[filmscanners] Re: Polaroid Sprint Scan 4000

2002-07-30 Thread david soderman

Art E. wrote:

> We've started a new group called:
> Membership is by subscription only, and requires a sworn statement that
> you won't tell anyone what fun we're having not fighting with some other
> (unnamed) brands of scanners.
> It's very exclusive...
> ;-)

Maybe I'm just over-sensitive...but I'll respond to the above Art's "fun

I assume that this is a "playful volley" responding to my recently published
URL of the Minolta Scan Multi Pro website.

Fair enough!  :-)

Just for the record, I do realize that I have used the word *exclusive*.
However, I now feel obligated to explain just *why* I chose to use that word
which I normally strongly dislike!  (I'm just an "average guy").

I certainly did *not* use "exclusive" to come across as snobbish or aloof.
I used "exclusive" to prepare people - before they submit posts to the
website.  Bo, the moderator, does an admirable job of keeping the discussion
forum as much of a "lean & clean & helpful machine" as possible!

The Minolta Scan Multi Pro has distinct/particular issues.  Such issues
would bore non-users.  Also, the colorful/likeable moderator is attempting
to draw much attention to the Minolta Corporation re: the collective
consensus of Scan Multi Pro users.

I also happen to know that Mr. Art E. has a very good *personal* reason to
take stake in the fine efforts of this website's creator/moderator!

So here's a toast...to the importance of always having a keen sense of

Joyfully, -david soderman- <><

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[filmscanners] Re: Web home page writing software

2002-07-30 Thread Shunith Dutt


When it comes to doing the html don't use FrontPage... it's really crap...
use Dreamweaver MX but that's several hundred dollars... there are a number
of free html editors out there which are pretty good one that comes to
mind is 1st Page 2000 by Evrsoft... you can download it at www.evrsoft.com
As to bloated html... you'll always get that by using a WYSIWYG editor
notepad is the best... but is it worth th hassle and the learning curve?
Doubt it :) Once your page is done there are a number of free programs to
validate your code... there are also online sites that will do this for

Regarding you images... a combination of PS7, which you say you have and
ImageReady are more than enough



PS: EvrSoft also offers domain hosting... just in case you want to check it
out http://www.evrsoft.com/giveaway_ad_live.html

- Original Message -
From: "Alex Zabrovsky" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Wednesday, July 31, 2002 2:33 AM
Subject: [filmscanners] Web home page writing software

A little bit off-topic issue:
I intend to begin building my web site soon having gained reasonable amount
of images to be exhibited.
I'm quite novice in web design, have no idea how to do that myself.

I would be glad to hear any suggestion you have which simple-to-use software
can be utilized for web page design which would also allow building easily
manageable image galleries.
Also, JPEG image size for web advises are welcome.

I'm going to purchase a domain and will have to decide about purchasing web
hosting somewhere.
I think web hosting offer for 50 MB space would be fair for reasonable
Do you think it would be enough for starter ?

Thanks in advance,
Alex Z

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[filmscanners] Re: Initial Scan

2002-07-30 Thread Arthur Entlich

My experience with Insight is that is rarely clips, unless the image is
quite unusual but as long as the histogram fits without clipping within
Insight (even if there is a bit of "extra space" surrounding the
histogram), you know you have captured the info without loss.

Are you finding images that look unclipped in Insight which are showing
up clipped in PS?

As you stated, in PS you are looking at an image which is already
scanned, so it requires a rescanning if there is a clipping problem.



> Generally, when scanning I have just been letting the scanner software do its
> thing (Polaroid Insight with SS4000+) and importing to Photoshop to adjust
> levels etcShould I be looking at histograms before 'finishing the scan'
> and working in PS to make sure there is no clipping etc.I guess this
> breaks down to a few questions:
> 1) If you want to look for clipping at the white and black points is it best
> to look at the histogram in the scanner software (which to my eye is a bit
> difficult to read) or in PS after the scan is done and imported (which has
> easier to read histograms but would require a total rescan if there were a
> problem.
> 2) If there wer clipping at, say, the white point...what could be done with
> the scanner software to improve that situation and compress the histogram?
> 3) Same question as 2, but with the black point being clipped.
> Howard

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[filmscanners] Re: Polaroid Sprint Scan 4000

2002-07-30 Thread Arthur Entlich

Make sure your holders aren't defective, worn or otherwise distorted.

Otherwise it sounds like a warranty repair.

Out of interest, what went wrong with the SS4000, in general they have
proved quite reliable.


John Matturri wrote:

>>Some have of course upgraded to the 4000 Plus (4000+?). I'm still
>>here with the plain old 4000.
> I have had a problem with the 4000+. Neither the negative nor the slide
> carrier seems perfectly aligned, requiring moderate rotation of each
> scan. It is tricky to perfectly align strips in the negative holder, but
> I got the hang of it with my deceased 4000 with the identical carrier.
> That the problem is the same with the slide holder suggests a real
> problem.
> I returned the first sample but the second had the same problem. I guess
> I have to return the scanner for warranty adjustment when I have time
> when I don't have urgent scanning needs.
> Anyone else run into this problem?
> John M.

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[filmscanners] Re: A note of possible interest

2002-07-30 Thread Arthur Entlich

Personally, I think the US needs to be shunned for a while until they
can act nicely in the schoolyard, learn how to play well with others and
how to share. [;-)]


Laurie Solomon wrote:

> Found this post on another list and thought everyone might have a passing
> interest in it. It was posted by Stanley Neil Glass [[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> The ISO may withdraw the JPEG image format as a formal standard
> because of a dispute over royalties. See
>  for further
> information.

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[filmscanners] Re: Next Cycle of Scanner Tech

2002-07-30 Thread david soderman

> I word my posts carefully.  You may safely assume that I mean what I say in
> a post; however, you should not assume that I mean something that I have not
> said.

Anthony, Anthony, Anthony:
You've reminded me of Abbott & Costello's famous comic routine:  "Who's on
1st???"  Alls I can say iz, GEE TANKS, I needed dat!!!  ;-P

But seriously, I'm not one who really ever *assumes* much of anything.

According to Webster's New Universal Unabridged Dictionary, the #1
definition of *assume* is to "take for granted without proof".
I have not done that - and have no plans to do so.
I have simply taken your quotations and placed them side-by-side into the

You've described the depth of your *sincerity* above.
I acknowledge and respect the concept of your sincerity.
However, I also submit to you that sincerity and *truth* are not necessarily
one and the same.

Joyfully, -david soderman- <><

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[filmscanners] RE: Web home page writing software

2002-07-30 Thread Robert Meier

> -Original Message-
> If you want even a medium-sized
> web site, then you'd be crazy to do it in plain HTML, because the
> amount of
> repetitive typing would be prohibitive, and the number of needless bugs
> would be enormous.

Well, I write my own HTML and scripts BECAUSE I want to reduce the amount of
redundant typing. Just create a template, some additional tools and you can
change the apperance of dozens of pages with a click of a bottom. That
approach also make you design a webpage more consistently. It takes a bit
more effort at the beginning but saves lots of time later on.


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[filmscanners] Re: Web home page writing software

2002-07-30 Thread Anthony Atkielski

Paul writes:

> As long as it produces the correct results in
> a web browser, who cares?

True, but it won't.  The junk generated by web-design software contains
mountains of code, often lots of scripting as well, and if you don't change
it carefully, it will break; the results will _not_ display correctly.

It's far easier to write the HTML from scratch, and skip the web-design
software.  This is how most seasoned webmasters do it, anyway.  It's faster
and less hassle that way.

> I've seen C++ compilers generate hundred-kilobyte
> programs that I could write in a hundred bytes
> using assembly language.

HTML is not a programming language.

> Given that 100K of RAM costs two cents, and 100K
> of disk space costs a hundredth of a cent, I'll
> write in C++. And given that a 50KB page can
> load in 8 seconds via dialup and a fraction of
> a second via broadband, I'll save the much longer
> programming time and use Dreamweaver.

A lot of visitors won't wait eight seconds for the page to download; they'll
just go elsewhere.

And as I've said, HTML is _not_ programming.  The two are not comparable.

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[filmscanners] RE: Web home page writing software

2002-07-30 Thread barry

With proper design, the use of server side includes and templates, there is
not much repetitive typing


-Original Message-
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of Paul D. DeRocco
Sent: Tuesday, July 30, 2002 8:57 PM
Subject: [filmscanners] RE: Web home page writing software

Much of what you say is true, but I have to take issue with one thing.
Writing in HTML is equivalent to programming in assembly language. If all
you want is a small web site, with no dynamically generated content, then
write in HTML, and manually find and fix the comparatively small number of
syntax and semantic errors that you make. If you want even a medium-sized
web site, then you'd be crazy to do it in plain HTML, because the amount of
repetitive typing would be prohibitive, and the number of needless bugs
would be enormous. The few hundred bucks spent on higher-level web design
software is only a waste of money if your time is worth nothing.


Ciao,   Paul D. DeRocco

> From: Anthony Atkielski
> Notepad is the best tool for building a Web site, although a fancier text
> editor would be a tad easier to use.  Notepad and a good book on HTML.
> Web pages are nothing more than text files, with a couple of special
> keywords thrown into the text.  You can save yourself hundreds of
> dollars by
> learning the handful of keywords that you need and just building the pages
> directly with a text editor.  Web-building software is quite a scam, in my
> view.  The Web was designed to be human-friendly to build (remember that
> originally Web pages were intended to be built by scholars with
> no specific
> computer expertise for sharing of information).

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[filmscanners] RE: Web home page writing software

2002-07-30 Thread Paul D. DeRocco

> From: Anthony Atkielski
> Both [Frontpage and Dreamweaver] generate garbage that passes for
> HTML.  It is almost impossible to pick
> apart if you ever want to modify it yourself, and I think they
> designed the software to make it that way deliberately.

As long as it produces the correct results in a web browser, who cares?

> I've seen pages that contained 50 KB of HTML alone generated by
> Dreamweaver,
> which I was able to reduce to about 3 KB with identical functionality by
> tossing Dreamweaver and writing the HTML directly.

I've seen C++ compilers generate hundred-kilobyte programs that I could
write in a hundred bytes using assembly language. Given that 100K of RAM
costs two cents, and 100K of disk space costs a hundredth of a cent, I'll
write in C++. And given that a 50KB page can load in 8 seconds via dialup
and a fraction of a second via broadband, I'll save the much longer
programming time and use Dreamweaver.


Ciao,   Paul D. DeRocco

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[filmscanners] Web home page writing software

2002-07-30 Thread Alex Zabrovsky

A little bit off-topic issue:
I intend to begin building my web site soon having gained reasonable amount
of images to be exhibited.
I'm quite novice in web design, have no idea how to do that myself.

I would be glad to hear any suggestion you have which simple-to-use software
can be utilized for web page design which would also allow building easily
manageable image galleries.
Also, JPEG image size for web advises are welcome.

I'm going to purchase a domain and will have to decide about purchasing web
hosting somewhere.
I think web hosting offer for 50 MB space would be fair for reasonable
Do you think it would be enough for starter ?

Thanks in advance,
Alex Z

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