Re: screensaver vs dpms

2010-01-02 Thread jackson byers
jackson byers wrote
  $ uname -r

  In my system, the screensaver  (blanking the screen)
  seems to be working as expected.

  But, I am also experiencing occasional
  dpms-like  suspend  blanking,
  (I am sure it is suspend and not standby)
  which I don't want, and worse, I can't find out what is
  causing this response.

  I don't have an xorg.conf, and would rather keep it that way.

  If I get out of X  via ctl-alt-bs,
  and then  back in via startx,
  xset q shows  standby, suspend, off all at 0, ie disabled.

  So what else in f11 can be exciting that  suspend?

  I have done some googling, but no help so far.

  Are there F11 guidelines for using both screensaver and dpms?

tom horsley wrote
 Try man xset there is also a dpms option (and I've often
 noticed it fighting with gnome power manager).

yes, I have tried the xset dpms flags option
eg. 'xset dpms 1201 1801 2401'

and these stay set until i reboot or kill X
but I _think_  I have seen a stray dpms-like suspend occur
at least once even with those settings.
So it still looks to me like some other system control.

I am using gnome; so maybe gnome power manager
is doing something here.
My system is a desktop not laptop.

Do you have any more info as to just how in your case
xset dpms was fighting with gnome power manager?


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screensaver vs dpms

2010-01-01 Thread jackson byers
$ uname -r

In my system, the screensaver  (blanking the screen)
seems to be working as expected.

But, I am also experiencing occasional
dpms-like  suspend  blanking,
(I am sure it is suspend and not standby)
I don't want, and worse, I can't find out what is
causing this response.

I don't have an xorg.conf, and would rather keep it that way.

If I get out of X  via ctl-alt-bs,
and then  back in via startx,
xset q shows  standby, suspend, off all at 0, ie disabled.

So what else in f11 can be exciting that  suspend?

I have done some googling, but no help so far.

Are there F11 guidelines for using both screensaver and dpms?


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Re: Booting Fedora-12 from hard disk, again, again

2009-12-23 Thread jackson byers
 for details).

 Agreed, and that is the best reference

I was looking again at this reference,
and I really don't think it is very good,
or likely to be helpful to someone trying to boot from hard disk.

That reference is(was) particularly important for showing explicitly
that you need the leading slash {/) for the directory.
The leading slash needed starting in F10,
prior to F10  no leading slash, which caused much confusion
when attempting hdinstall starting from F10 (see bugzilla ref below).

In the first place, I would have thought that almost anyone doing this
would want to (or need to) avoid CDs or DVDs altogether,
by abstracting vmlinuz, initrd.img and the images directory
from the ISO file,
and adding a stanza to grub.conf to boot from these.

There are no instructions for doing this, as far as I can see.

Well, you seem to have figured it out, congrats!
May I ask, just where did you find the instructions re install.img,?

I myself depended heavily on the references following;
not much on the fedora site

hdinstall was thoroughly discussed in these 3 refs:

fedora-list nov 2008 * F10 HD install - anyone successfully done this?
From: Mike Cloaked  and response by Tom Horsley

Bug 473351 - F10 HD install using the DVD iso file, initiated from grub, fails

3)View this message in context:

and a more recent thread:
4)fedora-list Jul 2009
Mail Lists
Re: Installing F11 from local hard drive


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Re: Booting Fedora-12 from hard disk, again, again

2009-12-22 Thread jackson byers
Rick Stevens responded:
 I think I tuned in late here, but I'm not clear what you're trying to
 do.  If I'm reading this correctly:

1. You're running Fedora from hard disk
2. You're then loopback mounting an ISO image of F12
3. You're trying to install from that loopback mount

 You can't install a new Fedora on top of an already running Fedora to my
 knowledge.  The install from DVD or LiveCD are special instances and
 Fedora is not running off the hard drive in those cases--it's running
 in a RAM disk.

 If you're trying to install via a network install (NFS or HTTP), then
 the ISO image itself is what you point at, not a loopback mount of it.
 The installer wants to see the ISO image itself, not the files in it.

My interpretation of what the OP is trying to do is different than yours:
He is trying to do a
hard disk install of f12, operating from his current fedora(f11?).
This hard disk install requires having an available partition
completely separate from his current fedora.
There is no notion, afaik, of
install a new Fedora on top of an already running Fedora
as you put it, whatever you might mean by on top of.

This hard disk install does point to the f12 iso,
but it also requires extracting the vmlinuz, initrd.img, and install.img
from the iso, which i think requires doing the loopback mount.
The install.img is placed in a images directory.
There are strict requirements on where that images dir is to be placed;
I am not sure, but i think the OP did this part correctly.
Where he might be going wrong is how he interacts with Anaconda,
as I tried to explain in  my earlier reply

He is not trying to do a network install, afaict.


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Re: Booting Fedora-12 from hard disk, again, again

2009-12-22 Thread jackson byers
 jackson byers:
There is no notion, afaik, of
install a new Fedora on top of an already running Fedora
as you put it, whatever you might mean by on top of.

 rick stevens:
 That's what I was trying to get at.  He has to use a bootable image
 (LiveCD, thumbdrive, something) that brings up Anaconda.  What I was
 trying to get at was that one can't update F11 while still running F11.
 The system being upgraded must be quiescent.

yes, but afaik the OP is not trying to upgrade or update F11.
Rather he is using F11 and the F12 iso, (no LiveCD, no thumbdrive)
and following the hard disk install procedure for F12.
F11 is left entirely unchanged.
When complete he will still have his orig F11, and also
a brand new F12 in a separate partition.

 rick stevens:
 There's no actual restriction on just where the ISO image itself is, so
 long as you can feed the full path to Anaconda by specifying the device
 and directory on that device (see
  for details).

Agreed, and that is the best reference


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Re: Booting Fedora-12 from hard disk, again, again

2009-12-21 Thread jackson byers
 Timothy Murphy wrote:

 I'm taking the liberty of re-posting this query, as there seemed some
 problems with the previous posting, hopefully now resolved:

 Has anyone actually succeeded in booting Fedora-12 from the DVD ISO file
 on the hard disk, by adding a stanza to grub.conf ?

 I carried out the following commands: -
 [...@alfred ~]$ sudo mkdir /mnt/Fedora [...@alfred ~]$ sudo mount -o
 loop Fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso /mnt/Fedora/ [...@alfred ~]$ ls
 /mnt/Fedora/isolinux/  boot.msg  grub.conf  initrd.img
 isolinux.bin isolinux.cfg  splash.jpg  TRANS.TBL  vesamenu.c32  vmlinuz
 [...@alfred ~]$ ls /mnt/Fedora/images/ efiboot.img  efidisk.img
 install.img  pxeboot  README  TRANS.TBL [...@alfred ~]$ mkdir images
 [...@alfred ~]$ cp -a /mnt/Fedora/images/install.img images/ [...@alfred
 ~]$ sudo mkdir /boot/Fedora-12 [...@alfred ~]$ sudo cp -a
 /mnt/Fedora/isolinux/* /boot/Fedora-12/ -

 This is the entry I have added to /etc/grub.conf :
 title Upgrade to Fedora-12
 root (hd0,1)
 kernel /Fedora-12/vmlinuz ro
 initrd /Fedora-12/initrd.img

 Now when I boot into this, all goes well until I try to install from
 Fedora-12*.iso when I the error Device /dev/sda6 does not appear to
 contain an installation image.

 Am I doing something wrong?

You don't give enough detail.
What you have shown I think looks ok
(would have to check old notes to be sure)
The missing information is just what exactly did you enter into
the anaconda gui.

I have no f12 experience, but
in my successful f11 hard disk install
I did this two ways
1) using repo= option in kernel line:

#title Install Fedora 11   repo=hd:/dev/sdb1:/root/diso   reordr
#root ...
#kernel /boot/f11/vmlinuz noselinux  repo=hd:/dev/sdb1:/root/diso
#initrd /boot/f11/initrd.img

2)not using the repo= option

#title Install Fedora 11  h NO repo=
#root ..
#kernel /boot/f11/vmlinuz noselinux
#initrd /boot/f11/initrd.img
#here I have to pick /dev/sdb1  and /root/diso for directory

you enter these in the anaconda gui.
The leading slash /   in  /root/diso is essential.

This is documented on the fedora site somewhere;
the leading slash requirement started with f10.
Are you operating from f11? or earlier?

The entire process for hard disk install,
including detailed instructions for the images directory,
was subject of a long thread Mike Cloaked and Tom Horsley,
I think in Nov 2008, including a bugzilla re the leading slash.
I don't have that bugzilla ref right now.

If my experience is any guide, if you follow the
instructions in that ref, it should just work.


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gmail endless redirecting

2009-12-21 Thread jackson byers
recent update
$ uname -r

Fedora/3.5.6-1.fc11 Firefox/3.5.6

I am getting endless redirecting on my gmail

nothing i try on the gmail site suggestions seems to help.
it allows me to report the problem but  I cant get out of the loop.

The only 'fix' I have found so far is to reboot,  then I seem to be ok
for a while.  But then the problem reoccurs
when I say sign out of one gmail account and try another.

Is this likely a firefox problem?
or combo of f11  kernel and
 firefox 3.5.6 ?

If i reboot to the earlier kernel  96,
do I then need to also revert to earlier firefox?  if so, how?

In my recent attempts I clicked on firefox to be default browser
icon changed from orange to blue.
I fear I have made the problem even worse.
How can I revert to standard firefox
--the change didnt help and i would like to go back.

Advice?  anyone else on this list having similar problems?

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Re: How to install Fedora-12?

2009-11-30 Thread jackson byers
 If you 'cp' or 'mv'  the vmlinuz and initrd.img to
 your internal disks, then grub can find them.

 But will it then be able to see the USB stick,
 in order to copy the Fedora-12 files to the hard disk?

 Otherwise the exercise seems pointless,
 as one might as well have copied the ISO file to the hard disk.

 Timothy Murphy

All I can say is what I have successfully done, more than once.
--I can  _install_   to my USB external disk.
  ---I installed f11 via first downloading iso to my internal disks.
 and then followed  hard-disk install procedure.
  ---I also installed f10 to my USB external disk, here via DVD.

In both cases the anaconda installer sees the USB as sda
and reorders my internal disks to  sdb, sdc

--In neither case, could I  _boot_  the USB installs, unless I
 put the vmlinuz,initrd onto my internal disk
and referenced properly that internal disk location
with the proper root (hd1,0) in my grub.conf.

This root (hd1,0) line in grub.conf does not use the reordered positions for
disks as seen by anaconda. Instead it uses the internal disks
as if the USB is not there at all;  because that is what my BIOS sees.

This is not pointless at all: my goal was to use external USB
 for the installs because I had no easily used room on my internal disks.

Possibly I have misinterpreted what you are trying to do;
 if so, sorry for the noise

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Re: How to install Fedora-12?

2009-11-30 Thread jackson byers
 Possibly I have misinterpreted what you are trying to do;

 I don't really understand what you did -
 you say you downloaded the ISO to your hard disk.
 and then did a hard-disk install.

 So how were you using the external USB for the install?

I pick a partition on the USB when the Anaconda Installer starts.

for F11 I did the d/l of iso and did a hard disk install to USB partition 3.
for F10 I used the DVD and did the install to USB partition 2.

I am thinking my success isn't helping you at all
and I have probably misinterpreted you,
here in particular:

I was just wondering if there was a way of installing from my USB stick,

I don't know what you mean installing from your USB stick.
I was installing to my USB external disk


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kerneloops eating up cpu

2009-11-29 Thread jackson byers
by...@localhost ~]$ uname -r

top - 10:18:26 up 22:51,  5 users,  load average: 1.26, 1.08, 1.02
Tasks: 145 total,   2 running, 143 sleeping,   0 stopped,   0 zombie
Cpu(s): 97.4%us,  2.3%sy,  0.0%ni,  0.0%id,  0.0%wa,  0.3%hi,  0.0%si,  0.0%st
Mem:   2062832k total,  1743068k used,   319764k free,   159264k buffers
Swap:  5960084k total,   36k used,  5960048k free,   786128k cached


 2338 root  20   0 2272m 381m 1724 R 90.8 18.9   1280:29 kerneloops

 1871 root  20   0  111m  51m 9196 S  4.0  2.6   7:10.93 Xorg

 2323 byers 20   0 56120  13m 9704 S  2.3  0.7   0:12.34 gnome-terminal

 2731 byers 20   0  147m  35m  11m S  2.0  1.7  29:52.16 npviewer.bin

 2546 byers 20   0  377m 114m  24m S  1.0  5.7  26:29.51 firefox

kerneloops eating up cpu
I don't know what triggered this.
But I had just started security-only update,  new kernel included.

That update finished. I haven't yet rebooted to try the new kernel.
Maybe safer to go back to previous ( ie one behind) instead to see
if that kerneloops is fixed'?

The time diagnostic  cant be correct 1280. minutes? or am i misreading it?
This machine has been hard-booted 2-3 times in last 2 days.
Once a power failure, others because of X freezing on me.

go ahead and reboot with new kernel?
reboot with present kernel?
reboot with one older kernel?

thanks for any/all help

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Re: How to install Fedora-12?

2009-11-29 Thread jackson byers
I don't know anything about USB sticks.
But my experience on booting f11 installed on an external USB drive
may help you:
In my case my BIOS does not recognize the USB drive at all.
What I had to do was put the kernel (vmlinuz and initrd.img)
somewhere on my internal hdisks.
In my case I put them on sdb1 (I have 2 internal scsi hdisks),
referenced then in grub.conf as  root (hd1,0)

For my f11 install,
I downloaded the f11 iso somewhere onto my internal hdisks,
and did a hard disk install to the USB disk.

The presence of the external USB, causes the scsi disks to be reordered
to sdb, sdc  with the USB seen as sda  for the anaconda installer.

This disk reordering does not extend to the above  root (hd1,0):
I had to leave that just as if the USB disk is not connected
( because my BIOS doesn't see the USB disk).

This works. Of course you are then tied to an install
with the root fs on USB, and the kernel on internal hdisk.


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Re: kerneloops eating up cpu

2009-11-29 Thread jackson byers
After googling I found this to be a common problem
when some error message is flooding /var/log/messages.

Apparently it is ok to  killall kerneloops;
I did,
and this does of course stop it from eating cpu.

But it doesn't solve the basic problem, what is flooding the messages file?
In my case it is huge number of lines:

Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_reset] *ERROR*
mga_dma_reset called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_flush] *ERROR*
mga_dma_flush called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_reset] *ERROR*
mga_dma_reset called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_flush] *ERROR*
mga_dma_flush called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_reset] *ERROR*
mga_dma_reset called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_flush] *ERROR*
mga_dma_flush called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_reset] *ERROR*
mga_dma_reset called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0
Nov 29 13:27:04 localhost kernel: [drm:mga_dma_flush] *ERROR*
mga_dma_flush called without lock held, held  0 owner f4041ae0

Any advice on this?
Might it be tied to my somewhat frequent X-freezes?

As it stands now I will still continue to get the large messages file
requiring me to truncate the file, every day or so


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Re: How to install Fedora-12?

2009-11-29 Thread jackson byers
 Timothy Murphy replied:

 Under Fedora-11, the USB stick is /dev/sdc ,
 with the Fedora-12 partition at /dev/sdc2 .

 However, when I ran grub interactively, and set

 grub root (hd2,1)

 it said that that disk did not exist.
 I tried hd0 to hd6 but it only found
 my 2 SCSI disks at hd0 and hd1 .

 It seems that grub does not necessarily see a USB disk,
 even if Fedora can see it.

Yes, exactly the point of my earlier reply.

If you 'cp' or 'mv'  the vmlinuz and initrd.img to
your internal disks, then grub can find them.


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Re: disaster recovery Q's

2009-11-12 Thread jackson byers
Tom Horsley responded
 Everyone seems to think UUID= is infinitely better to use than LABEL=,
 but specifically because I can control the LABEL but have no control
 over the UUID, I always change the fstab and wot-not to use LABEL=
 after giving my partitions meaningful labels with e2label.

I have been converted to using UUIDs also,
but I have often wondered if it would be
easy/worthwhile to convert back to using labels.
In my experience, the UUID for the rootfs
is also hidden away in the init file in the initrd.img.
If one tries to convert from UUID to labels, doesn't
the init file have to be changed also?
(That requires unpacking, editing the init, repacking.)
Or is it OK to leave UUID in that init file, but labels elsewhere?


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Re: disaster recovery Q's

2009-11-12 Thread jackson byers
jackson byers wrote:

 In my experience, the UUID for the rootfs
 is also hidden away in the init file in the initrd.img.
 If one tries to convert from UUID to labels, doesn't
 the init file have to be changed also?

Tom Horsley responded:
 I think only the UUID for the swap is stashed in there,
 and it only uses it if you are trying to resume from
 hibernate (or something like that).

 The only places I've ever needed to change are the
 root= parameters in the grub.conf file and the UUID=
 parameters in the fstab.

.There is some parameter I set somewhere I think in
 /etc/sysconfig/mkinitrd to disable hibernate

I find the UUID explicitly on the mkrootdev line in init:
Following is copied from my response to an older thread Sep 2009:

In my experience,
the UUID is also embedded internal to the initrd.img
and this also should be consistent with the UUID in grub.conf

to see this embedded UUID,
you have to  unpack the initrd.img and examine the 'init' file.

Here is how I do it on my f11
[r...@localhost ~]# mkdir clean
[r...@localhost ~]# cd clean
[r...@localhost clean]# pwd
[r...@localhost clean]# cp
/boot/bootf11usb3/initrd- .
[r...@localhost clean]# ls
[r...@localhost clean]# gunzip -c initrd- | cpio -i
13701 blocks
[r...@localhost clean]# ls
bin  etc   initrd-  proc  sys  usr
dev  init  lib   sbin  sysroot
[r...@localhost clean]# less init

near the end look for mkrootdev line:
echo Creating root device.
mkrootdev -t ext3 -o defaults,ro UUID=54c84c0a-040b-43bd-8887-202519baaae2

So my question remains:
If i try to use labels instead of UUID, do i have to modify this mkrootdev
line in init (initrd.img) ?


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Re: Mounting CDs -repost (was F11 and CD Failure)

2009-10-06 Thread jackson byers
Germán wrote
 I remember that, by those days, I downgraded the three packages (udev,
 libudev0, libvolume_id) to the previous version, I mean from version
 141-4 to 141-3, and since then everything worked fine ;-)

these udev downgrades
along with a downgrade for rhythmbox
were discussed as necessary for playing audio cds.

Just a day or two ago I also suddenly couldnt play audio cd.
I had sr0 error msgs,
did google on sr0 error msg:
fedora 11 rhythmbox Buffer I/O error on device sr0

one of the many responses:

therein discussion for downgrading those 3 udev to 141-3
and for downgrading rhythmbox

copied from somewhere in that thread:
 My favorite audio cd fixing command works:
 yum downgrade rhythmbox

 Good version:rhythmbox-0.12.1-3.fc11
 Problem version: rhythmbox-0.12.3-1.fc11

In my case (running f11) my 3 udev already at 141-3
but my rhythmbox was at 12.3-1
Doing the above downgrade on rhythmbox
and again I had audio cds playing with rhythmbox.


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Re: booting fedora 11 from a fedora 10 grub?

2009-09-20 Thread jackson byers
In my opinion,
you should still show us
evidence that your f11 etc/fstab has[had] the same UUID
as shown in your f11 stanza.
[If during your sda2,sdb2 experiments you erased
the line[s] with UUIDs that the f11 installer put in fstab,
we cant tell, but if you just commented out the
installer lines that is ok for this purpose].

It would also be useful to see results of
# blkid
you can run this from your f10.

In my experience,
the UUID is also embedded internal to the initrd.img
and this also should be consistent with the UUID in grub.conf

to see this embedded UUID,
you have to  unpack the initrd.img and examine the 'init' file.

Here is how I do it on my f11
[r...@localhost ~]# mkdir clean
[r...@localhost ~]# cd clean
[r...@localhost clean]# pwd
[r...@localhost clean]# cp
/boot/bootf11usb3/initrd- .
[r...@localhost clean]# ls
[r...@localhost clean]# gunzip -c initrd- | cpio -i
13701 blocks
[r...@localhost clean]# ls
bin  etc   initrd-  proc  sys  usr
dev  init  lib   sbin  sysroot
[r...@localhost clean]# less init

near the end look for mkrootdev line:
echo Creating root device.
mkrootdev -t ext3 -o defaults,ro UUID=54c84c0a-040b-43bd-8887-202519baaae2


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Re: booting fedora 11 from a fedora 10 grub?

2009-09-19 Thread jackson byers
  I've installed fedora 11 on the second sata drive. The machine
  boots off the first of these drives and the ide one contains windows.
  I copied the lines out of
  grub.conf on the f11 disk, and copied them to the grub.conf of the
  first disk, and reinstalled.

 why did you reinstall ?
 If I am not mistaken ,
that will generate a new different UUID
and then the old stanza willl fail.

  The F11 isn't a reinstall, it's a first time install on a clean drive.

This seems to contadict your original email, which says you
   copied the lines out of.. f11 disk,
and copied them to the grub.conf ,and reinstalled

That says to me you had the f11 installed,
then did the copy,
then reinstalled.

Could you post to the list the line in your f11 /etc/fstab
for the root (/) entry? It should show the UUID.
Is it the same as you posted for UUID copied? or different?
If it is different, that is your problem.
If it is the same, I don't know.


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RE: booting fedora 11 from a fedora 10 grub?

2009-09-18 Thread jackson byers
 I've got a machine with three hard-drives in it. two sata and one ide. I've a 
 fedora 10 (upgraded
 from 9) on the first sata drive, and I've installed fedora 11 on the second 
 sata drive. The machine
 boots off the first of these drives and the ide one contains windows. I 
 copied the lines out of
  grub.conf on the f11 disk, and copied them to the grub.conf of the
first disk,
 However, f10 boots fine, f11 doesn't boot. and grub gives me an error 17.

why did you reinstall ?
If I am not mistaken ,
that will generate a new different UUID
and then the old stanza willl fail.


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f11, endless messages: kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

2009-09-11 Thread jackson byers

I am getting endless messages:
  from tail /var/log/messages:
Sep 11 14:31:49 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:31:51 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:31:53 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:31:55 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:31:57 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:31:59 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:32:01 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:32:03 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0
Sep 11 14:32:05 localhost kernel: end_request: I/O error, dev fd0, sector 0

this just keeps going,
I didnt notice this at first today, the system seems to boot normally

I haven't been using this f11 much at all since installing it about 1 month ago;
It was installed using hdinstall from my main os f10.
I mostly use my main f10.

any suggestions?
I dont know for sure,
but I think this was not occurring on my previous days, weeks
occasional boots of this f11.

Reinstall only option?

I havent done anything with fd0, so I am mystified.

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Re: f11, endless messages: kernel: end_request:

2009-09-11 Thread jackson byers
more info
booted again into the 217.2.3 f11 with its continuing fd0 messages
r...@localhost log]# ls -l mess*
-rw---. 1 root root 793010 2009-09-11 18:26 messages
[r...@localhost log]# ls -l mess*
-rw---. 1 root root 793162 2009-09-11 18:27 messages
[r...@localhost log]# ls -l mess*
-rw---. 1 root root 793314 2009-09-11 18:27 messages

again, as before, see the messages file growing


[r...@localhost log]# ps ax |grep fd0
 1595 ?S  0:00 hald-addon-storage: no polling on /dev/fd0
because it is explicitly disabled
 2230 ?S  0:00 devkit-disks-daemon: polling /dev/sr0
/dev/sr1 /dev/fd0
 2547 pts/0S+ 0:00 grep fd0
[r...@localhost log]#

I kill both of these processes
and the messages   file quits growing.

BUT, upon rebooting again to 217.2.3 f11
again find the same ongoing  fd0 messages

I should have tried this ps test first thing,  but I panicked..

so now still at a damaged f11 217.2.3

with  i think still an Ok f11


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RE: [OT] Run LiveUSB on machine that can't boot from usbkey?

2009-08-29 Thread jackson byers
 I have an old laptop that I use for testing new versions of Fedora - however
 although it will boot of a physical CD containing a LiveCD (say of F12
 Alpha), it is old enough not to be able to boot off usb devices since the
 BIOS is not arranged to do so. So a usbkey that contains a LiveCD that works
 perfectly well on other machines won't play on this particular machine
 (Fijitsu-Siemens Amilo D 6800)

 Can anyone point me to a reference to work around this by booting off say an
 altered grub stansa in the HD which then refers to a plugged in usbkey to
 continue loading the LiveCD files from the usbkey? Or something similar?

maybe my experience with booting from an external usb disk will help.
I also wasn't
able to boot off usb devices since the BIOS is not arranged to do so
[either that or I am too dense to properly fiddle with the BIOS].

So, what I did was copy the vmlinuz, initrd.img somewhere
onto  my internal HDisks, specifically in my case on /dev/sdb1.
Here is my grub.conf stanza for f10 booting off of the 2nd partition
of my usbdisk, [label rootusb2]

#24...68 -  29..78
title Fedora ( TEST bootf10usb2 vga=795
root (hd1,0) #sdb1
kernel /bootf10usb2/vmlinuz- ro
root=UUID=8f24a787-132c-4dc8-9126-9d85292e349f quiet vga=795
initrd /bootf10usb2/initrd-

I also did this recently with an f11 hdinstall into usb3.

my usb disk is seen as sdc when booted up into my my main f10 on sda1
but when this bootf10usb2 boots it is seen as sda2, i.e,
disk order is reordered tousb=sda, hd1=sdb, hd2=sdc.

from blkid run from my mainf10on sda1:
/dev/sdc2: LABEL=rootusb2
UUID=8f24a787-132c-4dc8-9126-9d85292e349f TYPE=ext3

However, this does not affect the root (hd1,0) for sdb1
ie that retains nonreorderd syntax,
even though when booted up f10usb2 sees sdb1 as sdc1.

This solution is not perfect of course.
I can't just take this external usb as is
to another computer and have this f10usb2 boot up
because the kernel, initrd can't be found.


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Re: Akmod-nvidia problem

2009-08-20 Thread jackson byers
 I wasted ages TRYING to install, before then.

  you are referring here to hdinstall,
  which was thoroughly discussed in these 3 refs:
 nov 2008 * F10 HD install - anyone successfully done this?
  From: Mike Cloaked  and response by Tom Horsley

Thanks for that, although that's a different technique than what I was
 trying to do.

thanks much for your lengthy reply, especially the detailed steps
you use for  netinstall.

I have zero experience with netinstall, so my prior comments
to you probably of little use,
if not muddying the waters even more.

One thing is really unclear to me:
if you cant (or couldn't )access the external usb at all,
and that usb is where you have (or had) the dvdiso,
it seems to me you can't test whether you have
 in the right place or not,
and similarly whether your equivalent of my  /root/diso
has correct leading / or not.

OTOH,  if you do get access to the usb
then you _can_ expect the installer to see the usb first, internal hd second.

If instead you move your dvdiso to your internal hd,
and keep your usb powered off,
 then there will be no opportunity
for the installer to reorder the disks.

Just in case my experience using hdinstall
is of use to you, here is specific detaill on location of   my

[r...@f10 ~]# cd diso
[r...@f10 diso]# ls
images  isolinux
[r...@f10 diso]# cd images
[r...@f10 images]# ls
[r...@f10 images]# pwd
[r...@f10 images]# ls

this /root/diso
as required,
originally was also the location of my f11 dvdiso
[I have since moved it out of my f10 system]


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Re: Akmod-nvidia problem

2009-08-19 Thread jackson byers
Tim wrote:
 I wasted ages TRYING to install, before then.

 I seem to recall something about extracting install.img from the ISO,
 and putting it in the same directory as the main DVD ISO.  That didn't
 work, neither did putting it into a images sub-directory.


you are referring here to hdinstall,
which was thoroughly discussed in these 3 refs:
nov 2008 * F10 HD install - anyone successfully done this?
 From: Mike Cloaked  and response by Tom Horsley

Bug 473351 - F10 HD install using the DVD iso file, initiated from grub, fails

View this message in context:

You possibly made a  mistake on where you placed the install.img.

More likely is the need (starting in F10 and above)
for a leading / on the directory holding the iso.

I successfully did an F11 hdinstall following the refs.

my hdinstall of f11:
where the f11iso is in /root/diso of my f10 on sda1.
I need to reference that sda1 as sdb1
because w usb  anaconda reorders the disks:

title Install Fedora 11   repo=hd:/dev/sdb1:/root/diso   reorder
root (hdx,y)
kernel /boot/f11/vmlinuz noselinux  repo=hd:/dev/sdb1:/root/diso
initrd /boot/f11/initrd.img
#works! used to install f11 to rootusb3

specifically  :/root/diso   needs that leading /

Because i was installing F11 to external usb, it had to be powered on,
and then anaconda reordered my disks to place usb first,
so  /root/diso seen from my f10 on sda1,
is seen in anaconda as sdb1 and that has to be
specified in my f11 install stanza

You don't  need to use that  repo= form,
then instead in the anaconda gui pick /dev/sdb1
and insert /root/diso  for the directory


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Re: security updates causing firefox trouble?

2009-08-07 Thread jackson byers
 stan responded;

 so, it is Sleeping
 Any way to wake it up?
 I had firefox off for 40min? no help, the process stayed
 in its   sleeping state.

 Try invoking PackageKit manually by clicking on it.  It should find the
 earlier version and ask what you want to do about it.  When it seems
 appropriate, cancel out of the process to stop everything including the
earlier process.

 You can run, as root,  fg %8024   That *might* wake it up.  If it doesn't,
 the alternative is to try killing the process, first with signal 15,
 kill -15 8024
 then with signal 9 if that doesn't work.  I think you will need to
 remove the lock manually if you kill the process, but I can't find
 the location of the lock.

I first logged out of X and back in.

it turned out to be easy to do;

 but i cant be certain what did it:

 ps ax |grep -i firef
 showed 8024 as before
 just before doing:

[r...@f10 ~]# fg %8024
-bash: fg: %8024: no such job
[r...@f10 ~]# kill -15 8024
-bash: kill: (8024) - No such process
[r...@f10 ~]# kill -9 8024
-bash: kill: (8024) - No such process
[r...@f10 ~]# ps ax |grep -i firef
19058 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep -i firef
[r...@f10 ~]#

we see 8024 now gone.

So, one of those 3 commands, or their combination,
 resulted in killing the 8024 process.

[r...@f10 ~]# yum-complete-transaction
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * fedora:
 * rpmfusion-free:
 * rpmfusion-free-updates:
 * rpmfusion-nonfree:
 * rpmfusion-nonfree-updates:
 * updates:
No Presto metadata available for updates
No unfinished transactions left.
[r...@f10 ~]# package-cleanup --problems
Setting up yum
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
Setting up and reading Presto delta metadata
Reading local RPM database
Processing all local requires
No problems found
[r...@f10 ~]#

It is good to have learned these commands.
Appears my system is ok,
including updated new kernel

by...@f10 ~]$ uname -a
Linux #1 SMP Fri Jul 31
04:40:15 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

thanks again for the help

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Re: security updates causing firefox trouble?

2009-08-06 Thread jackson byers
Sam Varshavchik responded

jackson byers writes:
is it safe to :
   --quit firefox?


--kill the  8024 python.yum process?

 No. Don't do that.

Ok, i have quit firefox and restarted it, and i can now go to other sites

but I still have that security updates process running, seemingly stalled
And I still see intermittent jumps in firefox %cpu   to 10-15% range.

here is current
[r...@f10 ~]# ps ax |grep -i firef
 8024 ?SN 1:05 /usr/bin/python
/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/ update-packages
15138 ?S  0:00 /bin/sh
/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/ /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/firefox
15165 ?Sl 2:55 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.13/firefox
15394 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep -i firef

how can i tell if this update is finished or stalled or whatever?

I have never before seen this seemingly stalled response to doing
security updates.

Sam's   advice was to not kill the python-- yum process.
What other options do I have?

Thanks for help

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Re: security updates causing firefox trouble?

2009-08-06 Thread jackson byers
Stan responded

You are trying to update firefox while it is running.  While this is
theoretically possible, it is also possible that firefox has locked a
component that the update process needs to access.  In other words, get
out of firefox until the updates complete.

If you leave firefox down and the process doesn't complete in a half
hour, kill the update process.

I use yum from command line.  Would then do,

Stan, thanks for explanation, and that detailed list
of yum commands.  I will do them, if i cant get that
old process awakened.

[r...@f10 ~]# yum info yum\*
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, presto, refresh-packagekit
Existing lock /var/run/ another copy is running as pid 8024.
Another app is currently holding the yum lock; waiting for it to exit...
  The other application is: PackageKit
Memory : 102 M RSS (122 MB VSZ)
Started: Wed Aug  5 13:19:19 2009 - 22:18:17 ago
State  : Sleeping, pid: 8024

so, it is Sleeping
Any way to wake it up?
I had firefox off for 40min? no help, the process stayed
in its   sleeping state.

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security updates causing firefox trouble?

2009-08-05 Thread jackson byers
after checking ok on security updates in my f10,
I am experiencing trouble with firefox; cant seem to go to other sites,
even tho i can still get new gmail.

I also see intermittent jumps in firefox %cpu   to 10-15% range
I dont recall getting updates finished  screen.

It looks like the yum update process is stalled:

[r...@f10 ~]# ps ax |grep -i firef
 3872 ?S  0:00 /bin/sh
/usr/lib/firefox-3.0.12/ /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.12/firefox
 3899 ?Sl29:56 /usr/lib/firefox-3.0.12/firefox
 8024 ?SN 1:05 /usr/bin/python
/usr/share/PackageKit/helpers/yum/ update-packages
12166 pts/1S+ 0:00 grep -i firef
[r...@f10 ~]#

is it safe to :
--quit firefox?
--kill the  8024 python.yum process?


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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-19 Thread jackson byers
Tim wrote

There's gnome-mplayer (there's probably a KDE variant), and smplayer, to
try out, at least.

I have used GUI programs like XMMS or Audacious to play streams, but
sometimes you need to tweak the preferences, to increase cache sizing,
to avoid skips.  Totem is too much of a black box (not enough options to
play with).

Before seeing above response,
I had just tried  smplayer and it seems to be working well
no skips

smplayer -playlist  x.pls

and it comes up with a  small  window that has volume slider and mute
just what i want..

I havent tried it yet to play audio dvd

Seems like I  can remove Totem


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Re: Ranter or evangelist?

2009-07-18 Thread jackson byers
Tim wrote:
 jackson byers wrote:
 any suggestions for command line playing of radio internet streams?


or, mplayer -playlist

 [by...@f10 ~]$ mplayer
MPlayer SVN-r28461-4.3.2 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz (Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 7)
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Resolving for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Resolving for AF_INET...
Connecting to server[]: 80...
Cache size set to 320 KBytes

Resolving for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Resolving for AF_INET...
Connecting to server[]: 8242...
Name   : KCSM Jazz 91 * The Bay Area's Jazz Station * Stream 332 *
Listener Supported * KCSM Jazz 91 * *
Genre  : Jazz
Public : yes
Bitrate: 32kbit/s
Cache size set to 320 KBytes
Cache fill:  0.00% (0 bytes)
ICY Info: StreamTitle='';StreamUrl='';
Cache fill: 17.50% (57344 bytes)
Audio only file format detected.
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
mpg123: Can't rewind stream by 915 bits!
AUDIO: 16000 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 32.0 kbit/6.25% (ratio: 4000-64000)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
AO: [pulse] 16000Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
mpg123: Can't rewind stream by 20 bits!
A:6236.9 ( 1:43:56.8) of -0.0 (unknown)  0.3% 45%

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: play_audio

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: enable_cache
A:6236.9 ( 1:43:56.9) of -0.0 (unknown)  0.3% 45%
Exiting... (Quit)
[by...@f10 ~]$

that exiting was caused by my ctl-c

so, mplayer working to play radio stream
for me on f10:

 [r...@f10 ~]# uname -a
Linux #1 SMP Sun Jun 21
19:03:24 EDT 2009 i686 i686 i386 GNU/Linux

albeit with text output much of which I can't make any sense of.

using a downloaded kcsm-kcsm-sc64.pls  like this doesnt work:

[by...@f10 Download]$ mplayer kcsm-kcsm-sc64.pls
MPlayer SVN-r28461-4.3.2 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz (Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 7)
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Playing kcsm-kcsm-sc64.pls.

Exiting... (End of file)
[by...@f10 Download]$

it just quits, no sound

but using a downloaded kcsm-kcsm-sc64.pls  like this does:

[by...@f10 Download]$ mplayer -playlist kcsm-kcsm-sc64.pls
MPlayer SVN-r28461-4.3.2 (C) 2000-2009 MPlayer Team
CPU: Intel(R) Pentium(R) 4 CPU 2.40GHz (Family: 15, Model: 2, Stepping: 7)
mplayer: could not connect to socket
mplayer: No such file or directory
Failed to open LIRC support. You will not be able to use your remote control.

Resolving for AF_INET6...
Couldn't resolve name for AF_INET6:
Resolving for AF_INET...
Connecting to server[]: 8240...
Name   : KCSM Jazz 91 * The Bay Area's Jazz Station * Stream 264 *
Listener Supported * Jazz 91 *
Genre  : Jazz
Public : yes
Bitrate: 64kbit/s
Cache size set to 320 KBytes
Cache fill:  0.00% (0 bytes)
ICY Info: StreamTitle='';StreamUrl='';
Cache fill: 15.00% (49152 bytes)
Audio only file format detected.
Opening audio decoder: [mp3lib] MPEG layer-2, layer-3
mpg123: Can't rewind stream by 999 bits!
AUDIO: 22050 Hz, 2 ch, s16le, 64.0 kbit/9.07% (ratio: 8000-88200)
Selected audio codec: [mp3] afm: mp3lib (mp3lib MPEG layer-2, layer-3)
AO: [pulse] 22050Hz 2ch s16le (2 bytes per sample)
Video: no video
Starting playback...
mpg123: Can't rewind stream by 13 bits!
A:  23.8 (23.7) of 0.0 (unknown)  0.4% 45%

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: play_audio

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: enable_cache
A:  23.8 (23.8) of 0.0 (unknown)  0.4% 45%
Exiting... (Quit)
[by...@f10 Download]$

so the cmdline operation of mplayer does  work for me
and no skips!
[unlike totem which has a gui, but lots of skips]

mplayer with a gui that worked,
with its own volume control would be nice
but for now I am happy

thanks much to Tim, and Antonio


Re: [fedora-list] How do a fix a non working kernel installation ?

2009-07-16 Thread jackson byers
 I downloaded the supergrub iso and installed it onto my usb drive.
 When I boot from it, it gives me the grub command line.  Is that a
 sign I don't have the USB installation right or is that the tool that
I am supposed to use to fix my non booting drive ?

 I dont know supergrub
but my advice is to restore grub to your mbr  of your internal hdisk
presumably that is where you had it originally,
not on mbr of usb.

preferably with your usb turned off,
from a live cd with grub on it, knoppix eg:

root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)

that  should do it


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Re: Installing F11 from local hard drive

2009-07-05 Thread jackson byers
Mail Lists wrote

 This works for me
 a) Prepare drive with what we need
 cd /path/to/dvd
 mkdir /mnt/tmp
 mount -o loop /mnt/tmp foo-dvd.iso
 rsync -av /mnt/tmp/images .
 rsync -av /mnt/tmp/isolinux .

  (ii) Booting install from gru
   mkdir /boot/f11
   cp isolinux/vmlinuz isolinux/initrd.imf /boot/f11

   Edit /boot/grub/grub.conf to add new entry
 (adjust the root to be same as your other lines)

   title Fedora 11 Install
   root xxx
   kernel /boot/f11/vmlinuz
   initrd /boot/f11/initrd.img

don't you need repo=  appended to kernel line? :

   kernel /boot/f11/vmlinuz  repo=hd:device:/path


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RE: F11 install: cant install via NFS - ISO

2009-06-21 Thread jackson byers
Andrea wrote

I'm trying to install F11 via a ISO image via NFS.
When I run in text mode the error seems to be that anaconda cannot find

1images/install.img at the path I have entered.

Now, that path is *inside* the ISO and according to the installation 
documentation I do not need to mount it.

Reading on google I've found that F10 had some issues and one had to add the 
content of images to
the directory containing the image.

Tom Horsley had an email on this list in late 2008
giving explicit instructions on how to install f10 from an iso
(i think not using NFS )
including exact directions for getting the images out of iso
and into the correct place for anaconda to use them.

I haven't tried this yet, but plan to use it to install f11.


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Re: f10 install, still no X

2009-05-22 Thread jackson byers
 jackson byers wrote:

 may 20-may21  still cant get X going, despite several attempts
 at reinstalling using purchased f10 dvd.

does sound like you have hardware problems.

have you tried f10 live cd?

if it works, that is, you boot to a desktop and all is well, install
it to hard drive and run your updates.

i do suggest that before you run updates, install only yumex and
yum-utilities first.

them go thru what was loaded from cd and remove what you do not want
on your system.

I had problems with an f10 install due to video card and was able to
use live cd and get a now working system.

hardware problem? maybe so
but I did install centos5.3 on this same cptr, no trouble at all.
So if hardware, something conflicting with f10 not centos.

the video card seems to be recognized

yes, I have tried f10livecd and it does come up in desktop.
But, trying the livecd  install I have very similar failure as I did from dvd.

fwiw here is mga lines from firstboot.X  from my dvd failure

[r...@localhost tmp]# grep -i mga firstbootX.log
(--) PCI:*(0...@1:0:0) Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G550 AGP rev 1, Mem @
0xf60/0, 0xf500/0, 0xf480/0, BIOS @ 0x/131072
(==) Matched mga for the autoconfigured driver
New driver is mga
Identifier  Builtin Default mga Device 0
Driver  mga
Identifier  Builtin Default mga Screen 0
Device  Builtin Default mga Device 0
Screen  Builtin Default mga Screen 0
(**) |--Screen Builtin Default mga Screen 0 (0)
(**) |   |--Device Builtin Default mga Device 0
(==) No monitor specified for screen Builtin Default mga Screen 0.
(II) LoadModule: mga
(II) Loading /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//
(II) Module mga: vendor=X.Org Foundation
(II) MGA: driver for Matrox chipsets: mga2064w, mga1064sg, mga2164w,
mga2164w AGP, mgag100, mgag100 PCI, mgag200, mgag200 PCI,
mgag200 SE A PCI, mgag200 SE B PCI, mgag200 Maxim, mgag200 Winbond,
mgag400, mgag550
(--) MGA(0): Chipset: mgag550
(II) MGA(0): Creating default Display subsection in Screen section
Builtin Default mga Screen 0 for depth/fbbpp 24/32
(==) MGA(0): Depth 24, (==) framebuffer bpp 32
(==) MGA(0): RGB weight 888
(==) MGA(0): Using AGP 1x mode
(==) MGA(0): Using HW cursor
(==) MGA(0): Using XAA acceleration
many more lines, lots of Modeline

(II) MGA(0): [drm] bpp: 32 depth: 24
(II) MGA(0): [drm] Sarea 2200+664: 2864
(II) [drm] loaded kernel module for mga driver.
(II) MGA(0): [drm] Using the DRM lock SAREA also for drawables.
(II) MGA(0): [drm] framebuffer handle = 0xf600
(II) MGA(0): [drm] added 1 reserved context for kernel
(II) MGA(0): X context handle = 0x1
(II) MGA(0): [drm] installed DRM signal handler
(II) MGA(0): [dri] visual configs initialized
(II) MGA(0): Memory manager initialized to (0,0) (1600,2399)
(II) MGA(0): Largest offscreen area available: 1600 x 1199
(II) MGA(0): Reserved back buffer at offset 0xea6000
(II) MGA(0): Reserved depth buffer at offset 0x15f9000
(II) MGA(0): Reserved 2768 kb for textures at offset 0x1d4c000
(II) MGA(0): Using XFree86 Acceleration Architecture (XAA)
(==) MGA(0): Backing store disabled
(==) MGA(0): Silken mouse enabled
(II) MGA(0): DPMS enabled
(II) MGA(0): Using overlay video
(II) MGA(0): [DRI] installation complete
(II) MGA(0): [drm] Mapped 128 DMA buffers
(II) MGA(0): [drm] dma control initialized, using IRQ 16
(II) MGA(0): Direct rendering enabled
(II) AIGLX: Loaded and initialized /usr/lib/dri/
(II) MGA(0): [drm] removed 1 reserved context for kernel
(II) MGA(0): [drm] unmapping 8192 bytes of SAREA 0xfaa65000 at 0xb7fe
(II) MGA(0): [drm] Closed DRM master.
[r...@localhost tmp]#

thanks for response

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f10 boot: linux options

2009-05-18 Thread jackson byers
in an older, now closed thread
Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

Craig responded
 at this point, I would probably...
 boot the Install DVD, put the kernel argument into the boot command...

 linux install scsi_mod.scan=sync

 and then re-install Fedora 10...

two questions:
1)   is it really as above
  linux install scsi_mod.scan=sync

  or should it be
  linux scsi_mod.scan=sync

fedora install docs say:

   To use boot options, enter linux option at the boot:  prompt
   If you specify more than one option, separate each of the options
   by a single space. For example:

   linux option1 option2 option3

2) my f10 dvd seems to have its boot:  command already filled in with

vmlinuz0 initrd0

something close to that  is what i see after hitting TAB.

Is the linux option supposed to be entered after that vmlinuz0 initrd0 ?


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Window manager warning: Fatal IO error 104

2009-05-10 Thread jackson byers
an f10 install, minimum defaults from purchased dvd.
Only sda1 is formatted by installer; /boot not a separate partition.
Grub initially installed into 1st sector of sda1, left mbr alone.
Later Grub also installed into mbr of sda.
Currently booting into level 3, experiencing trouble with X-server

In a prior thread, Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot,
David wrote:

 Many people on this list will have much greater expertise than I to
 solve your X problem. My *non-expert* suggestions are that you could:

 1) yum update xorg-x11-drv-mga

no help, nothing to update

 5) Look at the xorg.conf of your previous Fedora install for ideas, if
 it is working ok on the same hardware.

yes, it is.

 6) Try to create your own xorg.conf based on it and/or your tmp ones.
 Your xorg.log seems to be using the correct driver but reports No
 monitor specified, you could try adding a Monitor block to your
 xorg.conf, particularly if you have one that works for your previous
 Fedora. I've had to do similar in the past.

Adding just the Monitor section seemed to work, at least initially:

--start of xorg.conf--
# Xorg configuration created by pyxf86config

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Default Layout
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section InputDevice
# keyboard added by rhpxl
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd
Option  XkbModel pc105+inet
Option  XkbLayout us

## monitor section from fc5 xorg.conf
Section Monitor

 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
 ### Comment all HorizSync and VertSync values to use DDC:
Identifier   Monitor0
VendorName   Monitor Vendor
ModelNameNEC MultiSync LCD1830
DisplaySize  360290
HorizSync24.0 - 82.0
VertRefresh  55.0 - 85.0
Option  dpms

Section Device
Identifier  Videocard0
Driver  mga

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Videocard0
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24

--end of xorg.conf-

Now seems caught in some sort of mix of errors from
X server, Window manager, startx:

[r...@localhost ~]# system-config-display -v
Read configuration file /etc/xorg.conf
Trying with card: u'Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G550 AGP'
Writing temporary config file to /tmp/tmpNdA6Fexorg.config
Trying to start X server
Waiting for X server to start...log located in /var/log/Xorg.setup.log
1...2...3...4...5X server started successfully.
Backing up /etc/xorg.conf to /etc/xorg.conf.backup
Writing configuration to /etc/xorg.conf
Removing old /etc/X11/X
Creating /etc/X11/X symlink
Window manager warning: Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer)
on display ':17.0'.
[r...@localhost ~]#

it says X server started successfully
but then   Fatal IO error 104 (Connection reset by peer) on display ':17.0'.

With that error, it may be silly to try startx, but i did anyway:

]# cat startxlog
[r...@localhost ~]# startx
xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.3606
xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority
xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.Xauthority

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 0
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X0-lock
and start again.

Invalid MIT-MAGIC-COOKIE-1 keygiving up.
xinit:  Interrupted system call (errno 4):  unable to connect to X server
xinit:  No such process (errno 3):  Server error.
[r...@localhost ~]#

rm  .X0-lock
then another

# cat startxlog2

[r...@localhost ~]# startx
xauth:  creating new authority file /root/.serverauth.3633
_XSERVTransSocketUNIXCreateListener: ...SocketCreateListener() failed
_XSERVTransMakeAllCOTSServerListeners: server already running

Fatal server error:
Cannot establish any listening sockets - Make sure an X server isn't
already running
xinit:  Server error.
[r...@localhost ~]#

[r...@bootp root]# ls -l X*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 43222 May  8 09:28 Xorg.0.log
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root   743 May 10 09:26 Xorg.setup.log.may10

why no current(may 10)  Xorg log?

[r...@bootp root]# cat  Xorg.setup.log.may10

X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-128.1.1.el5 i686
Current Operating System: Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Mon Mar 23 23:37:54 EDT 2009 i686
Build Date: 10 March 2009  07:20:48PM
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.5.3-15.fc10
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) 

Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-09 Thread jackson byers
David responded with a list of things to try on my f10 X problems

 7) Read:
 and perhaps start a new thread, because currently the subject line of
 this long thread is not describing your current issue

David, thanks for the suggestions,
any further email  from me on my f10 X problems will be in a new thread.

thanks again to both Craig and David for all previous help on this thread.

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-08 Thread jackson byers
 Any ideas on the failing X server?

not really but /var/log/Xorg.0.log and /var/log/Xorg.setup.log should be
able to tell you/us what the problem is. If you do post the Xorg.0.log
to the list, you might want to also include output of 'lspci -v' too


Ok, Xorg.0.log is huge, I will try to cut out large number of modelines

[r...@bootp log]# ls -l X*
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root byers 43222 May  7 07:54 Xorg.0.log
-rw-rw-r-- 1 root byers   361 May  7 07:39 Xorg.0.log.old
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root743 May  7 12:00 Xorg.setup.log

[r...@bootp log]# less Xorg.setup.log

Fatal server error:
Server is already active for display 17
If this server is no longer running, remove /tmp/.X17-lock
and start again.

Current Operating System: Linux localhost.localdomain
86 #1 SMP Mon Mar 23 23:37:54 EDT 2009 i686
Build Date: 10 March 2009  07:20:48PM
Build ID: xorg-x11-server 1.5.3-15.fc10
Before reporting problems, check
to make sure that you have the latest version.
Markers: (--) probed, (**) from config file, (==) default setting,
(++) from command line, (!!) notice, (II) informational,
(WW) warning, (EE) error, (NI) not implemented, (??) unknown.
(++) Log file: /dev/null, Time: Thu May  7 11:57:39 2009
(++) Using config file: /tmp/tmpfnALSkxorg.config
Xorg.setup.log (END)

that  /tmp/tmpfnALSkxorg.config  file no longer exists.
I believe i removed /tmp/.X17-lock
and tried again

-rw-r--r--  1 root  root596 May  7 10:52 tmp5zEjJzxorg.config
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root596 May  7 11:40 tmpdHrbUuxorg.config
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root596 May  7 10:50 tmphwdZ4Gxorg.config
-rw-r--r--  1 root  root596 May  7 12:00 tmpq7w3ikxorg.config

the last one looks very crude:
[r...@bootp tmp]#  less tmpq7w3ikxorg.config

# Xorg configuration created by pyxf86config

Section ServerLayout
Identifier Default Layout
Screen  0  Screen0 0 0
InputDeviceKeyboard0 CoreKeyboard

Section InputDevice
# keyboard added by rhpxl
Identifier  Keyboard0
Driver  kbd
Option  XkbModel pc105+inet
Option  XkbLayout us

Section Device
Identifier  Videocard0
Driver  mga

Section Screen
Identifier Screen0
Device Videocard0
DefaultDepth 24
SubSection Display
Viewport   0 0
Depth 24

here is lspci

[r...@bootp ~]# lspci
00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE
DRAM Controller/Host-Hub Interface (rev 02)
00:01.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82845G/GL[Brookdale-G]/GE/PE
Host-to-AGP Bridge (rev 02)
00:1d.0 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #1 (rev 02)
00:1d.1 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #2 (rev 02)
00:1d.2 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL/DBM
(ICH4/ICH4-L/ICH4-M) USB UHCI Controller #3 (rev 02)
00:1d.7 USB Controller: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBM (ICH4/ICH4-M)
USB2 EHCI Controller (rev 02)
00:1e.0 PCI bridge: Intel Corporation 82801 PCI Bridge (rev 82)
00:1f.0 ISA bridge: Intel Corporation 82801DB/DBL (ICH4/ICH4-L) LPC
Interface Bridge (rev 02)
00:1f.1 IDE interface: Intel Corporation 82801DB (ICH4) IDE Controller (rev 02)

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G550 AGP (rev 01)

02:03.0 FireWire (IEEE 1394): VIA Technologies, Inc. IEEE 1394 Host
Controller (rev 80)
02:05.0 Ethernet controller: Broadcom Corporation NetXtreme BCM5702X
Gigabit Ethernet (rev 02)
02:0b.0 SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7892A U160/m (rev 02)
02:0c.0 Multimedia audio controller: Creative Labs SB Live! EMU10k1 (rev 0a)
02:0c.1 Input device controller: Creative Labs SB Live! MIDI/Game Port (rev 0a)
[r...@bootp ~]#

from lspci -v  for the matrox:

01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G550 AGP
(rev 01) (prog-if 00 [VGA])
Subsystem: Matrox Graphics, Inc. Millennium G550 Dual Head DDR 32Mb
Flags: bus master, medium devsel, latency 64, IRQ 201
Memory at f600 (32-bit, prefetchable) [size=32M]
Memory at f500 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=16K]
Memory at f480 (32-bit, non-prefetchable) [size=8M]
Expansion ROM at f5fe [disabled] [size=128K]
Capabilities: [dc] Power Management version 2
Capabilities: [f0] AGP version 2.0

is AGP video card  a problem?
Here is Xorg.0.log
heavily edited to reduce size
I am reluctant to post this huge file as is

X.Org X Server 1.5.3
Release Date: 5 November 2008
X Protocol Version 11, Revision 0
Build Operating System: Linux 2.6.18-92.1.10.el5 i686
Current Operating System: Linux localhost.localdomain #1 SMP Tue Nov 18 

Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-08 Thread jackson byers
David responded:

My (differing) interpretation of the above is that he is reporting
success at reaching text login in f10. But like much of what he
writes, it is hard to be sure what he is actually saying.

Jack I am on of many contributors to this thread who thinks that it
would be a lot easier for us to help you if you put more time/effort
into how you communicate here. If you still have a problem, spend some
time and effort writing your next post with the following in mind:

I am more than little embarrassed by your longish list of my sloppy

--I think I have stopped sending in html
--I am trying to respond in the  block style,
first clearly identifying who wrote any msg i am quoting
and then identifying my reply   with  jbyers:  at the start
of each block I am replying to.
My reading of the guidelines i think says that is ok.

I want to thank you for taking the time to  write your criticism of my
If you continue to find them problematic, please say so.


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-07 Thread jackson byers
 A. let it boot up until the screen disappears...
 press ControlAltF2


 B. Press a key at the grub prompt and highlight the kernel with the
 arrow keys and press the letter 'e', move down to the kernel line and
 press the letter 'e'. Add a space and put in the number 3 to tell it
 to boot to runlevel 3
 A.   did not work, all it does is recover a blinking white  dash,
  no response to keyboard

 B. I got partway thru this, i think including adding 3, then  I did
 something wrong
   left with
. grub
 I wasnt clear at this point  put in boot
 got many error msgs

 I finally went back to my fc5   and put a space and a 3  at end of kernel 
 in the f10 grub.conf.
 This got me to login

 I will try
 yum update mkinitrd
 yum update

 later today; I need my fc5 right now.

well, it won't do you any good since you are not getting past grub

at this point, I would probably...

 boot the Install DVD, put the kernel argument into the boot command...

  linux install scsi_mod.scan=sync

Making /dev/sda1 about 200 megabytes for just /boot and then /dev/sda4
for /

At least if you boot the DVD with the scsi_mod.scan=sync kernel
parameter, when it installs the kernel and builds your initrd, it will
build it with that parameter already.

I am not at all sure I did B. procedure correctly,
so my not getting past grub could have been due to my error?
And I do get to level 3 login using my modified f10 grub.conf

I will try at least f10 reinstall with linux install scsi_mod.scan=sync
--won't get  to it until  noon pst.

Question on your sda1 for /boot, sda4  for /  :
My experience using disk druid in the install is weak.
I have used gparted from a   systemrescuecd
and this seems pretty easy to use.

So from gparted i would
1)format current sda1 first? or not necessary?
2)Shrink sda1 from its current 21gb  down to 200mb.
3)new partition sda4, to start at end of new sda1
  and to end at old sda1end
this process will leave  present size, location of sda2,sda3 untouched?
so in  order on  disk,   sda1,sda4,sda2,sda3  ?


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-07 Thread jackson byers
 My (differing) interpretation of the above is that he is reporting
 success at reaching text login in f10. But like much of what he
 writes, it is hard to be sure what he is actually saying.

it doesn't make sense that he can't boot from his F10 installation
directly but chainload to his FC5 installation which gives him a boot
menu that boots his F10 installation.

That almost begs to get the full copies of both /boot/grub/grub.conf and
compare them.
sorry i wasnt clearer:
1) yes, I can get a root login to level 3
   to do this I had to boot back into fc5
  (via the chainloader stanza in the f10 grub.conf)
   mount the f10 partition,
  and use emacs to put in 3 end of kernel line in f10 grub.conf.
  Then on rebooting, i get to f10 level 3 console login.

2) so now that i can get that root login, what can i do with it?
   This f10 install was done using the minimum default choices
   so i dont even know what text editors available.

3)let me try to correct above

it doesn't make sense that he can't boot from his F10 installation directly
jbyers: i can to level 3,  see 1)

Craig: but chainload to his FC5 installation
jbyers: this is correct

Craig: which gives him a boot menu that boots his F10 installation.
jbyers: wrong, I am no longer using fc5  to boot into f10,
that was some time ago and attempts there
often hit  Error2 Bad file or directory
which error I have never seen since using f10 in control of grub.

That Error2 I also found googling a similar case
 of Centos,f9   playing roles of my fc5,f10.
There the conclusion was that the older grub in centos,
somehow couldnt mount f9...
I concluded that if Centos,f9 couldnt play ball
then I was wasting my time  trying  fc5,f10

so, to repeat, I only use fc5 to enable editing f10 grub.conf
 if I cant do the editing within f10.

thanks much, David and Craig for ongoing response

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-07 Thread jackson byers
Craig responded:

boot F10 in runlevel 3
login as root
yum update mkinitrd
yum update
yum install system-config-display
system-config-display --reconfig

If you do all that, can run 'startx' and be happy, I suppose you are


all went ok except last,
system-config-display --reconfig
 which fails with

Couldn't start X server on card 0
Error, failed to start X server.

tried it twice
 once still using old kernel
 once using new kernel

same result on both

the stanza does work now without scsimodescan

ie here is the new stanza, with new kernel,
as modified by me to remove scsimodscan
title Fedora ( noscsimodescn
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro root=UUID=449a78aa-
d4d5-4e91-bf9c-5833d7218c8f  3
initrd /boot/initrd-

this again allows booting to level 3
so Craig's  update method has cured that problem.

I also did
useradd byers
passwd byers

yum install emacs
so at least i have a text editor i understand.

Any ideas on the failing X server?


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-06 Thread jackson byers
end of quote re scsi_mod.scan=sync

Important Note: mkinitrd-6.0.71-3.fc10 fixes the issue above!! Please
update your system after fixing manually, or better after booting
using the kernel argument scsi_mod.scan=sync !!!
If you read Bill Nottingham's comment (# 19), the solution seems far

#19 in the bugreport
 Bug 473305 -  Booting from SCSI/RAID device fails
Comment #19 From  Bill Nottingham  2008-12-19 12:09:08 EDT
Install the update mkinitrd and remake your initrd
You would have to get a boot up and into a virtual console.


A. let it boot up until the screen disappears...
press ControlAltF2


B. Press a key at the grub prompt and highlight the kernel with the
arrow keys and press the letter 'e', move down to the kernel line and
press the letter 'e'. Add a space and put in the number 3 to tell it
to boot to runlevel 3

After startup either way...
login as root and as root, run...
yum update mkinitrd
yum update  will update all installed pkgs

This would take some time to install all of the updates.

doing above means I dont have to run mkinitrd  to make new initrd?
Because the   yum update  will update the initrd also?

This still won't solve your X problems.
That would probably need you to switch to the console again as above and
again, login as root
init 3
yum install system-config-display
system-config-display --reconfig

and see if you can get a working X display

You can test it by typing 'startx'

Once you get X running, you can type 'init 5' or just reboot

I am familiar with startx, I run that way in my fc5

Are you telling me that my f10 boot is actually finishing?
and only then failing on X-server?

thanks for response


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-06 Thread jackson byers
Sam Sharpe responded
2009/5/5 jackson byers
  html? my apologies, i had no idea.
 I guess i need some info in gmail how not to do that.
 in my gmail setting
 Outgoing message encoding:
  Use default text encoding for outgoing messages selected
  Use Unicode (UTF-8) encoding for outgoing messages
 nothing here explicitly HTML
 i will try the utf-8

That's interesting - I didn't actually see how you are sending HTML.
My Gmail is set to default text encoding (not UTF-8) and I seem to
be sending messages in text:

Subject: Re: what is Document Viewer?
From: Sharpe, Sam J
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Your messages are sending in both HTML and text, so technically the
receiver can decide which one to view based on their capabilities or
preferences (but you're still wasting other people's bandwidth - which
is typically what they are objecting to). I had no idea how you set
Gmail to do that, but having had a look around, I found this post:

I've never noticed the Rich formatting link that appears above my
compose box before, but I think that's what you are using - try
hitting the Plain text link you should have and see if that sticks
as a preference (as I can't see anywhere to force it).



how could you see that I was sending in both HTML  and text?

I dont see a Content-Type line on my gmail sends
is there some configure step i am missing?

I have left utf selected
but also did switch out of the rtf  into text

Is this email being received as only text?

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-06 Thread jackson byers
Craig responded:

A. let it boot up until the screen disappears...
press ControlAltF2


B. Press a key at the grub prompt and highlight the kernel with the
arrow keys and press the letter 'e', move down to the kernel line and
press the letter 'e'. Add a space and put in the number 3 to tell it
to boot to runlevel 3
A.   did not work, all it does is recover a blinking white  dash,
 no response to keyboard

B. I got partway thru this, i think including adding 3, then  I did
something wrong
  left with
I wasnt clear at this point  put in boot
got many error msgs

I finally went back to my fc5   and put a space and a 3  at end of kernel line
in the f10 grub.conf.
This got me to login

I will try
yum update mkinitrd
yum update

later today; I need my fc5 right now.


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-05 Thread jackson byers
 I explicitly said they are scsi disks in one of my responses
 and yes they are 36gb
 Again, does using scsi disks mean i have special requirements?

craig responded
you probably did - reading through your e-mails is very tough because
you continue to use HTML format which really makes it hard to decipher

I don't know that scsi would have any special requirements but I was
wondering what the differences would be from Fedora 5 and Fedora 10 and
I suppose that you could compare /etc/modprobe.conf from the 2
installations. It sort of sounds like there is a problem with your
initrd but I can't tell.

 html? my apologies, i had no idea.
I guess i need some info in gmail how not to do that.
in my gmail setting
Outgoing message encoding:  
  Use default text encoding for outgoing messages selected
  Use Unicode (UTF-8) encoding for outgoing messages
nothing here explicitly HTML
i will try the utf-8

I dont know how to decipher initrd problems.
I know how to unpack an initrd.img and examine init
and make minor changes  and repack.
I have used mkinitrd on my fc5 to add in usb_storage

I will look into comparing modprobe.conf f10 vs fc5,
but i am really trying to divorce the f10 install from fc5,
and fc5 modprobe syntax,etc might be wrong for f10?

At this point, having rhgb and quiet removed from grub boot options
should give you a fair amount of information at startup and I probably
wouldn't be using scsi_mod.scan=sync at this point because that seems to
be more of a tuning thing but I don't know what it actually would do.

well, my experience was that using scsi_mod.scan=sync
was necessary to get me beyond  cant find /dev/root errors.
It is easy enough to retry without scsi_mod.scan=sync
in combination with rhgb and quiet removed, so will do that next.
However,  f10 commonproblems( or release notes)
seemed pretty clear that it was necessary.
Evidently fixed in mkinitrd-6.0.71-3.fc10,
but my f10dvd version is i think mkinitrd-6.0.71.fc10.

you could always append 'acpi=off' as a kernel parameter but that is a
rather drastic measure, you didn't seem to need it in order to install
F10 so I would want to look at the debugging info on the startup screen
for more information at this point.

yes, altho i think the screen went blank on me, after getting
to .. Xserver so it is difficult to see much.
Will try acpi-off also

thanks for your continuing response


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-05 Thread jackson byers
David wrote
Just in case you are not aware of this Jackson, it may help to know
that the boot process and messages can be paused by pressing ctrlS and
resumed by ctrlQ


thanks David, that helps me look at all msgs up to some point
shy of the failure point
which is  something like
Waiting for X-server...
I cant catch final part of that line,
the screen goes blank immmediately after it shows up.

additional info:
1)commenting out  hiddenmenu  in grub.conf
--does not present the choices to me, it just grabs first one
--even worse, it prevents ESC from showing the choices
So now I am back to   hiddenmenunobegining # and ESC works

2)acpi=off looks no different, gets to Waiting for X-server...
  then screen blanks

3)retesting taking scsi_mod.scan=sync out of the kernel line
still with rhgb quiet removed
goes back to what I previously observed:

mount:  error mounting /dev/root  on /sysroot   no such file or directory

that msg does point to the initrd because the init script therein
is trying do that mount
but now that scsi_mod.scan=sync appended to kernel line
gets past that error, I dont see further evidence of initrd error.

scsi_mod.scan=sync is required. FWIW at the end I copy
the section from f10releasenotes on this.

4)I remain stuck at Waiting for X-server..
 It is not as if X is just failing to come up
 with normal boot otherwise;  this prevents the boot from finishing

here is the quote
==from f10  commonproblems or f10 release notes
  New Fedora 10 installs do not boot, boot delays for 10 seconds or
stabilization cannot be detected

link to this item - Bugzilla: #473305 and Bugzilla: #470628 On systems
that use specific SCSI hardware (can include SATA controllers), a
fresh install could complete, but on reboot it would hang and either
display stabilization cannot be detected, delay for 10 seconds or
not continue to boot at all, with sg or other devices being listed.

The problem is that mkinitrd was edited to enhance boot times. This
introduced an IF clause, that, under specific circumstances, causes
scsi_wait_scan not to be loaded and also prevents 'emit stablized
--hash --interval 250 /proc/scsi/scsi'from being called, and hence
the above mentioned issues occur.

In order to fix this issue, a temporary option can be used, by editing
the kernel argument from within grub and appending
scsi_mod.scan=sync. This will allow the boot to proceed in most
circumstances, although it might take a few seconds to proceed. By
using the mentioned kernel argument anaconda freeze-ups and crashes on
some systems are also prevented, during the installation process.

A better fix is to rebuild the initrd that the kernel requires in
order to boot. mkinitrd --with=scsi_wait_scan (detailed instructions
below). Beginners please follow the steps below:

# To fix this issue, boot from live-media.
#Become root on the live-system (note the dash):
su -
# Enable LVM, if you are using LVM:
vgchange -ay
# Create a mount point:
mkdir /mnt/sysimage
# Mount your installed system (VGhere = Your VolumeGroup;
# LVname = Name of Logical Volume):
mount -t ext3 /dev/VGhere/LVname /mnt/sysimage
# Note: Experienced users also mount your other mount points,
# such as /var into the chroot.

# If required mount the /boot partition into the chroot
# (where sdxx is the /boot partition):
mount -t ext3 /dev/sdxx /mnt/sysimage/boot
# Mount the required special kernel directories into the chroot environment:
mount --bind /dev/ /mnt/sysimage/dev
mount --bind /proc /mnt/sysimage/proc
mount --bind /sys /mnt/sysimage/sys
# Change into the directory root of your installed system:
chroot /mnt/sysimage
# Rename your old initrd (note your initrd version might be different,
# modify as required)
mv initrd- initrd-
# Create your new initrd image
# Note: The third argument after mkinitrd is the kernel version)
mkinitrd --with=scsi_wait_scan initrd-
# Exit the chroot environment and reboot:

Now pray! Please note the lines beginning with a # are comments!
Some command lines are separated by a carriage return.

Important Note: mkinitrd-6.0.71-3.fc10 fixes the issue above!! Please
update your system after fixing manually, or better after booting
using the kernel argument scsi_mod.scan=sync !!!


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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-04 Thread jackson byers
Craig responded:
boot the F10 DVD - choose 'Rescue mode' and do not install again

Accept the default options and it should locate the Fedora 10
installation automatically and leave you at a command prompt

chroot /mnt/sysimage
grub-install /dev/sda

remove the DVD and it should boot into F10

If not, please post the contents of /boot/grub/grub.conf

did above, it found the install,
but the response was exactly or nearly so as my last attempt:
--does not give the  /dev/root error
  instead flashes a full screen of boot msgs which quickly disappear
then the screen remains blank, have to hit power.
--it is possible still finallly hittting that /dev/root error
 but screen goes blank so fast I cant tell.
So, your procedure seems to do no more than my last one.

here is the grub.con
# grub.conf generated by anaconda
# Note that you do not have to rerun grub after making changes to this file
# NOTICE:  You do not have a /boot partition.  This means that
#  all kernel and initrd paths are relative to /, eg.
#  root (hd0,0)
#  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-version ro root=/dev/sda1
#  initrd /boot/initrd-version.img
title Fedora (
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
e91-bf9c-5833d7218c8f rhgb quiet scsi_mod.scan=sync
initrd /boot/initrd-

this is the grub.conf produced by my install,
but previously modified by me
 to append

the rescue chroot did  show
(hd0) /dev/sda
and said to repair it if necessary.
I didnt do anything,
I could add   (hd1)   /dev/sdb,
but i thot it was not necessary for booting off of sda.

One other thing i dont think i have mentioned  before:
the boot attempt first starts with something like
acpi  invalid[?] pblk
 doesnt stay on the screen long.
I think i have seen this on every attempt.

any other ideas?
maybe retry taking out rhgb quiet?

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-04 Thread jackson byers
Craig responded:

you didn't post the whole grub.conf so it's not possible to compare it
to the entry for FC5

Obviously we now know you have 2 hard disks so it probably would be
helpful to show output of

fdisk -l /dev/sda
fdisk -l /dev/sdb

yes, if you remove 'rhgb quiet' entries from grub, you would see more
debugging information on screen but you can do that temporarily at boot
time by 'editing' the grub entries at boot time or I think pressing the
'ESC' key while starting up.


Craig, thanks for response.
I think we are miscommunicating on some points.
I did post the whole grub.conf, this is from f10 install, not my fc5.

I explained I had two disks, most carefully after Frank asked me
to more clearly explain:  f10 on sda1, fc5 on sdb6.

but I went on to say I was now trying to divorce my f10 install from
anything to do with fc5, so using knoppixcd
I did
root (hd0,0)
setup (hd0)

so I am no longer using the fc5 grub.conf to boot f10:
from my experience that is more prone to Error2 Bad file or directory
which i no longer see using f10 grub.conf.
If you think it would be useful anyway I will show it here along w fdisk.

from fc5 grub.conf   stanza for fc5, stanza for f10

title fc5copy (2.6.17-1.2174_FC5) sdb6
root (hd1,5)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 ro root=/dev/sdb6
##  initrd-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5.img
initrd /boot/initrd-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5.devsdb6.img

title Fedora ( dvd scsi_mod.scan=sync
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
bf9c-5833d7218c8f rhgb quiet scsi_mod.scan=sync
initrd /boot/initrd-

[r...@bootp ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sda

Disk /dev/sda: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1267621494938+  83  Linux
/dev/sda226773163 3911827+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda33164446210434217+  83  Linux
[r...@bootp ~]# fdisk -l /dev/sdb

Disk /dev/sdb: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux
/dev/sdb2  14 268 2048287+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdb3 269 281  104422+  83  Linux
/dev/sdb4 282446233583882+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sdb5 2821301 8193118+  83  Linux
/dev/sdb613022321 8193118+  83  Linux
/dev/sdb72322446217197551   83  Linux
[r...@bootp ~]#

I will experiment with editing grub entries at boot time,
thanks for suggestion.

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-04 Thread jackson byers
newest info: f10 appears to quit when starting X server, see below

I had modified f10 grub.conf to have 3 stanzas

1  f10 orig  rhgb quiet
2  f10  norhgbquiet
3  fc5 chainloader

But, had to hit esc while booting to see my 3 stanzas
ie I dont get presented with this list unless i hit esc
so there is more here I dont understand

from f10 grub.conf
title Fedora (
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
91-bf9c-5833d7218c8f rhgb quiet scsi_mod.scan=sync
initrd /boot/initrd-

title Fedora ( norhgbquiet
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
91-bf9c-5833d7218c8f scsi_mod.scan=sync
initrd /boot/initrd-

title fc5copy hd1,5 chainloader
root (hd1,5)
chainloader +1
-- end f10 grub.conf
this last enables me to boot back into fc5  without using knoppix cd
but I can see this list only using esc

selecting the norhgbquiet stanza
gives me a  long list of boot msgs, lasting longer than seen before
and it appears to quit
starting X server

screen then goes blank

does this help narrow down what is wrong?

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-04 Thread jackson byers
selecting the norhgbquiet stanza
gives me a  long list of boot msgs, lasting longer than seen before
and it appears to quit
starting X server

screen then goes blank

does this help narrow down what is wrong?

Craig responded
 not really...

Comment the line that says hiddenmenu (add # in front) and you will see
the choices

thank you, idid not know that

norhgbquiet is not a valid option...simply remove the entire thing (the
words no, rhgb and quiet)

I did not use norhgbquiet as an option, just as a phrase in title
I removed  all of rhgb quiet for this stanza

  Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1267621494938+  83  Linux
which makes /dev/sda1 way larger than just a /boot volume so I'm sort of
confused what you actually have there.

sda1 is the entire f10 /  , no separate /boot partition,
is that a problem?
I trying to not use LVM

If after booting Fedora 5, you do something like this as root...

mkdir /mnt/sda1
mkdir /mnt/sda3
mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/sda1
mount /dev/sda3 /mnt/sda3

I'd be interested to know what you got as a result of these commands...

ls -l /mnt/sda1
ls -l /mnt/sda3

sda3 is being used for another ancient rh8 linux
for a legacy app  and should be playing no role
in my problems here

booted into fc5 I have sda1 mounted on /f10liv
r...@bootp ~]# mount
/dev/sdb6 on / type ext3 (rw)
proc on /proc type proc (rw)
sysfs on /sys type sysfs (rw)
devpts on /dev/pts type devpts (rw,gid=5,mode=620)
/dev/sda1 on /f10liv type ext3 (rw)

[r...@bootp ~]# ls -l /f10liv
total 116
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 May  3 05:17 bin
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root  4096 May  3 05:08 boot
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 May  3 04:58 dev
drwxr-xr-x 115 root root 12288 May  4 07:22 etc
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Sep  6  2008 home
drwxr-xr-x  17 root root 12288 May  3 05:17 lib
drwx--   2 root root 16384 May  3 04:56 lost+found
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Sep  6  2008 media
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Sep  6  2008 mnt
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Sep  6  2008 opt
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 May  3 04:56 proc
drwxr-x---   5 root root  4096 May  3 08:25 root
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root 12288 May  3 05:17 sbin
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 May  3 04:58 selinux
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 Sep  6  2008 srv
drwxr-xr-x   2 root root  4096 May  3 04:56 sys
drwxrwxrwt   5 root root  4096 May  4 07:23 tmp
drwxr-xr-x  13 root root  4096 May  3 05:03 usr
drwxr-xr-x  20 root root  4096 May  3 05:19 var
[r...@bootp ~]#

and I'm gathering that you must be using 36 GB SCSI disks because on a
Fedora 5 boot, if these were not scsi disks, they would likely
be /dev/hda|/dev/hdb

I explicitly said they are scsi disks in one of my responses
and yes they are 36gb
Again, does using scsi disks mean i have special requirements?

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f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-03 Thread jackson byers
I am out of ideas,
using a purchased osdisc fedora 10 dvd

reinstalled f10dvd   media ck said ok
this time using minimum options
and this time accepting default of  mbr sda
install said successful
but on reboot get exactly same errors as seen
 previously when f10 grub into sda1  notmbr , (then was using fc5 grub in
mbr sda)

this time there should have been no connection at all to my fc5 on sdb6
but get same boot error:
cant access resume device (/dev/sdb2)
mount:  error mounting /dev/root  on /sysroot   no such file or directory

so my hopes that my troubles were my old fc5  grub version .97-5
was confusing f10 hence preventing f10 booting, seem not to be the issue.

I did find one suggestion on fedora common problems or?
to edit the kernel argument and append scsi_mod.scan=sync

so i use knoppixcd to get my fc5 back:  in grub  root(hd1,5)  setup(hd0)
 which is where i am now  for this email,
and mount the  new installed f10 and edit its grub.conf as above

then went back to knoppixcd  root(0,1) setup(0) to get back to f10
knoppixcd out
then rebooted again
this time the f10dvdinst boot attempt
does _not_ give me that dev/root  one line error
instead a whole screen of boot msgs
but then screen quickly goes completely blank,  no response
have to hit power button

this last response says
appending scsi_mod.scan=sync had some effect
but I have no idea what else to try.
Are there other scsi issues I should be aware of re f10?
My sda, sdb are both scsi  disks

help, please
I really would like to dump fc5, but i need a booting f10

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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-03 Thread jackson byers
frank cox wrote
jackson byers wrote:

 reinstalled f10dvd   media ck said ok

Any chance you could re-post your question using complete words and
and a complete description of what you have done and what you expect to see,
and what you actually see?

I read your message four times and I still have no idea what you're actually
doing.  Are you trying to install F10 on a machine that already has F5
installed on it, without overwriting the F5 installation?

Describe your current setup, what you want to do, and what you have tried.
Include complete error messages (if any).
sorry I wasn't clearer; I was trying to not be so verbose

Yes, I am trying to install F10 onto sda1 on a machine that already has Fc5
installed on it on sdb6 , without overwriting the Fc5 installation.

Every install attempt of f10, I use custom partitioning, and only format
sda1 as ext3.
My fc5 remains available.
I previously had a thread where I was trying  to use a fedoraliveinstall cd
to install, and never  could get it to boot, even tho the install said it
was successful.
I won't repeat everything I tried with the liveinstall cd, because my
experiences then
and now are much the same, installs, but no boot.
I am trying the same thing now with a f10dvd.

1)I first tried to keep the fc5 in control of the mbr on sda
and hence using fc5 grub.conf to have a stanza for f10
copied directly from the f10 install grub.conf
This gives me :Error 2  bad file or directory.

If I instead use  a stanza for f10
 root (hd0,0)
 chainloader +1
then I get error  msgs:
cant access resume device (sda/sdb2)
mount:  error mounting /dev/root  on /sysroot   no such file or directory

 2) I next tried allowing the f10 install on sda1 have grub install into mbr
of sda,
thus replacing the fc5 grub into mbr of sda5.
This does not give me Error2 as in 1) above but instead
the same errors as in  chainloader +1   in 1) above:
cant access resume device (sda/sdb2)
mount:  error mounting /dev/root  on /sysroot   no such file or directory

2a)appending scsi_mod.scan=sync to the kernel line
did not give me those last 2 msgs, but instead
flashed an entire screen of boot msgs, which then disappeared, screen went

I hope this makes it clearer.
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Re: f10dvd installs but won't boot

2009-05-03 Thread jackson byers
jbyers reply

 2) I next tried allowing the f10 install on sda1 have grub install into mbr
of sda,
thus replacing the fc5 grub into mbr of sda5. typo   should be
mbr of sda

sda5 doesnt even exist

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Re: f10livecd installs but wont boot, Error 2

2009-04-29 Thread jackson byers
jackson byers wrote

I finally got the f10liveinstallcd to install,  to sda1
it evidently went thru w no errors
--unchkd sda,sdb initially  then went to custom install
--chose not mbr, instead firstsector of sda1
--the grub.conf  uses UUID for its root=

I copied the grub.conf stanza to my fc5 grub.conf, it is in control

title Fedora (
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
d03-97cb-fdd0d4b4cbee rhgb quiet
initrd /boot/initrd-

it all looks normal to me, altho use of UUID instead of  /dev/sda1
i did not expect

on attempting to boot it lists the above kernel line,
followed by
Error 2: Bad file or directory type

new data:
get different error response if i  do either:
a) in my fc5 grub.conf  a stanza with
chainloader +1

or, b)  cp the f10 kernel, initrd to my fc5 /boot
 and in my fc5 grub.conf  a stanza with
  root(hd1,5) # sdb6, my fc5 install
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
3-97cb-fdd0d4b4cbee rhgb quiet
initrd /boot/initrd-

Then, the error message from either a) or b)
after getting past the kernel line and the initrd line
and after getting to the bluesun graphic screen,
then screen goes  back to console and:

Unable to access resume  device
mount: error mounting /dev/root on /sysroot as ext3:  no such file or

can anyone interpret for me either/both:
 the errror 2 message or this new one?

thanks for advice
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Re: f10livecd installs but wont boot, Error 2

2009-04-29 Thread jackson byers
 mount: error mounting /dev/root on /sysroot as ext3:  no such file or

another piece of info:
it wasnt really clear what the system found missing
 was it /dev/root  or  /sysroot?

with the f10liveinstall mounted on /f10liv as seen in my fc5:

[r...@bootp dev]# pwd
[r...@bootp dev]# ls
fdfuse  ptmx  random  stdin   tty  zero
full  null  pts   stderr  stdout  urandom
[r...@bootp dev]#

not much in here, most particularly  no dev

/sysroot exists inside the initrd

and there is another /dev in there as well
but it also has no file root
[r...@bootp dev]# pwd
[r...@bootp dev]#
[r...@bootp dev]# ls
console  ptmx  ram1tty0   tty11  tty3  tty6  tty9   ttyS2
mapper   ram   systty  tty1   tty12  tty4  tty7  ttyS0  ttyS3
null ram0  tty tty10  tty2   tty5  tty8  ttyS1  zero

so the f10liveinstall seems deficient, no /dev/root
unless there is yet another dev buried somewhere

any comments?
where else to look for /dev/root?

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Re: f10livecd installs but wont boot, Error 2

2009-04-29 Thread jackson byers
[r...@bootp dev]# pwd
[r...@bootp dev]# ls
fdfuse  ptmx  random  stdin   tty  zero
full  null  pts   stderr  stdout  urandom
[r...@bootp dev]#

not much in here, most particularly  no dev   arrgh typo  meant no root

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f10livecd installs but wont boot, Error 2

2009-04-28 Thread jackson byers
I finally got the f10liveinstallcd to install,  to sda1
it evidently went thru w no errors
--unchkd sda,sdb initially  then went to custom install
--chose not mbr, instead firstsector of sda1
--the grub.conf  uses UUID for its root=

I copied the grub.conf stanza to my fc5 grub.conf, it is in control

title Fedora (
root (hd0,0)
kernel /boot/vmlinuz- ro
d03-97cb-fdd0d4b4cbee rhgb quiet
initrd /boot/initrd-

it all looks normal to me, altho use of UUID instead of  /dev/sda1
i did not expect

on attempting to boot it lists the above kernel line,
followed by
Error 2: Bad file or directory type

I have seen some google msgs w this response
but no help to me

I ran across one google msg re liveinstall cd saying
it installed fine, but locked up on booting-- no further detail

also another msg  saying wouldnt boot if using scsi disks ( I am)
but again no detail

is the liveinstallcd known to have problems booting?

any advice?
try f10dvd instead?

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Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD

2009-04-23 Thread jackson byers
David's experience also was that there was no custom option.

I purchased my cd from
Fedora 10 KDE Edition - install/Live CD

is this some outdated version?
or a deficient version?
not officially supported?
How is one to know?


you simply clicked next on the partitioning screen with the drop down box
that said replace my existing linux install instead of clicking said drop
down box and choosing custom. user error all the way. afaik the live cd's
have had custom partitioning since at least f9 if not before then!

I don't doubt that I somehow got into user error all the way.
But I was quite conscious that I did not want replace my existing linux
and would certainly not have clicked it.
If you are correct,
then if i somehow got into custom  then I may well have still managed to
botch it.

I still find it curious however that David also thought there was no obvious
leading me to think there could be  differences on various versions of the

Another question:
this thread Q about installing F10 from Live DVD
implies  it is a  DVD not a CD.
Do both versions exist? I have a CD not a DVD

And one final question:
Does the custom option include choice of not installing  grub to mbr?


Does the custom include  ability to not install grub on the mbr?
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Re: size from df -kh vs size from fdisk -l

2009-04-22 Thread jackson byers
 Error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled.

 does this last  tell us anything useful?
 perhaps better to just reformat sda1?
 aldo foot:
That's informative. I would do one of two things:
 (a) reformat the partition and create a new filesystem,
 (b) use GParted to grow the filesystem to the full extent of the partition.

Note that a partition can be 200GB, but there could be a small filesystem
does not occupy the entire partition... such is your case.


ok, i used gparted from a  systemrescuecd
it took me  a while to see how to grow the fs
but it  worked

GParted 0.4.1

Libparted 1.8.8
Check and repair file system (ext3) on /dev/sda1  00:00:31( SUCCESS )

calibrate /dev/sda1  00:00:00( SUCCESS )

path: /dev/sda1
start: 63
end: 42989939
size: 42989877 (20.50 GiB)
check file system on /dev/sda1 for errors and (if possible) fix them
00:00:00( SUCCESS )

e2fsck -f -y -v /dev/sda1

Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes
Pass 2: Checking directory structure
Pass 3: Checking directory connectivity
Pass 4: Checking reference counts
Pass 5: Checking group summary information

11 inodes used (0.02%)
0 non-contiguous inodes (0.0%)
# of inodes with ind/dind/tind blocks: 0/0/0
12003 blocks used (5.98%)
0 bad blocks
0 large files

0 regular files
2 directories
0 character device files
0 block device files
0 fifos
0 links
0 symbolic links (0 fast symbolic links)
0 sockets

2 files
e2fsck 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)
grow file system to fill the partition  00:00:31( SUCCESS )

resize2fs /dev/sda1

Resizing the filesystem on /dev/sda1 to 21494936 (1k) blocks.
The filesystem on /dev/sda1 is now 21494936 blocks long.

resize2fs 1.41.3 (12-Oct-2008)

/dev/sda1 on /mnt/sda1 type ext3 (rw)

r...@sysresccd /root % df -kh
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sda1  20G  7.0M   19G   1% /mnt/sda1

so, finally  the fs size looks same as partition

one last comment
prior to doing the resize
# /sbin/blkid

/dev/sda1: LABEL=/boot UUID=e9ebdaea-2ae2-4a99-8eee-bf3ca8af7b8b
SEC_TYPE=ext2 TYPE=ext3
used to be  LABEL=/

further proof, if any was needed,
that the  f10liveinstallcd  tried to put in a /boot partition
overwriting my entire   fc5  /  partition

thanks to all who helped
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Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD

2009-04-22 Thread jackson byers
ect: Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD
jackson byers wrote:
 Well, the f10liveinstall cd didnt work for me,
 ( see f10 liveinstall cd trashed my main fc5)

Well, FC5 is long out of support, that's what you get for waiting so long
until you finally upgrade. (Hint: you're supposed to upgrade at each or
every other release, not wait 5 releases and then install in parallel,
still keeping the totally outdated version.)

   Kevin Kofler
I am fully aware that I was/am way out of date, and fully nonsupported in
I _was_  trying to install the current f10
(which i think you would encourage)
but wanted to retain fc5 until i successfully installed f10,
surely a safe practice.

Instead I  got my main fc5 clobbered by
some combination of
--my own inexperience
--a live/install cd that did not have a custom option.
  or i  couldnt see it.

David's experience also was that there was no custom option.

I purchased my cd from
Fedora 10 KDE Edition - install/Live CD

is this some outdated version?
or a deficient version?
not officially supported?
How is one to know?

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size from df -kh vs size from fdisk -l

2009-04-21 Thread jackson byers
I asked this questiion in another thread
f10 liveinstall cd trashed my main fc5

but i think it got lost in my longish  msg

# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1267621494938+  83  Linux
/dev/sda226773163 3911827+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda33164446210434217+  83  Linux

sda1 size  ~ 21.5 G

but using df:
# df -kh
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb6 7.7G  5.6G  1.8G  77% /
tmpfs1014M 0 1014M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 190M  5.6M  175M   4% /mnt/sda1

sda1 size = 190M

how possible?
advice, help on further  diagnosing this?
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Re: size from df -kh vs size from fdisk -l

2009-04-21 Thread jackson byers
n Tue, Apr 21, 2009 at 8:37 AM, jackson byers wrote:
 # fdisk -l

 Disk /dev/sda: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
 255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
 Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
 /dev/sda1   *   1267621494938+  83  Linux
 /dev/sda226773163 3911827+  82  Linux swap /
 /dev/sda33164446210434217+  83  Linux

 sda1 size  ~ 21.5 G

 but using df:
 # df -kh
 FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
 /dev/sdb6 7.7G  5.6G  1.8G  77% /
 tmpfs1014M 0 1014M   0% /dev/shm
 /dev/sda1 190M  5.6M  175M   4% /mnt/sda1

 sda1 size = 190M

Andrew Parker wrote:

df comes from the file system rather than the partition.  is it
possible that the sda1 partition was resized but not reformatted?

if you can stand to lose the data, can you reformat the file system?
do you then get the expected size?

my problem is I dont know  what happened,  it occurred during a botched
attempt at using the f10liveinstall cd to install (but backed out)
It wasnt my intention to do anything to sda1 ( my target for install was
but somehow it clobbered sda1 contents,
as seen by df, size 190M only 0.19G

I dont know what that liveinstall attempt actually did
but the _size_ as seen by fdisk is original size~21G
so this tells me there was no resizing of the partition
but df says size greatly reduced to 190M=0.19G

I am now leery of doing anything until i understand what fdisk, df tell me
I suppose my only choice now is to go ahead and reformat

Jeff Voskamp wrote

Or just try resize2fs /dev/sda1 to resize the filesystem to the size of
the underlying partition.
I will check out info or man page on resize2fs, thanks

Stephen Berg wrote

Aren't the Blocks listed from fdisk 512 and not 1024?  Your numbers
would agree quite nicely if so.

  Stephen Berg

I dont think that is correct.
I dont know exact def of blocks
but cyls*8225280bytes ~ 21G

this also checks well on my sdb6
where i am now booted up in my fc5copy
/dev/sdb6  13022321 8193118+  83  Linux
(2321-1302)*8225280= 8381560320 bytes

Any other explanations as to how
size reported by fdisk not same as  size from df?

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Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD

2009-04-21 Thread jackson byers
 Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD
Kenneth Lee wrote:
 Use the Live CD to try out distributions.

 Download and burn the DVD, and use that for installations.

 This seems to be true with Fedora.  Each distribution seems to work a
 little bit different, but the live CD's seem to be good for trying them
 out without
 changing what is on your current hard drive.  Just don't Install if you
 want to test!  Fedora seems to install best from the DVD.

Kevin Kofler  replied
 The live CDs install just fine.  ...

Well, the f10liveinstall cd didnt work for me,
( see f10 liveinstall cd trashed my main fc5)
trying to install to one particular partition, sdb6
it instead somehow clobbered my main fc5 partition sda1.
undoubtedly mostly (entirely?) because of my own
very limited experience re installs.

Are there guidelines for using the install option?

It seemed to insist on using LVM.  Can this be prevented?

Not sure, but it might also have been
trying to set up  separate /boot partition?
If so, can that also be prevented?
if it insists on that, I wasnt prepared for it,
having only sdb6 i was willing to give to f10.

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Re: Q about installing F10 from Live DVD

2009-04-21 Thread jackson byers
 David replied

 if it insists on that, I wasnt prepared for it,
 having only sdb6 i was willing to give to f10.

I wrote about this the other day but I don't recall ever seeing it show up.

First: A Live-CD *does not* install separate packages. A Live-CD writes
itself to your hard similar to the way you burn an ISO to a CD.

It will *erase your harddisk* and then write itself exactly as it is. You
have no choices of anything.

You boot the CD. You are looking at the OS running from memory. You decide
to install it to your harddrive so you click the install icon. It formats
your drive and writes itself to your drive. Exactly as it is on the CD. You
reboot, answer a few questions and you are basically done.

And *whatever* was on the HD before is gone. Period.

The size of the CD it limited but they have put what most people would need.
Anything else you install from the online repos.

All of that aside I would seriously doubt that you could update a Fedora
Core 5 install directly to a Fedora 10 install anyway. Too many years and
too many changes. If you do a fresh install the has been updates since the
Fedora 10 Live-CD was made. Probably another CD full of them.

It formats
your drive and writes itself to your drive.
Exactly as it is on the CD. You
reboot, answer a few questions and you are basically done.

yes but that doesnt answer my confusion as to how it chooses
the hard drive or harddrive partition to write on.
and whether it is forcing LVM on me
and whether it is forcing a separate /boot partition.
I have two scsi disks, sda, sdb
I was trying to point it to my sdb6
it clobbered my sda1

Are you saying liveinstallcd will try to
 take over my either my entire sda  or my entire sdb?

 I would seriously doubt that you could update a Fedora
Core 5 install directly to a Fedora 10 install anyway.

??? this  doesnt make sense to me.
I thot the liveinstall was a fresh install,
nothing to do with update

thanks for response
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Re: size from df -kh vs size from fdisk -lf

2009-04-21 Thread jackson byers
 sda1 size = 190M

 how possible?
 advice, help on further  diagnosing this?

After using fdisk or parted, one must do partprobe at the CLI to record
the changes. Both the OS and the Kernel need to know the changes.
Since your boot partition is involved, you may need a LiveCD for this.
Do man partprobe for more info.



but I didnt consciously use fdisk or parted on sda.
If it happened bc of my clutzy use of the liveinstall cd
then maybe I did, without knowing it.

Actually my present boot partition is sdb6,  /boot a dir inside,
so present /boot not involved with my installcd mistakes on sda1.
I have systemrescue cd so i probably can use that.

I have never heard of partprobe
is it really necessary if reboot after using fdisk,parted,gparted
if reboot after?

I am unclear re man page
   partprobe - inform the OS of partition table changes

   partprobe [-d] [-s] [devices...]

 partprobe is a program that informs the operating system kernel of
 tion table changes, by requesting that the operating system  re-read
 partition table.

   -d Don’t update the kernel.
   -s Show a summary of devices and their partitions.

what exactly does   -d  do?
-s   do nothing except show summary ?

are you saying  to  run it
as  partprobe /dev/sda1
or  partprobe /dev/sda  ?

will this operation shrink the size seen by fdisk to what is seen by df?
or what?
will it affect
sda2  swap
sda3 another linux partition

parted  shows same thing, but additional incompatible feature
r...@bootp ~]# parted /dev/sda
Using /dev/sda
(parted) unit mb print
Disk geometry for /dev/sda: 0MB - 36704MB
Disk label type: msdos
Number  Start   End SizeType  File system  Flags
1   0MB 22011MB 22011MB primary   ext3 boot
2   22011MB 26017MB 4006MB  primary   linux-swap
3   26017MB 36701MB 10685MB primary   ext3
(parted) check 1
Warning: Partition 1 is 22011MB, but the file system is 206MB.
Ignore/Cancel? ignore
Error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled.

does this last  tell us anything useful?
perhaps better to just reformat sda1?

thanks  for response
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f10 liveinstall cd trashed my main fc5

2009-04-19 Thread jackson byers
My inexperience on installs really demonstrated
I managed to completely fubar my main fc5 on sda1
using an f10 live/install cd
I was able to recover w a backup fc5copysee below

summary of f10liveinstall  from memory, not sure of all steps
--the livecd itself saw usb   as sda? just like knoppix?
--it had a confusing double menu for choice of disk
   --on 2nd half i clicked on sdc6 (ie sdb6)
   --but on 1st half it rqrd something to click  sda,b, or c
 -- i may well have left this as sdb(ie sda)?
--then its response listed something re LVM
   and a separate   /boot partn?, evidently no choice

-- i tried to back out before any changes commited,
  did it twice or more,
  could easily have made mistake/confused installer

then viewing system from knoppix cd
(here seen from reboot into my backup fc5copy)
[r...@bootp ~]# df -kh
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdb6 7.7G  5.6G  1.8G  77% /
tmpfs1014M 0 1014M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1 190M  5.6M  175M   4% /mnt/sda1 only 190M???
[r...@bootp ~]# pwd
nothing in sda1 except lost+found,
my entire orig sda1  my mainfc5 wiped out

at some point after this
i did the mbr reinstall as per kyle rankin apr09LJ
 using dd and my mbrbackup on usb
then fdisk -l looked normal
[r...@bootp ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   *   1267621494938+  83  Linux
/dev/sda226773163 3911827+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sda33164446210434217+  83  Linux

21G  size for sda1
but the df results say only 190M, a strong indication fubard.

i finally was able to boot into my fc5copy on sdb6
by first installing into mbr of sda
in knoppix cd
  root (hd1,5)
  setup (hd0)

(this didnt work if usbexternal connected, seen as sda in knoppix
 then:  root (hd2,5)  setup (hd1)  did say succeeded
 but trying to boot wo knoppix  ends w GRUB GRUB GRUB GRUB

my questions re liveinstall cd
--i was trying to use _only_ sdb6, (which i backed out of)
  but livecd also did something evidently wiping sda1
  do i need to have available more than one partition for livecd?

--livecd seems to leave no choice by LVM-- can i choose no LVM?
--maybe livecd also trying to setup separate boot partn, not sure.
   again, can i choose no LVM?

--re my apparently fubared sda1:  just reformat? or no need?
  can i reuse it for other stuff?   what size is it?
  I dont understand how
fdisk shows sda size 21G  but df has 190M??

all in all this was very frustrating, but
--at least i have a working fc5 with
only a few months of data files gone bc not backed up
--before i finally recovered my fc5 copy on sdb6
i learned i could chroot to it off of the knoppixcd;
this was useful, took notes running emacs in that chroot.
--i did get practice using my mbrbackup
and also practice knoppixcd to recover (did i need both?)

question re knoppix cd (i know, this is OT for fedoralist)
-- this is a purchased cd,
it appears limited, comes up as microknoppix
eg neither  gpart nor gparted available
--are there more complete versions?
  --the f10 liveinstall cd now has me scared off,
but in its liveonly aspects does it have gparted, gpart?

comments, advice all appreciated
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Re: f10 kde edition install/live cd no graphical screen

2009-04-17 Thread jackson byers
Rex Dieter wrote:
jackson byers wrote:

 I am trying to use f10 kde edition install/live cd-- this is a purchased
 All i get is a few lines on the consolemaybe said something wrong

What video hw?

Try booting with:

-- Rex
what does this mean?  how to use that option?
i dont seem to have any booting choices when booting from any live cd

$ less /etc/sysconfig/hwconf
class: VIDEO
bus: PCI
detached: 0
driver: matroxfb_base
desc: Matrox Graphics, Inc. MGA G550 AGP
video.xdriver: mga
vendorId: 102b
deviceId: 2527
subVendorId: 102b
subDeviceId: 0f84
pciType: 1
pcibus:  1
pcidev:  0
pcifn:  0
class: VIDEO
bus: DDC
detached: 0
desc: Matrox G550
mem: 32768
my main system is fc5   boots into level 3,  then i use startx
but this should not be affecting how a livecd boots?

The other live cds i have tried come up automatically into their graphical
still mystified as to why I have trouble with this live/install cd
while my hardware handles others just fine.
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f10 kde edition install/live cd no graphical screen

2009-04-16 Thread jackson byers
I am trying to use f10 kde edition install/live cd-- this is a purchased cd.
All i get is a few lines on the consolemaybe said something wrong apci?

then a blue bar with fedora10 on end
the cd  makes noise like it is actually doing something
then goes quiet.
The screen then looks like it is showing shutdown, power off
then just goes completely blank,  computer remains powered on

if i then do  ctrl-alt-f2
it gives me
  localhost login:

cant get anywhere with this.  Is there some magic user name?
i tried  'root',  which seems to get past  asking for password
but no hint as to how to get the graphical response.

I expected an automatic full graphical response from the beginning.

i know the cdplayer is ok,
i also have a centos 5.2 live cd that comes up
as expected ( but no install option);
 also  a knoppix 6.0 cd, ditto.

f10 cd: Bad media?
help, please
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install to usb, when bios does not see usb?

2009-04-08 Thread jackson byers
Please bear with me on this newbie question,
my install experience is quite limited.

Is it possible to install to usb external disk when bios does not see usb?

In an older thread Feb 21, 2009 Re: kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files,

Mikkel responded:
 I have done it both ways - as a fresh install, and by taking a hard
 drive with an installed OS, and putting it in an external USB case,
 and the drive has always ended up as /dev/sda. This  is much less of
 a problem if you are using LVM and/of partition labels then if you
 are mounting partitions directly. (As long as your LVM names do not
 collide! ie more then one VolGroup00.)

 By far, the easiest is to do a fresh, expert install to a USB drive
 - it will even do the proper Grub install so that you can boot off
 the USB drive directly on any system that supports booting from a
 USB drive. You can do this when moving an install to an external
 case, but it is much easier doing it at install time.


--is this advice  re fresh, expert install   relevant in my case
where it appears that bios does not recognize my usb external disk?

--if so, is that because the install cd/dvd
will see the usb? ie despite the bios problem?

--are you saying that it will do a proper Grub install to the usb MBR?
   your point being that then the usb disk could be booted off of another
   system whose bios does both recognize and support booting from USB drive?

--with my current box where the bios doesnt see the USB,
the proper Grub install to the usb MBR won't be seen?,
ie wont interfere with
booting my older installs (fc5,...) from the MBR on my sda scsi disk?

I do have that sda mbr backed up:
 [r...@bootp ~]# ls -l mbrbackup
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 512 Mar 14 14:13 mbrbackup
[r...@bootp ~]#

thanks for any help
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Re: install to usb, when bios does not see usb?

2009-04-08 Thread jackson byers
thanks for replies from Kam Leo and John Austin

re Kam Leo's #1
1. You cannot directly boot from a USB device if the BIOS does not
 support that feature.

I had already understood that.
 My main questions, probably obscured bc of lack of detail on my part,
1)whether  my usb disk could be mbr-installed
 to boot when connected to another system that had a bios that can boot usb,

 i.e., after being mbr-installed while still connected  to my present system

 using say an f10 install cd/dvd,
 despite my present system bios not seeing the usb?
2) and if so, would that mbr prep on usb
   somehow interfere or not with my present scsi sda1 mbr?

re  John Austin's  #1

1. As my main disk is dual boot windows, f10 (/ and /boot)
   I can write vmlinuz and initrd to /boot on the hard drive and boot
USB stick using these

Yes, I already understood that,
and in fact have been doing so for last few months
not with f10 but fc5 and older kubuntu.
Some detail on that I had mentioned to Mikkel in the old thread
Feb 21, 2009 Re: kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files

any further response?
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Re: using 'mv' instead of 'cp' to transfer directories to other partitions or disks

2009-04-02 Thread jackson byers
Cameron Simpson's response was like getting  a complete tutorial!
thanks very much!

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using 'mv' instead of 'cp' to transfer directories to other partitions or disks

2009-04-01 Thread jackson byers
In another thread Re: shrinking reiserfs partitions, filesystems
Roberto Ragusa responded

Do not forget another option: copy everything somewhere else
(external USB drive or something...), destroy the partition,
recreate it smaller, format and copy back.

In this way you get an implicit perfect defrag of your data,
which could be more or less useful, depending on the current
fragmentation of your filesystem.

my question: isn't it true that use of 'mv' is much faster than 'cp' or
ie to copy everything somewhere else
mv everything somewhere else
instead of
..and copy back
.. mv back

Are there gotchas using 'mv' instead of the various copy tools?
more fragmentation perhaps?

I made one test case here  to test mv
I first made a copy of /lib  to /libfc5copy
and then tested mv on the latter to move it to my external usb

mv libfc5copy /media/disk-1/mvlibfc5copy

this seemed to complete in only a second or two.
Of course this is only useful if you want to erase the original.

thanks for any advice
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shrinking reiserfs partitions, filesystems

2009-03-04 Thread jackson byers
I am more than a little confused about the need to resize (shrink) a
in addition to shrinking the partition

---from man resize_reiserfs
   resize_reiserfs [ -s [+|-]size[K|M|G] ] [ -j dev ] [ -fqv ] device

   The resize_reiserfs tool resizes an unmounted reiserfs file system.
   enlarges or shrinks an reiserfs file system located on a device

If the -s option is not specified, the filesystem will
   be  resized  to fill the given device.

 If  you  wish to shrink a reiserfs partition, first use resize_reiserfs
   to shrink the file system. You may then use  cfdisk(8)  to  shrink
   device.  When  shrinking  the  size of the device, make sure you do
   make it smaller than the reduced size of the reiserfs filesystem.
--- end man page---

I had thought that the size of a filesystem was just the amount
of stuff in there as given by df in the Used column
eg on my external usb /dev/sdc1  which is one large reiserfs partition
[r...@bootp ~]# df -kh
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 233G   16G  218G   7% /media/disk-1

so, to me that meant the size of the filesystem was given in Used = 16G
but it now seems that is wrong? ie
size of the filesystem is actually the entire diskpartition =233G ?

so if I want to shrink dev/sdc1 partition down to 50G
 I must
1) shrink the filesystem first using resize_reiserfs also to 50G ?
2) then use cfdisk to shrink the partition to 50G ?

If that is correct, will I retain or lose my current data in that 16G Used?

Is it easier/better to use parted,gparted... for shrinking reiserfs

there was one recent  msg on this list  from Mikkel I think
saying parted  can handle resizing both partitions and filesystems?
If that is right, it seems less chance for error compared to using two
separate tools.

One thing i found on google  a 2007 gparted manual
says  libreiserfs   is needed
Is there any way to get  libreiserfs  on my fc5 system?
There are apparently live cds,knoppix, gparted,...
 will these have everything needed including libreiserfs?

thanks for any help, pointers,
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Re: kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files

2009-02-23 Thread jackson byers
one pure kubuntu on usb, no disk reordering.
I believe this is kubuntu 6.06 dapper, but done via debootstrap methods,
which i just followed recipe found on web in dec 2006.
It was first working on scsi, but then copied to usb

I had to revive it, bc my fc5copy files were in top dir on usb.
I redid the kubu debootstrap on usb; first set up on usb on dec22 2006
first mv'd out the fc5copy files to /mvfc5
2nd mv'd back kubu debootstrap files into top dir of usb
this booted fine, so my mv out and mv back  no problems,
and kubuntu is on sdc, no reordering of disks.

This may well not be what you wanted bc of the special debootstrap stuff
but it is a case that is pure kubuntu, on sdc1, no reordering

(I also currently have  kubuntu 6.06.1 LTS  from Install/live CD,
which I somehow managed to install on scsi, in sdb5, also in dec 2006
--it is an install, i am certainly not booting off of CD.
It still boots from scsi sdb5.
I was hoping to get this booting on usb, but so far it is failing,
in part bc of some glitches in my backup tools.)

here is data showing debootstrap version usb booting on sdc1

r...@kubu:/# uname -a
Linux kubu 2.6.15-26-386 #1 PREEMPT Thu Aug 3 02:52:00 UTC 2006 i686
I believe this kubuntu 6.06 dapper

r...@kubu:/mnt# df -kh
FilesystemSize  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/sdc1 233G   14G  220G   6% /
varrun   1014M   40K 1014M   1% /var/run
varlock  1014M  4.0K 1014M   1% /var/lock
udev 1014M  180K 1014M   1% /dev
devshm   1014M 0 1014M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sda1  21G  6.5G   13G  34% /fc5hold
tmpfs1014M 0 1014M   0% /dev/shm
/dev/sdb1  99M   23M   72M  24% /mnt/sdb1

r...@kubu:/# cat /proc/partitions
major minor  #blocks  name

   8 0   35843686 sda
   8 1   21494938 sda1
   8 23911827 sda2
   8 3   10434217 sda3
   816   35843686 sdb
   817 104391 sdb1
   8182048287 sdb2
   819 104422 sdb3
   820  1 sdb4
   8218193118 sdb5
   8228193118 sdb6
   823   17197551 sdb7
   832  244198584 sdc
   833  244196001 sdc1
 253 0   21494938 dm-0
 253 13911827 dm-1
 253 2   10434217 dm-2
 253 3 104391 dm-3
 253 42048287 dm-4
 253 5 104422 dm-5
 253 68193118 dm-6
 253 78193118 dm-7
 253 8   17197551 dm-8
 253 9  244196001 dm-9

cat /etc/fstab
/dev/sdc1/ reiserfs   defaults0 0
/dev/sda1/fc5hold  ext3   defaults1 2

devpts   /dev/ptsdevpts   gid=5,mode=620  0 0
tmpfs/dev/shm tmpfs   defaults0 0
proc /proc proc   defaults0 0
sysfs/sys sysfs   defaults0 0
/dev/sda2swap swapdefaults0 0
/dev/cdrom   /mnt/cdrom udf,iso9660 noauto,owner,kudzu,ro 0 0

from grub.conf :

title kubuntu dapper usb debootstrap
###   root (hd0,0)   pick up kernel,initrd from sda1,works
  root (hd1,0) ### sdb1, only kubufiles cp from kubuinstall,works
###  root (hd2,0) ### doesnt work
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 ro root=/dev/sdc1
  initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386

So, is this useful as proof that kubuntu does not reorder usb to sda?
or is this debootstrap business too tricky to say anything
about a pure standard install?

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Re: kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files,

2009-02-21 Thread jackson byers
Mikkel responded:
I have done it both ways - as a fresh install, and by taking a hard
drive with an installed OS, and putting it in an external USB case,
and the drive has always ended up as /dev/sda. This  is much less of
a problem if you are using LVM and/of partition labels then if you
are mounting partitions directly. (As long as your LVM names do not
collide! ie more then one VolGroup00.)

By far, the easiest is to do a fresh, expert install to a USB drive
- it will even do the proper Grub install so that you can boot off
the USB drive directly on any system that supports booting from a
USB drive. You can do this when moving an install to an external
case, but it is much easier doing it at install time.


Mikkel, I am sure you know the best way, but consider:
re LVM: I know nothing;
re partition labels: I have some but limited experience;
re fresh installs: very limited
   --my main fc5 was put on for me by a vendor in aug 06
--i did that kubuntu install (from a dvd? cant recall) late06,early 07
-- and some other knoppix-based things
re fresh, expert install to usb/or scsi:  I have no experience

I got into this bc Iwas trying to prepare for installing f9,f10
  on my scsi sda,sdb, and so backed up fc5 to my usb to make space on scsi.
 My usb is one large reiserfs partition ( set up by my vendor in 2006)
 (I am uncertain as to what tool to use to
  shrink that usb reiserfs partition without losing my backupdata,
  or even if that is possible. I would like more than one partition
  if I am going to get into doing installs to the usb)

Then, it was only bc I was frustrated it seemed completely
  to boot off my fc5copy on usb  ( could not find /dev/root...)
that i tried the kubuntu 2.6.26-386 kernel,initrd
and that worked!
 so then I got your advice re usb-storage etc,etc
 and i finally got it also working using the fc5 kernel,initrd.

So, all my recent experience is with doing the copy not a fresh install
so I will try that  with a usb copy of the kubuntu install.

If that succeeds, whatever the result sda or sdc,
then i will look into doing fresh, expert install to usb of f9 or f10

thanks much for your detailed responses
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kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files

2009-02-20 Thread jackson byers
in the thread
boot from backup copy of fc5 on usb external disk?
i described my initial problems and final success

Here I comment on the differences between  kubuntu,fedora  initrd

I had success using two different kernel,initrd
1) obtained from a kubuntu install
stanza in grub.conf:
title FC5copy (2.6.15-26-386) usbfc5 /media/disk-1 (hd1,2)sdb3 rootusb
 root (hd1,2) ## sdb3
 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 ro root=LABEL=rootusb  rhgb quiet
 initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386

This worked without any modifications on my part of the initrd init script
Moreover the disks were _not_ reordered

2)using my mainfc5
stanza in grub.conf:
title FC5copy (2.6.17-1.2174_FC5_usbrs4.sdb2sw.img)  /media/disk-1 (hd1,2)
  root (hd1,2)  ## sdb3
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 ro root=LABEL=rootusb  rhgb
  initrd /boot/initrd_usbrs4.sdb2sw.img

This also worked, but here I had to make modification of initrd init script
 both  on  resume /dev/sdxx
and on mkrootdev -t reiserfs -o defaults,ro /dev/sdc1

And here the disks _were_ reordered.
 usb originally sdc - now sda
 first scsi originally sda now sdb
 second scsi originally sdb, now sdc
This reordering caused me much confusion almost to the point where
I was going to give up.

So, the kubuntu kernel,initrd worked with minimum of fuss
the fedora  kernel,initrd rqrd days of effort, confusion
  (in part bc of my perpetual noobie status)

Aside from the different results just noted
my additional point here is that the
initrd init files are almost completely different in the two cases.

case 2) fedora initrd-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 (modified
[r...@bootp cleanrs3]# tail init
resume /dev/sdb2
echo Creating root device.
mkrootdev -t reiserfs -o defaults,ro /dev/sdc1
echo Mounting root filesystem.
mount /sysroot
echo Setting up other filesystems.
echo Switching to new root and running init.

case 1) kubuntu:  initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386
here the script is quite long; I will list the whole thing at the end.
I am not competent enough to try and edit this init;
as noted above, I didnt have to, it just worked.
This init has none of the fedora init structure
no use at all of
mkrootdev, sysroot, switchroot

googling could not find /dev/root gives a lot of msgs over
the past few years, all failing sysroot, switchroot,
and ending in kernel panic,
 mostly from redhat,fedora users.
I dont think I saw even one from ubuntu users--
that now is no surprise bc the ubuntu init file does its thing
in a different way.

Here is the init file from initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386
I would be interested in comments as to what it is doing;
and especially if anyone knows how it avoids reordering the disks.

[r...@bootp clean386]# cat init

mkdir /sys
mkdir /proc
mkdir /tmp
mkdir -p /var/lock
mount -t sysfs none /sys
mount -t proc none /proc

# Note that this only becomes /dev on the real filesystem if udev's scripts
# are used; which they will be, but it's worth pointing out
mount -t tmpfs -o mode=0755 udev /dev
touch /dev/.initramfs-tools
mkdir /dev/.initramfs
mknod /dev/console c 5 1
mknod /dev/null c 1 3

# Export the dpkg architecture
export DPKG_ARCH=
. /conf/arch.conf

# Bring in the main config
. /conf/initramfs.conf
for i in conf/conf.d/*; do
[ -f ${i} ]  . ${i}
. /scripts/functions

# Parse command line options
export break=
export init=/sbin/init
export quiet=n
export readonly=y
export ROOT=
export resume=${RESUME}
export rootmnt=/root
export debug=
for x in $(cat /proc/cmdline); do
case $x in
case $ROOT in

exec /tmp/initramfs.debug 21
set -x

depmod -a
maybe_break top

# Don't do log messages here to avoid confusing usplash
run_scripts /scripts/init-top

. /scripts/${BOOT}
parse_numeric ${ROOT}

maybe_break modules
log_begin_msg Loading essential drivers...

maybe_break premount
[ $quiet != y ]  log_begin_msg Running 

Re: kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files

2009-02-20 Thread jackson byers
poc responded:

On Fri, 2009-02-20 at 11:16 -0800, jackson byers wrote:
 Here I comment on the differences between  kubuntu,fedora  initrd

Fedora Core 5? It would be nice to know if this is relevant to F9 and
F10. Plus you don't say what version of Kubuntu you used.

being way behind the current versions,
of course I have no idea if this is relevant to f9,f10.
But if kubuntu present version still behaves as i said, ie no reordering of
while fedora f9,f10 probably still does  reorder the disks,
then my question could well be of interest to f9,f10,
for anyone looking to use usb external installs.
e.g., learning how kubuntu manages to not reorder.

I do see occasional other msgs in this list from users in fc2,fc5,fc6,
afaik there is no list rule that we cant ask questions on unsupported
Correct me if I am wrong.

the kernel version was given in my message
I believe it came packaged in kubuntu 6.06  dapper

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Re: kubuntu vs fedora initrd init files

2009-02-20 Thread jackson byers
Mikkel responded:
To tell if Ubuntu does the same thing, you would have to do the same
type of install. The reordering of the disks is because of two
reasons. The first is because of the BIOS, and affects Grub. When
you boot from a USB device, that device becomes BIOS drive 80, or
Grub drive hd0. This is because what ever hard drive you boot from
is automatically set to BIOS drive 80. This is also true when you
tell the BIOS to boot from the second hard drive in the machine.

The other reason affects the kernel ordering. How the kernel assigns
drives depends on the module loading order. Because you have to load
the usb_storage module from the initrd, the USB drive is the first
controller scanned. (There are ways to change that, but it not
easy.) This affects any kernel, or distribution that uses modules.
You run into the same thing when you install Ubuntu to a USB drive.
That is why a USB install is only offered as an expert install.
thanks for response. As is often the case, your response if full of info.
I am trying to absorb it all.
 To tell if Ubuntu does the same thing, you would have to do the same
 type of install.
First, let's be sure we are on same page.
What I did was to boot a usbexternaldisk copy of main fc5.
(this was not an anaconda install to the usbdisk)
I did this 2ways, each with its own grub.conf stanza
1) using  kernel,initrd from a kubuntu 6.06 dapper
   this boots, disks are _not_ reordered   ie usb is seen as sdc
2) using the kernel,initrd of the fc5copy(same as in mainfc5)
   this boots, disks _are_ reordered   ie usb is seen as sda

But, my bios does not see the usb disk, so in _both_ cases
 I copied the /boot files from the fc5copy into  sdb3 = (hd1,2)
This makes it  some kind of usb/scsi hybrid  bc the /boot files are on sdb

So when you say have to do same type of install
I think you mean, make a usbdisk copy of the kubuntu install (now on sdb5)
and then use the kubuntu kernel,initrd to boot this.
Then, if this again results in disks _not_ reordered,
only then will be able to see if ubuntu does the same thing.
Correct me if I am not understanding you.

this will take some time, but I want to go thru with it.
I first have to mv the fc5copy out of the topdir of the usb(its one large
and have my backup scripts do the copy of the kubuntu install to
topdir of usb.

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Re: A reminder of EOL for F8

2009-02-19 Thread jackson byers
 Aaron Gray wrote
 Legacy SCSI and SCSI RAID controllers are not supported in F9 and F10 due
to HAL   switchover, this is a known problem but no one seems to
want to do anything about it.

my controller  from lspci
02:0b.0 SCSI storage controller: Adaptec AIC-7892A U160/m (rev 02)

is this one considered   legacy?
 can you point me to source  for more detail?

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RE: boot from backup copy of fc5 on usb external disk? [solved]

2009-02-17 Thread jackson byers
feb 17 2009 success booting fc5copy on usb external disk
 thanks to Mikkel for pointing me in  right direction

this fc5copy was not an install, but rather a backup copy of my
mainfc5 on a scsi disk   on sda1

for days i was getting cant find /dev/root  kernel panic

finally fixed that with proper mkinitrd see below

then was  getting  cant access resume device /dev/sda2  for days
now understand that occuring bc of disk reordering

part of my problem was using reisrfs on the usb, but ext3 on mainfc5 on sda1
this required an extra  --preload=reiserfs  in mkinitrd cmd
and a further editing of the mkrootdev line  in the initrd  init file.

r...@bootp ~]# mkdir cleanrs2; cd cleanrs2
[r...@bootp cleanrs2]# mkinitrd --preload=ehci-hcd  --preload=usb-storage
--preload=reiserfs   /boot/initrd_usbrs2.img 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5

[r...@bootp cleanrs2]# gunzip -c initrd_usbrs2.img |cpio -i
5551 blocks
[r...@bootp cleanrs2]# ls
bin  dev  etc  init  initrd_usbrs2.img  lib  proc  sbin  sys  sysroot

now modify the mkrootdev line
mkrootdev -t ext3 -o defaults,ro /dev/sda1
mkrootdev -t reiserfs -o defaults,ro /dev/sdc1

[r...@bootp cleanrs2]# find . |cpio -c -o |gzip -9 ../initrd_usbrs2.img

at this point, still getting  cant access resume device /dev/sda2
but no longer getting caught in cant find /dev/root

next problem  was getting caught in filesytem check on  sda1,sda3
which eventually forced a reboot,  but no kernel panic!
The sda1,sda3 problems evidently bc of reordering of the disks (see below)
I got around this gotcha by
commenting out the sda1, sda3 lines in the usb fstab

my mainfc5 grub.conf has following stanza for the usb boot

title FC5copy (2.6.17-1.2174_FC5_usbrs2.img)  /media/disk-1 (hd1,2)
  root (hd1,2)  ## sdb3
  kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 ro root=LABEL=rootusb  rhgb
  initrd /boot/initrd_usbrs2.img

when booted up from usb:
fdisk clearly shows disks have been reordered

[r...@bootp ~]# fdisk -l

Disk /dev/sda: 250.0 GB, 250059350016 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 30401 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sda1   1   30401   244196001   83  Linux  was sdc1

Disk /dev/sdb: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdb1   *   1267621494938+  83  Linux   was
/dev/sdb226773163 3911827+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdb33164446210434217+  83  Linux

so to get swap working need  /dev/sdb2 instead of  /dev/sda2  in usb fstab

Disk /dev/sdc: 36.7 GB, 36703934464 bytes
255 heads, 63 sectors/track, 4462 cylinders
Units = cylinders of 16065 * 512 = 8225280 bytes

   Device Boot  Start End  Blocks   Id  System
/dev/sdc1   *   1  13  104391   83  Linux  was sdb1-7
/dev/sdc2  14 268 2048287+  82  Linux swap / Solaris
/dev/sdc3 269 281  104422+  83  Linux
/dev/sdc4 282446233583882+   f  W95 Ext'd (LBA)
/dev/sdc5 2821301 8193118+  83  Linux
/dev/sdc613022321 8193118+  83  Linux
/dev/sdc72322446217197551   83  Linux
[r...@bootp ~]#

if want mainfc5 (on sda1) mounted when boot  from usb
/dev/sdb1  /fc5holdin usb fstab

finally i think i have fixed the cant find resume device

i changed the fstab swap line to use sdb2 in place of sda2
but it seemed to require
rebooting twice for it to take effect

at this point, my usb backup copy of  my mainfc5(which is on a scsi disk)
is booting without complaint

The only thing i cant do is to have the fc5copy /boot  found on the usb,
evidently bc my bios cant see the usb disk

so my fc5copy /boot was copied to  sdb3  --  root (hd1,2)  in grub.conf

this is  just a holding tank for the /boot files:
I am not treating it as a separate /boot partition, not listed in fstab

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RE: mkinitrd fails in fc5 [solved]

2009-02-14 Thread jackson byers
my failure of mkinitrd command was evidently caused
by my cutting, pasting (via mouse middlle button)
from a pdf fileusb_install.pdf   that i  d/ld from somewhere

and every slight change i made was still operating on most of the original.
The copied line looked correct when i  first put into a text file,
but there must have been some character mistranslation.

When i typed in the full command mkinitrd responded as it should

sorry for the noise
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mkinitrd fails in fc5

2009-02-13 Thread jackson byers
Linux bootp 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 #1 Tue Aug 8 15:30:55 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386

I cannot get   mkinitrd to work.  It only responds with the --help list,
seeming to say that my syntax is wrong.
I am attempting to include  usb-storage

I am running as root   from /root

[r...@bootp ~]# mkinitrd ­­preload=ehci-­hcd ­­preload=usb-­storage
­­preload=scsi_mod  ­­preload=sd_mod  /boot/initrd_usb.img
usage: mkinitrd [--version] [--help] [-v] [-f] [--preload module]
   [--force-ide-probe] [--force-scsi-probe | --omit-scsi-modules]
   [--image-version] [--force-scsi-probe | --omit-raid-modules]
   [--with=module] [--force-lvm-probe | --omit-lvm-modules]
   [--builtin=module] [--omit-dmraid]
   [--fstab=fstab] [--nocompress] initrd-image kernel-version

   (ex: mkinitrd /boot/initrd-2.2.5-15.img 2.2.5-15)
[r...@bootp ~]#

and no new  .img  in /boot:
[r...@bootp ~]# ls -l /boot/*img*
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1058886 Aug 17  2006
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1081430 Aug 21  2006
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 7006019 Dec 21  2006 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386

my experience running mkinitrd is meager, but this just looks broken.
maybe fc5  is just too old?  I  saw lots of mkinitrd bugs wont fix   by

but this lack of any response except the help pkg
tells me I am doing something basically wrong.
I get same result  using  \ to breakup the command into two lines

thanks for any help
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RE: mkinitrd fails in fc5

2009-02-13 Thread jackson byers
Mikkel responded
You normally do not need to preload any SCSI modules. But the big
mistake I see here is you are using preload instead of --preload.


thanks to both Sam and Mikkel
but it does appear gmail was chewing my message
I hadthe double dash everywhere as  per the man page
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boot from backup copy of fc5 on usb external disk?

2009-02-11 Thread jackson byers
main fc5 system on sda1
[by...@bootp drhmail09]$uname -a
Linux bootp 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 #1 Tue Aug 8 15:30:55 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386

I am trying to boot from a backupcopy of my mainfc5
which backupcopy is in top dir of the usb disk /dev/sdc1
mounted as /media/disk-1  when in mainfc5
that usbdisk is one large reiserfs partition sdc1

1) first problem
 if i use in grub.conf in a new stanza
root (hd2,0)   corresponding to /dev/sdc1
then boot fails immediately  hd2 does not exist

I also note that when booting my mainfc5
there is an early message (not seen in dmesg) something like
  cant find special .../dev/sdc1
then later in the boot process it does find sdc1:
[by...@bootp drhmail09]$ dmesg |grep sdc1
 sdc: sdc1
ReiserFS: sdc1: found reiserfs format 3.6 with standard journal
ReiserFS: sdc1: using ordered data mode
ReiserFS: sdc1: journal params: device sdc1, size 8192, journal first block
18, max trans len 1024, max batch 900, max commit age 30, max trans age 30
ReiserFS: sdc1: checking transaction log (sdc1)
ReiserFS: sdc1: Using r5 hash to sort names

both pieces of evidence imply
that usb disk not available early enough in the boot process

Is there any fix for this or a workaround?

2) second problem
if i cheat and copy the /boot dir from the usb fc5copy  into /dev/sdb3
and use   root (hd1,2)  in grub.conf
then  again attempting to boot from usb  gets to ok booting the kernel

but shortly fails with could not find /dev/root and other couldnotfind

then kernel panic,locks up
 googling could not find /dev/root
reveals that this has been a problem in several fedora last few yrs,
 (most or all of them _not_ using external usb disk)
 fc6,fc7 maybe i saw one on fc8 as well
but no clean solution, in general not obvious (to me) why it occurred.
 some cases helped with use LABELs, some not. ( i tried this, no help)
 some cases helped with complex(to me) mkinitrd
 some cases helped with earlier kernel, but i dont see explanation of why

 In my case,
 the following stanza using an older kernel does boot!
 but has other problems.  eg networking not avail until i do a 2nd boot
 I got the older kernel
 from some oddball kubuntu  thing i was experimenting with way back

title FC5copy (2.6.15-26-386) usbfc5 /media/disk-1 (hd1,2)sdb3 rootusb
 root (hd1,2) ## sdb3
 kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.15-26-386 ro root=LABEL=rootusb  rhgb quiet
 initrd /boot/initrd.img-2.6.15-26-386

this kernel 2.6.15-26-386  instead of what i use in mainfc5

Is there any current advice re could not find /dev/root?
has anyone seen it in f8,f9,f10?

thanks for any advice
yes i know i should get f9 or f10.
but i would like to see if I can find clean method to
booting from usbexternal disk.

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konqueror usb media:/sdc1/ but mounted on /media/sdc1

2009-02-01 Thread jackson byers
an external usb disk is  mounted as
/dev/sdc1 on /media/disk-1 type reiserfs (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,sync)

which mount occurs on double clicking of the usb icon on the desktop

but the konqueror window which also pops up
shows in its location bar

here there is
no leading  /  on  media
no  /disk-1following  media
and no /dev  leading the /sdc1

is there documentation explaining these differences?
is this   media:/sdc1  ever used by users as an alternative location
thanks for any help

this is on FC5
$ uname -a
Linux bootp 2.6.17-1.2174_FC5 #1 Tue Aug 8 15:30:55 EDT 2006 i686 i686 i386

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Re: F10 HD install - anyone successfully done this?

2008-12-21 Thread jackson byers
Great posts by Tom Horsley and Mike Cloaked
re installing from iso files on hard disk.

My main question is how did Tom, Mike know that
the Anaconda options

can/should be added to the kernel line in grub.conf?

additional question re the stage2=  option  , quoting from the anaconda

Specifies a path to a install.img file instead of to an installation source.
Otherwise, follows the same syntax as repo=. If this parameter is provided,
it takes precedence over all other methods of finding the install.img.
Otherwise, anaconda will attempt to find the install.img first on any
existing CD, and then from the location given by repo=/method=.

If only stage2= is given without repo=/method=, anaconda will

Question:  what is meant by repo=/method= ???
it is used twice so not likely a typo
Perhaps some programming jargon(python?) ?

Thanks for advice
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laptop fc7 with NetworkManager couldnt find wired ip

2008-06-02 Thread jackson byers
on new laptop, with fc7
NetworkManager in charge
couldnt get on network with wired connection to router
ifconfig kept givingeth0  169.254.

finally from google search on 169.
  DHCP Considerations

DHCP clients automatically give their NICs and IP address starting
with 169.254.x.x until they can make contact with their DHCP server.
When contact is made they reconfigure their IP addresses to the values
provided by the DHC server. An interface with a 169.254.x.x address
signifies a failure to communicate with the DHCP server. Check your
cabling, routing and DHCP server configuration to rectify such a

ok at least then i knew the 169.xx was a standard
but i was prettty sure my wiring was ok
basically dslmodem-linksysrouter- lanside
- 2desktops static ips working for years, fc5 and an imacg5.

But now the fc7 laptop also wired connecition, but trying to connect via dhcp
which was evidently my problem.

Maybe not surprising since I have been strictly static ip based up until now.
It has been years since i did any configure steps on the router
and i have probably misplaced any cd that came with it.
So i wasnt at all sure at how to go about trying to wake up my router
to dhcp requests

I finally found in carla schroder linux cookbook a complete example
for setting up a dhcp server which i used on the laptop,
altho i wasnt at all sure this would help me wake up my router to
dhcp requests.
 I put in following file

[EMAIL PROTECTED] etc]# cat dhcpd.conf

default-lease-time 259200;
max-lease-time 518400;

subnet netmask {
  option subnet-mask;
  option broadcast-address;
  option routers;
  option domain-name-servers;

(As an aside, I would  _never_  have figured out all of that syntax from
the various dhcp,dhclient    man pages)

and rebooted the laptop
I had to fuss a bit more:
in order for eth0 to get its new dhcp assigned ip, it
seemed to also require taking the ethernet cable out and back in.
But now the laptop is on the net with dhcp working, and surviving reboots.

1)Is what i did overkill?  I think it means i made the laptop itself
the dhcp server.
Its working, but i would like some feedback from the list

2) what steps would i need to instead try to kick the router into
doing the dhcp?
Several months ago my vendor had me jumping thru hoops using dhclient
and some combo, including taking cable out/back in,
eventually got the wired eth0 working.
But then family health problemsetc intervened and I just abandoned the laptop
until now.
Any hints re use of dhclient?

3) any one else needing to take ethernet cables out and then back in to
make connections come alive?

any/all comments appreciated

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