RE: My baby, Olive has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

I am so stupid and out of it,,, I can't even spell my 
cat's name --- I meant "Olive" -- I am sorry Olive I am just so 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Hideyo 
YamamotoSent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 12:09 PMTo: 
[EMAIL PROTECTED]Subject: Oliver has become free now --my 4th 
loss to FIP..

I had to let Olive free fromher body this morning -- she seemed to be in so much 
pain from the emergency clinic trip, since last night,she has had 
seizures almost every 15 minu or so last nigth even after valium and I couldn't 
let her continue that way.. I usually have a very difficult time to help assist 
them cross any of my kitties, because I 
can't let go of them. and I never know what they 
want for sure.. but this time,, it was very difficult to see Olive go 
through the seizures so many times as she seemed to be in so mcuh seems very selfish of me to let her be how she 
was.. I had someone come over and assisted her crossa little while ago-- of course, I have so much 
gult now and don't know what to do with the 
feeling.. though logically, I could convince myself that I did a right 
thing.. i just don't feel right and I have a regret already -- I am 
feeling numb right now at the same time, I am feeling awful about what i 
I was talking to dr. 
Addie from University of glagslow who has done research for FIP for the past two 
decades, and she was explaining to me how FIP is the disease that we human 
create by domesticating our kitties and keeping them indoor -- please don't get 
me wrong.. she was not suggesting that keeping cats indoor was a bad thing.. but 
there is a price to pay when you have multiple of animals in the house.. as 
feces from litter box is the most common way to get the corona virus and as they 
shed from feces -- and out in wild, FIP is much less common due to the fact that 
they don't use litter boxes obviously... and that's what I meant when I produced 
the disease and not separating them in a small group.. There are a few 
people on FIP support list who have lost several of their kitties to FIP --- it 
can be sproadic and usually is.. but sometimes, it's epidemic.. and when it 
happens it's very you already know..
I am so afraid 
thinking what's now, what's next -- as I am trying not to create a problem 
before it even happens.. but you just have to understand.. my Oliver was just 
fine (or at least I thought which was my very bad) until last night.. it seemed 
progressed so quickly and never seen anything like it... 
Everyone, prlease pray 
that my olive is at peace and feel free andmy Dharma, Naomi and Peter are 
greeting at her at the rainbow bridge.. 

RE: My baby, Olive has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Peggy Ankney

Dear Hideyo,

I am so, so sorry for all the pain you are going thorough
with your recent losses. You know
rationally that you have done everything you could to give your kitties a few
months or perhaps years of a happy and secure and loved life, so please dont
let yourself feel guilty for any decision youve made. Your intentions were and are (as are all
of ours) to do whatever we can for the animals we so dearly love. You have given all four of them food,
shelter, warmth, and care. Be
gentle with yourself, and dont second-guess your decision to help little
Olive to the bridge. Hold on to the
images you have of her sweetly sleeping the way cats do - with her little paws tucked in underneath
her and the contented look on her face.
She was lucky to have had you for the short time she was here. 


RE: My baby, Olive has become free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

2006-11-05 Thread Hideyo Yamamoto

Peggy, thank you so much for your kindness -- now I am 
crying again -- I will try to focus on the fact that they are at a better place 
now and free from all the's just so hard.. I miss them so 

[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Peggy 
AnkneySent: Sunday, November 05, 2006 5:29 PMTo: 
Felvtalk@felineleukemia.orgSubject: RE: My baby, Olive has become 
free now --my 4th loss to FIP..

Dear Hideyo,

I am so, so sorry for all the pain 
you are going thorough with your recent losses. You know rationally that you have done 
everything you could to give your kitties a few months or perhaps years of a 
happy and secure and loved life, so please dont let yourself feel guilty for 
any decision youve made. Your 
intentions were and are (as are all of ours) to do whatever we can for the 
animals we so dearly love. You have 
given all four of them food, shelter, warmth, and care. Be gentle with yourself, and dont 
second-guess your decision to help little Olive to the bridge. Hold on to the images you have of her 
sweetly sleeping the way cats do - with her little paws tucked in 
underneath her and the contented look on her face. She was lucky to have had you for the 
short time she was here. 
