Re: ssh key help

2010-01-01 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2010-01-01 08:34:40 PM, Gregory Sieranski wrote:
> I was having problems with my ssh key passphrase so I generated a new key. I
> uploaded it to my account and was wondering if someone can help me to get it 
> on
> my fedorapeople's page and on publictest6?
I just looked checked on those machines, and your key appears to be there as of
about half an hour ago.  I don't see any login attempts from you in the logs 

> Also, I am using the following commands to connect:
> ssh
> ssh
> Are these correct?
Those look good to me.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: problem with

2010-01-01 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2010-01-01 06:39:19 PM, Richard Zidlicky wrote:
> I should kick my butt - have completely forgotten that I set user 
> agent and other headers
> in .wgetrc to emulate dillo, which did accept gzip encoding.
> There is probably nothing you could do to help users like this, not even sure 
> it 
> is worth considering this as wget bug. 
Ah, that explains why I couldn't find any entries for wget in the logs - 
thanks for getting this cleared up.

> Happy New Year
Same to you!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: fedora sha1sum file

2009-12-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-31 06:46:16 PM, Ehtisham Haq wrote:
> I have downloaded ISO image of Fedora. Could you please tell me where 
> can I download sha1sum file to validate my download.
Hi, you can find links to the checksum files, as well as instructions 
for verifying them at  Note that the 
hashes are SHA256 hashes, not SHA1 hashes, so make sure to use sha256sum 
when verifying.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: problem with

2009-12-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-31 06:25:05 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
> wget --header="Accept-Encoding: gzip" 
Looking a bit more into this, I found, which says that 
wget does not support Content-Encoding: gzip, which is an HTTP 1.1 
feature.  Can you give me the output of:

wget -d

I'm curious to see if Accept-Encoding: gzip is being sent or 
Content-Encoding: gzip is coming back.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: problem with

2009-12-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
> Just checked curl with the same URL and it gives the cleartext content 
> to stdout. Wget the compressed stuff again..
> Can you look into your logs for, should be firefox, curl and 
> wget
> accesses. Its a NAT so you may get many more.
I couldn't find anything useful in the logs, but I was able to reproduce 
the issue using:

wget --header="Accept-Encoding: gzip"

I'll try to look more into why wget isn't decompressing the result 


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: problem with

2009-12-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-31 11:01:02 PM, Richard Zidlicky wrote:
> thats what happens here:
> [...@rz rai]$ wget -c --proxy=off 
> --2009-12-31 22:58:03--  
> Resolving,,, ...
> Connecting to||:443... connected.
> HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
> Length: 1078 (1.1K) [text/plain]
> Saving to: “Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM”
> 100%[==>] 1,078   --.-K/s   in 0.1s   
> 2009-12-31 22:58:10 (8.79 KB/s) - “Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM” saved [1078/1078]
> [...@rz rai]$ file Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM 
> Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM: gzip compressed data, from Unix
Is there anything between you and th eserver that could be affecting 
this?  Also, does this happen as well when you view it in a browser?

Just out of curiosity, what does this file decompress to, if anything?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: problem with

2009-12-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-31 10:24:53 PM, Richard Zidlicky wrote:
> sorry to use this contact address, was not sure where else to direct 
> this.
No problem at all, this is the right place to report website issues like 

> The procedure in this page has one significant stumbling point - the 
> file is a gzipped file - at least when it is downloaded using wget.
> ( I have tested it with 
> )
That definitely shouldn't be a gzipped file - does the file command say 
that it is one?  This is what the file should look like:

[ri...@gamma ~]$ wget
--2009-12-31 16:34:26--
Resolving,,, ...
Connecting to||:443... connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response... 200 OK
Length: 1511 (1.5K) [text/plain]
Saving to: “Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM”

100%[==>] 1,511   
--.-K/s   in 0s

2009-12-31 16:34:27 (5.54 MB/s) - “Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM” saved [1511/1511]

[ri...@gamma ~]$ cat Fedora-12-i386-CHECKSUM
Hash: SHA1

Version: GnuPG v1.4.5 (GNU/Linux)



Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-12-18

2009-12-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:00 < hiemanshu> #startmeeting Fedora Websites
20:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Dec 18 20:00:24 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
hiemanshu. Information about MeetBot at
20:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
20:00 < hiemanshu> #topic Who's here
20:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:00  * sijis is partially here
20:00 < hiemanshu> ricky: ping
20:00 < hiemanshu> tatica, mchua: ping
20:00  * ricky is here
20:01 < tatica> hiemanshu, pong
20:02 < hiemanshu> So Lets move on
20:02 < hiemanshu> #topic get.fp.o
20:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: get.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:02  * mchua here
20:02 < hiemanshu> sijis: around?
20:02 < sijis> somewhat...
20:03 < sijis> want me to talk about get.fp.o?
20:03 < hiemanshu> yup
20:03  * tatica : maria leandro :D
20:03  * digvijay here but for first time hence looking around
20:03 < ricky> Welcome
20:03  * mchua not usually around, but here for Fedora Insight questions
20:03 < hiemanshu> digvijay: Welcome
20:03 < sijis> so, i have to get started with get.fp.o project.
20:03 < digvijay> hiemanshu, ricky : thanks
20:04 < sijis> the idea it to be done with it before the next release.
20:04 < hiemanshu> sijis: Aim for F13-Alpha?
20:04 -!- RodrigoPadula [n=rodri...@] has quit "Ex-Chat"
20:04 < sijis> currently on the repo, there is a specific branch for the work 
going on. you will see me start making changes to that in the next couple of 
20:05 < sijis> hiemanshu: i don't know when the date for that is.. however, 
that would be a good time to do it. ideally, it should be before
20:05 < sijis> as initially it was proposed to do it by f12 release.
20:05 < hiemanshu> sijis: I think it about 20 weeks or so
20:05 < sijis> i would say.. lets target that.. but the sooner the better would 
work as well.
20:06 < hiemanshu> sijis: I ll update the trac with F13 Alpha as target
20:06 < hiemanshu> sijis: Anything else?
20:06 < sijis> nope. that's it on that.
20:06 < hiemanshu> #topic start.fp.o
20:06 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: start.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:06 < hiemanshu> sijis: you are up again
20:07 < sijis> so, there was a ticket requested a while back to make start.fp.o 
20:07 < sijis> i currently have all the changes done on my repo locally
20:08 < sijis> ricky said he'll work with me to get that done on the infra side 
too when he's done with school.
20:08 < sijis> (which is in a week or so)
20:08 < ricky> It started yesterday, actually :_)
20:08 < ricky> **:-)
20:08 < sijis> i know there's a bunch of infra stuff going on.. so it may be a 
tad longer.
20:09  * giarc_ shows up late...
20:09 < sijis> however, i expect it to be done relatively short (next week or 
20:09 < sijis> this is more of an FYI.. as its currently just a static html page
20:10 < sijis> any questions/concerns on this?
20:10  * hiemanshu has nothing
20:11 < hiemanshu> Lets move ahead
20:11 < hiemanshu> #topic spins.fp.o
20:11 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: spins.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:11  * mchua requests ping when Fedora Insight comes up, needs to finish a 
blog post
20:11 < hiemanshu> So spins was done intime for F12 release
20:11 < hiemanshu> mchua: sure
20:11 < mchua> thanks.
20:11 < hiemanshu> and sijis and mizmo did a really good job with it
20:11 < ricky> Biiig thanks to sijis :-)
20:11 < ricky> (And mizmo)
20:12 < hiemanshu> But we still have a few tickets for it pending
20:13 < sijis> thanks all.
20:13 < sijis> i'm slowly going through those tickets.
20:13 < hiemanshu> .webticket 6
20:13 < zodbot> #6 (implement sub-nav feature) - fedora-websites - Trac -
20:13 < hiemanshu> .webticket 7
20:13 < zodbot> #7 (spins.fp.o needs to document language support) - 
fedora-websites - Trac -
20:14 < hiemanshu> .webticket 3
20:14 < zodbot> timed out -
20:14 < hiemanshu> These are the 3 tickets that are currently pending
20:14 < hiemanshu> and have to be worked on
20:14 < sijis> the big one is the #6 ticket
20:15 < hiemanshu> sijis, ricky: ANything you want to add?
20:15 < sijis> nope
20:15 < ricky> Nope
20:16 < hiemanshu> #topic blogs.fp.o
20:16 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: blogs.fp.o (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
20:16 < hiemanshu> nb_: ping
20:16 < hiemanshu> I am not too sure if nb is around
20:16 < hiemanshu> but we still need to get documentation of the blogs, and I 
think the redirection issue is still unfixed
20:16 -!- mbroyles [n=mbroy...@nat/redhat/x-pjbswkvqruzdepms] has quit 
20:17 < hiemanshu> ricky: do you think pinging the docs t

Re: Websites Meeting Time

2009-12-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-12-17 11:36:49 PM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
> I know i'm bringing this up from the grave but we should try to meet
> this Friday or next week.
> I believe we should meet at our previous schedule Fridays at 2 or 3 PM, right?
Sounds good to me, I'll be around.

See you then,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Add translations to start.fp.o

2009-12-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-25 11:59:37 PM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
> I'm setting up translations for start.fp.o website
> (
> I've already have start.fp.o on the fedora-web repo configured and
> working for using genshi so that translations can be setup. Before i
> commit those changes I want to make sure I have puppet setup
> accordingly for the new setup. This is what i have setup on puppet:
Hey, sorry for the slow response.  The changes look fine to me, and we 
can test them out on staging first if we want to be sure.  I'll probably 
be pretty swamped for the next 1.5 weeks of so, but can we talk sometime 
after then to get this all setup?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Make it clear that 'Hash: SHA1' does not specify the checksum hash

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 05:19:58 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> This should only be needed until the rel-eng adds some explanatory text
> directly to the *-CHECKSUM files.  This is planned for F13 (by Oxf13 ;).
> ---
> Thoughts?  Is 'warning' too strong?  I wasn't sure if 'note' would
> stand out enough.  Perhaps I'm just grumpy after seeing so much
> confusion about this. ;)
> I'm also torn about the placement.  It might be better to move up to
> the top of the page, above the "Windows user?" note.
> |3 +++
>  1 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
> diff --git a/ 
> b/
> index f763b01..51a2402 100644
> --- a/
> +++ b/
> @@ -27,6 +27,9 @@
> href="";>i386
>  (KDE)
> href="";>x86_64
>  (KDE)
> +
> +${Markup(_('Please note that the Hash: SHA1 line in 
> the CHECKSUM file is part of the PGP signature.  It does 
> not specify the type of hash used to verify the .iso 
> files.'))}
> +
>  ${Markup(_('Next, import Fedora\'s GPG key(s):'))}
> -- 
Tiny thing, I'd use  instead of  for this.   Also, it might be 
good to place this above the checksum links at least for those that just 
click the links immediately.

While we're making changes to this page, there's also the issue that
is woefully out of date and still references SHA1 for those that click 
on the Windows user link :-(

Not what can really be done abou that last bit though.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: New Fedora 12 checksum are listed as SHA1 but are SHA256 Hash

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 01:24:00 PM, V Stuart Foote wrote:
> The posted checksums to verify ISOs for at least the i386 ISOs 
> suggests the Hash is SHA1, but the value is SHA256 for the 
> Fedora-12-i386-DVD.iso, suspect they may all be SHA256
> Probably should correct the mislabeled entry(s).
This is a common misconception.  The Hash: SHA1 line is part of the
PGP signature.  It has no relation to the sha256 checksum data in the
*-CHECKSUM files. has details on how
to verify downloads and does point out that sha256sum is what should
be used.

We're discussing ways to make this clearer in future releases so that
folks don't mistake the PGP Hash header as the hash used for the .iso


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 12 i386 DVD ISO Checksum File

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 01:47:39 PM, Stewart Todd Morgan wrote:
> I am not sure if this is a developer issue or a website issue, so 
> please  forward it to the appropriate party.  I downloaded the i386 
> Fedora 12  ISO and downloaded the  
> file  from  The hash in the 
> checksum file  is marked as SHA1, but the checksum actually appears to 
> be an SHA256  checksum (according to the instructions on the web page 
> and when I use  sha256sum against the ISO).  Some folks may be 
> confused by the SHA1  marker in the checksum file, particularly if 
> they don't both to read the  instructions on the web page.
This is a common misconception.  The Hash: SHA1 line is part of the
PGP signature.  It has no relation to the sha256 checksum data in the
*-CHECKSUM files. has details on how
to verify downloads and does point out that sha256sum is what should
be used.

We're discussing ways to make this clearer in future releases so that
folks don't mistake the PGP Hash header as the hash used for the .iso


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Problem

2009-11-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 11:43:21 AM, Luca Cecchi - Eldes wrote:
> Good morning, I’m very interested in your Fedora LAB live dvd but I haven’t 
> any
> torrent port opened. Can I download the distribution in a different way? Maybe
> http or fttp download.
Hi, you can also download the Fedora Electronic Lab spin from


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: website

2009-11-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-18 09:36:06 PM, astur wrote:
> I've finished the translation for fedora website in Asturian language
> (three letters code "ast")
> I would like to know if you can activate it for our language?
I've added it to the languages list, and it should show up in an hour or 

Thanks for the translations!

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Installation problem on fedora 12

2009-11-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-19 09:29:11 AM, shahmir karim wrote:
> Hi...
> Thanks for the latest fedora 12. After try the fedora 11 I wait for this 
> fedora
> 12. Unfortunately
> after download and burn the iso image to usb (that work on fedora 11. I'm 
> using
> unetbootin.exe
Hi, we don't support unetbootin for creating live USBs, but we do have 
instructions for creating a live USB from windows or Fedora:

To do it from a non-Fedora distribution, you can also use dd to write 
the Live CD iso file directly to the usb device, and that will create a 
live USB.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: broken link on home page

2009-11-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-11-11 03:09:17 AM, richard wrote:
> On the Fedora Home Page ( there is a link
> to the release notes.
> What's new in Fedora 11? Read the release notes. >>
> where is this supposed to take me?
> I assume it is supposed to go to but it does
> not, it takes me to a blank page.
Thanks a lot for the report!  The documentation team has added a
redirect to the correct page now, so the release notes link should work.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 12 countdown banner

2009-10-29 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-10-28 11:32:39 AM, Nicu Buculei wrote:
> On 10/27/2009 05:29 PM, Alexander Smirnov wrote:
>> I've uploaded English, Italian, German, Icelandic, Hungarian, Portuguese
>> (Brazilian) and Russian version this banner (translate based on previous
>> ( Fedora 11 countdown banner) to my
>>  space :
> Can we have the countdown up and running? There are only 21 days  
> remaining until the release so I think is is needed ASAP.
Sorry for the delay, I just got the counter up now.  Thanks Alex for 
making these and handling all those translations!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Include a link to /verify for pre-releases

2009-10-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-10-23 11:52:15 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Till Maas wrote:
> > Imho the link should go to the https version of the page to make it
> > more likely that people use the https link, e.g. when they bookmark
> > the page for later use.
> This is true.  It's a change that would need to be made to the
> get-fedora and verify pages as well, since both use similar code in
> the templates that don't enforce https.  I think I might have done
> this origianlly (I had the /verify patch laying around since the last
> release), but it may have caused issues with templating and/or
> translating?
> Anyone that knows more about the templating and translating would be
> awesome if they could chime in with some advice on how to do this
> properly.
I guess an absolute URL can't be avoided if we want https, so something 
like this might work:

${Markup(_('After downloading an ISO, verify; it.') % 
(path, lang))}

At some point, we can probably wrap making links like this in a function
letting you choose between https/http and absolute vs. relative.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [PATCH] Include a link to /verify for pre-releases

2009-10-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-10-23 10:36:07 AM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> Anyone opposed to adding the /verify link for now?  Or does anyone
> see a problem with how I've done it here?  I don't know the templating
> stuff very well, so I could be doing it all wrong.  The site did
> build for all languages with this applied, which seems like a good
> sign. :)
Looks good to me, thanks!  Make sure to push this to the f12-beta 
branch, so it'll go live (and then get into master when we merge into 


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
Sorry for the noise, I somehow sent this to the wrong list.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-10-15

2009-10-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
20:06 < mmcgrath> #startmeeting
20:06 < zodbot> Meeting started Thu Oct 15 20:06:16 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
mmcgrath. Information about MeetBot at
20:06 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
20:06 < mmcgrath> Who's here?
20:06  * a-k is
20:06  * sijis is here
20:06  * collier_s here
20:06  * nirik is around
20:06 < brothers_> here
20:07 < mmcgrath> Not too much going on this week, just focusing on things to 
get the beta ready
20:07 < mmcgrath> #topic Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Beta Tickets
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit "Leaving"
20:07 < mmcgrath> #link
20:07 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has joined #Fedora-Meeting
20:07 < mmcgrath> .ticket 1709
20:07 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #1709 (f12-beta website) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac -
20:07 < mmcgrath> hiemanshu: ping
20:07 < mmcgrath> sijis: ping
20:07 < mmcgrath> ricky: ping?
20:07 < smooge> hi
20:07 < hiemanshu> mmcgrath, pong
20:07 < mmcgrath> After the F12 release, should we leave this one to you guys 
or would you like us to continue tracking it?
20:08 < sijis> mmcgrath: pong
20:08 < mmcgrath> is the f12 beta website in good shape?
20:09 < hiemanshu> Its only gonna be a few changes
20:09 < sijis> yeah, i think so.
20:09 < hiemanshu> So yeah
20:09 < sijis> i know we got the banner for the countdown.
20:09 < sijis> i'll have to look at the ticket a little closer (honestly)
20:10  * dgilmore id here
20:10 < mmcgrath>  that's probably all that needs to get done.
20:10 < mmcgrath> Ok, moving on
20:10 < mmcgrath> .ticket 1711
20:10 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #1711 (Release day ticket) - Fedora Infrastructure - 
Trac -
20:10 < mmcgrath> tracking ticket, in good shape.
20:10 < mmcgrath> .ticket 1712
20:10 < zodbot> mmcgrath: #1712 (verify releng permissions) - Fedora 
Infrastructure - Trac -
20:11 < mmcgrath> smooge: this one's assigned to you though I suspect there's 
nothing else needed atm.
20:11  * ricky /me is here, sorry
20:11 -!- mizmo [n=du...@fedora/mizmo] has quit "Sláinte Mhath!"
20:11 < smooge> yes. I need to know what I should do about it. Will discuss 
after meeting.
20:12 < mmcgrath> 
20:12 < mmcgrath> And that's really all the tickets left, we're in good shape 
it seems.
20:12 < mmcgrath> #topic Search Engines
20:12 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Search Engines
20:12 < mmcgrath> a-k: you want to take this one?
20:12 < a-k> Sure.
20:12 < a-k> I didn't find any engines written in Python, but I found 4 written 
in Perl, according to their documentation.  2 are not actively maintained.  
Huzaifas and I split the 4 between us.
20:13 -!- Fedora11 [n=evil...@fedora/bobjensen] has quit "Leaving"
20:13 < a-k> Most engines are written in C.  Are we willing to consider them?  
The preference had been Python.
20:13 < abadger1999> a-k: C is okay.
20:13 < mmcgrath> a-k: C is perfectly ok.
20:13 < a-k> OK.  That opens it up quite a bit more.
20:14 < dgilmore> there are a few in java also
20:14 < mmcgrath> a-k: I was talking with huzaifas last night about this very 
topic.  I didn't mean to imply that language had as much weight as it has had :)
20:14  * ianweller is here
20:14 < mmcgrath> we have a preference for python and all but it's not a hard 
requirement at all.  We just want the best tool for the job.
20:14 < dgilmore> the one uses could be good to use
20:14 < a-k> Roger.  We'll look at the others.
20:14 < mmcgrath> a-k: any of them look particularly interesting?
20:15 < a-k> Of the Perl ones, Namazu looked good.  Huzaifas is looking at that 
20:15 < a-k> OpenFTS is not maintained, but it has a Python interface for apps 
to access it.
20:15 < mmcgrath> cool, well lets keep talking about this at the weekly 
meetings.  I think a few people are interested in the outcome of this.
20:15 < mmcgrath> yeah :( for unmaintained apps
20:15 < dgilmore> a-k: it needs to be maintained
20:16 < a-k> dgilmore:  yeah.  I figured
20:16 < mmcgrath> Ok, anything else on that?
20:16 < a-k> I don't think so.
20:16 < mmcgrath> K.
20:16 < mmcgrath> nb: you around?
20:17 < mmcgrath> 'mm kay
20:17 < mmcgrath> So really that's all that's going on at the moment that's 
meeting worthy
20:17 < mmcgrath> #topic Open Floor
20:17 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-meeting to: Open Floor
20:18 < mmcgrath> anyone have anything they'd like to discuss?
20:18 < mmcgrath> If not we'll close the meeting in 30
20:19 < sijis> blogs.
20:19 < sijis> so, i know there are minor things on it.. but i believe nb's 
thought its to put a public notice about it soon.
20:20 < smooge> how is it situated to go ?
20:21 < mmcgrath> sijis: yeah
20:21 < mmcgrath> I'm not sure the status of that a

Re: join fedora

2009-09-02 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-09-02 08:09:33 AM, KHILESH CHAUHAN wrote:
> Best wishes sir,
> My self khilesh chauhan from bhilai (chhattisgarh) .Currently doing B.E.
> in I.T. 3rd semester.
>  I want to join fedora project as a application developer for os . Please help
> me regarding my query.
> How i can join fedora.
Hi, you might be interested in some of the teams listed at - do any of those
topics look interesting to you?

Thanks, and welcome!

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: File not found

2009-09-02 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-29 09:30:54 PM, Steen Jarbøel wrote:
> This link
> Opgraderingsguide til Fedora 11
> on page:
> does not work.
Hi, thanks for the report!  We just fixed this in the repo, so the fix
should go live in a few minutes.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting Time

2009-09-02 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-21 02:33:43 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
> Hey, as I mentioned in the meeting, this is the last week where I will
> be able to make websites meetings at the current time.  Here's a
> whenisgood with my tentative good times starting from next week:
> Please fill it in and hopefully we can find an alternative time that's
> good for everybody.
Hey, I took a look at the results page here, and 4:00 PM EDT (20:00 UTC)
on Fridays look like a good time - how does this sound for everybody?


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-08-21

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00 < ricky> #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug 21 17:00:23 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00 < ricky> #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00  * mchua is here!
17:00  * ricky 
17:00  * hiemanshu is here
17:00 < ricky> sijis, nb_, tmz, anybody else who's interested: ping
17:00 < hiemanshu> sijis, onekopaka_away, nb ping
17:00 < ricky> Darn, I always manage to forget some
17:01 < hiemanshu> ricky, your getting better at it :P
17:02 < ricky> OK then
17:02 < ricky> #topic {get,spins}
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: 
{get,spins} (Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:02 < ricky> So back to what we were discussing
17:03  * hiemanshu was supposed to work on get.fp.o
17:03 < hiemanshu> i havent got much time off this week
17:03 < ricky> Unfortunately, we can't sit tight and just take feedback until 
the week of the F12 release :-/
17:04 -!- rdieter [] has joined #fedora-websites
17:04 < ricky> I think the "allocate X time for feedback" went a bit out of hand
17:04 < mchua> hey, rdieter!
17:04 < mchua> ricky: you mean the f-a-b discussion?
17:04 < ricky> Yeah
17:05 < mchua> ricky: sorry, I've been out of touch with websites lately and 
don't know what the timeline for both redesigns looks like... how is the 
current discussion affecting that timeline?
17:05 < ricky> I think the comments focus more on get.fp.o than spins.fp.o 
though, so I think we should talk with mizmo to get a close-to-final set of 
mockups and start working on HTML/CSS for that part
17:05 < hiemanshu> ricky, she says the current ones are close to final
17:06 < ricky> mchua: We basically have two months from now to have spins.fp.o 
17:06 < hiemanshu> two months is pretty less from what i see
17:06 < ricky> We may be able to stretch that date if we accept having fewer 
translations for release and having many of them come in after the release
17:07 < mchua> ricky: whoa, that's tight. what's the wiki page (or wherever) 
with dates?
17:07  * mchua hunts
17:07 < ricky>
17:08 < mchua> oh - I hadn't realized that get and spins were there, is that 
"Update Website Content"?
17:08 < ricky> The nice thing about working on spins.fp.o is that it's a 
requirement for get.fp.o and not the other way around
17:08 < ricky> Well...  the 2 months I gave were from now until the string 
17:08 < ricky> There's some flexible time between the two for things like 
17:09  * sijis is here.
17:09 < mchua> ricky: if this isn't the time for me to ask questions about the 
redesign schedule, I can ask them later, but it is something I'm confused about 
from the perspective of figuring out how marketing can help out with the 
17:10 < ricky> It's good to get everybody up to date on dates/requiremets
17:10 < ricky> **requirements
17:11 < ricky> So is there anything else anybody wants to discuss on this?
17:11  * hiemanshu leaves
17:11 < hiemanshu> sorry guys
17:11  * mchua waves at hiemanshu 
17:11 < hiemanshu> I need to leave
17:11 < ricky> mchua: If you see mizmo, mind asking her if we can start 
HTMLifying the latest set of spins mockups?
17:11 < ricky> hiemanshu: See you later, thanks for coming
17:11 < hiemanshu> Bye ricky
17:11 < hiemanshu> and sorry
17:11 -!- hiemanshu is now known as hiemanshu|AFK
17:11 < mchua> ricky: don't think she's in the office today, so might want to 
just send an email to list and cc her
17:11 < ricky> No worries
17:12 < ricky> Cool, will do
17:12 < mchua> ricky: I had a few questions on the get/spins redesign, I can 
splurt them all out here and you can tell me which ones are out of scope for 
this meeting.
17:12 < ricky> Feel free to splurt away
17:12 < mchua> 1. what's the schedule like - what are the milestones for 
various deliverables, and who's responsible and accountable for hitting them?
17:13 < ricky> Maybe we need to get more specific, but right now, all I have 
is: get everything done by 2009-10-20
17:13 < mchua> 2. where is the canonical place for the design discussion 
currently on f-a-b to be held? (f-a-b seems like a strange place to have that 
conversation, maybe here or the design list might be a better choice... but 
that convo has a lot of inertia)
17:13 < mchua> ricky: more specific please :)
17:13 < ricky> That includes spins and get-fedora, parts of which can hopefully 
be done in parallel
17:13 < mchua> ricky: basically, as someone who hasn't been deeply involved in 
the discussions so far, but who is interested in helping out, it's hard for me 
to find out what is going on and wha

Websites Meeting Time

2009-08-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, as I mentioned in the meeting, this is the last week where I will
be able to make websites meetings at the current time.  Here's a
whenisgood with my tentative good times starting from next week:

Please fill it in and hopefully we can find an alternative time that's
good for everybody.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Updating the mail notification hook used for the fedora-web git repository

2009-08-18 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-16 07:10:52 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> I was thinking about updating the mail notification hooks used in the
> fedora-web git repository.  We switched the infrastructure puppet
> repository to these a month or so back and they have worked well.  The
> output is a bit nicer than the current hook and it is called from the
> proper place (the post-receive hook rather than the update hook that
> is currently (ab)used for this).
> Partly, I'd like to convert things so we can get wider testing of the
> newer hook scripts, with an eye toward eventually converting most of
> the other hosted repositories to these scripts.  To that end, I
> whipped up a short shell script to do the dirty work:
> The script is also at ~tmz/bin/git-mail-hook-update on hosted1.
> I also noticed while looking at the config file for fedora-web.git (on
> hosted1) that we don't have receive.denyNonFastForwards set.  This
> might be something good to enable.  It prevents pushing updates that
> are not fast forwards, even if the --force option to push is used.
> This option is set when initializing a shared repository.  I think
> that when the fedora-web git repo was setup on that
> it was not created as a shared repository.  Either that or it was done
> so long ago that the git version in use did not do this by default.
> My bet is on the former, as the config also has 'bare = false' and
> some other options that are not typically set when creating a bare,
> shared, repository -- like having branch and remote settings.
> So with permission, I'd also like to update the config file to look
> like this (as well as adding the hooks.mailinglist setting):
> [core]
> repositoryformatversion = 0
> filemode = true
> bare = true
> sharedrepository = 1
> [receive]
> denyNonFastforwards = true
> The diff with the current config is:
> --- /git/fedora-web.git/config~   2009-01-08 21:19:38.0 +
> +++ /git/fedora-web.git/config2009-08-16 22:05:51.0 +
> @@ -1,12 +1,7 @@
>  [core]
>   repositoryformatversion = 0
>   filemode = true
> - bare = false
> - logallrefupdates = true
> + bare = true
>   sharedrepository = 1
> -[remote "origin"]
> - url = /git/fedora-web.git
> - fetch = +refs/heads/*:refs/remotes/origin/*
> -[branch "master"]
> - remote = origin
> - merge = refs/heads/master
> +[receive]
> + denyNonFastforwards = true
> Sound good?
Sounds good to me - feel free to make all the change mentioned, and
thanks for checking all of this out!


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites Meeting - 2009-08-14 17:00 UTC

2009-08-14 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, here's a really late reminder that we'll be meeting at 17:00 UTC in
#fedora-websites.  See you all there!


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: start.fp.o issue

2009-08-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-11 06:53:17 PM, Ian Weller wrote:
> For some reason on some computers start.fp.o is showing "Fedora 11
> Leonidas released in 7808 days." It doesn't have an image so it's alt
> text. It's loaded by JavaScript since the "F11 released" image is up for
> a brief period beforehand.
Any idea what kind of computer this happens on so that we can reproduce?
I've replaced the counter script with the normal banner rotation on now (although you should still be able to
reproduce the issue at


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-08-07

2009-08-07 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00 < ricky> #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Aug  7 17:00:40 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00 < fedbot> Meeting started Fri Aug  7 17:00:41 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00 < fedbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 < ricky> #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00 -!- FergatROn [i=469ef...@gateway/web/freenode/x-znxwvjoycljtqtlo] has 
joined #fedora-websites
17:01 -!- stickster_afk is now known as stickster
17:01 -!- stickster is now known as stickster_afk
17:01 < FergatROn> has the meeting started?
17:01  * sijis is here.
17:01 < ricky> It just did :-)
17:01 < FergatROn> awesome! I had to jump through some hoops to get here. :D
17:01 < ricky> Hehe, nice :-)
17:02 < sijis> welcome. :)
17:02 < ricky> mizmo, nb, onekopaka_away, ianweller, any other interested 
parties: ping
17:02 < FergatROn> thanks sijis
17:02  * nb 
17:02  * ianweller halfway
17:02  * nb halfway also
17:02 -!- hiemanshu_phone [i=75612...@gateway/web/freenode/x-kejtprvjgfkblkuf] 
has joined #fedora-websites
17:02 < FergatROn> Is there an agenda, ricky or is it all in your head? :D
17:02  * hiemanshu_phone is here
17:02  * ricky doesn't have very much for this meeting unfortunately :-(
17:03  * ricky is half-looking at the FESCo meeting too
17:03 < ricky> #topic Tasks
17:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Tasks (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:03 < nb> yeah, i need to get moving on blogs stuff
17:03 < FergatROn> what's the FESCo meeting?
17:03 < hiemanshu_phone> me is back frome hospital so i can help
17:04 < sijis> nb: i'm trying to setup blogs-test on pt15, so we can have 
something to test the ssl piece on.
17:04 < ricky> hiemanshu_phone: Hope you're feeling better
17:04 < hiemanshu_phone> ricky not that well when u have one hand to use :(
17:04  * nb would prefer to set up ssl on value1/2, but i know infra does not 
want to do that
17:04 < mizmo> ricky: pong
17:04  * FergatROn brb - changing clients
17:04 -!- FergatROn [i=469ef...@gateway/web/freenode/x-znxwvjoycljtqtlo] has 
quit "Page closed"
17:04 < ricky> On the bright side, you'll learn to type really fast one-handed 
17:04  * nb wonders why we do not want to do that?
17:05 -!- FergatROn [i=469ef...@gateway/web/freenode/x-qhfrngtmidiaqoks] has 
joined #fedora-websites
17:05 < ricky> First, we don't want to deal with separate certs on the app 
17:05 < nb> true
17:05 < hiemanshu_phone> ricky yeah :)
17:05  * ricky is done with FESCo stuff - just had to say one line there :-)
17:06 < ricky> OK, so sijis is working on getting a test instance setup on 
publictest15/16 to see what changes would be needed to run this properly
17:06 < FergatROn> [ot] amazing how I searched and searched for a web irc 
client and freenode had one available. /facepalm
17:06 < ricky> Hehe
17:06 < sijis> haha.
17:06 < FergatROn> some pretty sketchy sites out there with irc clients 
17:07 < hiemanshu_phone> yeah m using the webclient too :)
17:07 < ricky> OK, so any other updates on this for now?
17:07 < sijis> hiemanshu_phone: if you have a smart phone, you can get putty or 
an irc client.
17:07 < sijis> ricky: nope. just trying to set that test site up.
17:07 < ricky> Thanks for working on that
17:07 < hiemanshu_phone> sijis i do have both, but phirc is pretty buggy :(
17:08 < FergatROn> ricky: sorry, i haven't been here,but what's the test site?
17:08 < ricky>
17:08 < ricky> The goal is to the login to require https
17:08 < ricky> Normally a trivial task, but not so thanks to wordpress :-)
17:09 < hiemanshu_phone> fergatron new here? Seeing you for the first time :)
17:09 < ricky> (it's a little more complex than that - we're putting a reverse 
proxy in front of it, which is what's making this tough)
17:09 < FergatROn> yup, hiemanshu_phone - I've been to one other meeting a 
couple months back
17:09 < sijis> related... anyone get a hold of bretm (wp package owner)?
17:09 < FergatROn> You guys have probably talked about this already, but what 
about those hosting their own blogs - will pick this 
up too or do they have to blog on both platforms?
17:10 < hiemanshu_phone> sijis i did
17:10 < ricky> FergatROn: Planet is just an aggregator in front of blog 
services like blogs.fp.o
17:10 < ricky> So people will follow the same procedures for getting those 
blogs on planet
17:10 < FergatROn> ok ricky
17:11 < FergatROn> can I log into the test server now?
17:11 < FergatROn> I wouldn't mind testing.
17:11 < ricky> Not with your FAS info!  :-)

Meeting Reminder - 2009-08-07 17:00 UTC

2009-08-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, this is a reminder that we'll be meeting in #fedora-websites on
Freenode at 17:00 UTC on 2009-08-07.

See you all there!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Questions about Wiki translations

2009-08-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-08-05 10:40:25 AM, Jean-Baptiste Hétier wrote:
> I would be interested in translating Wiki Pages from English to French.  I
> have read the instructions on
> but I have a few
> questions left before getting started.
> First of all, as I understood, the translation's dictionary (FrenchDict for
> instance) is supposed to be a mapping between English pages and translated
> pages.  I've had a look at FrenchDict and GermanDict and was surprised to
> see that they both contain such a mapping *and* translations of English
> terms into French and German.  Did I miss something or are such
> translations of English terms not supposed to be part of the dictionary?
> Also, how does the Wiki uses that dictionary?  On the Wikipedia for
> example, when a page is available in other languages, there is a link in
> the left-hand menu.  Is there a similar feature on FedoraProject?  Is it
> not active for the moment?
> Eventually, how can a user search for pages in his/her language?  Such a
> feature is (I think) essential but I didn't find it.
Sorry, I'm not too familiar with the state of translations on the wiki.
Sadly, a lot of this stuff might be outdated information from back when
we used different wiki software.  Some work has been done with making
the wiki translatable in a similar way to mediawiki, but that hasn't
gone through to completion unfortunately.  

You might try asking if they have any more
up to date procedures for translating the wiki.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Fedora bug submitting process

2009-08-03 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, Jon and I had a great conversation (log below) about how confusing
submitting a bug to Fedora can be.  There are a ton of great points here
about some of the useless/confusing fields that get presented. 

I'm not sure what options we have for improving this, whether it's
making a friendly, stripped down page for bug submission (which won't
help the situation with the bug pages themselves, unfortunately), or
maybe having a simplified, step-by-step bug submission form like GNOME
has (, but this area
definitely needs our attention - bug reporting is one of the easiest
ways to make the jump from Fedora users to Fedora contributors, which is
very important :-)

01:21 < mccann> hey ricky
01:42 < ricky> mccann: Hey
01:42 < mccann> ricky: hey again :)
01:43 < mccann> ricky: is there anyone thinking about or working on making a 
separate bugzilla for fedora?
01:43 < ricky> No, thankfully :-)  Running a bugzilla is *painful*
01:44 < ricky> Luckily, Red Hat has people dedicated to running their bugzilla, 
so we're very happy to be able to use that :-)
01:46 < mccann> well many of us are not so happy
01:46 < mccann> besides the reasons you gave it doesn't make much sense to 
share them
01:47 < ricky> We, it is very nice to share bugs with RHEL as well
01:47 < ricky> For example, a lot of times, security/other bugs that get 
reported against Fedora/RHEL apply to upstream/downstream as well
01:48 < mccann> linking bugs sure
01:49 < mccann> but fedora and rhel have dramatically different audiences
01:49 < mccann> and should be designed as such
01:49 < mccann> currently red hat bugzilla is completely inappropriate for 
01:49 < ricky> In what places?
01:49 < mccann> in everything
01:49 < mccann> the design
01:50 < mccann> it is just targeting the wrong audience
01:50  * ricky hates the slowness for example, but that's my biggest complaint
01:52 -!- daMaestro [n=...@fedora/damaestro] has joined #fedora-websites
01:55 < ricky> Are there specific pages that are particularly wrongly targetted?
01:56 < ricky> Like the individual bug pages, or the bug submission page?
01:56 < ricky> Oh, and my second biggest complaint is the poor integration with 
FAS, which we unfortunately have to live with :-(
01:57 < ricky> One thing that we can do with the new bug page is design a 
better interface to that
02:01 < mccann> the new bug workflow is horrific
02:01 < mccann> scares me
02:02 < mccann> bug yeah I think the FAS thing is a problem too
02:02 < mccann> we should be integrating with koji and stuff too right?
02:02 < ricky> Yeah.  Of all the problems, the FAS one is the most hopeless one
02:02 < mccann> stuff that launchpad does maybe
02:02 < ricky> In what ways could it interface with koji?
02:02 < mccann> or the simplicity of kwestie
02:03 < ricky> And what are the main confusing parts in the new bug page?
02:03 < mccann> ricky: the whole new bug workflow is bad not just the page
02:03  * ricky is looking at it now :-)
02:03 < mccann> choosing Fedora vs. Red Hat is bad
02:03  * mccann pulls it up
02:03 < ricky> The first impression is that you have to click through two 
screens to get to the place that 90% of Fedora bugzilla users probably want to 
02:04 < mccann> first of all is strange
02:04 < mccann> since I was looking for fedora and i got this
02:04 < mccann> makes me do a double take
02:04 < ricky> Yeah, the front page looks totally Red Hat/RHEL-centric
02:05 < mccann> if I manage to get past that... and many may not
02:05 < ricky> It might be good to have common links on the front page
02:05 < ricky> For example, one that goes directly to reporting bugs in RHEL, 
Fedora, and EPEL
02:05 < mccann> well for me I'd prefer to have a different account for my 
fedora bugs and my rhel bugs
02:05 < mccann> but i'll be specific about the new bug workflow for now
02:05 < mccann> i clicked new
02:06 < ricky> Darn, mizmo isn't around - she'd be the first person I'd want to 
be here for a discussion like this :-)
02:06 < mccann> what does "All:  Show all products" mean?
02:06 < ricky> Wow, I had never clicked that link before
02:06 < mccann> its the first one :)
02:06 < ricky> I wasn't aware that jboss stuff was here as well
02:06 < mccann> and other?  wtf
02:07 < mccann> i want fedora
02:07 < mccann> ok I click Fedora (duh)
02:07 < mccann> ok now what is all this stuff
02:07 < ricky> OK, so that's annoying/useless, but hopefully not too confusing 
02:07 < mccann> i have another list
02:07 < ricky> Yeah - if anything, I'd emphasize Fedora/EPEL more
02:07 < mccann> annoying is worse than confusing
02:07 < ricky> I'd rename "Fedora EPEL" to "EPEL" to reduce confusion there
02:07 < mccann> point is that at every turn people will flee
02:08 < ricky> Fedora Hosted Projects needs to die
02:08 < ricky> I don't even know what Fedora Management Console is
02:08 < mccann> creating a bug MUST be one click from the home screen
02:08 < ricky> And do

Meeting Log - 2009-07-31

2009-07-31 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00 < ricky> #startmeeting Fedora Websites
17:00 < onekopaka> k
17:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 31 17:00:05 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to:  (Meeting topic: 
Fedora Websites)
17:00 < ricky> #topic Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Who's here? (Meeting 
topic: Fedora Websites)
17:00  * nb 
17:00  * stickster  
17:00  * onekopaka 
17:00  * ricky 
17:00 -!- mizmo [n=du...@nat/redhat/x-xjvducmcqyezityp] has quit "Sláinte 
17:00  * hiemanshu is here
17:00 < ricky> ianweller_away, mchua, any-interested-advisory-board-people: ping
17:01 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: nb ?
17:01 < onekopaka> ricky: ianweller_away sent mail to the list saying he's gone.
17:01 < ricky> onekopaka: Oh, which list
17:01 < onekopaka> ricky: mizmo is also not here (hence her quiting the irc 
17:01 < onekopaka> ricky: f-w-l
17:01  * hiemanshu dint get any
17:02 < ricky> All right then.
17:02 < ricky> #topic get-fedora redesign
17:02 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: get-fedora redesign 
(Meeting topic: Fedora Websites)
17:02 < ricky> #link 
<- stickster's email about that
17:02  * hiemanshu doesnt like what mizmo did to the mockup
17:02 < onekopaka> #link
17:03 < ricky> So mizmo posted a unfinished mockup today - I think we should 
hold back the comments until it's actually done, since it could still be 
changing a lot as she works on it
17:03 < hiemanshu> onekopaka: that mockup in my idea is _BAD_
17:03 < hiemanshu> ricky: where are the other options? x86_64
17:03 < stickster> Critiques of in-progress works can be helpful
17:03 < hiemanshu> mainly thats what we spoke of
17:03 < stickster> hiemanshu: Can you be a bit more specific please?
17:03 < onekopaka> hiemanshu: I know, I figured that you would say that.
17:04 < ricky> stickster: Well, I'm saying this based on what mizmo said last 
meeting about not wanting to post her unfinished mockup
17:04 < stickster> ricky: OK, understandable
17:04 < hiemanshu> stickster: the main reason we wanted a new look because we 
wanted people to be able to find pages easy
17:04 < stickster> I think the thing to remember about this design is that it's 
going to be in accordance with the requirements that are being developed on FAB
17:04 < ricky> So did everybody see the stickster's email?
17:05 < stickster> Board meeting notes from yesterday are also good reading
17:05  * onekopaka looks at taht now.
17:05 < hiemanshu> ricky: not really, will read it after the meeting
17:05 < onekopaka> that*
17:05 < stickster>
17:05 < ricky> Basically, there was some disagreement about the target audience 
requirements for the page in the past, which led to the page being messy with 
our attempts to please everybody
17:05 < onekopaka> links = pain when using irssi
17:05 -!- caillon [] has joined 
17:06 < ricky> So the board has made the call of exactly who this page will be 
targetted at, so that there will be no question about those requirements
17:06 < stickster> There's a thread on FAB about this now, as a matter of fact.
17:06 < hiemanshu> ricky: is there a meeting log?
17:06 < ricky> Of course, how that gets implemented and for example, how the 
page targetted at people that know what they want is presented is still up to us
17:07 < ricky> hiemanshu: It wasn't an IRC meeting, so there's no log, but 
there are minutes posted on fedora-advisory-board
17:07 < onekopaka> ricky: a phone meeting?
17:07 < ricky> #link 
board meeting minutes
17:07 < hiemanshu> ricky: hmmm, i wanted to read it out so i can have a proper 
idea what people really think
17:08 < ricky> hiemanshu: The summary of what a lot of people think is that the 
original design of the get-fedora page got derailed by trying to please 
17:08  * hiemanshu agrees
17:08 < onekopaka> especially with KDE.
17:08 < stickster> ricky: And in addition, we don't have a good enough 
presentation for the many custom spins that are done every cycle.
17:08 < ricky> For example the random inconsistent buttons on the left side 
that links to different arches/desktop environments
17:09 < ricky> Ah, yes - one big part that I left out is a redesign of
17:09 < hiemanshu> ricky: a cleaner look like what other Distros have (Gentoo & 
Debian) would be better
17:09 < stickster> The Board wants two redesigns to happen. One will be a clear 
route to a single default spin that is the landing place for people who are ne

Re: Redesign of downloads (Websites meeting reminder)

2009-07-30 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-30 01:51:40 PM, Paul W. Frields wrote:
> One of the issues the Board has been discussing recently is the state
> of our various download pages for Fedora.  This topic springs directly
> from the process of getting to the heart of Fedora's goals.  Along the
> way we've determined that one of the steps we can take is to improve
> the clarity of how we present the Fedora distribution.  The way many
> people come into contact with that presentation is through our
> download site, which needs to provide a first-rate experience for
> everyone who uses it.  This topic clearly falls into the Board's
> domain, because it's to do not with the production of the Fedora
> distribution, but rather with the way it's presented, and with the
> design of one of the essential public-facing pieces of the project.
> A good, user-centric design must be simple and easy to follow, and
> provide a route for all users to reach what they want.  The most
> effective route for new users of the website is usually very different
> than for experienced ones, but all routes must be attractive and
> effective for the people using them.  The experience we currently
> provide for both these groups on our download site is not terribly
> attractive or effective, and needs revision.  Thanks to some dedicated
> community members, there was some work done to redesign these
> experiences in the past, but for a variety of reasons those efforts
> didn't fully succeed.  The Board and I want to see them back on the
> front burner, so that we are providing the best possible presentation
> of the many faces of Fedora, whether that presentation is more of an
> introduction to free software, or intended for experienced users.
Hey, this would be great to discuss at tomorrow's websites meeting if
any of you can make it - it'll be at 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites on
Freenode (unfortunately this is at the same time as the FESCo meeting). 

For those on fedora-websites-list, the full message that I mercilessly
trimmed here is at


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Re: errors on fedora electronic lab page

2009-07-29 Thread Ricky Zhou
CCing this to chitlesh.

On 2009-07-29 10:52:17 PM, Simao Cardoso wrote:
> hi,
> On
> section: Circuit and PCB Layout
> On Tools, the links have wrong names.
> Where is Alliance should be gerbv and where is gds2pov should be gEDA.
> I could say it's a joke but you simple copy from section above and
> forget to change the name. The urls are correct.
> Simao
> -- 
> Fedora-websites-list mailing list

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora website: unable to access pages

2009-07-25 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-25 05:39:19 PM, Bhavin Joshi wrote:
> Hello Fedora webmasters,
> When I try to access my wiki pages, I got following errors:
Hi, we think this was due to a configuration error we made yesterday,
can you see if it's fixed now?

Thanks for the report,

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: It was "fun", bye bye.

2009-07-24 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-24 09:05:53 PM, Mark wrote:
> One last request: Delete my fas account please (markg85) and
> everything that has markg85 in it.
> For fas: Why is there now: "delete my account"?
We do not delete accounts because there can always still be references
to that account. The way to "clear" your account is to clear out any
information you don't want kept in the edit user page (you can replace
it with DELETED or something), then change your account status to

If you'd like, you can file a ticket at (login with your FAS
account), and we can do this for you.

Good luck,

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: main page changes

2009-07-24 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-23 12:10:03 AM, Jorge Gallegos wrote:
> This is the other half of the changes, adding the no-trac projects to the main
> page. A summary of changes:
>  - Added a new option to the script so it accepts which VCS to build
> (i.e. -c svn -c git)
>  - Changed the project list to a dict, in order to better be able to compare
> data. Changed template accordingly
>  - The script now looks for all the specified projects inside each 
> dir, then loops through all the Trac enabled projects and overwrites the
> VCS-only data with the Trac data if available
>  - Some minor changes to the CSS and some unused variables were removed
> I am attaching the patch here, I couldn't fully test the patch with hosted
> projects (since I'm already half asleep) but a list of svn,git and mtn 
> projects
> (pretty printed) is here . I didn't
> see anything wrong with the structure, so I think is good to go.
> The changes as they stand should make no difference, the Makefile needs to add
> the -c options to the call in order to build the rest of the 
> projects.
Hey, thanks for working on this, it looks good to me as long as the code
changes run fine :-)

We recently had a user who was surprised that the page loaded with the
full list of projects but hid everything but a* shortly after - could we
add an "all" button as well and make it the default?


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list


2009-07-24 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-24 04:53:29 PM, prabakaran wrote:
> we are planned to introduce 'alternate operating systems' for students other
> than windows in line with changing trend OS field.
> Also we are very much impressed with your achievements on this field. For this
> we need all the stable releases of your OS in DVD.
> Can we have the same from you?.(Unfortunately we cannot download from web)
Hi, that sounds great!  You should probably join the Fedora Ambassadors
list (
and see if you can requests resources there for an event.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites Meeting Reminder

2009-07-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, here's a reminder that we'll be meeting in #fedora-websites at
17:00 UTC on 2009-07-24.  I might be slightly distracted for this one
because I might have an issue to discuss in the FESCo meeting at the
same time.  Hoe to see you all there!


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Web Group Cleanup

2009-07-23 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, I just went through and removed all inactive accounts for the web
group.  If you feel that you have been wrongly removed, please let me


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2009-07-22 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-22 05:09:40 PM, David Woodard wrote:
> Well I went to the place where it is said to download KDE and spent over
> 4 hours to download it , it turns out that it also installed the GNOME.
> So where is the right file to download the KDE Please?
Hi, did you download the install DVD by any chance?  The DVD is the same
download link on both the KDE and GNOME pages because the KDE packages
are available on the DVD if you choose them during the installation.
The default desktop on the DVD happens to be GNOME, but you can install
KDE using the package manager as you normally would.

If you downloaded the Live CD instead, then in that case, it should
default to KDE if you got the right one.  The proper page for that is


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Javascript Error on fp.o

2009-07-22 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-22 10:32:36 AM, Sijis Aviles wrote:
> A javascript error on fp.o was noticed a few days ago and brought to
> our attention on #fedora-admin. The error was noticed on IE7 and i
> could also confirm it on IE6.
> I think i know what the problem is, it was the do with an extra comma
> in the banner[] array.
Hey, thanks or looking at this!  This is a trivial change, and there
isn't much much chance of it introducing any breakage, so feel free to
commit this right away.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list


2009-07-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-21 09:28:31 PM, samuel sanchez farfán wrote:
> Hola, me gustaria que me facilitases un link ya sea ftp o un enlace en 
> descarga
> directa del fedora core 5 versión ppc. Lo quiero para PS3


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Re: Adding Phone Browser support

2009-07-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-17 12:53:18 PM, Mel Chua wrote:
> The front/about page, for the on-the-go scenario of "I wonder what  
> Fedora is/let me show you what Fedora is, this is our homepage." I agree  
> with Mo that mobile browsers of fp.o will probably only look at a few 
> pages.
As I mentioned on IRC, I think it's unnecessary duplication of effort to
create a whole new set of pages (or even selectively take away pages)
for a mobile version of the website.  We can simply use the CSS handheld
media type to style the page in a way that looks great on those small


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-07-17

2009-07-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00 < ricky> #startmeeting
17:00 < zodbot> Meeting started Fri Jul 17 17:00:24 2009 UTC.  The chair is 
ricky. Information about MeetBot at
17:00 < zodbot> Useful Commands: #action #agreed #halp #info #idea #link #topic.
17:00 < ricky> #topic Fedora Websites Meeting - Who's here?
17:00 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Fedora Websites 
Meeting - Who's here?
17:00  * ricky 
17:01  * sijis is here
17:01 < ricky> I get the feeling that this will be a short one :-)
17:01  * nb
17:01 < nb> hiemanshu, ping?
17:01 < sijis> aren't they typically short?
17:01 < ricky> mizmo, ianweller, nb, hiemanshu, onekopaka_away, anybody I 
missed: ping
17:01 < ricky> sijis: They tend to be either really short (<15 minutes) or 
really long (>1 hour)
17:02 < ricky> There hasn't been much in between
17:02  * hiemanshu is here now
17:02 < ianweller> hi
17:03 < ricky> Cool, some more people, let's move on:
17:03 < ricky> #topic Fedora Websites Meeting - Tasks
17:03 -!- zodbot changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Fedora Websites 
Meeting - Tasks
17:03 < ricky> OK, so any update on any of the tasks from previous weeks?
17:03 < nb> blogs is stalled pending FAS integration
17:03 < hiemanshu> Nope not really
17:03 < nb> hiemanshu, is going to look at it today i think?
17:03 -!- mohammedsafwat__ [n=moham...@] has joined 
17:03 < ricky> sijis: Thanks for the websites fixes by the way, I committed 
them to puppet earlier so it should be live now
17:04 < sijis> ricky: oh cool. :)
17:04 < ricky> nb: What part is stalling it?  What work needs to be done to 
unstall it?  :-)
17:04 < nb> ricky, getting the plugin to check the passwords
17:04 < nb> it right now just checkes for a valid username
17:04 < ricky> So if anybody has IE6, please test 
17:04 < nb> it looks like it is checking password, but in practice does not work
17:05 < ricky> nb: Has anybody gotten a chance to try debugging the issue on a 
publictest machine?
17:05 < nb> ricky, not sure, all i know that has been done is that nigel looked 
at it that night
17:05 < nb> and didnt figure anything out, i dont know that anyone has done 
much since then
17:05  * ricky remembers a few people being interested in doing the FAS auth 
17:05 < sijis> i can assist with the password checking, if you need another set 
of eyes.
17:05 < nb> .fasinfo sijis
17:05 < zodbot> nb: User: sijis, Name: Sijis Aviles, email:, Creation: 2009-05-24, IRC Nick: sijis, Timezone: 
US/Central, Locale: en, Extension: 5130830, GPG key ID: , Status: active
17:05 < zodbot> nb: Approved Groups: cla_done sysadmin cla_fedora
17:05 < zodbot> nb: Unapproved Groups: None
17:06 < nb> sijis, i can send you the plugin or if ricky will sponsor you to 
-test you can access it there
17:06 < ricky> sijis: It looks like we have none now, so definitely - go ahead 
and apply to sysadmin-test if you want to take a look
17:06 < ricky> nb can probably walk you through the current setup
17:06 < sijis> okay. i'll apply shortly.
17:06 < nb> wheres the test fas? pt3?
17:06 < ricky> YUp
17:06 < nb> i need to change the fasauth plugin to use that
17:07 < nb> so we aren't using production info
17:07 < ricky> Yeah, that needs to be done ASAP
17:07 < ricky> OK, anything else on blogs.fp.o?
17:07 < nb> ricky, not really, otherwise i think we are ready to deploy
17:07 < sijis> i know the wiki has a module for the fas authentication. i took 
a look at that a while back to have an idea how it worked.
17:07 < ricky> I did also send an email to somebody at Red Hat that might have 
experience with wordpress mu auth.  I haven't gotten any response on that yet.
17:08 < ricky> sijis: That's supposedly what the current one is based on, but 
it looks like it's just not working.
17:08 < nb> need to get a database created and get the database imported into 
there, or create a new one, import would be best because theres some annoying 
17:08 < ricky> So what *does* the current pugin do yet?
17:08 < ricky> nb: we can import, sure.
17:08 < ricky> Does it check that the username is in CLA + 1 non-CLA group?
17:08 < nb> ricky, it checks to see that the username that is provided is a 
member of cla_done and i think one other group
17:08 < nb> i know cla_done
17:09 < ricky> OK.
17:09 < nb> and then it adds them a wpmu account to use
17:09 < ricky> Make sure the other group is non-CLA (it can't start with 'cla_')
17:09 < nb> they can then go to signup after they are logged in
17:09 < ricky> That's one point where it's different from the wiki.
17:09 < nb> if they want a blog
17:09 < hiemanshu> ricky, it checks if that person has an fp.o email ID
17:09 < ricky> How does it check that?
17:09 < hiemanshu> and uses that email ID for verification
17:10 < ricky> I'd rather not even make an entry in the db without the proper 
FAS credentials, but if that's not feasible, then that's fine too.
17:10 < r

Re: main page changes

2009-07-16 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-15 08:14:27 PM, Jorge Gallegos wrote:
> Given this ticket [1] I set out to make some changes (here the patch[2]), 
> which
> I tested in my local and they seemed ok, but I wanted some feedback. There's
> still the issue that the main page is displaying only the trac-enabled
> projects. I will remedy that right after pushing these changes.
> I made a change to the Makefile, because I'm now using jquery for some UI
> tricks in the page, however I am not sure if they should be propagated to 
> other
> Makefiles since no other site uses jquery right now.
> If these kind of third party libs are stored somewhere, point me to the place
> so I can reference them properly in the change. If not, it may be a good idea
> to create a third party repo for them? like and
> ? what do you think?
Looks good to to me, push away! 

Thanks for the patch,

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites Meeting Reminder

2009-07-16 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hi, sorry I was a bit late with sending this again, but we'll be meeting
in #fedora-websites on Freenode at 17:00 UTC on 2009-07-17.  See you all


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Re: yum outage, could a message be posted?

2009-07-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-13 11:30:26 AM, Rubin wrote:
> I was wondering if you guys could post a message somewhere visual on
> or regarding the rather longish yum
> update outage? there's a bugreport for it here:
> At the moment only insiders understand what's happening or people on
> #fedora. I think it would be polite to our users to tell them what's
> happening.
Hi, we tried to spread the information and status as much as possible by
emailing fedora-announce-list with a link to a status ticket:

Right now, we believe that mirrors should be returning to normal today,
so we probably will not make an announcement on the website at this
point, but that is certainly something we will consider in the future.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-07-10

2009-07-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
/me still needs to learn to use meetbot - sorry about missing that this
week :-)

17:00 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Fedora Websites 
Meeting - Who's here?
17:00  * markg85 is here
17:00  * ricky had a feeling this was going to be a quick one :-)
17:00 < hiran> hiran is here.
17:02 < ricky> hiran: Hey, are you new around the websites team?
17:02 < hiran> ricky : ya
17:02 < markg85> hiran, welcome ^_^
17:02 < ricky> Cool, welcome
17:02 < hiran> Thanks All
17:03 < ricky> OK, I guess let's get started
17:03 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Fedora Websites 
Meeting - Tasks
17:03 < ricky> OK, so any updates on tasks for this week?
17:03 < markg85> o yea
17:04 < ricky> Go ahead :-)
17:05 < markg85> Well it was requested that feedback on and 
get.fp.o was gathered by me, hiemanshu and mizmo and i did it :)
17:05 < markg85> quite a lot of feedback actually
17:06 < markg85> so a link to it:
17:06  * markg85 looks for it
17:06 < markg85>
17:07 < ricky> Cool - hopefully that'll be useful for the work mizmo was 
looking at with get-fedora
17:07 < ricky> She couldn't make this meeting, so we'll probably get updated on 
that next meeting or via the mailing list
17:08 < markg85> mizmo and i where looking at get-fedora and hiemanshu and i 
where looking at the main fedora page (or am i wrong now?)
17:08 < ricky> That sounds right
17:08 < ricky> OK - so quick update on the blogs.fp.o work that nb|away has 
been working on
17:09 < ricky> I think that's currently waiting on FAS auth and that's it
17:09 < ricky> There's at least a partial auth plugin that exists now, but it 
still has a lot of bugs to be worked out
17:10  * ianweller is here
17:10 < markg85> it's quite hard for me to get any further on those 2 sites now
17:10 < ricky> Busy with life?  :-)
17:10 < markg85> i guess we need to discuss what's in the feedback but the 
persons required for that are not here
17:10 < ricky> ianweller: Hey
17:11 < ricky> markg85: Yeah, these past two weeks have been really busy for a 
lot of people
17:11 < markg85> ianweller, hi
17:11 < ricky> Feel free to ping on the mailing though
17:11 < ricky> I only have one update on my tasks, from just a few minutes ago 
17:11 < markg85> ricky, i would have expected a reply from them in the list 
where i posted the feedback. no reply yet
17:11 < ricky> I've made the first contact to the docs team about some of the 
thoughs we had on how docs.fp.o could be improved:
17:12 < ricky> Hopefully that'll be received positively
17:13 < ricky> So any other updates on tasks right now?
17:13 < markg85> nope
17:14 < ricky> All right then
17:14 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Fedora Websites 
Meeting - Open Floor
17:14 < ricky> Does anybody have anything they want to discuss?
17:14 < ricky> I know it's kind ofa small meeting here today
17:14 < ricky> **of a
17:14 < ricky> For those reading the logs:
17:14 < ricky> If this time has started not working for you, we can certainly 
look at changing times too
17:15 < ricky> So please reply on list if that applies to you
17:15 < markg85> only that i would like 'feedback' on the feedback i gathered 
17:15 < ricky> markg85: What I'd do is post a couple of questions about the 
feedback in response to your original post
17:15 < ricky> That should get you some responses
17:15 < markg85> will give that i try
17:15 < markg85> a*
17:15 < ricky> Thanks
17:16 < ricky> OK, so if there's nothing else, I'll close the meeting a few 
17:16 < ricky> hiran: Did you send a self-intro to list, by the way?
17:16 < hiran> ricky: no
17:17 < ricky> Ah, that'd be good to do when you get a chance so that people 
know you're here :-)
17:17 < hiran> but i have applied to the website team.
17:18 < ricky> There are a lot of changes being talked about with websites now 
- it's just hard to get everybody together at the same time :-/
17:18 < markg85> ricky, perhaps send a mail to the list today or tomorrow for 
the meeting next week?
17:19 < ricky> markg85: Sure, or maybe we can wait a day or two first to see if 
anybody responds to this week's logs and wants to look at changing the meeting 
17:19 < ricky> **time
17:19 < ricky> But I'll definitely send it earlier for next week
17:19 < markg85> oke good
17:20 < ricky> Anyway, sorry this one went a bit short.  Our meetings seem to 
always be either 10-15 minutes or >1.5 hours long, depending on how many people 
are here :-)
17:20 < ricky> Anyway,
17:20 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Fedora Websites 
Meeting - Meeting Close
17:20  * ricky sends logs

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting - 2009-07-10 at 17:00 UTC

2009-07-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-10 10:40:46 AM, Máirín Duffy wrote:
> I can't make it this week because of a business meeting. :( I have been
> working on a mockup/redesign for get-fedora based on user feedback but
> it's not quite complete yet.
Awesome!  We look forward to seeing how some of the x86_64/KDE issues
can be solved.  I guess you can Hiemanshu can find each other on IRC to
talk about the user gallery sometime.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Websites Meeting - 2009-07-10 at 17:00 UTC

2009-07-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-10 02:36:36 PM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:
> I cannot be there as the net here is down from the past two days. But
> i would like you people to talk about the user gallery with mizmo.
Sure thing, do you have any particular questions we should bring up?


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites Meeting - 2009-07-10 at 17:00 UTC

2009-07-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, this is a reminder for the weekly meeting in #fedora-websites on
Freenode, as usually,  See you all there!


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 11 : Download Link Not Working

2009-07-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-09 05:12:31 PM, Saurabh Sharma wrote:
> Clicking i386 - Install DVD on
> gives us 403,please resolve asap
Hi, sorry for the extra email - can you tell us if it is still happening
for you right now?  If so, what IP are you requesting that from?  


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 11 : Download Link Not Working

2009-07-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-09 05:12:31 PM, Saurabh Sharma wrote:
> Clicking i386 - Install DVD on
> gives us 403,please resolve asap
Hi, we're reporting this to the mirror now, until then you should be
able to obtain it at


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Broken links for EPEL

2009-07-08 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-08 09:19:48 AM, Bryan Mason wrote:
> It would appear that the links to the various EPEL repositories are
> broken in
> The i386, x86_64, ppc, and sources links in the following section all
> return 404 errors.
> #  Available Packages:
> * EPEL 5: i386 , x86_64 , ppc , sources
> * EPEL 4: i386 , x86_64 , ppc , sources
> The link to URLs are of the form:
> It looks like the "repoview/" part is incorrect.  I cn access the
> repositories with a URL like the following:
Hi, I think this is a known issue with the repos right now, and the
repoview pages should show up again with the next push.

Thanks for the report,

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: /images/favicon.ico

2009-07-08 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-08 11:21:38 AM, Mike McGrath wrote:
> Can someone create a /images/favicon.ico or figure out what is trying to
> request it?  We get a lot of 404's there.
I just looked around and couldn't find any where that this is referenced
from any of our apps.  Unfortunately, these log entries didn't have
referers or anything :-/

I'm not sure that it's worth copying the file unless we can find something
that refers to it (that we can't change).


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: (no subject)

2009-07-07 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-08 01:04:19 AM, Rituraj Tyagi wrote:
> As a regular fedora user I want to report that I find this content on your 
> page
> I may be there is some problem with the application or page hope you find this
> info useful
> Database error
> From FedoraProject
> Jump to: navigation, search
> A database query syntax error has occurred. This may indicate a bug in the
> software. The last attempted database query was:
> (SQL query hidden)
> from within function "Database::begin". MySQL returned error "2013: Lost
> connection to MySQL server at 'reading initial communication packet', system
> error: 111 (db1)".
> Retrieved from "";
> Category:
Hi, thanks a lot for your report.  We think this may have happened due
to a mysql restart that occurred today.  Please let us know if continue
to see this error.

Thanks a lot,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Talk Conference Bridges - Patch

2009-07-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-06 05:52:01 PM, Clint Savage wrote:
> /me goes to look as he though the got them all!
> I did do another update today, don't know if you saw that...
Oh, sorry - I was just looking at the patch, I didn't know that you had
pushed already.

Thanks for the fixes!

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora Talk Conference Bridges - Patch

2009-07-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-05 01:45:44 PM, Clint Savage wrote:
> I did some work today to update the fedora talk website to include a
> list of public conference bridges.
Looks good to me, but I think you might have missed wrapping a few
strings in ${_('...')}.  Anybody else have any comments on this?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Introdution

2009-07-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-02 11:32:01 PM, Mikael Lundberg wrote:
> I have worked with website development since some years ago, and now want to
> join the Fedora website team.
Hey, welcome!  We have meetings at 17:00 UTC on Fridays in the
#fedora-websites channel on  Stop by and say hi if you
can make it.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: traduzione italiano del sito web

2009-07-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-02 01:07:08 PM, Claudio Pacchierotti wrote:
> in queta pagina cambierei "Media di
> installazione" con "Disco di installazione"
> e poi "Dopo il download di una ISO, verificarla", credo si volesse dire "Dopo
> il download di una ISO, verificala"
Hi, I am forwarding this to the Italian translators list.

Thanks you for the report,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fwd: PLease Can u Solve my Problem IN Fedora 11 Whle using

2009-07-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-02 10:47:28 AM, venkat reddy wrote:
>  Please can u solve my following problem with Fedora11?
The address is only for issues related to
Fedora's websites.  For general Fedora support, please refer to the
help resources described at


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: f12 translations - polish

2009-07-06 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-07-01 09:34:08 PM, Krzysztof Cała wrote:
> I can translate the content to the Polish language.
> if anyone is also interested ?
Hi, I think there is already a Polish translation at  If you are interested in helping out with
translation though, take a look at

Thanks a lot,

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites Meeting - 2009-07-03 17:00 UTC

2009-07-03 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, just a reminder that there'll be a meeting at 17:00 UTC today.  I'm
afraid I won't be able to make this one, but hopefully Mel and some of
the other regulars will be around to keep this going.

Thanks and sorry for the short notice,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Patch for get-fedora-all page

2009-06-28 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-29 02:22:24 AM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:
> Yesterday i added Metalinks to the get-fedora-all page.
> Now i have made a small patch to remove the extra space after jidgo(to  
> the right) and make the CDs links in one line.
> The screenshot :
> The patch is attached.
Hi, would it be possible to use relative units instead, and have you
tested that this look right on 800x600 as well?  We've done quite a lot
of testing to make sure that this page looks right in a bunch of
different browsers/resolutions.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

[PATCH] Fix scroll on the Red Hat sponsor section.

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
This is kind of a trivial bugfix change, so I'll push this one very soon
if there are no complaints or reported breakages.

--- |1 -
 1 files changed, 0 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ 
index da8707f..204b5e4 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -337,7 +337,6 @@ input, textarea, option
 #content #primary-sponsors .psponsor
   text-align: center;
-  height: 110px;
   margin: 0 1ex;

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

[PATCH] Add OSUOSL sponsor link.

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
This is a pretty simple change, just adding the requested OSUOSL logo
and link to our sponsors page.  A big thanks, to the OSUOSL!

---   |1 +|4 ++--
 .../static/images/sponsors/open_source_lab.png |  Bin 0 -> 2093 bytes
 3 files changed, 3 insertions(+), 2 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644

diff --git a/ 
index 5129f7c..d02289b 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -32,6 +32,7 @@";>";>";>
 ${Markup(_('Interested in sponsoring something for Fedora?  Contact admin 
at fedoraproject * org or stop by #fedora-admin on'))}
diff --git a/ 
index c94e697..310fadc 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ msgid ""
 msgstr ""
 "Project-Id-Version: PROJECT VERSION\n"
 "Report-Msgid-Bugs-To: em...@address\n"
-"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-26 16:43-0400\n"
+"POT-Creation-Date: 2009-06-26 23:04-0400\n"
 "PO-Revision-Date: YEAR-MO-DA HO:MI+ZONE\n"
 "Last-Translator: FULL NAME \n"
 "Language-Team: LANGUAGE \n"
@@ -1039,7 +1039,7 @@ msgid ""
 "substantial support:"
 msgstr ""
-#: data/content/sponsors.html:37
+#: data/content/sponsors.html:38
 msgid ""
 "Interested in sponsoring something for Fedora?  Contact admin at "
 "fedoraproject * org or stop by #fedora-admin on"
diff --git a/ 
new file mode 100644
GIT binary patch
literal 2093

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Metalinks of get-fedora-all page

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-26 04:22:29 PM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:
> There has been a request for Metalinks. I have added metalinks to the
> get-fedora-all page.
> Here is a screenshot :
> And the patch is uploaded.
> I would like your thoughts on this matter before i push it to the server.
Looks good to me - I have one more comment on it, the install CD links
are a little close together, which makes it a bit hard to read.  Perhaps
you could add style="margin-top: 1.25ex;" to each  there to space it
out a little more?

Thanks a lot for taking this - our mirror wrangler, Matt Domsch has been
asking to get metalinks on there for a while, and I've kept forgetting
about it :-/


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Adding Links to netinst.iso on Get Fedora Page

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-26 01:08:22 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> I like the idea.  I agree that a separate catagory might look better.
> Perhaps like this:
Hm, I definitely agree that it look better as a separate category (in
terms of use of space) but on the other hand, it's kind of inconsistent
- all of the other categories are download methods except for this
(although arguably, "make anaconda download to packages for me" could be
considered a download method for Fedora as well, I guess :-)


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: NetInstall ISO on Get-Fedora page.

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-26 01:03:54 PM, Todd Zullinger wrote:
> I sent in a patch to add this to the get-fedora-all page back in
> March.  I think it got lost in the shuffle though, as no one commented
> on the idea or the implementation. :)
Gah, sorry about that :-/  Please feel free to bug me whenever I forget
about stuff like this.

One other request that we've gotten from our Mirror Wrangler for
get-fedora-all is to add metalink download URLs as well, if anybody is

I'd probably ask mizmo first about whether she'd mind us shoving this
much into the get-fedora-all page.  Although it *is* the page for people
that are supposed to know exactly what they want :-)


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Adding Links to netinst.iso on Get Fedora Page

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-26 12:23:02 PM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:
> Here the git diff file is attached.
+1 from me, thanks for working on this and getting that patch sent!

Does anybody else have any comments/suggestions about this change to the 
get-fedora-all page?


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Adding Links to netinst.iso on Get Fedora Page

2009-06-26 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-26 10:08:10 AM, Hiemanshu Sharma wrote:
> There has been a bug report about linking to the Get Fedora page to
> boot.iso(netinst.iso). I would like you thoughts on it.
> I made some changes and here is link to a screenshot :
> Here are the changes to be added to the get-fedora-all.html:
Hey, looks good.  One thing I might change is is instead putting it as
another category under the "Direct Download" heading, except having it
labeled with "Network Install CD" or something instead.  That way, it's
consistent in that each column is a different method of downloading,
with the various types of media listed in the column.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Website Meeting - 2009-06-26 17:00 UTC

2009-06-25 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, it was great talking to everybody last meeting, we'll be having
another one at 17:00 UTC tomorrow, I look forward to talking to you all.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: about

2009-06-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-21 06:30:54 PM, Jacqueline Bui wrote:
> ━━━
> If you are a member of the general public:
> The fact that you are seeing this page indicates that the website you just
> visited is either experiencing problems, or is undergoing routine maintenance.
> If you would like to let the administrators of this website know that you've
> seen this page instead of the page you expected, you should send them e-mail.
> In general, mail sent to the name "webmaster" and directed to the website's
> domain should reach the appropriate person.
> For example, if you experienced problems while visiting, you
> should send e-mail to "".
> For information on Fedora, please visit the Fedora Project website.
> ━━━
Hi, the Fedora Project does not run this site.  As the above paragraph
suggests, try emailing if you want to contact
the owners of that site.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: FW: DVD not received [Fedora Freemedia] #1535: olanrewaju ladipo from BRASIL wants a i386 DVD.

2009-06-21 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-21 09:37:34 AM, Olanrewaju M.A Ladipo wrote:
> I have not received the dvd. Do have to wait more or there is a problem?
Sorry, but the websites team does not handle free media requests.  I am
CCing Susmit on this email, who is more involved with the free media


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: D/L Validation issues and your website

2009-06-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-20 05:06:38 PM, Reorx wrote:
> My request is that you put a link to the referenced SHA1SUM file on
> the webpage for the Windows validation instructions
> >>>
> html
> In the meantime, can you send me a link to the file or tell me if the
> file that I D/L has the correct SHA1SUM value???
Hi, it looks like that page is actually totally outdated.  We've
switched to using SHA256 now.  I'll will submit this bug to the
documentation team so that they know about it.

The sha1sum that you gave us looks correct, though.  Here's what I got
against my copy:

795b52b3c7b16eba6f2cae055ec894d8648d8095  Fedora-11-i686-Live.iso

Thanks for reporting this,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: link errado

2009-06-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-20 04:53:19 PM, Cássio Santos wrote:
> O link para download do Fedora 11 em "Mais opções (usuários experientes)" está
> com um http a mais...
> http://http//
Hi, can you please tell us where you saw this bad link?

Thanks for the report,

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: F 11

2009-06-20 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-20 12:29:37 PM, MITANA Aleš wrote:
> I try obtain fedora release 11 but still isnt possible download iso i386 
> instal
> DVD. Where I do mistake? Or problem on your server?
> Mirror is
> Direct download. If dont serverver is aviable , is possible send this 
> operation
> system on my server?
Hi, can you please tell us what address you get sent to afte you click
the download link?  We need that in order to report the problem to the mirror.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Meeting Log - 2009-06-19

2009-06-19 Thread Ricky Zhou
17:00 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Websites Meeting - 
Who's here?
17:00 < ricky> hiemanshu, markg85, mizmo, ianweller, mchua, onekopaka_away, nb, 
anybody I forgot: ping
17:01 < nb> oh
17:01  * nb is here
17:01  * nb forgot about the meeting
17:01  * markg85 is here
17:01  * hiemanshu will be here in 5 mins
17:02 -!- mchua_ [] has joined 
17:02 < ricky> mchua_: Hey
17:02 -!- mchua [n=mc...@nat/redhat/x-f7551ede865e4856] has quit Nick collision 
from services.
17:02 < mchua_> hey, sorry I'm late; took a while to reconnect to wifi.
17:02 < mchua_> can someone pastebin me a backlog?
17:02  * mchua_ pulls up task list
17:03 < ricky> mchua_:
17:03 < mchua_> thanks, ricky
17:03 -!- mchua_ is now known as mchua
17:03 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Websites Meeting - 
17:03 < ricky> Everything went pretty smoothly with the release
17:04 < ricky> We tried a new way of working with git branches, which worked 
out really well :-)
17:04 < mizmo> hi
17:04 < mchua> hey mizmo!
17:04 < ricky> The one hitch was that there were some docs links that weren't 
right on release day, so we had to do last-minute fixing :-/
17:04 < ricky> Next time, I'll send out "please check this website" emails to 
websites, docs, and design lists.
17:05 -!- ricky changed the topic of #fedora-websites to: Websites Meeting - 
Task List
17:05  * ricky hands it over to mchua 
17:05 < mchua>
17:05 < mchua> so, people did check their email, and the list should be all up 
to date :)
17:05  * mchua is new, and begs pardon for the many questions and the learning 
on the job
17:06 < mchua> but before we all start getting busy again, i was wondering if 
the team had any targets for f12 - what do we want to accomplish this round?
17:06 < mchua> reading through the list, a lot of things seemed scattered to 
me, I couldn't tell where it was all going, but I may be missing something
17:07 < mchua> ricky, mizmo, ianweller, quaid, jonmasters... folks who have 
been around here longer, any thoughts of where we're headed?
17:07  * hiemanshu pardons for being late
17:07 < ricky> My main goal is to get join.fp.o much more friendly.  That'd be 
a big gain.
17:07 < hiemanshu> ricky, i would rename that as Noob proof
17:08 < hiemanshu> We have people asking us stuff in #fedora that can be found 
on the site
17:08 < ricky> Ah
17:08 < hiemanshu> for example people asked for links for x86_64
17:08 < ricky> Having join info at fp.o would be nice also because it would be 
17:09 < ricky> Ah, x86_64 downloads are another issue we'll have to think on 
for F12 :-/
17:09 < markg85> ricky, isn't the only thing missing on j.fp.o a clear 
description of what those category's mean?
17:09 < mizmo> this is really hard to do without understanding what exactly 
fedora is meant to be
17:09  * mchua agrees with n00bproof join.fp.o, but isn't sure exactly what 
that means
17:09  * giarc shows up late
17:09 < ricky> mizmo: Sorry, which part were you referring to?
17:10 < mizmo> ricky: are we a distro for developers or are we a 'consumer 
desktop' distro
17:10 < ricky> I think n00bproof is too strong a term, even.  I can see how a 
page like could be 
confusing to anybody.
17:10 < mizmo> ricky: the difference between those two is a difference of a 
million miles in the approach to take for fpo
17:11 < hiemanshu> ricky, we should have explain as though you were teaching a 
8 year old
17:11 < ricky> hiemanshu: Based on what you've seen in #fedora - what kind of 
person do you think wants x86_64 downloads?
17:11 < hiemanshu> ricky, people who just want to try those
17:11 < hiemanshu> The thing is the links are not on the get-fedora page, which 
should have been there
17:12 < mchua> hrm.
17:12 < hiemanshu> you need to click another button and people ignore that and 
waste more thing getting that question answered
17:12 < hiemanshu> it should be made obvious to people
17:12 < mizmo> hiemanshu: what kind of people are these? these are technical 
people no?
17:12 < ricky> Can we profile each specific type of user into more categories 
than just "developer vs. consumer" ?
17:12 < mchua> so, I'm not sure if this would be a useful metric at all, but was one 
thing I've been thinking of.
17:12 < hiemanshu> mizmo, non technical
17:12 < mchua> "one possible effectiveness metric for our website might be the 
number of contributions each release gets from new contributors (i.e. 
contributors whose first contributions were in that release) - in other words, 
"does join.fp.o work"?"
17:12 < mizmo> hiemanshu: you're telling me a non-technical person insisted on 
17:13 < hiemanshu> mizmo, yes
17:13 < mizmo> hiemanshu: if i mentioned the word 'x86_64' to my mom, she would 
be li

Re: Websites Meeting - 2009-06-19 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites

2009-06-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-17 05:49:43 PM, Ricky Zhou wrote:
> Mel sent out a whenisgood link recently, and based on the results from
> this, 1:00 PM EDT (17:00 UTC) is the best time when the most people can make
> it.
I forgot the day, whoops: Friday 2009-06-19 at 17:00 UTC.

Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Websites Meeting - 17:00 UTC in #fedora-websites

2009-06-17 Thread Ricky Zhou
Hey, there has recently been a lot of discussion about the website,
especially now that we just finished a release.  Let's have a meeting to
go over what went right/wrong with this release and to discuss changes
going forward. 

Mel sent out a whenisgood link recently, and based on the results from
this, 1:00 PM EDT (17:00 UTC) is the best time when the most people can make

The meeting will will be in the #fedora-websites channel on Freenode (I
would have made it in #fedora-meeting, but the OLPC SIG has that slot

Hooray on a great release, and hope to see you all there!


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Forget username

2009-06-16 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-17 09:45:56 AM, Muhammad Syafiq wrote:
> I've problem with login to FAS account sytem. I forgot my username. Do i've 
> any
> alternative to change without to change my email when new registration if i
> supposed to do later?. Thank you.
Hi, the username for your email is creativeneuron.  I'm not sure what
you're asking about changing, though.  You can change your email in FAS,
but not your username.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: f11 c onfusion

2009-06-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-15 12:33:22 PM, terry wrote:
> i d/l f11 live cd from the second page, the one after leo bellowing.  
> checksums.were okay. i install and get vmliuz and init and ready,  
> then, the message sasys ihave a x86_64 kernasl software.
> i have a 32 bit dell and f10 installed  fine.
Sorry, but for support questions like this, please contact one of the
help resources listed at

> also,from the third page, i d/l  f11 install dvd. the checksums didnt  
> check correctly.
Hi, if the checksums did not match, please tell us exactly what mirror
your downloaded it from (the link redirects
you to another URL, we need the URL that it redirected you to).  It's
possible that your download somehow got corrupted, but if there's a
mirror with bad data, we need to know which one to report it to them as
soon as possible.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Ideas for Fedora Planet site

2009-06-15 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-15 05:22:35 PM, Jeroen van Meeuwen wrote:
> > Then setup an rss feed reader. Liferea, google reader, etc, etc. They all
> > have a search feature.
> > 
> Thunderbird has one, too, in case you want to take this offline.
To add to the list of tips, I have rss2email setup for Fedora Planet, so
I get all posts via email and can keep a full history since I started


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: 404 on

2009-06-12 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-12 10:16:25 AM, wrote:
> Your download link is down at . (since
> yesterday, at least). I thought you might want to know.
Hi, the link on that page redirects you to mirror.  When you click the
link, can you tell me what mirror you get sent to (what shows up in the
address bar after you click it).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: download page of f11 dvd iso link

2009-06-12 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-12 03:35:43 PM, bunny1985 wrote:
> Hi on page
> is a linkt o dvd iso image, witch is unavaible.
> Just to let you know :)
Hi, the link on that page redirects you to mirror.  When you click the
link, can you tell me what mirror you get sent to (what shows up in the
address bar after you click it).


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Tasks list updated

2009-06-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-11 03:29:19 AM, Mel Chua wrote:
> Check 'er out. Thanks to Ricky for the updates!
Awesome, thanks Mel!


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Download Fedora da Torrent

2009-06-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-11 02:29:30 PM, Pitampito wrote:
> come posso scaricare FEDORA 11 con i Torrent ?
Take a look at


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: about leonidas name

2009-06-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-11 03:17:16 PM, Juanjo Garcia wrote:
> I think this man is a better reason to call the new distro "Leonidas" than a
> battleship.
> Leonidas the Spartan, a brave warrior from the ancient Greece.
If you're curious about how we pick our names, take a look at  Basically, the tradition
is that there must the relation that "oldname is an X, and newname is
also an X," and the relation can't be the same one that was used last
time.  In this case, the relation turned out to be that Cambridge and
Leonidas were both names of ships in the US Navy.


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Arabic on

2009-06-11 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-11 10:05:08 AM, Ahmed Alhosiny wrote:
> I have noticed that there are many languages on the site but there is no 
> Arabic
> , so I suggest that you should  translate the site into Arabic in order to 
> make
> the linux more famous in the Arab area .
> If you want me to contribute to make the site in Arabic ,, I would like to
> contribute to make that
Hi, we used to have an Arabic translation, but the translator stopped
updating it a while ago, unfortunately.  If you are interested in
becoming a translator, you can certainly update the Arabic translation
for the website :-)  For information on joining the l10n group, take a
look at


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Fedora 11

2009-06-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-10 10:50:38 PM, MITANA Aleš wrote:
> I would like obtain new fedora 11. I waiting for new release but i
> disillusioned.
> Your new version isn´t pasible download. Why?
What's wrong with the download now?  You should be able to get Fedora
from or the torrents at


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Self-introduction: Mel Chua

2009-06-10 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-09 10:23:19 PM, Mel Chua wrote:
> Hi! I'm Mel. This is my current mental model of our website, which you  
> may have seen on Planet Fedora.
Hey, welcome!

> A question, since I'm following down the  
> page: when is the next  
> meeting? According to  
>, the next  
> meeting is in 2008 - so I'm curious whether there are still meetings  
> held, and if not, if folks would be interested in gathering for one on  
> IRC sometime this week or early next.
Yeah, meetings unfortunately dropped off a few months back the time
started conflicting with classes :-/  Now's a great time to get that
started again now.  Can we setup something on the wiki where everybody
can mark when they're availble for meetings?

> Seems like a good time to look at our site, since plenty of new users  
> are hitting it and giving us potentially interesting data on the kinds  
> of things that could be improved. ;)
Yup.  For those that aren't on the design-team list, Mairin recently
posted an fp.o mockup and started a discusion at
Does anybody else have any thoughts on how we can improve the website?


Description: PGP signature
Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Language selection weirdness

2009-06-09 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-09 09:58:40 AM, Peter Deacon wrote:
> Had a bunch of languages selected in my browser (IE7) with us english  
> (en-US) the first on the list and chinese (zh-CN) second.
> For some reason when I went to fedora project everything appeared in  
> chinese rather than using my first language preference choice.
Hi, I think the reason for this is that our English version uses the
language code "en," which isn't in your list.  If you add an entry for
just "en" first, the page should display in English.  Alternatively, you
can go to to force an English version.
We'll try to look at what the default language codes are in IE7 and make
sure that they work well with the site.

Thank for the report,

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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [Fwd: Error 404]

2009-06-09 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-09 01:41:33 PM, Marc Tetreau wrote:
> Link to checksum value is missing for live media i386 in page.  
> (
Thanks for the report - these links have been fixed now.


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: Forgot login for FAS

2009-06-09 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-09 03:23:57 PM, Eric Donkersloot wrote:
> I forgot my login for FAS, my e-mail address is
> How can I find out what my login is ?
Your username is ericd. 


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: self-introduction Cheshirc

2009-06-05 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-05 10:26:59 AM, Mark Bennett wrote:
> Hi all:
> My name is  Mark B.
> Live in Eastern Washington State
> I will expand my bio on site as time permitts or nessesity requiers.
> I was hoping to join the Websites team to assist in tasks suitable for my 
> level
> of experience.
> i.e. updating links , expanding content , minor corrections, gear up to do
> more.
Hey, welcome, and thanks for the CSS patches :-)


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Fedora-websites-list mailing list

Re: [Fedora Infrastructure] #1438: Wiki CSS surpresses horizontal scrollbar

2009-06-04 Thread Ricky Zhou
On 2009-06-04 10:19:05 AM, Craig Thomas wrote:
> What are we wanting to do? get the whole table scrolling? or the cells
> themselves (6800px wide table :)
> Like this:
Not saying that the wide table issue doesn't need to be fixed, but is an
enormous table really the best way to format these response?  Even with
a proper scroll bar, it's painful for me to read because I have to move
to the bottom of the table to scroll.  Also, when I'm in the middle of
the table, it's really easy to loose track of whose response I'm

My suggestion for now would be to put these in separate pages
per-candidate.  That way, a reader would just have to look at the
address or title bar to see whose response they're reading (also, the
wide table issue is a very non-trivial CSS problem that's not easy to
fix given the way that our particular layout works, so there's no
guarantee that we'll be able to fix this in short period of time.)


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