RE: My baby, Olive has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Peggy, thank you so much for your kindness -- now I am 
crying again -- I will try to focus on the fact that they are at a better place 
now and free from all the's just so hard.. I miss them so 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peggy 
AnkneySent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 5:29 PMTo: 
Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: My baby, Olive has become 
free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

Dear Hideyo,
I am so, so sorry for all the pain 
you are going thorough with your recent losses.  You know rationally that you have done 
everything you could to give your kitties a few months or perhaps years of a 
happy and secure and loved life, so please don’t let yourself feel guilty for 
any decision you’ve made.  Your 
intentions were and are (as are all of ours) to do whatever we can for the 
animals we so dearly love.  You have 
given all four of them food, shelter, warmth, and care.  Be gentle with yourself, and don’t 
second-guess your decision to help little Olive to the bridge.  Hold on to the images you have of her 
sweetly sleeping the way cats do -  with her little paws tucked in 
underneath her and the contented look on her face.  She was lucky to have had you for the 
short time she was here.  

Re: Add my Mishka to the CLS

2006-11-05 Thread Gloria B. Lane

Thanks, Tonya, and everyone - you know how much it 
means to get the comforting words from this group.
I did have a necrospy for sweet Mishka.  She 
had FIP, sigh.  Don't know what's worse, knowing it's something you could 
have done something about , or something you could do nothing about.  She 
was a lovey sweet little baby, and guess coming into rescue was very stressful 
for her, after she was dumped at Petco.  Glad I had her for a two or three 
weeks, she was a wonderful little baby and I miss her, I regret I couldn't have 
taken her from her very beginning.

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 10:58 
  Subject: Re: Add my Mishka to the 
  I am so sorry for your loss of little Mishka.  I'm glad there are 
  people like you who will take in the ones left behind by others.
  tGloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
Mishka died yesterday (Sunday Oct 22). She was such a pretty little 
black and white kitty. She was abandoned at PetCo by someone, and 
accepted into our rescue. I could see that she was going down hill, and 
brought her to my house, hoping to make a difference and help her pull 
thru. I had great plans for her.Took her to the vet for the last two 
weeks. She'd tested negative on the Elisa. When she had a CBC blood 
test, it showed a low white count, low red count, low platelets - her 
bone marrow wasn't putting out any platelets. Don't know why, but some 
kind of cancer's a possibility, we just don't know.She was just 
as sweet as could be, slightly long black and white fur, with cute 
little ringlets coming out her ears and paws. She had wonderful, gentle 
personality - could have been somebody's love-bug for a long time, but 
guess it wasn't to be. She was my love-bug for a short time. She was 
about a year old. What a beautiful 

Fwd: [NMHP] Help for overgrooming

2006-11-05 Thread Lernermichelle

for those of you with cats with this problem... from the Best Friends No 
More Homeless Pets Forum, the expert of the week was an expert on flower 
--- Begin Message ---

Question from Dodo:I have a cat 
who is 5.5 years old now. I adopted her as a kitten, and she was pretty normal 
during the first 2 years of her life. After a year I started fostering cats, and 
lots of them (!), she started having skin problems. We took her to the vet 
several times. They did skin scrapings, ringworm test, and a cortisone shot. 
Also I tried hypoallergenic food, and dipped her in lime sulfur to cover a lot 
of bases, if not all. Nothing worked. She obsessively licks herself to baldness 
wherever she can reach. She is a very shy cat (has always been a little 
bit shy since she was a kitten), and gets intimidated easily, and she doesn't 
like other cats at all anymore. If a cat just looks at her, she will run and 
hide! So she lives in the office room with my husband during the day. She also 
has litter box problems occasionally (I believe because of her anxiety of other 
cats!) I tried Buspirone and Amitriptyline drugs on her, again with no help. I 
also tried Bach's rescue remedy, Saint John's wort and kava kava; kava kava made 
her lose more hair actually! Recently I started giving her fish oil and biotin, 
but she associated me with drugs or 'something bad happening to her' long time 
ago; whenever she hears the bottle shaking, or the cap opening, she hides and I 
can't pill her regularly. She also 'foams' if you give her a pill/drug with some 
taste on it (she is fine with capsules). She has never been abused by people, or 
even cats. My other cats just tease her, but she is still terrified of them. ( 
Probably there is some genetics playing a part in her character, too). I think 
my cat needs a stronger antidepressant/anxiolytic type of drug, but before I 
take her to the vet for that, I was wondering if there is anything else that I 
can try for her holistically? Response from Donna Williamson: 
Every once in a while I get a call from a cat person with 
a cat who has a similar problem. Barring any skin problems or allergies, I would 
say this is a behavioral problem, particularly OCD (obsessive compulsive 
disorder). Excessive grooming is related to anxiety, and the licking becomes 
worse with the increase in anxiety.  I would 
recommend: Heather- for obsessionMimulus- for fretfulness and 
shynessPink Yarrow – for hypersensitivityAspen- generalized 
anxietyChamomile- calming It is important with OCD that you 
keep the anxiety level down. It may be that if you are committed to rescue, and 
the coming and going of other cats is driving this cat crazy that the cat may 
need to be rehomed. I am not telling you what to do, only that the flower 
essences may or may not help, and the best interests of the cat should be 
considered. Try the flower essences first. You may need to double up on the dose 
for a long time, and use for several months. The cat may then need a different 



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--- End Message ---

RE: My baby, Olive has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Peggy Ankney

Dear Hideyo,


I am so, so sorry for all the pain you are going thorough
with your recent losses.  You know
rationally that you have done everything you could to give your kitties a few
months or perhaps years of a happy and secure and loved life, so please don’t
let yourself feel guilty for any decision you’ve made.  Your intentions were and are (as are all
of ours) to do whatever we can for the animals we so dearly love.  You have given all four of them food,
shelter, warmth, and care.  Be
gentle with yourself, and don’t second-guess your decision to help little
Olive to the bridge.  Hold on to the
images you have of her sweetly sleeping the way cats do -  with her little paws tucked in underneath
her and the contented look on her face. 
She was lucky to have had you for the short time she was here.  



Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Precious Pets, Almost Home
Dear Hideyo:

My heart is heavy for you!  I am so sorry that you
have been going though this!  It is a very difficult
and stressful time for you.  I know what you are going
though.  I lost 13 babies within a four month period. 
Some were personal cats and some were foster cats that
I raised since baby kittens.  It is quite a numbing
experience!  I was never so glad when 45 days past
from the last FIP cat was diagnosed.  Then I felt I
did not have to hold my breath anymore.  Just take one
day at a time!

Precious Pets  

--- Hideyo Yamamoto

> I had to let Oliver free from her body this morning
> -- she seemed to be
> in so much pain from the emergency clinic trip,
> since last night, she
> has had seizures almost every 15 minu or so last
> nigth even after valium
> and I couldn't let her continue that way.. I usually
> have a very
> difficult time to help assist them cross any of my
> kitties, because I
> can't let go of them. and I never know what they
> want for sure.. but
> this time,, it was very difficult to see Olive go
> through the seizures
> so many times as she seemed to be in so mcuh
> seems very selfish
> of me to let her be how she was.. I had someone come
> over and assisted
> her cross a little while ago-- of course, I have so
> much gult now and
> don't know what to do with the feeling.. though
> logically, I could
> convince myself that I did a right thing..  i just
> don't feel right and
> I have a regret already -- I am feeling numb right
> now at the same time,
> I am feeling awful about what i did..
> I was talking to dr. Addie from University of
> glagslow who has done
> research for FIP for the past two decades, and she
> was explaining to me
> how FIP is the disease that we human create by
> domesticating our kitties
> and keeping them indoor -- please don't get me
> wrong.. she was not
> suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad
> thing.. but there is a
> price to pay when you have multiple of animals in
> the house.. as feces
> from litter box is the most common way to get the
> corona virus and as
> they shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much
> less common due to
> the fact that they don't use litter boxes
> obviously... and that's what I
> meant when I produced the disease and not separating
> them in a small
> group..  There are a few people on FIP support list
> who have lost
> several of their kitties to FIP --- it can be
> sproadic and usually is..
> but sometimes, it's epidemic.. and when it happens
> it's very
> you already know..
> I am so afraid thinking what's now, what's next --
> as I am trying not to
> create a problem before it even happens.. but you
> just have to
> understand.. my Oliver was just fine (or at least I
> thought which was my
> very bad) until last night.. it seemed progressed so
> quickly and never
> seen anything like it... 
> Everyone, prlease pray that my olive is at peace and
> feel free and my
> Dharma, Naomi and Peter are greeting at her at the
> rainbow bridge.. 


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RE: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive hasFIP (?)

2006-11-05 Thread Abby Specht
I'm sorry to hear about your kitties.  i'm pretty new to this group... i 
pretty much just read everything and take everything in... with all the love 
you can give olive i'm sure she will have a great life.  it may be short 
like most of our kitties, but at least she was loved.. if she would have 
continued to be fural she wouldnt have been loved or cared for... i'm very 
lucky bacardi my felv+ baby is doing well, but that can change at any 
time... please dont give up on having cats... there are so many that need 
homes, and by everything i've read from u the past couple months u sound 
like a wonderful mom... maybe you'll just need a little time.  thank-you for 
caring for so many kitties in need... i wish more people were as caring as 
you. i work for a vet, and some owners dont care about their animals.  at 
least you will do anything u can!!!


From: "Hideyo Yamamoto" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive 
hasFIP (?)

Date: Sat, 4 Nov 2006 23:46:44 -0700

Hi, everyone I just cremated my little Dharma this morning --- before I
had a chance to sit down and think of all the memories of my little
special Dharma ---and before I had a chance to cry my little feral
kitty, Olive now has FIP... and I just found it out..and I am just
devasted all over again.

Olive is my feral kitty who is now about a year old and who came from
the same colony as Dharma and Naomi.  Since she is a feral kitty, I
really did not know how sick she was and it's my fault not paying
attention to her more..she had a seizure tonght -- and I held her and
noticed that she had lost lots of weight and very dehydrated.. and she
must be very weak as she let me hold her.. I gave her 250 ml of subQ
fluid as she was extremely dehydrated and hot -- and I ran to the
emergency clinic after that..and asked them to run a blood work---I
was so praying that it's not FIP -- then, I waited and finally talk to
the doctor regarding blood work and it was very similar to Peter's blood
work --the doctor did not know exactly what it was-- she said either
cancer or FIP...her gloublin is elevated and alubmin is decreased, her
total bilrbrin is elevated.. and mos of the liver (ALT and AST) were
very elevated. .she was not anemic (PCV=31) -- she thought I really
coudln't treat her since she was feral and suggest euthanaisa.. but I
said no.. I want to bring her home and try everything I can.. she just
was walking around and eating until earlier I brought her
home as I knew she would  be better off coming home as there wasnt'
anything they could do for her specifically.  I held her for a long
time.. she is just very sweet..

I did not know ir I coule syringe feed her,, but she let me and she ate
very well.. she is just very sweet little gir.. she is black/white
taxido girl... sthe bad new is since then, she had three more seizures..
I really did not want to give her valium as she already has liver
issue.. but I coudln't let her keep having a seizure so I gave a little
bit of valium to see if it will help not to have seizure anymore..

Everyone.. I am now convinced that I am the one who is producing this
disease fo rmy kitties -- I know that FIP is stress induced disease..
and all of the kitties who have had FIP were not corona virus posivite
kitties and the become exposed due to all my others who have been.. and
all of the kitties who have had FIP have been here less than year.. and
my envrinment has caused them to die -- Dr. Ishidaalso  mentioned
something similar when I first explained how many kitties I have had FIP
-- as much as he admired what I do. .he thought that I was causing FIP
among my cats.. and I have to agree -- it's too much of price to pay and
they did not deserve to die.. I had a good intension but it was not good
enough and I am very responsible of all the deaths so I really am not
any kind of hero.. if I did not bring them home,, they would not have
gotten FIP ...I don't regret that the fact thatI had an opportunity to
have met them.. but had no right to bring my house which is considered
to be a very high risk for FIP .. they did not ask for that...

Everyone, please pray and send a good positive healinng energy to my
little Olive.. I started on FOI tonight and am hoping that it will make
her feel better - again I have not given up regardlesss of whatever the
disease might be.. I still belive in power of intensions and miracle if
that's what it takes.. I juar have to be calm and sending her a good

again thank you very much for all your support and I am sorry for asking
for more prayers before I had a chance to thank you for all your kind
words you have sent to me and dharma..


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Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread ETrent

Dear Hideyo,
God bless you.  You have been through so much more than anyone could 
endure. You can depend on us to pray for you and help you though this.  My 
heart hurts with you.
I really believe that your time caring for dear kitties is not over.  
There are those who truly need your help -- and they will come to 
you.  They have a way of seeking you out.  You will know when it is 
right.  When they come - you must not have the door closed from 
doubt because you think that you have done something wrong or that you 
cannot provide the right environment.  You can.  You do.  They 
will come to you...and you will know.  I really believe this.
Please look at inappropriate guilt for what it is...something that blocks 
your way and blocks your positive energy.
It's ok to's ok to mourn so much loss and to accept what 
lessons there are to go with this.  It's not ok to blame yourself - I think 
you have a special calling; that you have a gift to give.  You are needed 
and loved.
love and prayers,
In a message dated 11/5/2006 1:11:15 P.M. Central Standard Time, 

  I had to let Oliver free from her body this morning -- she seemed to be in so much 
  pain from the emergency clinic trip, since last night, she has had 
  seizures almost every 15 minu or so last nigth even after valium and I 
  couldn't let her continue that way.. I usually have a very difficult time to 
  help assist them cross any of my 
  kitties, because I can't let go of them. 
  and I never know what they want for sure.. but this time,, it was very 
  difficult to see Olive go through the seizures so many times as she seemed to 
  be in so mcuh seems very selfish of me 
  to let her be how she was.. I had someone come over and assisted her 
  cross a little while ago-- of 
  course, I have so much gult now and don't know 
  what to do with the feeling.. though logically, I could convince myself 
  that I did a right thing..  i just don't feel right and  I have a 
  regret already -- I am feeling numb right now at the same time, I am feeling 
  awful about what i did..
  I was talking to dr. 
  Addie from University of glagslow who has done research for FIP for the past 
  two decades, and she was explaining to me how FIP is the disease that we human 
  create by domesticating our kitties and keeping them indoor -- please don't 
  get me wrong.. she was not suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad 
  thing.. but there is a price to pay when you have multiple of animals in the 
  house.. as feces from litter box is the most common way to get the corona 
  virus and as they shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much less common 
  due to the fact that they don't use litter boxes obviously... and that's what 
  I meant when I produced the disease and not separating them in a small 
  group..  There are a few people on FIP support list who have lost several 
  of their kitties to FIP --- it can be sproadic and usually is.. but sometimes, 
  it's epidemic.. and when it happens it's very you already 
  I am so afraid 
  thinking what's now, what's next -- as I am trying not to create a problem 
  before it even happens.. but you just have to understand.. my Oliver was just 
  fine (or at least I thought which was my very bad) until last night.. it 
  seemed progressed so quickly and never seen anything like it... 
  Everyone, prlease 
  pray that my olive is at peace and feel free and my Dharma, Naomi and 
  Peter are greeting at her at the rainbow bridge.. 

Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread TenHouseCats

GLOW to guide olive's way to join her friends and family at the
bridge, and to help heal your heart--and to recognize all the good
that you do. short or long, the time they spend in your loving care is
far more than they would have had without you.


On 11/5/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I had to let Oliver free from her body this morning -- she seemed to be in
so much pain from the emergency clinic trip, since last night, she has had
seizures almost every 15 minu or so last nigth even after valium and I
couldn't let her continue that way.. I usually have a very difficult time to
help assist them cross any of my kitties, because I can't let go of them.
and I never know what they want for sure.. but this time,, it was very
difficult to see Olive go through the seizures so many times as she seemed
to be in so mcuh seems very selfish of me to let her be how she
was.. I had someone come over and assisted her cross a little while ago-- of
course, I have so much gult now and don't know what to do with the feeling..
though logically, I could convince myself that I did a right thing..  i just
don't feel right and  I have a regret already -- I am feeling numb right now
at the same time, I am feeling awful about what i did..

I was talking to dr. Addie from University of glagslow who has done research
for FIP for the past two decades, and she was explaining to me how FIP is
the disease that we human create by domesticating our kitties and keeping
them indoor -- please don't get me wrong.. she was not suggesting that
keeping cats indoor was a bad thing.. but there is a price to pay when you
have multiple of animals in the house.. as feces from litter box is the most
common way to get the corona virus and as they shed from feces -- and out in
wild, FIP is much less common due to the fact that they don't use litter
boxes obviously... and that's what I meant when I produced the disease and
not separating them in a small group..  There are a few people on FIP
support list who have lost several of their kitties to FIP --- it can be
sproadic and usually is.. but sometimes, it's epidemic.. and when it happens
it's very you already know..

I am so afraid thinking what's now, what's next -- as I am trying not to
create a problem before it even happens.. but you just have to understand..
my Oliver was just fine (or at least I thought which was my very bad) until
last night.. it seemed progressed so quickly and never seen anything like

Everyone, prlease pray that my olive is at peace and feel free and my
Dharma, Naomi and Peter are greeting at her at the rainbow bridge..

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn

Hideyo, I'm so sorry to hear that Olive has passed. Quickly is probably a 
blessing, as she did not linger, and enjoyed her life up until the very last day 
or so.
I do hope that this time, you will have Olive's body tested for FIP, to get 
a definitive diagnosis, so you can be SURE that it is FIP, and not something in 
your home such as a toxin, or some other curable thing that you're just missing 
because you're assuming it's FIP. You really MUST test to be sure!
I find it amazing that you have talked to both Dr. Ishida, whom is a very 
highly advanced clinical veterinarian in the field of animal research in Japan 
(unless there's another Dr. Ishida I'm not aware of practicing in your area?), 
as well as talking directly to Dr. Addie from University of Glasgow, another 
well known vet in the field of FIP research! How did you manage to speak to the 
fore-runners of research about your cats? Do you have connections in Japan, or 
something? These aren't people you can generally just call up and chat with! Oh, 
wait, do you LIVE in Japan, I hadn't considered that, I thought you said you 
lived in Texas, but maybe I'm wrong about that...
Please adopt a cat from Little Cheetah Cat Rescue!!! Low cost 
Spay&Neuter services in VT, and Emergency Financial Assistance for cat 
Needs Cat Resources: 
The Sofa Poem: us 
No virus found in this outgoing message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.1.409 / Virus Database: 268.13.28/518 - Release Date: 11/4/2006

Re: urgent--please pray for Lucy

2006-11-05 Thread Lernermichelle

She's doing ok.  Just starting to be herself again, and diarrhea has 
stopped. Knock on wood. Thanks.
In a message dated 11/5/2006 1:17:23 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 

  I'm so behind.  I hope Lucy is better.


RE: urgent--please pray for Lucy

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Michelle - I will sending her positive energy -- I know 
it's hard - but try not to think of the worst.. those negative energy and your 
worry will travel to Lucy, and it won't help and she definitely does 
not need it -- visualize her all feeling better - she has proven to you 
that she can overcome many many things and she had done so in the past.. give 
her credit and think POSITIVE -- so that Lucy will not have to worry, either.. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
catatonyaSent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 11:17 AMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: urgent--please pray for 

I'm so behind.  I hope Lucy is better.

  She is very sick. It started last night. We have a vet appointment at 
  9:30 locally, can not get an internist appointment. It is not her IBD-- her 
  bowels are normal. But she has stopped eating, does not want me to touch her 
  (she is usually all over me) and has that dull sick look in her eyes. No URI 
  symptoms. She looks pink to me. Which makes me very scared that it is 
  something like cancer or leukemia. There are no internist appointments at 
  either place in NJ for a week.  They said I can go in through the 
  emergency room and wait for an internist. I hate doing that. When I did that 
  with Ginger it took them 4 days to figure out she had neurological problems. 
  One place said to go to my local vet, get tests done, and have them call to 
  try to convince an internist to squeeze her in.

RE: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am pretty sure, it is FIP -- it did not happen that 
quickly -- I failed to see the signs before.. when I held her she had lost much 
weight already.. as she hide most of the time, I failed to notice it.. 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
kellySent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 12:28 PMTo: 
felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: Re: Oliver has become free now 
--my 4th loss to FIP..
At 11:08 AM 11/5/2006, you wrote:Please consider a necropsy 
...You have so many kittes who need you. Could be something in the area you are 
not aware of,  FIP does not happen that quickly,Kelly
I had to let Oliver 
  free from her body this morning -- she seemed to be in so much pain from the 
  emergency clinic trip, since last night, she has had seizures almost every 15 
  minu or so last nigth even after valium and I couldn't let her continue that 
  way.. I usually have a very difficult time to help assist them cross any of my 
  kitties, because I can't let go of them. and I never know what they want for 
  sure.. but this time,, it was very difficult to see Olive go through the 
  seizures so many times as she seemed to be in so mcuh seems very 
  selfish of me to let her be how she was.. I had someone come over and assisted 
  her cross a little while ago-- of course, I have so much gult now and don't 
  know what to do with the feeling.. though logically, I could convince myself 
  that I did a right thing..  i just don't feel right and  I have a 
  regret already -- I am feeling numb right now at the same time, I am feeling 
  awful about what i did..I was talking to dr. Addie 
  from University of glagslow who has done research for FIP for the past two 
  decades, and she was explaining to me how FIP is the disease that we human 
  create by domesticating our kitties and keeping them indoor -- please don't 
  get me wrong.. she was not suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad 
  thing.. but there is a price to pay when you have multiple of animals in the 
  house.. as feces from litter box is the most common way to get the corona 
  virus and as they shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much less common 
  due to the fact that they don't use litter boxes obviously... and that's what 
  I meant when I produced the disease and not separating them in a small 
  group..  There are a few people on FIP support list who have lost several 
  of their kitties to FIP --- it can be sproadic and usually is.. but sometimes, 
  it's epidemic.. and when it happens it's very you already 
  know..I am so afraid thinking what's now, what's 
  next -- as I am trying not to create a problem before it even happens.. but 
  you just have to understand.. my Oliver was just fine (or at least I thought 
  which was my very bad) until last night.. it seemed progressed so quickly and 
  never seen anything like it... Everyone, prlease 
  pray that my olive is at peace and feel free and my Dharma, Naomi and Peter 
  are greeting at her at the rainbow bridge.. No virus found in this 
  incoming message.Checked by AVG Free Edition.Version: 7.1.409 / Virus 
  Database: 268.13.28/518 - Release Date: 11/4/2006

Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Lernermichelle

Hideyo, I am so sorry. I can not believe what you are having to go 

Re: Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread kelly

At 11:08 AM 11/5/2006, you wrote:
Please consider a necropsy ...You have so many kittes who need you. Could
be something in the area you are not aware of,  FIP does not happen
that quickly,

I had to let Oliver
free from her body this morning -- she seemed to be in so much pain from
the emergency clinic trip, since last night, she has had seizures almost
every 15 minu or so last nigth even after valium and I couldn't let her
continue that way.. I usually have a very difficult time to help assist
them cross any of my kitties, because I can't let go of them. and I never
know what they want for sure.. but this time,, it was very difficult to
see Olive go through the seizures so many times as she seemed to be in so
mcuh seems very selfish of me to let her be how she was.. I had
someone come over and assisted her cross a little while ago-- of course,
I have so much gult now and don't know what to do with the feeling..
though logically, I could convince myself that I did a right
thing..  i just don't feel right and  I have a regret already
-- I am feeling numb right now at the same time, I am feeling awful about
what i did..

I was talking to dr. Addie from University of glagslow who
has done research for FIP for the past two decades, and she was
explaining to me how FIP is the disease that we human create by
domesticating our kitties and keeping them indoor -- please don't get me
wrong.. she was not suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad thing..
but there is a price to pay when you have multiple of animals in the
house.. as feces from litter box is the most common way to get the corona
virus and as they shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much less
common due to the fact that they don't use litter boxes obviously... and
that's what I meant when I produced the disease and not separating them
in a small group..  There are a few people on FIP support list who
have lost several of their kitties to FIP --- it can be sproadic and
usually is.. but sometimes, it's epidemic.. and when it happens it's very you already know..

I am so afraid thinking what's now, what's next -- as I am
trying not to create a problem before it even happens.. but you just have
to understand.. my Oliver was just fine (or at least I thought which was
my very bad) until last night.. it seemed progressed so quickly and never
seen anything like it... 

Everyone, prlease pray that my olive is at peace and feel
free and my Dharma, Naomi and Peter are greeting at her at the rainbow
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RE: My baby, Olive has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am so stupid and out of it,,, I can't even spell my 
cat's name --- I meant "Olive" -- I am sorry Olive I am just so 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo 
YamamotoSent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 12:09 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Oliver has become free now --my 4th 
loss to FIP..

I had to let Olive free from her body this morning -- she seemed to be in so much 
pain from the emergency clinic trip, since last night, she has had 
seizures almost every 15 minu or so last nigth even after valium and I couldn't 
let her continue that way.. I usually have a very difficult time to help assist 
them cross any of my kitties, because I 
can't let go of them. and I never know what they 
want for sure.. but this time,, it was very difficult to see Olive go 
through the seizures so many times as she seemed to be in so mcuh seems very selfish of me to let her be how she 
was.. I had someone come over and assisted her cross a little while ago-- of course, I have so much 
gult now and don't know what to do with the 
feeling.. though logically, I could convince myself that I did a right 
thing..  i just don't feel right and  I have a regret already -- I am 
feeling numb right now at the same time, I am feeling awful about what i 
I was talking to dr. 
Addie from University of glagslow who has done research for FIP for the past two 
decades, and she was explaining to me how FIP is the disease that we human 
create by domesticating our kitties and keeping them indoor -- please don't get 
me wrong.. she was not suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad thing.. but 
there is a price to pay when you have multiple of animals in the house.. as 
feces from litter box is the most common way to get the corona virus and as they 
shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much less common due to the fact that 
they don't use litter boxes obviously... and that's what I meant when I produced 
the disease and not separating them in a small group..  There are a few 
people on FIP support list who have lost several of their kitties to FIP --- it 
can be sproadic and usually is.. but sometimes, it's epidemic.. and when it 
happens it's very you already know..
I am so afraid 
thinking what's now, what's next -- as I am trying not to create a problem 
before it even happens.. but you just have to understand.. my Oliver was just 
fine (or at least I thought which was my very bad) until last night.. it seemed 
progressed so quickly and never seen anything like it... 
Everyone, prlease pray 
that my olive is at peace and feel free and my Dharma, Naomi and Peter are 
greeting at her at the rainbow bridge.. 

Oliver has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I had to let Oliver free from her body this morning -- she seemed to be in so much 
pain from the emergency clinic trip, since last night, she has had 
seizures almost every 15 minu or so last nigth even after valium and I couldn't 
let her continue that way.. I usually have a very difficult time to help assist 
them cross any of my kitties, because I 
can't let go of them. and I never know what they 
want for sure.. but this time,, it was very difficult to see Olive go 
through the seizures so many times as she seemed to be in so mcuh seems very selfish of me to let her be how she 
was.. I had someone come over and assisted her cross a little while ago-- of course, I have so much 
gult now and don't know what to do with the 
feeling.. though logically, I could convince myself that I did a right 
thing..  i just don't feel right and  I have a regret already -- I am 
feeling numb right now at the same time, I am feeling awful about what i 
I was talking to dr. 
Addie from University of glagslow who has done research for FIP for the past two 
decades, and she was explaining to me how FIP is the disease that we human 
create by domesticating our kitties and keeping them indoor -- please don't get 
me wrong.. she was not suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad thing.. but 
there is a price to pay when you have multiple of animals in the house.. as 
feces from litter box is the most common way to get the corona virus and as they 
shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much less common due to the fact that 
they don't use litter boxes obviously... and that's what I meant when I produced 
the disease and not separating them in a small group..  There are a few 
people on FIP support list who have lost several of their kitties to FIP --- it 
can be sproadic and usually is.. but sometimes, it's epidemic.. and when it 
happens it's very you already know..
I am so afraid 
thinking what's now, what's next -- as I am trying not to create a problem 
before it even happens.. but you just have to understand.. my Oliver was just 
fine (or at least I thought which was my very bad) until last night.. it seemed 
progressed so quickly and never seen anything like it... 
Everyone, prlease pray 
that my olive is at peace and feel free and my Dharma, Naomi and Peter are 
greeting at her at the rainbow bridge.. 

Re: urgent--please pray for Lucy

2006-11-05 Thread catatonya
Michelle,     I'm so behind.  I hope Lucy is better.     t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:  She is very sick. It started last night. We have a vet appointment at 9:30 locally, can not get an internist appointment. It is not her IBD-- her bowels are normal. But she has stopped eating, does not want me to touch her (she is usually all over me) and has that dull sick look in her eyes. No URI symptoms. She looks pink to me. Which makes me very scared that it is something like cancer or leukemia. There are no internist appointments at either place in NJ for a week.  They said I can go in through the emergency room and wait for an internist. I hate doing that. When I did
 that with Ginger it took them 4 days to figure out she had neurological problems. One place said to go to my local vet, get tests done, and have them call to try to convince an internist to squeeze her in.     Michelle

RE: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive has FIP (?)

2006-11-05 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Hideyo --

MC is so right on this.  Please, if you must blame something, blame these
kitties' gene pool that made them susceptible to the mutation of the corona
virus, not yourself.  I'm sorry the outcome wasn't good for them, but if
they hadn't been with you, sooner or later something in the stress of living
in the wild would have triggered the FIP and they would have gotten sick and
died anyway, with no one to help them and to mourn them.

I know that Olive will have the most loving care imaginable, no matter what
her outcome.  Here are vibes that she shakes it off.  And extra strength
vibes to you, dear, in this very hard time.

Diane R.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of TenHouseCats
Sent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 9:05 AM
Subject: Re: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little
Olive has FIP (?)

hideyo, dearest,

please stop beating yourself up.

Re: Add my Mishka to the CLS

2006-11-05 Thread catatonya
Gloria,     I am so sorry for your loss of little Mishka.  I'm glad there are people like you who will take in the ones left behind by others.     tGloria Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  My Mishka died yesterday (Sunday Oct 22). She was such a pretty little black and white kitty. She was abandoned at PetCo by someone, and accepted into our rescue. I could see that she was going down hill, and brought her to my house, hoping to make a difference and help her pull thru. I had great plans for her.Took her to the vet for the last two weeks. She'd tested negative on the Elisa. When she had a CBC blood test, it showed a low white count, low red count, low platelets - her bone marrow wasn't putting out any platelets. Don't know why, but some kind
 of cancer's a possibility, we just don't know.She was just as sweet as could be, slightly long black and white fur, with cute little ringlets coming out her ears and paws. She had wonderful, gentle personality - could have been somebody's love-bug for a long time, but guess it wasn't to be. She was my love-bug for a short time. She was about a year old. What a beautiful angel!Thanks,Gloria

Re: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive has FIP (?)

2006-11-05 Thread ETrent

I would just like to second what others have said.  I would trust you 
with any one of my cats - and that is saying quite a lot.  The love you 
have given these kitties is the greatest gift and you made their lives 
Sending love and healing to you and to Olive.
In a message dated 11/5/2006 9:05:26 A.M. Central Standard Time, 
  dearest,please stop beating yourself up.FIP may be 
  stress-ACTIVATED, it is not stress-created. if all thesekitties came from 
  the same colony, it's far more likely that you'redealing with the genetic 
  aspect of the condition. as others have said,FIP is a MUTATED form of the 
  corona virus and is not, in and ofitself, an infectious disease. think 
  about it--if FIP itself weretransmissible, there would BE no sanctuaries 
  or no-kill sheltersaround--all the cats would have gotten FIP and gone to 
  the bridge. wehad 600 cats at the sanctuary, and you can just bet that 
  most if notall of those cats would have shown a high corona titre (they 
  say thatup to 80% or something of HUMANS would show a high titre, too, 
  iftesting was regular)--and tho we lost kitties to FIP, it was 
  avery small percentage--and often it WAS within family groups.we 
  just never know when we bring in a cat what its genetic history is,and the 
  more cats we have, the more likely we are to have some whowill have the 
  predisposition for the mutated virus. it's terrible thatyou have had to go 
  through this, but please don't keep blamingyourself.MCOn 
  11/5/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
  wrote:>> Hi, everyone I just cremated my little Dharma this 
  morning --- before I had> a chance to sit down and think of all the 
  memories of my little special> Dharma ---and before I had a chance to 
  cry my little feral kitty, Olive> now has FIP... and I just found 
  it out..and I am just devasted all over> again.>> Olive 
  is my feral kitty who is now about a year old and who came from the> 
  same colony as Dharma and Naomi.  Since she is a feral kitty, I really 
  did> not know how sick she was and it's my fault not paying attention 
  to her> more..she had a seizure tonght -- and I held her and noticed 
  that she had> lost lots of weight and very dehydrated.. and she must be 
  very weak as she> let me hold her.. I gave her 250 ml of subQ fluid as 
  she was extremely> dehydrated and hot -- and I ran to the emergency 
  clinic after that..and> asked them to run a blood work---I was so 
  praying that it's not FIP --> then, I waited and finally talk to the 
  doctor regarding blood work and it> was very similar to Peter's blood 
  work --the doctor did not know exactly> what it was-- she said either 
  cancer or FIP...her gloublin is elevated and> alubmin is decreased, her 
  total bilrbrin is elevated.. and mos of the liver> (ALT and AST) were 
  very elevated. .she was not anemic (PCV=31) -- she> thought I really 
  coudln't treat her since she was feral and suggest> euthanaisa.. but I 
  said no.. I want to bring her home and try everything I> can.. she just 
  was walking around and eating until earlier I> brought 
  her  home as I knew she would  be better off coming home as 
  there> wasnt' anything they could do for her specifically.  I held 
  her for a long> time.. she is just very sweet..>>> 
  I did not know ir I coule syringe feed her,, but she let me and she ate 
  very> well.. she is just very sweet little gir.. she is black/white 
  taxido girl...> sthe bad new is since then, she had three more 
  seizures.. I really did not> want to give her valium as she already has 
  liver issue.. but I coudln't let> her keep having a seizure so I gave a 
  little bit of valium to see if it will> help not to have seizure 
  anymore..>> Everyone.. I am now convinced that I am the one who 
  is producing this> disease fo rmy kitties -- I know that FIP is stress 
  induced disease.. and> all of the kitties who have had FIP were not 
  corona virus posivite kitties> and the become exposed due to all my 
  others who have been.. and all of the> kitties who have had FIP have 
  been here less than year.. and my envrinment> has caused them to die -- 
  Dr. Ishidaalso  mentioned something similar when I> first 
  explained how many kitties I have had FIP -- as much as he admired> 
  what I do. .he thought that I was causing FIP among my cats.. and I have 
  to> agree -- it's too much of price to pay and they did not deserve to 
  die.. I> had a good intension but it was not good enough and I am very 
  responsible of> all the deaths so I really am not any kind of hero.. if 
  I did not bring them> home,, they would not have gotten FIP ...I don't 
  regret that the fact thatI> had an opportunity to have met them.. but 
  had no right to bring my house> which is considered to be a very high 
  risk for FIP .. they did not ask for> that...>> Everyone, 
  please pray and send a good positive healinng e

Re: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive has FIP (?)

2006-11-05 Thread TenHouseCats

hideyo, dearest,

please stop beating yourself up.

FIP may be stress-ACTIVATED, it is not stress-created. if all these
kitties came from the same colony, it's far more likely that you're
dealing with the genetic aspect of the condition. as others have said,
FIP is a MUTATED form of the corona virus and is not, in and of
itself, an infectious disease. think about it--if FIP itself were
transmissible, there would BE no sanctuaries or no-kill shelters
around--all the cats would have gotten FIP and gone to the bridge. we
had 600 cats at the sanctuary, and you can just bet that most if not
all of those cats would have shown a high corona titre (they say that
up to 80% or something of HUMANS would show a high titre, too, if
testing was regular)--and tho we lost kitties to FIP, it was a
very small percentage--and often it WAS within family groups.

we just never know when we bring in a cat what its genetic history is,
and the more cats we have, the more likely we are to have some who
will have the predisposition for the mutated virus. it's terrible that
you have had to go through this, but please don't keep blaming


On 11/5/06, Hideyo Yamamoto <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hi, everyone I just cremated my little Dharma this morning --- before I had
a chance to sit down and think of all the memories of my little special
Dharma ---and before I had a chance to cry my little feral kitty, Olive
now has FIP... and I just found it out..and I am just devasted all over

Olive is my feral kitty who is now about a year old and who came from the
same colony as Dharma and Naomi.  Since she is a feral kitty, I really did
not know how sick she was and it's my fault not paying attention to her
more..she had a seizure tonght -- and I held her and noticed that she had
lost lots of weight and very dehydrated.. and she must be very weak as she
let me hold her.. I gave her 250 ml of subQ fluid as she was extremely
dehydrated and hot -- and I ran to the emergency clinic after that..and
asked them to run a blood work---I was so praying that it's not FIP --
then, I waited and finally talk to the doctor regarding blood work and it
was very similar to Peter's blood work --the doctor did not know exactly
what it was-- she said either cancer or FIP...her gloublin is elevated and
alubmin is decreased, her total bilrbrin is elevated.. and mos of the liver
(ALT and AST) were very elevated. .she was not anemic (PCV=31) -- she
thought I really coudln't treat her since she was feral and suggest
euthanaisa.. but I said no.. I want to bring her home and try everything I
can.. she just was walking around and eating until earlier I
brought her  home as I knew she would  be better off coming home as there
wasnt' anything they could do for her specifically.  I held her for a long
time.. she is just very sweet..

I did not know ir I coule syringe feed her,, but she let me and she ate very
well.. she is just very sweet little gir.. she is black/white taxido girl...
sthe bad new is since then, she had three more seizures.. I really did not
want to give her valium as she already has liver issue.. but I coudln't let
her keep having a seizure so I gave a little bit of valium to see if it will
help not to have seizure anymore..

Everyone.. I am now convinced that I am the one who is producing this
disease fo rmy kitties -- I know that FIP is stress induced disease.. and
all of the kitties who have had FIP were not corona virus posivite kitties
and the become exposed due to all my others who have been.. and all of the
kitties who have had FIP have been here less than year.. and my envrinment
has caused them to die -- Dr. Ishidaalso  mentioned something similar when I
first explained how many kitties I have had FIP -- as much as he admired
what I do. .he thought that I was causing FIP among my cats.. and I have to
agree -- it's too much of price to pay and they did not deserve to die.. I
had a good intension but it was not good enough and I am very responsible of
all the deaths so I really am not any kind of hero.. if I did not bring them
home,, they would not have gotten FIP ...I don't regret that the fact thatI
had an opportunity to have met them.. but had no right to bring my house
which is considered to be a very high risk for FIP .. they did not ask for

Everyone, please pray and send a good positive healinng energy to my little
Olive.. I started on FOI tonight and am hoping that it will make her feel
better - again I have not given up regardlesss of whatever the disease might
be.. I still belive in power of intensions and miracle if that's what it
takes.. I juar have to be calm and sending her a good thought..

again thank you very much for all your support and I am sorry for asking for
more prayers before I had a chance to thank you for all your kind words you
have sent to me and dharma..


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference



Re: SOS - you are not going to believe this - now my little Olive has FIP (?)

2006-11-05 Thread Sally Davis

Dear Hideyo

You are a kind hearted sensitive caring person. I have not been on this 
group long to know the full story about how the ferals came to be in your 
care. I do know you have loved and cared for them which is something they 
would not have in the wild. I don't know the exact stats but a feral cats 
lifespan is very short indeed. Not usually a good outcome. Hindsight is 
always better than foresight, please do not blame yourself..

You are in no way to responsible for this outcome.


Many years ago I had a cat who I was told died of something called 
peritonitis. We lived on a farm at that time he was a big tabby and white 
tom cat. I was away at college when all this transpired. MY parents took 
him to the vet who said there really wasn't much he could do this was some 
30 years ago. He put the cat on antibiotics and the cat ate but I 
understand continued to lose weight.  My parents were waiting for me to 
come home before doing anything with him. Unfortunately as cats will do he 
went off and I never saw him again.

The more we are exposed to the felines we love the more likely we may 
encounter these problems. Am i going to quit having cats because of my two 
FELV positive babies, NO WAY.



At 11:46 PM 11/4/2006 -0700, you wrote:

Hi, everyone I just cremated my little Dharma this morning --- before I 
had a chance to sit down and think of all the memories of my little 
special Dharma ---and before I had a chance to cry my little feral 
kitty, Olive now has FIP... and I just found it out..and I am just 
devasted all over again.

Olive is my feral kitty who is now about a year old and who came from the 
same colony as Dharma and Naomi.  Since she is a feral kitty, I really did 
not know how sick she was and it's my fault not paying attention to her 
more..she had a seizure tonght -- and I held her and noticed that she had 
lost lots of weight and very dehydrated.. and she must be very weak as she 
let me hold her.. I gave her 250 ml of subQ fluid as she was extremely 
dehydrated and hot -- and I ran to the emergency clinic after that..and 
asked them to run a blood work---I was so praying that it's not FIP -- 
then, I waited and finally talk to the doctor regarding blood work and it 
was very similar to Peter's blood work --the doctor did not know exactly 
what it was-- she said either cancer or FIP...her gloublin is elevated and 
alubmin is decreased, her total bilrbrin is elevated.. and mos of the 
liver (ALT and AST) were very elevated. .she was not anemic (PCV=31) -- 
she thought I really coudln't treat her since she was feral and suggest 
euthanaisa.. but I said no.. I want to bring her home and try everything I 
can.. she just was walking around and eating until earlier I 
brought her  home as I knew she would  be better off coming home as there 
wasnt' anything they could do for her specifically.  I held her for a long 
time.. she is just very sweet..

I did not know ir I coule syringe feed her,, but she let me and she ate 
very well.. she is just very sweet little gir.. she is black/white taxido 
girl... sthe bad new is since then, she had three more seizures.. I really 
did not want to give her valium as she already has liver issue.. but I 
coudln't let her keep having a seizure so I gave a little bit of valium to 
see if it will help not to have seizure anymore..

Everyone.. I am now convinced that I am the one who is producing this 
disease fo rmy kitties -- I know that FIP is stress induced disease.. and 
all of the kitties who have had FIP were not corona virus posivite kitties 
and the become exposed due to all my others who have been.. and all of the 
kitties who have had FIP have been here less than year.. and my envrinment 
has caused them to die -- Dr. Ishidaalso  mentioned something similar when 
I first explained how many kitties I have had FIP -- as much as he admired 
what I do. .he thought that I was causing FIP among my cats.. and I have 
to agree -- it's too much of price to pay and they did not deserve to 
die.. I had a good intension but it was not good enough and I am very 
responsible of all the deaths so I really am not any kind of hero.. if I 
did not bring them home,, they would not have gotten FIP ...I don't regret 
that the fact thatI had an opportunity to have met them.. but had no right 
to bring my house which is considered to be a very high risk for FIP .. 
they did not ask for that...

Everyone, please pray and send a good positive healinng energy to my 
little Olive.. I started on FOI tonight and am hoping that it will make 
her feel better - again I have not given up regardlesss of whatever the 
disease might be.. I still belive in power of intensions and miracle if 
that's what it takes.. I juar have to be calm and sending her a good thought..

again thank you very much for all your support and I am sorry for asking 
for more prayers before I had a chance to thank you for all your