Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2018-05-14 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by cehoyos):

 Replying to [comment:10 AxelTechnology]:
 > In the past, we patched the mxfenc file and it worked in SONY Browser.
 Too bad you didn't tell us when I asked in comment:3...

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2018-04-24 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by vimlesh1975):

 Is this solved.

 I also want to use ffmpeg for transcoding files and making campatilble to
 sony devices

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-10-17 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by AxelTechnology):

 In the past, we patched the mxfenc file and it worked in SONY Browser.
 Today we want to apply again the patch on the last release. Anyone can
 help us to apply the patch in FFmpeg git head? We can provide the original
 and the modified mxfenc.c file with the patch.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-09 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by laurfb):

 Hi. I do some more test with XDCAM MXF files using ffmbc/ffmpeg and the
 latest SONY browsers/viewers. Yes, the MXF files are loaded and played
 without any error, but:
 From what I know MXF was developed as an exchange standard in broadcast
 However the flexibility of format lead sometime to interoperability issue:
 MXF files produced by some equipment/producers (like Sony for ex.) is not
 necessarely understood by all apps that claim to support MXF standards,
 most often due to obscure subformat options behind MXF extension.
 Recently one of my friend had some compatibility issue using ffmpeg/ffmbc
 with some particular application (playout automation system from http
 :// - the MXF files can't be loaded ("unsuported format") and
 the only solution I found is to re-wrap MXF files (generated either with
 ffmpeg or ffmbc) with bmxlib.
 I must say that all the MXF files generated with ffmpeg/ffmbc (e.g. files
 uploaded on zippyshare) are well played on few other proffesional grade
 apps I used (Drastic Preview, Cinegy, Sony Viewer).
 Also, the initial issue reported by Axel Technology I think is related to
 their XTV automation systems (
 I don't have acces to such playouts systems (simedia or axel) so I can't
 help with furter tests if needed.
 I think the only solution to maximize the overall ffmpeg mxf compatibility
 is to use the bmxlibs (based on BBC R specs as far as I know) which, I
 hope, will eliminate the majority of problems encountered.
 Don't know if someone will have more time to investigate that matter but I
 think it would be useful to extend the overall ffmpeg compatibility.
 Thanks for your work!
 best regards,

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-09 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by cehoyos):

 Replying to [comment:8 laurfb]:
 > Hi. I do some more test with XDCAM MXF files using ffmbc/ffmpeg and the
 latest SONY browsers/viewers. Yes, the MXF files are loaded and played
 without any error
 But this ticket is about FFmpeg files not being loaded and played by the
 Sony content browser.

 We all know that the development of mxf as an exchange standard in
 broadcast industry was not successful. Still, if you can fix issues with
 FFmpeg's mxf muxer, please do not hesitate to send a patch to the FFmpeg
 development mailing list, if you found an issue that you cannot fix,
 please send an email to the FFmpeg user mailing list explaining how to
 reproduce the issue or open a new ticket. If you decide to open a new
 ticket, please do not forget to test current FFmpeg git head and to
 provide the command line that allows to reproduce the issue together with
 the complete, uncut console output (of current FFmpeg git head).

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-08 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by bcoudurier):

 I tested FFmbc with Sony Content Browser and PDX devices and all XDCAM
 files import fine with ffmbc generated files.Could you please clarify what
 does not work ?
 That would help a lot. Thanks a lot !

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-08 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by laurfb):

 Nope. It's about "unsupported file" messages when try to import some XDCAM
 MXF files in broadcast applications (like Sony Browser, AVID, etc.).
 ffmbc partially resolved MXF KVL/header wrapping and only for XDCAM HD422
 (not working at all for XDCAM EX/HD files).
 After re-wrapping (with libbmx) files are loaded without any error.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-08 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by laurfb):

 MXF files generated by ffmpeg/ffmbc is not fully compliant with XDCAM MXF
 I faced with similar problems and only solution I found till now is to
 rewrap always mxf files with bmxlibs
 To further investigate this problem I upload the original mxf files
 generated by ffmpeg, the rewraped mxf files with bmxtranswrap (from
 bmxlibs) and the mxf dump infos from both files using mxfdump (also from
 bmxlibs) hopping that someone will be able to identify the problem.

 How to reproduce:
 1. generate the mxf files (xdcam_ffmpeg.mxf) with ffmpeg (git) - doesn't
 matter XDCAM flavour
 2. rewrap mxf with: "bmxtranswrap -p -o bmx_rewrap.mxf xdcam_ffmpeg.mxf"
 3. dump the mxf infos with: "mxfdump --mxf-dump xdcam_ffmpeg.mxf >
 and "mxfdump --mxf-dump bmx_rewrap.mxf > rewrap_mxf_dump.txt"

 The sample files can be downloaded from


Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-08 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by cehoyos):

 Replying to [comment:4 laurfb]:
 > MXF files generated by ffmpeg/ffmbc is not fully compliant with MXF

 This sounds like an issue different from the one in this ticket.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-05 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by cehoyos):

 Did you confirm that if you apply the change to current FFmpeg git head
 the issue is resolved?

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2016-01-04 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by AxelTechnology):

 Hi, yes the output file has all the XDCAM HD422 format features, but it
 cannot be loaded into Sony Content Browser.

 FFmbc fixed this issue with this:


Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

Re: [FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2015-12-24 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   |Owner:
  AxelTechnology |   Status:  new
 Type:  defect   |Component:
 Priority:  normal   |  undetermined
  Version:  unspecified  |   Resolution:
 Keywords:   |   Blocked By:
 Blocking:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
Analyzed by developer:  0|

Comment (by laurfb):

 Hi. Add "-profile:v 0 -level:v 2" to fully define XDCAM HD422

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list

[FFmpeg-trac] #5097(undetermined:new): XDCAM HD422

2015-12-21 Thread FFmpeg
#5097: XDCAM HD422
 Reporter:   | Type:  defect
  AxelTechnology | Priority:  normal
   Status:  new  |  Version:
Component:   |  unspecified
  undetermined   |   Blocked By:
 Keywords:   |  Reproduced by developer:  0
 Blocking:   |
Analyzed by developer:  0|
 Summary of the bug:
 Hello everyone, my goal is to import files into a Sony Station machine
 using the software Sony Content Browser, but I keep getting "unsupported
 file" messages.
 The XDCAM profile I need to use is HD422

 How to reproduce:
 % ffmpeg -i input.mpg -vcodec mpeg2video -s 1920x1080 -b:v 5k -maxrate
 5k -bufsize 3835k -minrate 5k -r 25 -flags ilme -top 1 -acodec
 pcm_s24le -ar 48000 -pix_fmt yuv422p  output.mxf

 ffmpeg version git-2dba040
 built on 2015-12-19
 Patches should be submitted to the ffmpeg-devel mailing list and not this
 bug tracker.

Ticket URL: 
FFmpeg issue tracker
FFmpeg-trac mailing list