filmscanners: Archive address please!

2001-07-27 Thread David Gordon

Someone please remind me of the archive address. I've just re-subscribed,
need to catch up..

David Gordon

filmscanners: I love/hate SilverFast

2001-08-04 Thread David Gordon

SilverFast, don't you luv it? Fantastic scans from tranies, pants when it
comes to negs.

So I spend two days getting it sorted. Now I can scan negs with
SilverFast! It's all to do with NOT TOUCHING that 'Auto' button, cos it
automatically messes everything up. A quick fiddle with the 'Color Cast
Removal' slider and now we're getting there. Does this slider get a
mention in any instructions, anywhere?

Anyway, now my neg scans are as good as my tranie scans, it only took a year.

So I happen to be passing the LaserSoft web site and what do you know?
They updated SilverFast to version five and a half. And what does five
and a half do that five can't? Yup, they sorted the neg scanning problem.

And they really have. I tried the demo and was so impressed I coughed up
the $45. 

Of course there's no film profiles for Kodak Supra...  But the 'no
profile' setting is better than good enough. (No green shadows either!)

Uno problemo. I got a mail from LaserSoft telling me my new serial number
and to enter it in the demo version to remove the watermark.

But the demo doesn't give an option to put a serial number in...

So it's still pants, until someone tells me how!

Oh, by the way, you can do batch scanning with individual correction for
each frame now. Of course they all get watermarked...

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: I love/hate SilverFast

2001-08-04 Thread David Gordon

David Hoffman [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sat, 4 Aug 2001 18:52:31

>Maybe you also need to click the 'credit' box.

No, I tried all that! When I've updated SF in the past or reinstalled the
first thing I got when launching the program was the serial number input.
Didn't happen with this version.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: I love/hate SilverFast

2001-08-04 Thread David Gordon

Ian Lyons [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sat, 4 Aug 2001 20:44:45 +0100

>Ian Lyons

Stop teasing and send your mail !

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: SilverFast vs Others

2001-08-06 Thread David Gordon

Maris V. Lidaka, Sr. [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sun, 5 Aug
2001 18:15:54 -0500

> I prefer VueScan as it gets the range and color scanned
>essentially well in the first instance, and *will* pick up all of the
>dynamic range my scanner will retrieve, and any corrections I wish to make I
>will make in Photoshop.

The point about SilverFast is that you don't need to make any final
corrections in PhotoShop. Using the IT-8 calibration means the preview
and the final scan will exactly match your original tranie. 

Of course the support is almost non existent and the manuals written by
someone with no idea how to explain complex ideas to simple folk. They
then appear to have been translated from German to English via Greek and
Spanish ...

It's good, no, it's very good. But it's hard. And very expensive!

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: IT8 Calibration was Re: filmscanners: I love/hateSilverFast

2001-08-06 Thread David Gordon

Rob Geraghty [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Mon, 6 Aug 2001 09:15:55 +1000

>It occurs to me to wonder how much difference IT8 calibration on a film
>scanner makes?

All the difference. Suddenly what you see on your preview is what you get
in your final scan. It means you can make all the colour and tonal
corrections before you scan and know exactly what the PhotoShop file will
look like.

>Presumably the IT8 target is an ektachrome slide, 

Yes but you can get prints too!

>so you'd be calibrating for that type of film.

Yes but all 'slide' film is based on Ektachrome - even Fujichrome. The
only exception is Kodachrome but as Kodak don't want you to use it 

>What about negs?  

Good scanning software will come with profiles for various neg films.
These profiles take the characteristics of the film into account and get
you 95% of the way there. Scanning negs is more of a subjective process
anyhow as you don't have anything to refer to. (SilverFast just became
good by providing profiles for negs!)

Of course to make the calibration work you need to have the rest of your
system (ColorSync in Macs, WhoKnowsWhat for Pcs as well as RGB Setup etc
in Photoshop) set up correctly.

David Gordon

RE: filmscanners: I love/hate SilverFast

2001-08-06 Thread David Gordon

Hemingway, David J [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Mon, 6 Aug
2001 05:34:19 -0400

>As I have not played with the new version, I and I think the other list
>members would be very interested in how effective this new release is in
>correcting negatives.

>From a quick attempt with the demo it the canine's testicles.

Unfortunately, as you can't enter your serial number after paying for the
upgrade, it's still pants.

David Gordon

filmscanners: SilverFast 5.5 - How to update!

2001-08-06 Thread David Gordon

The SilverFast 5.5 demo cannot be turned into a full version. The
information given out by LaserSoft over the weekend was incorrect! I've
spoken to them so they know the problem.

To get the update you need a new login and password for the SilverFast
downloads page. I expect that info will be mailed to you when you pay the
$45 upgrade fee.

By the way, I called Germany, who blamed the US. But they sorted me in
two hours so they're no longer pants!

If you scan negs, it's worth the money.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: SilverFast Upgrade Disaster

2001-08-08 Thread David Gordon

2001 18:53:05 -0400

>Does anyone know if the $45US upgrade includes both SilverFast Ai and HDR?  

I think it does but I've always been confused about HDR. My Polaroid 5.5
upgrade allows me to save raw scans, that's HDR ain't it? (Scan Type: 48
Bit HDR Color)

I'm confused because when I bought (note, bought, not bundled!)
SilverFast I received two serial numbers, one for Ai and one for HDR. I
seem to remember putting the HDR serial number in once, but never since
I've used an update and 5.5 hasn't asked either.

Of course as HDR is doing a raw scan the NegaFix will be of no importance.

>I don't 
>want to go through the effort of another IT-8 calibration if the upgrade 
>destroys the calibration.

Remove your "Polaroid (SilverFast)" folder from your Photoshop Plugins
folder and put it some where safe. Then install the 5.5 upgrade - which
is a full version and does not update the old copy. You now have two
copies, version 5.whatever and 5.5. You will need to calibrate for 5.5
but it will not have any effect on your old version. Come to think I had
both versions in my Plugin folder at once, no problem.

>My recommendation would be that no one have anything to do with SilverFast 
>until they get their house in order.

They sorted my serial number/password problem within two hours of my
calling. You need to speak to the Florida office. They are helpful,
despite everything!

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: SilverFast Upgrade Disaster

2001-08-08 Thread David Gordon

John & Anne Mahany [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Wed, 8 Aug
2001 14:37:33 +0100

>trying to get any sensible help from Silverfast

This is their phone number, they are helpful, call after 2 pm UK time! 
00 1 941 383 7496

>Silverfast, when it works, has a hell of a learning curve.  Why struggle
>with that as well as Photoshop?

The same reason you'd buy fresh quality ingredients when cooking!

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Best digital archive medium for scans?

2001-08-09 Thread David Gordon

Ron Carlson [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Wed, 8 Aug 2001 23:33:00 -0700

> This was a subject of intense discussion on this list about a
>year ago last spring.

And here's a link to tell you everything everyone needs to know about CD-R


David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: SilverFast Upgrade Disaster

2001-08-13 Thread David Gordon

2001 22:15:22 -0400

>SilverFast can't be "uninstalled" because 
>it's a plug-in; you have to hunt for the files to be deleted.

What's the problem? There's a folder called SilverFast (Polaroid) in 

Adobe Photoshop -> Plug-Ins -> Import/Export

all you need to do is delete it! Or is this another PC problem?

>  For some reason 
>when I upgraded to 5.5, I was required to do the IT8 calibrations over again.

Because the data for the calibration is the SilverFast folder which you
replace when doing an upgrade

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Image management software

2001-08-13 Thread David Gordon

Karl Schulmeisters [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Mon, 13 Aug
2001 01:53:52 -0700

> what image management software

iView is the dog's

This one has unique features which work especially if you use the IPTC data

Mac only but they are working on a PC version.

David Gordon

RE: filmscanners: Good neg stck on Scanwit

2001-08-13 Thread David Gordon

Oostrom, Jerry [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Mon, 13 Aug
2001 15:48:10 +0200

>Kodak Supra negative stock seems to scan with less
>grainy appearance than the Fuji Superia 400 film.

Maybe what Kodak claim is true then! The finest grained 400 neg film

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Image management software

2001-08-14 Thread David Gordon

frankmazz [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Tue, 14 Aug 2001 00:52:01 -0500

> And, again dreaming, the system would be able to connect (relate) each
>variation (filename) to each other and to the original.

I'm not sure what you mean but I think iView will do this...

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Nikon Scan and USB card?

2001-08-14 Thread David Gordon

Mike Duncan [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Mon, 13 Aug 2001 18:51:27 -0400

>Vuescan works fine on my Mac G3 with OS9.04 and 640MB, but NikonScan
>doesn't seem to recognize the scanner.  I'm using an OrangeLink
>Firewire/USB card. The OrangeLink driver uses Apple's USB software.

Why are you using a FireWire/USB card? Is this an early G3?

Try updating to Mac OS 9.1 there are various fixes for FireWire in that
release. There is also a FireWire firmware update but that's only of use
if you have FireWire 'on board'. Maybe there's also an Orange firmware update?

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Scanner slide feeders for 35 mm scanners - likesand dislikes

2001-08-15 Thread David Gordon

Matthias Luthi [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Wed, 15 Aug
2001 00:05:12 -0700

>A feeder that uses standard trays would be great.

You mean a feeder which used Carousel (spelling?) trays. Which would hold
80 tranies at a time.

(Did David Hoffman suggest this here or elsewhere?)

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: SS4000 cycles continuously - sensor problem?

2001-08-16 Thread David Gordon

Rob Geraghty [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Thu, 16 Aug 2001 12:47:22 +1000

>The scanner is cycling continuously as though
>it is trying to initialise but can't.

The brush will fix your problem - I 've seen it with my own eyes! Call
Polaroid for one or ask someone here who might be close to wherever you
are to borrow one.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: RE: filmscanners: SS4000 cycles continuously -sensor problem?

2001-08-16 Thread David Gordon

Rob Geraghty [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Thu, 16 Aug 2001 14:47:29 +1000

> Polaroid in Sydney are send me a brush.
> I hope it comes with instructions or at leas a diagram of where the sensor
>is located! :)

The brush fits onto the 35mm slide carrier which you then run through the
scanner and out the back. Repeat three times. The instructions say do it

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: where's the list archive?

2001-08-21 Thread David Gordon

Rew, Alan [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Tue, 21 Aug 2001 12:07:14

>Is there an archive of the messages on this list, or a FAQ somewhere?


Why don't you auto send a FAQs every month or so with the archive address
etc. It's a busy list so I don't think people would mind, would they...?

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: SS4000 and brush

2001-08-24 Thread David Gordon

Rob Geraghty [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Fri, 24 Aug 2001 11:01:16 +1000

>The scanner still cycles
>continuously.  Since it's three months out of warranty I'm going to try
>opening the case and using a "normal" brush on the sensor.

A year ago - before the brush was invented

I had the same problem. I took the scanner to Polaroid UK who were really
helpful because they know I am a professional photographer. They took the
lid off and cleaned various bits, doing what we now know the brush does.
Didn't work. We gave up after an hour and sent the unit to the service
people who replace a circuit board.

So, although the brush does work - I have seen it fix "my" problem on a
friends machine, you may have more serious trouble.

Good luck opening the box but I think you may be sending it to Polaroid.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Re:proofing 35mm negs

2001-08-31 Thread David Gordon

Tony Sleep [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Fri, 31 Aug 2001 07:46:00 +0100

>My local lab now does colour contacts by some foul scanning process 
>using a Noritsu piece of junk. You don't need a loupe to see that they are 
>*all* blurry, even from a foot away. Any reasonable flatbed + inkjet would 
>be an improvement.

Same in Sowf Lundin. The lab near me actually uses a Canon inkjet to
print out 'contact' sheets. And they charge the same rate as they did
when making 'real' prints, about £12.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: where's the list archive?

2001-08-31 Thread David Gordon

Tony Sleep [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Fri, 31 Aug 2001 07:46:00 +0100

>> Why don't you auto send a FAQs every month or so with the archive address
>> etc. It's a busy list so I don't think people would mind, would they...?
>Good idea! Except I'll have to do it manually.

I bet someone here has Eudora, AppleScript and the knowledge. Or a
similar combination! 

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: OT:X-ray fogging

2001-09-07 Thread David Gordon

Steve Greenbank [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Thu, 6 Sep
2001 23:55:42 +0100

>I have never had a roll go
>through an x-ray machine.

Planning on coming to the UK? If you do your film will be x-rayed. Or you
won't leave.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: OT:X-ray fogging

2001-09-08 Thread David Gordon

Jeff Moore [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Fri, 7 Sep 2001 11:34:15 -0400

>Actually... I've been able to get hand-checks of film on the way out
>of Heathrow the last two times -- after polite but dogged insisting.  I
>remember reading somewhere that x-raying of film in UK airports ceased
>to be strictly mandatory after Lord Snowdon had some film destroyed...

Well done! The only official way to avoid x-ray is to contact the airport
prior to departure and request hand checking. You will have to have a
good reason for it though - ie you are a professional photographer
carrying a large quantity of high speed film. It's up to the duty manager
whether you are granted this facility. 

I guess you were just lucky. I wouldn't count on being able to insist!

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Filmscanning vs. the Business of Photography

2001-09-12 Thread David Gordon

Norman Unsworth [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Wed, 12 Sep
2001 08:53:00 -0400

>This is a list on filmscanning and
>while discussions on topics such as model releases and copywriting of images
>may be informative, they really would be more appropriately posted in a list
>specific to the business of photography.

Here's a couple of lists which deal with The Business of photography 

Editorial Photographers - go to for
joining information. They are a high volume Yahoo Groups list.

EPUK - Editorial Photographers UK, You must be a
professional photographers to join this list but the web site is open to all. 

There are French and German photographers groups, you will find links at
the other sites.

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: brandnew user queries

2001-09-17 Thread David Gordon

David Lewiston [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sun, 16 Sep 2001 13:57:58 -1000

>brand of compressed air/gas is recommended?

I've recommended this before 

Don't use compressed air or gas, get down to your local medical supplies
shop and buy an enema bulb. I've used one for years (only for my negs and
tranies you understand) and don't have a dust problem. I can't remember
the last time I bought canned air.

For those in London, you can buy them in John Bell & Croyden, Mortimer
Street. Maybe big Boots store have them too. They lasty for years and
really are just as powerful as Dust Off.

David Gordon

filmscanners: Polaroid SS4000 / 4000+ / 120 ???

2001-11-29 Thread David Gordon

This is really a question for David Hemingway but maybe others have

How much better is the SS4000 + compared to the 'old' 4000? On paper it's
a better bit depth, am I correct? The Firewire doesn't matter, are the
results noticeably better?

And, just for 35mm, will the SS120 produce a better scan than the SS4000
or the 4000+?

David Gordon

RE: filmscanners: Polaroid SS4000 / 4000+ / 120 ???

2001-11-30 Thread David Gordon

Hemingway, David J [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Thu, 29 Nov
2001 12:52:57 -0500

>I would imagine one could develop a test that showed the differences but I
>am not sure you would see that much difference on a practical basis.

This is between the 4000 and the 4000 + ? Would a reasonable person see
any difference between a 35mm scan done on a SS120 against a 4000 or 4000+ ?

BTW what's happening about the bulk slide feeder device for the 4000? Is
there a chance of seeing an uncut film loader too - something to allow me
to scan a whole roll of 35mm?

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Canon's flash metering

2001-12-11 Thread David Gordon

Alex Zabrovsky [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Tue, 11 Dec 2001 18:11:13 +0200

>First of all, I'm still confused how exactly both work, what is exact
>differences between them,

The difference is one works and one doesn't.

A-TTL is pants, unless you have a certain camera and the wind is blowing
from the right direction.

E-TTL works.

(the real difference is E-TTL uses a preflash just before exposure to set
the flash output, just like Nikon, A-TTL uses a kind of infra red
preflash during exposure measurement and then normal flash TTL metering
during exposure to set flash output.)

>I've heard A-TTL flash measurements are linked to the active AF sensor
>for given exposure, so can handle well off-center subjects (of course if
>focused properly). Is that correct ?

Sometimes, depending on the camera.

FEL works best for off centre (EOS 3, IV)

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread David Gordon

Colin Maddock [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sat, 15 Dec 2001 10:07:11 +1300

>I don't feel the need for a histogram in VueScan either. Setting the
>black and white clipping levels does all that is needed at the scanning
>stage, along with control of gamma.

How do you know where to clip the black and white points?

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread David Gordon

Julian Vrieslander [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sat, 15 Dec
2001 00:33:41 -0500

>Maybe with more experience I will get better at inspecting VueScan's 
>displays and choosing the right values for WP, BP, and gamma.  But since 
>these displays are not color managed, I also have to mentally compensate 
>for how the image appearance is going to change when it goes into 

What I see in the VueScan window is what I get in Photoshop - am I doing
something right!

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: VueScan 7.3.4 Available

2001-12-16 Thread David Gordon

[EMAIL PROTECTED] [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sat, 15 Dec 2001 10:49:42 -0500

>I just released VueScan 7.3.4 for Windows, Mac OS 8/9/X

Isn't this mention (on the download page) of something which doesn't exist

>Please note that the shareware version of VueScan will be disabled on
>PowerPC G5 processors, and updated product and pricing information for
>these processors will be announced at a future date.

the kind of thing that caused a heap of trouble with Apple and led to
your decision to stop supporting the Mac platform recently? ;)

I don't want to see you go the way of !

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: VueScan Histogram

2001-12-16 Thread David Gordon

Julian Vrieslander [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sun, 16 Dec
2001 12:31:34 -0500

>Maybe you are running on a PC and using sRGB as your color space.  If so, 
>a color managed display is less important.

An outrageous suggestion, you shall be hearing from my lawyers in the
morning... ;)

>I run on a Mac with a gamma 
>1.8 monitor, and I prefer to use Adobe RGB as my color space.

Me to!

> With 
>VueScan set to Adobe RGB, images appear very different than how they 
>appear in Photoshop: the VueScan version is very flat and desaturated.

You seem to have a roundabout way of getting the file into Photoshop! How
are your ColorSync settings? I too am using Adobe RBB (1998), when I've
finnished fiddling in Vuescan the final preview looks the same as the
file when opened in PS. 

Isn't that the way it's meant to work, Ed?

David Gordon

[filmscanners] Re: filmscanners: Polaroid SS4000

2001-12-21 Thread David Gordon

Tony Sleep [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Fri, 21 Dec
2001 16:05:00 +

>Do Powerbooks not take PCMCIA cards? I have an ancient IBM/Futuredomain
>SCSI2 card which I use for scanners with my laptop PC when necessary, cost
>me =$30US in GBP

Yes, but...

You need the Mac drivers, which is why I recommend the Adaptec SlimSCSI

David Gordon

Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe' in the title or 

[filmscanners] Re: Discussion list for Polaroid 4000

2001-12-24 Thread David Gordon

Thomas B. Maugham [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Sun, 23 Dec 2001 11:29:43

>Can anyone point me to a discussion list for the Polaroid 4000 film scanner?

You are here!

What was the question!!

David Gordon

Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe' in the title or 

[filmscanners] Re: Discussion list for Polaroid 4000

2001-12-24 Thread David Gordon

Thomas B. Maugham [[EMAIL PROTECTED]] wrote on Mon, 24 Dec 2001 10:39:44

>especially now that Silverfast comes with it.  My
>question to the group is: What are your experiences (good and bad) with the
>4000 and should I be considering something else?

It is a very good scanner. Don't worry about Silverfast, it's too hard to
learn properly, stick with Polaroid Insight or (better still) Vuescan.

Basically - it works!

David Gordon

Unsubscribe by mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED], with 'unsubscribe' in the title or 

Re: Silverfast IT8 calibration

2000-09-18 Thread David Gordon

on 17/9/00 8:33 pm, John Mahany wrote:

> The Polaroid SS4k scanner is supplied with a film strip carrier which holds 6
> negatives or a slide carrier holding 4 slides.  I can find no way in
> SilverFast of defining which slide to scan.  Can it only scan the first slide
> on the carrier?
on 17/9/00 11:58 pm, ILyons wrote:>
> READ the tutorials at my site. They tell you the answer to both questions, as
> does the manual on the cdrom.

The poor user interface of Silverfast is it's most annoying feature. I had
the same problem as John when I tried the demo. I don't expect to have to
read the manual (Silverfast's second most annoying feature) to work out the
most basic stuff. Polaroid's Insight shows how to do it properly.

The "icon" you need is the one which looks like a grid in the scan window.
Clicking that runs the film holder through the scanner and does a preview of
each frame. You can then click the image you want to scan as a proper
preview. You don't have to wait for the thumbnails though, if you know you
want frame 3, you can click it before Silverfast has done the strip.

Which is a stupid way of going about the process.

For your next assignment, see if you can find the highlight and shadow

I've always been suspicious of software which does not follow user interface
guidelines. Generally it's software which was written for DOS or Windows and
ported to Mac OS by someone who never used a Mac. Silverfast gives that
impression. Not only do you have to struggle to learn to use an immensely
powerful program but you have to learn the stupid way Silverfast does
things, making the whole process very frustrating.

I hope Lasersoft are working on bringing Silverfast up to Mac OS X standard,
otherwise I'll be using Insight for everything.

BTW Insight is 100% better for scanning negs.

David Gordon

The filmscanners mailing list is hosted by
title, or UNSUBSCRIBE FILMSCANNERS_DIGEST if you are reading the Digest.

Re: SS4000 toast?

2000-09-25 Thread David Gordon

on 24.09.00 08:37, JimD wrote:

> My SS4000 has quit working. It sounds as if a motor is
> continuously running and the yellow light remains blinking.
> Has anyone else experienced this problem?

Yes. I needed a new electronic something or other ...

My problem was that when I switched the scanner on it never completed it's
start up routine. I left it off overnight and it was fine - for a couple of
days! Then it went to Polaroid. My scanner was always noisy before it packed
up. It sounded as if there was something inside which needed screwing up
properly - apart from my originals which I'm quite capable of screwing up

David Gordon

The filmscanners mailing list is hosted by
title, or UNSUBSCRIBE FILMSCANNERS_DIGEST if you are reading the Digest.

filmscanners: Re: filmscanners-digest V1 #32

2000-12-02 Thread David Gordon

on 02.12.00 08:59, filmscanners-digest aka Tony Sleep wrote:

> I also need to work out how to configure Majordomo so digest members can post
> to the list.

Does this explain why my message hasn't turned up on the list?

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Polaroid SS4000 Extended Service Contracts

2000-12-02 Thread David Gordon

I'm sorry if you have seen this already but I understand that digest readers
can't post, which is what I was ...

Tony Sleep writes:

> Until recently I had heard very little of failures apart from the initial
> cable detachment problem

Well here's another. My SS400 is at Polaroid UK again. It was first there in
October after it failed to initialise. I sent it back again because it is
making an unhealthy straining noise when scanning.

> Service contracts generally seem bad value to me, ... If the scanner goes pop,
> I would have to buy another one immediately while the original was repaired -
> but since prices fall during product lifetime ... this isn't such a bad idea.
> Especially as I could resell the spare once no longer needed. I think I'd have
> to be pretty unlucky to lose more by this route than a service deal would
> cost, and of course there's a possibility of it costing nothing.

I should do a bit more homework, Tony! Polaroid UK offer two levels of
cover, Silver at £200 gets an additional two years guarantee with a ten day
turn around. Gold is £300 but they bring you a loan scanner while yours is
away. If you buy a second scanner for £800, thats more than the service
contact. And if you were to sell it after two years for (say) £500 it will
have cost £300 - the price of a contract! In the meantime if your original
scanner goes pop it will cost a minimum £240 to have Polaroid just look at
it. If you are out of luck you might have to pay £350 depending on the type
of repair (they have three levels). So even if you don't have a brakedown,
buying and selling a spare will likely cost the same as a contract - but,
you will have to front up more than double money.

Of course you would never sell the second scanner but having £800 worth of
capital equipment just sitting there is madness. You'd end up using it -
better get a spare spare then - for which you will need even more computers.
A slippery slope!

I plan to buy the Silver cover, but as my scanner has been away for more or
less ten days now and CRC (the service contractor) are "waiting for
something from Polaroid".

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Re: filmscanners-digest V1 #32

2000-12-03 Thread David Gordon

on 03.12.00 02:00, Tony Sleep wrote:

>> Does this explain why my message hasn't turned up on the list?
> Did you receive a bounce message? You should have.

No bounce message. 

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: Insight 5.0 ??

2000-12-16 Thread David Gordon

on 15.12.00 17:29, Larry Berman wrote:

> Is there any word on Insight 5.0?
> Polaroid appears to have pulled it from their server:

Oh dear, does that mean I'm not the only one having trouble making it work?!

David Gordon

Re: filmscanners: New scanners from Nikon

2001-01-09 Thread David Gordon

on 09.01.01 08:52, Mikael Risedal wrote:

> Nikon Coolscan IV ED, LS-40 has a couple more detals.

David Gordon