Michelle and Lucy

2007-02-04 Thread catatonya
  You and Lucy are still in my prayers.  I'm sorry you're upset by something 
that's been said.  I just skipped about 900 messages because I was worried when 
I saw you said unsubscribe and thought you had lost Lucy.  Please reconsider.  
You are in a terrible place right now and you need the group.   When I'm in a 
bad place I need your support and wealth of knowledge as well.  You belong 
here, and anyone who knows you knows that you give your all for your cats (and 
dogs and horses) and doesn't question or judge your decisions.
  When one of my cats gets sick you are one of the first people I want in my 
corner.  You belong here, and Lucy will let you know (as she is doing now) 
whether she wants to stay or go.  I'm just so sorry you're going through all of 
this.  You've had more than your share over the last year.
  take care,

  Since I last wrote, Lucy got up, climbed all 14 stairs to the upstairs, 
ate half a jar of baby food and a couple pieces of dry food, curled up on a cat 
bed, and is purring away as Gray pets her. When Gray poured the dry food for 
Patches, Lucy literally got up and ran over to it, trying to push Patched out 
of the way.
  I know she has FIP, or most likely does. I know there is no real cure and it 
will get her. But today does not seem to be the day, and I do not think it is 
selfish to decide that. Someone who can and wants to climb stairs, wants to eat 
(even if not a normal amount), wants company and pets, and can go running over 
to a bowl of food is, in my opinion, not asking to be killed.
  To whoever wrote that I should not do "home euthanasia," I was not 
considering home euthanasia, I was considering, in an emergency if she gets in 
distress, tranquilizing her until a vet could come or we could get to a vet. i 
did that with Simon and he immediately slept and actually died in his sleep 
before we needed to. But it was not intended as euthanasia. I and several 
others on the list have also used oral valium to ease passings, and it has done 
so. I do not think this is irrational.
  I stopped reading posts after that and just deleted, to whoever wrote 
something in the subject line about allowing suffering.  Given that I had just 
come downstairs from Lucy's little trek and eating spree, it seemed too 
ridiculous to read.
  This list has been a godsend for me at times, and I have made friendships 
with a few of you that I hope to continue offline from the group.  But this 
group is not helping me right now and is actually upsetting me quite a bit. So 
I am unsubscribing.  Nina and Hideyo, I hope to stay in touch with you 
individually, and anyone else who actually wants to, and to share ideas and 
emotional support.  But I am done with the group.

RE: Michelle and Lucy

2007-01-31 Thread dede hicken
Michelle, I just read your message, and it broke my
heart.  I will keep both of you in my prayers.

I have never lost an FeLV cat, because I have never
owned one.  Now i do, Lord help me, I love this little
guy so.

Went through the draining thing with my beloved Smokey
last July,  He had fluid in his chest, as it turned
out from cancer.  I know everyone is rooting for you

God bless,

--- "MacKenzie, Kerry N."

> You and Lucy are both in my prayers, Michelle. As
> with all of us on the
> list, breaks my heart to see you go through this.
> Please don't give up
> hope--I know it's hard, but while your little
> trooper Lucy still fights
> this illness, I would think she needs to know you're
> right there
> fighting with her 

"When you are in the service of your fellow beings, you are only in the service 
of your God"
   Mosiah 2:17


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Michelle and Lucy

2006-04-27 Thread wendy
Hi Michelle,

How is Lucy doing today?  I hope she is better.  I had
surgery on my feet a few days ago, so I have been out
of the loop and am trying to catch up on my emails.


--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> For the past two days, Lucy has had liquid diarrhea,
> and now she is not  
> eating at all and is acting less energetic than
> normal-- not chasing her laser  
> toy, which she normally runs all around chasing
> obsessively, only playing with  
> string a little.  She has had IBD since October, and
> was doing really well  on 
> a raw diet and 1.25 mg of prednisone every 3 days.
> This came on suddenly  
> yesterday.  Apparently Gray left out a bowl of olive
> oil that he was  dipping 
> bread in, and when he went to put it away a few
> hours later noticed that  a lot 
> of it was gone. Lucy does like olive oil-- I gave it
> to her once when she  was 
> constipated, just a teaspoon full, and she licked it
> up.  So I am  hoping that 
> the way she is feeling right now, and the diarrhea,
> is just from her  eating 
> too much olive oil, and that it will get better
> soon.  I am not sure  she has 
> every stopped eating before though. I put her back
> on 10 mg/day of  
> prednisone, and force-fed her some turkey baby food.
>  She also licked up a  little 
> turkey baby food on her own, but not much.  This
> morning there was  foamy yellow 
> puke with blades of grass in about 4 or 5 spots in
> the house, so  maybe she 
> started getting nauseous from the oil yesterday
> afternoon, ate the  grass, threw 
> up during the night, and now has an upset stomach. I
> am hoping that  is all it 
> is.  But she is positive, so I always fear lymphoma.
>   Salmonella is also a 
> possibility, I guess, since she eats raw turkey, but
> it is  apparently pretty 
> rare for cats to get that.  Gray said he is pretty
> sure  that a lot of the olive 
> oil was missing, and there is nothing else that
> could  have happened to it, 
> as Patches can not jump on the counter.
> I have a vet appointment scheduled for tomorrow
> morning. Do you think I  
> should take her? Do you think that drinking a bunch
> of oil two days ago could  
> make her still feel sick two days later and not want
> to eat? I guess that the  
> fact that she already had IBD and could not even eat
> normal cat food without  
> getting sick might make her respond worse to
> drinking oil than a normal cat  
> would. I can not handle losing another cat right
> now.  Not that I can ever  
> really handle it, I guess.  
> Any thoughts, advice, prayers, or good energy you
> can spare would be  
> appreciated.
> Thanks,
> Michelle

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