[filmscanners] Another lurker seeking advice

2004-02-23 Thread Carlisle Landel

Another lurker jumps in!

I've been following the answers to Ed Lusby's question about
Kodachrome, the Nikon 5000 and bulk loaders.

I have a similar series of question, but with a different emphasis:

As near as I can tell, the Nikon line is the only one with a bulk
loader for slides.  Is this true?  If not, what are the alternatives?

I gather that the Nikon bulk loader is (was?) prone to jam, but that
there are fixes involving shims.  However, I haven't seen the
specific fix described in detail.  Could somebody please point me to
the fix?  Also, additional commentary on the jamming problem would be

Has anybody seen any reviews that compare the Nikon 5000 with its
predecessors?  I.e., are there significant improvements, or would one
be just as well served by buying a 4000, since the price on these is
sure to drop as they are replaced by the newer model?

A little about what I want to do:

I've got a ton of 35 mm Ektachrome slides, and I'd like to get them
into digital format.  I don't want to spend a lot of time loading
them one-at-a-time into the scanner--thus the interest in the bulk
loader.  Also, I don't want to spend the rest of my life doing the
scanning, so some degree of speed would be nice.  I realize that the
more you ask of a scan, the longer it takes, but I'm willing to forgo
lots of processing on the first pass in order to simply get them
scanned and in a system where I can then index and organize them.  If
I then want a good scan, I can always go back.  Nonetheless, if I can
get really good scans on the first pass without sacrificing too much
time, all the better.  Does this strategy seem reasonable?

Thanks for your help.


Carlisle Landel
Southwest Harbor, Maine, USA

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[filmscanners] Autocropping (Was: Raw files in Vuescan)

2004-08-25 Thread Carlisle Landel
At 11:13 AM -0700 8/25/04, Ed Lusby wrote:
>Auto cropping remains to be a problem in vuescan. The problem seems to vary
>with scanner and certainly vuescan version, as Ed has made many recent
>attempts to improve auto cropping lately.  However, vuescan 8.0.4 remains
>the best version for me in terms of auto cropping with the LS5000.  When Ed
>changed the auto crop algorithm in 8.0.8 and 8.0.9, he improved filmstrip
>auto cropping significantly, which was his goal. However slide scanning
>autocropping was quite bad. In version 8.0.11 (or thereabouts) he made
>slide auto cropping better, but still not as good as 8.0.4.  One can deal
>with this situation in a couple of ways. You can either install the version
>best for your usage on a particular day, or you can try the various
>cropping options.

Hello all,

Well, I finally got myself an LS5000 with a slide feeder (yahoo!),
and I'm working on learning how to use it.  Autocropping is one of
the things I'm trying to figure out, as my first pass led to scans
with black edges.

Ed, do you have suggestions about where to start when you suggest
"try the various cropping options"?

Should I try to obtain 8.0.4?

Should I use the software bundled with the scanner instead of vuescan?

Does anybody else have some other ideas?

My solution was going to be to mess with the settings semi-randomly,
and if that failed to resolve the problem, simply accept the black
edges and crop them out later.



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[filmscanners] Re: Autocropping (Was: Raw files in Vuescan)

2004-08-27 Thread Carlisle Landel
Hmmm...maybe I was a bit premature about my complaints.  The batch I
ran last night cropped perfectly.  Now, if I can only figure out what
I did to fix it

Stay tuned!


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[filmscanners] Re: Coolscan V vs 5000

2004-09-09 Thread Carlisle Landel
At 9:40 AM -0400 9/9/04, Frank & Lila Mullins wrote:
>I am in the process of purchasing my first film scanner. Although, I will,
>at times, use the scanner to make 8 x 10 or larger prints, my primary goal
>is to convert my 35mm slide collection to digital. At present, am tending
>toward the Nikon Coolscan V. However, at a local photographic supply store,
>the salesperson basically told me I was wasting my money and should buy the
>Super Coolscan 5000 (at a cost of about $500 more!!).
>As best I can determine, there are two MAJOR differences between the two
>The Coolscan V has a dynamic range of 4.2 while the Super Coolscan
>5000 has a dynamic range of 4.8.
>The Coolscan V has a 14-bit A/D converter
>while the Super Coolscan 5000 has a16-bit A/D converter.
>My questions is this: Do these two differences justify the added expense of
>$500 or will the less expensive scanner meet my needs?
>Thanks for your input.


If you have a significantly large slide collection, then another
major difference between the two is the availability of a bulk loader
for slides that will handle 50 slides at a time.  Available only for
the 5000, it will cost you another $350 - $400, but it sure beats
sitting around feeding slides one at a time.

It will choke on some slide mounts, but there is apparently a fix
(which I will be bugging the list about once I get going with
scanning in a big way--I first need to buy myself a big new hard
drive to store my scans).

So far, I've been able to simply drop in a box of slides, turn it on,
and walk away.  Some time later, the job is done, and meanwhile I've
slept the night away, or mowed the lawn, or done something else
useful besides pushing slides into my scanner.



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[filmscanners] Re: Revive this list?!

2004-09-09 Thread Carlisle Landel
A lurker adds his $0.02:

I've not been a member for long, having joined within the last year
in preparation for purchasing a scanner to archive an extensive slide

Personally, I hadn't realized that the list even *needed* a "revival".

This is an *incredibly* good list, because the junk to content ratio
is vanishingly close to zero.  So what if there are long periods of
silence?  As far as I've been able to see, if somebody has a
question, it is answered quickly *and* authoritatively.  If somebody
has something useful to say, then they say it.  Perfect!

Of course, I'm not a long-time member, so maybe there used to be lots
of list traffic back in the "good old days".

Kudos to Tony and the list community for making this a great resource.

Returning back to the sidelines now


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[filmscanners] Re: Nikon Scanners

2004-09-14 Thread Carlisle Landel
At 3:55 PM +1000 9/14/04, Peter Marquis-Kyle wrote:
>I have read several reports from people who have used older models of Nikon
>slide feeders. As I recall, they found the feeders were very reliable with
>plastic slide mounts.
>With card mounts there was a risk that the feeder would try to
>gobble two slides
>at the same time, causing a jam. This was easily averted by reducing
>the size of
>an input slot (with, for example, a piece of credit card held on with adhesive
>Does this apply to the current model, does anyone know?
>Peter Marquis-Kyle

My understanding is that it still applies.  (Actually, the "current"
model has been around for a while--it also fits the 4000.) I haven't
tested mine yet, but I fully expect having to modify it when I do.


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[filmscanners] Re: Scan Dual IV vs. Scan Dual II

2004-09-14 Thread Carlisle Landel

To amplify Brad's answer:

When you first set up your Mac under OSX, you create accounts that
will have various levels of administrative privileges. That way you
can set up your machine for multiple users, and everybody gets their
own directory space for storing files, etc., and you can limit what
some of the users (for example, your child, friend, co-worker, etc.)
can get to and do.  At least one of the users has administrative
privileges, that is, can add and delete files and applications at
will.  So, if you set up your machine with an account for you and
your kid, and you fixed it so that your kid had limited privileges,
then only you could load the software, not your kid.

With regards to native vs non-native, what this means is that if you
have some OS9 software that use with plugins for the scanner, then
although that software will run in OSX, the plugins won't.  You will
have to upgrade to the OSX version of the software to run the plugins.

Have a great evening!


At 10:46 AM -0700 9/14/04, Brad Davis wrote:
>OS X is basically a Unix system, I'm sure you've heard that.  #3 just means
>that you have to have full privileges on the system - the administrator
>privileges.  When you go to OS X you will find that there are differing
>levels of privileges which define what you can do and administrator is the
>only one who can install software.
>#4 just means that the program controlling plug-in must have been written
>for OS X.  There were programs that were cobbled together and would run
>under OS X, but weren't native to the operating system.  These existed early
>on for OS X, when there hadn't been time to rewrite everything to run under
>OS X.  Generally, these required an added layer between the program and the
>OS so that a translation could be done.  By now, most everything is native.
>By the way, when you go to OS X, you will find that it will run OS 9.2 under
>OS X.  This is so you can run legacy programs. I found that it worked, but
>was not satisfactory (and you can't use the Minolta plug-in with say
>Photoshop running under 9.1, for instance).
>With OS X, you get a chance to learn UNIX, if you so choose, or not, there
>is not real need.
>Good luck,
>>  I notice on the Minolta compatibility chart, the following footnotes
>>  regarding use of the Scan Dual IV with Mac OS-X:
>>  *3:You must be logged on as an administrator to complete the driver
>>  installation.
>>  *4:The Mac OS X plug-in cannot be used with applications that are not OS X
>>  native.
>>  Since it is stated that various versions of OS-X are compatible, *4 is a
>>  little puzzling.  *3 is a mystery to me.
>>  My main question is whether SD-IV works fine with OS-X 3.x, or are there
>>  some issues.
>>  (I am still using OS 9.1 on a G4, but am considering upgrading the OS or to
>>  G5.)
>>  Berry
>>  --
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[filmscanners] Re: Scan Dual IV vs. Scan Dual II

2004-09-14 Thread Carlisle Landel

My pleasure!

I only know enough Unix to be dangerous...but I *do* know macs!



>Thanks for amplifying my answer, yours is so much clearer and sensible.  I
>recognize that I was assuming that everyone knows Unix to some degree, even
>though I also know that isn't true.
>>  Berry,
>>  To amplify Brad's answer:
>>  When you first set up your Mac under OSX, you create accounts that
>>  will have various levels of administrative privileges. That way you
>>  can set up your machine for multiple users, and everybody gets their
>>  own directory space for storing files, etc., and you can limit what
>>  some of the users (for example, your child, friend, co-worker, etc.)
>>  can get to and do.  At least one of the users has administrative
>>  privileges, that is, can add and delete files and applications at
>>  will.  So, if you set up your machine with an account for you and
>>  your kid, and you fixed it so that your kid had limited privileges,
>>  then only you could load the software, not your kid.
>>  With regards to native vs non-native, what this means is that if you
>>  have some OS9 software that use with plugins for the scanner, then
>>  although that software will run in OSX, the plugins won't.  You will
>>  have to upgrade to the OSX version of the software to run the plugins.
>>  Have a great evening!
>>  Carlisle
>>  At 10:46 AM -0700 9/14/04, Brad Davis wrote:
>>>  Berry,,
>>>  OS X is basically a Unix system, I'm sure you've heard that.  #3 just means
>>>  that you have to have full privileges on the system - the administrator
>>>  privileges.  When you go to OS X you will find that there are differing
>>>  levels of privileges which define what you can do and administrator is the
>>>  only one who can install software.
>>>  #4 just means that the program controlling plug-in must have been written
>>>  for OS X.  There were programs that were cobbled together and would run
>>>  under OS X, but weren't native to the operating system.  These
>>>existed early
>>>  on for OS X, when there hadn't been time to rewrite everything to run under
>>>  OS X.  Generally, these required an added layer between the program and the
>>>  OS so that a translation could be done.  By now, most everything is native.
>>>  By the way, when you go to OS X, you will find that it will run
>>>OS 9.2 under
>>>  OS X.  This is so you can run legacy programs. I found that it worked, but
>>>  was not satisfactory (and you can't use the Minolta plug-in with say
>>>  Photoshop running under 9.1, for instance).
>>>  With OS X, you get a chance to learn UNIX, if you so choose, or not, there
>>>  is not real need.
>>>  Good luck,
>>>  Brad
   I notice on the Minolta compatibility chart, the following footnotes
   regarding use of the Scan Dual IV with Mac OS-X:

   *3:You must be logged on as an administrator to complete the driver
>  >>>  installation.
>  >>>  *4:The Mac OS X plug-in cannot be used with applications that
>are not OS X
>  >>>  native.
>  >>>
>  >>>  Since it is stated that various versions of OS-X are compatible, *4 is a
   little puzzling.  *3 is a mystery to me.

   My main question is whether SD-IV works fine with OS-X 3.x, or are there
   some issues.

   (I am still using OS 9.1 on a G4, but am considering upgrading
the OS or to


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[filmscanners] Re: Nikon LS-30 -- strange behavoir

2005-03-10 Thread Carlisle Landel
At 7:58 PM +1000 3/10/05, Peter Marquis-Kyle wrote:
>In the hope that someone might still be reading this list, I'll ask
>a question:
>My Nikon LS-30 scanner [snip] was fitted with new scanning and
>focussing stepper motors [and] now produces files with a weird
>waviness. [snip] What could be causing this?

Hey!  Look! The list lives!  Cool.

Peter, I'm goind to second Stephen's guess that it is a problem with
the stepper motors.  Out-of-round, out-of-alignment, loose mount,
whatever--it's definitely not stepping properly.

Cool effect, though!  ;)

Let us know what the shop says after you get it back.

Best regards,


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[filmscanners] Re: Kodachrome puzzle (laquer?!) 1970 vintage

2005-11-14 Thread Carlisle Landel

I assume that this isn't seen on original slides when examined
closely.  Is that correct?

Do you see the same thing with RAW scans?


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[filmscanners] Re: Nikon Coolscan V ED

2005-11-18 Thread Carlisle Landel

Any chance your software is corrupted?  If you have a mac, you might
try trashing the preference file, or uninstalling and reinstalling
the windows software.

You might try Vuescan as alternative software, too.

Good luck,


On Nov 17, 2005, at 9:27 PM, Berry Ives wrote:

> I hadn't used my film scanner for several months.  Now when I try
> to start
> up the Nikon Scan 4 software, it gives me a hardware error:
> "The scanner has reported a hardware error.  Please reset the
> scanner by
> switching on and off.  If this does not work, please contact your
> local
> Nikon Service or Support office."
> I tried turning it on and off several times and repeating the software
> startup, and the same error repeats.
> I don't know what changed since I last used it.  Perhaps some other
> software
> is not compatible?  Of course, that would not be a "hardware error."
> Any suggestions?
> Berry

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[filmscanners] Re: ArtixScan 4000tf firmware

2006-01-30 Thread Carlisle Landel

Are you sure you need a firmware update?  Would you mind re-
explaining the problem?

(I'm sorry, I've deleted the original posts...)

My understanding is that whatever the latest firmware update exists,
that's what you use.  Then you simply need the most current driver
for your OS.  That is (as I understand it), the firmware sets up the
device's brain, and then the drivers talk to the device.

I assume that you've re-installed the last firmware you ever had--is
that right?

Will Vuescan run the device properly?

  -another mac driver, who is using a Nikon scanner and Vuescan

On Jan 30, 2006, at 6:22 AM, Arthur Entlich wrote:

> I'm sure Hakon was trying to be helpful (even if it was written a bit
> harshly)--maybe a linguistic issue.
> I would not suggest using a firmware upgrade for the 120nf for the
> 4000tf, as you recognize, they are very different models, and likely
> have quite unique firmware.
> Art
> Harald E Brandt wrote:
>> On 2006-01-28, at 23.47, ?ISO-8859-1?Q?H=E5kon_T_S=F8nderland?=
>> wrote:
>>> http://www.scannerdriver.de/ftp/AS120tfFW170.zip
>>> Found here:
>>> http://download.microtek.de/drivers/MTreiber.php
>> Although nice find, there are 2 problems:
>> 1. So you think firmware for model 120tf is the same as for 4000tf? I
>> doubt.
>> I wouldn't want to try that unless someone else has done it
>> successfully.
>> 2. 'exe'-files are for Windows, I use Mac OS. Ok, we have a PC also,
>> but for totally different purposes and no FireWire; that could be
>> fixed
>> though if it is absolutely necessary just to get in a firmware thing.
>> Anything more?
> --
> --
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[filmscanners] Re: Postprocessing - Resizing for screen display

2006-02-17 Thread Carlisle Landel

>> What techniques do list members use to resize/sharpen screen display
>> images and what USM etc values seem best?  I'm determined to produce
>> an image which my wife actually feels does the original
>> justice

Are you sure the "sharpness" issue isn't simply one of having the
proper resolution and aspect ratio?

Usually, if your digital image is of sufficient resolution, then,
given the proper aspect ratio and/or how you ask the computer to
display the image, it will be nice and sharp.

I'm a Mac driver, so I'm somewhat unclear on the details for making a
Windows desktop wallpaper image.   Nonetheless,  I've got a friend
with a windows box who wanted a photo converted to wallpaper.  As it
was displayed, it was a mess (it was a photo of a person), fuzzy and
distorted.  I re-scanned the photo at higher resolution and then
saved it as wallpaper.  That cleared up the fuzziness.  It was still
distorted because the display resolution wasn't set to a pixel count
appropriate for the screen size.  Thus the image was stretched in one
dimension in order to fit the screen.  I had to futz around with the
screen resolution until I got it to display correctly (Macs handle
this much better--well, ok they handle most things better), but I
eventually figured it out.  Problem solved.

Or maybe I'm misunderstanding your problem.

Good luck,


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[filmscanners] Re: Postprocessing - Resizing for screen display

2006-02-17 Thread Carlisle Landel
Duh-oh!  Wait.  I *do* misunderstand the problem.  You aren't making
wallpaper, you want the best image.

OK, forget everything I just said.

Sorry about that.

Slinking off into the corner now, tail between legs,


On Feb 17, 2006, at 10:11 AM, Carlisle Landel wrote:

>>> What techniques do list members use to resize/sharpen screen display
>>> images and what USM etc values seem best?  I'm determined to produce
>>> an image which my wife actually feels does the original
>>> justice
> Are you sure the "sharpness" issue isn't simply one of having the
> proper resolution and aspect ratio?
> Usually, if your digital image is of sufficient resolution, then,
> given the proper aspect ratio and/or how you ask the computer to
> display the image, it will be nice and sharp.
> I'm a Mac driver, so I'm somewhat unclear on the details for making a
> Windows desktop wallpaper image.   Nonetheless,  I've got a friend
> with a windows box who wanted a photo converted to wallpaper.  As it
> was displayed, it was a mess (it was a photo of a person), fuzzy and
> distorted.  I re-scanned the photo at higher resolution and then
> saved it as wallpaper.  That cleared up the fuzziness.  It was still
> distorted because the display resolution wasn't set to a pixel count
> appropriate for the screen size.  Thus the image was stretched in one
> dimension in order to fit the screen.  I had to futz around with the
> screen resolution until I got it to display correctly (Macs handle
> this much better--well, ok they handle most things better), but I
> eventually figured it out.  Problem solved.
> Or maybe I'm misunderstanding your problem.
> Good luck,
> Carlisle
> --
> --
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[filmscanners] Re: Postprocessing - Resizing for screen display

2006-02-20 Thread Carlisle Landel

Yes, your replies (at least, the one to me) have seemingly gone
AWOL.  Messages to the list as a whole seem to have come through ok.

Glad to hear you've found pointers towards a solution.  Once you
figure out the solution, perhaps you could post it to the list with
some before and after examples accessible on a website somewhere.



On Feb 19, 2006, at 6:04 PM, "" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Art,
>> I asked if the person's wife was using an LCD screen and if so, if
>> the
>> image had been set to the monitor's native resolution, but I have
>> never heard any further feedback, so I didn't delve any further into
>> it.
> I did reply to you on Friday but can't recall seeing it on the
> list.  I replied to the
> other posters (Laurie, Carlisle and Francis) and those seem to be
> AWOL as
> well.
> I won't write too much here, in case it goes astray, but yes the
> images have
> been resized to match the native monitor resolution.  Francis sent
> some useful
> links and I'm revisiting the whole issue of using sharpening
> masks.  These look
> to be the key in getting the sort of results I'm after.
> Al Bond
> --
> --
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[filmscanners] Advice on scanner settings--Thanks!

2009-02-26 Thread Carlisle Landel

Wow!  The list lives!

Thanks to all for the advice.

Especiallly, thanks for the reminder that IR filtering doesn't work
for Kodachrome.

I've got the bulk slide feeder, so the plan is to simply drop a box
of slides in and start it up, then go away and drop another in when I
get to it.  I figure if I do a couple of boxes an evening, it'll
eventually get done.

I'm going with the "memory is cheap" theory and will use the 4000dpi
TIFF settings.

Best regards,


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[filmscanners] More settings questions

2009-02-28 Thread Carlisle Landel

OK, the TB drive has been ordered, I'm almost ready to go.  A few
more setting questions.

TIFF file type:  The choices are 24, 48 and 64 bit RGBI.  Which one
do I choose?
Use a Vuescan color balance preset, or set to "none"?

Thanks again for the help.


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[filmscanners] RAW?

2009-03-01 Thread Carlisle Landel
Good evening, everyone.

It occurred to me today that I could upgrade my ViewScan to the pro
version for not too much money, which would allow me to scan RAW
format instead of (or in addition to) TIFF and/or JPEG.

Should I do this?  Why or why not?



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