Hi, Debi!

2007-05-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Hi, Debi:

I live outside Chicago with five kitties, three of whom are  
brothers.  They are the 3 Orange3 Boyz, one of whom, Sammy, has,  
unfortunately, recently tested positive--they initially tested  
negative--for FeLV and developed mediastinal lymphoma.  He is on his  
third week of chemotherapy.  This makes the health of his  brothers  
Charlie and Teddy suspicious as they were foundlings~~they were  
literally found by a woman's dog, who brought one in to give her as a  
gift and then showed her where the others were! I raised them from  
one or two days old.  They are ten months old.)

I have two tuxedos, Lilibet Squeekietoy and Billi Bi, who are healthy  
and have always had their FeLV shots as their big sister long-haired  
tuxedo Mamie was an FeLV positive baby from a golf course in  
Michigan.  My vet and his vet tech saved her life.  No one wanted her  
because she was FeLV positive.  I had recently lost my great big long- 
haired tuxedo Boots to old age and I said, I'll take her!  And I  
did!  She lived in great health for ten years, absolutely no sickness  
at all.  But then the stress of my divorce and her losing her dad and  
me losing our home (to my ex, that brat!) finally did her in two  
years ago.  Her immune system finally broke down along with my mental  

I would say that the most important thing about FeLV positive kitties  
is that they're just like any other kitties except they're  
contagious!  Do all your FeLV negative cats have their shots?  The  
most important thing is no stress and lots of love!  We played with  
little Mamie all the time and she was also allowed outside as we  
lived in a very safe, protected part of our small town.  She had a  
wonderful life.  She was an only child and I was a "stay-at-home mom"  
for her.  She was outside from 5 am until 10 pm every lovely day,  
popping in periodically to say "Hi!" and then buzzing out again.  I  
think that may have prolonged her life.  Sunshine works for cats just  
as it does for people.  She made her own fun, too.  A very  
resourceful little girl.

I think little FeLV positive kitties are extra-special for all the  
reasons that anyone with a disability is.

Have a wonderful time with them!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 2, 2007, at 3:03 PM, Debi Holmes wrote:


I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about my  
situation.  My name is Debi and I live in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.   
I am a foster mom for a cat rescue.  I have 6 of my own cats and I  
currently have 5 foster cats.  I also have 3 of my own FELV  
positive kitties and 2 other FELV positive kitties that I am  
fostering.  My 3 girls Sunshine, Cutie Pie, and Chloe are all  
sisters that are about 9 months old, they live in my computer room,  
which is great for them because my daughter is in there alot, so  
they get my attention and hers.  The 2 fosters that I have live in  
the room, I had initially built for my girls downstairs, and they  
are BooBoo who is about one and half years old, and then there is  
Thumbelina who is about 8 months old.  The girls I have had since  
they were just 8 weeks old, BooBoo was living outside a nursing  
home and they called us to come and get him.  Thumbelina was  
rescued from underneath a shed.  All are super sweet except for  
Thumbelina she wants nothing to do with BooBoo or with me, she just  
hangs out up in the rafters of the room.

Anyway these kitties will be my first experience with FELV positive  
kitties so I wanted to be in a group with other owners of FELV  
positive kitties.

Thank you,

Debi H.

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Re: Some Good News (for a change)!

2007-05-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
Another hidey-hole story:  My girl friend Cynthia takes her furbaby  
Puddy on an eight-hour drive up to Sleeping Bear Dunes in Northern  
Michigan several times a year where her fam has a condo. The very  
first time she and Puddy made the trip and it was time to go home,  
Puddy, who is not allowed out (good thing, too--wildcats have been  
spotted there) was nowhere to be found!  Panic, panic!  They finally  
looked under the beds one more time and, lo and behold, there was a  
suspicious cat-shaped lump hanging under one--Puddy had torn the  
fabric off the box-spring, crawled in and made her very own vacation  
hammock!  Puddy was a Petco kitty from Wisconsin and the very first  
night she came home with her new mom (a long-time big dog owner,  
first-time little cat owner) she spent all night running up and down  
the stairs and the hall.  She was so very happy!  And she makes that  
eight hour drive like a trooper.  What a kitty!

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 2, 2007, at 2:32 PM, Rosenfeldt, Diane wrote:

Welcome to your new furbabies -- they are both BEAUTIFUL!  Our  
former feral Fred did the crawling-inside-furniture thing too when  
we first got her.  There was an old 50s armchair in the room where  
we kept her, with big wide arms that were made by upholstering open  
wooden boxes, and she got through the bottom cloth and up into the  
chair arm and sort of braced herself against some corner blocks to  
stay up there.  We ended up having to stuff pillows and things into  
the whole chair just so we wouldn't have to overturn it and pry her  
out all the time.  ;-)

Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:felvtalk- 
[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa Johnson

Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 1:31 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Some Good News (for a change)!

Hey everyone!  Sorry I haven't written in a while and I've been a  
bit slow to update you all...life has been pretty crazy lately!   
WARNING:  this is LOOONG!  Sorry!  lol

As I think I mentioned when Slinky went to the bridge, I promised  
him I would get another baby to take care of me.  The first one he  
sent me came home about 3 weeks ago.  About 5 minutes before I left  
to pick him up, when I was feeling a bit sad about Slink, he sent  
me a DOUBLE rainbow from the bridge!!!  It was quite spectacular!   
And now I haveTWO new furbabies in my family!  The second one  
arrived this past weekend.

About 3 weeks ago I adopted a beautiful tabby boy who has CH  
(cerebellar hypoplasia).  He's a classic silver/gray tabby and a  
very sweet little boy!  He's 6 months old and lived in a shelter  
(first in PA, then in DC) his whole life until I got him.  His CH  
appears to be fairly mild as CH goes - he walks fairly stiff-legged  
and kind of "swaggers" when he walks.  He falls down if he gets  
really excited, and it often takes him a bit longer to climb onto  
things.  He has a tougher time getting down, but he's learned to  
fly through the air and execute a pretty good roll landing!  He  
almost never lands on his feet.  He also has Herpes, so I'm giving  
him lots of Lysine and washing his eyes with a goldenseal and  
ecchinacea wash.

Because my bed is fairly high off the ground and has wood side  
boards on the sides, I knew he'd have a really tough time getting  
up there, so I built him a ramp complete with side rails and a cork  
runner for traction.  :)  He's become a master at using it both to  
get up AND down from the bed!  I also got some small pet stairs for  
getting onto the couch and he learned to use those just in the last  
few days.

His name is Mouse - his idea, not mine!  Since he's gray (ok, MC,  
blue/silver) and squeaks when he meows, it seems the perfect name,  
and he responds to that and nothing else, so  He's got a motor  
that never quits and he loves to cuddle.  One of my favorite nick  
names for him, though, is "Hoover" because he inhales his food the  
second I put it down!  I'm feeding him Nature's Variety raw  
supplemented with Evo dry...and he seems to love it all!

This past weekend I added another baby to the family.  Her name (at  
least for now) is Georgia - but we'll see if she decides she wants  
to change it.  She was feral for the first 8 months of her life and  
then 2 months ago was brought in for TNR, but they decided she was  
too sweet to put back.  She was fostered by a wonderful woman and  
her 2 cats, but the woman was not able to give her a forever home  
and needed to place her by May 1.  She's gray tabby and white, with  
an adorable little white spot on the very tip of her tail!

Georgia's foster and a woman I met through MC drove about an hour  
from VA to my house with her and brought all kinds of supplies,  
etc. with them!  Her first hour or so was quite adventurous.  When  
I let her out of the carrier, we let her explore the living room,  
etc. and left her alone for a few minutes while we went in my  
bedroom to see Mouse.

Re: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey
33  A little message there from Baby  
Pooma Teddy!  He must be saying that those three kitties belong  
together.  When will the kitties' daddy be able to come back to call  
to Sammi?

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 2, 2007, at 2:16 PM, Nina wrote:

For all of you that are sending positive thoughts and prayers,  
here's the latest.  Very good news and some bad news...  Sammi is  
alive and has been spotted, but she bolted when approached.  Pray  
that she returns to the general area that the other two kitties  
were retrieved from and that she finds the food stations/traps that  
are being set up for her.


UPDATE:  Good news- Sammi is alive.  Bad news - She is on the move

Barbara was out late and at 4:00 am spotted Sammi.  Carol O and I  
over asap but before Carol was able to get there Sammi took off.   
Sammi was
by the side of the EDO building walking along the edge - on the  
side facing
the Edison yard.  Barbara and I were not able to get more than  
about 20 feet
away from her and were talking to her when she just bolted out  
towards the
Edison building and then down Foothill towards Agoura Sash and  
Door over on
Townsgate.  We think she may have gone in the back of the Agoura  
Sash and
Door in their storage yard but were unable to spot her again.  It  
is a mess
back there.  Hopefully she did not run across Townsgate.  She just  
took off

at full speed - not good.

Re: Some Good News (for a change)!

2007-05-02 Thread Taylor Scobie Humphrey

Yay!  Congratulations on your new little family!

With kitty love from our little family,

Billi Bi, Lilibet Squeekietoy and The 3 Orange Boyz
(and mommy their social secretary)

Taylor Scobie Humphrey

On May 2, 2007, at 1:31 PM, Marissa Johnson wrote:

Hey everyone!  Sorry I haven't written in a while and I've been a  
bit slow to update you all...life has been pretty crazy lately!   
WARNING:  this is LOOONG!  Sorry!  lol

As I think I mentioned when Slinky went to the bridge, I promised  
him I would get another baby to take care of me.  The first one he  
sent me came home about 3 weeks ago.  About 5 minutes before I left  
to pick him up, when I was feeling a bit sad about Slink, he sent  
me a DOUBLE rainbow from the bridge!!!  It was quite spectacular!   
And now I haveTWO new furbabies in my family!  The second one  
arrived this past weekend.

About 3 weeks ago I adopted a beautiful tabby boy who has CH  
(cerebellar hypoplasia).  He's a classic silver/gray tabby and a  
very sweet little boy!  He's 6 months old and lived in a shelter  
(first in PA, then in DC) his whole life until I got him.  His CH  
appears to be fairly mild as CH goes - he walks fairly stiff-legged  
and kind of "swaggers" when he walks.  He falls down if he gets  
really excited, and it often takes him a bit longer to climb onto  
things.  He has a tougher time getting down, but he's learned to  
fly through the air and execute a pretty good roll landing!  He  
almost never lands on his feet.  He also has Herpes, so I'm giving  
him lots of Lysine and washing his eyes with a goldenseal and  
ecchinacea wash.

Because my bed is fairly high off the ground and has wood side  
boards on the sides, I knew he'd have a really tough time getting  
up there, so I built him a ramp complete with side rails and a cork  
runner for traction.  :)  He's become a master at using it both to  
get up AND down from the bed!  I also got some small pet stairs for  
getting onto the couch and he learned to use those just in the last  
few days.

His name is Mouse - his idea, not mine!  Since he's gray (ok, MC,  
blue/silver) and squeaks when he meows, it seems the perfect name,  
and he responds to that and nothing else, so  He's got a motor  
that never quits and he loves to cuddle.  One of my favorite nick  
names for him, though, is "Hoover" because he inhales his food the  
second I put it down!  I'm feeding him Nature's Variety raw  
supplemented with Evo dry...and he seems to love it all!

This past weekend I added another baby to the family.  Her name (at  
least for now) is Georgia - but we'll see if she decides she wants  
to change it.  She was feral for the first 8 months of her life and  
then 2 months ago was brought in for TNR, but they decided she was  
too sweet to put back.  She was fostered by a wonderful woman and  
her 2 cats, but the woman was not able to give her a forever home  
and needed to place her by May 1.  She's gray tabby and white, with  
an adorable little white spot on the very tip of her tail!

Georgia's foster and a woman I met through MC drove about an hour  
from VA to my house with her and brought all kinds of supplies,  
etc. with them!  Her first hour or so was quite adventurous.  When  
I let her out of the carrier, we let her explore the living room,  
etc. and left her alone for a few minutes while we went in my  
bedroom to see Mouse.

When we came back she had gone under the couch (which is really a  
twin bed)...no big surprise.  BUT she crawled up INSIDE the box  
spring...and got STUCK!!!  We almost had to cut one of the wires to  
get her out, but she finally came out on her own.  Was quite the  
stressful day for all of us!! lol  So...we got her into the guest  
room where she's been ever since.

Send thoughts and prayers her way, though, as she hasn't been  
eating much, if at all!  I've tried every food known to man (and  
feline) and have had little luck.  She did eat a LITTLE of her  
canned food (9 lives - from the foster) and her dry (purina - from  
the foster), and tonight I got some a/d down her.  But it's been a  
major challenge...and I'm pretty worried about her!

Mouse hasn't quite decided what he thinks of this new addition (nor  
has she decided what she thinks about him).  But I'm sure that over  
time they'll come to love each other.  They both chrip and meow a  
lot, so I think they're a good pair.  Georgia loves to sit on my  
chest, purr, and give kisses and love.  She's a VEEERY sweet girl!!!

If you haven't been to Slinky's myspace in a while, check it out -  
it's been updated with pics of the rainbow he sent and several  
poems I wrote for him in the blogs.  www.myspace.com/slinkecat  You  
can also check out Mouse's myspace: www.myspace.com/motormouse1.  I  
haven't done one for Georgia yet (waiting on a CD of pictures from  
her foster mom), but she does have a catster page:  http:// 
www.catster.com/cats/531393  Mouse's catster is

Re: Baby - rainbow bridge

2007-05-02 Thread wendy

I'm sorry about little Baby.  This all must be tough
on you.  Have you figured out what's going on in your
home or do you just think that the litter was sick
even before it was born?  I hope things settle down
for you soon.  Peaceful vibes going out to you.


--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Baby was a tiny little kitten.  I took her from the
> shelter last week
> and she was PTS this morning.  She was sick and
> suffering and wasn't
> going to live.   I have some kind of virus in my
> house and it is
> freaking me out.  Too many dead kittens.
> -- 
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> http://www.rescuties.org
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> http://astore.amazon.com/rescuties-20
> Please help Joey!
> http://www.firstgiving.com/Joey1

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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Fwd: [feline-hyperT] OT:FDA 4,150 Deaths Reported & Import Alert

2007-05-02 Thread wendy
Note: forwarded message attached.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

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http://mail.yahoo.com --- Begin Message ---
 1,950 cats and 2,200 dogs reported dead.
FDA does not know the scope of the problem.
Original source of toxins still not known.
Firms got around Chinese inspection by saying it wasn't food.
New standards for import use established

 TYPE OF ALERT: Detention Without Physical Examination (Countrywide)

PRODUCTS: Wheat Gluten
  Rice Gluten
  Rice Protein
  Rice Protein Concentrate
  Corn Gluten
  Corn Gluten Meal
  Corn By-Products
  Soy Protein
  Soy Gluten
  Proteins (includes amino acids and protein hydrosylates)
  Mung Bean Protein




[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

--- End Message ---

Re: My precious bottle baby is gone

2007-05-02 Thread wendy

I'm sorry about your precious little furball.  What a
special person you are to have bottle fed that baby. 
I'm sorry she didn't make it.  


--- Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Died at the vet today, where I had been taking her
> to be fed when I
> was at work.
> She was 4 oz as of yesterday.  She lived 3 weeks and
> 2 days.
> -- 
> Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.
> http://www.rescuties.org
> Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!
> http://astore.amazon.com/rescuties-20

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

Re: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-02 Thread wendy


--- Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> For all of you that are sending positive thoughts
> and prayers, here's 
> the latest.  Very good news and some bad news... 
> Sammi is alive and has 
> been spotted, but she bolted when approached.  Pray
> that she returns to 
> the general area that the other two kitties were
> retrieved from and that 
> she finds the food stations/traps that are being set
> up for her.
> Nina
> > UPDATE:  Good news- Sammi is alive.  Bad news -
> She is on the move
> >
> > Barbara was out late and at 4:00 am spotted Sammi.
>  Carol O and I rushed
> > over asap but before Carol was able to get there
> Sammi took off.  Sammi was
> > by the side of the EDO building walking along the
> edge - on the side facing
> > the Edison yard.  Barbara and I were not able to
> get more than about 20 feet
> > away from her and were talking to her when she
> just bolted out towards the
> > Edison building and then down Foothill towards
> Agoura Sash and Door over on
> > Townsgate.  We think she may have gone in the back
> of the Agoura Sash and
> > Door in their storage yard but were unable to spot
> her again.  It is a mess
> > back there.  Hopefully she did not run across
> Townsgate.  She just took off
> > at full speed - not good.

"Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has!" ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~

Do You Yahoo!?
Tired of spam?  Yahoo! Mail has the best spam protection around 

pet-food recall info

2007-05-02 Thread MaryChristine

www.howl911.com hasn't been updated in a few days; not sure why.

www.itchmo.com seems to have the most up-to-date info; and you can sign up
for email alerts.



Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

Re: Herbie is gone......

2007-05-02 Thread Nina
Aww, Tracy, I'm sorry about your little love bug.  I just saw your post 
with Marylyn's reply.

Hugs to you,

Marylyn wrote:

I am so sorry.   I know how hard this is.  Herbie sends you all his love.
Herbie was in a lot of distress at home and so I took him to the 

vet (also the place that just saw him on Friday), even after being
stabilized in oxygen, he continue to go down hill.  His heart was 
and we were very limited in what diagnostics could be done in light 
of the

stress on the heart (couldn't give him fluids) and then his inability to
drawn air in..The new X-rays shows spots on the lungs and poss. 

the lymph nodes were still very large.

So, with a poor prognosis, and the fact that he would not be able to
survive surgery or sedation, I decided to let him go.  When I went 
back to
see him, I knew immediately it was the right thing to do--he looked 
even with the oxygen, he was really struggling to breatheHe 
went as

soon as the sedation was given, he was gone before the lethal fluid was
even given.

I will miss Herbie--he was such a love bug--hence, his name.  He 
liked to

lie next to other cats and put his "arms" around them.


Re: My precious bottle baby is gone

2007-05-02 Thread Marylyn

Blessings to you for being willing to take on such a little one.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Kelley Saveika" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Tuesday, May 01, 2007 6:42 PM
Subject: Re: My precious bottle baby is gone


I do have URI in my house, but this kitten did not die of URI.  Only
one of the 4 I have lost did.  One dropped dead for no apparent
reason, 1 died of complications from AIHA, this little one died
because she was just too small.  I read online that kittens who are
born at weight less than 3.4 oz have a bad survival rate - this one
was 4 oz at 22 days.

Don't worry - I am not taking any more in.  I haven't since last week
and am not until I can get my numbers under control.

On 5/1/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Oh Kelley, you were just looking for "compassion fatigue" support and
now you lose another little soul.  You must feel like you've been tossed
about the rocks.  You mentioned something about sickness in your house,
is that just a supposition because you are losing so many, or do you
know something for a fact?  Have you stopped taking in fosters?  You
might want to consider that, anyway.  You need time to heal and
regroup.  It's true that we can't help anyone else if we don't take care
of ourself first.  If you nurture and love yourself half as much as you
do your fur friends, it will be enough.  My heartfelt condolences
Kelly.  Never for a moment allow yourself to think that you are doing
the wrong thing in engaging in rescue.  You might need to step back and
not do as much, but it is never wrong to reach out and help.  Gather
your support group around you, human and furred alike.  Your cyber
family is here for you too.  Sending love, light and strength,

Kelley Saveika wrote:
> Died at the vet today, where I had been taking her to be fed when I
> was at work.
> She was 4 oz as of yesterday.  She lived 3 weeks and 2 days.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


Re: Herbie is gone......

2007-05-02 Thread Marylyn

I am so sorry.   I know how hard this is.  Herbie sends you all his love.

If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
- Original Message - 
From: "Tracy Weese" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

Sent: Sunday, April 29, 2007 11:06 PM
Subject: Herbie is gone..

Herbie was in a lot of distress at home and so I took him to the emergency
vet (also the place that just saw him on Friday), even after being
stabilized in oxygen, he continue to go down hill.  His heart was enlarged
and we were very limited in what diagnostics could be done in light of the
stress on the heart (couldn't give him fluids) and then his inability to
drawn air in..The new X-rays shows spots on the lungs and poss. fluid,
the lymph nodes were still very large.

So, with a poor prognosis, and the fact that he would not be able to
survive surgery or sedation, I decided to let him go.  When I went back to
see him, I knew immediately it was the right thing to do--he looked awful,
even with the oxygen, he was really struggling to breatheHe went 

soon as the sedation was given, he was gone before the lethal fluid was
even given.

I will miss Herbie--he was such a love bug--hence, his name.  He liked to
lie next to other cats and put his "arms" around them.


Re: Some Good News (for a change)!

2007-05-02 Thread MaryChristine

somehow, this all sounds familiar to me. hee hee hee.

welcome to the family, mousie and georgia!


On 5/2/07, Marissa Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Hey everyone!  Sorry I haven't written in a while and I've been a bit slow
to update you all...life has been pretty crazy lately!  WARNING:  this is
LOOONG!  Sorry!  lol

As I think I mentioned when Slinky went to the bridge, I promised him I
would get another baby to take care of me.  The first one he sent me came
home about 3 weeks ago.  About 5 minutes before I left to pick him up, when
I was feeling a bit sad about Slink, he sent me a DOUBLE rainbow from the
bridge!!!  It was quite spectacular!  And now I haveTWO new furbabies in my
family!  The second one arrived this past weekend.

About 3 weeks ago I adopted a beautiful tabby boy who has CH (cerebellar
hypoplasia).  He's a classic silver/gray tabby and a very sweet little boy!
He's 6 months old and lived in a shelter (first in PA, then in DC) his whole
life until I got him.  His CH appears to be fairly mild as CH goes - he
walks fairly stiff-legged and kind of "swaggers" when he walks.  He falls
down if he gets really excited, and it often takes him a bit longer to climb
onto things.  He has a tougher time getting down, but he's learned to fly
through the air and execute a pretty good roll landing!  He almost never
lands on his feet.  He also has Herpes, so I'm giving him lots of Lysine and
washing his eyes with a goldenseal and ecchinacea wash.

Because my bed is fairly high off the ground and has wood side boards on
the sides, I knew he'd have a really tough time getting up there, so I built
him a ramp complete with side rails and a cork runner for traction.  :)
He's become a master at using it both to get up AND down from the bed!  I
also got some small pet stairs for getting onto the couch and he learned to
use those just in the last few days.

His name is Mouse - his idea, not mine!  Since he's gray (ok, MC,
blue/silver) and squeaks when he meows, it seems the perfect name, and he
responds to that and nothing else, so  He's got a motor that never quits
and he loves to cuddle.  One of my favorite nick names for him, though, is
"Hoover" because he inhales his food the second I put it down!  I'm feeding
him Nature's Variety raw supplemented with Evo dry...and he seems to love it

This past weekend I added another baby to the family.  Her name (at least
for now) is Georgia - but we'll see if she decides she wants to change it.
She was feral for the first 8 months of her life and then 2 months ago was
brought in for TNR, but they decided she was too sweet to put back.  She was
fostered by a wonderful woman and her 2 cats, but the woman was not able to
give her a forever home and needed to place her by May 1.  She's gray tabby
and white, with an adorable little white spot on the very tip of her tail!

Georgia's foster and a woman I met through MC drove about an hour from VA
to my house with her and brought all kinds of supplies, etc. with them!  Her
first hour or so was quite adventurous.  When I let her out of the carrier,
we let her explore the living room, etc. and left her alone for a few
minutes while we went in my bedroom to see Mouse.

When we came back she had gone under the couch (which is really a twin
bed)...no big surprise.  BUT she crawled up INSIDE the box spring...and got
STUCK!!!  We almost had to cut one of the wires to get her out, but she
finally came out on her own.  Was quite the stressful day for all of us!!
lol  So...we got her into the guest room where she's been ever since.

Send thoughts and prayers her way, though, as she hasn't been eating much,
if at all!  I've tried every food known to man (and feline) and have had
little luck.  She did eat a LITTLE of her canned food (9 lives - from the
foster) and her dry (purina - from the foster), and tonight I got some a/d
down her.  But it's been a major challenge...and I'm pretty worried about

Mouse hasn't quite decided what he thinks of this new addition (nor has
she decided what she thinks about him).  But I'm sure that over time they'll
come to love each other.  They both chrip and meow a lot, so I think they're
a good pair.  Georgia loves to sit on my chest, purr, and give kisses and
love.  She's a VEEERY sweet girl!!!

If you haven't been to Slinky's myspace in a while, check it out - it's
been updated with pics of the rainbow he sent and several poems I wrote for
him in the blogs.  www.myspace.com/slinkecat  You can also check out
Mouse's myspace: www.myspace.com/motormouse1.  I haven't done one for
Georgia yet (waiting on a CD of pictures from her foster mom), but she does
have a catster page:  http://www.catster.com/cats/531393  Mouse's catster
is: http://www.catster.com/cats/526580  Slinky's (in loving memory) is:
http://www.catster.com/cats/526570.  Be sure to read his diary!  And the
one for the little blind baby I applied for (but he went to the Bridge
before he could come home!) is: http:

RE: Hello

2007-05-02 Thread Chris
You've come to a great place!  Folks on here have such a wide variety of
experiences.  I have 2 pos FELV+ and 3 negs & I mix everybody.  This group
has been so helpful to me-lots of info that you can't get anywhere else.




-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Debi Holmes
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 4:04 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Hello




I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about my situation.
My name is Debi and I live in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.  I am a foster mom for
a cat rescue.  I have 6 of my own cats and I currently have 5 foster cats.
I also have 3 of my own FELV positive kitties and 2 other FELV positive
kitties that I am fostering.  My 3 girls Sunshine, Cutie Pie, and Chloe are
all sisters that are about 9 months old, they live in my computer room,
which is great for them because my daughter is in there alot, so they get my
attention and hers.  The 2 fosters that I have live in the room, I had
initially built for my girls downstairs, and they are BooBoo who is about
one and half years old, and then there is Thumbelina who is about 8 months
old.  The girls I have had since they were just 8 weeks old, BooBoo was
living outside a nursing home and they called us to come and get him.
Thumbelina was rescued from underneath a shed.  All are super sweet except
for Thumbelina she wants nothing to do with BooBoo or with me, she just
hangs out up in the rafters of the room.


Anyway these kitties will be my first experience with FELV positive kitties
so I wanted to be in a group with other owners of FELV positive kitties.


Thank you,


Debi H.



Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new
at Yahoo! Autos. 

Re: Hello

2007-05-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

Hi Debi,

Welcome to the best mailing list on the Internet.

I actually do not have any FELV+, I had one test pos last year and
came here and never left.  She later tested neg.

On 5/2/07, Debi Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:


I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about my situation.
My name is Debi and I live in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.  I am a foster mom for
a cat rescue.  I have 6 of my own cats and I currently have 5 foster cats.
I also have 3 of my own FELV positive kitties and 2 other FELV positive
kitties that I am fostering.  My 3 girls Sunshine, Cutie Pie, and Chloe are
all sisters that are about 9 months old, they live in my computer room,
which is great for them because my daughter is in there alot, so they get my
attention and hers.  The 2 fosters that I have live in the room, I had
initially built for my girls downstairs, and they are BooBoo who is about
one and half years old, and then there is Thumbelina who is about 8 months
old.  The girls I have had since they were just 8 weeks old, BooBoo was
living outside a nursing home and they called us to come and get him.
Thumbelina was rescued from underneath a shed.  All are super sweet except
for Thumbelina she wants nothing to do with BooBoo or with me, she just
hangs out up in the rafters of the room.

Anyway these kitties will be my first experience with FELV positive kitties
so I wanted to be in a group with other owners of FELV positive kitties.

Thank you,

Debi H.

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
Check out new cars at Yahoo! Autos.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


Please help Gandalf!


Re: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

I'm so glad they have seen Sammi.  Fingers crossed.

On 5/2/07, Susan Hoffman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

FYI -- updated info at http://www.immuneweb.org/lostcats/
(Cyndi keeps it pretty current)

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Continuing to send prayers that Sammi will go to the food. It's good to
know she's alive and apparently uninjured. You guys are wonderful.
Kerry M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 2:17 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

For all of you that are sending positive thoughts and prayers, here's
the latest. Very good news and some bad news... Sammi is alive and has

been spotted, but she bolted when approached. Pray that she returns to
the general area that the other two kitties were retrieved from and that

she finds the food stations/traps that are being set up for her.
> UPDATE: Good news- Sammi is alive. Bad news - She is on the move
> Barbara was out late and at 4:00 am spotted Sammi. Carol O and I
> over asap but before Carol was able to get there Sammi took off.
Sammi was
> by the side of the EDO building walking along the edge - on the side
> the Edison yard. Barbara and I were not able to get more than about
20 feet
> away from her and were talking to her when she just bolted out towards
> Edison building and then down Foothill towards Agoura Sash and Door
over on
> Townsgate. We think she may have gone in the back of the Agoura Sash
> Door in their storage yard but were unable to spot her again. It is a
> back there. Hopefully she did not run across Townsgate. She just
took off
> at full speed - not good.

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP
to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding
tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or
refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a
partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer,
then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a
person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or
matter, and (ii) such taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers
particular circumstances from an independent tax advisor.

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use
of the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received
this email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the
named addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


Please help Gandalf!



2007-05-02 Thread Debi Holmes
  I just wanted to introduce myself and tell you a little about my situation.  
My name is Debi and I live in Nazareth, Pennsylvania.  I am a foster mom for a 
cat rescue.  I have 6 of my own cats and I currently have 5 foster cats.  I 
also have 3 of my own FELV positive kitties and 2 other FELV positive kitties 
that I am fostering.  My 3 girls Sunshine, Cutie Pie, and Chloe are all sisters 
that are about 9 months old, they live in my computer room, which is great for 
them because my daughter is in there alot, so they get my attention and hers.  
The 2 fosters that I have live in the room, I had initially built for my girls 
downstairs, and they are BooBoo who is about one and half years old, and then 
there is Thumbelina who is about 8 months old.  The girls I have had since they 
were just 8 weeks old, BooBoo was living outside a nursing home and they called 
us to come and get him.  Thumbelina was rescued from underneath a shed.  All 
are super sweet except for Thumbelina she
 wants nothing to do with BooBoo or with me, she just hangs out up in the 
rafters of the room.
  Anyway these kitties will be my first experience with FELV positive kitties 
so I wanted to be in a group with other owners of FELV positive kitties.
  Thank you,
  Debi H.

Ahhh...imagining that irresistible "new car" smell?
 Check outnew cars at Yahoo! Autos.

RE: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-02 Thread Susan Hoffman
FYI -- updated info at http://www.immuneweb.org/lostcats/ (Cyndi keeps it 
pretty current)

"MacKenzie, Kerry N." <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  Continuing to send prayers 
that Sammi will go to the food. It's good to
know she's alive and apparently uninjured. You guys are wonderful. 
Kerry M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 2:17 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

For all of you that are sending positive thoughts and prayers, here's 
the latest. Very good news and some bad news... Sammi is alive and has

been spotted, but she bolted when approached. Pray that she returns to 
the general area that the other two kitties were retrieved from and that

she finds the food stations/traps that are being set up for her.
> UPDATE: Good news- Sammi is alive. Bad news - She is on the move
> Barbara was out late and at 4:00 am spotted Sammi. Carol O and I
> over asap but before Carol was able to get there Sammi took off.
Sammi was
> by the side of the EDO building walking along the edge - on the side
> the Edison yard. Barbara and I were not able to get more than about
20 feet
> away from her and were talking to her when she just bolted out towards
> Edison building and then down Foothill towards Agoura Sash and Door
over on
> Townsgate. We think she may have gone in the back of the Agoura Sash
> Door in their storage yard but were unable to spot her again. It is a
> back there. Hopefully she did not run across Townsgate. She just
took off
> at full speed - not good.

IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor.

This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

RE: Some Good News (for a change)!

2007-05-02 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Welcome to your new furbabies -- they are both BEAUTIFUL!  Our former
feral Fred did the crawling-inside-furniture thing too when we first got
her.  There was an old 50s armchair in the room where we kept her, with
big wide arms that were made by upholstering open wooden boxes, and she
got through the bottom cloth and up into the chair arm and sort of
braced herself against some corner blocks to stay up there.  We ended up
having to stuff pillows and things into the whole chair just so we
wouldn't have to overturn it and pry her out all the time.  ;-)
Diane R.

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Marissa
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 1:31 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Some Good News (for a change)!

Hey everyone!  Sorry I haven't written in a while and I've been a bit
slow to update you all...life has been pretty crazy lately!  WARNING:
this is LOOONG!  Sorry!  lol
As I think I mentioned when Slinky went to the bridge, I promised him I
would get another baby to take care of me.  The first one he sent me
came home about 3 weeks ago.  About 5 minutes before I left to pick him
up, when I was feeling a bit sad about Slink, he sent me a DOUBLE
rainbow from the bridge!!!  It was quite spectacular!  And now I haveTWO
new furbabies in my family!  The second one arrived this past
About 3 weeks ago I adopted a beautiful tabby boy who has CH (cerebellar
hypoplasia).  He's a classic silver/gray tabby and a very sweet little
boy!  He's 6 months old and lived in a shelter (first in PA, then in DC)
his whole life until I got him.  His CH appears to be fairly mild as CH
goes - he walks fairly stiff-legged and kind of "swaggers" when he
walks.  He falls down if he gets really excited, and it often takes him
a bit longer to climb onto things.  He has a tougher time getting down,
but he's learned to fly through the air and execute a pretty good roll
landing!  He almost never lands on his feet.  He also has Herpes, so I'm
giving him lots of Lysine and washing his eyes with a goldenseal and
ecchinacea wash.
Because my bed is fairly high off the ground and has wood side boards on
the sides, I knew he'd have a really tough time getting up there, so I
built him a ramp complete with side rails and a cork runner for
traction.  :)  He's become a master at using it both to get up AND down
from the bed!  I also got some small pet stairs for getting onto the
couch and he learned to use those just in the last few days.
His name is Mouse - his idea, not mine!  Since he's gray (ok, MC,
blue/silver) and squeaks when he meows, it seems the perfect name, and
he responds to that and nothing else, so  He's got a motor that
never quits and he loves to cuddle.  One of my favorite nick names for
him, though, is "Hoover" because he inhales his food the second I put it
down!  I'm feeding him Nature's Variety raw supplemented with Evo
dry...and he seems to love it all!  
This past weekend I added another baby to the family.  Her name (at
least for now) is Georgia - but we'll see if she decides she wants to
change it.  She was feral for the first 8 months of her life and then 2
months ago was brought in for TNR, but they decided she was too sweet to
put back.  She was fostered by a wonderful woman and her 2 cats, but the
woman was not able to give her a forever home and needed to place her by
May 1.  She's gray tabby and white, with an adorable little white spot
on the very tip of her tail!
Georgia's foster and a woman I met through MC drove about an hour from
VA to my house with her and brought all kinds of supplies, etc. with
them!  Her first hour or so was quite adventurous.  When I let her out
of the carrier, we let her explore the living room, etc. and left her
alone for a few minutes while we went in my bedroom to see Mouse.
When we came back she had gone under the couch (which is really a twin
bed)...no big surprise.  BUT she crawled up INSIDE the box spring...and
got STUCK!!!  We almost had to cut one of the wires to get her out, but
she finally came out on her own.  Was quite the stressful day for all of
us!! lol  So...we got her into the guest room where she's been ever
Send thoughts and prayers her way, though, as she hasn't been eating
much, if at all!  I've tried every food known to man (and feline) and
have had little luck.  She did eat a LITTLE of her canned food (9 lives
- from the foster) and her dry (purina - from the foster), and tonight I
got some a/d down her.  But it's been a major challenge...and I'm pretty
worried about her!
Mouse hasn't quite decided what he thinks of this new addition (nor has
she decided what she thinks about him).  But I'm sure that over time
they'll come to love each other.  They both chrip and meow a lot, so I
think they're a good pair.  Georgia loves to sit on my chest, purr, and
give kisses and love.  She's a VEEERY sweet girl!!!
If you haven't been to Slinky's myspace in a 

RE: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-02 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Continuing to send prayers that Sammi will go to the food. It's good to
know she's alive and apparently uninjured. You guys are wonderful. 
Kerry M.

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Wednesday, May 02, 2007 2:17 PM
To: felvtalk@felineleukemia.org
Subject: Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

For all of you that are sending positive thoughts and prayers, here's 
the latest.  Very good news and some bad news...  Sammi is alive and has

been spotted, but she bolted when approached.  Pray that she returns to 
the general area that the other two kitties were retrieved from and that

she finds the food stations/traps that are being set up for her.
> UPDATE:  Good news- Sammi is alive.  Bad news - She is on the move
> Barbara was out late and at 4:00 am spotted Sammi.  Carol O and I
> over asap but before Carol was able to get there Sammi took off.
Sammi was
> by the side of the EDO building walking along the edge - on the side
> the Edison yard.  Barbara and I were not able to get more than about
20 feet
> away from her and were talking to her when she just bolted out towards
> Edison building and then down Foothill towards Agoura Sash and Door
over on
> Townsgate.  We think she may have gone in the back of the Agoura Sash
> Door in their storage yard but were unable to spot her again.  It is a
> back there.  Hopefully she did not run across Townsgate.  She just
took off
> at full speed - not good.
IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was 
neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to 
be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax 
penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers 
to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or 
other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the 
advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other 
than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such 
taxpayers should seek advice based on the taxpayers particular circumstances 
from an independent tax advisor.
This email and any files transmitted with it are intended solely for the use of 
the individual or entity to whom they are addressed. If you have received this 
email in error please notify the system manager. If you are not the named 
addressee you should not disseminate, distribute or copy this e-mail.

Update on mva kitties - Sammi is alive and has been spotted

2007-05-02 Thread Nina
For all of you that are sending positive thoughts and prayers, here's 
the latest.  Very good news and some bad news...  Sammi is alive and has 
been spotted, but she bolted when approached.  Pray that she returns to 
the general area that the other two kitties were retrieved from and that 
she finds the food stations/traps that are being set up for her.


UPDATE:  Good news- Sammi is alive.  Bad news - She is on the move

Barbara was out late and at 4:00 am spotted Sammi.  Carol O and I rushed
over asap but before Carol was able to get there Sammi took off.  Sammi was
by the side of the EDO building walking along the edge - on the side facing
the Edison yard.  Barbara and I were not able to get more than about 20 feet
away from her and were talking to her when she just bolted out towards the
Edison building and then down Foothill towards Agoura Sash and Door over on
Townsgate.  We think she may have gone in the back of the Agoura Sash and
Door in their storage yard but were unable to spot her again.  It is a mess
back there.  Hopefully she did not run across Townsgate.  She just took off
at full speed - not good.

Some Good News (for a change)!

2007-05-02 Thread Marissa Johnson
Hey everyone!  Sorry I haven't written in a while and I've been a bit slow to 
update you all...life has been pretty crazy lately!  WARNING:  this is LOOONG!  
Sorry!  lol
  As I think I mentioned when Slinky went to the bridge, I promised him I would 
get another baby to take care of me.  The first one he sent me came home about 
3 weeks ago.  About 5 minutes before I left to pick him up, when I was feeling 
a bit sad about Slink, he sent me a DOUBLE rainbow from the bridge!!!  It was 
quite spectacular!  And now I haveTWO new furbabies in my family!  The 
second one arrived this past weekend.
  About 3 weeks ago I adopted a beautiful tabby boy who has CH (cerebellar 
hypoplasia).  He's a classic silver/gray tabby and a very sweet little boy!  
He's 6 months old and lived in a shelter (first in PA, then in DC) his whole 
life until I got him.  His CH appears to be fairly mild as CH goes - he walks 
fairly stiff-legged and kind of "swaggers" when he walks.  He falls down if he 
gets really excited, and it often takes him a bit longer to climb onto things.  
He has a tougher time getting down, but he's learned to fly through the air and 
execute a pretty good roll landing!  He almost never lands on his feet.  He 
also has Herpes, so I'm giving him lots of Lysine and washing his eyes with a 
goldenseal and ecchinacea wash.
  Because my bed is fairly high off the ground and has wood side boards on the 
sides, I knew he'd have a really tough time getting up there, so I built him a 
ramp complete with side rails and a cork runner for traction.  :)  He's become 
a master at using it both to get up AND down from the bed!  I also got some 
small pet stairs for getting onto the couch and he learned to use those just in 
the last few days.
  His name is Mouse - his idea, not mine!  Since he's gray (ok, MC, 
blue/silver) and squeaks when he meows, it seems the perfect name, and he 
responds to that and nothing else, so  He's got a motor that never quits 
and he loves to cuddle.  One of my favorite nick names for him, though, is 
"Hoover" because he inhales his food the second I put it down!  I'm feeding him 
Nature's Variety raw supplemented with Evo dry...and he seems to love it all!  
  This past weekend I added another baby to the family.  Her name (at least for 
now) is Georgia - but we'll see if she decides she wants to change it.  She was 
feral for the first 8 months of her life and then 2 months ago was brought in 
for TNR, but they decided she was too sweet to put back.  She was fostered by a 
wonderful woman and her 2 cats, but the woman was not able to give her a 
forever home and needed to place her by May 1.  She's gray tabby and white, 
with an adorable little white spot on the very tip of her tail!
  Georgia's foster and a woman I met through MC drove about an hour from VA to 
my house with her and brought all kinds of supplies, etc. with them!  Her first 
hour or so was quite adventurous.  When I let her out of the carrier, we let 
her explore the living room, etc. and left her alone for a few minutes while we 
went in my bedroom to see Mouse.
  When we came back she had gone under the couch (which is really a twin 
bed)...no big surprise.  BUT she crawled up INSIDE the box spring...and got 
STUCK!!!  We almost had to cut one of the wires to get her out, but she finally 
came out on her own.  Was quite the stressful day for all of us!! lol  So...we 
got her into the guest room where she's been ever since.
  Send thoughts and prayers her way, though, as she hasn't been eating much, if 
at all!  I've tried every food known to man (and feline) and have had little 
luck.  She did eat a LITTLE of her canned food (9 lives - from the foster) and 
her dry (purina - from the foster), and tonight I got some a/d down her.  But 
it's been a major challenge...and I'm pretty worried about her!
  Mouse hasn't quite decided what he thinks of this new addition (nor has she 
decided what she thinks about him).  But I'm sure that over time they'll come 
to love each other.  They both chrip and meow a lot, so I think they're a good 
pair.  Georgia loves to sit on my chest, purr, and give kisses and love.  She's 
a VEEERY sweet girl!!!
  If you haven't been to Slinky's myspace in a while, check it out - it's been 
updated with pics of the rainbow he sent and several poems I wrote for him in 
the blogs.  www.myspace.com/slinkecat  You can also check out Mouse's myspace: 
www.myspace.com/motormouse1.  I haven't done one for Georgia yet (waiting on a 
CD of pictures from her foster mom), but she does have a catster page:  
http://www.catster.com/cats/531393  Mouse's catster is: 
http://www.catster.com/cats/526580  Slinky's (in loving memory) is: 
http://www.catster.com/cats/526570.  Be sure to read his diary!  And the one 
for the little blind baby I applied for (but he went to the Bridge before he 
could come home!) is: http://www.catster.com/cats/531411
  It's so nice to 

Re: My precious bottle baby is gone

2007-05-02 Thread Kelley Saveika


You always know just what to say

On 5/1/07, Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Aw Kelley, the momma gave up on the baby before you did.  Sometimes
mommas are wrong, but unfortunately sometimes they're right.  Nothing
pulls at your heart strings like a little innocent bottle baby.

Kelley Saveika wrote:
> I did not intend to, but this baby's mom quit feeding her.  She went
> to the vet every day to be fed while I was at work.  Normally I do not
> do bottle babies at all.

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.


Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!


Re: My candle . . .For Kelley and her Furkids

2007-05-02 Thread Kelley Saveika

Thank you so much..this is so sweet of you.


 [image: Light A 
I have lit a candle...For Kelly and all your furbabies...those at the
Bridge and those with you. I know these losses are so hard!!! Know that
we're here for you and that all your babies are s lucky to have you!

Hugs, blessings, and GLOW!

Marissa, Mouse, Georgia, and Angel Slinky >^..^<

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Re: My precious bottle baby is gone

2007-05-02 Thread Gina WN
I am so sorry Kelley.  Bless you for loving these babies.

Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  Died at the vet today, where I had been taking her to be fed when I
was at work.
She was 4 oz as of yesterday. She lived 3 weeks and 2 days.

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