Re: [Felvtalk] Tweeze is gone.

2011-02-13 Thread Laura B
I am so very sorry for your loss, he was a beautiful, beautiful boy.  Thank you 
for sharing the video, it really captures the life of a happy, much loved cat.  
May time heal your heart.

--- On Fri, 2/4/11, Frank & Sue Koren  wrote:

From: Frank & Sue Koren 
Subject: [Felvtalk] Tweeze is gone.
To: "FeLV talk" 
Date: Friday, February 4, 2011, 8:05 PM

Tweezer lost his battle with this horrible disease this afternoon.  He had
an aggressive lymphoma so there was no hope that he would get better or that
he could even be made more comfortable.  He crashed at the beginning of this
week and was having spasms that were making it very difficult for him to
eat, drink or even to stand.  He has been very unhappy and scared all week

When I took Tweezer in he was extremely malnourished and had worms, ear
mites, goopy eyes and an upper respiratory infection.  As his health
improved he became such a happy cat!  He was so happy to be alive, he always
wanted to play and be loved.  This is a you-tube link to a video I took of
him a few months ago.  He would come to me and ask me to come and play with
him and then lead me to the toys.

Rest in peace my darling Tweezer.  My heart is breaking but at least there
is no feline leukemia where you are now.

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Re: [Felvtalk] New to FLV and have a cat that just tested positive...

2009-10-06 Thread Laura B
Hi Anna,
I just wanted to say "welcome" , this is a good group and a lot of help to me 
when my kitty tested positive at 2 years old, she had previously test negative 
as a kitten.  I think the best advice I got was good food, low stress and lots 
of love.  Give them the best food you can afford and as much love as you can (I 
know the latter will be easy, sounds like you are already there:)
I had a big ole silver Maine Coon named Sylvia who passed about three years 
ago, I still love that name and always will.  
Best wishes to you and your girls,
--- On Mon, 10/5/09, Anna Waltman  wrote:

From: Anna Waltman 
Subject: [Felvtalk] New to FLV and have a cat that just tested positive...
Date: Monday, October 5, 2009, 5:11 PM

Hi everyone,
I've been lurking around for the last day or two reading your posts.  My
darling Sylvia, the first cat I have owned as an adult, just tested positive
for FLV on both the in-office and IFA tests.  She's one of my best friends
and I'm devastated; she was negative as a kitten and has lived inside for
most of her life (as a little baby, she was a stray-- I adopted her from the
SPCA at five months, and I know she was there for a while before I adopted
her).  She was given a confident all-clear by my former vet to move with me
to Massachusetts and live in a multiple-cat household less than three months

Upon moving, it became obvious that Sylvia doesn't like being left alone in
the apartment for long periods of time (prior to our move, we lived with my
retired parents and their two dogs so she was almost never home alone). I
decided to adopt a kitten, Beatrice, a few weeks after we moved in, after
Sylvia had gotten comfortable in the apartment.

So when Sylvia started meowing strangely and acting a little lethargic, I
assumed it was a kitty flu but took her to the vet anyway, just to be safe,
and tested her just to be absolutely sure she was still negative.  What a
horrible surprise.  She's been living with Bea for a month or two now and
they're best friends; they wrestle all the time, share food bowls, groom
each other, etc.  I feel sick with guilt about bringing a young kitten into
a house with a FLV+ cat, and now chances are I have two positive cats to
care for.  Our current vet is wonderful, though, and she feels that if we
vaccinate Bea ASAP and keep a close eye on Sylvia (treating her problems as
they arise), there's a good chance we can keep both of them healthy for a
long time.  She says she has other patients and co-workers with FLV+ and
negative cats living in the same household who never pass it to each other.
I'm feeding them a mix of Wellness and Innova ENVO and giving the kitten
multivitamins to boost her immune system and help her fight off the

I'm a young graduate student in an MA/PhD program and I don't have a ton of
money.  These kitties had been the most stable thing in my life and this
diagnosis is totally eating me up, from the inside out.  I love them to
pieces and want to be the best cat-parent I can to my girls (having chronic
illnesses myself that significantly increase my risk of certain health
problems, I'm as empathic about this as anyone).  The horrible potential of
this disease breaks my heart every time I think about it.  My childhood cat
passed away a few months before I got Sylvia, and I can't bear to lose
another one like that (he was very sick for a long time before he died, but
we don't know what it was.  Could've been FLV or FIV; he wasn't tested every
year, though he was vaccinated.  He was indoor/outdoor and a fighter).

What do you wish you had known when your cat was first diagnosed, if
anything?  If there is any advice people have, I would appreciate it, and as
I gain experience caring for my girls I will share what has worked and what
hasn't with anyone who asks.

Many thanks and best wishes to you and your families, furry and otherwise.
Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Life without Pixie

2009-05-28 Thread Laura B
Pixie sounded like a very special little girl, I am so sorry for your loss.  I 
hope that time will heal your heart and one day you will smile when thinking of 
your special girl.  I believe they are always with us and that gives me 
comfort, I'm glad that you feel a bit better now having her home.  Please 
remember to take care of yourself during this time of grief.

--- On Thu, 5/28/09, G D  wrote:

From: G D 
Subject: [Felvtalk] Life without Pixie
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 5:39 PM

Hi everyone. 

I really, really appreciate
the support and wisdom this group has provided over the last 3 years
-- when strange things were happening (frothy clear vomit, a non-dilating 
pupil) and I didn't know what to do, and especially during the scary and sad 
days surrounding Pixie's death. This listserv is an example of the internet at 
its finest, bringing together a
warm virtual community of FeLV cat guardians from across the globe. You gave me 
the courage to adopt FeLV+ Pixie in the first place, when I was only a foster 
parent to her and had no previous experience with + cats.

It's been two weeks without Pixie. Grief feels like a private hell but
apparently I'm going through all the normal stages. I was in bad shape when I 
went to pick up her ashes and the woman at the crematorium asked if Pixie had 
lived a long life. I could
barely reply that she was still a baby when this disease snatched her.
But once I got her urn home and put it on the mantle, which was one
of her favorite places to perch, I felt strangely relieved: the awful
business of deterioration, dying and death was over. I
attached her collar tag to my keys (the jingling sound of which
made Pixie come running from any corner of the house in the hope she'd
get to go outside). I miss her 100 times day. 

I'm comforted to know that many of you have survived the loss of a beloved cat 
and have eventually come to love new cats.

Onwards and upwards,


Windows Live™: Keep your life in sync.
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Re: [Felvtalk] Grace

2009-05-28 Thread Laura B
Keeping good thoughts for Grace, please keep us posted as you can.

--- On Thu, 5/28/09, Sherry DeHaan  wrote:

From: Sherry DeHaan 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grace
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 12:12 PM

Thanks Kerry,Grace made it through the night.Jen had her wrapped in wet 
towels.She took her to the clinic to do a full bloodwork.

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
than our own,
Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps.
We still would have it no other way"

--- On Thu, 5/28/09, Kerry MacKenzie  wrote:

From: Kerry MacKenzie 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Grace
Date: Thursday, May 28, 2009, 9:07 AM

Sending prayers for little Grace, Sherry. Dr Jen sounds such a compassionate 
and caring vet. 
hugs, Kerry M.

From: Sherry DeHaan 
To: Felvtalk 
Sent: Wednesday, May 27, 2009 9:13:40 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Grace

I am asking for prayers for sweet little Grace.I just recieved an e-mail that 
she is in very bad shape with a high fever and just not well.she was fune 
Monday when I was there,but we all know what horrible things can arise with 
FELV.I HATE this disease!! I have watch SO MANY beautiful babies die from 
this,my heart breaks EVRY time. Please keep her in your thoughts.I believe she 
is with Dr Jen tonight.
Thank you

"We who choose to surround ourselves with lives more temporary
than our own,
Live within a fragile circle,easily and often breached.
Unable to accept its awful gaps.
We still would have it no other way"

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Re: [Felvtalk] Laura is gone

2009-05-23 Thread Laura B
Thank you all, for your kind responses, I know you all understand how I am 
feeling.  I do draw comfort from the fact that Laura was loved, and cared for 
in her short life.  If my nieghbor and I (with the help of my vet) hadn't 
rescued her from her abandond colony she would have had a horrible life. 
She had a good life with my vet for two years, and then another good year with 
me, she was only sick once at the end of her life, for that I am thankful.  I 
miss her so much, she was such a sweet, gentle soul.  
Sleep in the light, little one

--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Sharyl  wrote:

From: Sharyl 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Laura is gone
Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 9:15 PM

Dear Laura,
I was saddened to read that kitty laura has crossed the Rainbow Bridge.  I know 
that gut wrenching feeling.  You did what you could to make her time here the 
best possible.

She was loved and cared for .  Many kitties aren't so blessed.
Lighting a candle for her.

--- On Fri, 5/22/09, Laura B  wrote:

> From: Laura B 
> Subject: [Felvtalk] Laura is gone
> To: "felvt...@felineleukemia" 
> Date: Friday, May 22, 2009, 9:27 AM
> One week ago today I had to let Laura
> go, she was losing the fight.  She had been acting "off"
> for about a month, we took her to see my vet and her labs
> were awful.  We tried a course of Pred, and did get a small
> rally, but at the beginning of last week she started fading
> again, we could tell it was time.
> I miss her immensely, she was the sweetest girl, she would
> have been three on June 2.  I really hate this disease, it
> robs our young kitties of life, and there is no hope.
> Hug your kitties,
> Human Laura
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


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Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] Laura is gone

2009-05-22 Thread Laura B
One week ago today I had to let Laura go, she was losing the fight.  She had 
been acting "off" for about a month, we took her to see my vet and her labs 
were awful.  We tried a course of Pred, and did get a small rally, but at the 
beginning of last week she started fading again, we could tell it was time.
I miss her immensely, she was the sweetest girl, she would have been three on 
June 2.  I really hate this disease, it robs our young kitties of life, and 
there is no hope.
Hug your kitties,
Human Laura

Felvtalk mailing list

[Felvtalk] FeLV+ kitty is sick

2009-05-05 Thread Laura B
My Positive blind girl is sick, I have had her for just a year now and this is 
the first time she's been ill.  I had my neighbor take her to my vet yesterday 
and she had a fever of 104.9, she's also not eating much and VERY lethargic.  
I'm very worried.  
I adopted Laura (she was named after me by my vets staff, long story) because 
she was living at the vets, was blind and being tormented by another cat.  I 
had her tested when I brought her home and found out she was pos, she came from 
a colony that had alot of pos's, so I think she'd been pos since a kitten, just 
didn't show on her first snap test.  Anyway, at that time we found out the cat 
that was bullying her was also pos, he recently passed away.
Laura will be three next month, I've read that many kitties don't live more 
than 2-3 years after diagnosis.. Vet drew blood yesterday so today we should 
get those results back...please keep a good thought it's not something dire.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Advice on 9 month old FELV + kitty

2009-04-02 Thread Laura B
I have had pretty good success with yogurt, I have a new kitten (adoption 
failure, long story) that had very loose stool, I give him about a teaspoon of 
plain all natural yogurt daily.  He loves it and his stools are almost 
perfect.  I stopped giving it to him for a few days and the loose stools came 
back, firmed up right after I started him on it again.  
good luck, and thanks for loving this little one!

--- On Thu, 4/2/09, TANYA NOE  wrote:

Subject: [Felvtalk] Advice on 9 month old FELV + kitty
Date: Thursday, April 2, 2009, 10:05 AM

 I am sure you have covered this a thousand times but I haven't been on
here all that long and am very far behind on reading the emails. I have a
newborn and work and times get hectic, sorry.
 We adopted a kitten that after a neg test later turned out to be pos. We
love her so we are keeping her. The clinics around us usually recommend
euthanasia and don't have a ton of experience treating pos cats. We have a
neg cat 12 years old as well. 
 My problem is that Maggie goes through boughts of what I call horribly
smelly Pancake batter poops. They are very watery and smell very foul. During
these times she acts as though she is not feeling well ( I wouldn't either
if that came out of my bottom). I would like to know what stuff seems to work
best and what stuff to avoid. I asked my vet about interferon to build immune,
she didn't seem very knowledgeable about it but prescribed it anyway. Seems
like the diarrhea has been worse since she got on it and it is $40 plus shipping
a month. 
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I hate seeing her miserable.


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Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone else on Facebook?

2009-03-28 Thread Laura B
Oppps!  I forgot, I have my maidien name in there, Laura Sullivan Biringer :)

--- On Sat, 3/28/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

From: Belinda Sauro 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone else on Facebook?
Date: Saturday, March 28, 2009, 3:44 PM

Hi Laura,
  Typed you into FB seach and 3 possibilities came up which are you?

happiness is being owned by cats ...

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone else on Facebook?

2009-03-28 Thread Laura B

I am on facebook!  If anyone wants to friend me please note "FeLV" on the 
request so I don't ignore!Laura Biringer
--- On Thu, 3/26/09, Belinda Sauro  wrote:

> From: Belinda Sauro 
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Anyone else on Facebook?
> To:
> Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 12:13 PM
> I'm on facebook Kelley.  Just got on, not real familiar
> with it yet and don't have a lot of time to do anything
> with it.
> -- 
> Belinda
> happiness is being owned by cats ...
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list


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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Feeling Guilty

2009-03-28 Thread Laura B
I completely understand where you are coming from, I currently have 8 cats, and 
although my house is large as well, with just my husband and I, it is a bit 
much for me.  I love my cats and several are special needs (I only have one 
FeLV+) right now, but just keeping up with the cleaning and getting them back 
and forth to the vet (due to work) is a struggle.  I've never had 8 before and 
frankly 5-6 is my limit, but I ended up having to keep 2 of my foster kittens, 
long story!
Anyway, try not to feel guilty, you are doing your part and each of us should 
only take on as much as we can handle, that way you will do your very best for 
the kitties that you have.  I wish I could handle more, and when my husband and 
I retire it's something I'm thinking about, but for now I am done.

--- On Thu, 3/26/09,  wrote:

Subject: [Felvtalk] Feeling Guilty
Date: Thursday, March 26, 2009, 7:23 AM

when you have to turn away FeLv cats because you rescued one to many, does the
feeling of guilt ever go away.  I was going to take a cat from NY but had an
emergency rescue of one who was going to be put to sleep. I had to tell this
person that I can't take the cat.  We are getting our last one from Indiana,
that has been planned for months.  I worry about being reported to the ASPCA for
having too many cats.  We currently have 13, plus 1 from indiana makes 14.

I wish I could rescue them all.  In 2-3 years, when we get more financialy
stable, we are going to convert a house that we are currently renting, into a
cattery so I can rescue more cats.  But for now we run it out of our home, which
is large, but is getting over run by cats.

Any advice or words of comfort is appreciated.

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Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] I think my girl kitty is pregnant...will the kittens be FeLV+??

2008-08-12 Thread Laura B
Since you are her guardian, obviously it's your choice as to what to do, but I 
know for me, I try to do what is best for the cat, and not make a decsion based 
on how it makes me feel.  But again, it's your decsion and we can only give 
Please tell me that you have separated Ash and Isobel?  On the chance that she 
isn't pregnant you really need to separate them until one of them is fixed.  
Also, if you do plan on letting her have the kittens if she is pregnant, I 
would start saving some money now, because you will need to get her kittens S/N 
before putting them out for adoption, also incase she has a difficult delivery 
and needs emergency care.  The rescue that I work with (I foster kittens when 
we come across them TNR'ing) does not adopt out intact kittens. Which 
unfortunatly is the only way to ensure that a cat will be S/N' d these days.
We're going to keep all paws crossed that Isobel is not pregnant, there is 
still that chance.

--- On Tue, 8/12/08, Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] I think my girl kitty is pregnant...will the kittens be 
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 7:34 PM

I know it makes sense to spay abort, but I don't really know.  I don't
believe in abortion...and it would be a really tough thing for me to do.  I
really want to try and find them homes.  I just can't imagine killing
life...I know it sounds horrible especially with the overpopulation.

 Jennifer - PROUD VEGETARIAN & LOCAL SPCA VOLUNTEER.  Be their voice. 
        ~ loving mama to ~
            Morrison (born Oct. 10, 2000)
            Isobel aka Fat Girl (born Feb. 7, 2007)
            Ash (born July 11, 2007, diagnosed FeLV+ July 28, 2008)

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] my Cole, help!

2008-08-12 Thread Laura B
Hi Kim,
I am so sorry that Cole is sick, have you tried feeding him some people food?  
When my guys stop eating I try everything, like deli turkey, boiled chicken, 
canned tuna, baby food is usually a hit to get them started eating again.
Try not to worry too-too much until you see the vet and get his opinion on 
Cole, hopefully this is just a little bug in his system.  Please let us know 
what the vet says, and I will be keeping your boy in my thoughts...

--- On Tue, 8/12/08, Kim Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Kim Thomas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] my Cole, help!
Date: Tuesday, August 12, 2008, 9:45 AM

I am afraid I am on the verge of losing my loved and adored kitty, Cole. I have
had him for 6 1/2 years and we have had our ups and downs with some illnesses
but nothing a little TLC and medicine couldn't handle. I got Cole when he
was 5 months old from the Humane Society and about a week after adopting him I
found out he was feline leukemia positive. The Humane Society said they would
take him back and give me a "new" kitty. By that point my heart was
completely in love with him and there was no turning back, I had to meet this
challenge with strength and do all I had to take care of him. Up until this
point I knew that he would make it through all of the colds, pneumonia's,
gastro-intestinal issues, but now I am not sure anymore. He is not acting like
he would normally when he is sneezing, coughing, breathing
difficulties, or diarrhea. He just lays around all the time, doesnt seem to be
eating much or drinking much. Wet food doesnt even make him happy! I have
noticed that he is losing weight as well. I have an appointment with the vet
today to get him checked out but I am scared that this will just be the
beginning of the end. I am unsure of how far to let him go. I don't know if
I should keep treating everything or if I should give up? The last thing I would
ever want to do is prolong his life and make him suffer more just so I could
have more time with him. Does anyone have any words of advice? I am new to this
posting and I am afraid of losing one of the most important things in my life
and I am not sure how to even go about dealing with any of it!  Kim
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Re: [Felvtalk] I think my girl kitty is pregnant...will the kittens be FeLV+??

2008-08-12 Thread Laura B
Hi Jennifer,
Even if FeLV were not a factor in this possible pregnancy I would suggest a 
spay-abort. The kitten season has been particulary bad this summer in Jersey 
(and probably elsewhere) so if you can't keep them they would have a VERY bleak 
future.  I live in central Jersey and if you're not too far from Toms River 
(don't know how far south you are) you can take her to a clinic there that does 
low cost S/N.  We take all the ferals we can TNR there, and they have no 
problem doing spay-aborts.  
You actually have to go through ABC (Animal Birth Control) which is a group 
based in Bayville (I believe) NJ, they will give you a voucher or number that 
will entitle you to a low cost S/N.  If you would like I can get the 
information for you, my neighbor has it since she does TNR daily this time of 
year.  I help out financially when I can since I work during the day (she 
doesn't work, cept for sterilizing cat colonies for people).

--- On Mon, 8/11/08, Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Jennifer <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: [Felvtalk] I think my girl kitty is pregnant...will the kittens be 
To: "" 
Date: Monday, August 11, 2008, 8:47 PM

and the only possible father is my FeLV+ kitty, Ash.  Isobel is showing signs
of pregnancy (hard and protruding tummy as well as pointy nipples).  She's
going this Thursday to get tested for FeLV.  My question is, if she tests
negative (which my guess is she won't being that her and Ash mated), will
the kittens be FeLV+ because their father is FeLV+?  Also, if Isobel is
pregnant and she is FeLV+, does that automatically mean the kittens will be
too?  I feel so horrible about not getting her fixed sooner, but my money is
tight and I have to save up just to take them to the vet.  If she is pregnant,
I can't keep the kittens as we already have three and my boyfriend is
allergic and says no way to any more cats in the house, which I understand.  If
I take them to a shelter and they're positive, won't they put them to
sleep right away?  I don't want that to happen.  I live in Southern New
Jersey...anyone want more kittens??  When I take her to the
 vet this week, I'll have them confirm her pregnancy.

 Jennifer - PROUD VEGETARIAN & LOCAL SPCA VOLUNTEER.  Be their voice. 
        ~ loving mama to ~
            Morrison (born Oct. 10, 2000)
            Isobel aka Fat Girl (born Feb. 7, 2007)
            Ash (born July 11, 2007, diagnosed FeLV+ July 28, 2008)

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[Felvtalk] Furry Laura update & ?'s

2008-08-03 Thread Laura B
Hi All,
I've been reading through this list, lots of great information!  Been trying to 
chime in but having trouble keeping up with the fast pace lately, you are all 
very chatty :)  Anyway, Laura, my FeLV + kitty is doing wonderfully.  She had 
several days of loose stool, a few weeks back and I think it was from the 
vetri-science treats that I was giving her, they had lysine (she has herpes) 
and DMG in them.  Once I stopped them, she firmed back up again.  
She's gained quite a bit of weight, my neighbor/pet sitter (who visits Laura 
daily) thinks it might be a bit too much.  But honestly I think having a little 
bit of extra insulalation is good for her, gives her more of a "buffer" if she 
should become sick.  What do you all think?  She's not fat, but she is very 
solid and borderline a little chunky.  She looks great, all of her fur has 
grown back (she had alot of bald patches when I got her) and her coat is shiny 
and dense.
She eats a full can and 1/2 of wellness per day (5.5 oz can) plus I free feed 
dry wellness for her.  Since I currently have a very sick 14 year old, who 
won't eat, I'm just thrilled that Laura's appetite is so healthy, maybe it's 
too much, but again, I think she needs a little extra meat on her on bones.
Thanks in advance for any comments, 

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Introducing Daisy's Babies

2008-07-19 Thread Laura B
Thank you for helping these cats, I went through a very similiar situation with 
a colony around the corner from me (where my Laura came from).  It was about 50 
cats and kittens, that had been inbreeding for 10+ years before the man who was 
feeding them (he couldn't afford vet care) got removed from the house he where 
he was basically "squatting".
About 1/3 of the cats had FeLV, and most of them also had the herpes virus so 
we had several blind and partially blind catsit was a nightmare.  For what 
it's worth, I think you are doing the right thing, and agree with both you and 
Diane.  And again, thank you for caring for these cats.

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Sharyl <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Introducing Daisy's Babies
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 10:54 AM

You are right Diane.  Right now neither Daisy or Mae appear to be actively 
sick.  They are about 9 months old.  They eat, play and sun themselves like any 
other 9 mo. old kitty.  They live in the woods behind an old dumpster site and 
are the 1st to come running every afternoon at feeding time.  

--- On Wed, 7/16/08, Rosenfeldt, Diane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: Rosenfeldt, Diane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Introducing Daisy's Babies
Date: Wednesday, July 16, 2008, 10:44 AM

Sharyl --  Best wishes to you and to all these babies.  Whatever future they 
have is already brighter with you taking such good care of them.
About Daisy, I guess I would say that if in the future she looks like she's 
actively sick, bring her in and, if you can't afford to keep her, do the kind 
thing so she's not out there suffering.  I'm not of that disposition either but 
no matter what, they shouldn't suffer.
Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Sharyl
Sent: Wednesday, July 16, 2008 9:22 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] Introducing Daisy's Babies

I have been feeding a dumpster colony of kitties for several months with the 
goal of doing TNR (trap/neuter/release) for those that I can not rescue.  Of 
the 3 kittens I rescued 2, Sissy and Rocket, were FeLV+.  They are about 9 
months old now and are doing well.  Both have test positive twice.

Their sister, Daisy, had a litter before I was able to TNR her.  The kittens 
were approx. 4 weeks old when I got them.  I took them because 1 had both eyes 
stuck shut and 1 had 1 eye stuck shut.  The next day I was finally able to trap 
Daisy using a kitten as bait in the carrier.    Daisy has since been spayed and 
released.  The babies have received one worm treatment, got terramycin salve in 
their eyes for a week, and have lysine added to their food.  
It appears that Mattie will be blind.  She is the biggest of the 4 and very 
feisty.   I had her tested and the vet said she was very, very, very FeLV+.  No 
idea what 3 verys mean.  CJ may have some limited vision in her bad eye.  
Bright Eyes and Houdini (escaped from the dog crate twice now) seem healthy.   
I am adding L-Lysine and Mega C Plus to their food.  I am looking for advice on 
what else I can do to help them throw off this virus.  
They will each be tested when I have them spayed.   Sissy and Rocket were 
several months old when I rescued them.  Didn't know if starting treatments 
earlier would improve the odds that they could beat this.   Any advise on how 
to proceed with now 5 1/2 wk old kittens would be appreciated.
By the way Stormie, same colony but different Mom from Sissy, Rocket and Daisy, 
tested negative.  I did not have Daisy tested.  I knew I could not afford to 
keep her if she was positive and simply do not have the disposition to have 
a cat PTS simply because she is positive.   At least she will not have any more 
litters.  There is one more sister, Mae, that I have been trying to trap for 
Sharyl Sissy, Rocket and the babies
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Re: looking for advice re kitty prozac

2008-06-21 Thread Laura B
I've been using Paxil on my cat (per the vet) for inappropriate urination, over 
grooming and general aggression towards my other cats for a few months now and 
it has been working wonderfully, with no visable side effects.  Polly (cat) I 
adopted from a free roam shelter several years and is not socialized at all, I 
can't pill her but luckily (Thank goodness!) she loves Pill Pockets, funny, but 
my other cats hate them.
I tried feliway, and still use it, but it doesn't seem to help much.

--- On Fri, 6/20/08, MacKenzie, Kerry N. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

From: MacKenzie, Kerry N. <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: looking for advice re kitty prozac
Date: Friday, June 20, 2008, 5:40 PM

Dear all
Has anyone ever used a kitty "Prozac" such as fluoxetine? One of my co-workers 
whose cat has always been a sprayer--and she's had him for YEARS, kudos to 
her---was thrilled when 1/2 tab fluoxetine daily fixed the behavior almost 
immediately. Unfortunately he began foaming at the mouth at the same time, so 
she stopped using it after a few days.
Does anyone have any experience in using an alternative "prozac" that worked 
for spraying without causing foaming or other adverse side-effects. She says 
she's going to the vet to ask about a different one after she returns from 
vacation, and I thought I'd try picking your brains before she went. I think 
it's wonderful that--unlike so many people--she's committed to her cat despite 
his spraying.
I have a sprayer too, but he's feral, so there's nothing I can use (he's not 
into any sort of treat on a regular basis, and he turned his nose up at 
Pillpockets) apart from a dividing line between him and the cause of his 
behavior, my other cats. He has his own loyal buddy, a female, Momcat, so he's 
pretty content on the whole, I think.
Anyway, thanks for any other "prozac" ideas!


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Felvtalk mailing list

Hi again :)

2008-06-02 Thread Laura B
A few weeks ago I joined this list but couldn't post, so Belinda very kindly 
posted an introduction for myself and my FeLV+ kitty, Laura.  Thank so much for 
the replies we got, we read them all.
  I wanted to send in a little update on Laura (still don't have a new name for 
her), she is doing very well.  Most of her fur is growing back (she had bald 
patches) and since being on the l-lysine she is not drooling nearly as much 
(she had herpes lesions in her mouth).  She seems to be settling in and loves 
her room with a view.  I spend as much time with her as possible, and my 
nieghbor (another cat person) comes over daily to give her a snack and some 
  I think she has also put on a little weight, which is good because she is 
quite thin, other than that she is doing well.  My vet just had me bring her in 
and restest her, (IFA), she came back positive again.  Do cats ever test neg on 
an IFA after testing positive?  Vet also retested the three cats in her care 
that were positive on snap tests a month ago when she discovered Laura's 
status.  Out of the three only one retested pos on an IFA test. 
  Anyway, just wanted to pop in and thank you all, also give a little update on 
my sweet girl.
  Best regards,
  Human Laura and furry Laura 

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Re: I have to share

2008-06-02 Thread Laura B
Thanks for sharing that, it is an incredibly sweet story  :)

Lynne <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
  I just felt like telling you folks about something that happened last 
night with our Snowy and Lennie.  Lennie is our 19 year old, who is showing 
signs of not being with us much longer.  He's deaf, frail and weak but still 
appears to enjoy his life.  Snowy is our rescued Persian.  Len has not cared 
for her much since she first came home with us but over the past couple months 
has agreed to accept her.  When we take them outside for fresh air, Snowy will 
follow Len just like a little puppy but if he turns around she kind of stops 
and puts her head down.  They both get a lot of affection from us but you can 
kind of tell that Snowy is a touch jealous.  Well last night we were out on the 
patio enjoying the evening.  Bob was sitting between the two cats taking turns 
kissing them on their heads.  When it was time to come in Lennie was cleaning 
his face and Snowy went over to him and stuck her little face right on his 
forehead.  Len stopped licking his paw, looked at her
 and continued his grooming.  Snowy then just walked by into the house.  To see 
it you would have sworn she went over and kissed him.  You can tell she cares 
about him, almost like she knows he isn't doing that well.  It's stuff like 
this that makes me love cats so much.  
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