Re: hi, I am back to the list - need advise

2007-06-15 Thread Belinda

Hi Hideyo,
   Has Jack been seeing an oncologist or is his vet consulting with an 
oncologist?  Can the eye be removed to get rid of the tumor?


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Re: Thanks for info (was Re: Wallace not eating or drinking either

2007-06-15 Thread Belinda

   As hard as it is you really have to get food into Wallace, whether 
via syringe feeding of offering food every few minutes and getting him 
to take some.  Cancer takes a lot of energy to fight, Wallace needs all 
the nutrition he can get, cancer robs the body of it's life giving 
nutrients so it is doubly important for Wallace to get enough calories 
to give him strength to fight whatever lays ahead.  You can do it, just 
keep in mind and let Wallace know he has got to have all his strength to 


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

RE: Introduction

2007-06-15 Thread Melissa Lind
Welcome Laura! You've come to a great group. I don't have a FeLV kitty
anymore--he's gone to a sanctuary and was only with me for a couple of
months without symptoms, so I don't have any FeLV advice for you. But I will
tell you this: Even though I don't have FeLV kitties, I still read and post
to this site because there are so many loving and caring people. It's so
nice to surround myself with kindred spirits since cat-lovers are few and
far between in my area. I just enjoy reaffirming my beliefs and my feelings
by reading about others compassion. It can be sad to read about all the poor
babies who pass on, but it's so wonderful to have people to talk to and turn
to who understand. I hope you enjoy the list, and I hope you find useful

You've done a wonderful thing taking in Duncan! Congrats!


Is this your only kitty?

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Laura Mostello
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 5:16 PM
Subject: Introduction

Hi all -
My name is Laura and I'm new to this list. I'm also
new to FeLV, since I've just adopted an infected cat.
I work at an animal shelter here in Georgia, and one
of my favorite cats tested positive last week. We had
planned to take him to an adoption fair but had to run
the test first. Well, Duncan was one of the unlucky
ones. He has a terrific personality and I'd grown
quite attached to him during his 4 months at the
shelter, so I adopted him myself rather than let him
be euthanized.
Duncan visited the vet today, and aside from slightly
swollen lymph nodes, the vet says he looks great. He's
extremely energetic, friendly and has a great
appetite, and so far there are no symptoms of illness.
It was a real surprise when the test came back
positive. Cats rarely stay healthy for 4 months at the
shelter - they usually contract a URI and, since there
is no money in the budget for vet care and no
medications, most deteriorate quickly and are
euthanized. But we never worried about Duncan; he
always seemed so strong and he never got sick. Of
course at this point the vet can't give me a definite
prognosis - we just have to wait and see what happens.
I'm hoping to learn a lot from others on this list,
especially what you all have done to keep your cats

RE: Thanks for info (was Re: Wallace not eating or drinking either

2007-06-15 Thread Melissa Lind

I hope your snuggles were comforting. Sometimes we need them just as much as
they need us. I hope everything turns out for the best. You and Wallace are
in my thoughts and prayers...


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jean
Sent: Thursday, June 14, 2007 6:17 PM
Subject: Thanks for info (was Re: Wallace not eating or drinking either

Hi folks--

Just got home from the vet a little while ago. 
Wallace was such a good boy for both vets that he
didn't need to be sedated for his sonogram or biopsy. 
That's my good boy. [sniffle]  They really love
Wallace at my vet hospital -- he was there for a week
six years ago for FUS, and they all know what a
sweetie he is. They have his picture (with Boo and
William) in the waiting room, too.  (If you'd like to
see it, it's here:  )

We won't know what the cancer is until the cytology
report comes in, Saturday or Tuesday. BEST case at
this point is lymphoma. Right now, both vets (my vet
and the sonography specialist vet) think that he has
adenocarcinoma in his small intestine, invading into
the mesentery. His stomach wall and other sections of
the small bowel are also thickening.

This is *bad*. Of the two types of tumor, this *is*
the operable one, but it's big -- 5cm -- and it's
invaded beyond the small intestine. There's a partial
blockage of the intestine's lumen, too, which is
causing real concern and is probably why he stopped

I'm going to go snuggle my kitty and cry now.

Thanks so much to everybody, esp. those who gave me
the lymphoma information. Looks like it might be a
moot point now -- adenocarcinoma is *bad*. Feels weird
to be praying that it might be lymphoma -- as I said,
the cytology report won't be in for a few days.

Advice on enticing a sick kitty to eat is appreciated,
but as he doesn't have FeLeuk/FIV, he's off topic.
Thank you, though -- everybody here is so generous of
spirit, and helpful. 



Don't get soaked.  Take a quick peak at the forecast
with the Yahoo! Search weather shortcut.

Re: OT: Regarding a freak accident to my is long...sorry!

2007-06-15 Thread Belinda

   Boy you guys have had a real bad run on things not going right.  I 
hope hubby makes a swift, full recovery.  He is strong so he'll be fine, 
keep your chin up, things are going to get better ...  Sending positive 
prayers for his recovery.


happiness is being owned by cats ...


Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candlelight Service [affordable hosting  web design]

BMK Designs [non-profit animals websites]

Going digest for a while

2007-06-15 Thread Nina

Hi Wendy and all,
I'm cc'ing Michelle this, (maybe someone has already sent her a copy of 
your post to Phaewryn), I'm guessing she'll  appreciate it as much as I 

You may have noticed my absence on the list lately...  My back is giving 
me trouble and it makes it hard to sit at the computer for more than a 
few minutes at a time.  Like so many of us, I'm also overwhelmed with 
rescue efforts, (a young, emaciated pregnant girl, just a kitten 
herself, showed up in my front yard last Thurs and had her babies on 
Sat!).  I'll be pulling back from the list for at least a while.  I'm 
not sure how much Phaewrn's latest tirade had to do with the decision, 
but I just don't seem to have the energy to share right now.  Maybe it 
has nothing to do with the changing dynamics of the list at all and it's 
just a matter of exhaustion and physical pain.  I hope I'll be back 
soon.  I feel a little traitorous leaving you all, so many of the 
old-timers seem to be posting less and less.  This list has been a 
Godsend to me and so many others, I will always be grateful for the 
support, friendship, information and feeling of HOME that I've 
experienced here. 
Much love and good wishes to all of you always,


wendy wrote:


This is the 3rd time in a year that you have gone off
on other members inappropriately and then claimed to
be leaving.  I think you need to stop.  It is not
right or fair to insult other people and then stick
your neck in the sand.  No one here agrees 100% with
any other member on this site.  When this happens,
either we respectfully disagree, or we just don't say
anything.  There is no reason to go on a mission to
destroy.  It is so clear that when you do this,
there's much more underlying your verbal spews that
has nothing to do with this group and everything to do
with your own life.  If you are stressed out, stop
taking it out here.  It's not right.

I completely disagree with your statement that for the
past year that the validity of the site has been
laughable.  If you remember, I joined this list a year
a half ago.  I have learned SO MUCH from this list in
the past year a half, and that knowledge has spurred
me to do a lot of further research.  I am actually
able to help others here.  I came here so needy and
ignorant only to come out more knowledgeable on many
aspects of feline care, all because of the loving
members of this group.  That includes you.  No, I
didn't prescribe to all the advice given, but took it
all in, did my own research, and am still paying it
back to new members who came her just like I did.  The
validity of this group is just as strong as it was six
years ago. 

What you say about a/c's could be true, but you don't
know.  I don't know.  Neither of us have tried one. 
You can't prove anything intangible exists anyway. 
What would you say to someone who says you don't love

your son because it can't be proven?  Indeed, it
cannot be proven in a quantitative or tangible way, as
no intangibles can.  You can't see them, you can't
touch them.  But nevertheless, your love for your son
IS there and it IS true.  Same way for faith in God
for some of us.  So I hope that you will begin to
question your own belief that unless you can prove
something, it might as well not exist.

There is suffering in the world so we can grow.  If
there were no suffering, there would be no happiness. 
You cannot know real happiness if you never have

struggles and make personal growth.  And FYI, prayer
is not crap.  You have asked for it yourself here.  

Please, make an effort to hold your tongue.  The
24-hour rule always works for me.  Write your letter
in a word document, save it, and go back and read it
in 24 hours.  Revise as needed.  You might need 48
hours.  I did it when writing this post to you.  I
waited until I slept on it before responding.  And my
post shows much less anger, and more sense than it
would have had I immediately responded.  

Save your sarcasm for yourself.  No one else
appreciates it.  Dealing with sick animals is hard
enough without you making everyone feel badly.  I felt
like you once, over ten years ago, making everyone
around me feel bad because I felt bad inside.  I got
help with a great counselor for a year.  Worked
through a lot of childhood issues.  Some adult issues.
 I've been a new woman ever since.  Stronger, more
secure, and most importantly, happier with who I am. 
I'll never regret my decision to get help.  I wouldn't

wish on my worst enemy to feel like I did before I got
help.  And I certainly don't wish it on you or anyone
else on this list.  I truly hope, and will pray, that
you find some way to deal with these issues in your
personal life that keep plaguing you.  Life has so
much to offer us.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Re: Going digest for a while

2007-06-15 Thread Gloria Lane
I understand, Nina, one reason I don't post much is I got so busy  
with rescue, as well as my sister dying and going thru all her  
stuff.  I'm getting more of my time back, but takes a while to do  
that.  I am very grateful that this list has been, in general, so  
wonderful and supportive, and that's what I like to envision about  
it. I'm so glad that you all are here.   best of luck to you, Gloria

On Jun 15, 2007, at 10:38 AM, Nina wrote:

Hi Wendy and all,
I'm cc'ing Michelle this, (maybe someone has already sent her a  
copy of your post to Phaewryn), I'm guessing she'll  appreciate it  
as much as I did.
You may have noticed my absence on the list lately...  My back is  
giving me trouble and it makes it hard to sit at the computer for  
more than a few minutes at a time.  Like so many of us, I'm also  
overwhelmed with rescue efforts, (a young, emaciated pregnant girl,  
just a kitten herself, showed up in my front yard last Thurs and  
had her babies on Sat!).  I'll be pulling back from the list for at  
least a while.  I'm not sure how much Phaewrn's latest tirade had  
to do with the decision, but I just don't seem to have the energy  
to share right now.  Maybe it has nothing to do with the changing  
dynamics of the list at all and it's just a matter of exhaustion  
and physical pain.  I hope I'll be back soon.  I feel a little  
traitorous leaving you all, so many of the old-timers seem to be  
posting less and less.  This list has been a Godsend to me and so  
many others, I will always be grateful for the support, friendship,  
information and feeling of HOME that I've experienced here. Much  
love and good wishes to all of you always,


wendy wrote:


This is the 3rd time in a year that you have gone off
on other members inappropriately and then claimed to
be leaving.  I think you need to stop.  It is not
right or fair to insult other people and then stick
your neck in the sand.  No one here agrees 100% with
any other member on this site.  When this happens,
either we respectfully disagree, or we just don't say
anything.  There is no reason to go on a mission to
destroy.  It is so clear that when you do this,
there's much more underlying your verbal spews that
has nothing to do with this group and everything to do
with your own life.  If you are stressed out, stop
taking it out here.  It's not right.

I completely disagree with your statement that for the
past year that the validity of the site has been
laughable.  If you remember, I joined this list a year
a half ago.  I have learned SO MUCH from this list in
the past year a half, and that knowledge has spurred
me to do a lot of further research.  I am actually
able to help others here.  I came here so needy and
ignorant only to come out more knowledgeable on many
aspects of feline care, all because of the loving
members of this group.  That includes you.  No, I
didn't prescribe to all the advice given, but took it
all in, did my own research, and am still paying it
back to new members who came her just like I did.  The
validity of this group is just as strong as it was six
years ago.
What you say about a/c's could be true, but you don't
know.  I don't know.  Neither of us have tried one. You can't  
prove anything intangible exists anyway. What would you say to  
someone who says you don't love

your son because it can't be proven?  Indeed, it
cannot be proven in a quantitative or tangible way, as
no intangibles can.  You can't see them, you can't
touch them.  But nevertheless, your love for your son
IS there and it IS true.  Same way for faith in God
for some of us.  So I hope that you will begin to
question your own belief that unless you can prove
something, it might as well not exist.

There is suffering in the world so we can grow.  If
there were no suffering, there would be no happiness. You cannot  
know real happiness if you never have

struggles and make personal growth.  And FYI, prayer
is not crap.  You have asked for it yourself here.
Please, make an effort to hold your tongue.  The
24-hour rule always works for me.  Write your letter
in a word document, save it, and go back and read it
in 24 hours.  Revise as needed.  You might need 48
hours.  I did it when writing this post to you.  I
waited until I slept on it before responding.  And my
post shows much less anger, and more sense than it
would have had I immediately responded.
Save your sarcasm for yourself.  No one else
appreciates it.  Dealing with sick animals is hard
enough without you making everyone feel badly.  I felt
like you once, over ten years ago, making everyone
around me feel bad because I felt bad inside.  I got
help with a great counselor for a year.  Worked
through a lot of childhood issues.  Some adult issues.
 I've been a new woman ever since.  Stronger, more
secure, and most importantly, happier with who I am. I'll never  
regret my decision to get help.  I wouldn't

wish on my worst enemy to feel like I did before I got

Re: Going digest for a while

2007-06-15 Thread wendy
Hey Nina,

I'm sorry you've got so much going on.  I know how
hard it can be.  I go through periods where I'm not
able to post for a week or longer and it's all I can
do to catch up.  Don't worry about it.  I'm planning
on staying around as long I can, and there will always
be others to help, so the new people who come here
will be taken care of.  This will always be a good
place to go for info.  We're all going to see to that.
 And we know you'll be back when you can.

My husband had back surgery last Wednesday.  He had a
microdiskectomy between his L4/L5, where they shave
off the disk that is protruding; it was successful.  I
hope you do not have to have surgery; that your back
will heal itself.  We waited a year, hoping it would
fix itself, but he was in so much pain, and was on
meds everyday just so he couldn't feel it, we really
didn't have a choice.  He could barely sit or lie
down.  He feels 100% better.  

I hope rescue slows down for you and everyone else. 
It seems it has been an especially busy season.  I'm
not sure if that's good or bad.  Good that animals are
being rescued and not left out there, but bad that
there are so many.  My best friend adopted a kitten
last month.  I get to kitty sit for a week starting
Sunday while she's out of town.  I'm looking forward
to having a kitten in my house again.  I can't imagine
doing rescue right now with all the animals we already
have.  7 cats and three dogs and two salt fish tanks
keeps us really busy as it is.  I don't know how you
rescuers do it!

We'll see you when you are able to return.  Best
wishes to you and your furbabies!  And prayers going
out that your back heals right up!


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Thanks for info (was Re: Wallace not eating or drinking either

2007-06-15 Thread wendy
Hi Jean,

I am so sorry that the sonogram/biopsy showed cancer. 
I was hoping it was something more curable.  I am
sorry that you got this type of news.  It's never
easy.  Do they think Wallace is a candidate for one of
the types of feeding tubes?  I think Belinda is the
one who has had to have a feeding tube for Fred for so
long (he doesn't have it currently, but she always
leaves it as an option if he starts eating).  That
might be your easiest bet to help him get sustenance
and fight the cancer, if that's the route you guys are
going.  Prayers going out for peace and comfort for
both you and Wallace, and correct info. so that you
are able to make an informed decision as to where to
go from here.  In the meantime, there are all sorts of
things you can use to entice kitty: kitty milk,
yogurt, deli meat, liver  liver shake, cooked
chicken, chicken broth, baby food (without garlic or
onion), any sort of kitty wet food, tuna.  Others here
should have more suggestions.  There are also the
supplements your vet can prescribe to help stimulate
the appetite like cyproheptadine, etc.  Make sure you
check with the vet before feeding any of the stuff
suggested in case it is counterproductive to stomach
cancer.  Please keep us posted on Wallace.  Don't
worry about the OT.  As far as I'm concerned, Wallace
needs help.  That's never OT here.


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Looking for a deal? Find great prices on flights and hotels with Yahoo! 

Re: Ki

2007-06-15 Thread wendy

I hope Ki's fever goes down and he's all right. 
Please let us know how he fares in the next few days?


--- dede hicken [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

 Just when you are feeling smug...I looked at Ki
 yesterday, and he just didn't look quite right. 
 Picked him up and he yowled, and tried to bite me. 
 Not like him at all.
 Took his temp (have 2 bites on my hand to prove it)
 and it was 106.  I couldn't believe it.  Gave him
 fluids.  Another bite. And went to the vet.  They
 calling it FUO, fever of unknown origin.  She gave
 something for the fever, and a penecillin shot. 
 He is in a foul mood, but eating well.  Still
 want to be touched.  His gums look good.  I wonder
 someone bit him, and it is the beginning of an
 On the bright side, they are finishing the cat
 enclosure on Sat...Yippeee!!!
 Have a nice day, everyone,
 When you are in the service of your fellow beings,
 you are only in the service of your God
Mosiah 2:17

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Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


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Re: Charity (Crossed The Bridge)- Heartfelt Thanks Update

2007-06-15 Thread wendy

I laughed when I read your email.  I could sense some
humor even in the midst of your pain.  It sounded
funny when you said you took a bath.  It sounded like
I had suggested that you need to take one  I don't think you're crazy at all. 
You're probably more sane than the rest of us.  I'm
sorry you are sad, but you wouldn't be sad had you
never loved Charity, and I know you wouldn't change
being able to love her for anything in the world.  It
sounds like you are dealing with everything the best
way you can.  Prayers going out for peace and comfort
for your heart and soul. 


Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the 
world - indeed it is the only thing that ever has! ~~~ Margaret Meade ~~~


Building a website is a piece of cake. Yahoo! Small Business gives you all the 
tools to get online. 

Wallace Request: Liver shake recipe?

2007-06-15 Thread Jean

Greetings, folks--

In all the *wonderful* advice and support I've gotten
here, there have been many mentions of a liver shake

Does someone have it handy? I really appreciate it.

We've been having a much better day today. Details on
my LJ: I'll save the list's bandwidth and just post a
link for the interested. :)

Thanks so much -- you all are made of awesome. :)




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Re: Kisa is gone, thank you all

2007-06-15 Thread C J
I just want to thank you all for your many kind words and thoughts regarding 
Kisa, Koda, and Tomi.

This is one of the few places where I feel comfortable sharing how strongly I 
feel about my babies and how deeply saddened I am by their illnesses.  My 
husband is about the only other person who understands how much our kitties 
mean to both him and I.  Most other people I know don't understand the deep 
bond one can have with an animal.

All your replies have meant much to me, and made me feel better.  It is amazing 
that you have never met my babies or I, and yet can offer so many words of 

I am missing Kisa terribly, as she was so much fun to have around.  She was the 
social one, who interacted with my other cats, grooming and playing.  Now I 
have three kitties left who have nothing at all to do with each other.  I think 
they all miss her.

Sadly, I am not having much time to grieve for Kisa, because I believe Tomi is 
getting sick again.  The last few days, he seems to be getting more anemic 
again, and he vomited tonight.  After he vomited, he was panting for a few 
seconds.  I'm also worried that he hasn't grown back the hair on his neck that 
was shaved 3 months ago for his blood test.  It still looks like it did a week 
after it was shaved.  
I'm thinking of bringing him into the vet again, even though they wanted to put 
him to sleep 2 months ago.  I was wondering if his hemobartonella may be coming 
back, and that should be simple enough for them to test for.

I am so scared to have to go through this again so soon, and afraid Tomi won't 
be able to pull off a miracle a second time.  I almost feel like we are being 
punished for something, the way this nightmare seems to be unfolding.

  - Original Message - 
  From: C  J 
  Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:50 PM
  Subject: Kisa is gone :(

  Kisa passed away this morning while I was at work, exactly one month after 
Koda.  My heart is broken, especially since I wasn't there with her at the end.

  I had prayed and hoped so much that she would continue to improve after she 
started eating again a week and a half ago.  I suppose it was just too much for 
her to overcome.  The anemia never really did improve much. Though her 
breathing was better, her skin was so pale.

  The last few days, her appetite faltered again, and she was getting weaker.  
I didn't think today would be the day she died, though i'm relieved she didn't 
have to go on suffering much longer.  I don't think she was in pain, and I 
sincerely hope she wasn't in pain at the end.  It was just so hard to see her 
so weak when she was as active and happy as a kitten 3 weeks ago.

  Kisa is going to be missed more than words can say.  She never quite saw her 
3rd birthday, but the time she spent with us will never be forgotten.  She was 
special in so many ways, I wouldn't even know where to start to list them all.  
Fearless, loving, gentle, playful, curious, and sweet are just a few of the 
words that describe her.  She's been sleeping on my pillow the last few nights, 
and i'm going to miss her warmth so much.

  If it ever stops raining, she will be buried next to Koda tonight.  I made a 
rock garden full of flowers on top of Koda's grave.  Now Kisa will join her 



  No virus found in this incoming message.
  Checked by AVG Free Edition. 
  Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.14/845 - Release Date: 6/12/2007 
6:39 AM

Re: Wallace Request: Liver shake recipe?

2007-06-15 Thread C J
This is the recipe that was posted here:  I tried it and Kisa liked it for 
awhile until her appetite faded again.

Here is the liver shake recipe:

1 cup raw liver (chicken or beef, I use chicken)
1 cup fresh carrot juice, tomato juice, or V-8
1/4 cup filtered water
1 raw egg yolk
1 tsp kelp or spirulina

Blend until liquid and frothy.

I make it in half batches (though use a whole egg yolk), and warm up small 
amounts for Simon.  I had to put it on his lips the first few times to get 
him to eat it.  it is supposed to be complete nutrition.


- Original Message - 

Sent: Friday, June 15, 2007 5:48 PM
Subject: Wallace Request: Liver shake recipe?

Greetings, folks--

In all the *wonderful* advice and support I've gotten
here, there have been many mentions of a liver shake

Does someone have it handy? I really appreciate it.

We've been having a much better day today. Details on
my LJ: I'll save the list's bandwidth and just post a
link for the interested. :)

Thanks so much -- you all are made of awesome. :)



Shape Yahoo! in your own image.  Join our Network Research Panel today!

No virus found in this incoming message.
Checked by AVG Free Edition.
Version: 7.5.472 / Virus Database: 269.8.16/849 - Release Date: 6/14/2007 
12:44 PM

Re: Regarding a freak accident to my is long...sorry!

2007-06-15 Thread C J
I am praying for your husband and hoping he can recover fully.  

  - Original Message - 
  Sent: Wednesday, June 13, 2007 10:40 AM
  Subject: OT: Regarding a freak accident to my is long...sorry!

  (I want apologized if you have already seen this from other groups I'm on)

  Hello all, 
  I wanted to make everyone aware or least be alert of what can happen when you 
get behind brush mowers whether it's up close or at a distance. 
  It is very dangerous.

  Yesterday, my husband was about 20 feet behind a tractor that had a brush 
mower on it which was operated by his friend. My husband was looking for items 
that may have been sticking out of the ground that the mower didn't get.

  Anyway, a huge rock flew out from the mower and my husband said he seen it at 
the corner of his eye. By then it was too late. The rock hit him on his right 
arm below the elbow and broke his arm in two places. I had to call 911 for help 
he was bleeding and going into shock. He was taken to the hospital and had 
x-rays done on him. The time was around noontime that this happened.

  My Dr. was on call who is a orthopedic surgeon had to do emergency surgery on 
  I have a lot of faith in him as he done my knee replacements and other bone 
  One of the bones is shattered in my husband's arm and he said it look like a 
gunshot wound. He was taken into surgery about 5 pm was returned back to his 
room about 9:15 pm last night. 
  The Dr. told me he was bad that he could lose his arm especially below the 
  He has muscle and tissue damage. Many fragments of the bone was floating in 
his arm. 
  Did what he could do for him at this point. 
  Only time will tell.

  Since, my husband is a Diabetic and has HEP C from tainted blood in the 60's 
from a blood transfusion he is considered high risk. He has a tube in him that 
they call a Vacu this is to suck all the infection and excess blood from the 
area. He is also on two different IV lines for the loss of blood and for 
antibiotics. He is being monitored closely. 
  I did noticed his blood pressure was high. 
  So he will be in the hospital for at least some time.
  He will be taken back into surgery tomorrow to check out more of the damage 
and try to repair more of his arm.

  By the way my husband is right handed this is the arm that got injured.

  Some of you already know he just had two recent right shoulder surgeries on 
the same arm. He was supposed to return back to work for light duty on the 19th 
of this month.
  Believe it or not he was looking forward going back to work after being off 
for almost a year.
  Now that this has happened I don't know what we are going to do.

  Please pray and hope he doesn't lose part of his arm. 
  That he makes full recovery.

  Terrie Mohr-Forker

  Donations accepted at:

  See what's free at 


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Re: Kisa is gone, thank you all

2007-06-15 Thread Kelly L

At 08:33 PM 6/15/2007, you wrote:

 You have been through so very much and I am hoping with all my 
heart that Tomi will show signs of improvement,
Yes we all understand the pain of loving animals with life 
threatening illnesses and we understand your grief, i hate to admit 
this but I did not have the grief when I lost my dad that Ido when I 
lost one of my sweet babies. Only those here will understand.

all my thoughts and hopes and good energy going to you

I just want to thank you all for your many kind words and thoughts 
regarding Kisa, Koda, and Tomi.

This is one of the few places where I feel comfortable sharing how 
strongly I feel about my babies and how deeply saddened I am by 
their illnesses.  My husband is about the only other person who 
understands how much our kitties mean to both him and I.  Most other 
people I know don't understand the deep bond one can have with an animal.

All your replies have meant much to me, and made me feel better.  It 
is amazing that you have never met my babies or I, and yet can offer 
so many words of reassurance.

I am missing Kisa terribly, as she was so much fun to have 
around.  She was the social one, who interacted with my other cats, 
grooming and playing.  Now I have three kitties left who have 
nothing at all to do with each other.  I think they all miss her.

Sadly, I am not having much time to grieve for Kisa, because I 
believe Tomi is getting sick again.  The last few days, he seems to 
be getting more anemic again, and he vomited tonight.  After he 
vomited, he was panting for a few seconds.  I'm also worried that he 
hasn't grown back the hair on his neck that was shaved 3 months ago 
for his blood test.  It still looks like it did a week after it was shaved.
I'm thinking of bringing him into the vet again, even though they 
wanted to put him to sleep 2 months ago.  I was wondering if his 
hemobartonella may be coming back, and that should be simple enough 
for them to test for.

I am so scared to have to go through this again so soon, and afraid 
Tomi won't be able to pull off a miracle a second time.  I almost 
feel like we are being punished for something, the way this 
nightmare seems to be unfolding.

- Original Message -
From: mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]C  J
Sent: Tuesday, June 12, 2007 4:50 PM
Subject: Kisa is gone :(

Kisa passed away this morning while I was at work, exactly one month 
after Koda.  My heart is broken, especially since I wasn't there 
with her at the end.

I had prayed and hoped so much that she would continue to improve 
after she started eating again a week and a half ago.  I suppose it 
was just too much for her to overcome.  The anemia never really did 
improve much. Though her breathing was better, her skin was so pale.

The last few days, her appetite faltered again, and she was getting 
weaker.  I didn't think today would be the day she died, though i'm 
relieved she didn't have to go on suffering much longer.  I don't 
think she was in pain, and I sincerely hope she wasn't in pain at 
the end.  It was just so hard to see her so weak when she was as 
active and happy as a kitten 3 weeks ago.

Kisa is going to be missed more than words can say.  She never quite 
saw her 3rd birthday, but the time she spent with us will never be 
forgotten.  She was special in so many ways, I wouldn't even know 
where to start to list them all.  Fearless, loving, gentle, playful, 
curious, and sweet are just a few of the words that describe 
her.  She's been sleeping on my pillow the last few nights, and i'm 
going to miss her warmth so much.

If it ever stops raining, she will be buried next to Koda 
tonight.  I made a rock garden full of flowers on top of Koda's 
grave.  Now Kisa will join her there.


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