Re: KDE4 - Add menu to panel

2009-07-27 Thread Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich
> Hi all,

> is it possibile to add a menu to the panel ? From the menu (right click
> on the app) I can add only applications; but I'd like to add an entire
> folder (with all submenu items) to the panel.
There was such a method: partial Lancelot plasmoid that could be placed on the 
pannel. For now it is broken but it will be fixed in future release. If you 
want it could be done in other way, useing Folder view plasmoid. Just add it 
and point it to the folder where you'l put executables (scripts or symlinks).

> Thanks
> Alessandro


Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

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Re: Making modificatios in KDE-4.2.4

2009-07-28 Thread Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich
В сообщении от Пятница 24 июля 2009 07:35:28 автор Jim написал:
> FC 11 / KDE-4.2.4
> The window that popsup when doing a Right Click on Desktop;
> [Window]
> Konsole
> Run Command
> Unlock Widgets
> Appearance Settings
> Lock Screen
> Leave
> I would like to add a couple Apps to This Window.
> Where would I make modifications to this Window ?

In the sources only. No any configuration file for it.


Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

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Re: KDE4 - Add menu to panel

2009-07-28 Thread Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich
В сообщении от Понедельник 27 июля 2009 18:50:17 автор Alessandro Boggiano 
> Hi all,
> is it possibile to add a menu to the panel ? From the menu (right click
> on the app) I can add only applications; but I'd like to add an entire
> folder (with all submenu items) to the panel.
> In kde 3.5, I was used to ssh to all my office machines  from a folder
> menu in a panel. Now I can't do it!
> Does it means that I have to put in the panel 20 different icons? :(
> Also, I was addicted to middle click in the desktop to have the list to
> all running applications; someone knows if exists something like that  ?
> Thanks
> Alessandro

Have it tested on kde 4.3rc so don't know how it works on 4.2.x, but. It can 
be done with lancelot menu: drag-n-drop menu antry at a place you want to see 
this menu part seperatly and choise something like partial lancelot menu (i 
have localized version so I don't know how it in english). It can be dropped 
at a pannel or on desktop in while it in worktable mode. Looks like nicer than 
folder view one .)


Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

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system-config-printer and gome-packagekit

2009-07-24 Thread Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

In lates updates I resieved new system-config-printer that has a Require gnome-
packagekit. I have not any packagekit installed (for some personal reasons) 
and this was notisable. Looking in details, I desided this is need for 
something been installed for printer support (any additional drivers may be?).
The question is in following. Is this interoperation between realy different 
applications is such necessary? Could it be splited into 2 packages one of 
then *packagekit* Require and intall anything and the second (main one) for 
peculiarly printer configuration? And the last: what realy could be (need be) 
installed during system-config-printer work?

Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

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Re: fedora 11 worst then ever release

2009-07-25 Thread Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

> first of all i use linux since '94 so i've seen a few releases. 

> there is no way to properly upgrade from the latest release to the next 
Since 94? "yum upgrade".

> on system where anaconda do not crash f10 update's yum newer then on f11
> iso's so the installer do not upgrade yum! 
Sure. It is in continues development. On Fedora you must know what 
installation DVD is for.

> longer works. as the installer do not upgrade kernel-devel akmods not able
> to rebuild kernel module for nvidia and ati so X not able to start.
There are no fglrx for F11. Sad but true. Thise is what you must to know too. 
So, akmod is installed, but kmod can't be compiled. It is a real problem, it 
is exist, but no X with fglrx, but radeon(hd) or even vesa - all for you. Just 
edit (nano? vi?) /etc/X11/xorg.conf.

> but without networkmanager
system-config-network-tui is present on DVD. 

> all of my system has a wrong openssl version
How did you manage it?

> there was some python 2.5 abi problem. 
F11 have Python 2.6. You have your system partial updated. But it could be 

> how can a system critical tool like yum depend on such a broken thing like
> python?
It just works.

> after i update by hand a few dozen of packages with rpm yum start to work.
Yes! I knew it! Partial update.

> after i already install f11 yum show 2069 packages to update!!! just one
> month after the release! my system consist of 2059
> packages at the same time yum download 2069 packages to update! what the
> hell i doing??? why do i upgrade the system for a half days if i upgrade
> all of my packages. why do i need a dvd iso? this download is more then the
> whole iso!
OK. When Fedora prepare to releas mainterners freez package versions. They 
create iso's. But (suddenly) developers release a new version of there 
product. Will it be updated in Fedora DVD iso? Of cause, not. Then, developers 
of second package released it stuff, third, forth... Yum updated, KDE updated, 
DeviceKit updated, R updated. Opensource world is in development, continues 
development. In updates repo you can find newer packages, than presented on the 
moment of Fedora releas. So, it completly normal. I think, it is not just 
normal, it's greate!

> the sound no longer works!
And it is a problem.  It need to be resolved, I'm agree with you.

> and the firefox and thunderbird betas... 
Sorry. Don't use them.

> on a simple on borad intel video card X/gnome crash daily.
May be hardware problem?

> and i could be list many other problems.
Cindly ask you to do it. This could help to develop Fedora, make it better 
with future releases.

> and tend to agree with dag that fedora is not suitable even for the
> desktop/workstation world. 
Dag is wrong. Sorry, Dag.

> and i can't say anything those ubuntu users who
> said it's working in ububtu:-(
Just look at Ubuntu bagzilla.

> if rhel 6 will be released i'll push a new company policy 
Hm... sometimes rhel _will_ release. You can begin to prepare a draft of that 

> a really angry fedora user.
Happy Fedora user :)

And my experience. Have upgraded couple copms from 10 to 11, couple from 9 to 
11 (yes, in documentation written it is not supported at all) and nothing 
suprising occurs. Sound playing, video showing, Konqueror prowl the Internet 

The only one thing: plymouth start theme in F10 is better in my opinion then 
in F11 one.


Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

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Re: fedora 11 worst then ever release

2009-07-25 Thread Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

> > I don't even upgrade anymore.  I just keep two partitions (Logical
> > Volumes actually)--one for Fedora N and one for Fedora N+1.  I always
> > do a fresh install, formatting the partition from the older install.
> > This has the advantage of providing a backup in case the new Fedora
> > doesn't work so well.  Eventually, when updates to the new Fedora fix
> > the most annoying bugs, I switch to using it full time.
> and it's a shame! it's not windows when we need to reinstall and reboot
> with every install.
> or if it's know to be broken then remove the option to upgrade.

It must be in fedora-devel-list, not here. Please, not mix them.

Dmitrij S. Kryzhevich

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