Re: Reading Pictures off of SD card Problem

2009-12-15 Thread Tod Merley
On Tue, Dec 15, 2009 at 9:46 AM, Jim wrote:

 Attempting to read Pictures on mounted SD card.

 If i tell it to use DigiKam it will read the card and display pictures.

 If I tell it to use Filemanager it will open the wine.cfg window, there are
 no wine
 apps on SD card , just pictures.

 I uninstalled wine, but no help, If I tell it to use Filemanager it still
 looking for

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Hi Jim!

If I were you I would open a shell, obtain root privilege, use mount
to see where the SD card is mounted, navigate to that point and use ls
-a -l to poke around and see what is up.

Other than that I would look into how to tell Filemanager to respond
to Wine type files (a mime type or two I suppose) and disable the
association it tries to use to process the files on the SD card.

Good Hunting!


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Re: OT: wifi antennas

2009-01-29 Thread Tod Merley
On Tue, Jan 27, 2009 at 7:45 AM, Paul Smith wrote:
 Dear All,

 Could someone please advise me regarding USB antennas to improve the
 reception wifi Internet signal?

 Thanks in advance,


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Hi  Paul Smith,

It is kind of a strange arrangement but seems to work well.  I have a
small D-Link wireless router.  It has two small RF connectors on the
back which it also has two small (about five inches high) antennas
meant to be screwed into them.  One is.  The other connects to a thin
coaxial cable which runs to a much larger (perhaps nine inches high)
antenna on a shelf some three feet above the router below. It is one I
picked up at a PC recycling place for about ten dollars.

It seems to perform very well.

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: help

2008-12-06 Thread Tod Merley
On Thu, Dec 4, 2008 at 11:18 AM, Md. Nazmul Hamid Reza
 i am running fedora 9 shulphur. i could not install any software in it.
 when i try to install then it shows 'You don't have the necessary privileges
 to install local packages'.
 what can i do?
 plz help me

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Hi Nazmul Hamid Reza!

You need to become the Super User (root).  Most use the su command
(do a man su at a terminal prompt to view a simple manual on su).
If you are trying to install from a graphics program use a gksu
mygraphicscommand to execute it.

Hopefully the links below will be useful to you:

# Here:

# I found:

 You can change your UID while you are working by using the su
command. What does su stand for? Well, that's a good question. I have
seen several different translations in books and from people on the
Internet. I say that it means switch UID,  as that's what it does.
However, other possibilities include switch user and super-user.
This command sets your UID to a new one. The syntax is

su user_name

where user_name is the logname of the user whose UID you want to
use. After running the command, you have a UID of that user.

The shortcoming with this is that all that is changed is the UID and
GID; you still have the environment of the original user. If you want
the system to pretend as though you had actually logged in, include
a dash (-). The command would then be

su - user_name

What is actually happening is that you are running a new shell as that
user. (Check the ps output to see that this is a new process.)
Therefore, to switch back, you don't need to use su again, but just
exit that shell.

We need to remember that a shell is the primary means by which users
gain access to the system. Once they do gain access, their ability to
move around the system (in terms of reading files or executing
programs) depends on two things: permissions and privileges.

In general, there is no need to switch groups. A user can be listed in
more than one group in /etc/group and the system will grant access to
files and directories accordingly.

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: Can not boot Fedora 10 after moving disk to another computer

2008-12-06 Thread Tod Merley
On Sat, Dec 6, 2008 at 10:53 AM, Paulo Cavalcanti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I have made a clean install of Fedora 10 two days ago.

 Today, I moved the disk to a brand new computer
 with an Intel DG45ID mobo,  an Intel onboard video (the previous computer
 had a nividia card).

 The boot goes fine until the point where it starts anacron, and then stops

 The last services started were, NMB, atd, avahi, cups, anacron.

 I can boot this computer with a Fedora 10 on a USB stick, and access the
 hard disk,
 but it always stops after stating anacron, when I try to boot using the hard

 Does anyone have any clue about what is happening here?


 Paulo Roma Cavalcanti

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Hi Paulo Roma Cavalcanti!

My guess is that the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file is for your old rather
than new computer.

You would probably find some (EE) lines in your /var/log/Xorg.0.log
file and some things in /var/log/messages..

When you boot from the USB stick look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file
on the stick and compare with the one on the disk (same directory and
name and all).  Make a copy of your disk's current xorg.conf file and
then edit to access the same display and video interface as does the
one on your USB stick.

I think that it is likey that a ctl+alt+F1 would access the usual
terminal login booting your system as it is..  ctl+alt+F7 should
return you to your non working X server.

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: Is this grub.conf file correct?

2008-11-16 Thread Tod Merley
On Sat, Nov 15, 2008 at 9:44 PM, M. Fioretti [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Sun, November 16, 2008 2:41 am, Tim wrote:

 You're missing some things on the kernel line.  It should have a
 structure like this:

   kernel /vmlinuz  ro  root=

 Where the root parameter points to wherever / is located.

 I have added ro root=/dev/sda3 right after the vmlinuz argument but
 nothing changes.

 I'd expect you to see some sort of error message without having any
 referral to where to find the root partition.

 Booting in single user mode and running dmesg the only more or less
 related lines I see are:

 EXT3-fs: INFO: recovery required on readonly filesystem.
 EXT3-fs: write access will be enabled during recovery. kjournald starting.
 Commit interval 5 seconds.
 EXT3-fs: recovery complete.
 EXT3-fs: mounted filesystem with ordered data mode.
 type=1404 audit (122678963.153:2): enforcing =1 old_enforcing=0
 auid=4294967295 ses=4294967295

 a few lines below:

 SELINUX: initialized (dev sda3, type ext3), uses xattr
 SELINUX: initialized (dev rootfs, type rootfs), uses genfs_contexts


 EXT3 FS on sda3, internal journal
 kjournald starting. Commit interval 5 seconds
 EXT3 FS on sda1, internal journal
 EXT3-fs: mouinted filesystem with ordered data mode.
 SELinux: initialized (dev sda1, type ext3), uses xattr

 So sda3 (/) and sda1 (/boot) are not managed in the same way, or at least
 don't generate the same notifications. But if I type mount at the prompt,
 I get:

 /dev/sda3 on / type ext3 (rw)
 /dev/sda1 on /boot type ext3 (rw)

 as expected (plus lines for proc, tmpfs, sysfs, devpts)

 what does all this mean



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Hi Marco!

I am suspicious that the fact that you CAN boot into single user mode
means that the grub is fine.  I would guess that X is your problem.

The following to try:

1. Let the machine boot as far as it will go.  Then try an CTL+ALT+F1
.  Hopefully you will then see a login terminal.  If not boot in using
a live CD and establish a terminal. There examine /var/log/messages -
/var/log/Xorg.0.log - and anything else that comes to mind as you look
at those two.

2. Run fsck on the disk.  If you see a lot of errors consider wiping
and reloading the disk.

Good Hunting!


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Re: PLEASE HELP - Video Resolution keeps changing

2008-11-05 Thread Tod Merley
On Wed, Nov 5, 2008 at 9:22 AM, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Using the nv or nividia driver,the Video resolution keeps changing after I
 set it in system-config-display to 1024x768.
 It always changes to higher resolution after rebooting box.
 I have four other new Linux users that are having the same problem, and they
 very unhappy with Linux because of this.
 What is causing this problem ??
 I use KDE and so does the other four new LInux users, and I can't update to
 FC 9 or 10 because KDE is so unstable.

 Below is xorg.conf

 # Xorg configuration created by system-config-display

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Hi Jim!

Well, first lets find out what is going on - execute:

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log$ cp Xorg.0.log /home/tod/Desktop/Xorg.0.log.txt

Of course you need to move to /var/log before you do this and use the
actual name of your home directory to land the file on your desktop.
I like to do it this way because it is convenient and kind of makes a
snapshot of the log file as well.

Pull the resulting file into your favorite text editor.  Note at the
beginning of the file those things you will find at the beginning of
the line in parenthesis.  Be very watchful for (WW) and especially
(EE).  Also be looking for the word not (as in not using). The
text editor environment is nice since you can use find and find
again to search for these things as you need to and move around in
the file efficiently.

Lets also have a look at your video hardware from the view of the pci
buss.  Execute (as ROOT):

[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/var/log# lspci -v -v -x  /home/tod/Desktop/lspci.txt

Again making those changes necessary to your environment.  Then again
pull it in to your text editor.  At the bottom of the file you will
usually find the video adapter.

Probably you will find in the Xorg.0.log that it does not like the
settings recommended in your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file and so chooses
one that it does like.  You may need to get the technical information
on your video adapter and display to change your xorg.conf so that X
can use it.  Another possible way is to use a live CD (Knoppix,
perhaps Fedora, Ubuntu, etc...) and see what they come up with for an
xorg.conf that X likes!  I have occasionally used critical portions
(monitor, screen) of such a xorg.conf to modify one that was not
working and had very good results.

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: IBM 19K5544 Intel Pro/100 Ethernet Adapter

2008-11-04 Thread Tod Merley
On Sun, Nov 2, 2008 at 7:08 AM, Tod Thomas [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I have two of these (PCI) network cards, they seem pretty nice.  I'm not
 sure where I got them but I was wondering if they should work with Fedora?
  I plugged one in but lspci doesn't see it and trying to find it in dmesg
 failed.  Just trying to avoid going out and buying new cards for an old
 machine I'm trying to get up and running.  I have a feeling they are IBM OEM
 and won't work with Linux but thought I'd check before tossing them.

 Thanks - Tod

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Hi Tod!

I think the important thing here is that you do not see it with lspci,
which I believe implies a BIOS or Hardware problem.  If it were me I

1. Make sure you are root when running lspci.  Try lspci -v -v -x and
other variants.

2. Refresh the CMOS.  Go to CMOS setup during boot (watch the screen -
most likely it will tell you how) and select factory defaults or
default settings - save and exit.  Often in an old computer the CMOS
battery goes low and the CMOS settings go flakey.  By restoring
defaults during boot you write a clean set of settings while power is
held up by the computer being on.  If this clears the problem, replace
the battery. Sometimes it works to remove the CMOS battery and do the
above test.  See if lspci sees it now.

3. Try another PCI slot on your machine.

4. Confirm that the card works in another machine.

5. Obtain service manual for card and motherboard and look for an
issue related to PCI bus setup (run - update-pciids ? ).  Google is
our friend with this kind of thing.

Good Hunting!


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Re: No Sound in FC 8

2008-11-04 Thread Tod Merley
On Tue, Nov 4, 2008 at 11:20 AM, Jim [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 FC 8/ KDE

 Using a SB Live EMU10K1, snd-emu10k1 module .

 If I run the SoundCard Detection Tool , It will play sound.

 If I try to play FlashPlayer on or a  Mplayer video(I get
  video)  but I don't get any sound.

 libflashsupport is installed.

 If I do a Sound playback in KDE control Center I get NO Sound.
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Hi Jim!

Your probably way ahead of me on this but most sound problems such as
you indicate here I find related to the volume settings.  Try clicking
the speaker icon once to check the general volume.  If OK then double
click and run through the Playback settings making sure the desired
one is not only up but also not muted (little red X on most of
them).  Also take note of the Edit  Preferences in the drop down

Other than that I would look in /var/log/messages, /var/log/dmesg, and
/var/log/kern.  You might also try running with SELinux disabled for a

Good Hunting


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Re: Fedora 9 Boot Problem

2008-10-23 Thread Tod Merley
On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 2:25 PM, Jack Lauman [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tied setting up a software RAID1 during the install but I kept getting an
 error saying that there was an existing partition on the second disk.

 I checked with fdisk /dev/sdb and found that there were no partitions that
 fdisk could see. I've never had this problem before.

 Is there something that changed in the Fedora 9 install procedure where RAID
 setups are concerned?


 Aldo Foot wrote:

 On Thu, Oct 23, 2008 at 12:01 PM, Craig White [EMAIL PROTECTED]

 BIOS Raid1 ?  on ASUS motherboard? sounds like fake raid and wouldn't be least not without some tacky vendor supplied driver.
 Perhaps you need to give us info on this BIOS RAID (lspci -v)

 I have a SuperMicro mobo that allows me to setup a Raid1 config. But a
 must be supplied during the OS installation so the OS can see and use the
 The raid card has its own firmware and bios. The raid card's BIOS can
 be accessed
 during POST by pressing some key combination.


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Hi Jack Lauman!

I can find no Linux raid driver support for your SB700 south bridge.

It would appear that work to support this chipset is recent - see:

Nice MB!

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: hwclock can cause system lockup

2008-10-19 Thread Tod Merley
On Fri, Oct 17, 2008 at 7:09 AM, Chris [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 2008/10/17 g [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 if you would like to make your life a little easier, set up one of
 your local boxes, that has internet access, to act as a local server.

 let it check 'outside' for time, then you can sync all boxes to a
 local time server and *all* of you local network will be in sync.

 check '/usr/share/doc/ntp*' where you will find info about 'local ntp'.

 Thanks for the idea but these machines are sent out to various sites,
 many of which do not have any connection to the outside world. The
 application running on these machines requires accurate time which is
 why the system clock is periodically synched to the hardware clock,
 since it is more accurate in the absence of NTP.

 also, if you do not mind, could you please disable sending 'text/html'.
 i do not normally reply to 'text/html' as i have them sent to a separate
 folder and do not check them often. some who follow tech support list
 send 'text/html' to trash and never see 'text/html'. thanks.

 Argh, that's one of my pet hates too. I only signed up for this new
 gmail account yesterday and didn't realise it defaulted to html.
 Thanks for pointing it out politely!

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Hi again Chris!

Some more silly thoughts:

Time Server -- Often GPS NTP Time Server  I suppose it adds a bit of
expense but the time accuracy would be increased.

PCI Hardware Clock.  These can be much more accurate than your
hardware clock and not as fussy about how you use them.

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: black screen problem when reinstalling XP in a dual boot system

2008-10-19 Thread Tod Merley
On Sun, Oct 19, 2008 at 12:00 AM, ranti bose [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hi everybody ,
 i have fedora8  xp installed in my pc.i want to reinstall xp  want to keep
 fedora problem is
 whenever I insert xp cd in my cdrom a screen appearing saying PRESS ANY KEY
 TO BOOT FROM CD ,then I press any key ,
 but at that moment a BLACK SCREEN appears  cdrom stopped working .After
 waiting for some minutes I reboot the machine by pressing reboot key 
 follow the same steps but again the same thing happens.
  My question is what is the reason for this incident  how to get rid of

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Hi ranti bose!

My guess is that your xp cd does not like what I would guess is a GRUB
Master Boot Record (MBR).

First I would take a snapshot of the current MBR plus a bit as described here: (and do a search
for dd if (without quotes)

The whole article is a good read for what you are doing and connects
to other info you may need.  You may well need stage 1.5 so increase
the count=1 to say count=20 (frankly I forget how long stage 1.5 is -
you can look at them in your /boot directory.  Move this file to a
flash drive, e-mail, or some other safe place.  You may need it as a
recovery tool.

Second, use dd to wipe the section that you just read.

Third, run fixmbr from your xp cd.  Instructions here:

Fourth, install xp where you wish.

Fifth, make a decision to use the xp bootloader (probably preferred)
or grub.  If you wish to use grub copy the xp bootloader section as
you did GRUB (always make a way back) and then copy your old grub MBR
into place.  If you wish to use the xp bootloader follow the
instructions here (only call it Fedora which it is):

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: Cannot set correct Mode in X with GeForce 9600 GSO

2008-10-16 Thread Tod Merley
On Wed, Oct 15, 2008 at 9:40 PM, Kevin Gilbert [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm trying to get MythTV going and I'm having a problem configuring X to
 correctly set the resolution on the TV. (I am getting output on the TV but
 it's in 4:3 not 16:9 ratio.)

  I cannot see what I am doing wrong! Can someone please give me a hint?

  Distro if Fedora Rawhide (pre-10 bleeding edge). X version info (some of):

  $ grep xorg-x11-server /var/log/rpmpkgs

  My xorg.conf is:
  Section ServerLayout
  Identifier Multi-Head
  Screen 0 Desktop 0 0
  Screen 1 MythTV RightOf Desktop
  InputDevice Keyboard CoreKeyboard
  InputDevice Mouse CorePointer

  Section Files
  ModulePath /usr/lib64/xorg/modules/extensions
  ModulePath /usr/lib64/xorg/modules
  FontPath /usr/share/fonts/default/Type1

  Section Module
  Load dbe
  Load extmod
  Load fbdevhw
  Load freetype
  Load glx

  Section ServerFlags
  Option Xinerama 0

  Section InputDevice
  Identifier Mouse
  Driver mouse
  Option Protocol auto
  Option Device /dev/input/mice
  Option Emulate3Buttons no
  Option ZAxisMapping 4 5

  Section InputDevice
  Identifier Keyboard
  Driver kbd
  Option XkbLayout us
  Option XkbModel pc105

  Section Device
  Identifier GF9600_GSO_Samsung
  Driver nvidia
  VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
  BusID PCI:1:0:0
  Option UseEvents True
  Screen 0

  Section Device
  Identifier GF9600_GSO_TV
  Driver nvidia
  VendorName NVIDIA Corporation
  BusID PCI:1:0:0
  Option UseEvents True
  Screen 1

  Section Monitor
  Identifier Samsung
  VendorName Samsung
  ModelName SyncMaster 940BW
  HorizSync 30.0 - 81.0
  VertRefresh 56.0 - 75.0
  Option DPMS

  Section Monitor
  Identifier LG_TV
  VendorName LG
  ModelName LG42LB2DE
  Modeline 1920x1080 176.92 1920 2008 2224 2632 1080 1080 1083 1120
  Modeline 1080 182.01 1920 1952 2640 2672 1080 1102 1113 1135
  Modeline 1080i 148.50 1920 2008 2052 2200 1080 1084 1089 1125 +hsync -vsync

  Section Screen
  Identifier Desktop
  Device GF9600_GSO_Samsung
  Monitor Samsung
  DefaultDepth 24
  SubSection Display
  Depth 24

  Section Screen
  Identifier MythTV
  Device GF9600_GSO_TV
  Monitor LG_TV

  The Xorg.0.log file is, in part:
  (WW) NVIDIA(GPU-0): Unable to read EDID for display device CRT-1
  (II) NVIDIA(0): NVIDIA GPU GeForce 9600 GSO (G92) at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
  (--) NVIDIA(0): Memory: 393216 kBytes
  (--) NVIDIA(0): VideoBIOS:
  (II) NVIDIA(0): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
  (--) NVIDIA(0): Interlaced video modes are supported on this GPU
  (--) NVIDIA(0): Connected display device(s) on GeForce 9600 GSO at PCI:1:0:0:
  (--) NVIDIA(0): Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-0)
  (--) NVIDIA(0): CRT-1
  (--) NVIDIA(0): Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-0): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
  (--) NVIDIA(0): CRT-1: 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
  (II) NVIDIA(0): Assigned Display Device: CRT-0
  (==) NVIDIA(0):
  (==) NVIDIA(0): No modes were requested; the default mode nvidia-auto-
  (==) NVIDIA(0): will be used as the requested mode.
  (==) NVIDIA(0):
  (II) NVIDIA(0): Validated modes:
  (II) NVIDIA(0): nvidia-auto-select
  (II) NVIDIA(0): Virtual screen size determined to be 1440 x 900
  (--) NVIDIA(0): DPI set to (89, 87); computed from UseEdidDpi X config
  (--) NVIDIA(0): option
  (==) NVIDIA(0): Enabling 32-bit ARGB GLX visuals.
  (**) NVIDIA(1): Depth 24, (--) framebuffer bpp 32
  (==) NVIDIA(1): RGB weight 888
  (==) NVIDIA(1): Default visual is TrueColor
  (==) NVIDIA(1): Using gamma correction (1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
  (**) NVIDIA(1): Option UseEvents True
  (**) NVIDIA(1): Enabling RENDER acceleration
  (II) NVIDIA(1): NVIDIA GPU GeForce 9600 GSO (G92) at PCI:1:0:0 (GPU-0)
  (--) NVIDIA(1): Memory: 393216 kBytes
  (--) NVIDIA(1): VideoBIOS:
  (II) NVIDIA(1): Detected PCI Express Link width: 16X
  (--) NVIDIA(1): Interlaced video modes are supported on this GPU
  (--) NVIDIA(1): Connected display device(s) on GeForce 9600 GSO at PCI:1:0:0:
  (--) NVIDIA(1): Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-0)
  (--) NVIDIA(1): CRT-1
  (--) NVIDIA(1): Samsung SyncMaster (CRT-0): 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
  (--) NVIDIA(1): CRT-1: 400.0 MHz maximum pixel clock
  (II) NVIDIA(1): Assigned Display Device: CRT-1
  (WW) NVIDIA(1): No valid modes for 1080; removing.
  (WW) NVIDIA(1): No valid modes for 1080i; removing.
  (WW) NVIDIA(1): No valid modes for 1920x1080; removing.
  (WW) NVIDIA(1):
  (WW) NVIDIA(1): Unable to validate any modes; falling back to the default
  (WW) NVIDIA(1): nvidia-auto-select.
  (WW) NVIDIA(1):
  (II) NVIDIA(1): Validated modes:
  (II) NVIDIA(1): nvidia-auto-select
  (II) NVIDIA(1): Virtual screen 

Re: Grub Issue

2008-10-12 Thread Tod Merley
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 6:00 PM, Joseph L. Casale
 I am trying what used to be a typical scenario for me, I need to dual
 boot between XP and Fedora and I had XP installed on the first 100gig
 partition of my sata drive, then tried to install the F10 Beta with /boot
 in sda2 and / inside lvm on sda3. Grub never appears though, so I booted
 into the rescue mode and tried the usual, entering grub, specifying root 
 then setup (hd0) which still never worked, so I then tried grub-install 
 which still didn't work?

 Any ideas why grub doesn't even appear? I recall the /boot needing to be at 
 the beginning
 of the disc an old legacy requirement an no longer an issue (I think this is 
 how I setup
 my systems before anyway?).


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Hi  Joseph L. Casale!

It is just a guess but I think your grub boot MBR is at the beginning
of sda2.  Regardless you need to know what is in the MBR so I refer
you to:   (and do a search
for dd if.  The whole article is rather interesting I think)

Probably the method followed in this thread:

is more in line with what you wanted.

Have a lot of fun!!


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Re: ftp problem

2008-10-12 Thread Tod Merley
On Sun, Oct 12, 2008 at 4:10 PM, Gerhard Magnus [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I'm running FC9 on a small LAN that also has some Windows machines. I'd
 like to use one of the linux boxes as an FTP server so that the Windows
 systems can access a directory on that server. None of this has been
 opened to the world outside by opening port 21 on the router -- it's
 strictly in house. Eventually I'll learn Apache, but FTP looks much
 simpler for what I'd like to do. (Or so I thought :) Here's what I've
 done, following instructions in

 (1) installed proftpd on the server
 (2) added these lines to the end of the /etc/proftpd.conf file:

 Anonymous /home/magnusg/music/
  UserAlias  anonymous ftp
  DirFakeUser on ftp
  DirFakeGroup on ftp
  RequireValidShell  off
  MaxClients 10
  DisplayFirstChdir  .message
  Directory *
  Limit WRITE

 (3) on the server, used system-config-services to enable proftpd on run
 levels 3 and 5
 (4) /etc/init.d/proftpd restart
 (5) on the server, used system-config-firewall to make FTP (with
 Port/Protocol = 21/tcp) a trusted service
 (6) the permissions for the ftp directory look like this:

 drwxrwxr-x 17 magnusg magnusg  4096 2008-09-14 18:29 music

 But when I try using filezilla from a Windows box, logging in as
 anonymous of port 21, I get these messages:

 220 FTP server ready
 331 anonymous logon OK...
 530 unable to set anonymous privileges
 530 login incorrect

 So I seem to be connecting, but not much else. Googling the error
 message leads to others who've had similar problems but (at least so
 far) no one with a solution Thanks for any tips on how to proceed.


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Hi Jerry!

Only some guesses here:

1. Try removing:

Directory *
  Limit WRITE

From your /etc/proftpd.conf file.  Then it should match what is mentioned here:

Under  How to configure FTP Server to allow anonymous FTP user to read/write.

If still no joy try turning off SELinux for a session.

If still no joy make sure you have a user anonymous and that they
are part of the magnusg privileged group.

Good Hunting!


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Re: DHCP will not grab ip.

2008-10-11 Thread Tod Merley
On Wed, Oct 8, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Laura Speck [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Hey all,

 I am having a problem with a brand new install of Fedora 9. This
 machine has two nic's, eth0 and eth1. They are both . We currently
 have eth0 plugged into a router, had eth1 plugged in earlier to try it
 as well but we have this problem on both nics.

 Basically, on install we specified that both nics were to be dhcp, and
 to come up on boot. But neither of them get an ip on boot. I know that
 it's not a problem with the cable, as we plugged it into a different
 machine and it works fine. I don't think it's a problem with the nics
 as I can't see both of them being toast on a new machine.

 ifconfig eth0 up does nothing. I've gotten someone local to the server
 to try dhclient eth0 and then tail /var/log/messages. We see
 DHCPREQUEST, a bunch of DHCPDISCOVER lines and then end with a No
 DHCPOFFERS received message. ifconfig never shows either interface as
 having an inet ... line, but they get an inet6 ... line. I know
 it's not a problem with the dhcp server because it's our isp's, and
 our other machines can grab an ip fine.

 I've shut off Networkmanager (service NetworkManager stop) and started
 the network (service network start).

 service network start outputs:
 Bringing up loopback interface [OK]
 Bringing up interface eth0:
 Determining IP information for eth0... failed. [FAILED]
 Bringing up interface eth0:
 Determining IP information for eth1... failed. No link available.
 Check cable. [FAILED]

 Our /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 looks like...


 Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!


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Hi Laura Speck!

I notice quite a few e-mails about this but I did not see that the
problem was solved.  If I missed it please forgive me all.

As a temporary measure you may be able to get by with another older slower card.

If it were me I would:

1. Determine that the driver for the card is correct and working.
Time to Google the brand and model number of the card along with (at
least at first) linux driver.  lsmod and similar are your friends
along with #lspci -v -v -x.

2.  Oh, reseat the card and try one at a time.  Try the cards in a
different machine.  You are right that it is unlikely but still
possible that both are bad, another possibility is that EMF
interference which could be specific to the particular cable run and
machine as plugged into a specific source of power is causing the
problem - substitution is the best way to determine that.

Good Hunting!


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Re: Login sound -- library mode

2008-10-06 Thread Tod Merley
On Sun, Oct 5, 2008 at 4:46 PM, Nifty Fedora Mhitch
 On Sun, Oct 05, 2008 at 04:25:16PM -0700, Richard England wrote:
 Nifty Fedora Mitch wrote:
 Does anyone know how to silence F8 login sounds short of turning down
 login sounds and other audio
 Tossing /usr/share/sounds/login.wav to the side seems to be sloppy.

 It is the classic boot in a library or lecture hall problem but I do
 not see any easy 'designed' way to get there from here.

 I would like all sounds do be well dialed back in such situations not
 just the login

 System  Preference  Hardware  Sounds

 Click on the Sounds tab at the top of the dialog,
 Go to the bottom of the list and change the settings for Log in: to
 no sound in the selection box.
 Make other adjustments as necessary.

 The alternative is to change the  overall level of volume for PCM I
 believe.  I'd have to check.
 Thank you... Since I could care less about that sound so it solves it
 for me in part.

 I was thinking about a 'library' profile that I could select but in
 today's Internet world -- who goes to the library anymore.  I will still have
 to quickly hush stuff should I mouse over some web page with audio
 Not just libraries, sometimes I login late at night when others in the house 
 are sleeping.

T o m  M i t c h e l l i
Found me a new hat, now what?

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Hi T o m  M i t c h e l l i !

I have two thoughts:

1. I use headphones for this.  When you plug them in the speakers are
muted and you still have a way to access the sound if you need to.

2. You could set up an unused run level and call it from the grub boot
stanza by selection (esc during the splash screen),

Have a lot of fun!


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Re: updated kernel in Fedora 9 to latest kernel and cannot boot

2008-10-03 Thread Tod Merley
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:52 AM, Antonio Olivares
 Dear all,

 I cannot boot kernel, all I see is GRUB.  I am chainloading Fedora 
 10 Beta with Fedora 9, kernel fedora kernel was working :)

 Here's Grub.conf

 [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]# cat /boot/grub/grub.conf
 # grub.conf generated by anaconda
 # Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
 # NOTICE:  You have a /boot partition.  This means that
 #  all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /boot/, eg.
 #  root (hd0,0)
 #  kernel /vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda5
 #  initrd /initrd-version.img
 title Fedora (2.6.27-0.382.rc8.git4.fc10.i686)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.27-0.382.rc8.git4.fc10.i686 ro 
 root=UUID=81a43c03-e5bf-4d3a-b176-560700821998 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.27-0.382.rc8.git4.fc10.i686.img
 title Fedora (2.6.27-0.377.rc8.git1.fc10.i686)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.27-0.377.rc8.git1.fc10.i686 ro 
 root=UUID=81a43c03-e5bf-4d3a-b176-560700821998 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.27-0.377.rc8.git1.fc10.i686.img
 title Fedora (2.6.27-0.352.rc7.git1.fc10.i686)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.27-0.352.rc7.git1.fc10.i686 ro 
 root=UUID=81a43c03-e5bf-4d3a-b176-560700821998 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.27-0.352.rc7.git1.fc10.i686.img
 title Fedora-base (2.6.27-0.352.rc7.git1.fc10.i686)
root (hd0,0)
kernel /vmlinuz-2.6.27-0.352.rc7.git1.fc10.i686 ro 
 root=UUID=81a43c03-e5bf-4d3a-b176-560700821998 rhgb quiet
initrd /initrd-2.6.27-0.352.rc7.git1.fc10.i686.img
 title Fedora 9
rootnoverify (hd0,1)
chainloader +1

 What should I do since I have chainloader?, and previous kernel was booting 



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Hi Antonio Olivares!

I am not sure what you mean.

If you are asking how to get rid of the chainloader then I would say
take a look at the grub.conf in the Fedora 9 partition (likely at
/boot/grub/grub.conf) and copy the boot stanza into your currently
used grub.conf.  To make it the default you can place it in the first
position (current default=0) or change the default= setting.

You of course can change the default to be any of the kernels in your
grub.conf by either changing the position of thier stanza or otherwise
pointing default= to them.

I see no mention of  I do see several 2.6.27...  I would
guess you are having trouble with the most recent one
(vmlinuz-2.6.27-0.382.rc8.git4.fc10.i686).  If you, for example,
change default=0 to default=1 then it will default boot

To troubleshoot the boot process press escape during the splash
screen.  If it appears to fail at X try a CTL+ALT+F1 (should go to a
tty terminal login screen) and view the contents of /var/log, such as
messages, dmesg, Xorg.0.log, etc...  You may well find some hints of
what is going on.  You can also view these after a failed boot by
mounting the partition where the kernel exists and looking at
/var/log.  Dmesg contains a lot of stuff that happens during boot, and
/var/log/boot.log should as well.

I hope I have been helpful.  Good Hunting!!


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Re: Qirky, random local network access.

2008-10-03 Thread Tod Merley
On Fri, Oct 3, 2008 at 6:01 AM, Linuxguy123 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 On Fri, 2008-10-03 at 08:41 -0400, Linuxguy123 wrote:
 Good morning.

 I've been experiencing a quirky, random network access issue in Linux
 only with both F8 and F9.

 The network looks like this

 - Linksys WRT54gs wireless router, connects to the Internet via a cable
 - Dell 1720N networked printer, plugs into a router port
 - Linksys print server, connects an HP all in one to the wireless router
 - Windows laptop, connects to the wireless router via wifi
 - Linux laptop, connects to the wireless router via wifi

 Most days this setup works well.  No problems.

 However, every once ina while I get a Printer may not be connected
 error when I try to print to either printer.

 If I then open a browser on the Linux machine and enter the IP for the
 router, I cannot log into it. ( It gives me the login
 screen and I put in the right username and password, but it rejects me.

 If I open a browser on the Linux machine and enter the IP for the laser
 printer, it tells me it isn't available.  (

 It doesn't matter if the browser is Konqueror or Firefox, neither one

 However, if I do this on the Windows machine, both of these actions work
 and I can also print.

 At the same time, I can also access the Internet and such just fine.

 The other tidbit of information to this problem is that I just restarted
 my computer and then the print job completed and I was able to log into
 the wireless router and display the printer properties page.

 It seems like Linux loses the ability to connect directly to the local


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Hi linuxguy123!

When it is messing up, from a terminal run #/sbin/ifconfig, and then
#/sbin/iwconfig.  Pay attention to the IP settings in the ifconfig
output, and the link quality and specifics of the iwconfig message.

I have two suspicions.  1. The RF path or quality of the wifi modem
(or both) make the actual RF connection unreliable - or - 2. As with
one of the machines I work with the MAC address for the wifi somehow
got the actual MAC of the ethernet connection.   If it is #1 change
and improve the RF path (move them closer, see if a differant channel
works better, use an extender).  If #2 pull out the pcmcia card (or
turn off the wifi) from the Linux laptop, and then turn it on again -
which consistantly clears it for me.

Regardless, have fun!


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Re: Dell OptiPlex 745 reboot problem -- BIOS update went poorly

2008-09-09 Thread Tod Merley
Reply below V  V

On Fri, Sep 5, 2008 at 2:51 PM, Johnathan Hegge

   Forwarded Message 
  From: Bjørn Tore Sund [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  Reply-To: Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using
  Subject: Re: Dell OptiPlex 745 reboot problem
  Date: Fri, 05 Sep 2008 21:21:46 +0200
  Tony Molloy wrote:
   On Friday 05 September 2008 16:05:04 Mike McCarty wrote:
Tony Molloy wrote:

 I've just installed Fedora-9 on a lab of Dell OptiPlex 745 (SFF)
 machines. ( only in 1 lab TG )

 After running firstboot when I went to reboot the machines they just 
 and I had to do a hard reboot. I thought this was a minor glitch and
 ignored it.

 Now however when the machines boot into Fedora-9 the reboot and
 suspend buttons do not work. The windowing system just shuts down 
 and I
 get a text prompt and the machines just hang there.
Hang? That's a vague term. If you type on the keyboard, do characters
get echoed? If you have a text prompt, then can you not do a
   Hang means exactly what it means. The machines just go dead!!! No input 
   the keyboard accepted. Only thing to do is a hard reboot.
  Got tons of Dell Optiplex 7XX, had that exact problem.  Solution is
  1. Flash up the bios.  The ones they're shipped with suck bigtime.
  2. Add the kernel parameter reboot=bios to all kernel lines in
  Solved it for us.

 Ugh, I was having the same problem with my 745.  So, I drug out a USB
 floppy and applied the latest BIOS -- going from 2.3.1 to 2.6.2 from
 Dell.  Whoops.

 Starting up looks fine, all services showed OK.  Gets to local, X starts
 and the box freezes at the spinning dots with a frozen mouse.  Can't
 break with Ctrl-Alt-Del or Ctrl-Backspace.

 Hard power, restart, interactive init.  Allow all, but skip local.  X
 starts fine.

 rc.local contains:

 # This script will be executed *after* all the other init scripts.
 # You can put your own initialization stuff in here if you don't
 # want to do the full Sys V style init stuff.

 touch /var/lock/subsys/local

 Reset BIOS to defaults for kicks, no change.  I have a PCI Express
 graphics card, ATI x1300 installed.

 Any ideas?  I guess I can revert BIOS one by one backward to see if it

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Hi Johnathan Hegge!

Did you try doing a CTL+ALT+F1 (evokes a login terminal - as does
CTL+ALT+F2 to F6 - F7 to X and F8 to just before the start of X)?

From there, or by using a rescue or Live CD booted to a terminal you
can check several places in /var/log - I would look at Xorg.0.log,
messages, dmesg, and possibly syslog.  Doing a word search on EE in
Xorg.0.log and fail or error etc... can often get you to the
problem quickly.

You may also try some boot options designed to help in other areas.

The problem you mention, espically with the small form factor machines
seems to have a history.  Amongst many I found this link:

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Re: Fedora 9 i386 CD images

2008-09-09 Thread Tod Merley
On Mon, Sep 8, 2008 at 10:12 AM, Bing [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 I am new to this and seeking advice.

 I downloaded the 6 CD images ok and run the checksum and they all were ok.

 I burned the images to CD and only CD 1 and 6 show no errors on the media

 I re-burnt CD 2 to see if it was a glitch but the new disk also came up with

 The machines I have do not have DVD drives only CD

 Before I try again and spend a fortune on CDs wanted to know if anybody has
 successfully downloaded, burnt and installed from these images.

 Many thanks in anticipation.


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Hi Bing!

Try running a checksum or shasum on the disks.  If they pass I would
tend to use them.  The media check seems to be sometimes unreliable.

Have Fun!


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Re: fc9 cant connect to internet

2008-08-20 Thread Tod Merley
On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 9:41 PM, rfjones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I just installed fc9. my network comes up, I can ping the dns server,
 but I cant connect to anything.
 I dont seem to have any dns service
 the network manager applet crashes and behaves erratically.
  had working network on fc8; network started to disappear everytime i
 rebooted, requiring restart by hand.
 any help would really be appreciated

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Hi rfjones!

What is the output of:





What kind of internet connection do you use?

Good hunting!


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Re: F8 system crashed

2008-08-18 Thread Tod Merley
On Mon, Aug 18, 2008 at 9:12 AM, Barry Yu [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 During start up noticed avahi daemon Failed, and
 then Greeter appears to be crashing. Attempting to
 use a different one, this Greeter keeps attempting to
 do the same but never can start the log in.
 Need help to fix it if can avoid fresh installation.

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Hi Barry Yu!

Avahi is a network service discovery utility.

The greeter not being there makes me wonder how your HD is doing.

I would try a ControlAltF1 to see if you can obtain a terminal
login.  If not, use a rescue disk or the Live CD.  Once in a terminal
enviornment I would look in /var/log/ at messages, dmesg, etc... for
why the machine crashed.  I would also use fsck to see how the HD is

Have fun!


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Re: spooky coincidence or disk killer virus?

2008-08-17 Thread Tod Merley
On Sun, Aug 17, 2008 at 2:48 PM, Tom Horsley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 Friday, my system disk died, so I took that as a sign to
 reinstall everything from scratch and reorganize my partitions
 (not to mention getting a much bigger disk). I figure the disk
 picked Friday to die because it knew fedora updates and livna
 build system were down, so it would be the most inconvenient
 time it could possibly pick to die :-).

 Today, my 2nd disk with lots of data died as well (the new
 disk is currently getting filled back up via rsync from
 my backup drive).

 Is this just a sign of superb quality control in the samsung
 disk factories turning out identical disks that last almost
 the exact same amount of time in the same CPU case with the
 same number of power cycles?

 Or is there some spooky virus around that can actually destroy
 the electronics in disk drives (both disks appear to be so dead
 they can't even be recognized as disk drives by the BIOS).

 These were 2 samsung HD160JJ sata disks ordered at the same time
 and probably pulled from the same box, both made 2006.1 according
 to the date stamp.

 I hope this isn't the same problem livna and fedora infrastructure
 had :-).

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Hi Tom Horsley!

I agree with the others, most likey power or impulse related.  Brown
outs or spikes from large electric motors or welding devices or
lightning can take out a lot of things.  Also, if your weather over
there is hot and the air handling in the unit is poor I suppose they
could overheat.  If the enviornment is cold but then you open a door
to the hot outside it is possible to create water condensation inside
a unit which can do very strange things indeed.

It is likely that whatever is in the enviornment that took the one
dirve weakened the other.  Either way your sense of them dieing to
gether because they were made the same and in the same enviornment is

To look for a possible virus connection google your manufacturer of HD
and MB together and apart along with the word virus, firmware,
problem, and failure.

Good hunting!


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Re: Xvfb - desperate -- help needed...

2008-08-09 Thread Tod Merley
On Thu, Jul 31, 2008 at 5:42 PM, Ric Moore [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I tried installing Kubuntu to Mom's machine. It failed to reboot. Tried
 Mandrake, same deal. Installed CentOS, installed and rebooted like a
 charm. But, I'm still having the issue with Java's Wonderland launching
 X11 applications from with it, using Xvfb. On the Wonderland list,
 everyone says it works like a charm from Ubuntu. Right outa the box.
 sighs  I really don't want to install it, but I gotta have the X11
 applications features enabled (thus Xvfb)

 Dinking around I had an AhHa! moment. I spotted this in /etc/profile
 # Start the X virtual frame buffer (Xvfb)
 #if [ -f /usr/bin/Xvfb ]; then
 #/usr/bin/Xvfb :1 -screen 0 1024x768x16

 # Set the DISPLAY variable for the X virtual frame buffer (Xvfb)
 #export DISPLAY=localhost:1.0

 These are commented out, as of course you can see, from the get-go. I
 tried uncommenting them out and X froze up. So, just maybe I'm closer to
 a solution? Would you enable one or both? I did both and it froze.
 Anyone have a clue what's happening or what effects this to fail, yet be
 included in this pretty-much standard file?? Thanks, Ric

 My father, Victor Moore (Vic) used to say:
 There are two Great Sins in the world...
 ..the Sin of Ignorance, and the Sin of Stupidity.
 Only the former may be overcome. R.I.P. Dad.
 Linux user# 44256 Sign up at:
 Verizon Cell # 336-254-1339

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Hi Ric!

The little I know of virtual frame buffers is that they are used to
test hardware or provide a virtual KVM for an X client.   I think you
simply want to get X11 running.  See:

For that I would be looking at /var/log/Xorg.0.log and
/etc/X11/xorg.conf (along with /var/log/messages and /var/log/dmesg).

I do hope you find what you need.


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Re: Fedora 9 installation problem

2008-07-21 Thread Tod Merley
2008/7/21 Oz Bonfim [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 I've just installed Fedora 9 on my computer.
 I got the following message:

 The GNOME session manager was unable to lock the file
 '/home/bonfim/.ICEauthority'. Please report this as a GNOME bug. Sometimes
 this error may occur if the file's directory is unwritable, you could try
 logging in via failsafe session and ensuring that it is.
 Can you help me with logging in via failsafe session ? or any other way.


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Hi Oz!

I get a lot of hits if I Google ICEauthority.

I would:

1. Start a terminal.

2. Do a cd /home/bonfirm   # Go to the home directory

3. Do a ls -l -a # List all fines (even hidden
(-a)) in long form.  This shows ownership and permissions of all the
files and direcories.   You could do a ls -l -a .ICEauthority since
that is the file you really want to check.

4. If the owner is not bonfirm then su   # Obtain super user authority

5. Then chown bonfirm:bonfirm .ICEauthority  # Change owner to
Bonfirm.  Note what the owner was before doing this - that may well
tell you which progam is changing this file.  Also, check the SELinux
policies of the file.

Good Hunting!


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Re: f9 ftp timing out

2008-07-21 Thread Tod Merley
On Mon, Jul 21, 2008 at 12:58 PM, rfjones [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 I upgraded to fedora 9, and now the vsftpd server no longer works
 when I do a put, it goes to passive mode and just sits there
 any help greatly appreciated

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Hi rfjones!

If I were you I would:

1. Check the actual status of the process -- e.g. ps -aux | grep vsfpd

2. Check the SELinux context, ownership, and permissions of the daemon
and the directories and programs involved. A quick check here may well
be to disable SELinux for a check.

3. Check that the firewall is set to allow ftp.

4. Check the status and content of the config files involved.

Good Hunting!


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Re: Fedora Crash...

2008-07-19 Thread Tod Merley
2008/7/19 Ankur Raheja [EMAIL PROTECTED]:
 My Fedora 6 has crashed... the system hangs up at the start of Interactive
 Startup Screen.
 Without Interactive screen following error appears :
   /etc/rc.d/rc.sysinit: line 819: 1339 segmentation fault rm -f

 Further, the Fedora 6 or even F8 CD in the CD Rom is not being recognized so
 unable to rescue ???
 Though, CD-Rom is fine and boots Windows 2000 CD but not a linux CD.

 Any solutions ???


 Ankur Raheja (H) ACS LLB MCA OCA Cylaws

 Advocate - IT  Cyber Law
 Delhi High Court
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Hi  Ankur Raheja!

Sounds like a hardware problem.

0. Listen and watch during the boot process for beeps or messages.
Beep codes and messages may well tell the story.  Google POST beep
codes Your Bios OR Motherboard Manufacturer (Make and Model).

1. Attempt to boot into your system as normal except go into CMOS
during the boot process.  There check epically the that the amount of
memory has not changed and also reset to the factory default values
for all settings (usually one operation).  Often the CMOS battery gets
old and the system becomes flaky.  By resetting to the defaults you
can often clean out bad bits that may be in the CMOS due to a low
battery.  If this cures replace the CMOS battery.

2. If no joy so far then obtain a memory test program and run it
(Puppy Linux and Ubuntu have this and many more as well).

3. Perhaps time to send the box to the shop.  If you are technically
inclined then check cabling and connectors to see that they are
properly run and set in the hardware.  Note epically any connections
which look to be under stress or connectors pulling apart.  If
hardware is dirty it is time to clean.   Make sure that the CD and HD
are properly selected on their respective IDE bus to boot.

Good Hunting!


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Re: modprobe blacklist

2008-07-16 Thread Tod Merley
On Tue, Jul 15, 2008 at 5:44 AM, john f jarvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, 2008-07-14 at 23:05 -0700, Tod Merley wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 5:32 AM, john f jarvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
  To use gpsbabel with my Garmin Venture Hc gps receiver I must
  first remove the FC9 builtin garmin_gps usb module.
  As su this works: /sbin/rmmod garmin_gps
  My question: How can I use the blacklist feature of modprobe
  to do this automatically? Adding the line: blacklist garmin_gps
  to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and/or modprobe.conf.dist
  doesn't work.
 Thanks, John Jarvis
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 Hi John Jarvis!

 I would look carefully at the output of lsmod before and after the use
 of rmmod.  Likey there is another companion module you need to
 blacklist to make this work.  To make one of my wireless modems work
 for example I neede to blacklist oronco and oronco_cs to get the job

 Good Hunting!


 Thank you Tod:
 lsmod does show two modules are loaded: garmin_gps, usbserial
 Adding both of them to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist doesn't prevent
 loading them when the GPS receiver is connected. Where do hotplug
 scripts live?

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Hi John!

I make a habit of sometimes booting with the wireless card in and
sometimes plugging it in at some time when I need the internet access.

It makes no differance, the blacklisting works.

So now I wonder why yours does  not.  That is why a premission and
ownership check I mentioned.

I am not that far along on hotplug, perhaps someone else can chime in.

When I want to look for the involved files in Linux I use:

The man pages (usually located near the bottom of the page - also the
other commands mentioned in the page).

The locate command after running a fresh updatedb as root.  Locate
works well with grep of course.

One day I do hope to conquer hotplug and all.

Have a great week!


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Re: modprobe blacklist

2008-07-15 Thread Tod Merley
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 5:32 AM, john f jarvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To use gpsbabel with my Garmin Venture Hc gps receiver I must
 first remove the FC9 builtin garmin_gps usb module.
 As su this works: /sbin/rmmod garmin_gps

 My question: How can I use the blacklist feature of modprobe
 to do this automatically? Adding the line: blacklist garmin_gps
 to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and/or modprobe.conf.dist
 doesn't work.
Thanks, John Jarvis

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Hi John Jarvis!

I would look carefully at the output of lsmod before and after the use
of rmmod.  Likey there is another companion module you need to
blacklist to make this work.  To make one of my wireless modems work
for example I neede to blacklist oronco and oronco_cs to get the job

Good Hunting!


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Re: modprobe blacklist

2008-07-15 Thread Tod Merley
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 11:05 PM, Tod Merley [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 5:32 AM, john f jarvis [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 To use gpsbabel with my Garmin Venture Hc gps receiver I must
 first remove the FC9 builtin garmin_gps usb module.
 As su this works: /sbin/rmmod garmin_gps

 My question: How can I use the blacklist feature of modprobe
 to do this automatically? Adding the line: blacklist garmin_gps
 to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist and/or modprobe.conf.dist
 doesn't work.
Thanks, John Jarvis

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 Hi John Jarvis!

 I would look carefully at the output of lsmod before and after the use
 of rmmod.  Likey there is another companion module you need to
 blacklist to make this work.  To make one of my wireless modems work
 for example I neede to blacklist oronco and oronco_cs to get the job

 Good Hunting!


Hi Again John Jarvis!

I just noticed that Ubuntu has the garmin_gps blacklisted normally -
very much as you wrote.

I would check your typing, and the ownership and permissions of your
edited file (hopefully you did a permissions saving copy before you
edited the blacklist file.

I see no reason blacklisting would not work with a proper edit of the
blacklist file.

Good Hunting!


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Re: Lava Octopus 550 kernel crash

2008-07-14 Thread Tod Merley
On Mon, Jul 14, 2008 at 8:48 PM, Seann Clark [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 This is my first post to the list, but the short of the story is, I got a
 lava octopus 550 (since it does work in linux) and I have been having
 problems with it, namely it only shows 4/10 total serial ports (two
 onboard Intel, 8 on the PCI based Octopus 550) and even after working
 across a few of the sites (Lava's how to, a few different setserial sites,
 and so forth) and I don't know who to run this past, since it looks like a
 problem, either on my side or not. I am including as much information as I
 can think of for this.

 O/S Fedora 9 x86_64
 dual Intel quad core  E5430

Hi Seann Clark,

Serial ports have an interesting way of taking up a lot of time.  Oh well.

I would need to look into this much further, I hope someone with
current experiance can chime in.

Have you recompiled the kernel to allow it to see your additional
ports (see link)? :

I am suspicious that you have since I see this from your lspci:

0e:01.0 Serial controller: Lava Computer mfg Inc Lava Octo A (rev 03)
(prog-if 02 [16550])
   Subsystem: Lava Computer mfg Inc Lava Octo A
   Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 16
   I/O ports at 4418 [size=8]
   I/O ports at 4410 [size=8]
   I/O ports at 4408 [size=8]
   I/O ports at 4400 [size=8]
   Kernel driver in use: serial

0e:01.1 Serial controller: Lava Computer mfg Inc Lava Octo B (rev 03)
(prog-if 02 [16550])
   Subsystem: Lava Computer mfg Inc Lava Octo B
   Flags: medium devsel, IRQ 16
   I/O ports at 4438 [size=8]
   I/O ports at 4430 [size=8]
   I/O ports at 4428 [size=8]
   I/O ports at 4420 [size=8]
   Kernel driver in use: serial

And I assume you have placed the small script in your
/etc/rc.d/rc.local as suggested in the above article.

If I were you I would look into how to move the interrupt used and
perhaps spread them out a bit (use differant interrupts for each of
the two ports).

Good Hunting!


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Re: [F9] laptop not booting - reinstall MBR?

2008-07-09 Thread Tod Merley
On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 9:45 AM, Don Levey [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
 My F9 laptop won't boot this morning - I go through the POST, but when I
 ordinarily get to the Hit Enter for options boot screen, all I get is:


 at the top left of my screen.  Does this mean I need to reinstall grub and
 the MBR?  I can access the HD via a liveCD, and everything *seems* OK from
 what I can tell.  Any thoughts?


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Hi Don!

If it were me I would start by re-booting - loading the factory CMOS
defaults - carefully checking the boot order (make sure intended disk
on top!) and then a save and exit so going into the boot process
with fresh CMOS parameters of known characteristics.  Your system
seems to have a major change but I have been thrown off many times by
the old CMOS battery or dirty CMOS battery connector.  Frankly on some
of my old machines I make it a practice to load the CMOS fresh
(factory parameters) at boot.  If your laptop is newer you may need to
change the battery (sometimes called the reserve battery and
sometimes simply the backup battery but more accurately the CMOS

If I had problems past this I would boot with a live CD and snoop
around with parted or fdisk to see how the parameter table was doing
and check that the Grub files were in thier proper places (grub.conf
in /boot/grub  -- The proper kernel image ( e.g.
/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic  is my current Ubuntu kernel image and
/boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic is my current ramdisk image
referenced in my /boot/grub/menu.lst (/boot/grub/grub.conf in Fedora).

The mentioned stanzas from the menu.lst (grub.conf) file on my current machine:

title   Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic
root=UUID=860b7b47-19cd-48e9-9757-c00ace4a97f7 ro quiet splash
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic

title   Ubuntu 8.04.1, kernel 2.6.24-19-generic (recovery mode)
kernel  /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.24-19-generic
root=UUID=860b7b47-19cd-48e9-9757-c00ace4a97f7 ro single
initrd  /boot/initrd.img-2.6.24-19-generic

title   Ubuntu 8.04.1, memtest86+
kernel  /boot/memtest86+.bin


If all were there and looked OK I would then look up on the web how to
use dd to copy and then use hexedit (or simliar hex dumper editor) to
look at the actual MBR and probaby first sector.  Google MBR
thestarman for lots of details.

Let us know - sounds interesting!

Good Hunting!


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