Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread Lernermichelle

Yes. Combo shots of dex and depo. Depo is long-term and sort of instead of pred, can last about a month. I am not sure I would even ask about Depo though at this point. If he is improving on low doses of pred I think I would try the higher doses. The thing about Depo is that it stays in the system so long, if there is a bad reaction of any sort there is nothing you can do until it plays itself out. There are not usually any bad reactions short-term (a few months, 6 months, whatever) but longer term it can cause diabetes, etc. If bailey has the potential to be here longer, I would try the pred for now. I would try dex before depo because, while initially much stronger, it is out of the system in 24 hours.

In a message dated 1/24/2006 1:47:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:
 Michelle, I asked her about the wrong thing I meant to ask her about depo, wasn't that the other thing that you used that helped Simon?

Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread Belinda Sauro

  Yes I think I will stick with the pred for now, something is working 
and I don't want to upset the apple cart.  His bottom is looking a bit 
better, but now Joey has the runs too (he sneaks the AD while I'm 
getting Bailey's food ready, it's probably pretty rich for him).

Bailey is still pretty much laying around all day but he is not hiding 
under or behind things and is moving around more than he has in the last 
two or three weeks. :)

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Re: Bailey update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread Kerry Roach
Hi Belinda,   It does sound like a good report for Bailey..I just wanted you to know what Bandy's cytology report said...I don't think I have ever posted it here.  Cytologic Diagnosis: Severe erythroid hypoplasia with normal myeloid maturation; megakaryocytes present with normal maturation...  I still haven't understood all of this, and I need to go post it at the anemia group as those people really seem to know alot about all of this...  One other thing the oncologist said was that kitties with Felv frequently develope severe anemias with no evidence of regeneration..and she was surprised that his PCV was as high as it was or is.. but that the marrow suppression is often worsened by co-infection with FIV..She advised at that time for us to discontinue epogen injections because of delayed anemia due to antibodies of the human recombinant epogen that cross react with feline erythropoietin. It is reversible when
 epogen is stopped if caught early enough...That is really all I know as we were staying off epogen for now until his PCV goes back down to around 20..So far it has been good, but I am not sure why.. I think Bandy was on epogen around 5 to 6 wks...His PCV went from around 20 to 38 then dropped to 23 when we saw the specialist...but has since gone up again without the epogen..He was on 5 mg of pred daily for a few weeks and now I just give him .75mg of dex when his temp goes up...and no other steroids at this point...  Now that you have said that about the pred, I am wondering if I shouldn't start Bandy on pred again..He goes for blood work again the first of Feb...I will discuss it for sure with his vet..  I also had a kitty with a tumor on her tongue that was on 20mg. of pred daily for 3yrs...She had a great appetite but her skin did get rather thin after all that pred..The pred kept the inflammation down enough that she could eat and not get choked... 
 Anyway, good luck with Bailey and hope you get his bottom cleared up...  You are in our thoughts,  Kerry and Bandy
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Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread wendy
Hi Belinda,

I read the pathologist report you posted, but didn't
understand what it meant.  Can you explain what it
means in layman's terms?

Thanks so much!

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Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report - Wendy

2006-01-24 Thread Belinda Sauro

This is what the pathologist actually wrote on the bone marrow report,
the other is wha Michele found while looking up preleukemia, a term my
vet had not heard before or knew what the pathologist meant by it,
that's why she needed to talk with him:

Description: the slides are cellular with many
megakaryocytes seen.
The erythyroid and myloid series are present and complete, however the
erythyroid series reveals bot h a shift to rubricytic forms and
megaloblastic rubricytes seen. m:E ratio is - 1:2 9200 cell count).
Blast cells are 10%



Comment: there is no evidence of of overt luekemia or

In a nutshell he told her the FeLV virus is replicating in the bone
marrow and is hindering enough of the red blood cells from maturing.
The treatment according to my vet and the pathologist is high doses of
prednisolone which interfers with the viruses replication. If we're
lucky it will put the virus into remission again for 6 months to a year
according to the pathologist. In some cases when the pred isn't doing
a good enough job on it's own, leukeran (also known as chlorambucil a
chemo drug) is adde also, it is a pill given at home.

Of course being a firm believer in miracles we are aiming for a much
longer remission
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

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Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report - Wendy

2006-01-24 Thread wendy

Thanks for taking the time to explain Bailey's
condition to me.  I guess the pathology report is not
what you wanted to hear, but better than it could have
been, right?  

Belinda, I am a firm believer in miracles too, and
will be praying for little Bailey.


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Re: Bailey update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread Belinda Sauro

 Hi Kerry,
It looks like in Bandy's case his bone marrow is still producing a
health amount of mature red cells [[normal myeloid maturation;
megakaryocytes present with normal maturation]], whereas
Bailey's is tyring to produce them but the virus is interfering with
them maturing and being sent out to be used. Similar problems but
alittle different. Though they are both having difficulties, Bandy
seems to be a little better off right now, and hopefully Bailey will be
shortly once we get the correct treatment started!!
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

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Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread Nina
 Now we just need to get his bottom healed up and get him feeling 
better so my little happy cat will shine again! 

Prayers for Bailey's remission kicking in quickly. 
I just wanted to let you know that aloe gel really helped Gypsy's sore 
bottom when it was in the same condition as Baileys, (ouch!).  You want 
to make sure and get the pure aloe without additives in case Bailey 
feels well enough to clean himself up and ingests some.


Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-24 Thread catatonya
Belinda,I don't know anything from the test results you sent, but it sounds like you have a plan, and know what you're dealing with now. Good luckand head butts to Bailey.t[EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:Yes. Combo shots of dex and depo. Depo is long-term and sort of instead of pred, can last about a month. I am not sure I would even ask about Depo though at this point. If he is improving on low doses of pred I think I would try the higher doses. The thing about Depo is that it stays in the system so long, if there is a bad reaction of any sort there is nothing you can do until it plays itself out. There are not usually any bad reactions short-term (a few months, 6 months, whatever) but longer
 term it can cause diabetes, etc. If bailey has the potential to be here longer, I would try the pred for now. I would try dex before depo because, while initially much stronger, it is out of the system in 24 hours.  MichelleIn a message dated 1/24/2006 1:47:58 AM Eastern Standard Time, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:   Michelle, I asked her about the wrong thing I meant to ask her about depo, wasn't that the other thing that you used that helped Simon?  

Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro

 This is what the pathologist say's is going on with Bailey

 "Myelofibrosis and Myeloid Metaplasia
Myelofibrosis and myeloid hyperplasia are characterized by abnormal
growth and differentiation of erythroid, myeloid, and megakaryocytic
cell types with varying proliferation of fibroblasts in the marrow.
Anemia, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia or varying combinations are
common. Myelofibrosis has been diagnosed in FeLV positive cats and is
directly associated with the virus rather than a consequence of
myeloproliferative disorders. Myeloid metaplasia may terminate in acute
leukemia and thus may be considered a preleukemic event."

He say's the increase in HCT is from the pred, which he is getting but
has only had 3 or 4 doses, so I think the epogen is helping too. We
are going to increase his pred, she wants to go to 20ml a day split
into 10ml twice a day. I'm uping it to 10ml a day split into 5ml twice
a day for now, he will get blood work again on Friday or Saturday when
I take him in to get his stitches out and I'll see what we have then
and go from there.
I am keeping him on the doxy, and will start azithromycin tomorrow.
Michelle, she isn't real gong ho on the dex, she said she has had two
cats develope ulcers and GI perforations and internal bleeds from it so
for now I will give the pred a try and see what happens.

Prognosis is 6 months to a year if we can get the process into
remission with the pred before the bone marrow stops making the red
cells again. Of course I believe in miracles and am going for
wayyy longer than that!!!

Now we just need to get his bottom healed up and get him feeling better
so my little happy cat will shine again!  :) 

Still looking for prayers and positive energy ... thanks everyone.

I hope Lucy starts eating again soon. It is torture when they do this
because you just never know what is going on. She does seem to be
eating OK, do you have a scale to weight her, that is really the best
way to make sure they are getting enough food. I just replaced my
first one, it got dropped one too many times. :(  Got it on eBay and
it is a really nice one, I like it better than the first one I had.

I am really late with the CLS today and am going to get it now, I have
about 160 emails to wade through so if you wanted someone added to the
CLS and see this could you please resend it, thanks!
Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


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Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-23 Thread Lernermichelle

It is true that I don't think I would give a lot of dex long-term.But 
I have seen it help short-term, like giving one or two dex shots and then 
just continuing with the pred-- the oncologist started simon off with one dex 
shot and then did pred for a while, e.g. And i have seen it help for 
months in terminally ill cats, where long-term is not an expectation. And my 
Buddy did get side effects in the end, like thin skin and a wound on his back 
that would not heal, which I think was from all the steroids he was on (though I 
also think they increased his lifespan by a few months and definitely his energy 
levels an appetite). I would not think it would be something used very 
long-term, for various reasons including diabetes. I actually had never 
heard of cats getting ulcers from steroids, though, so that is important to 

It definitely seems like a better diagnosis than lymphoma, belinda, which 
is something to be hopeful about. And to my knowledge you are the first one on 
this list to get this diagnosis, and I bet it is actually what has been going on 
with some of the other cats. So this is really useful information for all of us 
to know.


In a message dated 1/23/2006 10:22:53 P.M. Eastern Standard Time, 
Michelle, she isn't real gong ho on the dex, she said she has had two 
  cats develope ulcers and GI perforations and internal bleeds from it so for 
  now I will give the pred a try and see what 

Re: Bailey Update - pathologist report

2006-01-23 Thread Belinda Sauro

 I asked her about the wrong thing I meant to ask her about depo,
wasn't that the other thing that you used that helped Simon?

 would give a lot of dex long-term

Happiness is being owned by cats ...

Be-Mi-Kitties ...

Post Adoptable FeLV/FIV/FIP Cats/Kittens

FeLV Candle Light Service  (affordable hosting  web design)


BMK Designs (non-profit web sites)