Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& all that sent cards

2006-12-21 Thread Lernermichelle
   I am behind on emails, and just read about Cornelius. I am so  sorry. I 
lost my dog Chip in the same way-- we were on a walk and she fell over,  cried 
out once, and was gone. They said it must have been a heart problem. It is  
such a shock, I know.
   I have not seen any update on Puma. Did I miss one?
Sorry you are having such a hard time.  I am glad you are able to be  at home 
with your cats, and so the ferals can continue to give you hell for not  
bringing their wet food on time.

Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& all that sent cards

2006-12-03 Thread Nina

Hello Patti!!
So very nice to hear from you.  I've thought about you so often.  I 
haven't been on the list much lately.  What a pleasure to check in and 
see your update.  I can only imagine the struggle you are going through 
recovering from your accident.  Many prayers and good wishes for 
strength and keeping an optimistic outlook.  I've heard from several of 
our list members that they too suffer from depression.  I know that 
anyone that does rescue battles it in one form or another, myself 
definitely included.  It's not one bit surprising that you are dealing 
with it.  Perhaps there's some consultation knowing you have excellent 
reasons for yours :) .  Please know that you are in our thoughts and we 
are all sending you our love.

I'm sorry to hear about Cornelius.  One of my mom's cats went the same 
way, here one minute, gone the next.  So sad and so hard to process 
without any warning, but at least he never suffered the way so many of 
our loved ones do.  It's hard on us when it happens that way, not 
getting to say goodbye and all, but it's easier on them.  Knowing you, 
I'm sure he knew he was loved.  I think we sometimes put to much 
emphasis on the final moments.  What's really important is how we live 
our lives together, in the day to day love and care we show each other.  
Cornelius never suffered the way so many of our loved ones do, that's 
something to be grateful for.  As far as saying goodbye, it's never too 
late.  I'm sure he can still hear you when you talk to him and about him. 

Please let us know how Puma is doing.  What were the symptoms that 
caused you to seek testing?  I'm glad you know about the toxo, at least 
it's treatable.  The high titer might just be that; a high titer. 

I'm thrilled to hear about Charity!!  That girl is so special.  I 
remember when she went missing and how distraught you were about it.  
That was during cold weather too.  Could that have been a year ago?  
What a breakthrough to have her trilling to you and smelling your hand.  
A small group of ferals that I take care of are losing their home and I 
was able to capture a beautiful long haired black girl named Barbara.  I 
brought her to my outside habitat and after a couple of months she 
started to let me touch her.  This is a cat that has never been touched 
in all of her 6 or 7 years, she "trusted" me to a point when she was 
free, but I could never touch her.  It's truly amazing.  I cried like a 
baby the first time.  Now she comes running to me when I approach and 
snuggles up purring when I put my arms around her.  She rubs her face 
against mine and I trust her completely.  What a joy!  I'm betting that 
Charity will come around to that kind of trust too.  Getting Barbie 
contained and feeling safe made all the difference in gaining that trust.

About capturing Black Bart for neuter...  Have you ever used a drop 
trap?  I swear by them now for catching the really wily trap wise guys.  
I wish there were a way for me to come and catch him for you.  You must 
be in touch with someone able bodied that you've met through rescue.  
I'd be happy to forward the drop trap design that I used to them.  
Everyone that rescues and does TNR should have one!

I didn't mean to write so much.  I know you have a hard time reading.  
I'm just so excited to see you posting.  Patti, please remember how very 
appreciated you are, not only by the four leggers you help, but by us 
two leggers as well.  We earthlings need you to stick around!!

Here's a big hug!

It's me - the insomniac (had THAT problem prior to MVA, but now, on 
top of everything else, it is much worse!)

Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& all that sent cards

2006-12-03 Thread Sheila208
Hi Patty, It's so good to hear from you .We have been very worried and a 
little afraid to ask about your condition. I can't handle bad news very well 
now . 
It seems as if we have so many losses , but hearing from you makes my day. 
I'm so sorry that Cornelius left you .I lost my dog Ginger 17 the same way one 
minute fine next minute dead at my feet of heart attack. I will pray that Puma 
will be alright. Thank your roomie for us for taking good care of you and your 
fur babies.You are so brave and strong I truly believe that you will soon 
start to see great improvements with your health. You will be in my Prayers.  
Love, Sheila

Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& all that sent cards

2006-12-03 Thread Sherry DeHaan
WOW Patti!!! It is so great to hear from you!! I was hoping you would get back 
to us.I don't know if you remember me,I started a year ago when I lost my 
beautiful Maizee Grace.You were one of the first to respond to me with your 
kind words,I still have it in Maizees file.i now have 4 big beautiful boys from 
the sanctuary that I volunteer at.My fourth Tristan after being there for over 
a year and a half ended up testing negative for felv!! I instantly took him 
home with other 3 boys,Rafferty,CousCous and Xander are fiv+.tHey are all 
the best!!
  I sure wish you all the best in your recovery.I know you are a strong woman 
for what you do for animals,it takes a lot of love and courage to do that.I am 
finding out just how hard it is as we lose our beautiful sanctuary 
take care of yourself and try to keep us updated.Hugs and prayers to you and 
healing thoughts.

  It's me - the insomniac (had THAT problem prior to MVA, but now, on top 
of everything else, it is much worse!)
  First off, thanks to all of you who sent me cards (belatedly, sorry).
  And Terrie, as I am not on computer much, AOL just deletes e-mails after 
"what-ever" time frame they go by..
  In fact, I did get on computer earlier this week (?), memory's shot so I 
could be wrong
  I did write a post about "Thank-You's", condolences, the cat-jacking episode 
(what a WONDERFUL ending), and shelters w/ Felv and FIV cats.
  But that is when my computer crashed, and I couldn't send it. It's on a file 
somewhere, but guess what?  YEP!!! The memory thing - can NOT remember where I 
filed it. But, I had my roomie print a copy and I will get to it when he is 
  Things are NOT going good for me post MVA injuries.  I am seeing WAAAYYY TOO 
many Dr.s/specialists (probably a good thing - They aren't giving up!), having 
a zillion diff. tests done.
  And, all of the Dr.s can not agree on prognosis!  Some say one thing, another 
says something diff., and the rest all have their own "guesses".  My 
neurologist did tell me that in all probability I'll never be the same as I 
was.  But, he couldn't/wouldn't tell me just "what" will stay damaged.  Guess 
he doesn't know either Or maybe he does  and just doesn't want to worsen my 
depression!  I have battled w/ depression for many years.
  And when I saw my (new) psychiatrist (old one retired), he diagnosed me 
w/ Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (among other things!)
  My other psych said I suffered Post Traumatic Stress due to all the years 
I've been in rescue, what I have seen, what I can't control...blah,blah, 
blah... You get the picture, I'm sure
  Anyway, this new Dr. gave me a pamphlet on PTS, to explain his diagnosis,and 
guess what ranks in the top 3
  And, yes, this MVA has had a very severe impact on me, physically & mentally, 
so I can see where he's coming from. (Now I have DOUBLE (or more) PTSD  
Yippee! Just what I (don't) need!)
  My major problem is w/ my vision.  I saw a neuro-opthamologist last week and 
until he gets all my hosp. records, MRI's, Cat-Scans, the works, he CAN'T 
answer my questions either!   He did say that my eyes are mis-alighned .(If 
that's not word, it means that they aren't working together)  My right eye 
is really bad, and when he tested me for looking to the side, well, that eye 
isn't moving!  I have to wear a patch to cover it, but, even that makes 
seeing/reading very difficult, to say the least.  I used a magnifying glass 
when I finally got on-line tonight, or I should say, early morning.
  Anyway, I DID clean out my mail box, so I do intend to get back on, and 
sooner than I wasn't
  Ok, enough about me.  Want to hear some GOOD news?  You all know that (feral) 
Charity is Timmy's (My darling angel!!) mom. And I think I mentioned Black 
Bart, the neighborhood HUGE tom.  Who is also Charity's constant 
companionmust be love, huh?  In fact, now that Timmy has grown, I really 
believe that Bart is his Dad!!!
  Anyway, animals do have a special sense about people, and I really, really 
believe that both Charity & Bart know that somehow I am different. Not that I 
was ever a threat, but I did trap Charity for spaying/exam. (At which time, she 
bit me so hard, my fault, I ended up in ER!  Not once, but twice!)  And Bart is 
one of those cats that would never go in trap!  So, I had planned on "netting" 
him for neuter, but heck, now I couldn't even net a butterfly - Not that I ever 
  Ok, the good news.Both cats are ecstatic that their meal ticket is home!  
(My roommate took excellent care of all my indoor furbabies, dogs & cats.  But 
he did NOT feed the ferals.  He DID check barn for any "newborn" kittens, at my 
request, and there were none.  Guess I did a great job spaying the female 
ferals/strays. I'd give myself a pat on the back, but, 

Re: Patty's addy for cards and letters/Attn: Belinda(list)& all that sent cards

2006-12-03 Thread PEC2851
It's me - the insomniac (had THAT problem prior to MVA, but now, on top of  
everything else, it is  much worse!)
First off, thanks to all of you who sent me cards (belatedly, sorry).
And Terrie, as I am not on computer much, AOL just deletes e-mails after  
"what-ever" time frame they go by..
In fact, I did get on computer earlier this week (?), memory's shot so I  
could be wrong
I did write a post about "Thank-You's", condolences, the cat-jacking  episode 
(what a WONDERFUL ending), and shelters w/ Felv and FIV cats.
But that is when my computer crashed, and I couldn't send it. It's on a  file 
somewhere, but guess what?  YEP!!! The memory thing - can NOT remember  where 
I filed it. But, I had my roomie print a copy and I will get to it  when 
he is available..
Things are NOT going good for me post MVA injuries.  I am seeing  WAAAYYY TOO 
many Dr.s/specialists (probably a good thing - They aren't giving  up!), 
having a zillion diff. tests done.
And, all of the Dr.s can not agree on prognosis!  Some say one thing,  
another says something diff., and the rest all have their own "guesses".   My 
neurologist did tell me that in all probability I'll never be the same as I  
But, he couldn't/wouldn't tell me just "what" will stay  damaged.  Guess he 
doesn't know either Or maybe he does  and just  doesn't want to worsen my 
depression!  I have battled w/  depression for many years.
And when I saw my (new) psychiatrist (old one retired), he diagnosed me  
w/ Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome (among other things!)
My other psych said I suffered Post Traumatic Stress due to all the years  
I've been in rescue, what I have seen, what I can't  control...blah,blah, 
blah... You get the picture, I'm sure
Anyway, this new Dr. gave me a pamphlet on PTS, to explain his  diagnosis,and 
guess what ranks in the top 3
And, yes, this MVA has had a very severe impact on me, physically &  
mentally, so I can see where he's coming from. (Now I have DOUBLE  (or 
PTSD  Yippee! Just what I (don't) need!)
My major problem is w/ my vision.  I saw a neuro-opthamologist last  week and 
until he gets all my hosp. records, MRI's, Cat-Scans, the works, he  CAN'T 
answer my questions either!   He did say that  my eyes are mis-alighned .(If 
that's not word, it means that they aren't working  together)  My right eye 
is really bad, and when he tested me for  looking to the side, well, that eye 
isn't moving!  I have to wear a patch  to cover it, but, even that makes 
seeing/reading very  difficult, to say the least.  I used a magnifying glass 
when I  
finally got on-line tonight, or I should say, early  morning.
Anyway, I DID clean out my mail box, so I do intend to get  back on, and 
sooner than I wasn't
Ok, enough about me.  Want to hear some GOOD news?  You all know  that 
(feral) Charity is Timmy's (My darling angel!!) mom. And I  think I mentioned 
Bart, the neighborhood HUGE tom.  Who is  also Charity's constant 
companionmust be love, huh?  In fact, now that  Timmy has grown, I really 
believe that 
Bart is his Dad!!!
Anyway, animals do have a special sense about people, and I really,  really 
believe that both Charity & Bart know that somehow I  am different. Not that I 
was ever a threat, but I did trap Charity for  spaying/exam. (At which time, 
she bit me so hard, my fault, I ended up in  ER!  Not once, but twice!)  And 
Bart is one of those cats that would  never go in trap!  So, I had planned on 
"netting" him for neuter, but heck,  now I couldn't even net a butterfly - Not 
that I ever would!
Ok, the good news.Both cats are ecstatic that their meal ticket is  home! 
 (My roommate took excellent care of all my indoor furbabies, dogs  & cats.  
But he did NOT feed the ferals.  He DID check barn for  any "newborn" kittens, 
at my request, and there were none.  Guess I did a  great job spaying the 
female ferals/strays. I'd give myself a pat on the back,  but, well, that's 
another thing I can't do now..
The barn/feeding station is all the way at the back of my yard.  And,  
walking is, let's say "delicate", so I do leave out large bowls of dry food, 
was only giving wet every 2-3 days.(Which the dry should be plenty 'cause prior 
to MVA I was able to gather all the ferals/strays, vet them, and find them  
homes.(Still have 4...any takers?  J/K!!!  They ARE with their  family(me) 
Well, my dear Charity has started talking to me, and NOT in that  scared 
tone.  Very soothing & gentle. Music to my ears! Although the  other night she 
on my neighbor's back porch when I was walking the  dogs!!!  I think she was 
giving me he__, in a nice way, and wanted her wet  food!  Which, as soon as I 
had the dogs in, I obliged. She really got  to me and I figured if I can 
hardly see during daylight, what's the diff w/  night?
And, she always knows w