Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Kelley Saveika
Hi Caroline,

I can't tell you about the archives, but I can tell you about FIP and FIV.

FIP is a rare mutation of a coronavirus that almost all cats that have been
around other cats, shelter cats, etc have been exposed to.  One of my vets
puts the exposure rate to coronavirus at 95% at our local pound.  So please
DO NOT worry about contagion if the cat has FIP.  It is a mutation.  In the
past it was thought that there wasn't a way to diagnose FIP without
necropsy, but there are a couple of tests - these do not include the
coronavirus titer test, which in and of itself means basically nothing.
There is a good webinar about FIP on the Petsmart charities site, if you
really want to spend your Christmas listening to a webinar on FIP.   But in
and of itself it IS NOT contagious.  Coronavirus is contagious and it is
likely that every cat in your house has been exposed to coronavirus.

FIV is much harder to transmit than FELV.  It is mostly transmitted through
tomcats fighting and/or cats mating.  If this is a tomcat and he has been
fighting, he may have it, but unless he were to bite another cat in your
household I would absolutely not worry.  THe other thing about FIV is that
there is an FIV vaccine, which once you have your cat vaccinated with he
will always test + for FIV.  There's a seperate test that purports to
determine if the + result is from but you have to send the blood to a
well-renowned university - I want to say it is UC Davis, but not quite
sure.  You don't say how old this cat is, but kittens can test FIV+ from
maternal antibodies until about 6 months.

IF you can send me a picture of the spay site I might be able to help you
there.  A little ooziness is normal.  I may actually have follow up
instructions on my computer I can send you, I will check.

Feel free to call me if you like.

On Dec 25, 2007 2:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error
> message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to
> send this email.  Anyone else tried?
> I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my home
> that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no one
> else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor
> yesterday (had to *fight* to get approval to even do that and the cat is
> obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very concerned
> about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked that the
> cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just got my
> hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of
> Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER
> FOR has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes,
> very very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I
> spent 2 hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just
> cracked I guess.
> The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get
> the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or
> Felv in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with
> that before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in
> non-fighting cats (my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV
> and this cat was mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I
> volunteer for before I ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am
> freaking out that I may have FIP cats on my hands and not have known it b/c
> of course I am now wondering if that is what has been wrong with my weak
> little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad and scared and feel like I was
> asked to take in cats yet not given the resources to deal with them
> fully and protect them from each other; not to mention the caring for them
> with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get approval to take them to a vet
> (for the agency to pay for it) takes more arguing and hoop jumping-- the cat
> has to be practically dying to be able to get approval without being told
> things like "well, if it would make YOU feel better...but I think you are
> overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of dollars premium food and
> litter that I just don't have any money left over to rush cats out to vets
> and pay for it myself.  I'm just sick over this.  I'm trying to care for
> this little guy until we get the results back.  I have to give him fluids-
> which I have never done and he's a fighter.  He got fluids yesterday at the
> clinic, but he was still somewhat sedated from when they took his blood, so
> I am sure my attempt today will not go half as smooth.  He's not happy about
> being in a crate in a room by himself either and it breaks my heart.
> So I wanted to look through the archives because I know FIP and FIV have
> been discussed before.
> Also, of my 3 barn kittens (totally separated fro

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread MaryChristine
here's the short answer:

FIV is almost always transmitted through DEEP, PENETRATING BITES (the kind
that boy cats inflict in testosterone-fueled rages when fighting over girl
cats--which is why almost all FIV are boys.) it's NOT air-borne,
water-borne, feces-borner. ie, it's not really a problem once a cat is
neutered; considering this cat is ill and probably not mingling much, i
expect he's not off taking bites out of people.

FIP is not contagious, it's a MUTATION of one of the strains of
FeCoV--corona virus, which, in most species, is the common cold. no way to
predict in which cat the virus will mutate, tho there is evidence of a
genetic predisposition, something that doesn't often come into consideration
in rescue/situations. the information on what FIP is, and the value of what
tests exist (and the very fact that there IS a highly effective, CHEAP test
out there), has generally NOT reached the veterinary population--the lack of
knowledge is very similar to that with FeLV, except that many cats are
killed because they've been exposed to corona itself, in most cases a
completely harmless virus. (human SARS is thought, last i heard, to be the
people equivalent of FIP--a mutation that was deadly.)

> --
> Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it 
> now!


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

Kelley thanks.  He's a June baby- I think 6/01/07.  The vet was also talking 
about this in these terms.  I'd never met this vet before, so it took a while 
for us to work on a line of communication b/c once I told him about how I had 
Monkee (Felv), then he kind of opened up.  He said the same kinds of things 
about the corona virus and never really be able to tell through blood tests b/c 
the antibodies and titers may mean nothing.  That said, his concern is still 
with the cat that is actually presenting some "wet" symptoms maybe (anemia, 
dehydration, lethargy, malaise, fever of 103 yesterday, poor coat, poor skin 
(dander), horrible ear wax- but not mites- which I cleaned out yesterday at the 
vet clinic, red, inflamed gums, and the worst of all- the eye symptoms.  Which 
is what made me take him from the store on Sat.  He has one eye that is 
slightly cloudy and if you really look at it- a different color than his other 
green eye.  It appear amber, as if it's filled with blood or something?  Vet 
said that on exam, he can't clearly see the retinas of both eyes.  Ugh.  He 
doesn't have the fat belly (fluid filled) that I have heard mentioned tho.  
He's anorexic so there's no belly at all right now.  Funny thing is, the little 
guy perked up instantly when I brought him home.  He wants to play and run and 
have a party and I'm like, you look like H*ll!  I don't think he knows it!  He 
eats wonderfully- which surprised the vet.  Guess he thought a cat with a temp 
wouldn't be eating, but as soon as I got him home and gave him wet Wellness 
kitten with nutrical, he just eats away.  
Of course, my mom is freaking out completely.  Totally mad b/c she knows the 
hoops I jump through to try to get a cat to a vet (even one presenting like 
this) and it's exhausting mentally.  So when I do finally get one 
to a vet (after being told to just try some Terramycin in his eyes 1st...hello? 
 are you kidding me?!) and the vet looks at me and says, this cat is sick, 
sick.  And I look at him and say, "um, I know, that's why I took him home on 
Sat. and we're here on X-mas eve and I'm missing work!"  It enrages my mom 
basically.  And me too.  I'm trying not worry, but I think the vet is 
suspecting that these June babies that have been problematic kittens (URIs, 
etc.) may be from the same litter and born to an infected queen- which I told 
him I don't think they are from the same litter tho.  Problem is that I don't 
have all the info that is needed- I wasn't volunteering for this group yet (b/c 
Monkee and I were still fighting the good fight against Felv and lymphoma) when 
someone took these orphans out of Metro AC.  They were dumped on me starting 
back at Labor day and each has cycled through my household at one time.  Except 
Yoda never left!  
I'm also concerned b/c the group I vol for doesn't combo test- I was only just 
told this- and I don't know why.  They only test for Felv once as kittens- no 
retesting.  Which I guess that's debatable, I just hope that vets know enough 
to retest a newly adopted cat when the people bring it in.  They only give the 
two FVRCP shots and the vet gives the rabies.  They don't vaccinate for Felv, 
FIV and FIP before adopting.  But I am thinking that if since I have fosters 
and personal cats in my house, I need to have those cats fully protected with 
all these vaccines- but I guess that is debatable too.  I think maybe if I 
wasn't taking in fosters/recuses, maybe I would go more the why vaccinate if 
they aren't showing titers route, but with this recent scare, I am reevaluating 

Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 14:22:15 -0600From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: Archives
Hi Caroline,
I can't tell you about the archives, but I can tell you about FIP and FIV.
FIP is a rare mutation of a coronavirus that almost all cats that have been 
around other cats, shelter cats, etc have been exposed to.  One of my vets puts 
the exposure rate to coronavirus at 95% at our local pound.  So please DO NOT 
worry about contagion if the cat has FIP.  It is a mutation.  In the past it 
was thought that there wasn't a way to diagnose FIP without necropsy, but there 
are a couple of tests - these do not include the coronavirus titer test, which 
in and of itself means basically nothing.  There is a good webinar about FIP on 
the Petsmart charities site, if you really want to spend your Christmas 
listening to a webinar on FIP.   But in and of itself it IS NOT contagious.  
Coronavirus is contagious and it is likely that every cat in your house has 
been exposed to coronavirus. 
FIV is much harder to transmit than FELV.  It is mostly transmitted through 
tomcats fighting and/or cats mating.  If this is a tomcat and he has been 
fighting, he may have it, but unless he were to bite another cat

RE: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Also, Caroline, treatment of FIV is a walk in the park compared with
treatment of FeLV.  Generally FIV+ cats have a much better prognosis than
FeLV+ ones, and are less sickly.  An FIV+ cat has a good chance at a normal
lifespan with the routine good food and vet care.
Sorry you're so stressed.  Hopefully the excellent advice so far has
lessened your fears.
Diane R.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of MaryChristine
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 2:23 PM
Subject: Re: Archives

here's the short answer:

FIV is almost always transmitted through DEEP, PENETRATING BITES (the kind
that boy cats inflict in testosterone-fueled rages when fighting over girl
cats--which is why almost all FIV are boys.) it's NOT air-borne,
water-borne, feces-borner. ie, it's not really a problem once a cat is
neutered; considering this cat is ill and probably not mingling much, i
expect he's not off taking bites out of people. 

FIP is not contagious, it's a MUTATION of one of the strains of
FeCoV--corona virus, which, in most species, is the common cold. no way to
predict in which cat the virus will mutate, tho there is evidence of a
genetic predisposition, something that doesn't often come into consideration
in rescue/situations. the information on what FIP is, and the value of what
tests exist (and the very fact that there IS a highly effective, CHEAP test
out there), has generally NOT reached the veterinary population--the lack of
knowledge is very similar to that with FeLV, except that many cats are
killed because they've been exposed to corona itself, in most cases a
completely harmless virus. (human SARS is thought, last i heard, to be the
people equivalent of FIP--a mutation that was deadly.) 


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Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

RE: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

I'm a little less worried about FIV, despite what the vet said, b/c I knew this 
about the bite wounds.  And none of my cats fight like that- ever.  Plus, by 
the time I took in the wimpy, frail, undernourished (anorexic) guys, they are 
so "slow" they don't even "play" fight.  All were neutered at 2 lbs too so 
these little dudes don't even know they are male and don't have an aggressive 
streak to save their lives!  So I've been trying to funnel this info to my mom 
to keep her from freaking out.  Her cat Tally is fully vaccinated b/c she 
wanted Tally to have her Felv vaccines back when Monkee and I would come over 
to spend the night during holidays (last christmas...sigh- it's been a rough 
one without that little booger).  Tally and Monkee hated each other so they 
never ever had contact and they took turns being out in the house- but my mom 
wanted Tally all protected just in case we ever had an accident where one 
escaped from their room while the other was out (we never did).  Tally has 
never met the sickly fosters b/c she doesn't want to, so we don't torture her- 
she has the house and they have their room.  And my other personal cat, Izzee, 
who now has the run of the house with Tally- they never touch other cats-- they 
don't like them- so they don't associate with the fosters/kittens.  Tally and 
Izzee hang out together, but they don't even touch each other.  It's actually 
really funny, but at least I know there is no fighting/biting going on in this 
house at all.  Monkee was the only one that would have done that and that is 
why he was my only cat while I had him...which is why I always said it was no 
wonder he got Felv-- little fighter that he was!

Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 15:23:27 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: Archiveshere's the short answer:FIV is almost always 
transmitted through DEEP, PENETRATING BITES (the kind that boy cats inflict in 
testosterone-fueled rages when fighting over girl cats--which is why almost all 
FIV are boys.) it's NOT air-borne, water-borne, feces-borner. ie, it's not 
really a problem once a cat is neutered; considering this cat is ill and 
probably not mingling much, i expect he's not off taking bites out of people. 
FIP is not contagious, it's a MUTATION of one of the strains of FeCoV--corona 
virus, which, in most species, is the common cold. no way to predict in which 
cat the virus will mutate, tho there is evidence of a genetic predisposition, 
something that doesn't often come into consideration in rescue/situations. the 
information on what FIP is, and the value of what tests exist (and the very 
fact that there IS a highly effective, CHEAP test out there), has generally NOT 
reached the veterinary population--the lack of knowledge is very similar to 
that with FeLV, except that many cats are killed because they've been exposed 
to corona itself, in most cases a completely harmless virus. (human SARS is 
thought, last i heard, to be the people equivalent of FIP--a mutation that was 

Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it now!-- Spay & 
Neuter Your Neighbors!Maybe That'll Make The DifferenceMaryChristineAIM / 
YAHOO: TenHouseCatsMSN: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: 289856892 
Don't get caught with egg on your face. Play Chicktionary!

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Kelley Saveika
Yes, FIV cats don't typically have too much of a shortened lifespan - they
may need dental cleanings more often.

On Dec 25, 2007 2:54 PM, Diane Rosenfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>  Also, Caroline, treatment of FIV is a walk in the park compared with
> treatment of FeLV.  Generally FIV+ cats have a much better prognosis than
> FeLV+ ones, and are less sickly.  An FIV+ cat has a good chance at a normal
> lifespan with the routine good food and vet care.
> Sorry you're so stressed.  Hopefully the excellent advice so far has
> lessened your fears.
> Diane R.
>  --
> *From:* [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:
> [EMAIL PROTECTED] *On Behalf Of *MaryChristine
> *Sent:* Tuesday, December 25, 2007 2:23 PM
> *To:*
> *Subject:* Re: Archives
>   here's the short answer:
> FIV is almost always transmitted through DEEP, PENETRATING BITES (the kind
> that boy cats inflict in testosterone-fueled rages when fighting over girl
> cats--which is why almost all FIV are boys.) it's NOT air-borne,
> water-borne, feces-borner. ie, it's not really a problem once a cat is
> neutered; considering this cat is ill and probably not mingling much, i
> expect he's not off taking bites out of people.
> FIP is not contagious, it's a MUTATION of one of the strains of
> FeCoV--corona virus, which, in most species, is the common cold. no way to
> predict in which cat the virus will mutate, tho there is evidence of a
> genetic predisposition, something that doesn't often come into consideration
> in rescue/situations. the information on what FIP is, and the value of what
> tests exist (and the very fact that there IS a highly effective, CHEAP test
> out there), has generally NOT reached the veterinary population--the lack of
> knowledge is very similar to that with FeLV, except that many cats are
> killed because they've been exposed to corona itself, in most cases a
> completely harmless virus. (human SARS is thought, last i heard, to be the
> people equivalent of FIP--a mutation that was deadly.)
> >
> > --
> > Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it 
> > now!<>
> >
> --
> Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
> Maybe That'll Make The Difference
> MaryChristine
> AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
> ICQ: 289856892

Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!*

Please help Clarissa!

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread laurieskatz
FIV cats generally have normal life span. I believe what normally causes their 
demise is dental issues. Deep bites is how FIV is transmitted to other cats, so 
an FIV cat can live with FIV negatives as long as it's a peaceful home. I could 
never bring one here because my cats fight and are particularly intolerant of 
new cats I've tried to introduce. sigh.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Kelley Saveika 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 3:02 PM
  Subject: Re: Archives

  Yes, FIV cats don't typically have too much of a shortened lifespan - they 
may need dental cleanings more often.

  On Dec 25, 2007 2:54 PM, Diane Rosenfeldt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Also, Caroline, treatment of FIV is a walk in the park compared with 
treatment of FeLV.  Generally FIV+ cats have a much better prognosis than FeLV+ 
ones, and are less sickly.  An FIV+ cat has a good chance at a normal lifespan 
with the routine good food and vet care. 

Sorry you're so stressed.  Hopefully the excellent advice so far has 
lessened your fears.

Diane R.

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto: [EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of 
Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 2:23 PM 

Subject: Re: Archives

here's the short answer:

FIV is almost always transmitted through DEEP, PENETRATING BITES (the kind 
that boy cats inflict in testosterone-fueled rages when fighting over girl 
cats--which is why almost all FIV are boys.) it's NOT air-borne, 
water-borne, feces-borner. ie, it's not really a problem once a cat is 
neutered; considering this cat is ill and probably not mingling much, i expect 
he's not off taking bites out of people. 

FIP is not contagious, it's a MUTATION of one of the strains of 
FeCoV--corona virus, which, in most species, is the common cold. no way to 
predict in which cat the virus will mutate, tho there is evidence of a genetic 
predisposition, something that doesn't often come into consideration in 
rescue/situations. the information on what FIP is, and the value of what tests 
exist (and the very fact that there IS a highly effective, CHEAP test out 
there), has generally NOT reached the veterinary population--the lack of 
knowledge is very similar to that with FeLV, except that many cats are killed 
because they've been exposed to corona itself, in most cases a completely 
harmless virus. (human SARS is thought, last i heard, to be the people 
equivalent of FIP--a mutation that was deadly.) 

  Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it now!


Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892 

  Rescuties - Saving the world, one cat at a time.

  Vist the Rescuties store and save a kitty life!* 

  Please help Clarissa!

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Gloria Lane
I certainly agree with that.  Fiv is easy - I have several FIV cats,  
that never get sick.  Well, I have 1 that's just turned diabetic, but  
other than that, no problem.  I mix them with my non-FIV cats, no  

FIP, another question, like she said.  They can test for FIV/FELV in- 
house, so I'm wondering why they didnt do that.  The FIP test is  
really for the corona virus, which, like she said, is pretty common  
among cats, especially shelter cats, it's just that in some cats it  
mutates and causes FIP.


On Dec 25, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

Hi Caroline,

I can't tell you about the archives, but I can tell you about FIP  
and FIV.

FIP is a rare mutation of a coronavirus that almost all cats that  
have been around other cats, shelter cats, etc have been exposed  
to.  One of my vets puts the exposure rate to coronavirus at 95% at  
our local pound.  So please DO NOT worry about contagion if the cat  
has FIP.  It is a mutation.  In the past it was thought that there  
wasn't a way to diagnose FIP without necropsy, but there are a  
couple of tests - these do not include the coronavirus titer test,  
which in and of itself means basically nothing.  There is a good  
webinar about FIP on the Petsmart charities site, if you really want  
to spend your Christmas listening to a webinar on FIP.   But in and  
of itself it IS NOT contagious.  Coronavirus is contagious and it is  
likely that every cat in your house has been exposed to coronavirus.

FIV is much harder to transmit than FELV.  It is mostly transmitted  
through tomcats fighting and/or cats mating.  If this is a tomcat  
and he has been fighting, he may have it, but unless he were to bite  
another cat in your household I would absolutely not worry.  THe  
other thing about FIV is that there is an FIV vaccine, which once  
you have your cat vaccinated with he will always test + for FIV.   
There's a seperate test that purports to determine if the + result  
is from but you have to send the blood to a well-renowned university  
- I want to say it is UC Davis, but not quite sure.  You don't say  
how old this cat is, but kittens can test FIV+ from maternal  
antibodies until about 6 months.

IF you can send me a picture of the spay site I might be able to  
help you there.  A little ooziness is normal.  I may actually have  
follow up instructions on my computer I can send you, I will check.

Feel free to call me if you like.

On Dec 25, 2007 2:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> wrote:
I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an  
error message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I  
wouldn't be able to send this email.  Anyone else tried?

I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my  
home that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible  
and no one else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to  
the doctor yesterday (had to fight to get approval to even do that  
and the cat is obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the  
vet is very concerned about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I  
think he was shocked that the cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made  
it very very clear that I just got my hands on this cat and have  
been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of Aug. on these orphaned  
Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER FOR has made my  
self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes, very very  
difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I spent  
2 hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I  
just cracked I guess.

The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't  
get the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP,  
FIV, and/or Felv in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c  
I have dealt with that before and I just don't think it's  
transmitted that easily in non-fighting cats (my own opinion).  But  
I have never dealt with FIP and FIV and this cat was mingled with my  
other fosters by the adoption agency I volunteer for before I ever  
even took in any cats.  So basically I am freaking out that I may  
have FIP cats on my hands and not have known it b/c of course I am  
now wondering if that is what has been wrong with my weak little  
Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad and scared and feel like I was  
asked to take in cats yet not given the resources to deal with them  
fully and protect them from each other; not to mention the caring  
for them with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get approval to  
take them to a vet (for the agency to pay for it) takes more arguing  
and hoop jumping-- the cat has to be practically dying to be able to  
get approval without being told things like "well, if it would make  
YOU feel better...but I think you are overreacting."  And I spent  
literally hundreds of dollars premium food and litter that I just  
don't have any money left ov

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Sally Davis
Your description of the eyes sounds like uveitis, Junior had this after his
initial symptoms from the FELV onset. Junior had this after he was dx with
FELV. It is hard to treat and took a over a month to clear up. He was
already blind in one eye but left the good eye partially blind as well. You
can google for pictures but sounds like what you describe and terramycin
will not clear it up. I have not dealt with FIP except I lost a cat
many years ago which the vet said was FIP. This was way before testing. He
went on symptoms alone. I was away at college and the cat went off to die.
I will be crossing my fingers that the kitty is negative fro all these
infectious diseases. I too would take FIV over FELV any day. Bless you for

Today is the anniversery of Tinys death. Bansy also died on this day. He too
had uveitis and if Kerry is still on the gorup maybe she can give you more
information as to treatment. Tiny and Bandy went to the rainbows bridge


On Dec 25, 2007 3:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error
> message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to
> send this email.  Anyone else tried?
> I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my home
> that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no one
> else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor
> yesterday (had to *fight* to get approval to even do that and the cat is
> obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very concerned
> about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked that the
> cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just got my
> hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of
> Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER
> FOR has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes,
> very very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I
> spent 2 hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just
> cracked I guess.
> The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get
> the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or
> Felv in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with
> that before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in
> non-fighting cats (my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV
> and this cat was mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I
> volunteer for before I ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am
> freaking out that I may have FIP cats on my hands and not have known it b/c
> of course I am now wondering if that is what has been wrong with my weak
> little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad and scared and feel like I was
> asked to take in cats yet not given the resources to deal with them
> fully and protect them from each other; not to mention the caring for them
> with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get approval to take them to a vet
> (for the agency to pay for it) takes more arguing and hoop jumping-- the cat
> has to be practically dying to be able to get approval without being told
> things like "well, if it would make YOU feel better...but I think you are
> overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of dollars premium food and
> litter that I just don't have any money left over to rush cats out to vets
> and pay for it myself.  I'm just sick over this.  I'm trying to care for
> this little guy until we get the results back.  I have to give him fluids-
> which I have never done and he's a fighter.  He got fluids yesterday at the
> clinic, but he was still somewhat sedated from when they took his blood, so
> I am sure my attempt today will not go half as smooth.  He's not happy about
> being in a crate in a room by himself either and it breaks my heart.
> So I wanted to look through the archives because I know FIP and FIV have
> been discussed before.
> Also, of my 3 barn kittens (totally separated from the other fosters- so
> don't worry about that), I have one now who's little spay site seems a tad
> oozy.  Nothing scary scary like blood or a lot of fluid, but it just doesn't
> look totally right.  Not that I know what totally right looks like tho
> because I've never had a kitten this young spayed and I wasn't really given
> any follow-up care instructions- just been using my own common sense.  But
> of course, I am worried.  And of course, it's Christmas and that makes it
> very hard to call and ask anyone!
> Caroline
> --
> Get the power of Windows + Web with the new Windows Live. Get it 
> now!

Sally, Eric (not a cat),Junior, Speedy, Grey and White, Ittle Bitty, Little
Black, Lily, Daisy, Pewter, Junior Junior (newe

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Kelley Saveika
Yes, one of my seized fosters had uveitis as well.  It is very hard to
treat.  I don't think it has a connection with FIP though, and cats can do
very well partially blind or even completely blind in one eye.

On Dec 25, 2007 5:42 PM, Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Your description of the eyes sounds like uveitis, Junior had this after
> his initial symptoms from the FELV onset. Junior had this after he was dx
> with FELV. It is hard to treat and took a over a month to clear up. He was
> already blind in one eye but left the good eye partially blind as well. You
> can google for pictures but sounds like what you describe and terramycin
> will not clear it up. I have not dealt with FIP except I lost a cat
> many years ago which the vet said was FIP. This was way before testing. He
> went on symptoms alone. I was away at college and the cat went off to die.
> I will be crossing my fingers that the kitty is negative fro all these
> infectious diseases. I too would take FIV over FELV any day. Bless you for
> caring.
> Today is the anniversery of Tinys death. Bansy also died on this day. He
> too had uveitis and if Kerry is still on the gorup maybe she can give you
> more information as to treatment. Tiny and Bandy went to the rainbows bridge
> togetther.
> Sally
>  On Dec 25, 2007 3:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> > I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error
> > message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to
> > send this email.  Anyone else tried?
> >
> > I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my home
> > that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no one
> > else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor
> > yesterday (had to *fight* to get approval to even do that and the cat is
> > obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very concerned
> > about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked that the
> > cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just got my
> > hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of
> > Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER
> > FOR has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes,
> > very very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I
> > spent 2 hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just
> > cracked I guess.
> >
> > The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get
> > the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or
> > Felv in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with
> > that before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in
> > non-fighting cats (my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV
> > and this cat was mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I
> > volunteer for before I ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am
> > freaking out that I may have FIP cats on my hands and not have known it b/c
> > of course I am now wondering if that is what has been wrong with my weak
> > little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad and scared and feel like I was
> > asked to take in cats yet not given the resources to deal with them
> > fully and protect them from each other; not to mention the caring for them
> > with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get approval to take them to a vet
> > (for the agency to pay for it) takes more arguing and hoop jumping-- the cat
> > has to be practically dying to be able to get approval without being told
> > things like "well, if it would make YOU feel better...but I think you are
> > overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of dollars premium food and
> > litter that I just don't have any money left over to rush cats out to vets
> > and pay for it myself.  I'm just sick over this.  I'm trying to care for
> > this little guy until we get the results back.  I have to give him fluids-
> > which I have never done and he's a fighter.  He got fluids yesterday at the
> > clinic, but he was still somewhat sedated from when they took his blood, so
> > I am sure my attempt today will not go half as smooth.  He's not happy about
> > being in a crate in a room by himself either and it breaks my heart.
> >
> > So I wanted to look through the archives because I know FIP and FIV have
> > been discussed before.
> >
> > Also, of my 3 barn kittens (totally separated from the other fosters- so
> > don't worry about that), I have one now who's little spay site seems a tad
> > oozy.  Nothing scary scary like blood or a lot of fluid, but it just doesn't
> > look totally right.  Not that I know what totally right looks like tho
> > because I've never had a kitten this young spayed and I wasn't really given
> > any follow-up care instructions- just been using my own common sense.  But
> > of course, I am

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Sally Davis
Yes I agree and I would think more likely FELV than FIP. Hopefully it is
none of these.

 Junior handles his bad eyesight very well. He hisses a lot at the other
cats though.


On Dec 25, 2007 6:48 PM, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Yes, one of my seized fosters had uveitis as well.  It is very hard to
> treat.  I don't think it has a connection with FIP though, and cats can do
> very well partially blind or even completely blind in one eye.
> On Dec 25, 2007 5:42 PM, Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Your description of the eyes sounds like uveitis, Junior had this after
> > his initial symptoms from the FELV onset. Junior had this after he was dx
> > with FELV. It is hard to treat and took a over a month to clear up. He was
> > already blind in one eye but left the good eye partially blind as well. You
> > can google for pictures but sounds like what you describe and terramycin
> > will not clear it up. I have not dealt with FIP except I lost a cat
> > many years ago which the vet said was FIP. This was way before testing. He
> > went on symptoms alone. I was away at college and the cat went off to die.
> > I will be crossing my fingers that the kitty is negative fro all these
> > infectious diseases. I too would take FIV over FELV any day. Bless you for
> > caring.
> >
> > Today is the anniversery of Tinys death. Bansy also died on this day. He
> > too had uveitis and if Kerry is still on the gorup maybe she can give you
> > more information as to treatment. Tiny and Bandy went to the rainbows bridge
> > togetther.
> >
> > Sally
> >
> >  On Dec 25, 2007 3:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > > I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an
> > > error message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be
> > > able to send this email.  Anyone else tried?
> > >
> > > I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my
> > > home that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no
> > > one else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor
> > > yesterday (had to *fight* to get approval to even do that and the cat
> > > is obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very
> > > concerned about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was 
> > > shocked
> > > that the cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I
> > > just got my hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since
> > > the end of Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group 
> > > I
> > > VOLUNTEER FOR has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their 
> > > neglected
> > > messes, very very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve
> > > and I spent 2 hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work 
> > > and I
> > > just cracked I guess.
> > >
> > > The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't
> > > get the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, 
> > > and/or
> > > Felv in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with
> > > that before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in
> > > non-fighting cats (my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and 
> > > FIV
> > > and this cat was mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I
> > > volunteer for before I ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am
> > > freaking out that I may have FIP cats on my hands and not have known it 
> > > b/c
> > > of course I am now wondering if that is what has been wrong with my weak
> > > little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad and scared and feel like I was
> > > asked to take in cats yet not given the resources to deal with them
> > > fully and protect them from each other; not to mention the caring for them
> > > with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get approval to take them to a vet
> > > (for the agency to pay for it) takes more arguing and hoop jumping-- the 
> > > cat
> > > has to be practically dying to be able to get approval without being told
> > > things like "well, if it would make YOU feel better...but I think you are
> > > overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of dollars premium food and
> > > litter that I just don't have any money left over to rush cats out to vets
> > > and pay for it myself.  I'm just sick over this.  I'm trying to care for
> > > this little guy until we get the results back.  I have to give him fluids-
> > > which I have never done and he's a fighter.  He got fluids yesterday at 
> > > the
> > > clinic, but he was still somewhat sedated from when they took his blood, 
> > > so
> > > I am sure my attempt today will not go half as smooth.  He's not happy 
> > > about
> > > being in a crate in a room by himself either and it breaks my heart.
> > >
> > > So I wanted to look through the archives because I know FIP and FIV
> > > have been discussed before.
> > >
> > > Also, o

RE: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

I know he wanted to run a full blood panel so maybe that is why?  He wants to 
look at the thyroid- altho he said he doubted it was that; liver, wbc, rbc, 
platelets, etc., you name it.  Like I said, it was my first time seeing this 
vet and so we working on building rapport, at the same time treating this cat 
and the office was also pretty crazy that day- pretty frantic.
Let me tell you tho, I gave the cat his subcu fluids today and it was, uh, 
h*ll.  My 19 yo cat got subcu fluids the last year of his life and altho I 
never administered it on him, I have no doubt it was NOTHING like giving fluids 
to a fully awake, 6 mth old kitten who's been "trapped" in his crate all day, 
already feeling 10 times better apparently and raring to go!  Let me note the 
tech showed me how to do it yesterday when the cat was still knocked out from 
havin the blood drawn!  So, it sucked, but I managed, but not without first 
getting a lot of the iv fluid all over him and myself!  It's obvious tho that 
he feels so much better's kind of weird.  He wants to take off and 
run around the house like a crazy man and I'm like, you have a fluid bump 
little man...and it's leaking!  We're not running around the house leaking 

From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: Re: ArchivesDate: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 
17:16:43 -0600I certainly agree with that.  Fiv is easy - I have several FIV 
cats, that never get sick.  Well, I have 1 that's just turned diabetic, but 
other than that, no problem.  I mix them with my non-FIV cats, no problem. 

FIP, another question, like she said.  They can test for FIV/FELV in-house, so 
I'm wondering why they didnt do that.  The FIP test is really for the corona 
virus, which, like she said, is pretty common among cats, especially shelter 
cats, it's just that in some cats it mutates and causes FIP.


On Dec 25, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Kelley Saveika wrote:

Hi Caroline,
I can't tell you about the archives, but I can tell you about FIP and FIV.
FIP is a rare mutation of a coronavirus that almost all cats that have been 
around other cats, shelter cats, etc have been exposed to.  One of my vets puts 
the exposure rate to coronavirus at 95% at our local pound.  So please DO NOT 
worry about contagion if the cat has FIP.  It is a mutation.  In the past it 
was thought that there wasn't a way to diagnose FIP without necropsy, but there 
are a couple of tests - these do not include the coronavirus titer test, which 
in and of itself means basically nothing.  There is a good webinar about FIP on 
the Petsmart charities site, if you really want to spend your Christmas 
listening to a webinar on FIP.   But in and of itself it IS NOT contagious.  
Coronavirus is contagious and it is likely that every cat in your house has 
been exposed to coronavirus. 
FIV is much harder to transmit than FELV.  It is mostly transmitted through 
tomcats fighting and/or cats mating.  If this is a tomcat and he has been 
fighting, he may have it, but unless he were to bite another cat in your 
household I would absolutely not worry.  THe other thing about FIV is that 
there is an FIV vaccine, which once you have your cat vaccinated with he will 
always test + for FIV.  There's a seperate test that purports to determine if 
the + result is from but you have to send the blood to a well-renowned 
university - I want to say it is UC Davis, but not quite sure.  You don't say 
how old this cat is, but kittens can test FIV+ from maternal antibodies until 
about 6 months.  
IF you can send me a picture of the spay site I might be able to help you 
there.  A little ooziness is normal.  I may actually have follow up 
instructions on my computer I can send you, I will check.
Feel free to call me if you like.
On Dec 25, 2007 2:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error 
message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to 
send this email.  Anyone else tried?I'd really like to get to the Archives 
because I took a cat into my home that I took from the store on Sat. because he 
looked horrible and no one else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took 
him to the doctor yesterday (had to fight to get approval to even do that and 
the cat is obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very 
concerned about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked 
that the cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just 
got my hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of 
Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER FOR 
has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes, very 
very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I spent 2 
hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just cracked I 
guess.  The vet is suspecting- based 

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Kelley Saveika
It is a really good sign he is feeling better though, no?

Sorry about the problems with the subq fluids.

On Dec 25, 2007 7:15 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> I know he wanted to run a full blood panel so maybe that is why?  He wants
> to look at the thyroid- altho he said he doubted it was that; liver, wbc,
> rbc, platelets, etc., you name it.  Like I said, it was my first time seeing
> this vet and so we working on building rapport, at the same time treating
> this cat and the office was also pretty crazy that day- pretty frantic.
> Let me tell you tho, I gave the cat his subcu fluids today and it was, uh,
> h*ll.  My 19 yo cat got subcu fluids the last year of his life and altho I
> never administered it on him, I have no doubt it was NOTHING like giving
> fluids to a fully awake, 6 mth old kitten who's been "trapped" in his crate
> all day, already feeling 10 times better apparently and raring to go!  Let
> me note the tech showed me how to do it yesterday when the cat was still
> knocked out from havin the blood drawn!  So, it sucked, but I managed, but
> not without first getting a lot of the iv fluid all over him and myself!
> It's obvious tho that he feels so much better's kind of weird.
> He wants to take off and run around the house like a crazy man and I'm like,
> you have a fluid bump little man...and it's leaking!  We're not running
> around the house leaking fluid!
> caroline
>  --
> To:
> Subject: Re: Archives
> Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 17:16:43 -0600
> I certainly agree with that.  Fiv is easy - I have several FIV cats, that
> never get sick.  Well, I have 1 that's just turned diabetic, but other than
> that, no problem.  I mix them with my non-FIV cats, no problem.
> FIP, another question, like she said.  They can test for FIV/FELV
> in-house, so I'm wondering why they didnt do that.  The FIP test is really
> for the corona virus, which, like she said, is pretty common among cats,
> especially shelter cats, it's just that in some cats it mutates and causes
> FIP.
> Gloria
>  On Dec 25, 2007, at 2:22 PM, Kelley Saveika wrote:
>  Hi Caroline,
> I can't tell you about the archives, but I can tell you about FIP and FIV.
> FIP is a rare mutation of a coronavirus that almost all cats that have
> been around other cats, shelter cats, etc have been exposed to.  One of my
> vets puts the exposure rate to coronavirus at 95% at our local pound.  So
> please DO NOT worry about contagion if the cat has FIP.  It is a mutation.
> In the past it was thought that there wasn't a way to diagnose FIP without
> necropsy, but there are a couple of tests - these do not include the
> coronavirus titer test, which in and of itself means basically nothing.
> There is a good webinar about FIP on the Petsmart charities site, if you
> really want to spend your Christmas listening to a webinar on FIP.   But in
> and of itself it IS NOT contagious.  Coronavirus is contagious and it is
> likely that every cat in your house has been exposed to coronavirus.
> FIV is much harder to transmit than FELV.  It is mostly transmitted
> through tomcats fighting and/or cats mating.  If this is a tomcat and he has
> been fighting, he may have it, but unless he were to bite another cat in
> your household I would absolutely not worry.  THe other thing about FIV is
> that there is an FIV vaccine, which once you have your cat vaccinated with
> he will always test + for FIV.  There's a seperate test that purports to
> determine if the + result is from but you have to send the blood to a
> well-renowned university - I want to say it is UC Davis, but not quite
> sure.  You don't say how old this cat is, but kittens can test FIV+ from
> maternal antibodies until about 6 months.
> IF you can send me a picture of the spay site I might be able to help you
> there.  A little ooziness is normal.  I may actually have follow up
> instructions on my computer I can send you, I will check.
> Feel free to call me if you like.
> On Dec 25, 2007 2:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> wrote:
> I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error
> message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to
> send this email.  Anyone else tried?
> I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my home
> that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no one
> else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor
> yesterday (had to 

Re: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread MaryChristine
"you have a fluid bump little man...and it's leaking!  We're not running
around the house leaking fluid!"

humans are NO fun at all, at all.

Spay & Neuter Your Neighbors!
Maybe That'll Make The Difference


AIM / YAHOO: TenHouseCats
ICQ: 289856892

RE: Archives

2007-12-25 Thread Caroline Kaufmann

I'll let everyone know.  I feel better.  I felt a little panicky earlier today 
and that is why I hit the internet to ask you all- on Christmas!  Sorry!  It's 
also been so hard b/c I've been so depressed missing Monkee this Christmas.  He 
made x-mas fun!  Since I'm 30 and single, no kids, he was my kid and I got him 
tons of presents and we had a banner x-mas last year- he got so much stuff last 
year it was insane!  So I've been sad thinking about that and then with the 
thoughts of my fosters having something really bad and worrying about exposure 
and the problems I'm having with the group I vol for, it was just all too 
But I do feel better now and I appreciate the help and insight that came so 
quickly.  That's why I continue to think this group is just so wonderful.  
I'm still holding out hope that I get lucky and it's just some kind of 
infection- albeit a bad one- coupled with malnourishment/anorexia (which is a 
whole other bag of worms that I would need to tackle- both to rehab him and to 
call attention to the fact that he was in that state to begin with, but that 
would be definitely more manageable).  I'll keep everyone updated.  
thanks for the help!

Date: Tue, 25 Dec 2007 18:59:06 -0500From: [EMAIL PROTECTED]: [EMAIL 
PROTECTED]: Re: Archives
Yes I agree and I would think more likely FELV than FIP. Hopefully it is none 
of these.
 Junior handles his bad eyesight very well. He hisses a lot at the other cats 
On Dec 25, 2007 6:48 PM, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yes, one of my seized fosters had uveitis as well.  It is very hard to treat.  
I don't think it has a connection with FIP though, and cats can do very well 
partially blind or even completely blind in one eye. 

On Dec 25, 2007 5:42 PM, Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Your description of the eyes sounds like uveitis, Junior had this after his 
initial symptoms from the FELV onset. Junior had this after he was dx with 
FELV. It is hard to treat and took a over a month to clear up. He was already 
blind in one eye but left the good eye partially blind as well. You can google 
for pictures but sounds like what you describe and terramycin will not clear it 
up. I have not dealt with FIP except I lost a cat many years ago which the vet 
said was FIP. This was way before testing. He went on symptoms alone. I was 
away at college and the cat went off to die.  I will be crossing my fingers 
that the kitty is negative fro all these infectious diseases. I too would take 
FIV over FELV any day. Bless you for caring. 
Today is the anniversery of Tinys death. Bansy also died on this day. He too 
had uveitis and if Kerry is still on the gorup maybe she can give you more 
information as to treatment. Tiny and Bandy went to the rainbows bridge 

On Dec 25, 2007 3:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error 
message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to 
send this email.  Anyone else tried?I'd really like to get to the Archives 
because I took a cat into my home that I took from the store on Sat. because he 
looked horrible and no one else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took 
him to the doctor yesterday (had to fight to get approval to even do that and 
the cat is obviously sickly looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very 
concerned about "infectious disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked 
that the cat hasn't been treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just 
got my hands on this cat and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of 
Aug. on these orphaned Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER FOR 
has made my self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes, very 
very difficult.  I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I spent 2 
hours and 15 mins at the vets and NOT being able to work and I just cracked I 
guess.  The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get 
the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or Felv 
in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with that 
before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in non-fighting cats 
(my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV and this cat was 
mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I volunteer for before I 
ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am freaking out that I may have FIP 
cats on my hands and not have known it b/c of course I am now wondering if that 
is what has been wrong with my weak little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad 
and scared and feel like I was asked to take in cats yet not given the 
resources to deal with them fully and pr

RE: Archives?

2006-08-03 Thread MacKenzie, Kerry N.
Title: Message

Go to home page.

-Original Message-From: 
On Behalf Of Gina WNSent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 2:17 
PMTo: felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: 
How/where do I find the archives?
Thank you,
  you tried the raw liver shake yet?Even tho it's primarily used for anemia, 
  it'ssupposed to be very healing (was developed bya holistic vet in 
  Hawaii). My kitties alwaysseem to like it whenever they've been 
  underthe weather. It's listed in the archives, butif you have trouble 
  finding it, I can forwardanother copy to you.Kat (Mew 
  Jersey)On Thu, 3 Aug 2006, Rosenfeldt, Diane wrote:> 
  Date: Thu, 3 Aug 2006 09:15:51 -0500> From: "Rosenfeldt, Diane" 
  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> Reply-To:> To:> Subject: Patches>>> 
  I'm worried about Patches. The little bugger just won't eat enough.> 
  He's been sickly since we got him, with runny eyes every day, but it's> 
  been worse in the past week or so. We took him to the vet Saturday, 
  and> he had a fever, so the vet put him on antibiotics (I don't even 
  remember> which one, it's kind of a gray pill that we give 1/2 per day) 
  and gave> us eyedrops and set us up to syringe-feed him and give fluids 
  as needed.> We think the fever is down, he's somewhat more active than 
  he was a few> days ago, and his eyes are looking better, though still 
  runny. I> haven't seen him sneezing, though sometimes it looks like 
  he's got the> same dried gunk in his nose as in his eyes. We've been 
  syringe-feeding> him, which he of course hates, but we can only get 
  about half a can down> him which isn't enough, and he's probably down a 
  good pound by now. My> housemate is on 3rd shift, I work days, so the 
  only time we can syringe> him is at night. We tried KFC, warmed, and he 
  showed an interest the> first time, but not so much the two subsequent 
  times. Tonight we try> baby food. When our Luc got pancreatitis 
  followed by fatty liver and> stopped eating, we had to have an 
  esophageal tube put in, it was so> stressful on us all to syringe him, 
  but that ended up costing us $1200> ($600 of it for the overnight stay 
  at the vet because he doesn't> tolerate anesthesia very well) which was 
  most of my savings and some of> Gail's. Luc is our special guy and it 
  saved his life and it was worth> it, but we simply can't afford that 
  again.>> Patches has been very good under very bad 
  circumstances. Even when he's> fighting to get away from the syringe, 
  he doesn't use his claws or try> to bite. Multiple times during the 
  feedings he'll look like he's going> to barf, but he has kept it all 
  down. He's a sweet boy and we want him> to get through this. Any 
  suggestions on how to get some good calories> into him? I'm off work 
  tomorrow and we can probably manage 3 syringe> sessions for the next 
  couple days, but I'm not sure that will be enough.> He goes back to the 
  vet Saturday. (Gail has just informed me that she> tried thin-sliced 
  luncheon meat on him this morning, and he ate a whole> slice. She 
  offered him a second slice, but he yacked on it (just a> little bit 
  though) and walked away. Oh, and last night he ate *one* of> the treats 
  he used to climb up our noses to get.)>> Diane 
  R.>> This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are 
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No heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to 
welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery
Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved 

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IRS CIRCULAR 230 NOTICE. Any advice expressed above as to tax matters was neither written nor intended by the sender or Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP to be used and cannot be used by any taxpayer for the purpose of avoiding tax penalties that may be imposed under U.S. tax law. If any person uses or refers to any such tax advice in promoting, marketing or recommending a partnership or other entity, investment plan or arrangement to any taxpayer, then (i) the advice was written to support the promotion or marketing (by a person other than Mayer, Brown, Rowe & Maw LLP) of that transaction or matter, and (ii) such taxpayer should seek advice based on t

Re: Archives?

2006-08-03 Thread Nina
You can go to "felvtalk" and enter a word or phrase in the search field, 
then hit enter.  Here's the link:

Let us know if you have any trouble,

Gina WN wrote:

How/where do I find the archives?
Thank you,


RE: Archives?

2006-08-03 Thread Rosenfeldt, Diane
Thanks, that was going to be my next question!  The liver shake
looksabsolutely awful.  Still, it's definitely worth a shot.
Thanks, Kat, for pointing me toward it.  

Am I to assume that one gets kelp powder and spirulina at a health food

-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Nina
Sent: Thursday, August 03, 2006 2:32 PM
Subject: Re: Archives?

You can go to "felvtalk" and enter a word or phrase in the search field,

then hit enter.  Here's the link:

Let us know if you have any trouble,

Gina WN wrote:

> How/where do I find the archives?
> Thank you,
> Gina

This electronic mail transmission and any attachments are confidential and may 
be privileged.  
They should be read or retained only by the intended recipient.  If you have 
received this 
transmission in error, please notify the sender immediately and delete the 
transmission from 
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any advice we 
provide in this email or any attachment concerning federal tax issues or 
submissions is not 
intended or written to be used, and cannot be used, to avoid federal tax 

Re: Archives?

2006-08-03 Thread Gina WN
That is an excellent resource!  Thank you :)     Gina  Nina <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  You can go to "felvtalk" and enter a word or phrase in the search field, then hit enter. Here's the link: us know if you have any trouble,NinaGina WN wrote:> How/where do I find the archives?> > Thank you,> GinaNo heaven wil not ever Heaven be Unless my cats are there to welcome me.--epitaph in a pet cemetery        Tiggertales ~ a site about our beloved felines  
		Do you Yahoo!? 
Get on board. You're invited to try the new Yahoo! Mail Beta.

Re: Archives/vision loss

2007-12-25 Thread laurieskatz
My Frankie has 10-20% vision in one eye and his retina in the other eye is 
completely gone. Vet thinks it's genetic. He does pretty well as long as I 
don't move things or put new things in previously empty spots. He also hisses 
at and even attacks my other cats. He hates to be carried around because he 
loses his bearings.
All in all he does very well and still gets to his favorite napping spot on top 
of our tallest (5 foot) cat standhe's more affectionate and food driven 
since losing his vision. Touch, sound and smell senses are heightened.
  - Original Message - 
  From: Sally Davis 
  Sent: Tuesday, December 25, 2007 5:59 PM
  Subject: Re: Archives

  Yes I agree and I would think more likely FELV than FIP. Hopefully it is none 
of these.

   Junior handles his bad eyesight very well. He hisses a lot at the other cats 


  On Dec 25, 2007 6:48 PM, Kelley Saveika <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

Yes, one of my seized fosters had uveitis as well.  It is very hard to 
treat.  I don't think it has a connection with FIP though, and cats can do very 
well partially blind or even completely blind in one eye. 

On Dec 25, 2007 5:42 PM, Sally Davis <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

  Your description of the eyes sounds like uveitis, Junior had this after 
his initial symptoms from the FELV onset. Junior had this after he was dx with 
FELV. It is hard to treat and took a over a month to clear up. He was already 
blind in one eye but left the good eye partially blind as well. You can google 
for pictures but sounds like what you describe and terramycin will not clear it 
up. I have not dealt with FIP except I lost a cat many years ago which the vet 
said was FIP. This was way before testing. He went on symptoms alone. I was 
away at college and the cat went off to die.  I will be crossing my fingers 
that the kitty is negative fro all these infectious diseases. I too would take 
FIV over FELV any day. Bless you for caring. 

  Today is the anniversery of Tinys death. Bansy also died on this day. He 
too had uveitis and if Kerry is still on the gorup maybe she can give you more 
information as to treatment. Tiny and Bandy went to the rainbows bridge 


  On Dec 25, 2007 3:02 PM, Caroline Kaufmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I can't access the Archives.  I keep trying and I keep getting an error 
message.  It's not my internet service, obviously, or I wouldn't be able to 
send this email.  Anyone else tried?   
I'd really like to get to the Archives because I took a cat into my 
home that I took from the store on Sat. because he looked horrible and no one 
else is doing anything about it (of course).  Took him to the doctor yesterday 
(had to fight to get approval to even do that and the cat is obviously sickly 
looking- I'm so frustrated), and the vet is very concerned about "infectious 
disease."  Thank god- but I think he was shocked that the cat hasn't been 
treated yet, so I made it very very clear that I just got my hands on this cat 
and have been playing "clean-up duty" since the end of Aug. on these orphaned 
Metro AC June babies and that the group I VOLUNTEER FOR has made my 
self-appointed task of cleaning up their neglected messes, very very difficult. 
 I didn't mince words.  It was Christmas Eve and I spent 2 hours and 15 mins at 
the vets and NOT being able to work and I just cracked I guess. 
The vet is suspecting- based only on the physical exam b/c we won't get 
the blood tests (full panel) back on Wed. (hopefully)-- FIP, FIV, and/or Felv 
in that order.  I am not so worried about Felv b/c I have dealt with that 
before and I just don't think it's transmitted that easily in non-fighting cats 
(my own opinion).  But I have never dealt with FIP and FIV and this cat was 
mingled with my other fosters by the adoption agency I volunteer for before I 
ever even took in any cats.  So basically I am freaking out that I may have FIP 
cats on my hands and not have known it b/c of course I am now wondering if that 
is what has been wrong with my weak little Possum cat all this time.  I'm mad 
and scared and feel like I was asked to take in cats yet not given the 
resources to deal with them fully and protect them from each other; not to 
mention the caring for them with 2 hands tied behind my back b/c to get 
approval to take them to a vet (for the agency to pay for it) takes more 
arguing and hoop jumping-- the cat has to be practically dying to be able to 
get approval without being told things like "well, if it would make YOU feel 
better...but I think you are overreacting."  And I spent literally hundreds of 
dollars premium food and litter that I just don't have any money left over to 
rush cats out to vets and pay for it mysel

Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread Kat
Hi Laurie, 

Go to the web page
Up near the top there is a banner with the word "Archives"
Click on Archives, 
Click on Search the FeLVTalk Archive
Select/click on a date/range to search
When the next page comes up, there will be a search box at the top.
Enter whatever you want to search on & hit "search"

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007, laurieskatz wrote:

> Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:29:07 -0600
> From: laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Reply-To:
> To:
> Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?
> Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know there 
> was discussion on this and I want to start 
> Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, 
> too. What do others use for this? THANKS!
> Laurie

Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread laurieskatz

Thanks :-)
- Original Message - 

Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 9:39 AM
Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Hi Laurie,

Go to the web page
Up near the top there is a banner with the word "Archives"
Click on Archives,
Click on Search the FeLVTalk Archive
Select/click on a date/range to search
When the next page comes up, there will be a search box at the top.
Enter whatever you want to search on & hit "search"

Kat (Mew Jersey)

On Thu, 12 Jul 2007, laurieskatz wrote:

Date: Thu, 12 Jul 2007 09:29:07 -0600
From: laurieskatz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know 
there was discussion on this and I want to start
Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, 
too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread Marylyn
Dixie eats chopped high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a holistic vet I know 
uses the Wal-Mart brand of tablets and cuts them into 1/4 and grinds them.  
Start slowly and work up with the vitamin C and with the Brewer's Yeast.  If 
you don't you may get unpleasant side effects.

 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of compassion 
and pity, you will have men who 
 will deal likewise with their 
fellow man.
  St. Francis
  - Original Message - 
  From: laurieskatz 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM
  Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

  Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know there 
was discussion on this and I want to start 
  Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, 
too. What do others use for this? THANKS!

Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread Jane Lyons

Laurie be careful with the Brewers yeast.
One of my Scotties developed itchy, bright red ears, as a result of an 
reaction to it. The minute my vet saw her she asked if I had been using 
Brewer's yeast.

Cats may react differently, but 'heads up'.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Marylyn wrote:

Dixie eats chopped high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a holistic 
vet I know uses the Wal-Mart brand of tablets and cuts them into 1/4 
and grinds them.  Start slowly and work up with the vitamin C and with 
the Brewer's Yeast.  If you don't you may get unpleasant side effects.

 If you have men who 
will exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise 
with their fellow man.

- Original Message -
From: laurieskatz
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM
Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I 
know there was discussion on this and I want to start
Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use 
Vitamin C, too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


RE: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread Melissa Lind
I think I posted something about this Brewer's Yeast before-I was wondering
if it was the same as Nutritional Yeast which I use on my popcorn, and it
contains a warning about the high levels of iron which are dangerous to
children (and I assume to cats as well). I've been wondering about giving it
to the kitties.





[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane Lyons
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?


Laurie be careful with the Brewers yeast.
One of my Scotties developed itchy, bright red ears, as a result of an
reaction to it. The minute my vet saw her she asked if I had been using
Brewer's yeast.
Cats may react differently, but 'heads up'.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Marylyn wrote:

Dixie eats chopped high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a holistic vet I
know uses the Wal-Mart brand of tablets and cuts them into 1/4 and grinds
them.  Start slowly and work up with the vitamin C and with the Brewer's
Yeast.  If you don't you may get unpleasant side effects.
 If you have men who will
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with
their fellow man.

- Original Message -

From: laurieskatz 


Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM

Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know
there was discussion on this and I want to start

Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C,
too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread laurieskatz
It is the same thing according to the local health food store
  - Original Message - 
  From: Melissa Lind 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
  Subject: RE: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

  I think I posted something about this Brewer's Yeast before-I was wondering 
if it was the same as Nutritional Yeast which I use on my popcorn, and it 
contains a warning about the high levels of iron which are dangerous to 
children (and I assume to cats as well). I've been wondering about giving it to 
the kitties.





  From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane Lyons
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
  Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?


  Laurie be careful with the Brewers yeast.
  One of my Scotties developed itchy, bright red ears, as a result of an 
  reaction to it. The minute my vet saw her she asked if I had been using 
Brewer's yeast.
  Cats may react differently, but 'heads up'.

  On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Marylyn wrote:

  Dixie eats chopped high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a holistic vet I 
know uses the Wal-Mart brand of tablets and cuts them into 1/4 and grinds them. 
 Start slowly and work up with the vitamin C and with the Brewer's Yeast.  If 
you don't you may get unpleasant side effects.
   If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
   from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
   will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.
St. Francis

  - Original Message -

  From: laurieskatz 


  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM

  Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

  Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know 
there was discussion on this and I want to start

  Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin C, 
too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread Susan Dubose
After checking the lables @ the store the other day, nutritional yeast had 10 
times the amount of iron than Brewer's Yeast.

I am npow feeding the Nutritional, but will be researching this further...

Susan J. DuBose  >^..^<
  "As Cleopatra lay in state,
   Faithful Bast at her side did wait,
   Purring welcomes of soft applause,
   Ever guarding with sharpened claws."
 Trajan Tennent

  - Original Message - 
  From: laurieskatz 
  Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 5:14 PM
  Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

  It is the same thing according to the local health food store
- Original Message - 
From: Melissa Lind 
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

I think I posted something about this Brewer's Yeast before-I was wondering 
if it was the same as Nutritional Yeast which I use on my popcorn, and it 
contains a warning about the high levels of iron which are dangerous to 
children (and I assume to cats as well). I've been wondering about giving it to 
the kitties.




From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane Lyons
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?


Laurie be careful with the Brewers yeast.
One of my Scotties developed itchy, bright red ears, as a result of an 
reaction to it. The minute my vet saw her she asked if I had been using 
Brewer's yeast.
Cats may react differently, but 'heads up'.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Marylyn wrote:

Dixie eats chopped high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a holistic vet I 
know uses the Wal-Mart brand of tablets and cuts them into 1/4 and grinds them. 
 Start slowly and work up with the vitamin C and with the Brewer's Yeast.  If 
you don't you may get unpleasant side effects.
 If you have men who will 
exclude any of God's creatures
 from the shelter of 
compassion and pity, you will have men who
 will deal likewise with 
their fellow man.

- Original Message -

From: laurieskatz 


Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM

Subject: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Does anyone know how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. I know 
there was discussion on this and I want to start

Isabella on itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to use Vitamin 
C, too. What do others use for this? THANKS!


Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

2007-07-12 Thread Gloria B. Lane

Right - might check out


At 05:14 PM 7/12/2007, you wrote:

It is the same thing according to the local health food store
- Original Message -
From: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>Melissa Lind
To: <>
Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: RE: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

I think I posted something about this Brewer’s 
Yeast before—I was wondering if it was the same 
as Nutritional Yeast which I use on my popcorn, 
and it contains a warning about the high levels 
of iron which are dangerous to children (and I 
assume to cats as well). I’ve been wondering about giving it to the kitties.


[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Jane Lyons

Sent: Thursday, July 12, 2007 2:33 PM
Subject: Re: Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Laurie be careful with the Brewers yeast.
One of my Scotties developed itchy, bright red 
ears, as a result of an allergic
reaction to it. The minute my vet saw her she 
asked if I had been using Brewer's yeast.

Cats may react differently, but 'heads up'.

On Jul 12, 2007, at 2:52 PM, Marylyn wrote:
Dixie eats chopped 
high vitamin C veggies but the tech of a 
holistic vet I know uses the Wal-Mart brand of 
tablets and cuts them into 1/4 and grinds 
them.  Start slowly and work up with the vitamin 
C and with the Brewer's Yeast.  If you don't you 
may get unpleasant side effects.

If you have men who will exclude any of God's creatures

from the shelter of compassion and pity, you will have men who

will deal likewise with their fellow man.
  St. Francis
Arial>- Original Message -



Arial>Sent:Arial> Thursday, July 12, 2007 10:29 AM

Arial>Subject:Arial> Archives? Brewers yeast info? Vit C?

Arial>Does anyone know 
how I find archived messages re Brewer's Yeast. 
I know there was discussion on this and I want to start

Arial>Isabella on 
itThe holistic vet I consulted wants us to 
use Vitamin C, too. What do others use for this? THANKS!
