the more I learn

2006-12-31 Thread Sally
It seems like the more I learn the less I know.


Honestly Tiny's death was totally unexpected. It was probably a blessing for
him. I was unaware he was in distress. On my desktop I have a picture of
Tiny I took two days before he died. He looked like he had aged quite a bit.
Yet he was still eating good and playing. His activity level had not changed
much. I expected him to go through slow times. There was nothing to indicate
this cat would die when he did. Someone suggested lymphoma as a possibility.
I can buy that if there are no symptoms for that. Christmas day he went into
the bathroom, where the litter box is located. He just laid down with his
paws tucked under him ( I believe some call this the meatloaf position).
That is when I picked him up and took him into the living room and sat by
him for over an hour. He was quiet. There were no sounds that indicated
breathing problems.  Earlier that day I found where he had thrown up. It was
not bad enough to be concerned. Less than 15 minutes later I heard that
awful coughing/choking noise. Less than two minutes he was gone. 


I said before I thought Tiny would outlive Junior because junior has been
the one who has had all the various symptoms. Now I have no idea what I am
doing. Maybe it is better that Junior does display symptoms I can recognize.
I do know Junior is very much a fighter. The vet tech who cared for him the
day I took him to the hospital after he had been hot by a car told me that.
I hope this same spirit will keep him going. Like Nina said I will treasure
the days I have with him. Tiny taught me you never know..


I wonder if a cat I lost two years ago may have died from this dreaded
disease. He wandered off one night after he had thrown up once that day. He
also has a infected cat bite I had planned to take him to the vet the next
day. Puttyrat was a wonderful playful Siamese looking cat. He came from a
colony of 30 cats. He was very inbred and not always so bright. He would
make me laugh. I still remember him galloping off down the road to some
place he hung out.  


I managed to get Junior's antibiotic refilled yesterday. It is mainly for
his eye. I still have the drops. I now know that Lionel had this same eye
infection before he tested positive for FeLV and FIV. He was the special cat
who eased my pain after Fluffy died. 


Some days are better than others. I hope I never have to deal with such an
outbreak again. 


Phaewryn I do not know what you are talking about in the chat room the other
night. Nothing that was said offended me. I was just a bit lost and decided
to leave. I have never been good in chat rooms because I type so slow. 




Re: the more I learn

2006-12-31 Thread Lernermichelle
   It is impossible to know.  My friend Yuki called me  yesterday to tell me 
that her cat Tiko, age 13 and negative, died while she was  away for 3 days. 
Her mom had been feeding him and said he was fine, then could  not find him the 
last day. Yuki came home and found him dead. She has no idea  what happened. 
She did not know he was sick.  Her cat Sinbad, who had  distemper as a kitten 
and has severe neurological and other problems, is now 15  and the last of her 
cats left. We always assumed he would be the first to go,  not the last. My 
dog Fern was the only one of our 3 dogs who had any health  problems that we 
knew of, and she had a lot of them, and she outlived the other  two.  It seems 
to happen that way a lot. I think that is why people say  things like Man 
makes plans and God laughs. We think we know what is going to  happen, but we 
don't.  Tiny may have died from something totally unrelated  to FeLV, like a 
heart problem.  My dog Chip seemed healthier than healthy,  had just run 4 
with me two days earlier and was out running around on a  walk, and suddenly 
collapsed, cried out, and was dead.  She must have had a  latent heart 
condition.  She literally looked and acted like an athlete,  and was only 9 
years old.  
we will never know what happened to her.
   We do the best we can to figure things out while they are  happening, and 
sometimes we can and sometimes we can't. I am very bad at  accepting this, but 
am trying to learn to, because it is the way things  are.

RE: the more I learn

2006-12-31 Thread Diane Rosenfeldt
Sally, we have all felt this way at some point, where things don't make
sense to us and we get hung up on what we missed or waited too long to do or
couldn't afford to do.  Because we can't all watch our furbabies every
single moment, and because money is not an unlimited commodity, and because
they're such good hiders when it comes to their illnesses, these things
are *going* to happen.  God knows I've lost a couple who might have lived
longer if I had done something differently or noticed something sooner.
Unfortunately, there's no cosmic law that what happens will be fair or make
any sense at all.  Know that Tiny loved you and had a good life with you and
went without prolonged suffering.  I know now you're unsure of your
treatment of Junior, but it sounds like you're conscientious and there's
lots of good advice on this list to guide you.  Please don't drag yourself
down with wondering, just do your homework and ask questions, questions,
questions -- here and at the vet -- and, aside from providing good nutrition
and supplements, take things as they come and try not to worry about what
hasn't happened yet.

Oh, and about chat rooms, yes, they can be daunting but they can be enjoyed
even if you're a slow typer.  Just don't strike up conversations with
everybody at once! ;-)

May you have a better year ahead than the one just ended (and this goes to
all of us).

Diane R.

Re: the more I learn

2006-12-31 Thread Jennifer Phaewryn O'Gwynn
That's the thing about FELV Sally, it's just unpredictable. I don't think
there's anything you should have done differently, and I wouldn't have done
anything differently from what you did. It's just hard when you lose a baby.
Everyone has those thoughts of self-doubt, the what if's, the Maybe if I
had's and the I wonder if I could have's. It's a normal part of the
grieving process, I believe. This is the part where you are struggling to
come to terms with Tiny's loss, and trying to make sense of it. The problem
is, it's a senseless thing, FELV. I know I have a number of could have,
should have's in my past, and it's not been easy for me to deal with them.
But, try to take solace in the fact that it's normal for you to be asking
these questions, and trying to find ways to understand what you have gone
through. If there's any lesson FELV teaches the hardest, it's the take each
moment and cherish it, because you never know when it will end one that
hits the hardest, I believe.


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