Re: [Felvtalk] tigger

2016-05-17 Thread Ardy Robertson
Thank you Jane,

I hope Tigger and all animals do come to heaven..I really believe they will.
I have read that the lion will lie down with the lamb, so I'm a believer


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Monday, May 16, 2016 11:22 PM
Subject: [Felvtalk] tigger
Importance: High


Hi Ardy.


I have not been on line lately and I was very sad to hear that Tigger has
gone to cat heaven.  He sounded like a really cool cat, lots of personality
and mischevious.  I love those kind, they always keep you smiling.  You did
your best to help him.  I had 12 cats diagnosed positive about a year and a
half ago and since that time I have lost 7.  Two just died in April, one had
FIP and the other just layed down and died. Both were unexpected, I only saw
signs something was off for about a week.  I have 2 more that started
problems last week.  One is 16 and had a seizure, was blind for a day, and
now is not eating well.  She also has a heart condition.  I am waiting to
see what happens.  The other one is not eating much and is not herself.  I
just had her to the vet 2 weeks ago for blood work and it was not too bad.
We talked about putting her and my other 5 year old on Winstrol and I am
waiting for the vet to get back to me with his plan.  My 13 year old
positive has a heart murmur and we are thinking of not putting him on
Winstrol because it says to use with caution in cats with heart conditions.
His blood work is not too bad either although he has gotten thin even though
his appetite is good.  And my other positive also has FIV and is starting to
have UTI's but is fat and seems ok at this time.  If winstrol increases
appetites, that would not be good for him.  I did not do blood work on him
yet and am not planning to put him on Winstrol at this time.  


I bought a childrens book titled Cat Heaven that I read every time I loose a
cat and it makes me feel a little bit better.  Makes me smile and cry. I do
belive animals go to heaven and Pope Francis says they do.  I need to
believe this.  







Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-05-09 Thread Marsha

Ardy, my condolences on your loss of Tigger.


On 5/9/2016 7:51 PM, Ardy Robertson wrote:
Unfortunately, I lost my baby boy Tigger last Friday evening. I have not been able to talk much about it since then, but since you asked, and also since I have been planning to send a message about him, here goes  Tigger was doing wonderfully up until about Thursday afternoon, improving every day, eating on his own, not dependent on his pain medication for nearly a month. His bloodwork was absolutely astonishing to say the least from the nearly flatline it had been! Even the pathologist at the lab put a note on his report that he re-ran the tests because he could not believe what he was seeing -- Tigg's non-regenerative leukemia was now regenerative!! Thursday evening, he didn't seem quite comfortable, and by Friday morning he did not want anything to eat and I started to worry. My husband watched him during the day on Friday and I came home early from work because I was worried. He passed away quietly at home, with us stroking him and telling him how much we love him. 

I am so thankful that I did not have to take him in to be put down. He did not 
like going to the vet at all and he was terrified of shots and needles such as 
blood draws.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-05-09 Thread kat



I am so sorry to hear that Tigger went to the Rainbow Bridge!  Words are so inadequate when the heart hurts so much. Please know that we share your sorrow.  Sending you virtual hugs.


Kat (Mew Jersey)


Sent: Monday, May 09, 2016 at 8:51 PM
From: "Ardy Robertson" 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker escapade, & Tigger

Hi Rachel and everyone on this site,

Amusing story (kind of - after the happy ending) about Tucker's Saturday morning stroll and then asking for a snack!

Unfortunately, I lost my baby boy Tigger last Friday evening. I have not been able to talk much about it since then, but since you asked, and also since I have been planning to send a message about him, here goes  Tigger was doing wonderfully up until about Thursday afternoon, improving every day, eating on his own, not dependent on his pain medication for nearly a month. His bloodwork was absolutely astonishing to say the least from the nearly flatline it had been! Even the pathologist at the lab put a note on his report that he re-ran the tests because he could not believe what he was seeing -- Tigg's non-regenerative leukemia was now regenerative!! Thursday evening, he didn't seem quite comfortable, and by Friday morning he did not want anything to eat and I started to worry. My husband watched him during the day on Friday and I came home early from work because I was worried. He passed away quietly at home, with us stroking him and telling him how much we love him. I am so thankful that I did not have to take him in to be put down. He did not like going to the vet at all and he was terrified of shots and needles such as blood draws.

I do feel that if I had started him on the Winstrol and Prednisolone sooner, along with a diet of the Hills Prescription A/D canned food he may have made it. I also now know that had I used the antibiotic Doxycycline rather than Convenia, it may have helped to prevent the virus from replicating. There are a lot of "what ifs" and "if onlys" but I do feel wholeheartedly that the Winstrol was what kept him going from early March until now. I also know that the veterinary field offers no other alternative in my area, other than euthanization which I would not consider doing to this wonderful little orange furball who rescued us five and a half years ago.

I also appreciate very much the time and effort Amani put in to help me with her experience of successfully treating an FeLV positive kitty, her expertise in interpreting lab results, and her friendship in supporting me on the roller coaster of his illness, cheering with me at his achievements, laughing with me at his antics, and finally crying with me as I lost him.

For me, there will be other kitties perhaps. I do have two others, but there will never ever be anything close to another cat like our Tigger Babe. Yes, we can keep the bathroom doors open now and not have shredded TP, we can open windows and doors and not get scratch marks in the screens, we don't have to lock the door when we're gone because we are crazy cat-people and afraid he would get out and be lost, we don't have to put chairs in front of the cupboard doors so he doesn't go in them, we don't have exorbitant vet bills, but I would gladly go back to all of that to have him back.

I thank everyone who commented on things to try to help him, for all your suggestions - I did try several of them. For now, I just have to remember the five wonderful years Tigger spent with us!

Thank you,

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Rachel Dagner
Sent: Monday, May 9, 2016 1:05 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tucker escapade, & Tigger

My boyfriend accidentally let him out Saturday morning (he is one sneaky
and I spent an hour and a half following him around and trying to get him, tried every trick in the book, I was upset because I was just about to do his supplements when he made his escape. He stayed well out of reach chasing lizards and bugs and very much enjoying himself with no concern for my worries. I finally gave up and decided to work in the yard thinking he would get curious and I could snatch him. My neighbor comes over and asked me if I know he's out and I tell her yes and that I can't get him, that it is impossible. She says to let her try, she walks over to my door I had open for him and says come here Tucker. He walks right in the door and she closes it behind him. I think she was pretty surprised by the big hug I gave her.
Then I came in and he acted as if nothing had happened and told me he would like a snack.

Has anyone heard from Ardy about Tigger. I hope he is continuing to improve...

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amani Oakley
Sent: Friday, May 06, 2016 12:13 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Urinary Tract Issues

Hi Rachel

There are TWO ty

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-20 Thread Amani Oakley

I started Zander on the Winstrol when his haematocrit was 5. It worked very 
effectively to lift that terrible number back into the normal range, but it 
took months and months. 19 is a very low number - no question, but you have 
time to try the Winstrol. Keep close tabs on the haematocrit, the red cell 
count, and the reticulocyte count. Also, the platelets and white cell lines may 
be affected by the FeLV and reduced as well. The best way to determine if the 
Winstrol is going to work for you is to put him on it, then re-test his blood 
maybe 2 weeks after and then 2 weeks after that. You should start seeing an 
improvement on these lab results. If there is no improvement, I would try for 
two more weeks before concluding it is not helpful. My experience with the 
Winstrol is that there is a pretty quick response.


-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Jane 
Sent: March-17-16 12:12 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hi Ardy,

Thank you so much for the info.  Keep us all informed about how things go for 
your cat.  I would also be interested in the liquid.  How much do you give and 
how often.  Also how much does it cost?  Did you have bloodwork done on your 
cat first.  How long can you keep your cat on this?  Has your vet used this 
drug before and  is he familiar with side effects, etc.  What is the plan for 
your cat.

Thank you so much for finding this.  I have 7 cats with felv but there is only 
one that I am concerned about at this time.  He is eating, but he has an upper 
respiratory right now that I am treating with antibiotics and he has lost alot 
of weight.  He just seems more quiet lately.  His last hematicrit was 19.  I am 
going to get in touch with my vet asap.

Thanks again and good luck with Tigger!

- Original Message -
From: "Ardy Robertson" 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

> Hi Jane,
> I am getting my Winstrol tomorrow, from Diamond Back Drugs in Arizona. 
> Their
> website is and all you have to do is have your 
> vet
> go to their website and either fill out the RX form on there or call them.
> They compound the drug in their lab, and call you for delivery information
> and to get your payment by card. They told me their facility is extremely
> sterile, and they are sending it to me by priority mail. I talked to them 
> on
> Wednesday, and they shipped it out Saturday. It is supposed to arrive
> tomorrow morning. They make it in liquid, chewable tablets or capsules. I 
> am
> getting salmon flavor liquid.
> Hope this helps!
> Thank you,
> Ardy
> -Original Message-
> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
> Jane Gannon
> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:54 PM
> To:
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER
> Hi Ardy,
> Could you tell me again where we may be able to get Winstrol in the US. 
> My
> computer deletes emails after I read them even when I don't want it to and
> your email got deleted before I made a copy.
> Thanks, Jane
> - Original Message -
> From: 
> To: 
> Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:05 AM
> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER
>> Harley had a uti with sturvite crystals.  I first cought on to it when I
>> noticed that when he passed urine, there were only small lumps (silver
>> dollar size).  took him to vet and he gave covenia, but no help.  Then
>> started a dropper full of Bragg's raw vinegar in each water foun tain
>> every day.  We ahve had on problems since then.  I aso had a bought and
>> started myself on cranberry and Bragg's.  now no momre problem.  only one
>> thing to watch out for, if he starts urinating too much, cut cranberry
>> down or out, it irritates the bladder and causes incontinence3.
>>  Ardy Robertson  wrote:
>>> Hello everyone,
>>> I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions
>>> so
>>> I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV 
>>> and
>>> last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all
>>> of
>>> that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
>>> antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of
>>> prayers
>>> and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine,
>>> playing
>>> - nearly back to normal.
>>> He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was 
>>> remedied
>>> with pumpkin i

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-19 Thread Ardy Robertson
HI Jane,

You are welcome. I hope you can get the Winstrol ordered soon. It takes a
couple days for them to mix it up, and then they mail it from Arizona by
priority mail. It took from Saturday to Tuesday to get it to me in
Wisconsin. Maybe they would overnight it to you?

Tigger has only had the Winstrol for 2 days now so I don't have any concrete
results yet. He also had Prednisolone so his improvement could be from that.
He is definitely showing improvement though. He is also on antibiotics.

My vet has me giving him a half millileter 2 times per day. The liquid that
I have is 2 milligrams per millileter in strength, so that works out to a
half millileter being equal to 1 milligram if that makes sense to you. I'm
not good with metric equivalents but my vet explained this to me.

The cost was about $32.00 plus $8.00 shipping for a 25 day supply. And I
have one refill on the prescription. I did have a complete blood test done
last week with testing for red and white blood cell counts and platelets and
also liver enzymes. There were numerous things on the list that they tested
for, and I really don't know how much is actually necessary. Amani told me
what the test meant. She has successfully treated a cat with FeLV and knows
a lot about it. I don't really know how long he can be on the Winstrol but
I'm guessing he may need it the rest of his life. He is 5 now. I believe you
need to back off the Winstrol periodically when the liver enzymes rise.
Hopefully your vet will guide you on this a bit. I do not believe either of
the two vet offices that I work with has ever even tried to treat an FeLV
cat. They automatically put them down the minute they test positive. One of
my vets said we could use Winstrol as a "last resort". And the other one is
against it because it can "do damage to the liver". My response is what good
is a healthy liver in a dead cat???  My plan for Tigger is to use the
Winstrol until the liver enzymes rise to a dangerous level, then back off a
bit, and when the enzymes go down, to use it again. I love this cat so much
- he is family to my husband and me.

I really didn't try hard at all to find the Winstrol. I found a lab in
Ontario but they do not ship to the US. I do not know if it is actually
illegal or if they have other reasons for not shipping across the border,
but they were kind enough to respond to my email and suggest that I google
"compounding pharmacies in the US" which I did and the first one I came to
was  in Arizona, and they are excellent to work
with. I had all of 10 minutes invested in finding them - and my first vet
office just told me they aren't able to find it yet - after nearly two
weeks, and after I gave them the website! My other vet went online
immediately and ordered it for me, once he found out it is legal to use in
the US. It is only illegal to use in connection with sports.

Thank you Jane for helping the FeLV kitties! They are lucky to have someone
like you who cares for them. I hope this helps!

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Wednesday, March 16, 2016 11:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hi Ardy,

Thank you so much for the info.  Keep us all informed about how things go
for your cat.  I would also be interested in the liquid.  How much do you
give and how often.  Also how much does it cost?  Did you have bloodwork
done on your cat first.  How long can you keep your cat on this?  Has your
vet used this drug before and  is he familiar with side effects, etc.  What
is the plan for your cat.

Thank you so much for finding this.  I have 7 cats with felv but there is
only one that I am concerned about at this time.  He is eating, but he has
an upper respiratory right now that I am treating with antibiotics and he
has lost alot of weight.  He just seems more quiet lately.  His last
hematicrit was 19.  I am going to get in touch with my vet asap.

Thanks again and good luck with Tigger!

- Original Message -
From: "Ardy Robertson" 
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

> Hi Jane,
> I am getting my Winstrol tomorrow, from Diamond Back Drugs in Arizona. 
> Their
> website is and all you have to do is have your 
> vet
> go to their website and either fill out the RX form on there or call them.
> They compound the drug in their lab, and call you for delivery information
> and to get your payment by card. They told me their facility is extremely
> sterile, and they are sending it to me by priority mail. I talked to them 
> on
> Wednesday, and they shipped it out Saturday. It is supposed to arrive
> tomorrow morning. They make it in liquid, chewable tablets or capsules. I 
> am
> getting salmon flavor liqui

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-18 Thread Jane Gannon

Hi Ardy,

Thank you so much for the info.  Keep us all informed about how things go 
for your cat.  I would also be interested in the liquid.  How much do you 
give and how often.  Also how much does it cost?  Did you have bloodwork 
done on your cat first.  How long can you keep your cat on this?  Has your 
vet used this drug before and  is he familiar with side effects, etc.  What 
is the plan for your cat.

Thank you so much for finding this.  I have 7 cats with felv but there is 
only one that I am concerned about at this time.  He is eating, but he has 
an upper respiratory right now that I am treating with antibiotics and he 
has lost alot of weight.  He just seems more quiet lately.  His last 
hematicrit was 19.  I am going to get in touch with my vet asap.

Thanks again and good luck with Tigger!

- Original Message - 
From: "Ardy Robertson" 

Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:12 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hi Jane,
I am getting my Winstrol tomorrow, from Diamond Back Drugs in Arizona. 
website is and all you have to do is have your 

go to their website and either fill out the RX form on there or call them.
They compound the drug in their lab, and call you for delivery information
and to get your payment by card. They told me their facility is extremely
sterile, and they are sending it to me by priority mail. I talked to them 

Wednesday, and they shipped it out Saturday. It is supposed to arrive
tomorrow morning. They make it in liquid, chewable tablets or capsules. I 

getting salmon flavor liquid.

Hope this helps!

Thank you,

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hi Ardy,

Could you tell me again where we may be able to get Winstrol in the US. 

computer deletes emails after I read them even when I don't want it to and
your email got deleted before I made a copy.

Thanks, Jane
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Harley had a uti with sturvite crystals.  I first cought on to it when I
noticed that when he passed urine, there were only small lumps (silver
dollar size).  took him to vet and he gave covenia, but no help.  Then
started a dropper full of Bragg's raw vinegar in each water foun tain
every day.  We ahve had on problems since then.  I aso had a bought and
started myself on cranberry and Bragg's.  now no momre problem.  only one
thing to watch out for, if he starts urinating too much, cut cranberry
down or out, it irritates the bladder and causes incontinence3.

 Ardy Robertson  wrote:

Hello everyone,

I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions
I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV 

last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine,
- nearly back to normal.

He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was 

with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections.
Bowel/bladder habits returned to normal and he healed.

Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, 

that time symptom free.

Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating
It turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad
that I did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture
etc., x-ray to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe
said he has crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We
him to Hills prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and
surprisingly he likes it. I also got him a water fountain which
him to drink more water. However after two weeks and all of that he is
in some pain - they had given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that
take it away for about 18 hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now 

have it in a bottle to give as needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and
give when necessary. When he is pain free he eats, otherwise, not so
His healthy weight was a little over 11 lbs., and he had gained back to
lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They 

suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks for a while and pain meds as
needed. The pain seems to be brought on by eating/drinking, or by 

down from something.

Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for
Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that i

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-18 Thread Margo

A hematocrit of 19 is cause for significant concern. It could also eplain the 
lethargy. What did the Vet do to address this? Is the anemia regenerative, or 

>From the Feline CRF site;

"Technically, a cat is anaemic if the PCV level is below 30% (or with some 
labs, 25%), but you may not start to see any differences in your cat's 
behaviour until the level is closer to 20%. Below 20% is generally considered 
to be severe anaemia, and it really must be treated as a matter of priority. 
Dehydration will make PCV look higher than it really is, so once the cat is 
rehydrated, PCV will often fall. In other words, your dehydrated cat may have, 
say, a PCV of 26% which does not indicate anaemia, but once the dehydration has 
been corrected, the PCV may have fallen to 20%, indicating anaemia is present."

I recently had a cat present with a PCV of 19, which ended up at 14 after 
re-hydration. She had a transfusion, and is now on Darbepoetin. Her last PCV 
was 38 (YAY!). Her anemia was likely renal related, but since these numbers 
have pretty much returned to normal, no-one's really sure at this point. 
Regardless of cause, anemia that severe needs treatment.

All the best,


-Original Message-
>From: Jane Gannon 
>Sent: Mar 17, 2016 12:11 AM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER
>Hi Ardy,
>Thank you so much for the info.  Keep us all informed about how things go 
>for your cat.  I would also be interested in the liquid.  How much do you 
>give and how often.  Also how much does it cost?  Did you have bloodwork 
>done on your cat first.  How long can you keep your cat on this?  Has your 
>vet used this drug before and  is he familiar with side effects, etc.  What 
>is the plan for your cat.
>Thank you so much for finding this.  I have 7 cats with felv but there is 
>only one that I am concerned about at this time.  He is eating, but he has 
>an upper respiratory right now that I am treating with antibiotics and he 
>has lost alot of weight.  He just seems more quiet lately.  His last 
>hematicrit was 19.  I am going to get in touch with my vet asap.
>Thanks again and good luck with Tigger!
>- Original Message - 
>From: "Ardy Robertson" 
>Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:12 PM
>Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER
>> Hi Jane,
>> I am getting my Winstrol tomorrow, from Diamond Back Drugs in Arizona. 
>> Their
>> website is and all you have to do is have your 
>> vet
>> go to their website and either fill out the RX form on there or call them.
>> They compound the drug in their lab, and call you for delivery information
>> and to get your payment by card. They told me their facility is extremely
>> sterile, and they are sending it to me by priority mail. I talked to them 
>> on
>> Wednesday, and they shipped it out Saturday. It is supposed to arrive
>> tomorrow morning. They make it in liquid, chewable tablets or capsules. I 
>> am
>> getting salmon flavor liquid.
>> Hope this helps!
>> Thank you,
>> Ardy
>> -Original Message-
>> From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
>> Jane Gannon
>> Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:54 PM
>> To:
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER
>> Hi Ardy,
>> Could you tell me again where we may be able to get Winstrol in the US. 
>> My
>> computer deletes emails after I read them even when I don't want it to and
>> your email got deleted before I made a copy.
>> Thanks, Jane
>> - Original Message -
>> From: 
>> To: 
>> Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:05 AM
>> Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER
>>> Harley had a uti with sturvite crystals.  I first cought on to it when I
>>> noticed that when he passed urine, there were only small lumps (silver
>>> dollar size).  took him to vet and he gave covenia, but no help.  Then
>>> started a dropper full of Bragg's raw vinegar in each water foun tain
>>> every day.  We ahve had on problems since then.  I aso had a bought and
>>> started myself on cranberry and Bragg's.  now no momre problem.  only one
>>> thing to watch out for, if he starts urinating too much, cut cranberry
>>> down or out, it irritates the bladder and causes incontinence3.
>>>  Ardy Robertson  wrote:
>>>> Hello everyone,
>>>> I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-14 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hi Jane,
I am getting my Winstrol tomorrow, from Diamond Back Drugs in Arizona. Their
website is and all you have to do is have your vet
go to their website and either fill out the RX form on there or call them.
They compound the drug in their lab, and call you for delivery information
and to get your payment by card. They told me their facility is extremely
sterile, and they are sending it to me by priority mail. I talked to them on
Wednesday, and they shipped it out Saturday. It is supposed to arrive
tomorrow morning. They make it in liquid, chewable tablets or capsules. I am
getting salmon flavor liquid.

Hope this helps!

Thank you,

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Monday, March 14, 2016 8:54 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hi Ardy,

Could you tell me again where we may be able to get Winstrol in the US.  My
computer deletes emails after I read them even when I don't want it to and
your email got deleted before I made a copy.

Thanks, Jane
- Original Message -
Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

> Harley had a uti with sturvite crystals.  I first cought on to it when I 
> noticed that when he passed urine, there were only small lumps (silver 
> dollar size).  took him to vet and he gave covenia, but no help.  Then 
> started a dropper full of Bragg's raw vinegar in each water foun tain 
> every day.  We ahve had on problems since then.  I aso had a bought and 
> started myself on cranberry and Bragg's.  now no momre problem.  only one 
> thing to watch out for, if he starts urinating too much, cut cranberry 
> down or out, it irritates the bladder and causes incontinence3.
>  Ardy Robertson  wrote:
>> Hello everyone,
>> I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions 
>> so
>> I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and
>> last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all 
>> of
>> that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
>> antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of 
>> prayers
>> and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, 
>> playing
>> - nearly back to normal.
>> He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied
>> with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections.
>> Bowel/bladder habits returned to normal and he healed.
>> Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but

>> at
>> that time symptom free.
>> Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating 
>> much.
>> It turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad
>> that I did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture
>> etc., x-ray to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe 
>> they
>> said he has crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We 
>> switched
>> him to Hills prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and
>> surprisingly he likes it. I also got him a water fountain which 
>> encourages
>> him to drink more water. However after two weeks and all of that he is 
>> still
>> in some pain - they had given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that 
>> does
>> take it away for about 18 hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I
>> have it in a bottle to give as needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and 
>> only
>> give when necessary. When he is pain free he eats, otherwise, not so 
>> much.
>> His healthy weight was a little over 11 lbs., and he had gained back to 
>> 10.7
>> lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are
>> suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks for a while and pain meds as
>> needed. The pain seems to be brought on by eating/drinking, or by jumping
>> down from something.
>> Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for
>> Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is 
>> the
>> Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet
>> chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep 
>> the
>> pain at bay for over 24 hours.
>> One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought 
>> some
>> Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline trea

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-14 Thread Jane Gannon

Hi Ardy,

Could you tell me again where we may be able to get Winstrol in the US.  My 
computer deletes emails after I read them even when I don't want it to and 
your email got deleted before I made a copy.

Thanks, Jane
- Original Message - 

Sent: Sunday, March 06, 2016 11:05 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Harley had a uti with sturvite crystals.  I first cought on to it when I 
noticed that when he passed urine, there were only small lumps (silver 
dollar size).  took him to vet and he gave covenia, but no help.  Then 
started a dropper full of Bragg's raw vinegar in each water foun tain 
every day.  We ahve had on problems since then.  I aso had a bought and 
started myself on cranberry and Bragg's.  now no momre problem.  only one 
thing to watch out for, if he starts urinating too much, cut cranberry 
down or out, it irritates the bladder and causes incontinence3.

 Ardy Robertson  wrote:

Hello everyone,

I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions 

I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and
last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all 

that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of 
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, 

- nearly back to normal.

He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied
with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections.
Bowel/bladder habits returned to normal and he healed.

Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but 

that time symptom free.

Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating 

It turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad
that I did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture
etc., x-ray to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe 
said he has crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We 

him to Hills prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and
surprisingly he likes it. I also got him a water fountain which 
him to drink more water. However after two weeks and all of that he is 
in some pain - they had given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that 

take it away for about 18 hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I
have it in a bottle to give as needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and 
give when necessary. When he is pain free he eats, otherwise, not so 
His healthy weight was a little over 11 lbs., and he had gained back to 

lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are
suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks for a while and pain meds as
needed. The pain seems to be brought on by eating/drinking, or by jumping
down from something.

Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for
Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is 

Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet
chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep 

pain at bay for over 24 hours.

One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought 
Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline treats that have pro-biotics in them, 

he will not eat them. I even tried chopping them to bits and putting with
his fish oil and he refuses. I don't want to force feed these to him. He
hates yogurt but I could syringe a little of it if necessary.

Any ideas are appreciated!!

Thank you,

Ardy Robertson

Osseo, Wisconsin

Felvtalk mailing list 

This email has been checked for viruses by Avast antivirus software.

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-11 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hi Jane,

I did get my vet to go on the Diamond Back Drugs website - <>   -- and fill out
their prescription form - or he might have called it in to them. Anyway, he
got me a 25 day supply of the liquid winstrol. They also have chewables. He
did cut the doze in half - only 0.5 mg 2X day rather than 1 mg like I had
asked for, but Tigger is only about 9 pounds now so maybe that is why...not
sure.  Your NY vet may order you a higher dose. He said there is one refill
on this prescription.


This compounding pharmacy is in Arizona and when I called them, the lady
said they compound the drug right there in Arizona, and she told me they
have a very sterile facility. After the vet ordered it for me, they called
me for shipping instructions and payment. They are sending by regular mail
to my home, and said it would be manufactured and sent out within a couple
days. It was about $32 plus $8 shipping for the 25 day supply.


Hope this helps,






From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Hi Ardy,


I would be interested to know where your vet gets the Winstrol in the US.
My vet in NY said it is not available in the US.




- Original Message - 

From: Amani Oakley <>  

To: <>  

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:34 PM

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Do a full haematology panel (including the reticulocyte count) and do liver
enzymes (biochemistry).


Ask for all your cat's results to date. If you let me know what they are, I
can decipher them for you. You will probably see are reduction in red cells
and haematocrit results, and you may see a reduction in platelets and white
cells. FeLV can attack any or all of the three cell lines (red cells, white
cells or platelets). The problem is that it shuts down the bone marrow where
precursors of these cells are produced. Winstrol turns back on the bone
marrow's production of these cells, so you will hopefully see an increase in
any low levels in these results (most likely the red cells and haematocrit


When the bone marrow starts to produce these cells again, you will also see
a rise in the reticulocyte count (which is also a reflection of the level of
activity in the bone marrow).


With respect to the liver enzymes, if your vet is not firmly working with
you, expect that he/she will insist that you stop the Winstrol when the
enzymes rise. RESIST. You've got to let the Winstrol work and it takes a
long time. The liver enzymes will go up but will come down after Winstrol is
discontinued and the more important thing is to reverse the FeLV crisis. If
you think the vet will not listen to you and leave your cat on the Winstrol,
then don't ask for the liver enzymes. 


After a few weeks on Winstrol or perhaps a month, run the lab tests again to
see if you are getting a response. However, I would be surprised if you
wouldn't already see a difference in your cat's eating, playing and overall




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-08-16 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much
about his red or white blood cells.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Thanks Amani,


I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options
failed. I am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They
also did not want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really
needed it.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER




I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can,

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-09 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hi Jane,

I found several places, including one in Florida that seemed a little "iffy"
and also checked several pet pharmacies that do not carry Winstrol. But then
I found Diamond Back Pet Pharmacy in Arizona. You need a vet's prescription
- actually I think the vet probably needs to make the purchase online
but here is the link. From their website, they seemed okay. Maybe take a
look and see what you think. I did have to search for it as Stanozolol and
not as Winstrol, but they do seem to have it in oral form.





Thank you,

Ardy Robertson, Clerk

Town of Garfield - Jackson County, WI

N14438 Valleybrook Ln

Osseo  WI  54758



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Hi Ardy,


I would be interested to know where your vet gets the Winstrol in the US.
My vet in NY said it is not available in the US.




- Original Message - 

From: Amani Oakley <>  

To: <>  

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:34 PM

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Do a full haematology panel (including the reticulocyte count) and do liver
enzymes (biochemistry).


Ask for all your cat's results to date. If you let me know what they are, I
can decipher them for you. You will probably see are reduction in red cells
and haematocrit results, and you may see a reduction in platelets and white
cells. FeLV can attack any or all of the three cell lines (red cells, white
cells or platelets). The problem is that it shuts down the bone marrow where
precursors of these cells are produced. Winstrol turns back on the bone
marrow's production of these cells, so you will hopefully see an increase in
any low levels in these results (most likely the red cells and haematocrit


When the bone marrow starts to produce these cells again, you will also see
a rise in the reticulocyte count (which is also a reflection of the level of
activity in the bone marrow).


With respect to the liver enzymes, if your vet is not firmly working with
you, expect that he/she will insist that you stop the Winstrol when the
enzymes rise. RESIST. You've got to let the Winstrol work and it takes a
long time. The liver enzymes will go up but will come down after Winstrol is
discontinued and the more important thing is to reverse the FeLV crisis. If
you think the vet will not listen to you and leave your cat on the Winstrol,
then don't ask for the liver enzymes. 


After a few weeks on Winstrol or perhaps a month, run the lab tests again to
see if you are getting a response. However, I would be surprised if you
wouldn't already see a difference in your cat's eating, playing and overall




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-08-16 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much
about his red or white blood cells.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Thanks Amani,


I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options
failed. I am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They
also did not want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really
needed it.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
To: <mailto:felvtalk@felineleu

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-09 Thread Ardy Robertson
Hi Jane,


That is my problem right now!! I am desperately trying to get it. I checked
with the Chiron Compounding Pharmacy in Ontario and they do not ship to the
US. They did not say that it was illegal to ship to me, but maybe that is
the reason they do not do it. They suggest that I google compounding
pharmacies in the US.


I see that you can purchase it online for human use...but I think that might
be from some other country or who knows who is selling it - would it be
illegal, or would it be lower quality, or Heaven-forbid, not even the right
medicine. One of my vets told me it has not been manufactured in the US for
about 10 years due to the doping scandals in the sports world.


All I know is that my Tigger is not feeling well at all, and if there is a
medicine that could help him, I want it for him! I have learned more from
Amani Oakley in the past few months being in the FeLV group than I have
learned from the vets and that is too bad. Too bad for all the unfortunate
little furballs that have this through no fault of their own.


If you hear anything about where I can get Winstrol (Stanozolol) please let
me know.


Thank you,

Ardy Robertson

N14438 Valleybrook Ln

Osseo  WI  54758



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Jane Gannon
Sent: Wednesday, March 9, 2016 10:10 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Hi Ardy,


I would be interested to know where your vet gets the Winstrol in the US.
My vet in NY said it is not available in the US.




- Original Message - 

From: Amani Oakley <>  

To: <>  

Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:34 PM

Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Do a full haematology panel (including the reticulocyte count) and do liver
enzymes (biochemistry).


Ask for all your cat's results to date. If you let me know what they are, I
can decipher them for you. You will probably see are reduction in red cells
and haematocrit results, and you may see a reduction in platelets and white
cells. FeLV can attack any or all of the three cell lines (red cells, white
cells or platelets). The problem is that it shuts down the bone marrow where
precursors of these cells are produced. Winstrol turns back on the bone
marrow's production of these cells, so you will hopefully see an increase in
any low levels in these results (most likely the red cells and haematocrit


When the bone marrow starts to produce these cells again, you will also see
a rise in the reticulocyte count (which is also a reflection of the level of
activity in the bone marrow).


With respect to the liver enzymes, if your vet is not firmly working with
you, expect that he/she will insist that you stop the Winstrol when the
enzymes rise. RESIST. You've got to let the Winstrol work and it takes a
long time. The liver enzymes will go up but will come down after Winstrol is
discontinued and the more important thing is to reverse the FeLV crisis. If
you think the vet will not listen to you and leave your cat on the Winstrol,
then don't ask for the liver enzymes. 


After a few weeks on Winstrol or perhaps a month, run the lab tests again to
see if you are getting a response. However, I would be surprised if you
wouldn't already see a difference in your cat's eating, playing and overall




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-08-16 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much
about his red or white blood cells.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Thanks Amani,


I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options
failed. I am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They
also did not want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really
needed it.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Sunday, M

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-09 Thread Jane Gannon
Hi Ardy,

I would be interested to know where your vet gets the Winstrol in the US.  My 
vet in NY said it is not available in the US.

  - Original Message -
  From: Amani Oakley
  Sent: Monday, March 07, 2016 10:34 PM
  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

  Do a full haematology panel (including the reticulocyte count) and do liver 
enzymes (biochemistry).

  Ask for all your cat's results to date. If you let me know what they are, I 
can decipher them for you. You will probably see are reduction in red cells and 
haematocrit results, and you may see a reduction in platelets and white cells. 
FeLV can attack any or all of the three cell lines (red cells, white cells or 
platelets). The problem is that it shuts down the bone marrow where precursors 
of these cells are produced. Winstrol turns back on the bone marrow's 
production of these cells, so you will hopefully see an increase in any low 
levels in these results (most likely the red cells and haematocrit results).

  When the bone marrow starts to produce these cells again, you will also see a 
rise in the reticulocyte count (which is also a reflection of the level of 
activity in the bone marrow).

  With respect to the liver enzymes, if your vet is not firmly working with 
you, expect that he/she will insist that you stop the Winstrol when the enzymes 
rise. RESIST. You've got to let the Winstrol work and it takes a long time. The 
liver enzymes will go up but will come down after Winstrol is discontinued and 
the more important thing is to reverse the FeLV crisis. If you think the vet 
will not listen to you and leave your cat on the Winstrol, then don't ask for 
the liver enzymes.

  After a few weeks on Winstrol or perhaps a month, run the lab tests again to 
see if you are getting a response. However, I would be surprised if you 
wouldn't already see a difference in your cat's eating, playing and overall 


  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
  Sent: March-08-16 12:22 AM
  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

  What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much 
about his red or white blood cells.

  Thank you,


  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Amani Oakley
  Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

  The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything 
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I 
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.


  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
  Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

  Thanks Amani,

  I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time 
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options failed. I 
am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They also did not 
want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really needed it.

  Thank you,


  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of 
Amani Oakley
  Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
  Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


  I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can, 
beforehand, so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is 
working. I have had others online tell me that when they started the Winstrol, 
they got an immediate and marked improvement both physically and in the blood 

  If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of 
the cats which respond well to it.

  Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed 
for you and Tigger.


  From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
  Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
  Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

  Hello everyone,

  I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so I 
am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and last 
fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of that..he 
pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day antibiotic) 
shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers and love. He 
returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing - nearly back to 

  He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied 
with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections. Bowel/bladder 
habits returned to normal and he healed.

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-08 Thread Ardy Robertson
Thank you Amani - I will call the vet today.


Thank you,

Ardy Robertson


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Tuesday, March 8, 2016 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Do a full haematology panel (including the reticulocyte count) and do liver
enzymes (biochemistry).


Ask for all your cat's results to date. If you let me know what they are, I
can decipher them for you. You will probably see are reduction in red cells
and haematocrit results, and you may see a reduction in platelets and white
cells. FeLV can attack any or all of the three cell lines (red cells, white
cells or platelets). The problem is that it shuts down the bone marrow where
precursors of these cells are produced. Winstrol turns back on the bone
marrow's production of these cells, so you will hopefully see an increase in
any low levels in these results (most likely the red cells and haematocrit


When the bone marrow starts to produce these cells again, you will also see
a rise in the reticulocyte count (which is also a reflection of the level of
activity in the bone marrow).


With respect to the liver enzymes, if your vet is not firmly working with
you, expect that he/she will insist that you stop the Winstrol when the
enzymes rise. RESIST. You've got to let the Winstrol work and it takes a
long time. The liver enzymes will go up but will come down after Winstrol is
discontinued and the more important thing is to reverse the FeLV crisis. If
you think the vet will not listen to you and leave your cat on the Winstrol,
then don't ask for the liver enzymes. 


After a few weeks on Winstrol or perhaps a month, run the lab tests again to
see if you are getting a response. However, I would be surprised if you
wouldn't already see a difference in your cat's eating, playing and overall




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-08-16 12:22 AM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much
about his red or white blood cells.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Thanks Amani,


I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options
failed. I am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They
also did not want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really
needed it.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER




I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can,
beforehand, so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is
working. I have had others online tell me that when they started the
Winstrol, they got an immediate and marked improvement both physically and
in the blood results.


If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of
the cats which respond well to it.


Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed
for you and Tigger.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
To: <> 
Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Hello everyone, 

I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so
I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and
last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing
- nearly back to normal. 


He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied
with pumpkin in his diet, along with a

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-07 Thread Amani Oakley
Do a full haematology panel (including the reticulocyte count) and do liver 
enzymes (biochemistry).

Ask for all your cat's results to date. If you let me know what they are, I can 
decipher them for you. You will probably see are reduction in red cells and 
haematocrit results, and you may see a reduction in platelets and white cells. 
FeLV can attack any or all of the three cell lines (red cells, white cells or 
platelets). The problem is that it shuts down the bone marrow where precursors 
of these cells are produced. Winstrol turns back on the bone marrow's 
production of these cells, so you will hopefully see an increase in any low 
levels in these results (most likely the red cells and haematocrit results).

When the bone marrow starts to produce these cells again, you will also see a 
rise in the reticulocyte count (which is also a reflection of the level of 
activity in the bone marrow).

With respect to the liver enzymes, if your vet is not firmly working with you, 
expect that he/she will insist that you stop the Winstrol when the enzymes 
rise. RESIST. You've got to let the Winstrol work and it takes a long time. The 
liver enzymes will go up but will come down after Winstrol is discontinued and 
the more important thing is to reverse the FeLV crisis. If you think the vet 
will not listen to you and leave your cat on the Winstrol, then don't ask for 
the liver enzymes.

After a few weeks on Winstrol or perhaps a month, run the lab tests again to 
see if you are getting a response. However, I would be surprised if you 
wouldn't already see a difference in your cat's eating, playing and overall 


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: March-08-16 12:22 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much 
about his red or white blood cells.

Thank you,

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amani 
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything 
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I 
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Thanks Amani,

I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time 
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options failed. I 
am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They also did not 
want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really needed it.

Thank you,

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amani 
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can, beforehand, 
so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is working. I have 
had others online tell me that when they started the Winstrol, they got an 
immediate and marked improvement both physically and in the blood results.

If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of 
the cats which respond well to it.

Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed for 
you and Tigger.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hello everyone,
I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so I 
am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and last 
fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of 
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day 
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers 
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing - 
nearly back to normal.

He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied with 
pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections. Bowel/bladder 
habits returned to normal and he healed.

Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but at 
that time symptom free.

Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating much. It 
turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad that I 
did n

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-07 Thread Ardy Robertson
What type of blood work would you suggest I ask for? They don't tell me much
about his red or white blood cells.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Monday, March 7, 2016 9:32 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Thanks Amani,


I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options
failed. I am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They
also did not want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really
needed it.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
To: <> 
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER




I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can,
beforehand, so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is
working. I have had others online tell me that when they started the
Winstrol, they got an immediate and marked improvement both physically and
in the blood results.


If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of
the cats which respond well to it.


Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed
for you and Tigger.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
To: <> 
Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Hello everyone, 

I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so
I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and
last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing
- nearly back to normal. 


He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied
with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections.
Bowel/bladder habits returned to normal and he healed.


Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but at
that time symptom free.


Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating much.
It turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad
that I did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture
etc., x-ray to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe they
said he has crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We switched
him to Hills prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and
surprisingly he likes it. I also got him a water fountain which encourages
him to drink more water. However after two weeks and all of that he is still
in some pain - they had given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that does
take it away for about 18 hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I
have it in a bottle to give as needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and only
give when necessary. When he is pain free he eats, otherwise, not so much.
His healthy weight was a little over 11 lbs., and he had gained back to 10.7
lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are
suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks for a while and pain meds as
needed. The pain seems to be brought on by eating/drinking, or by jumping
down from something.


Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for
Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is the
Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet
chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep the
pain at bay for over 24 hours.


One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought some
Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline treats that have pro-biotics in them, and
he will not eat them. I even tried chopping them to bits and putting with
his fish oil and he refuses. I don't want to force feed these to him. He
hates yogurt but I could syringe a little of it if necessary.


Any ideas are appreciated!!


Thank you,

Ardy Robertson

Osseo, Wisconsin



Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-07 Thread Amani Oakley
The Winstrol will boost his appetite and you won't need to give him anything 
else. The Winstrol works very very well on the bone marrow. If it were me, I 
wouldn't waste any more time getting him on the Winstrol.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: March-07-16 10:29 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Thanks Amani,

I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time 
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options failed. I 
am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They also did not 
want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really needed it.

Thank you,

From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amani 
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can, beforehand, 
so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is working. I have 
had others online tell me that when they started the Winstrol, they got an 
immediate and marked improvement both physically and in the blood results.

If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of 
the cats which respond well to it.

Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed for 
you and Tigger.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hello everyone,
I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so I 
am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and last 
fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of 
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day 
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers 
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing - 
nearly back to normal.

He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied with 
pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections. Bowel/bladder 
habits returned to normal and he healed.

Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but at 
that time symptom free.

Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating much. It 
turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad that I 
did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture etc., x-ray 
to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe they said he has 
crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We switched him to Hills 
prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and surprisingly he likes it. 
I also got him a water fountain which encourages him to drink more water. 
However after two weeks and all of that he is still in some pain - they had 
given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that does take it away for about 18 
hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I have it in a bottle to give as 
needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and only give when necessary. When he is 
pain free he eats, otherwise, not so much. His healthy weight was a little over 
11 lbs., and he had gained back to 10.7 lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 
10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks 
for a while and pain meds as needed. The pain seems to be brought on by 
eating/drinking, or by jumping down from something.

Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for 
Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is the 
Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet 
chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep the 
pain at bay for over 24 hours.

One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought some 
Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline treats that have pro-biotics in them, and he 
will not eat them. I even tried chopping them to bits and putting with his fish 
oil and he refuses. I don't want to force feed these to him. He hates yogurt 
but I could syringe a little of it if necessary.

Any ideas are appreciated!!

Thank you,
Ardy Robertson
Osseo, Wisconsin

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-07 Thread Ardy Robertson
Thanks Amani,


I will call the vet tomorrow and ask if they will get some for me. Some time
ago, the other vet in this practice said they would, if other options
failed. I am just so worried that his Leukemia has spread to his bones. They
also did not want to keep him on the appetite stimulant unless he really
needed it.


Thank you,



From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Amani Oakley
Sent: Sunday, March 6, 2016 1:06 PM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER




I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can,
beforehand, so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is
working. I have had others online tell me that when they started the
Winstrol, they got an immediate and marked improvement both physically and
in the blood results.


If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of
the cats which respond well to it.


Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed
for you and Tigger.




From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Ardy Robertson
Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
To: <> 
Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER


Hello everyone, 

I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so
I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and
last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing
- nearly back to normal. 


He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied
with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections.
Bowel/bladder habits returned to normal and he healed.


Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but at
that time symptom free.


Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating much.
It turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad
that I did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture
etc., x-ray to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe they
said he has crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We switched
him to Hills prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and
surprisingly he likes it. I also got him a water fountain which encourages
him to drink more water. However after two weeks and all of that he is still
in some pain - they had given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that does
take it away for about 18 hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I
have it in a bottle to give as needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and only
give when necessary. When he is pain free he eats, otherwise, not so much.
His healthy weight was a little over 11 lbs., and he had gained back to 10.7
lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are
suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks for a while and pain meds as
needed. The pain seems to be brought on by eating/drinking, or by jumping
down from something.


Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for
Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is the
Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet
chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep the
pain at bay for over 24 hours.


One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought some
Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline treats that have pro-biotics in them, and
he will not eat them. I even tried chopping them to bits and putting with
his fish oil and he refuses. I don't want to force feed these to him. He
hates yogurt but I could syringe a little of it if necessary.


Any ideas are appreciated!!


Thank you,

Ardy Robertson

Osseo, Wisconsin


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-06 Thread Amani Oakley

I would definitely try the Winstrol now. Get bloodwork if you can, beforehand, 
so you can compare it afterwards, to gauge if the Winstrol is working. I have 
had others online tell me that when they started the Winstrol, they got an 
immediate and marked improvement both physically and in the blood results.

If it were me, I would be trying the Winstrol now to see if Tigger is one of 
the cats which respond well to it.

Please let us know how things progress and I am keeping my fingers crossed for 
you and Tigger.


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Ardy 
Sent: March-06-16 11:39 AM
Subject: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

Hello everyone,
I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so I 
am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and last 
fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of 
that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day 
antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers 
and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing - 
nearly back to normal.

He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied with 
pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections. Bowel/bladder 
habits returned to normal and he healed.

Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but at 
that time symptom free.

Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating much. It 
turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad that I 
did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture etc., x-ray 
to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe they said he has 
crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We switched him to Hills 
prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and surprisingly he likes it. 
I also got him a water fountain which encourages him to drink more water. 
However after two weeks and all of that he is still in some pain - they had 
given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that does take it away for about 18 
hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I have it in a bottle to give as 
needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and only give when necessary. When he is 
pain free he eats, otherwise, not so much. His healthy weight was a little over 
11 lbs., and he had gained back to 10.7 lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 
10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks 
for a while and pain meds as needed. The pain seems to be brought on by 
eating/drinking, or by jumping down from something.

Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for 
Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is the 
Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet 
chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep the 
pain at bay for over 24 hours.

One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought some 
Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline treats that have pro-biotics in them, and he 
will not eat them. I even tried chopping them to bits and putting with his fish 
oil and he refuses. I don't want to force feed these to him. He hates yogurt 
but I could syringe a little of it if necessary.

Any ideas are appreciated!!

Thank you,
Ardy Robertson
Osseo, Wisconsin

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] TIGGER

2016-03-06 Thread dlgegg
Harley had a uti with sturvite crystals.  I first cought on to it when I 
noticed that when he passed urine, there were only small lumps (silver dollar 
size).  took him to vet and he gave covenia, but no help.  Then started a 
dropper full of Bragg's raw vinegar in each water foun tain every day.  We ahve 
had on problems since then.  I aso had a bought and started myself on cranberry 
and Bragg's.  now no momre problem.  only one thing to watch out for, if he 
starts urinating too much, cut cranberry down or out, it irritates the bladder 
and causes incontinence3.

 Ardy Robertson  wrote: 
> Hello everyone, 
> I haven't commented on Tigger for a while, and now I have some questions so
> I am seeking advice. My 5-1/2 year old male kitty - Tigger - has FeLV and
> last fall had a serious bout of fevers, weight loss, dehydration and all of
> that..he pulled through with syringe feedings, fluids, Convenia (14-day
> antibiotic) shots, several series of "Interferon" along with lots of prayers
> and love. He returned to eating, drinking, etc. and was doing fine, playing
> - nearly back to normal. 
> He later had a blown out anal gland from constipation, which was remedied
> with pumpkin in his diet, along with antibiotic site injections.
> Bowel/bladder habits returned to normal and he healed.
> Then, a re-test in December confirmed that he is still FeLV positive, but at
> that time symptom free.
> Two weeks ago he seemed to be in pain, a bit feverish and not eating much.
> It turned out he had a "raging" urinary tract infection. I feel very bad
> that I did not know it. Two more Convenia shots, urinalysis with culture
> etc., x-ray to see if there were stones was negative, however I believe they
> said he has crystals - of magnesium and a couple other things. We switched
> him to Hills prescription food - C/D for urinary tract health, and
> surprisingly he likes it. I also got him a water fountain which encourages
> him to drink more water. However after two weeks and all of that he is still
> in some pain - they had given him Buprenorphine for the pain and that does
> take it away for about 18 hours (actually makes him a bit loopy!!). Now I
> have it in a bottle to give as needed, so I cut the dose in thirds and only
> give when necessary. When he is pain free he eats, otherwise, not so much.
> His healthy weight was a little over 11 lbs., and he had gained back to 10.7
> lbs. Two weeks ago at the vet he was 10.2 and now he is 9.5 lbs. They are
> suggesting a Convenia shot every two weeks for a while and pain meds as
> needed. The pain seems to be brought on by eating/drinking, or by jumping
> down from something.
> Amani - if you are you feel this is the time to ask for
> Winstrol? They say the UTI is over with, urine is fine, but that it is the
> Lukemia that is making him feel like this. One of the vets there is a vet
> chiropractor and she gave him a spinal manipulation which seemed to keep the
> pain at bay for over 24 hours.
> One of my questions is - what can I give him for pro-biotics? I bought some
> Vetri-Science UT Strength Feline treats that have pro-biotics in them, and
> he will not eat them. I even tried chopping them to bits and putting with
> his fish oil and he refuses. I don't want to force feed these to him. He
> hates yogurt but I could syringe a little of it if necessary.
> Any ideas are appreciated!!
> Thank you,
> Ardy Robertson
> Osseo, Wisconsin

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-01-11 Thread Ardy Robertson

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 10:25 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

Annie is 8+ and still going strong.

 Lorrie  wrote: 
> Very true Ardy, I have FelV pos. cats who have lived to be 8 years old 
> and still seem fine.
> Good luck with Tigger.
> Lorrie and 14 rescued cats at home
> On 01-10, Ardy Robertson wrote:
> >My vet told me the other day that it is possible that Tigger can live
> >complete life-span and be healthy. She said it is not the FeLV that
> >usually kills FeLV+ cats, but rather secondary things so we need to
> >very vigilant. I asked if she thinks he needs frequent blood testing
> >and she said no, not unless he is showing signs of being ill.
> >to say I watch him like a hawk!
> > 
> >Ardy
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-01-11 Thread Ardy Robertson
Fabulous – you are really  giving me hope!!


From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of Amy
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 10:35 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger


Luigi is 12 and still going strong :)






From: " <> "> >
To: <> ; <>  
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 11:24 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

Annie is 8+ and still going strong.

 Lorrie> > 
> Very true Ardy, I have FelV pos. cats who have lived to be 8 years
> old and still seem fine.  
> Good luck with Tigger.
> Lorrie and 14 rescued cats at home
> On 01-10, Ardy Robertson wrote:
> >My vet told me the other day that it is possible that Tigger can live a
> >complete life-span and be healthy. She said it is not the FeLV that
> >usually kills FeLV+ cats, but rather secondary things so we need to be
> >very vigilant. I asked if she thinks he needs frequent blood testing
> >and she said no, not unless he is showing signs of being ill. Needless
> >to say I watch him like a hawk!
> > 
> >Ardy
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list
> <> 

Felvtalk mailing list <>


Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-01-11 Thread Ardy Robertson
Oh my Lorrie - do they all get along well? God bless you for taking them

-Original Message-
From: Felvtalk [] On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 7:49 AM
Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

Very true Ardy, I have FelV pos. cats who have lived to be 8 years old and
still seem fine.  

Good luck with Tigger.

Lorrie and 14 rescued cats at home

On 01-10, Ardy Robertson wrote:
>My vet told me the other day that it is possible that Tigger can live a
>complete life-span and be healthy. She said it is not the FeLV that
>usually kills FeLV+ cats, but rather secondary things so we need to be
>very vigilant. I asked if she thinks he needs frequent blood testing
>and she said no, not unless he is showing signs of being ill. Needless
>to say I watch him like a hawk!

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-01-11 Thread Amy
Luigi is 12 and still going strong :)

  From: "" 
 Sent: Monday, January 11, 2016 11:24 AM
 Subject: Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger
Annie is 8+ and still going strong.

 Lorrie  wrote: 
> Very true Ardy, I have FelV pos. cats who have lived to be 8 years
> old and still seem fine.  
> Good luck with Tigger.
> Lorrie and 14 rescued cats at home
> On 01-10, Ardy Robertson wrote:
> >    My vet told me the other day that it is possible that Tigger can live a
> >    complete life-span and be healthy. She said it is not the FeLV that
> >    usually kills FeLV+ cats, but rather secondary things so we need to be
> >    very vigilant. I asked if she thinks he needs frequent blood testing
> >    and she said no, not unless he is showing signs of being ill. Needless
> >    to say I watch him like a hawk!
> > 
> >    Ardy
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-01-11 Thread dlgegg
Annie is 8+ and still going strong.

 Lorrie  wrote: 
> Very true Ardy, I have FelV pos. cats who have lived to be 8 years
> old and still seem fine.  
> Good luck with Tigger.
> Lorrie and 14 rescued cats at home
> On 01-10, Ardy Robertson wrote:
> >My vet told me the other day that it is possible that Tigger can live a
> >complete life-span and be healthy. She said it is not the FeLV that
> >usually kills FeLV+ cats, but rather secondary things so we need to be
> >very vigilant. I asked if she thinks he needs frequent blood testing
> >and she said no, not unless he is showing signs of being ill. Needless
> >to say I watch him like a hawk!
> > 
> >Ardy
> > 
> ___
> Felvtalk mailing list

Felvtalk mailing list

Re: [Felvtalk] Tigger

2016-01-11 Thread Lorrie
Very true Ardy, I have FelV pos. cats who have lived to be 8 years
old and still seem fine.  

Good luck with Tigger.

Lorrie and 14 rescued cats at home

On 01-10, Ardy Robertson wrote:
>My vet told me the other day that it is possible that Tigger can live a
>complete life-span and be healthy. She said it is not the FeLV that
>usually kills FeLV+ cats, but rather secondary things so we need to be
>very vigilant. I asked if she thinks he needs frequent blood testing
>and she said no, not unless he is showing signs of being ill. Needless
>to say I watch him like a hawk!

Felvtalk mailing list