, Tim  wrote:

Does anybody know if the "WD Elements" hard drives in enclosures with
USB ports work with Fedora pain free?  I've heard tales of some drive
enclosures that go asleep on you, but can't recall if it were this range
of models, and there's some of these on sale locally for a reasonable

I had some unidentifiable brand of hard drive enclosure with a Seagate
drive in it that died on me some time ago (the drive gets multiplying
read errors).  And I want to find a decent replacement, without a silly
price, or a crappy fan that's going to make annoying noises or seize up.

You try to be diligent, doing your backups to an external drive, then
the backup drive is the thing to go west!  :-\  Thank goodness I have
the original files to back up the backup...  And, yes, the drive got
treated with kid gloves, and I don't expect hard drives to be treated
any other way.

Now I'm wondering what can be trusted as a medium for removable backups.
I much prefer the notion of something like a drive that carries
uncompressed copies of files, for direct access to a backup.  Rather
than serial access tapes, or terribly slow multi-DVD collections.

I've been using a WD Elements 1TB drive on my F10 32bit and F11 64bit
for some time now. Works without a hitch on either one. Just plug and


[...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

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One more data point. When I try to format the drive ext3 as you suggest, 
I keep getting

this error message:

Error creating filesystem

org.freedesktop.DeviceKit.Disks.Error.Failed: Error creating file 
system: helper exited with exit code 1: cannot mount /dev/sdc5 at 
/var/run/DeviceKit-disks/job-mkfs-IrRLV9: Invalid argument

Any suggestions?


cheers, Paul - VA7NT - email:

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad."

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." - Thomas Mann

"That state which separates it's warriors from it's scholars will have it's thinking 
done by cowards and fighting done by fools" - Thucydides - The Pelopenisia

"The Malice of the wicked is reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous." - 

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embedded firewall-gateway?

2009-07-17 Thread rfjones
I want to replace my fc10 dual ethernet gateway-firewall
with an embedded router to save power, heat etc.
Any suggestions?

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread mike cloaked
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Paul Erickson wrote:
> On 07/17/2009 03:10 AM, Mike Cloaked wrote:

> I have been using a Seagate FreeAgent Go external usb drive for this purpose
> for some time and has worked flawlessly.  When I got the drive I simply
> re-partitioned it with ext3 from scratch, and removed all trace of the
> Windows one-touch backup system in the process.
> Plugging in to F10 and F11 based systems under Gnome works just fine and I
> run backups based on rsync (and rdiff-backup).
> The drive is physically small and neat and the only minor issue is the short
> usb lead that comes with the drive.
> Hi Mike,
> If you don't mind, I would appreciate a little more detail. I have been
> trying to get
> a 500g Segate FreeAgent Go to work, and so far, I have had no success. When
> I can
> get the box to recognize it, I keep getting write errors, and frequently the
> drive
> will not be recognized at all.
> Thanks in advance.

No problem - First i did
yum install qtparted
and then I simply plugged in the drive and used qtparted to remove the
existing partitions and then write a single ext3 partition on the
drive. I can't remember if I had to unmount the drive after it was
plugged in but when doing these kinds of operation I usually do
tail -f /var/log/messages
and see what the device name is when a drive is plugged in. If an icon
pops up on the Gnome desktop I then right click it and select unmount

I don't remember this being a problem at all.

Once I had re-written the new partition and got the operation applied
I then removed the drive and plugged it back in and then it just
worked flawlessly after that. I partitioned it on a machine running
F10, but I seem to remember that the qparted package is actually from
F9 according to the tag on the rpm.

I guess that any other partitioning tool should in principle also work
- but certainly qtparted worked for me.

I hope that helps.


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running Nuxeo Document Management package on Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Robert P. J. Day

  since i documented it, i figure i might as well share it.

if i fracked up anywhere, let me know and i'll fix it.


Robert P. J. Day   Waterloo, Ontario, CANADA

Linux Consulting, Training and Annoying Kernel Pedantry.

Web page:
"Kernel Newbie Corner" column @

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Re: missing audio after F11 install on IBM T61 Thinkpad

2009-07-17 Thread stan
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 10:32:51 -0700 (PDT) wrote:

> I have run the shell script and here is the output:
> I am delighted with help!

Everything looks good, but I vaguely recall a message from Takashi Iwai
(one of the main alsa developers) a long time ago that having both
analog and digital (IEC958) enabled at the same time could cause
problems.  Because the aplay command worked via the analog output
(0:0), I am going to assume you want analog output.  

By the way, the fact that aplay works means that alsa has identified
your hardware well enough to get a working driver loaded (with
hda-intel that doesn't necessarily mean the *best* driver), and so the
fact you don't have sound is a configuration issue, not a driver issue
at this point.  Once you have sound, if some aspect doesn't work
correctly, it is time to revisit if the driver is the optimal driver
for your hardware.

You have IEC958 (digital output, 0:1) turned on and turned up.

Simple mixer control 'IEC958',0
  Capabilities: pvolume pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Front Left - Front Right
  Limits: Playback 0 - 39
  Front Left: Playback 29 [74%] [-15.00dB] [on]
  Front Right: Playback 39 [100%] [0.00dB] [on]
Simple mixer control 'IEC958 Default PCM',0
  Capabilities: pswitch pswitch-joined
  Playback channels: Mono
  Mono: Playback [on]

control.26 {
comment.access 'read write'
comment.type BOOLEAN
comment.count 1
iface MIXER
name 'IEC958 Playback Switch'
value true

control.27 {
comment.access 'read write'
comment.type BOOLEAN
comment.count 1
iface MIXER
name 'IEC958 Default PCM Playback Switch'
value true

See if you can use the   alsamixer -c0   command interface to turn
these off.  If you can't, you might have to use the command amixer to
do so.  It is low level, but gives you access to everything.  See   
man amixer  for how to use it.

Pulse looks like it is setup correctly, and once you take care of the
digital output, you should get sound.

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Roberto Ragusa
Tim wrote:
> Does anybody know if the "WD Elements" hard drives in enclosures with
> USB ports work with Fedora pain free?

My WD Elements 1TB works perfectly here on F10.
I don't know how it was partitioned or formatted, I've just rewritten
every byte on the disk (I have a big encrypted filesystem on the
unpartitioned device).

It has an external power supply (the 3.5" SATA disk needs probably
too much power for a USB port), but if you disconnect the USB cable
the drive just spins down. I found this feature really smart:
no wasted power if you have the power supply always connected.

> Now I'm wondering what can be trusted as a medium for removable backups.
> I much prefer the notion of something like a drive that carries
> uncompressed copies of files, for direct access to a backup.  Rather
> than serial access tapes, or terribly slow multi-DVD collections.

My drive is exactly a backup. Multiple copies of the data from many
machines (backup scripts based on rsync and hardlinks).

   Roberto Ragusamail at

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Re: F11: Blender and the i915 driver

2009-07-17 Thread Robin Laing

Marco Guazzone wrote:

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 5:10 PM, Marco Guazzone wrote:

On Wed, Jul 15, 2009 at 4:57 PM, Robin Laing wrote:

--><-- cut -->

After the reboot, look inside /var/log/messages (you need root privileges)
Then, move to the end of file
And search backward for "end trace".
This line mark the end of the trace. For the beginning line, search
backward for "cut here"

Note, if no line is found it is possible your lines are in an already
"rotated" files (e.g., /var/log/messages-20090712).

Also, make sure the found trace is the one related to the VLC crash.
To do so, look inside the trace and search for something related to VLC.
For instance, in my last trace there was a line containing "blender":

Jul 14 11:33:06 feedback kernel: Pid: 9149, comm: blender.bin Not
tainted #1 Latitude D830


-- Marco

I have looked in the logs before but that was under F10.  I will have to 
check that out when I get home.  Hopefully it won't lock up but if it 
does I will try.

Robin Laing

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Re: G3-device for fedora 11?

2009-07-17 Thread Aaron Konstam
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 23:15 +1000, David Timms wrote:
> On 07/17/2009 08:24 PM, Joerg Bergmann wrote:
> > I want to make my thinkpad T40 G3-enabled. It has a
> > CardBus slot, USB is available too. Any suggestion for
> > a fedora 11-friendly device? HSDPA/HSUPA should be possible.
> The couple of different ones I'v tried have pretty well just worked with 
> network manager (Mobile Broadband|add).
> Eg: who are we (Huawei).
What terminal are you trying to use? Are you saying that choosing
Terminal (near the end of the Application -> System Tools) does not open
a terminal? How about the execution of xterm?
I did this 'cause Linux gives me a woody. It doesn't generate revenue.
(Dave '-ddt->` Taylor, announcing DOOM for Linux)
Aaron Konstam telephone: (210) 656-0355 e-mail:

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Re: Terminal does not work on a fresh install of Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Aaron Konstam
On Fri, 2009-07-17 at 10:34 +0200, prodpedia wrote:
> I managed to install Fedora 11 on a Dell optiplex 260. On the first boot - I 
> can't launch the terminal in the graphical environment. On clicking system 
> tools->terminal it brings up a window with title Starting terminal. It then 
> disappears in a few seconds. Everything else works. I can get to a terminal 
> using Ctrl-alt-f2. But cannot start the terminal within graphical 
> environment.  Can I reinstall it. What is the program called? I understand 
> that Gnome terminal is different. I am a newbie so thanks for bearing with me.
The program n System Tools is gnome-terminal.

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Re: hp-setup not working on F11

2009-07-17 Thread Andrea

On 16/07/09 23:05, Paolo Galtieri wrote:

Try running

strace hp-setup

This should tell you where it is hanging.  I tried hp-setup on my F11
system and it works fine.  Note you may have to install the strace
package.  strace will tell you what system calls are being executed by
the program being traced.  There is also ltrace which traces library calls.

Those are the last lines of strace.
You can find the full output here

stat64("/root/.kde/share/config/oxygenrc", 0xbffbadd4) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 

stat64("/etc/kde/oxygenrc", 0xbffbadd4) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 

stat64("/usr/share/kde-settings/kde-profile/default/share/config/oxygenrc", 0xbffbadd4) = -1 ENOENT 
(No such file or directory)
stat64("/usr/share/config/oxygenrc", 0xbffbadd4) = -1 ENOENT (No such file or directory) 

socket(PF_FILE, SOCK_STREAM, 0) = 8 

connect(8, {sa_family=AF_FILE, path=@"/tmp/dbus-YMPFCiHxV1"...}, 23) = 0 

fcntl64(8, F_GETFL) = 0x2 (flags O_RDWR) 

fcntl64(8, F_SETFL, O_RDWR|O_NONBLOCK)  = 0 

fcntl64(8, F_GETFD) = 0 

fcntl64(8, F_SETFD, FD_CLOEXEC) = 0 

geteuid32() = 0 

rt_sigaction(SIGPIPE, {0x1, [PIPE], SA_RESTART}, {0x1, [], 0}, 8) = 0 

poll([{fd=8, events=POLLOUT}], 1, 0)= 1 ([{fd=8, revents=POLLOUT}]) 

write(8, "\0"..., 1)= 1 

write(8, "AUTH EXTERNAL 30\r\n"..., 18) = 18 

poll([{fd=8, events=POLLIN}], 1, -1)= 1 ([{fd=8, revents=POLLIN}]) 

read(8, "OK a16eba9acfc3638eec7139ec4a60df"..., 2048) = 37 

poll([{fd=8, events=POLLOUT}], 1, -1)   = 1 ([{fd=8, revents=POLLOUT}]) 

write(8, "BEGIN\r\n"..., 7) = 7
poll([{fd=8, events=POLLIN|POLLOUT}], 1, -1) = 1 ([{fd=8, 
read(8, ""..., 2048)= 0
close(8)= 0
futex(0xa2c8114, FUTEX_WAIT_PRIVATE, 1, NULL^C 

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 7:10 AM, Mike Cloaked wrote:

> I have been using a Seagate FreeAgent Go external usb drive for this purpose
> for some time and has worked flawlessly.

With all due respect, while most people here keep mentioning "brand
names" it means diddly squat.
What is important is the USB-to-IDE _CHIPSET_ used inside those enclosures.

Nothing guarantees that Seagate won't use a chipset "a" on its 500GB
drives and several months down the line switch to some other chipset
from another brand that does USB+eSATA or whatever...

What you get from a brand name is the quality and looks of the plastic
enclosure, and maybe power supply (internal or external etc).

But in the end, you have a normal hard drive inside (Western Digital
or Seagate, most of the time), and a USB-to-IDE _chipset_.

That's what you should care about.

Performance and reliability between different usb-to-ide chipsets varies widely.

The best performance I found has been with a Made-in-Taiwan enclosure
using the Genesis Logic GL811E chipset.
Yet it had random lockups when I used it on Win2k.

The most reliable? The the ALI M5621 Chipset, but which is significantly slower.

Look at this page for all the various USB-to-IDE chipsets used inside
all those external USB hard drives and enclosures

And by all means do readthe following horror stories for devices which
use a particular revision of a Cypress USB-to-IDE chipset


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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Fernando Cassia
On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 5:57 PM, Fernando Cassia wrote:

> And by all means do readthe following horror stories for devices which
> use a particular revision of a Cypress USB-to-IDE chipset
> FC

Nowadays, when you go above 500GB, it's probably a USB-to-SATA
adapter, as there's no hard drives over 750GB with a IDE


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And then the BBC
Your life would be complete

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Latest updates hosed NFS4?

2009-07-17 Thread Braden McDaniel
My NFS4 mounts have gone south since the latest round of updates.  Using
mount directly yields this:

# mount -t nfs4 hinge:/home/braden /mnt/foo
mount.nfs4: Protocol not supported

Anyone know what's going on?

Braden McDaniel 

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Braden McDaniel
On Thu, 2009-07-16 at 23:28 +0930, Tim wrote:
> Does anybody know if the "WD Elements" hard drives in enclosures with
> USB ports work with Fedora pain free?  I've heard tales of some drive
> enclosures that go asleep on you, but can't recall if it were this range
> of models, and there's some of these on sale locally for a reasonable
> price.

I think buying an external enclosure and drive separately is a better

My experience with the quality of drives sold as "external drives" has
not been good.  Check the warranty periods on the external drives you're
looking at.  They're typically just for one or two years; occasionally
three years.  The WD Elements drive you're looking at appears just to
have a one year warrany[1].  Meanwhile, look at the warranty periods for
most internal SATA drives: they're typically at least three years; and
it's not too hard to find drives with five year warranties.

Buying the drive separately from the enclosure means that you can get a
higher quality, more reliable drive.


Braden McDaniel 

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live usb persistence

2009-07-17 Thread Joseph Barney
Dunno if this is the place to ask, but how do I get Live USB Fedora
Persistence? I have a Sandisk Cruzer 8GB.. I'm gonna end up removing that U3
thing that does nothing for me since I don't always use Windows, and anyhow,
I can install it when it's FAT32 partitioned, but even when setting the
persistence file at 3.9GB it never ever has persistence. Is this a bug? I've
googled for days and find nothing, and even in the forums I find nothing and
I'm not new to the internet. Been online since 93 but anyhow, was wondering
if anyone can help me? I get the same results when I was gonna try
Ubuntu...I never get persistence even when downloading the 4GB casper file

I'd really prefer Fedora 11 though, and someone in IRC said if I format it
to ext3 I could use a bigger persistence than 4GB... Is this true? The other
odd thing is my flash won't work with ext3 anymore. I format it, and it
actually installed Fedora 11 on there once on the ext3 filesystem but now
every time I try, and I always use gparted, it says it doesn't recognize
the  filesystem and that it needs to be formatted. Any help is appreciated.
I do like Fedora 11 the best and would love to run it off USB since that
makes it easier to be portable and also since I am into digital photography.

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Re: EVO conferencing software on Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread suvayu ali
2009/7/17 Rick Sewill :
> I do not know if your problem is similar to my problem with
>  Please see the thread with subject:
> "Does Iced Tea Web Start work on Fedora 10? What about Fedora 11?"

Thanks Rick. This explains a lot. I found a couple of related bug
reports after going through the thread and searching for Icedtea in
the bugzilla.

The second report has a possible fix which is being pushed as an
update on F11. You might want to try that.


Open source is the future. It sets us free.

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missing rpmbuild option?

2009-07-17 Thread Tom Horsley
I often just want to look at the source for some tool, so I
download the source rpm, install it, then try to do a
rpmbuild -bp to get all the files unpacked and patched.

This always fails because I'm missing a gazillion build
dependencies, but I'm not building :-).

Is there (or should there be) a --nodeps option to
rpmbuild? (I can't see anything like it in the man
page, but maybe I'm just blind :-).

Anyway, I just remove all the requires stuff from the
spec file and run rpmbuild -bp again, and that usually
works OK for my purposes.

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Re: Terminal does not work on a fresh install of Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Wolfgang S. Rupprecht

prodpedia  writes in one run-on line:
> I managed to install Fedora 11 on a Dell optiplex 260. On the first
> boot - I can't launch the terminal in the graphical environment. On
> clicking system tools->terminal it brings up a window with title
> Starting terminal. It then disappears in a few seconds. Everything
> else works. I can get to a terminal using Ctrl-alt-f2. But cannot
> start the terminal within graphical environment.  Can I reinstall
> it. What is the program called? I understand that Gnome terminal is
> different. I am a newbie so thanks for bearing with me.

[ you know, you are allowed to hit  every 70 chars or so. -wsr ]

Did you see this in a freshly made user account or did you reinstall
your home directory from backup or something?

I'd guess some dot-file is screwed up (.bashrc, .bash_profile, .profile,
etc).  Check .xsession-errors to see if the shell printed anything
before it died.

Wolfgang S. Rupprecht  Android 1.5 (Cupcake) and Fedora-11

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Partitioning FC11 ??

2009-07-17 Thread Jim

My partition layout is

sda1  ext3   /boot
sda2  ext4   /home
sda3  ext4   /
sda4  Extended
sda 5   Swap

I want sda1 /boot to be my boot, why is it default selecting sda3 /  , 
in "Boot Loader Operating system list" ??

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Re: live usb persistence

2009-07-17 Thread M Yakub Mizan
Have U Checked The Instructions In Fedora Wiki .if not
follow it.i think we should not reproduce what already exists.

Ordered In Importance necessary)

If you do not find there let us know someone help will you
to be honest i do not use live image and i am not experienced it that
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Re: Partitioning FC11 ??

2009-07-17 Thread stan
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:15:18 -0400
Jim  wrote:

> My partition layout is
> sda1  ext3   /boot
> sda2  ext4   /home
> sda3  ext4   /
> sda4  Extended
> sda 5   Swap
> I want sda1 /boot to be my boot, why is it default selecting
> sda3 /  , in "Boot Loader Operating system list" ??
It would be helpful to see the contents of

I suspect that you have a root (hd0,2) in there instead of root (hd0.0)
as the location of the boot partition.

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Re: Latest updates hosed NFS4?

2009-07-17 Thread M Yakub Mizan
version and anything else not mentionted
#mount -t cifs hinge:/home/braden /mnt/foo
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Re: Partitioning FC11 ??

2009-07-17 Thread stan
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:15:18 -0400
Jim  wrote:

> My partition layout is
> sda1  ext3   /boot
> sda2  ext4   /home
> sda3  ext4   /
> sda4  Extended
> sda 5   Swap
> I want sda1 /boot to be my boot, why is it default selecting
> sda3 /  , in "Boot Loader Operating system list" ??

info grub   or   pinfo grub   gives lots of good information.  
Pinfo allows arrow keys to work, some color coding.

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Re: Partitioning FC11 ??

2009-07-17 Thread Jim

On 07/17/2009 09:44 PM, stan wrote:

On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:15:18 -0400
Jim  wrote:


My partition layout is

sda1  ext3   /boot
sda2  ext4   /home
sda3  ext4   /
sda4  Extended
sda 5   Swap

I want sda1 /boot to be my boot, why is it default selecting
sda3 /  , in "Boot Loader Operating system list" ??


It would be helpful to see the contents of

I suspect that you have a root (hd0,2) in there instead of root (hd0.0)
as the location of the boot partition.

I haven't finished the install yet, I'm trying to get it to accept sda1 
as boot.

At the initial install and partitioning.

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Re: Partitioning FC11 ??

2009-07-17 Thread M Yakub Mizan
u should describe well the matter .
if u don't how do we answer ?
we all are not geeks regular fedora user.
please, explain us a bit.
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Re: Partitioning FC11 ??

2009-07-17 Thread stan
On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:50:24 -0400
Jim  wrote:

> On 07/17/2009 09:44 PM, stan wrote:
> > On Fri, 17 Jul 2009 21:15:18 -0400
> > Jim  wrote:
> >
> >
> >> My partition layout is
> >>
> >> sda1  ext3   /boot
> >> sda2  ext4   /home
> >> sda3  ext4   /
> >> sda4  Extended
> >> sda 5   Swap
> >>
> >> I want sda1 /boot to be my boot, why is it default selecting
> >> sda3 /  , in "Boot Loader Operating system list" ??
> >>
> >>  
> > It would be helpful to see the contents of
> > /boot/grub/menu.lst
> >
> > I suspect that you have a root (hd0,2) in there instead of root
> > (hd0.0) as the location of the boot partition.
> >
> >
> I haven't finished the install yet, I'm trying to get it to accept
> sda1 as boot.
> At the initial install and partitioning.
>From the information you've given so far, it should be accepting it.
Are you using custom partitioning?  It should show you a visual of the
drive, and allow you to select the mount point for each partition.  Is
it big enough?

As M Yakub Mizan said, we need more information.  We only know what you
tell us, it's not like we're looking over your shoulder or privy to
your experience.

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amaya in repos?

2009-07-17 Thread Joel Rees

Amaya shows to be orphaned, last entry is Fedora 9: 

Neither yum info nor yum search seem to find it. At least, not on a  
ppc machine.

Have orphaned projects been removed?

Would the best approach at this point be to download the source from and build? Anybody use it? Care to comment? Especially,  
concerning the ability to enter Japanese?

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command line playing of radio internet streams

2009-07-17 Thread olivares14031

thanks much for the cdda2wav !
Great that you liked it :), I have had some trouble with rythmbox, and others 
too, sometimes  I let xine play cd's too when all the others fail.  cdda2wav 
has worked well for me, so I turn to it when the others crash, and don't play 
anything for me.  

Antonio, do you have any suggestions for command line playing of
radio internet streams?

Have you tried mplayer?

Mplayer has worked for me before.  If something does not work as it should let 
me know and I can relate it to mplayer-users list :)




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Re: Latest updates hosed NFS4?

2009-07-17 Thread Braden McDaniel
On Sat, 2009-07-18 at 07:44 +0600, M Yakub Mizan wrote:
> version and anything else not mentionted

Fedora 11; sorry, I should have mentioned that.

# rpm -qa | grep nfs

> #mount -t cifs hinge:/home/braden /mnt/foo
> !!!try.

My Samba shares still work.  Presumably you're not suggesting that
should mount an NFS4 export.

Braden McDaniel 

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Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Paul Erickson

On 07/17/2009 12:34 PM, mike cloaked wrote:

On Fri, Jul 17, 2009 at 7:43 PM, Paul Erickson  wrote:

On 07/17/2009 03:10 AM, Mike Cloaked wrote:


I have been using a Seagate FreeAgent Go external usb drive for this purpose
for some time and has worked flawlessly.  When I got the drive I simply
re-partitioned it with ext3 from scratch, and removed all trace of the
Windows one-touch backup system in the process.

Plugging in to F10 and F11 based systems under Gnome works just fine and I
run backups based on rsync (and rdiff-backup).

The drive is physically small and neat and the only minor issue is the short
usb lead that comes with the drive.

Hi Mike,

If you don't mind, I would appreciate a little more detail. I have been
trying to get
a 500g Segate FreeAgent Go to work, and so far, I have had no success. When
I can
get the box to recognize it, I keep getting write errors, and frequently the
will not be recognized at all.

Thanks in advance.

No problem - First i did
yum install qtparted
and then I simply plugged in the drive and used qtparted to remove the
existing partitions and then write a single ext3 partition on the
drive. I can't remember if I had to unmount the drive after it was
plugged in but when doing these kinds of operation I usually do
tail -f /var/log/messages
and see what the device name is when a drive is plugged in. If an icon
pops up on the Gnome desktop I then right click it and select unmount

I don't remember this being a problem at all.

Once I had re-written the new partition and got the operation applied
I then removed the drive and plugged it back in and then it just
worked flawlessly after that. I partitioned it on a machine running
F10, but I seem to remember that the qparted package is actually from
F9 according to the tag on the rpm.

I guess that any other partitioning tool should in principle also work
- but certainly qtparted worked for me.

I hope that helps.


Hi Mike,

After a couple of tries, I managed to get the disk formatted as an ext3 

Unfortunately, now when I try to copy files to it, it get an error message

Error while copying.

The folder "backup" cannot be copied because you do not have permissions 
to create it in the destination.

I tried using chmod to change the permissions on /dev/sdc, but this does 
not solve the
problem. One good thing, Now when I plug the drive in, it is 
consistently recognized by

the machine, so that is one step forward.

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


cheers, Paul - VA7NT - email:

"Those who hear not the music, think the dancers mad."

"Tolerance becomes a crime when applied to evil." - Thomas Mann

"That state which separates it's warriors from it's scholars will have it's thinking 
done by cowards and fighting done by fools" - Thucydides - The Pelopenisia

"The Malice of the wicked is reinforced by the weakness of the virtuous." - 

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread gilpel
Antonio wrote:

> Rythmbox, Totem, Audio CD Extractor are just a few apps in Gnome that can
> play cd's.  Do you have any of those installed?

> There is also amarok, kscd, Kaffeine

kscd is what I was using on my previous small system. It didn't look very
resource hungry: very basic but easy to use, but, once again, it's a "K".

"Amarok 2 does not currently support audiocd playback."
And again, it's a K.

Rhythmbox does pretty much the same as Amarok, it plays CDs and it uses
GTK. At first sight, it looks to me like a good candidate. If its size is
larger than XMMS, it should be downloaded after installation. Since most
people only have one CD/DVD, it doesn't seem very necessary in include a
CD player.

> ..., others on KDE desktop. You
> mentioned xmms, it should also play cd's.

Yup, it should but, you know, contrary to SMPlayer, I found it was playing
hard too hard to get. Of course, SMPlayer plays CDs too: you just select
"Open, Audio CD" and the CD plays. That's it, that's all.

I tried XMMS because the default sound settings I had for playing movie
DVDs caused distortion. (This might have something to do with the fact
that I only use the preamp.) Instead of searching for a fix to this
problem, I decided to explore the default application provided by Fedora.

I didn't change XMMS' basic set-up. I finally got it to work with fairly
elaborate instructions on the net. (See my answer to Tim... which I'll
hopefully write tonight: I now understand why I had to go through this

But suggesting to friends that they use XMMS and type meaningless
scribbles to make a CD play would make one look like a loonie and
suggesting to install something else will rightfully bring the following
question: "Why is it not the default?"

The default interface size is way too small for most modern screen
definition. Double size really looks like it's been blown out. XMMS spatly
refuses to play the first track of the 2 CDs I tried (Rhythmbox plays
them, so it's not the CDs.) If I insist on clicking the 1st track on the
file list, the whole system freezes. I have to reboot!!!

With Rhythmbox, when you insert the CD, under Devices, you see the title
of the CD: "Nothing like the Sun". You select a track and it plays, and
all those after it. If the computer boots with the CD installed, there's
an option "Open with Rhythmbox music player" for the CD icon. The software
looks like attention has been given to detail. It just works! Though a
better name than "Device" could be used, it's what people expect from a
music player.

Of course, XMMS has a lot of history behind it and nobody feels easy with
the idea of not making it the default. But, let's face it: for all the
protest, not a single person in this thread said that he uses XMMS,
bpretending that, despite all the pains it puts you through, it is so

I'm getting old, you know, and I sometimes feel applications are like
women: the ones that are playing hard to get might not be the ones that
are best suited for you :)

If Steve Jobs, whom we love so much, was facing this situation, what would
he say? Answer: "Out!" That's why everybody at Apple says he's a jerk.
Apparently, if he doesn't like something, he goes into fits of rage and
it's you change it or you lose your job, dear programmer. Somehow, it
seems this non-programmer jerk gets results, i.e. market share. Linux
doesn't get any market share the way things work now. All Linux users know
is ranting against Microsoft, they never rant against themselves...

Well, Microsoft is shit heads at the top of the world, no doubt, but maybe
Linux could do better. And at Fedora/Red Hat, this would mean having
somebody responsible to see that every single application works as
expected -- Brasero certainly didn't work for me either! -- and that no
nonsense such as File managers without a URL bar is introduced.

I've already said that, in many, many ways, Fedora is great but if no
attention is given to those "details", it will go nowhere. Saying: "Hey,
you don't like XMMS? Just go to Google and find a CD reader that suits
you" makes people feel they lose their time and be very angry at Linux.

Hey, after 18 years of development, with 1% market share on the desktop,
it's about time that we stop pretending everything will happen tomorrow.
We've been in tomorrow era for years now and Linux, especially Fedora,
works mighty well. Why don't we consider making people feel at home with
Linux and stop telling them to try this and that and RTFM?

Of course, those are just my 2 cents, not Jobs billions, but if Linux to
survive, the geek well-why-don't-you-fix-it-yourself mentality has to
disappear and some sound administrative principles be introduced in the
community. It doesn't mean everything must be under the control of the
marketing department, but it does mean you have to gain market share.

Don't forget the Google era is coming, too. Now, with the clout they have,
they mig

Re: EVO conferencing software on Fedora 11

2009-07-17 Thread Suvayu Ali

On Friday 17 July 2009 03:29 PM, suvayu ali wrote:

2009/7/17 Rick Sewill:

I do not know if your problem is similar to my problem with  Please see the thread with subject:
"Does Iced Tea Web Start work on Fedora 10? What about Fedora 11?"

Thanks Rick. This explains a lot. I found a couple of related bug
reports after going through the thread and searching for Icedtea in
the bugzilla.

The second report has a possible fix which is being pushed as an
update on F11. You might want to try that.

Happy to report this update fixes the problem. :)

The corresponding update for F10 is,


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Re: amaya in repos?

2009-07-17 Thread Ed Greshko
Joel Rees wrote:
> Amaya shows to be orphaned, last entry is Fedora 9:
> Neither yum info nor yum search seem to find it. At least, not on a
> ppc machine.
> Have orphaned projects been removed?
> Would the best approach at this point be to download the source from
> and build? Anybody use it? Care to comment? Especially,
> concerning the ability to enter Japanese?
Have you tried their rpm?

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Re: Firefox steals alsa audio

2009-07-17 Thread Danny Yee
suvayu ali wrote:
> Try this guide. It has been effective for many users so far.
I'm not running GNOME (or KDE, or indeed any desktop) so key bits of
that don't exist for me.

Is sound not supported for people running plain window managers?


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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread gilpel
Tim wrote:

>> No application is suggested, even under "Open", to play the damned
>> music.
> Not having a populated list of CD player programs, sounds like a Gnome
> problem...

Maybe. Who will write to GNOME? Who's respnsible that things work (TM)?

As I explained to Antonio, Rhythmbox certainly fixed the problem, though.

> Though it could be that you haven't installed any capable
> applications that inform Gnome that they're available as a CDDA handler.

What's the "capable application"? Why isn't the capable application included?

>> If I go to Application, sound and video, the first option,
>> "Audio Player", opens XMMS.
> When I've used XMMS, in the past,

Yup, in the past, you too? We're in the present, you know?

> it couldn't directly play CDDA.  It
> needed a plug-in for that.  Though it's probably included by default, by
> now.  It also needed configuration:  It needed you to specify a place on
> the directory tree that it would understand as a reference to your audio
> CD, so that when you accessed that part of the file system, it was to
> read tracks from the audio disc, instead.  This is the same sort of
> thing as I outline further above, but XMMS implementing for itself,
> rather than Gnome acting as the go-between.  This is an XMMS application
> issue, not a Linux one.
> Other CDDA capable programs take different approaches.  They'll detect a
> CDDA disc in the CD drive, and provide their own disc/track content
> selector.
> Further to this, CDDA programs have (about) two options for playing the
> discs:

> Naturally, this requires an audio lead
> between your CD and sound card, and lots of modern computers don't have
> one installed.

I suppose that's the problem I had. That's why I had to read the
instructions here:

After this, everything worked. At last, I could see /dev/sr0 !!!

But it seems RhythmBox is aware of this big problem most modern
computers have and it just works without roaming the net to fix it. Don't
you think they take more care than XMMS developers to get this to work?
The page I read dates back to 2005 and the problem is still present...

Honestly, unless the devil himself is at the helm of RhythmBox, I'd stop
fooling around and go for it. I didn't experience a single problem and
never had to roam the net to get it working. So why isn't it the default?
Has the devil something to do with it?

>> At least, normally, you should go to => System, Preference, File
>> Management, Media to select a default CD and DVD player. Still
>> impossible!
>> No option to change anything. I wrote about this. Nobody replied.
> Seen this mentioned before, even discussed it with the person, but this
> was prior to Fedora 11 being around.  Nautilus is your file manager for
> Gnome, that's the starting point of fault finding, bug reporting, for
> this issue.

Yes, mentioned before, discussed, maybe bug report filed, prior to Fedora
11, maybe Fedora 9...8, who knows. That's a lot of lost time for many
people, cause you must not be the only one.

How come there's nobody at Red Hat/Fedora responsible for making
reports about this and having things fixed. Playing Jobs, in other words?
You know, kinda: "Will you get this fixed or should we use Thunar... and
XFCE? Will you get XMMS working or will we use RhythmBox? Will you get
Brasero working or... Cause, in the end, you see, everything will work.
You don't work, you're not there."

And the same for documentation. I wrote to this guy at FedoraFAQ to
explain that the instructions for installing the NVIDIA driver weren't
complete. I never heard from him and the page hasn't changed, except,
maybe, a link has been added to NVIDIA's site. (Maybe it was there before
too. I don't remember.) Same for the minimum hardware requirements to
install Fedora on FedoraProject. Despite a bug report, it hasn't changed.

It's a pity to see how we're going nowhere fast, declining all
responsibilities by telling the newbies to RTFM!

>> You think I'm a ranter?
> Yes.  And if you do it in the wrong direction, it'll be a useless rant.

Well, I'm trying to evaluate the direction but it's hard. It seems that,
before he was sick, Steve Jobs was reading emails sent by users and
sometimes give a quick answer. Jobs is seen as at the head of Apple, and
you can write to him. If he doesn't read your letter, he'll have somebody
read it. If you don't like teh way his computers work, he has to listen
because he intends to sell you some more. And, man! does he ever sell his

But here, all you receive as an answer is "File a bug report". Hey, wait a
sec! Doesn't anybody at Fedora use Fedora? How come nobody never noticed
that Brasero doesn't work or XMMS is a pain? Why should we be writing all
the time when, apparently, nobody gives a shit?

I said Fedora was a great distro, and I mean it, but it could be much
better if we stopped pretending that Fedora is only for geeks and made it
work for everybody. 

Re: good external hard drives (e.g. WD Elements)?

2009-07-17 Thread Mick M.

--- On Fri, 7/17/09, Fernando Cassia  wrote:

> What you get from a brand name is the quality and looks of
> the plastic
> enclosure, and maybe power supply (internal or external
> etc).
> But in the end, you have a normal hard drive inside
> (Western Digital
> or Seagate, most of the time), and a USB-to-IDE _chipset_.
> That's what you should care about.
> Performance and reliability between different usb-to-ide
> chipsets varies widely.

> FC

Hi Fernando;
  What you say is true, but almost useless.

True in that the chipset is the main thing, useless because they don't tell you 
what chipset the thing uses.

All you get is "Marketing Speak? on how great/reliable/fast/compatible the 
thing is.

By having people actually tell you that the "DYNEX DX-HDEN10 USB EXTERNAL HARD 
DRIVE ENCLOSURE 3.5" etc, actually works just fine, you can go buy one.

Look on the box or on the webpage (newegg etc), no mention is made of chipsets.

Here is mine:
[m...@localhost ~]$ lsusb
Bus 001 Device 007: ID 04b4:6830 Cypress Semiconductor Corp. CY7C68300A EZ-USB 

Which is actually wrong, the chip is  CY7C68300C not A.
I opened it up and looked.

Mick M.


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Re: From the top... how do I get sound working in F11 ?

2009-07-17 Thread gilpel
> 2009/7/15  :

> try this killall pulseaudio
> rm -rf /tmp/puls*
> pulseaudio -D (to restart)

No, it didn't change anything.

Thanks for trying!

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Re: Firefox steals alsa audio

2009-07-17 Thread suvayu ali
2009/7/17 Danny Yee :
> suvayu ali wrote:
>> Try this guide. It has been effective for many users so far.
> I'm not running GNOME (or KDE, or indeed any desktop) so key bits of
> that don't exist for me.
> Is sound not supported for people running plain window managers?

Those apps might come with certain desktop environments, but they can
also be installed separately. Also most of them are graphical
frontends to command line counterparts. So you can try the command
line utilities if you wish. I for example use XFCE and WindowMaker and
use alsa-utils and pulseaudio-utils packages to get the command line



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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread gilpel
> On Thu, 16 Jul 2009 22:26:51 -0400 (EDT), gilpel wrote:
>> Why is it that, when I insert an audio disk, I see it as an audio disk
>> on
>> my desktop, but when I click it, GNOME shows the .wav files that are
>> present. No application is suggested, even under "Open", to play the
>> damned music. If I go to Application, sound and video, the first option,
>> "Audio Player", opens XMMS.
>> Great! I click the forward button... I'm presented with a list of the...
>> no, no, no! not the files on the CD, but the files in my home
>> directory!!!
> XMMS is not installed by default.

Really? After all I said on the matter, I'm surprised nobody corrected me

> At some point of time you've installed
> it yourself.

I'd be very surprised. What's teh default CD player for Fedora/Gnome, then?

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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-17 Thread gilpel
Shannon McMackin wroteÈ

> Here's a better "guide" for you to follow...

Thanks! I didn't have it in my bookmarks.

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