Re: My dear little Claudette

2005-09-27 Thread catatonya

I don't know how I missed this.  I am so sorry.  I remember Claudette
and her siblings.  I know you are probably missing her terribly.  I'm
so very, very sorry for your loss.



> Dear Belinda,
> Please add my dear little Claudette to the Candlelight service. She 
> passed today at the age of twelve. She had cancer of the liver and 
> died from a reaction to the chemo which was just started yesterday. 
> Claudette had thrown off the leukemia virus eight years ago when my 
> kitties were exposed to the virus from a kitten who had originally 
> tested negative. Her brother Phillipe became positive and died within
> two years. Claudette and Phillipe were two beautiful grey and black 
> tabbies with white feet and copper markings. She and Phillipe had 
> prominent black rings on their grey tails, just like a raccoon. Her 
> cute little nose was half white, half copper, and she had the loud 
> insistant meow of her Siamese mother, Mitou. 
> Claudette, Phillipe, Andre, and Sylvie were all born in my son's 
> closet. When they were tiny, Phillipe, the "leader of the pack" would
> climb up my leg into my lap with Claudette right behind. Then would 
> come black Andre. I would have to pick up the very small Sylvie who 
> was born with hypernatremia and wasn't well coordinated. Then all of 
> the kittens would snuggle in my lap and fall asleep - it was a
> thrill, 
> even though their clawing their way up was a tad painful. Claudie was
> also the best of all my kitties with the head butts. She was like a 
> caring older sister to the sick kitties and would always hover close 
> by them as if to offer comfort. The sudden onset of the cancer and
> her 
> loss this morning was a big shock. But now I hope she has found her 
> brother Phillipe and they are together again - my two little
> ringtails.
> Bonnie in WI

Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread catatonya
I am so sorry you are having to deal with this.  My county has an 8
animal rule.  Period.  Counties can make whatever laws they want.  Look
at all the places 'outlawing' certain breeds of dogs.  I hope you can
fight this.


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> SOB Hideyo. Here are two links that may be able to help. 
> The first is a group listing of all rescues in NM, perhaps someone at
> one of the rescues will be able to help in some way. The second link
> is 
> for animal legal defense fund. They have attorney's that may be able
> to 
> help. Sally says she's been through this too. Animal control came to
> her 
> house with a sheriff's deputy and a vet tech. She was told she had 60
> days to comply with removing any animals over the limit, but he did 
> agree that all the cats under her were healthy and happy. As the 60
> days 
> approached, Sally sent animal control an email telling them that she
> had 
> adopted out some, but needed more time. Sally also knew someone that 
> knew someone that agreed to speak on her behalf, but she doesn't know
> if 
> that was ever done. She doesn't know why they did not follow up, but 
> happily they didn't. If you know of a rescue in your area, (if not
> get 
> on the phone and get someone with clout on your side), see if they
> will 
> help you deal with this. At the very least, they may be able to help
> you 
> hide some cats for a while, until they stop coming back to check.
> When 
> you speak to them, find out if there is an online list or BB that you
> could post this emergency to. Also, how far did you get with filing
> for 
> non-profit rescue? You could at least show them the paperwork to
> prove 
> it's in progress. has the forms necessary
> and 
> a book called "How to Setup a Nonprofit" (this is from Sally, she
> thinks 
> that's what it's called). Get a copy of the animal control
> regulations 
> for your county jurisdiction to see exactly what your options are. It
> doesn't really matter what other other counties do, all they are
> going 
> to care about are the rules that apply to your area. Ask the other 
> rescue if there is somewhere in the area, maybe unincorporated, that
> you 
> would be allowed to have more animals, or a sanctuary. I would tell
> the 
> authorities that you have been looking to relocate to an area that
> you 
> would legally be allowed to have your animals. Sally is also
> suggesting 
> that if you know someone with horse stalls, you could screen in an
> empty 
> stall and keep some of your kitties there until things cool off.
> I can not imagine what you are going through right now. You must be
> sick 
> with worry. Prayers for your situation and
> Hannibal.
> Nina
> Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> > Hi, my dear friends on the list,
> >
> > I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to your 
> > postings – but please know that all of your babies who are having a
> > difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.
> >
> > I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am trying
> to 
> > fight back and I could use your help – If you know anything about
> your 
> > city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential
> > area or if you could look into it and email it to me, I would be
> very 
> > grateful. The city may try to take all my furry babies away from me
> > due to the stupid ordinance which exist right now in my city (which
> > only allow 10% of your premise size as a defined area where you can
> > have animals, then each animal (if less than 30lb) will require 75
> sq 
> > – so for example, let’s say, I have 4,000 sq in my premise, they
> only 
> > consider 400 sq as a limitation of the space where could be used
> for 
> > animal site – so if I divide 400 by 75, I could only have 4 or 5 
> > animals, which anyone can have (the number of animals one can have
> in 
> > my city without permit is 4 anyway and will become 6 with new
> ordinace 
> > this fall) – this is a stupid law, because it was originally
> written 
> > for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and cages,
> and 
> > they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make
> sense –
> >
> > So I am working with a city councilor to revise this information so
> > that anyone in my situation won’t have to deal with it – but I
> would 
> > like to know what other cities may have as there might be something
> > that I could learn –
> >
> > In the meantime, please pray that they all will be able to stay
> with 
> > me – as the city takes them, you know what’s going to happen – the 
> > officers already inspected my house a couple of times, and they are
> > very fine with it  all animals are well taken care of.. they
> have 
> > a very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don’t
> gra

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 138

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM

Dear Hideyo Yamamoto:
We live in NM and if push comes to shove and you have to have an individual 
to say they are taking a cat or two off your hands than send me an email and we 
will get all the particulars worked out.  Our little city does not appear 
to have restrictions on the number of animals a person can have, at least as far 
as I can find in city codes.  So, we would be glad to help you out if you 
need us to say we will be taking a kitty or two.
I think the city of Albuquerque is being totally silly about this and I am 
sorry for the stress it is causing you.  With a sick kitty, all you need is 
the city on your back for being a good person and caring about animals!  
Some times people really need a lesson in the difference between the letter of 
the law and the spirit of the law!
And, again, prayers for your sick kitty and let us know if you need us 
to say we will be taking a kitty or two.  We live a couple of hours from 
Albuq so it would be reasonable for us to be taking them I think!
Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread catatonya

Thoughts and prayers coming your way for little Wink.  I hope the
biopsy is negative.


--- Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Dear Friends,
> Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks. 
> There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required
> surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and
> Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she
> is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the
> last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the
> hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear
> when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy
> today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal
> will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading
> infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the
> combo antibiotics prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy
> self and was purring and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about
> her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please
> keep a good thought for my little girl.
> Love, Julie
> "I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
>  to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " 
> "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged 
> by the way its animals are treated."
>  Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)
> Paws Come WITH Claws!!!
> If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think
> your decision to acquire a pet.
> __
> Do You Yahoo!?
> Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Sebastian's MRI

2005-09-27 Thread JENNIFER RATLIFF

Please send good vibes and prayers.  Sebastian is going in for his MRI tomorrow.  I will keep you updated on the results.

Re: Update on Sophie

2005-09-27 Thread Kerry MacKenzie

Dear Anne
It's so good to hear that sweet Sophie is doing so well--you 
and she went through such a lot together. To know that she's thoroughly 
enjoying life now is just wonderful!
Unfortunately I can't see the pix of her on this (old) 
computer right now but I'll look forward to seeing them tomorrow on my work 
Thanks so much for updating us---as you know we always can use 
good news!
hugs to you both, Kerry
- Original Message - 

  Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:52 
  Subject: Update on Sophie
  Hi everyone,   I tried to send 
  this update yesterday but it failed, I guess because I embedded a picture in 
  it so this time I will send it without the picture.  There is a link to 
  see her pictures on her website, if anyone is interested.  Here is the 
  update I sent out:Hi everyone,I wanted to post an update on 
  Sophie. For those of you who are already familiar with Sophie, I would like to 
  let you know right off that she is doing just great. She has not needed an 
  enema in over 4 months. When she seems to be having trouble, it is not long 
  before she figures out how to take care of it herself. I think she has 
  regained enervation in her rear quarters. She is a happy, healthy, active, 
  loving little girl. She pads around the house chirping and singing and talking 
  and is interested in everything around her, it seems. She seems to love me so 
  much and I do her, too. She is mixing with the other cats pretty well, too. 
  For those of you who are not familiar with Sophie's story, here is a 
  recap, if you are interested. Sophie was a sweet, peach and grey tortie kitten 
  when the caring person who was feeding her noticed her tail looking broken. 
  The vet determined that Sophie needed to have her tail amputated as it 
  appeared to be "dead". While amputating her tail, the vet also destroyed 
  Sophie's anus and surrounding tissue, in error. Sophie did well at 
  first but soon developed scar tissue over her anal area which prevented her 
  from passing stool well, or at all. The stool would become impacted against 
  her scar tissue and would make her rear end bulge out with stool grotesquely. 
  It was awful. Sophie quickly became obstructed to the point that I had 
  to take her to the vet to have an enema under anesthesia. The vet recommended 
  that I put her down because she would require frequent cleansing enemas under 
  anesthesia and would be miserable between enemas when the stool would begin to 
  build up all over again. I knew she would have to have so much anesthesia and 
  worrying about the effect of all that on her and the cost was more than I 
  could afford as they charged about $90 for each cleansing enema with 
  anesthesia. I thought her quality of life would be very poor because the vet 
  hammered home that idea.I asked if possibly Michigan State University 
  Small Animal Clinic could do any kind of reconstructive surgery. The vet 
  replied that he did not know but doubted it. He did give me a referral, 
  grudgingly, and there a wonderful surgeon by the name of Bryden Stanley said 
  she could create an anus for Sophie by using a tendon from her leg. She was 
  also going to strengthen the rectum and do a spay, per my request.Dr. 
  Stanley estimated the surgery to cost $2000. I had only $700 in credit from 
  Care Credit but the rest was raised from donations from incredibly caring and 
  generous people from the feline leukemia group and by Timothy Meeker of the 
  Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program and his group and also private 
  donors. There were so many wonderful people who rooted for Sophie at every 
  stage and who sent prayers and positive thoughts, too. Sophie did very 
  well following surgery and for two months was doing wonderfully. She had did 
  have some trouble again after two months with more bulging of stool protruding 
  from her rear, just like before surgery, but that was mostly taken care of at 
  home with home enemas. Gradually, these enemas were needed further and further 
  apart and Dr. Stanley believes that Sophie regained enervation to her hind end 
  over time, which is allowing her to manage her own stool passing now. 
  I am going to try to embed a recent photo of Sophie into this email 
  but if that doesn't work, I did post some new pictures on her webpage. Here is 
  the address, if anyone would like to see them. I hope to get better pictures 
  soon. for now,With much 
  gratitude and purrs and hugs,Anne and Sophie 

Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread maimaipg
Have you tried an animal communicator?  Talking to one who has left can be
extremely helpful.
- Original Message - 
From: "Steph E Caldwell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 3:44 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

> Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> > I am in Albuquerque, NM
> Too far for me to physically be any good! I'm in North Carolina, though
> I am coming west this winter to visit family.
> You've been in my thoughts often lately with your troubles. I can't
> bring myself to post much, no time lately (I work two jobs and have one
> FELV+ and one FIV+ a rescue horse and two healty horses), and I'm
> struggling with a kitty I lost last year that I'm not at peace with
> losing her, still after 10 months her death haunts me. I think it's a
> combination of exhaustion, depression, and she was my favorite of my
> animals...
> I hope all goes well and they let you keep all your furbabies.
> Steph

Re: Re: home needed - reply to Kerry

2005-09-27 Thread ferozar01
thanx Kerry- I'll let you know, right now the 2 remaining boys are safe in a 
foster home, not permanent but better than a shelter cage.  Kristi

From: "Kerry MacKenzie" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Date: 2005/09/26 Mon AM 12:10:36 EDT
Subject: Re: home needed - reply to Kerry

Thanks so much for your speedy response---
I'm thrilled that you found homes so quickly! Here's the situation: because
my FeLV space is an approx 10 x 11 bedroom-turned-cat playroom, ie they
don't have the run of the house or outside space, I only feel comfortable
taking an FeLV kitty that has come from a worse situation, or has no better
option, or whose alternative is euthanization.(Mine came from the street,
one brutally cold night in winter, so I feel they are better off--tho they
may not agree.)
So if you can find a better space for the 4 month old boy--one where they
have run of the house/bigger room/outside space, that wd be better. (It
sounds like you're having good luck at the moment.) If not, then yes, please
let me know. I will definitely take the little soul if there is a threat of
Thanks for all you and Linda do!

- Original Message -
Sent: Friday, September 23, 2005 4:43 PM
Subject: home needed - reply to Kerry

> Kerry- i just called Linda and someone is taking one of the four month old
boys and the 7 wk old torti this week.  She did say if you were interested
in the boys and for future reference that ransport to Chicago is not a
problem,  Thank you for your quick response, and Yeah !!! we have a new leuk
household in Mass (where they tend to be few and far between). We have never
placed a positive so fast here (at least in my little circle).  Thankx again

Re: Re: contact w/ felv pos, when to test?

2005-09-27 Thread ferozar01
thank you patti

Date: 2005/09/24 Sat PM 04:37:47 EDT
Subject: Re: contact w/ felv pos, when to test?

We always waited something like 45-48 days after first contact, then  
followed up w/ 2 more tests, after waiting 30 day intervals.
We also isolated the cat(s) exposed until after coming up w/ THREE  negative 
I'm not exactly sure where or who set this protocol, just passing  on the 
procedure we initiate after exposure...

RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I may be able to keep up to 15 (according to the city attorney), if so,
I will have to hide the rest and let them know that I found a rescue
group to foster them for me (which they suggested that I do) - and they
might ask which one and I want to be able to give someone's name whom I
can trust.

I remember that there are some of you have a non profit status for
animal sanctuary - if you do, or even if you as an individual, please
let me know if I can give them your name so that they know that I am not
just saying that (I don't think they will contact you or anything) - 

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:13 PM
Subject: RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

Thanks, Nina - I have a pretty good networking with rescue groups here,
but at the same time, they can be political, too and I have to be
careful whom I speak with.. I left a couple of messages to some
influential people - so I am also waiting for their calls.. things is
that .. I have had a permit for two years now.. but the officer who had
given me and others never really enforced this stupid law in the past.
He was kind of a person who understands the reality of situation and
always looked at the big picture so he ignored the damn ordinance.. now
they are sort of trying to enforce it.

As far as non profit.. they told me that as far as the zoning is
concerned, I am not allowed to have an animal sanctuary because I live
in residential area.. if I want to do so, I need to buy a commercial
property -(who has that kind of money,,, huh..)

Anyway, we also talked to the city attorney - he said that if the animal
services division does not give me the permit, to request a hearing.. he
has seen these cases all the time, and if the person who originally made
a complaint does not show up at the court, they should probably let me
have 15 animals (this is not a law, but a policy) --- so that's a good
news, sort of..but still, I just don't know what's going to happen for

In the middle of this.. I am still thinking that "everything will work
out" ---I panicked two years ago when someone reported me and I really
thought that it was the end of the world -but it worked out ---
again I might be too optimistic.. but again, if the worst come to worse,
I will hide everyone to my friend's house -but still.. I would like
not to have to do that, then I would always have to worry about it..if
you know what I mean..

The meantime.. I am hoping that my Hannibal will get better very very


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

SOB Hideyo. Here are two links that may be able to help.
The first is a group listing of all rescues in NM, perhaps someone at 
one of the rescues will be able to help in some way. The second link is 
for animal legal defense fund. They have attorney's that may be able to 
help. Sally says she's been through this too. Animal control came to her

house with a sheriff's deputy and a vet tech. She was told she had 60 
days to comply with removing any animals over the limit, but he did 
agree that all the cats under her were healthy and happy. As the 60 days

approached, Sally sent animal control an email telling them that she had

adopted out some, but needed more time. Sally also knew someone that 
knew someone that agreed to speak on her behalf, but she doesn't know if

that was ever done. She doesn't know why they did not follow up, but 
happily they didn't. If you know of a rescue in your area, (if not get 
on the phone and get someone with clout on your side), see if they will 
help you deal with this. At the very least, they may be able to help you

hide some cats for a while, until they stop coming back to check. When 
you speak to them, find out if there is an online list or BB that you 
could post this emergency to. Also, how far did you get with filing for 
non-profit rescue? You could at least show them the paperwork to prove 
it's in progress. has the forms necessary and 
a book called "How to Setup a Nonprofit" (this is from Sally, she thinks

that's what it's called). Get a copy of the animal control regulations 
for your county jurisdiction to see exactly what your options are. It 
doesn't really matter what other other counties do, all they are going 
to care about are the rules that apply to your area. Ask the other 
rescue if there is somewhere in the area, maybe unincorporated, that you

would be allowed to have more animals, or a sanctuary. I would tell the 
authorities that you have been looking to relocate to an area that you 
would legally be allowed to have your animals. Sally is also suggesting 
that if you


2005-09-27 Thread Lomaxturtle

Hi Julie
Yes thanks I do know about them but they are not appropriate for Gemma 
unfortunately. She has had deformity in her front legs for 3 years due to 
arthritis to begin with and could not take excess strain of learning how to use 
a cart. Aside from her back legs now giving up too she looks unwell - I think 
there is more going on - she has been vomiting today. But she is 12 and could 
not put her through bloods or surgery etc... as her prognosis is poor. We took 
her to be put to sleep in despair when her front legs became deformed and again 
when she had her stroke but her vet is excellent (specialist in osteo 
conditions) and she explained everything to us and gave us hope - and since 
that first time she has had another 3 years - since her CVA another few months. 
We knew the time would draw in but you never totally expect it when it 
Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Steph E Caldwell

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I am sorry that you haven't been able to findd peace with lose of your
baby - I can so relate, Steph, Everyone I lost, I have some regret - but
there are particulary a couple of I lost, Suzi, Henry and George...I
still cry.. because of things that I did to them or did not to them - I
so wish I did things differently..and Henry has passed over two
years ago, and Suzi has passed a year and half and a few weeks for

I lost Alphie in surgery, she couldn't handle the drugs. I knew when I 
scheduled the procedure that she wouldn't make it through, but I felt 
that I had no other option. She had Megacolon, when it started she had 
to have enemas every 6 months, but it had gotten to having them every 2 
weeks and I felt her quality of life wasn't very good, but I still 
question that decision. My FELV+ looks an amazing amount like her and 
acme to me the weekend she died.

I am not sure if you believe in.. maybe you can talk to your baby via AC
to see how she is doing

I believe in them, and I have a touch of communication powers/skills 
with animals, but I'm not comfortable contacting deceased animals. My 
living animals and I communicate often.

I have recently spoke with George via my AC- and he is doing even better
- he is very happy where he is and whom he is with .. and he is working
on forgiveness towards me for things he did (he really is not angry but
he also wished that things were different with me..)

I'm glad... It's so heartbreaking to lose them. I lost Alphies mother 
three years ago and I still have her older sister. Alphie was 14, Rosie 
(my FIV+) is 15 and still doing pretty well. My horse is lame right now, 
she and I are very close, very alike in our ways, and I feel she's given 
up, this time aruond the fights on me to get her better, she's tired of 
hurting. I got her some long acting pain killer shots last week, 
corisone, and some joint supplements (her problems are joint related, 
but unknown) and I think she's going to get her will back.

Thanks for being there!

Re: Update on Sophie

2005-09-27 Thread BONNIE J KALMBACH
Sophie is a wonderful muted tortie just like my Nina!! The muted 
torties I've had are such personalities and extremely affectionate. My 
Nina rules the house. She'll even eat and drink out of the dogs' bowls 
just to show who is in charge.


RE: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 135

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Thank you very much for looking –
your place sounds really neat!  A things are different even with the next city
to Albuquerque,

Thank you for your prayer for my baby!


Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005
2:25 PM
Subject: Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol
8, Issue 135


I cannot find anything in our city code
with regard to having any certain number of animals.  There are permits,
etc., required of kennel owners and inspections regarding this but, nothing at
all about the number of animals a person can have.  There are of course
codes surrounding the mistreatment of animals and about what your dog can or cannot
do but, no limits on numbers that I could find. Cats have no real
restrictions at all that I can find. But, we also have a running
horse ranch right in the middle of town, on the street we live on as a
matter of fact, so, things may be a little different here than in the
average town or city.  This ranch has race horses, cattle, deer and who
knows what else you might see going by there- it is kind of neat though really!

Also, a prayer for your kitty and all our
very best with your kitty and with your battle with city hall!  


Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 135

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM

I cannot find anything in our city code with regard to having any certain 
number of animals.  There are permits, etc., required of kennel owners and 
inspections regarding this but, nothing at all about the number of animals a 
person can have.  There are of course codes surrounding the mistreatment of 
animals and about what your dog can or cannot do but, no limits on numbers that 
I could find. Cats have no real restrictions at all that I can 
find. But, we also have a running horse ranch right in the middle of 
town, on the street we live on as a matter of fact, so, things may be a 
little different here than in the average town or city.  This ranch has 
race horses, cattle, deer and who knows what else you might see going by there- 
it is kind of neat though really!
Also, a prayer for your kitty and all our very best with your kitty and 
with your battle with city hall!  
Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Terri Brown

This is a terrible situation you're in.
There is no ordinance in my town that I am aware of, but as I am an 
apartment dweller, I have a self imposed limit of 5 for a total living space of 
800 square feet.  I have 4 at the moment, but I am not looking for 
another.  The only "rule" here is that they are all licensed (and they 
Good luck!
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Hideyo Yamamoto 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:57 
  Subject: OT:PLS help for two 
  Hi, my dear friends on the 
  I am so sorry that I have not been 
  posting or responding to your postings – but please know that all of your 
  babies who are having a difficult time right now are in my thoughts and 
  I am facing a very difficult 
  situation for my cats and I am trying to fight back and I could use your help 
  – If you know anything about your city ordinance regarding having multiple 
  animals in the residential area or if you could look into it and email it to 
  me, I would be very grateful.  The city may try to take all my furry 
  babies away from me due to the stupid ordinance which exist right now in my 
  city (which only allow 10% of your premise size as a defined area where you 
  can have animals, then each animal (if less than 30lb) will require 75 sq – so 
  for example, let’s say, I have 4,000 sq in my premise, they only consider 400 
  sq as a limitation of the space where could be used for animal site – so if I 
  divide 400 by 75, I could only have 4 or 5 animals, which anyone can have (the 
  number of animals one can have in my city without permit is 4 anyway and will 
  become 6 with new ordinace this fall) – this is a stupid law, because it was 
  originally written for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and 
  cages, and they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make 
  sense –
  So I am working with a city 
  councilor to revise this information so that anyone in my situation won’t have 
  to deal with it – but I would like to know what other cities may have as there 
  might be something that I could learn –
  In the meantime, please pray that 
  they all will be able to stay with me – as the city takes them, you know 
  what’s going to happen – the officers already inspected my house a couple of 
  times, and they are very fine with it  all animals are well taken care 
  of.. they have a very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don’t 
  grant me a permit, I was advised to request a hearing, which I will do for 
  sure.. but I am hoping that I won’t have to as I don’t want that much 
  visibility in this matter.
  PS: also my Hannibal is not eating 
  well – he is CRF kitty, and my vet suggest that he may have FIV due to high 
  globulin value, but I do not agree – I have so many other cats with higher 
  globulin value – but he is becoming anemic, I think it’s due to CRF – please 
  send a prayer for Hannibal that he gets better very very soon!  He is my 
  very first feral 

Re: FeLV diet- Royal Cannin?

2005-09-27 Thread Terri Brown

For the Royal Canin -- not really sure.  I would think an indoor 
formula would be best though.  They also have breed specific 
formulas.  I know for sure that they have a formula for Persian and Maine 
Coon and I think Siamese.
Hope that helps!
Terri in NJ

  - Original Message - 
  From: catatonya 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:44 
  Subject: Re: FeLV diet- Royal 
  My vet has started carrying royal cannin.  My cats have to have 
  veterinary diets so I haven't really kept up with discussions on foods.  
  (We had to eat science diet for oxcylate crystals.)
  Next I went to IVD modified.   And now there is a royal cannin 
  available for ox crystals.  Any ideas as to which is 'best' from those 
  tonyaTerri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 

If your only options are places like Petsmart and Petco type places, 
then I would recommend either Nutro or Royal Canin.
I use Eagle Pack, and it is only available in certain places.  
Check out and see if there's a 
vendor near you.
Also, you could check out Precise foods.  The link isn't working 
for me at the moment, but it is supposed to be
Or try California Natural, Innova, HealthWise, or Karma Organic 
There's also Wellness.  It's available at a variety of on line 
stores.  You could do a websearch to find that one.
I tried different foods, and Eagle Pack works best for my gang.  
If I can't get to the specialty store near me to buy it, they like Royal 
Canin and Nutro Indoor formula best.
Good luck!
Terri in NJ
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 
6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: gary 
  Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:48 
  Subject: FeLV diet
  Does anyone have any recommandations for a commercially available 

RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thanks, Nina - I have a pretty good networking with rescue groups here,
but at the same time, they can be political, too and I have to be
careful whom I speak with.. I left a couple of messages to some
influential people - so I am also waiting for their calls.. things is
that .. I have had a permit for two years now.. but the officer who had
given me and others never really enforced this stupid law in the past.
He was kind of a person who understands the reality of situation and
always looked at the big picture so he ignored the damn ordinance.. now
they are sort of trying to enforce it.

As far as non profit.. they told me that as far as the zoning is
concerned, I am not allowed to have an animal sanctuary because I live
in residential area.. if I want to do so, I need to buy a commercial
property -(who has that kind of money,,, huh..)

Anyway, we also talked to the city attorney - he said that if the animal
services division does not give me the permit, to request a hearing.. he
has seen these cases all the time, and if the person who originally made
a complaint does not show up at the court, they should probably let me
have 15 animals (this is not a law, but a policy) --- so that's a good
news, sort of..but still, I just don't know what's going to happen for

In the middle of this.. I am still thinking that "everything will work
out" ---I panicked two years ago when someone reported me and I really
thought that it was the end of the world -but it worked out ---
again I might be too optimistic.. but again, if the worst come to worse,
I will hide everyone to my friend's house -but still.. I would like
not to have to do that, then I would always have to worry about it..if
you know what I mean..

The meantime.. I am hoping that my Hannibal will get better very very


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 2:03 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

SOB Hideyo. Here are two links that may be able to help.
The first is a group listing of all rescues in NM, perhaps someone at 
one of the rescues will be able to help in some way. The second link is 
for animal legal defense fund. They have attorney's that may be able to 
help. Sally says she's been through this too. Animal control came to her

house with a sheriff's deputy and a vet tech. She was told she had 60 
days to comply with removing any animals over the limit, but he did 
agree that all the cats under her were healthy and happy. As the 60 days

approached, Sally sent animal control an email telling them that she had

adopted out some, but needed more time. Sally also knew someone that 
knew someone that agreed to speak on her behalf, but she doesn't know if

that was ever done. She doesn't know why they did not follow up, but 
happily they didn't. If you know of a rescue in your area, (if not get 
on the phone and get someone with clout on your side), see if they will 
help you deal with this. At the very least, they may be able to help you

hide some cats for a while, until they stop coming back to check. When 
you speak to them, find out if there is an online list or BB that you 
could post this emergency to. Also, how far did you get with filing for 
non-profit rescue? You could at least show them the paperwork to prove 
it's in progress. has the forms necessary and 
a book called "How to Setup a Nonprofit" (this is from Sally, she thinks

that's what it's called). Get a copy of the animal control regulations 
for your county jurisdiction to see exactly what your options are. It 
doesn't really matter what other other counties do, all they are going 
to care about are the rules that apply to your area. Ask the other 
rescue if there is somewhere in the area, maybe unincorporated, that you

would be allowed to have more animals, or a sanctuary. I would tell the 
authorities that you have been looking to relocate to an area that you 
would legally be allowed to have your animals. Sally is also suggesting 
that if you know someone with horse stalls, you could screen in an empty

stall and keep some of your kitties there until things cool off.

I can not imagine what you are going through right now. You must be sick

with worry. Prayers for your situation and


Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

> Hi, my dear friends on the list,
> I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to your 
> postings - but please know that all of your babies who are having a 
> difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.
> I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am trying to 
> fight back and I could use your help - If you know anything about your

> city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential 
> area or if you could

Re: Buddy's op

2005-09-27 Thread Terri Brown

I'm so sorry about Gemma.  Poor baby.  May her passing me 
peaceful for her.  Big hugs to you.
Goodnight, sweet Gemma...
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 12:08 
  Subject: Buddy's op
  Buddy had her dental yesterday - she cried all the way there 
  and made me feel so guilty. She had a scrape and polish and no extraction 
  necessary. Got her tested for FeLV too whilst she was asleep. She was excited 
  to get back home and was scaling curtains within a couple of hours bless 
  her.On a sadder note I have to put to sleep my one of my girls (Gemma) 
  on Thursday. She is a 12 year old German Shepard crossbreed bitch who has had 
  arthritis in her front and back legs for a few years and had a CVA just before 
  the death of my Tidge in March this year. We got her through it with the vet 
  but her legs have been getting weaker as of late and have basically given up 
  this week. Had her from 8 weeks old - so heartbreaking but she is now getting 
  depressed and can't get to the toilet without us holding her back end up in a 
  sling (bath towel). Got to let her join her brother and Bramble and Tidge at 
  the Bridge.Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel 

Re: More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread Terri Brown

Positive thoughts coming your way for Wink.
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 
furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' 
Furkid Photos! 
FeLV Site: 
Personal Page:

  - Original Message - 
  From: Barb Moermond 
  Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 10:06 
  Subject: Re: More good thoughts 
  Dearest Julie,
  all the good thoughts and GLOW on their way to you and 
  Wink.Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Dear Friends,
Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many 
weeks.  There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that 
required surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics 
(Panmyacin and Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night 
because she is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site 
of the last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and 
the hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear 
when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy 
today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal will 
help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading infection 
that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the combo antibiotics 
prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy self and was purring 
and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about her and am just in 
dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please keep a good thought 
for my little girl.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, 
the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " 
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged 
by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi 
(1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking 
about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a 
__Do You 
Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Barb+Smoky the House 
  Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown: paying no mind to whom he 
  should impress. Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me 
  smile." - Anonymous 
  __Do You 
  Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Nina
SOB Hideyo. Here are two links that may be able to help.
The first is a group listing of all rescues in NM, perhaps someone at 
one of the rescues will be able to help in some way. The second link is 
for animal legal defense fund. They have attorney's that may be able to 
help. Sally says she's been through this too. Animal control came to her 
house with a sheriff's deputy and a vet tech. She was told she had 60 
days to comply with removing any animals over the limit, but he did 
agree that all the cats under her were healthy and happy. As the 60 days 
approached, Sally sent animal control an email telling them that she had 
adopted out some, but needed more time. Sally also knew someone that 
knew someone that agreed to speak on her behalf, but she doesn't know if 
that was ever done. She doesn't know why they did not follow up, but 
happily they didn't. If you know of a rescue in your area, (if not get 
on the phone and get someone with clout on your side), see if they will 
help you deal with this. At the very least, they may be able to help you 
hide some cats for a while, until they stop coming back to check. When 
you speak to them, find out if there is an online list or BB that you 
could post this emergency to. Also, how far did you get with filing for 
non-profit rescue? You could at least show them the paperwork to prove 
it's in progress. has the forms necessary and 
a book called "How to Setup a Nonprofit" (this is from Sally, she thinks 
that's what it's called). Get a copy of the animal control regulations 
for your county jurisdiction to see exactly what your options are. It 
doesn't really matter what other other counties do, all they are going 
to care about are the rules that apply to your area. Ask the other 
rescue if there is somewhere in the area, maybe unincorporated, that you 
would be allowed to have more animals, or a sanctuary. I would tell the 
authorities that you have been looking to relocate to an area that you 
would legally be allowed to have your animals. Sally is also suggesting 
that if you know someone with horse stalls, you could screen in an empty 
stall and keep some of your kitties there until things cool off.

I can not imagine what you are going through right now. You must be sick 
with worry. Prayers for your situation and



Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

Hi, my dear friends on the list,

I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to your 
postings – but please know that all of your babies who are having a 
difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.

I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am trying to 
fight back and I could use your help – If you know anything about your 
city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential 
area or if you could look into it and email it to me, I would be very 
grateful. The city may try to take all my furry babies away from me 
due to the stupid ordinance which exist right now in my city (which 
only allow 10% of your premise size as a defined area where you can 
have animals, then each animal (if less than 30lb) will require 75 sq 
– so for example, let’s say, I have 4,000 sq in my premise, they only 
consider 400 sq as a limitation of the space where could be used for 
animal site – so if I divide 400 by 75, I could only have 4 or 5 
animals, which anyone can have (the number of animals one can have in 
my city without permit is 4 anyway and will become 6 with new ordinace 
this fall) – this is a stupid law, because it was originally written 
for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and cages, and 
they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make sense –

So I am working with a city councilor to revise this information so 
that anyone in my situation won’t have to deal with it – but I would 
like to know what other cities may have as there might be something 
that I could learn –

In the meantime, please pray that they all will be able to stay with 
me – as the city takes them, you know what’s going to happen – the 
officers already inspected my house a couple of times, and they are 
very fine with it  all animals are well taken care of.. they have 
a very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don’t grant 
me a permit, I was advised to request a hearing, which I will do for 
sure.. but I am hoping that I won’t have to as I don’t want that much 
visibility in this matter.

PS: also my Hannibal is not eating well – he is CRF kitty, and my vet 
suggest that he may have FIV due to high globulin value, but I do not 
agree – I have so many other cats with higher globulin value – but he 
is becoming anemic, I think it’s due to CRF – please send a prayer for 
Hannibal that he gets better very very soon! He is my very first feral 

RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thank you guys - apparently, she has moved to a different hospital, and
she is not in yet ( will be in two hours) - I will call her back later -
wish me luck!

Thank you!


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Kat
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:39 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

Hideo, Michelle,

I did a search using and got the following:

De Giacomo Sabina M Dvm
3111 Castle St


I do so hope this helps!
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 15:26:42 EDT
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..
> Hideyo,
>Try to get in touch with Frank Digiacamo (sp?) and Sabina
Digiacamo.  They
> are a lawyer and veterinarian living in Hawaii and have an animal
> group there.  He is an old friend of mine. I am not sure he is
actually licensed
> as a lawyer in HI, but all he does is animal advocacy work. He is a
> out there sometimes, but you might want to contact them and see if
they can help
> you.
> If I find their current phone number I will email it to you, but I do
> know if I have it as we have been pretty out of touch for the last few
> Michelle

RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
Thank you Steph for your kind words -
I am sorry that you haven't been able to findd peace with lose of your
baby - I can so relate, Steph, Everyone I lost, I have some regret - but
there are particulary a couple of I lost, Suzi, Henry and George...I
still cry.. because of things that I did to them or did not to them - I
so wish I did things differently..and Henry has passed over two
years ago, and Suzi has passed a year and half and a few weeks for

I am not sure if you believe in.. maybe you can talk to your baby via AC
to see how she is doing

I have recently spoke with George via my AC- and he is doing even better
- he is very happy where he is and whom he is with .. and he is working
on forgiveness towards me for things he did (he really is not angry but
he also wished that things were different with me..)



-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steph E
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:44 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:
> I am in Albuquerque, NM

Too far for me to physically be any good! I'm in North Carolina, though 
I am coming west this winter to visit family.

You've been in my thoughts often lately with your troubles. I can't 
bring myself to post much, no time lately (I work two jobs and have one 
FELV+ and one FIV+ a rescue horse and two healty horses), and I'm 
struggling with a kitty I lost last year that I'm not at peace with 
losing her, still after 10 months her death haunts me. I think it's a 
combination of exhaustion, depression, and she was my favorite of my 

I hope all goes well and they let you keep all your furbabies.


Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Steph E Caldwell

Hideyo Yamamoto wrote:

I am in Albuquerque, NM

Too far for me to physically be any good! I'm in North Carolina, though 
I am coming west this winter to visit family.

You've been in my thoughts often lately with your troubles. I can't 
bring myself to post much, no time lately (I work two jobs and have one 
FELV+ and one FIV+ a rescue horse and two healty horses), and I'm 
struggling with a kitty I lost last year that I'm not at peace with 
losing her, still after 10 months her death haunts me. I think it's a 
combination of exhaustion, depression, and she was my favorite of my 

I hope all goes well and they let you keep all your furbabies.


Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Kat
Hideo, Michelle,

I did a search using and got the following:

De Giacomo Sabina M Dvm
3111 Castle St


I do so hope this helps!
Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Tue, 27 Sep 2005 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> Date: Tue, 27 Sep 2005 15:26:42 EDT
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..
> Hideyo,
>Try to get in touch with Frank Digiacamo (sp?) and Sabina Digiacamo.  They
> are a lawyer and veterinarian living in Hawaii and have an animal advocacy
> group there.  He is an old friend of mine. I am not sure he is actually 
> licensed
> as a lawyer in HI, but all he does is animal advocacy work. He is a little
> out there sometimes, but you might want to contact them and see if they can 
> help
> you.
> If I find their current phone number I will email it to you, but I do not
> know if I have it as we have been pretty out of touch for the last few years.
> Michelle

Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Lernermichelle

   Try to get in touch with Frank Digiacamo (sp?) and Sabina Digiacamo.  They are a lawyer and veterinarian living in Hawaii and have an animal advocacy group there.  He is an old friend of mine. I am not sure he is actually licensed as a lawyer in HI, but all he does is animal advocacy work. He is a little out there sometimes, but you might want to contact them and see if they can help you.
If I find their current phone number I will email it to you, but I do not know if I have it as we have been pretty out of touch for the last few years.

RE: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto
I am in Albuquerque, NM

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Steph E
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 1:16 PM
Subject: Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

Where are you Hideyo?


Re: OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Steph E Caldwell

Where are you Hideyo?


Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 134

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM

Sounds good so far Julie!  Wish the best to 

Re: More news on Wink

2005-09-27 Thread Belinda Sauro
  Tell him when you bought it that should tell him which one you have 
unless you ewver upgraded it.

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting & web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)

Re: More news on Wink

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks for the update, the tooth sounds like it could be, a friend of mine had similar conditions, headache, swollen ear, swollen jaw, arm pain, neck pain...teeth can be terrible.Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes and, Nina, thank you for that link; I'll surely investigate it.  Wendy called a few minutes ago from the OR, she said she got two good pieces of the growth for biopsy and also found via (x-ray? ultrasound?) Wink has another small growth in the other ear; too deep to biopsy, but it makes me wonder (and she said, too) if these could be polyps or some other benign type of growth.  The other interesting thing she said that might be playing a part in this is that she found one of Wink's  rear teeth (she doesn't have many!) was broken at the gum line (just looked like one of many missing teeth from a quick exam) and the root was still there and terribly infected.  She said she didn't think it accounted for everything that was going on, but said it was suspicious that it's on the side that won't heal.  She thinks the root may have been a constant souce of wicking the bacteria far into the ear, head and
 cheek.  It's very strange because in this very strange year of 2005 something very similar happened to a good friend's dad.  He has a history of heart problems and began having chest, arm and back pain and was rushed to the ER.  He was given the all clear from a cardiac standpoint, yet he continued to feel severe pain to the point that they had to treat him with morphine.  After many, many days in the hospital, it was found that he had an infected root in a back molar (no, the TOOTH did not hurt at all) and it had spread a severe infection throughout his upper torso.  It sounds like something similar could be going on with Wink!  He had to be treated with IV antibiotics (I know there was a reason they said taking them by mouth wouldn't help, but I can't remember it!) and maybe that's why Wink has only had partial response all these weeks.  
I'll let you know when I know more.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Have a purrfect day

RE: PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am sorry – correction, I meant to
say FIP and not FIV (on the PS line)


Behalf Of Hideyo Yamamoto
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005
12:57 PM
Subject: OT:PLS help for two


Hi, my dear friends on the list,


I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to
your postings – but please know that all of your babies who are having a
difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.


I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am
trying to fight back and I could use your help – If you know anything
about your city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential
area or if you could look into it and email it to me, I would be very grateful. 
The city may try to take all my furry babies away from me due to the stupid
ordinance which exist right now in my city (which only allow 10% of your
premise size as a defined area where you can have animals, then each animal (if
less than 30lb) will require 75 sq – so for example, let’s say, I
have 4,000 sq in my premise, they only consider 400 sq as a limitation of the
space where could be used for animal site – so if I divide 400 by 75, I
could only have 4 or 5 animals, which anyone can have (the number of animals
one can have in my city without permit is 4 anyway and will become 6 with new
ordinace this fall) – this is a stupid law, because it was originally
written for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and cages, and
they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make sense –


So I am working with a city councilor to revise this
information so that anyone in my situation won’t have to deal with it
– but I would like to know what other cities may have as there might be
something that I could learn –


In the meantime, please pray that they all will be able to
stay with me – as the city takes them, you know what’s going to
happen – the officers already inspected my house a couple of times, and they
are very fine with it  all animals are well taken care of.. they have a
very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don’t grant me a
permit, I was advised to request a hearing, which I will do for sure.. but I am
hoping that I won’t have to as I don’t want that much visibility in
this matter.


PS: also my Hannibal is not eating well – he is CRF
kitty, and my vet suggest that he may have FIV due to high globulin value, but
I do not agree – I have so many other cats with higher globulin value
– but he is becoming anemic, I think it’s due to CRF – please
send a prayer for Hannibal that he gets better very very soon!  He is my
very first feral boy!

OT:PLS help for two things..

2005-09-27 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Hi, my dear friends on the list,


I am so sorry that I have not been posting or responding to
your postings – but please know that all of your babies who are having a
difficult time right now are in my thoughts and prayer.


I am facing a very difficult situation for my cats and I am
trying to fight back and I could use your help – If you know anything about
your city ordinance regarding having multiple animals in the residential area
or if you could look into it and email it to me, I would be very
grateful.  The city may try to take all my furry babies away from me due
to the stupid ordinance which exist right now in my city (which only allow 10%
of your premise size as a defined area where you can have animals, then each
animal (if less than 30lb) will require 75 sq – so for example, let’s
say, I have 4,000 sq in my premise, they only consider 400 sq as a limitation
of the space where could be used for animal site – so if I divide 400 by
75, I could only have 4 or 5 animals, which anyone can have (the number of
animals one can have in my city without permit is 4 anyway and will become 6
with new ordinace this fall) – this is a stupid law, because it was
originally written for hobby breeders where they keep animals in kennels and
cages, and they just apply to multiple permit as well, but it does not make
sense –


So I am working with a city councilor to revise this
information so that anyone in my situation won’t have to deal with it –
but I would like to know what other cities may have as there might be something
that I could learn –


In the meantime, please pray that they all will be able to
stay with me – as the city takes them, you know what’s going to
happen – the officers already inspected my house a couple of times, and
they are very fine with it  all animals are well taken care of.. they have
a very good life - - just the stupid ordinance.. if they don’t grant me a
permit, I was advised to request a hearing, which I will do for sure.. but I am
hoping that I won’t have to as I don’t want that much visibility in
this matter.


PS: also my Hannibal is not eating well – he is CRF
kitty, and my vet suggest that he may have FIV due to high globulin value, but
I do not agree – I have so many other cats with higher globulin value –
but he is becoming anemic, I think it’s due to CRF – please send a
prayer for Hannibal that he gets better very very soon!  He is my very
first feral boy!

Update on Sophie

2005-09-27 Thread AnnLmla2
Hi everyone,
   I tried to send this update yesterday but it failed, I guess because I embedded a picture in it so this time I will send it without the picture.  There is a link to see her pictures on her website, if anyone is interested.  Here is the update I sent out:

Hi everyone,
I wanted to post an update on Sophie. For those of you who are already familiar with Sophie, I would like to let you know right off that she is doing just great. She has not needed an enema in over 4 months. When she seems to be having trouble, it is not long before she figures out how to take care of it herself. I think she has regained enervation in her rear quarters. She is a happy, healthy, active, loving little girl. She pads around the house chirping and singing and talking and is interested in everything around her, it seems. She seems to love me so much and I do her, too. She is mixing with the other cats pretty well, too. 

For those of you who are not familiar with Sophie's story, here is a recap, if you are interested. Sophie was a sweet, peach and grey tortie kitten when the caring person who was feeding her noticed her tail looking broken. The vet determined that Sophie needed to have her tail amputated as it appeared to be "dead". While amputating her tail, the vet also destroyed Sophie's anus and surrounding tissue, in error. 

Sophie did well at first but soon developed scar tissue over her anal area which prevented her from passing stool well, or at all. The stool would become impacted against her scar tissue and would make her rear end bulge out with stool grotesquely. It was awful. 

Sophie quickly became obstructed to the point that I had to take her to the vet to have an enema under anesthesia. The vet recommended that I put her down because she would require frequent cleansing enemas under anesthesia and would be miserable between enemas when the stool would begin to build up all over again. I knew she would have to have so much anesthesia and worrying about the effect of all that on her and the cost was more than I could afford as they charged about $90 for each cleansing enema with anesthesia. I thought her quality of life would be very poor because the vet hammered home that idea.

I asked if possibly Michigan State University Small Animal Clinic could do any kind of reconstructive surgery. The vet replied that he did not know but doubted it. He did give me a referral, grudgingly, and there a wonderful surgeon by the name of Bryden Stanley said she could create an anus for Sophie by using a tendon from her leg. She was also going to strengthen the rectum and do a spay, per my request.

Dr. Stanley estimated the surgery to cost $2000. I had only $700 in credit from Care Credit but the rest was raised from donations from incredibly caring and generous people from the feline leukemia group and by Timothy Meeker of the Feline Veterinary Emergency Assistance Program and his group and also private donors. There were so many wonderful people who rooted for Sophie at every stage and who sent prayers and positive thoughts, too. 

Sophie did very well following surgery and for two months was doing wonderfully. She had did have some trouble again after two months with more bulging of stool protruding from her rear, just like before surgery, but that was mostly taken care of at home with home enemas. Gradually, these enemas were needed further and further apart and Dr. Stanley believes that Sophie regained enervation to her hind end over time, which is allowing her to manage her own stool passing now. 

I am going to try to embed a recent photo of Sophie into this email but if that doesn't work, I did post some new pictures on her webpage. Here is the address, if anyone would like to see them. I hope to get better pictures soon.

Bye for now,
With much gratitude and purrs and hugs,
Anne and Sophie 

RE: More news on Wink

2005-09-27 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

very interesting, Julie---it does sound like you might well be on to something 
--I hope this is indeed the root of Wink's problem. 

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Julie JohnsonSent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 
12:50 PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: More news 
on Wink
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes and, Nina, thank you for 
that link; I'll surely investigate it.  Wendy called a few minutes ago from 
the OR, she said she got two good pieces of the growth for biopsy and also found 
via (x-ray? ultrasound?) Wink has another small growth in the other ear; too 
deep to biopsy, but it makes me wonder (and she said, too) if these could be 
polyps or some other benign type of growth.  The other interesting thing 
she said that might be playing a part in this is that she found one of 
Wink's  rear teeth (she doesn't have many!) was broken at the gum line 
(just looked like one of many missing teeth from a quick exam) and the root 
was still there and terribly infected.  She said she didn't think it 
accounted for everything that was going on, but said it was suspicious that it's 
on the side that won't heal.  She thinks the root may have been a constant 
souce of wicking the bacteria far into the ear, head a! nd cheek.  It's 
very strange because in this very strange year of 2005 something very similar 
happened to a good friend's dad.  He has a history of heart problems and 
began having chest, arm and back pain and was rushed to the ER.  He was 
given the all clear from a cardiac standpoint, yet he continued to feel severe 
pain to the point that they had to treat him with morphine.  After many, 
many days in the hospital, it was found that he had an infected root in a back 
molar (no, the TOOTH did not hurt at all) and it had spread a severe infection 
throughout his upper torso.  It sounds like something similar could be 
going on with Wink!  He had to be treated with IV antibiotics (I know there 
was a reason they said taking them by mouth wouldn't help, but I can't remember 
it!) and maybe that's why Wink has only had partial response all these 
I'll let you know when I know more.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the 
more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " 
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by 
the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi 
(1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about 
de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! for GoodClick here 
to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 
=00IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: More news on Wink

2005-09-27 Thread Susan Loesch
Wow, Julie - even tho you don't have anything definite yet what has been found so far sounds like it is leading in a positive direction.  Fingers are crossed pending final results!!Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes and, Nina, thank you for that link; I'll surely investigate it.  Wendy called a few minutes ago from the OR, she said she got two good pieces of the growth for biopsy and also found via (x-ray? ultrasound?) Wink has another small growth in the other ear; too deep to biopsy, but it makes me wonder (and she said, too) if these could be polyps or some other benign type of growth.  The other interesting thing she said that might be playing a part in this is that she found one of Wink's  rear teeth (she doesn't have many!) was broken at the gum line (just looked like one of many missing teeth from a quick exam) and the root was still there and terribly infected.  She said she didn't think it accounted for everything that was going on, but said it was suspicious that it's on the side that won't heal.  She thinks the root may have been a constant souce of wicking the bacteria far into the ear, head and
 cheek.  It's very strange because in this very strange year of 2005 something very similar happened to a good friend's dad.  He has a history of heart problems and began having chest, arm and back pain and was rushed to the ER.  He was given the all clear from a cardiac standpoint, yet he continued to feel severe pain to the point that they had to treat him with morphine.  After many, many days in the hospital, it was found that he had an infected root in a back molar (no, the TOOTH did not hurt at all) and it had spread a severe infection throughout his upper torso.  It sounds like something similar could be going on with Wink!  He had to be treated with IV antibiotics (I know there was a reason they said taking them by mouth wouldn't help, but I can't remember it!) and maybe that's why Wink has only had partial response all these weeks.  
I'll let you know when I know more.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.

Yahoo! for GoodClick here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 132

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM

I am so sorry about Gemma, our hearts go out to you and our prayers 
are with you and all who love Gemma.  I hope the FeLV test was good news 
for you and, if not, this service has shown me that there is a lot to hope 
for even after a positive FeLV result.  We plan to fight on in spite of a 
positive test result for as long as Stinky wants to fight!
Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: FeLV diet- Royal Cannin?

2005-09-27 Thread Barb Moermond
After Smoky's cystitis last winter, we've been feeding Royal Canin s/o.  They free feed a controlled amount of dry (1/2 s/o and 1/2 California Natural) and Smoky gets the canned s/o for supper while Bandit gets Eagle Pack.  Granted, that's how the canned food portions start out, but we all know they share:)
They really like the s/o and are doing well on it.catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

My vet has started carrying royal cannin.  My cats have to have veterinary diets so I haven't really kept up with discussions on foods.  (We had to eat science diet for oxcylate crystals.)
Next I went to IVD modified.   And now there is a royal cannin available for ox crystals.  Any ideas as to which is 'best' from those choices?
tonyaTerri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If your only options are places like Petsmart and Petco type places, then I would recommend either Nutro or Royal Canin.
I use Eagle Pack, and it is only available in certain places.  Check out and see if there's a vendor near you.
Also, you could check out Precise foods.  The link isn't working for me at the moment, but it is supposed to be
Or try California Natural, Innova, HealthWise, or Karma Organic at
There's also Wellness.  It's available at a variety of on line stores.  You could do a websearch to find that one.
I tried different foods, and Eagle Pack works best for my gang.  If I can't get to the specialty store near me to buy it, they like Royal Canin and Nutro Indoor formula best.
Good luck!
Terri in NJ
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: gary 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: FeLV diet

Does anyone have any recommandations for a commercially available food?
GaryBarb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

More news on Wink

2005-09-27 Thread Julie Johnson
Hi Everyone,
Thank you all for your good thoughts and wishes and, Nina, thank you for that link; I'll surely investigate it.  Wendy called a few minutes ago from the OR, she said she got two good pieces of the growth for biopsy and also found via (x-ray? ultrasound?) Wink has another small growth in the other ear; too deep to biopsy, but it makes me wonder (and she said, too) if these could be polyps or some other benign type of growth.  The other interesting thing she said that might be playing a part in this is that she found one of Wink's  rear teeth (she doesn't have many!) was broken at the gum line (just looked like one of many missing teeth from a quick exam) and the root was still there and terribly infected.  She said she didn't think it accounted for everything that was going on, but said it was suspicious that it's on the side that won't heal.  She thinks the root may have been a constant souce of wicking the bacteria far into the ear, head and
 cheek.  It's very strange because in this very strange year of 2005 something very similar happened to a good friend's dad.  He has a history of heart problems and began having chest, arm and back pain and was rushed to the ER.  He was given the all clear from a cardiac standpoint, yet he continued to feel severe pain to the point that they had to treat him with morphine.  After many, many days in the hospital, it was found that he had an infected root in a back molar (no, the TOOTH did not hurt at all) and it had spread a severe infection throughout his upper torso.  It sounds like something similar could be going on with Wink!  He had to be treated with IV antibiotics (I know there was a reason they said taking them by mouth wouldn't help, but I can't remember it!) and maybe that's why Wink has only had partial response all these weeks.  
I'll let you know when I know more.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Re: Buddy's op

2005-09-27 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Michelle,
It's wonderful to hear that Buddy did so well yesterday and was obviously feeling fine when she returned home!
I'm so sorry to hear about Gemma; it's just heartbreaking.  Do you know about the K9-carts that can be used for animals who've lost use of their back legs?  I don't know if it would be appropriate for Gemma, but I'd be happy to look up the information for you if you thought it would be an option to help her and help her stay with you longer.  Take care.
Love, Julie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Buddy had her dental yesterday - she cried all the way there and made me feel so guilty. She had a scrape and polish and no extraction necessary. Got her tested for FeLV too whilst she was asleep. She was excited to get back home and was scaling curtains within a couple of hours bless her.On a sadder note I have to put to sleep my one of my girls (Gemma) on Thursday. She is a 12 year old German Shepard crossbreed bitch who has had arthritis in her front and back legs for a few years and had a CVA just before the death of my Tidge in March this year. We got her through it with the vet but her legs have been getting weaker as of late and have basically given up this week. Had her from 8 weeks old - so heartbreaking but she is now getting depressed and can't get to the toilet without us holding her back end up in a sling (bath towel). Got to let her join her brother and Bramble
 and Tidge at the Bridge.Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
		Yahoo! for Good 
Click here to donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. 

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thanks, I have made an appointment for her to come.catatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

It could still possibly be ringworm, but of course it could be any type of allergy.  Probably should check with vet if it gets worse  If it's an allergy a little pred. might help.
tCherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Two on her hind quarterscatatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

where are the spots?Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Cherie,
I don't really have any experience with this.  What are you feeding her?  Maybe she has a food allergy.  Or maybe there isn't enough fat in her diet.
Just a thought.  Perhaps someone with more experience than I will get back to you.
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:42 AM
Subject: Skin Problem

Hi all,
I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem, she has formed two spots with no hair loss and some scaling.Does not glow so I do not suspect ringworm, any thoughts? Thanks
Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day
 Have a purrfect day

RE: Buddy's op

2005-09-27 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Michelle, I'm so sorry to hear about Gemma. I know she must have had a
wonderful life in your care. You're an angel for all that you do. I hope
it's a peaceful passing for the sweet little soul.
I'm glad to hear the good news -- that Buddy bounced back the second she
was home!
love, Kerry

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 11:09 AM
Subject: Buddy's op

Buddy had her dental yesterday - she cried all the way there and made me
feel so guilty. She had a scrape and polish and no extraction necessary.
Got her tested for FeLV too whilst she was asleep. She was excited to
get back home and was scaling curtains within a couple of hours bless

On a sadder note I have to put to sleep my one of my girls (Gemma) on
Thursday. She is a 12 year old German Shepard crossbreed bitch who has
had arthritis in her front and back legs for a few years and had a CVA
just before the death of my Tidge in March this year. We got her through
it with the vet but her legs have been getting weaker as of late and
have basically given up this week. Had her from 8 weeks old - so
heartbreaking but she is now getting depressed and can't get to the
toilet without us holding her back end up in a sling (bath towel). Got
to let her join her brother and Bramble and Tidge at the Bridge.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail. 

Re: FeLV diet- Royal Cannin?

2005-09-27 Thread catatonya
My vet has started carrying royal cannin.  My cats have to have veterinary diets so I haven't really kept up with discussions on foods.  (We had to eat science diet for oxcylate crystals.)
Next I went to IVD modified.   And now there is a royal cannin available for ox crystals.  Any ideas as to which is 'best' from those choices?
tonyaTerri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

If your only options are places like Petsmart and Petco type places, then I would recommend either Nutro or Royal Canin.
I use Eagle Pack, and it is only available in certain places.  Check out and see if there's a vendor near you.
Also, you could check out Precise foods.  The link isn't working for me at the moment, but it is supposed to be
Or try California Natural, Innova, HealthWise, or Karma Organic at
There's also Wellness.  It's available at a variety of on line stores.  You could do a websearch to find that one.
I tried different foods, and Eagle Pack works best for my gang.  If I can't get to the specialty store near me to buy it, they like Royal Canin and Nutro Indoor formula best.
Good luck!
Terri in NJ
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: gary 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:48 PM
Subject: FeLV diet

Does anyone have any recommandations for a commercially available food?

My beloved group

2005-09-27 Thread Nina
I just wanted to send a note of appreciation for all you wonderful 
people.  You helped me hold on to my sanity (and what love I have for 
humanity), during the last few dark days.  St Francis has had me working 
overtime, sending me animal after animal to intervene with on his 
behalf.  Maybe the universe is trying to keep me busy and useful so I 
won't feel to sorry for myself.  Today, I'm feeling just a little bit 
better.  I know that your support has a great deal to do with that.  I'm 
still having a hard time, but hopefully soon, I'll be able to start 
reading and responding to more posts.

Bless you my friends and bless all the sweet babies under our care,
Much love,

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread catatonya
It could still possibly be ringworm, but of course it could be any type of allergy.  Probably should check with vet if it gets worse  If it's an allergy a little pred. might help.
tCherie A Gabbert <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Two on her hind quarterscatatonya <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

where are the spots?Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Cherie,
I don't really have any experience with this.  What are you feeding her?  Maybe she has a food allergy.  Or maybe there isn't enough fat in her diet.
Just a thought.  Perhaps someone with more experience than I will get back to you.
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:42 AM
Subject: Skin Problem

Hi all,
I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem, she has formed two spots with no hair loss and some scaling.Does not glow so I do not suspect ringworm, any thoughts? Thanks
Have a purrfect day
Have a purrfect day

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Sprinkles had the skin problem, and it did go away. Amber has been with me for 2 yrs so her problem just sort of popped up and has me baffled.
CherieNina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Cherie,Didn't you have another adopted baby with skin problems? Is this cat coming from the same woman? I can't remember what the other's problem turned out to be. It's so hard to know what's going on from just verbal descriptions from a foster mom. I'm hoping that it's stress related and that once she's in your care, you'll be able to get a better handle on this and she'll recover.NinaCherie A Gabbert wrote:> Thank you so much Lora for your input, I have been in contact with my > vet, we are taking a few steps to contain what ever it maybe since she > can not get here for a few days, but I will talk to her about ECG > because that is the closest example, of course nothing is ruled out > right now.> Thanks again> CherieHave a purrfect day

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread Nina

Didn't you have another adopted baby with skin problems?  Is this cat 
coming from the same woman?  I can't remember what the other's problem 
turned out to be.  It's so hard to know what's going on from just verbal 
descriptions from a foster mom.  I'm hoping that it's stress related and 
that once she's in your care, you'll be able to get a better handle on 
this and she'll recover.


Cherie A Gabbert wrote:

Thank you so much Lora for your input, I have been in contact with my 
vet, we are taking a few steps to contain what ever it maybe since she 
can not get here for a few days, but I will talk to her about ECG 
because that is the closest example, of course nothing is ruled out 
right now.

Thanks again

Re: Buddy's op

2005-09-27 Thread Nina
Oh Michelle, that's good news about Buddy, but such sad news about 
Gemma.  The last loving, most selfless thing we can do, when their 
quality of life is so sadly low, with no hope of recovery, is to help 
them cross.  Knowing that doesn't put much of a dent in the heartache of 
having to say goodbye to such a good friend.  My thoughts are with you 
all.  Bless you for being such a wonderful mom to her for all her 
years.  I'm so sorry.

Much love,


Buddy had her dental yesterday - she cried all the way there and made me feel 
so guilty. She had a scrape and polish and no extraction necessary. Got her 
tested for FeLV too whilst she was asleep. She was excited to get back home and 
was scaling curtains within a couple of hours bless her.

On a sadder note I have to put to sleep my one of my girls (Gemma) on Thursday. 
She is a 12 year old German Shepard crossbreed bitch who has had arthritis in 
her front and back legs for a few years and had a CVA just before the death of 
my Tidge in March this year. We got her through it with the vet but her legs 
have been getting weaker as of late and have basically given up this week. Had 
her from 8 weeks old - so heartbreaking but she is now getting depressed and 
can't get to the toilet without us holding her back end up in a sling (bath 
towel). Got to let her join her brother and Bramble and Tidge at the Bridge.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble


Re: Buddy's op

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Glad to hear about Buddy, sorry to hear about Gemma, it is such a tough decision to make.
Cherie[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
Buddy had her dental yesterday - she cried all the way there and made me feel so guilty. She had a scrape and polish and no extraction necessary. Got her tested for FeLV too whilst she was asleep. She was excited to get back home and was scaling curtains within a couple of hours bless her.On a sadder note I have to put to sleep my one of my girls (Gemma) on Thursday. She is a 12 year old German Shepard crossbreed bitch who has had arthritis in her front and back legs for a few years and had a CVA just before the death of my Tidge in March this year. We got her through it with the vet but her legs have been getting weaker as of late and have basically given up this week. Had her from 8 weeks old - so heartbreaking but she is now getting depressed and can't get to the toilet without us holding her back end up in a sling (bath towel). Got to let her join her brother and Bramble
 and Tidge at the Bridge.Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel BrambleHave a purrfect day

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 131

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM

Thank you so much for this information. I will immediately get in touch 
with her vet. to have him get this rolling ASAP and thank you for the "good 
vibes" and I will keep you posted on how she is doing.  Yesterday afternoon 
she was acting more like her old self but, we have not yet been given the 
results of the transfusion and still are awaiting the lab work for the second 
test for FeLV.  Again, thank you so much!
Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread Nina
Oh Julie, I'm so sorry to hear about little darling Wink's troubles.  
Kerry's right, it is a testament to your loving guardianship that she's 
still her cheerful self.  Sweet little mite!  They have no idea why 
she's not responding to the antibiotics?  It does seem that some sort of 
immunity booster is in order.  It's so frustrating to do everything you 
can think of, try everything that modern medicine has to offer and not 
have her respond favorably.  Why don't you check out my holistic 
practitioner's website  She's 
the lady that helped me with Gracie, alas she wasn't able to save her, 
but the things we tried did seem to help her rally and be more 
comfortable.  I'm sending prayers, love and hugs to you, Wink and the 
rest of your family.


Julie Johnson wrote:

Dear Friends,
Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks.  
There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required 
surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and 
Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she is 
still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the 
last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the 
hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear 
when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy 
today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal 
will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading 
infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the 
combo antibiotics prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy 
self and was purring and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about 
her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please 
keep a good thought for my little girl.
Love, Julie

"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is
to protection by man from the cruelty of man. "

"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
by the way its animals are treated."

Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)

Paws Come WITH Claws!!!

If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think 
your decision to acquire a pet.

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around

Buddy's op

2005-09-27 Thread Lomaxturtle
Buddy had her dental yesterday - she cried all the way there and made me feel 
so guilty. She had a scrape and polish and no extraction necessary. Got her 
tested for FeLV too whilst she was asleep. She was excited to get back home and 
was scaling curtains within a couple of hours bless her.

On a sadder note I have to put to sleep my one of my girls (Gemma) on Thursday. 
She is a 12 year old German Shepard crossbreed bitch who has had arthritis in 
her front and back legs for a few years and had a CVA just before the death of 
my Tidge in March this year. We got her through it with the vet but her legs 
have been getting weaker as of late and have basically given up this week. Had 
her from 8 weeks old - so heartbreaking but she is now getting depressed and 
can't get to the toilet without us holding her back end up in a sling (bath 
towel). Got to let her join her brother and Bramble and Tidge at the Bridge.

Michelle, Minstrel, Buddy & Angel Bramble

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 127

2005-09-27 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title:  Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 127 

Hello, one of our experienced members, Michelle, highly recommended Immuno regulin (IR) to me, when my Flavia began to succumb to nonregenerative anemia. I just posted the following package on IR to Julie, which you may or may not have seen, and may find it useful. While I haven't yet had time to organise it into one coherent report--it's a number of emails rolled into one--I think it does contain some very useful info and contact details..

Sending lots of healing vibes to your little Stinky. I hope she feels better after the transfusion. If you decide to go with IR, I highly recommend you order it today and have it overnighted. I left it too late.

Please keep us posted on little Stinky when you have time.

Kerry PS I didn't get your first email till last night otherwise I'd have sent this earlier


Revival's tel no is 800 786 4751. (Revival is the supplier I used.)

While I sadly did not order the Immuno regulin in time to be able to use it, the Revival people were good to deal with and the IR arrived at both vet clinics that I had it sent directly to when it was supposed to (ie overnighted by Fedex). I had never ordered it before and neither vet had ever used it but they were both very positive about doing so and liaised with me about the protocol/how much to use---it comes with directions in any case (although I haven't seen those because it's at the clinics). 

At least I now have it on hand should Mickey (or the NJ FeLV kitty I will be getting soon) need it. 

Here's also a copy of the relevant excerpts of what I emailed to Dr Dodin who was going to be administering the IR

Dear Dr Dodin 

Here are the 3 articles that give background on Immunoregulin for FeLV cats. 

(It is given by IV.) I placed an order with Revival Animal Health this morning for 5ml of ImmunoregulinEqstim, and it will be shipped today, overnighted to Abell, marked for your attention, so should be there tomorrow (Wednesday). It will come in a "Polar" box, and will need refrigeration when it arrives. 

(They said a cat of 8lb is administered between 0.25 and 0.5 ml each time.) 

There appear to be 2 possible protocols--4 times in first 2 weeks, then once a week till stabilized, then monthly recommended thereafter for maintenance; OR once a week. Please let me know what you think is best for Flavia once you've had a chance to consider. 


This archived site is also worth looking at--an email from a web list member, Kyle, who had researched and used IR. 

Many thanks again, 

Kerry M. 

-Original Message-
From: Kerry MacKenzie [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 11:03 PM
To: MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Subject: Fw: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 127

- Original Message - 



Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 8:40 AM 

Subject: Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 127 

What is best? 

Two weeks ago our fourteen-year-old cat Stinky started to isolate herself and than began to lose weight and refuse most food offers. We took her into the veterinarian and he found she has anemia. The anemia is apparently very bad and the veterinarian ran a FeLV ELISE and the result was a "very faint positive." The veterinarian is sending out of his office a sample to confirm this very faint positive result. 

We are facing FeLV and are unsure how best to proceed. The veterinarian has recommended a blood transfusion for our cat but, little else was mentioned. What can we do and how long do these transfusions work, if they work at all? 

Where do we turn to find the best information and how do we know the best treatment options for her symptoms? We want her to be with us for as long as she can but, do not want her to be here if it is too painful for her. We love her and want her to stay with us but, only if she is happy and feeling better. 

Stinky's Mom and Dad

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they 

For Julie More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: For Julie More good thoughts needed

Dear Julie 

I'm praying for and sending lots of healing vibes for Wink. I know how worried you must be, even if she isn't---what a wonderfully cheerful, happy-go-lucky little girl she sounds, doubtless in part a reflection of all the love and care she enjoys. I'm wondering if immuno-regulin might help? I've never had the chance to use it but Michelle--as you'll know--recommends it highly when appropriate. 

I'm fwding an email I sent out a few weeks ago to list member Margaret with salient points. There are 3 articles I've posted at the end which are a useful place to start.

When might you get Wink's biopsy result, Julie?  Please keep us posted when you get time.

And again, wishing you and Wink much luck.

love and hugs, Kerry

Margaret, a PS to Michelle's email-- 

Revival's tel no is 800 786 4751. (Julie, Revival is the supplier I used.)

While I sadly did not order the Immuno regulin in time to be able to use it, the Revival people were good to deal with and the IR arrived at both vet clinics that I had it sent directly to when it was supposed to (ie overnighted by Fedex). I had never ordered it before and neither vet had ever used it but they were both very positive about doing so and liaised with me about the protocol/how much to use---it comes with directions in any case (although I haven't seen those because it's at the clinics). 

At least I now have it on hand should Mickey (or the NJ FeLV kitty I will be getting soon) need it. 

Here's also a copy of the relevant excerpts of what I emailed to Dr Dodin who was going to be administering the IR--there's some info you may find useful, Margaret. 

Good luck. I'm sending positive healing vibes for your sweet Misty. 


Dear Dr Dodin 

Here are the 3 articles that give background on Immunoregulin for FeLV cats. 

(It is given by IV.) I placed an order with Revival Animal Health this morning for 5ml of ImmunoregulinEqstim, and it will be shipped today, overnighted to Abell, marked for your attention, so should be there tomorrow (Wednesday). It will come in a "Polar" box, and will need refrigeration when it arrives. 

(They said a cat of 8lb is administered between 0.25 and 0.5 ml each time.) 

There appear to be 2 possible protocols--4 times in first 2 weeks, then once a week till stabilized, then monthly recommended thereafter for maintenance; OR once a week. Please let me know what you think is best for Flavia once you've had a chance to consider. 


The site below is worth looking at too--an email from a web list member, Kyle, who had researched and used it. 

Many thanks again, 

Kerry M. 

-Original Message-
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]] On Behalf Of Julie Johnson
Sent: Tuesday, September 27, 2005 8:40 AM
Subject: More good thoughts needed

Dear Friends, 

Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks. There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required surgery. She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the last surgery. The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the hair there is falling out. Wendy did see a small growth in the ear when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy today. They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the combo antibiotics prescribed. Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy self and was purring and headbutting everyone. I'm so worried about her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring. ! Please keep a good thought for my little girl. 

Love, Julie

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances from an independent tax advisorThis email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this email in e

Re: More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread Susan Loesch
Many good thoughts and prayers for a solution to be found for Wink - one that will get her healthy!Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Friends,
Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks.  There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the combo antibiotics prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy self and was purring and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please
 keep a good thought for my little girl.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Again, Thank you so much I appreciate all the help.maimaipg <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dixie Louise had spots under all her legs/arms--the constant biting/itching/biting made it worse.  I broke the cycle with cloratramaton (sp?) 1/2 tablet  2 x a day (every 18 hours worked for her).  It only took a few days of not biting/itching to clear it up.  Also vitamin e applied to the area can help.   
- Original Message - 

From: catatonya 
Sent: Monday, September 26, 2005 12:07 PM
Subject: Re: Skin Problem

where are the spots?Terri Brown <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: 

Hi Cherie,
I don't really have any experience with this.  What are you feeding her?  Maybe she has a food allergy.  Or maybe there isn't enough fat in her diet.
Just a thought.  Perhaps someone with more experience than I will get back to you.
=^..^= Terri, Siggie the Tomato Vampire, Guinevere, Sammi, Travis, and 6 furangels: RuthieGirl, Samantha, Arielle, Gareth, Alec & Salome' =^..^=
Furkid Photos! FeLV Site: Personal Page:

- Original Message - 
From: Cherie A Gabbert 
Sent: Sunday, September 25, 2005 2:42 AM
Subject: Skin Problem

Hi all,
I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem, she has formed two spots with no hair loss and some scaling.Does not glow so I do not suspect ringworm, any thoughts? Thanks
Have a purrfect day
 Have a purrfect day

Re: More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread Barb Moermond
Dearest Julie,
all the good thoughts and GLOW on their way to you and Wink.Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Friends,
Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks.  There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the combo antibiotics prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy self and was purring and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please
 keep a good thought for my little girl.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around Barb+Smoky the House Puma+El Bandito Malito"My cat the clown:  paying no mind to whom he should impress.  Merely living his life, doing what pleases him, and making me smile."- Anonymous__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Skin Problem

2005-09-27 Thread Cherie A Gabbert
Thank you so much Lora for your input, I have been in contact with my vet, we are taking a few steps to contain what ever it maybe since she can not get here for a few days, but I will talk to her about ECG because that is the closest example, of course nothing is ruled out right now.
Thanks again
Cherie Lora <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
My cat is going bald on her hind legs. Should I beconcerned?Baldness, or alopecia, isn't "normal" in animals (withexception of certain breeds, like the Chinese Crested(hairless dog). So anytime a bald spot is noticed,your veterinarian should have a look. Extreme itchiness and the resultant licking, chewing,biting will cause hair loss (traumatic alopecia). Thiscan be seen as blunted stubble in the affected area. But what about situations where there isn't anyitching? When the skin looks normal - not red,inflamed or seemingly bothered? You still need to haveit checked out. It could be a hormonal imbalance (i.e.hypothyroidism - more common in dogs), ringworm, orwhat is commonly known in cats as "psychogenicalopecia". This is now recognized as an obsessivecompulsive behavior wherein the cat,
 continually"over-grooms" an area, perhaps due to stress. Another feline baldness condition is something calledEosinophilic Granuloma Complex (ECG), and this is anallergic condition in the skin, often withaccompanying scabby areas. As you can see, there are many conditions that cancause baldness with or without itching in cats anddog. Other conditions not mentioned above includeparasites other than fleas (Demodex mites, Notedresmites).Also, look under "Feline Endocrine Alopecia." Not all fungi will "glow" under a Wood's BlackLamp/Light. Cats CAN have skin/hair fungus infectionsthat do NOT put off a neon yellowish or greenish glow.Just because you or your vet cannot see a "glow" doesNOT imply that the cat is fungus free.The only way to 100% rule out ANY fungi infection isvia a hair CULTURE. Hair cultures
 are NOT the samething as a skin/hair SCRAPPING.Furthermore, Ringworm is NOT the only fungus infectionthat cats can contract (although it is the mostcommon.)Unfortunately, cats can also contract Athlete's Footand Jock Itch, both in which are cousin fungi toRingworm.LoraHi all,I have a question my FeLV+ Amber has a skin problem,she has formed two spots with no hair loss and somescaling.Does not glow so I do not suspectringworm, any thoughts? ThanksCherieHave a purrfect dayCherie__ Yahoo! for Good Donate to the Hurricane Katrina relief effort. Have a purrfect day

Re: Felvtalk Digest, Vol 8, Issue 129

2005-09-27 Thread DwinnsNM

Our love and prayers are with you and I hope the news is good.  We are 
waiting for results of blood transfusions today so, we will be thinking of you 
and your little girl and hoping and praying things turn out well for both!
Stinky's Mom and Dad

Re: More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread Joan Doljan
Good vibes from my guys to Wink.Julie Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Dear Friends,
Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks.  There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the combo antibiotics prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy self and was purring and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please
 keep a good thought for my little girl.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it isto protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated."Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.
__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam? Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

More good thoughts needed

2005-09-27 Thread Julie Johnson
Dear Friends,
Wink has been suffering from a severe ear infection for many weeks.  There was an abcess of the lymph node at one point that required surgery.  She finished her latest round of antibiotics (Panmyacin and Baytril) on Saturday and was back at the vet last night because she is still periodically bleeding and producing pus from the site of the last surgery.  The swelling now has spread to her forehead and the hair there is falling out.  Wendy did see a small growth in the ear when she looked last night so Wink's having surgery and a biopsy today.  They are now unsure if a complete removal of the ear canal will help since the primary problem seems to be a severe, spreading infection that is unresponsive despite having been cultured and the combo antibiotics prescribed.  Wink is her usual tiny, 5lb., happy self and was purring and headbutting everyone.  I'm so worried about her and am just in dread of what news the biopsy might bring.  Please
 keep a good thought for my little girl.
Love, Julie"I hold that, the more helpless a creature, the more entitled it is to protection by man from the cruelty of man. " "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948)Paws Come WITH Claws!!!If you're thinking about de-clawing your cat, you need to re-think your decision to acquire a pet.__Do You Yahoo!?Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around